Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Gancho Tuesday 9/15/'09 Mama Mia! There Was A Lot Of Sexual Tension Tonight

Jeez...for a while there I was afraid my screen would melt. Things were getting mighty hot between Mauricio and Monita. If any of the female viewers have caveman fantasies, Mauricio really came through for 'em tonight. Verrry interesting.

Alright. Down to business. Here's what happened. Forget yesterday. The new stuff continues with Beto confronting Mauricio in the parking garage. When we start, Beto has the baseball bat and wants to know just what's going on with Mau and Monita. Our little pugilist intervenes, Mau gets the bat (garrote) and starts laying down the law to them both. You'll be on time, do all that I ask, no time off, and if you fail in any way, you're fired! Punto. Mmmm...I know we're supposed to hate it when a guy goes all macho and imperialistic, but I found it rather sexy. I mean, usually Mau is such a mushy little wimp. I liked seeing a little testosterone flare there.

It carries over to his conversation with Constanza. He wants to know if she told Monita they were getting married. She whines around. How many times have I asked you to marry me? he snarls. Well, never...not once, Connie concedes. So you solve your problems and let me solve mine, he continues. Now, are you ready to go to this event this afternoon? Connie pleads off, citing "female problems" (a phrase that guarentees no further questions will be asked!) but of course we know she's planning to waylay Lefort to try and get the incriminating tapes.

Back at the office, Beto is fuming about his "ex-hermano" being such a tyrant. Monita is planning her own revenge ,plus exhorting Paula to spread the word that she's NOT pregnant. Beto is elected messenger boy and fumes some more about having to ride the "pesero" (bus) to deliver it....and evidently it was a rough ride because the envelope, by the time he arrives at Mauricio's house, is ripped, dirty, mangled and who knows what else.?Teresa is horrified...yet somehow charmed when Beto calls her "abuelita" and actually offers him a "taquito", after he washes his hands of course. Good luck with that.

Beto heads off in search of a bathroom and Constanza.

Okay. First smoulder session with Mau and Monita. He demands a cappuchino. She brings it. It's cold. Well, she doesn't have eight hands, and furthermore she's not his slave. So fire me. So quit. Fire me. Quit. Córreme. Renuncia. They keep inching closer and closer while all this is going on. I observe dispassionately that Mau has very kissable lips. You guys are probably noticing the same for Monita. Tension is rippling through the room. It's even spreading through MY family room. Watch out! More to come.

By contrast, the usually hot session between Beto and Constanza seem tame in comparison. Sure, he bends her back over a car or two, does his usual tongue slobbering while she writhes a bit in response, but it doesn't quite match the restrained rumble between our two protagonistas. Beto, of course, is highly upset to think that Connie might marry Mau, so he agrees to go along with her plan to waylay Lefort and get the tapes back.

But look, he reasons, I'm a brute, yes, but not a hired killer. But he slept with your mom! Connie whines. Yeah, but even so. We get that Beto is willing to try and steal the tapes but not actually do Lefort in. Clearly he's not as low-down as Jeronimo and Oscar.

Meanwhile, King Mau has ordered Monita to accompany him to an art auction. But she can't sit with him. She's to wait outside in the lobby. That lasts about one minute and our little monkey hops in, sits behind him, makes ribald remarks about the art being offered for sale, and once she understands the bids are all for a good cause, keeps bidding up in Mauricio's name until he's purchased a dopey looking dog picture for "cien mil". Hope it's pesos and not dollars.

Beto is having a lot more trouble keeping Connie happy. He struggles to scale the wall outside Lefort's house (I'm Fantasma Vengador not Spiderman!) ,suggesting that since Con is more aerobically fit, she should try it. No deal. If he helped her over, he'd see her undies (chones). Well, if she took off her undies, he wouldn't see 'em. Still no deal. So over he goes, and guess what. The four rottweilers who were supposed to be tied up are running loose and ready to take some nips out of our hapless Beto.

And hapless is Mauricio's state as well. His sexy battle with Monita continues with her about to win another round. Happy? he asks, after he hands over the money for the painting. She reminds him that the sum he paid is just a drop in the bucket for him. Are you defying me? Are you threatening me? You can quit. You can fire me. How about if I step on your foot with my heel, she adds. It won't hurt (we see him grimacing) and after Moni flounces off, we see him limping.

Could it get worse? It does. How about if I "embarro este pastelito en la cara?" she asks. Oh no. She does. He staggers over to the table and grabs two cakes himself. She parries the first one and he gets her with the second. Whew! There was just something very hot about that! He licks some off her ear. She shivers. They both laugh. The bystanders are laughing too. I am so ready for dessert!

Things are nearly as much fun outside Lefort's house. Connie tells a battered and dazed Beto not to whine. They gotta get those tapes! "Me pones cachonda" (you turn me on) Beto replies and does his trademark slurp slurp and then pounces on the emerging Lefort. Our brainbender slugs him with his briefcase. Beto screams for the police. (He's really not good at this) and Lefort finally asks "My dear aborigene...why did you attack? Ahh....Connie put you up to it.

Heck, enough of that. Let's get back to Mau and Moni. Now he's saying she has to come back to the house with him while he showers off the cake. And lather you up as well I suppose! Good idea. (This is bringing back some good memories) Oh my.

Lefort has a pretty low opinion of our Connie. "Traidora bipolar psicodiferente "he calls her (Hey, translate that any way you want) and Beto is lamenting his various aches and pains. Lefort vows he'll go to Mauricio's and spill the frijoles.

Ay yi yi. Mau's had his shower and out he comes in just a towel. Truly amazing torso. How does one develop a chest like that? I'd really like to know. And here comes Monita, also in a towel. They stop. They gaze at each other. She tells him to leave the room so she can change. He refuses. It's his room. They're face to face. We both know you're dying to kiss me, she breathes. YOU'RE dying to kiss me, he counters. So........they do. Mmmmmm......dang! Teresa comes in. She's so sorry. So are we. There's a señor (Lefort) waiting for you in the salon. Let 'im wait! sez I. But nobody's listening to me.

But goodness, sexual tension is bubbling away even back at the office. First between Salvador and Gabriela. He's wondering what happened to her interest? Well, she thought he was getting divorced. Now that he's decided to stay married to his psychopathic wife, Gabi's done. And she can't wait forever. After all, he's almost TWICE her age (low blow Gabi) and she doesn't want to take her honeymoon in a geriatric hospital (even lower blow!).

Nope, she's not putting her life on hold for Sal. What she'd like is a bronzed, muscular man with honey-colored eyes and maybe a little goatee for interest and...No way! miracles don't exist, laughs Salvador.

But oh my...yes, they do. In walks Sergio Mayer (he's Fernando de la Rosa in this one) and he fills the bill and then some. He has a project to propose and naturally Salvador turns it down flat. Doesn't let him get a word out. Then peers jealously through the venetian blinds as Fernando bids Gabriela good-bye. But it's a long good-bye. Laced with some scrumptious flirtation. He admits it's a"trillado" (hackneyed, trite) thing to say....but he feels as if he knows Gabi already. And she's the best thing that's happened to him today. A bright light in the darkness of his project rejection. How about dinner? She's hems and haws and finally says "no'....but when he gently bids her "adios" she changes her mind. Yesssss! Meet you at eight. No problem. He kisses her on the cheek, walks slowly to the elevator and sends her an absolutely ravishing smile...yowsa...as the doors close. Well, he's a step up from Oscar....a big step...but I'm still rooting for Salvador. Us old folks gotta stick together.

While Mauricio and Monita are frantically pulling on their clothes (isn't that a picture?) Beto and Connie are out in the salon trying to negotiate with Lefort. She'll pay double, triple! but gimmee the tapes. And Beto's ready to kill him when the psych cavalierly dismisses his tumble with Nieves as "just passing the time". Swine! Mauricio arrives and asks Lefort what he was going to tell him. "Bueno...." mumbles our puerco psych and boom...we have an ad.

When we come back, Connie is trying to explain why she's with Beto (and Monita and Mau are trying to explain why they're obviously just out of the shower) and it's all very confused so Lefort asks to speak to Mauricio in private. Moni jumps Coni when our high hat makes a snide remark about working in the jacuzzi and Beto frantically separates them, yelping that's no way for ladies to act.

So the episode ends with lots of questions. Will Mauricio find out about Connie and Beto? Will Gabi and Sal ever get together? If not, will we see lots more of Fernando? And will Mau and Moni kiss again? (I'm betting on that one). But the previews include a really nasty kiss. Ugh. A setup for poor Luisa.

In an earlier scene, we saw icky blonde girl setting Luisa up for humiliation with one of the guys at school. They carry this out by persuading her to close her eyes, expecting a kiss from her young prince, and instead getting smacked on the lips by an enormous toad.

Monita to the rescue, arrives at school and threatens the blonde brat. Connie rats her out to Mauricio and he decides Moni should be fired.

Beto, in a pensive moment, shows us that he's not ready to let Monita go.

desubicado = confused, clueless (Teresa telling Beto that's what he is...)
el pelo de muñeca vieja = lit. the hair of an old doll. Beto's characterization of Mauricio when he hears that Connie's going to marry him. Doesn't sound good.
¡chis! = Jeez! Beto getting attacked by the rottweilers.
venido en balde = came in vain, came for nothing. Salvador pretending to commiserate with Fernando.
trillado = hackneyed, trite
percance = mishap, minor accident. Connie and Beto trying to explain his tattered appearance. sapo prieto = affectionate? Lefort term for Beto. (dark toad, black frog?...your guess is as good as mine)
me pones cachonda = you're making me hot
garrote = stick, bat
pesero = bus
embarro este pastelito en la cara = smear this cake in your face
chones = undies, panties
Dicho of the Day

Quien pega primero, pega dos veces. = He who strikes first strikes twice. Which explains why Monita got the best of Mauricio in this go-round.


I'm reading this as I watch....

LUIGI!!!!!!!! :)

Yeah...he's a sight for sore eyes, isn't he!? Bring it onnnnnnnnn.

Thanks for the recap and vocab Judy. It was so much fun to see Luigi and playing a character so un-Luigi. I hope Gabi can have a fun whirl with him as Salvador resolves his situation with his esposa.

Regarding Mau's torso, many male swimmers have bodies like that. When I was younger I swam competitively and it seemed most of the guys I swam with looked like that. Unfortunately you can being to think its normal for men to look like that. Then you realize alas this is not the case. Hence I really appreciate Mau's towel scenes ;).

I swear when Beto slurped Constancia slurped back at him!

I'm with Karen, it rocks to see Luigi not playing Luigi. The dude is awesomely hot. I wonder, was the actress playing Gabi really acting? Oh yeah, he has a million dollar smile he does. Sal needs a little stirring up and I think Fernando de la Rosa is just the guy to do it.

Judy, you got another great episode. Don't you just love it? And I just love your recap and your awesome vocab list. Gracias Amiga!

Judy, I'm glad you got an episode with a good kissing scene...you really know how to do those smooches justice in your writeups.

Hi Gang. I must say, this recap "wrote itself". It's easy and enjoyable writing about this one..... not a chore at all.

Other than the nasty school setup of Luisa going on, everything else was just a fun, sexy romp.

And fortunately we know the school unpleasantness will be resolved quickly...as are all situations....at this point in time, anyway.

So far, the crew on this show gets a nice big thank you note from me!

Greetings night owls and early birds...

Judy, excellent recap of a smouldering hot episode! The Mau and Moni sparring was delicious as was the luscious Sergio Mayer! :) Loved "little pugilist" and even at this hour "I am so ready for dessert". Your vocabulary and dicho were perfecto! Gracias amiga.

Karen and Sylvia, I'm also delighted Gabi is exploring her options with Fernando, lucky lady. Sal's been keeping her hanging far too long.

Lots of amphibious overtones - Beto's lizard tongue kisses and the cringeworthy preview of Luisa being tricked into kissing the toad. Why are some women so mean to each other???

Diana in MA

Good morning Diana....and could you BELIEVE how big that toad was!!!??? Looked like a bullfrog to me...enormous!

That meanness, alas, seems to surface in middle school and continue through high school. And it's not just females, males do horrible (and violent) things to each other as well. A lot of damage, emotional as well as physical, is inflicted during that time. It's the one really dark note in this telenovela...so far.

Karen, as I finished breakfast, I found myself musing on your swim team experiences. (Alright, I was musing on Mauricio's amazing torso but you know...you were part of it too).

Never on the swim team but I dated a swimmer and always loved the broad shoulders that sport seemed to develop. However, Mauricio seems sculpted in such a sharply defined way. More so than any of our other telenovela galans who've graced us with their bare torsos. He almost looks "surgical" to me. Dunno. Will have to ponder this some more. LOTS MORE.

Sylvia.....YESSSSSS....Constanza slurped right back at him. She's learning to speak his language. Clearly these two are destined for each other.

Good morning all. I forgot to mention that I really enjoyed Karen's comment on the athletic male physique. I just love how we are all able to bring our own personal expertise to the table here. heh heh

Poor Luisa!! I knew that blonde bee yatch had something dreadful up her sleeve.

Judy and Syvlia - glad you enjoyed my commentary. Judy, I didn't think about the artificial angle on Mau. While that could be the case, it could also be a case of hard work and good genes. But please continue to ponder more on this subject.

Does anyone know how to find episodes on the net? My VCR messed up & I missed this episode but the YouTube search which used to work doesn't anymore.
Help! --Guerra from Syracuse

I never watch on Youtube so can't tell you. But Carlos or Mike should be able to help....hopefully they'll check in sometime today and be able to give you some advice, Guerra from Syracuse.

Nice to hear from you. How are you liking the show so far?

Karen, I don't want to get too graphic here but his "nips" are almost invisible, he's so "cut" and "tucked under". It just seems unnatural to me.....Okay...back to pondering.

Oh my! Judy, please don't tell anyone but you just made me blush! I was going to ask how one might know if a man had had any surgical assistance but I guess you answered it. I should be working but am now doing mental comparisons of SR with other hunks. You are a bad influence girlfriend.

Judy, you did absolutely a great job on yet another fun episode. I continue to marvel at how consistently funny this show is. So the doc has Rottweilers, who could have guessed that?

Every time we get close to some bumping of the little cars, something always comes up.

What irony,Beto calling for the police. He never disappoints.

Guerra, like you, my reliable index for the shows was wiped out over night. I'll comeback later with the general vicinity on You Tube.


Hah...loved how your worked in "bumping of the little cars" Carlos. Thanks for continuing to research the youtube situation. For some reason, episodes keep getting wiped out. Not good.

I just loved this recap, Judy. I was laughing throughout (especially with your names for Lefort - brainbender, puerco psych!), and you definitely captured the sexual tension just right.

Gabi's new beau Fernando looks too good to be true, so he probably is (married, or something like that). I'm also still rooting for Salvador, and I agree with Gabi, if Sal divorced Lorenza, how much worse could that make her mental state, since she's already pretty much over the edge?

BTW, at the start of the episode, when Beto had the bat, he WAS tuteando Mauricio! Of course, once the bat was safely in Mau's hands, the roles were re-established.

Hey, good call on the "tutear", Hombre. That went right by me.

Can't take credit for "brainbender"...I stole that from Carlos. Or let's say I complimented his verbal cleverness by appropriating it.

However," puerco psych" came to me after Lefort dissed his roll in the hay with Nieves. He is NOT a gentleman.

I don't think I can be much help on the YouTube question. We need Paula H to check in w/ one of her famous database reports keyed to episode number, both Televisa and Univision versions. If any of you see Paula on the other TNs' blogs, please tell her I said hello.

It was nice to see Monita wearing plain ol' blue jeans last night. Actress and actor didn't seem to be having to ply their craft during the cake in the face scene. Glad they caught a break and could have a good laugh. It looked genuine.

Thanks, Judy!

It sure did, Mike. Moni and Mau looked like they were having fun and so did the "extras" observing the scene. Well, there are worse things than having to lick off frosting, no?

Great recap Judy, I haven't had time to watch the episode yet but I can just imagine it with your writing.

One thing that I never get tired of pointing is the chemistry between everybody here and how good casted are the couples.


I agree, Jarocha. Whoever managed the casting for this one did an excellent job.

Since I'm fairly new to telenovelas, a lot of these actors are new to me but I love the job they're doing, and while initially I was put off by the idea of Estrella and Aldo getting together, they now have charmed me completely.

Gabriela is awesome in any scene she plays. And while it may not be true (after all, tensions can simmer in any workplace) somehow I can picture all these people partying together and having a blast. Just like we would together!

Hombre, could catch on "tuteando". I think I also heard Moni doing the same to Coni last night but I was too lazy to rewind. Also, I agree that Fer seems too good to be true, however since I want Gabi to end up with Sal that's OK. Fer will serve his purpose by making Sal jealous.

Judy, there are legions of lawyers making the big bucks on simmering tensions in the workplace...

First it was Beto frisking the admins, then Salvador on top of Gabriela on a desk! Both episodes made my skin crawl.

Do these guys not need their jobs?

Guerra, here is the link for part of Mon.'s episode that I recapped.It took me a while to find that again. Maybe you can get there from here:


If you find tonight's episode, would you let us know? I'll continue to hunt when I have a chance. It was Jarocha who got me headed in the right direction. Maybe she can help us out again.


Mike, I think a good part of the fun of this show is seeing people get away with stuff that would land us in court or jail.


Carlos, you're right! I salute you, Good Sir, with whatever Zinfandel we're enjoying here tonight.

Let us hope for a little lasciviousness in the workplace on this show tonight. Perhaps a little boot knockin', mattress dancin' and even a little making of the Ol' Beast with Two Backs!

As Grandpa Jones sang, "Git on Rattler, Go! Go!"

Thanks Carlos and Jarocha for the help on the youtube findings.

Mike...you are too funny. I'm headed off to a Bible study tonight and I'm afraid I'm going to start chuckling right in the middle thinking about what you said!

For me the best way to follow this telenovela is through this playlist. However we are now at episode 61 and unfortunately, this episode and the next are not available on youtube.

Judy I have read a little about the casting process on this novela and it seems that with the exception of Moni and Mau who were handpicked (wich is usual for leads in Televisa),the rest of the characteres went through a casting process for their roles, Raul Araiza (Beto) was one of the first choices they made and he invited Veronica Jaspeado (Ximena) and Laisha Wilkins (Consti) to go to the auditions since they've been good friends for years.

I was pleasently suprised by Eugenia Cauduro in her role of Gabi, she usually plays villains when she has long roles in novelas, I've always liked her.


Jarocha, thanks for that link. You are indeed a jewel. The information about the cast is fascinating. They all have come together magically to make this show so devilishly entertaining. I'm glad you are enjoying it with us and sharing your thoughts with us.


Hi Jarocha. Just checking in after being out for the evening. Let me echo what Carlos said and thank you so much for the information you always give us...about telenovelas, about the culture, the language...todo! You are a great resource and help to us Gringos trying to learn what we can.

Thanks Jarocha. Very interesting about the casting process.

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