Sunday, October 11, 2009

EDNA: Friday 10/9/2009 - "Macarena Says Good-Bye"

Padre Juan Cristobal visits the hospital and questions a sleeping Macarena, “what happened?” He tells her that he has dreams that they’ll be together and he doesn’t want destiny to separate them. He tells her she has to live, he needs her, he needs their love. He kisses her and whispers that she needs to be strong. Just then an alarm goes off and Mac’s vitals go haywire. The Doctor comes in and starts ordering Epi and charges up the paddles. He asks PJC to leave the room as they administer to Mac.

Out in the waiting room, Rufi, Paloma and Emiliano are all waiting. Liliana comes in and tells Pal that they’ve been worried at school. She asks how Mac is doing and Pal tells her things are pretty grave. Lili says that the nuns and all the students are praying for her to recover. PJC joins their group and tells them that things have taken a bad turn with Mac.

In the chapel, Ines, Cruelota and other women are praying for Mac. Ines questions Cruelota on what happened with Mac, how could she fall? The women comment on how good of a person Mac is and how this is all pretty unbelievable. Cruelota doesn’t like hearing nice things about her sister. She tells them that death is for the good and the bad. She starts to “sob” about her sister, eliciting sympathy from the other women. The camera pans a close up to her and we can see what we’ve already known, there are no tears in her eyes.

Rufi and PJC discuss what could have happened to Mac, why she fell. Rufi starts humming a song and PJC can hear the tune being pulled from a memory. He tells Rufi that was their song. Rufi comments on how Pal and she both know it. Rufi almost lets is slip that Mac is Pal’s mom, but covers at the last moment. The two discuss how Mac kept her secret from Pal.

Germán runs into Lili outside the hospital. He tries to talk to her, but she wants to blow him off. He asks that she be patient with him. He tells her that he’s had a rough family life---his step-mother is his aunt, his mother’s sister. Things are not peachy keen at home. He tells Lili that there is nothing he wouldn’t give to have a family life like hers. Lili is pulled in by his words…..I find it kind of creepy because my mom used to read the “murderer of the month” club books (that’s what we called them) so I know that Ted Bundy used sympathy to lure in his victims. Be careful Lili.

The Doctor comes out to tell the crowd in the waiting room that Mac has gone into a coma. Cruelota has just arrived at the hospital, so she hears this news. She’s the only one happy to hear it. Pal breaks down and Cruelota comforts her. It is hard to stomach.

Romina goes to Emiliano’s office. Angelica tells her he’s not there, he’s at the hospital. Angie lets Ro know that the Mother Superior asked her to come back to her old job. She gives some psycho-babble speech to Ro about things not always going the way she manipulates them (or something similar to that).

We return to the waiting room. Everyone is distraught. Creepy music starts to play and the camera again pans into Cruelota.

Rafael goes to see Camila at her shop. He finds out she’s not there, but at the hospital. He leaves a message that he’s got something important to discuss with her, but he’s leaving town for a few days. He asks the woman to whom he is speaking to make sure she lets Cami know.

Mac’s eyes open and the nurse in the room goes running out to find the Doctor. He comes in and tries to talk to her. She can’t talk, so he tells her to blink once for yes and twice for no. He starts to ask a series of questions and is able to determine that she wants to see Pal and PJC, at the same time. The Doctor professes his love to Mac and then goes to get Pal and PJC.

Cami and Lando suggest that a breath of fresh air might be what they need. Pal and Rufi both tell them they want to stay around for any news. Cami and Lando head outside.

The Doctor comes across Pal and tells her that she’s been requested by Mac. Pal is happy, says it’s a miracle and she rushes off to see her aunt/mother. Cruelota questions what’s going on with Mac. The Doctor tells her that Mac can’t speak. Then he tells her that Mac wants to see the priest. Cruelota doesn’t like the sound of this. She says how can she communicate what she wants if she can’t speak. The Doctor tells her of his nifty little system. Cruelota speculates what would happen if Mac can never speak. She likes the thought of this. Cruelota tries to tell the Doctor she’s Mac’s sister and should be able to go see her. The Doctor tells her that was not Mac’s wishes and what matters now is what Mac wants, not what Cruelota wants.

The Doctor finds PJC and tells him that Mac’s requested him. Oh, by the way, Doctor adds, if she’s willing to marry me when she comes out of this, it would sure be great if you would preside over the ceremony. PJC is disturbed by these words, but doesn’t say anything to the Doctor.

Pal gushes over Mac. They hug. Behind Pal’s back Cruelota holds up an engagement ring. Mac starts to go in distress and Pal runs out to get some help. Cruelota comes in to taunt her sister. She shows her the ring and tells her that she will end up marring PJC, Mac will see. Cruelota undoes Mac’s oxygen and tells her it is best if she remains unable to speak.

Cami and Lando discuss Romina and her feelings for E. Cami says it looks like Pal and E are pretty close and she wishes it weren’t so, since Pal and Ro are friends. Cami does say in a town this small, things like that are bound to happen.

PJC comes in to sleeping Mac. He tells her he loves her and has never loved anyone the way he loves her. He begs her to get well, so he can complete his promises of making her happy. He urges her to be strong and kisses her again.

Germie runs into Ro. He’s still hot for her, but she blows him off. He questions if her plan of staying at Diana’s is working. Ro blows him off some more. He tells her she is difficult to please. Rather than being offended, Ro agrees and walks away.

Mac is awake again, but now she’s speaking. She tells the Doctor that she wants to see Pal and PJC together. The Doctor doesn’t question this, doesn’t even roll his eyes and say “here we go again.” He just tells Mac that he loves her and sends another doctor to go get Pal and PJC.

Pal comes in first. Mac tells her to forgive her. Pal says no need for forgiveness on her part, but that Mac should forgive her because she was an awful brat when she learned the truth about Mac being her momma. Mac warns Pal that it would be best if she continued to guard her secret. Pal seems a little confused by this, but she agrees. Mac urges Pal to fight for her own happiness. PJC comes in and Mac begs him to look after Pal, to care for her always. The three hold hands. Mac closes her eyes and the camera soars over the clouds. Music is playing and people are happy. It looks like a wedding….Mac’s and PJC’s. Mac looks lovely in her white suit. PJC looks handsome in his, too. Javier and Sagario are there, as are many other people from town. Noticeably missing is Cruelota. Even Padre Mateo is there, he’s officiating the ceremony. We are taken up to the balcony of the church. Cruelota is there and she looks ticked. The ceremony continues, everyone but Cruelota looks overjoyed. There is much celebrating and Pal hugs her parents. We fly over the clouds again and are back in the hospital room. Macarena gasps her last breath and flat lines. Paloma screams, “No!” and begs her not to die. PJC tries to comfort her as he tries to grasp the reality that the love of his life is gone. END OF EPISODE


I'm transferring my Thursday comment to Friday--this is a special occasion. Darn it that Father JC couldn't get his act together and get the habits off fast enough to save Mac.

The church has one saint being canonized this weekend. (Damian de Vueester of Molokai). That should be enough. Drat the habits--Padre J doesn't have to be one, too!

I haven't been following ENDA recaps but watching the drama and wondered today how you were all doing with this twist. I am not doing well and may stop watching, though I've been behind the scenes on everything since Querida Enemiga finished last fall. I couldn't help but think that Sara de la Cruz was just a dress researsal for a real serial killer. Here she issssss: Srta Carlotttttta Espinosa de los Monstruos!

This is truly one of the worse, right up there with Duelo de Pasiones where Álvaro killed pretty much everybody except Pablo Montero. He was easy to pick out as crazy. Carlota isn't as recognizeable. Must be the purple instead of the wild eyes.

Jeanne (disgusted with the producer who let Mac die)

Make that "one of the worst"


Wow i'm still in shock. Maybe they bring Mac back as an helpful ghost like Ciro was in MEPS. Carlota is so evil maybe Paloma and Cris need an spiritual assist.

Cathy, great recap.

I couldn't believe my eyes when Mac died. I wasn't prepared for that. We were surprised the other day when they showed us how Mac survived a crisis at the end of the episode instead of leaving us in suspense. Then they pulled this on us. I am so disappointed.

I hope as Anon 1:38 am said that she comes back in a spirit to aid Pal and PJC.


I feel really crappy about the episode. I suppose the whole rest of the thing is going to be Carlota trying to get her claws on Cris and pulling mean tricks on dumb Paloma.

I commented today on the Thursday recap that I thought this was a really crappy way to make sure a priest doesn't take off his collar, killing off the love of his life.

I feel jerked around by all the false alarms, flatlining electronic monitors, comas, inability to speak, leading us to believe she'd survive because she couldn't tell on Carlota, and then, and then, kaput. Really disgusted.

Having seen the original, I knew Carlota would kill Macarena at some point, but I thought her death wasn't as necessary now that they have strayed so far away from the original story.

In Cadenas de Amargura her death was what started driving Evangelina (Carlota) crazy with guilt. It made Gerardo (Emiliano) finally declare his love for Cecilia (Paloma) since up until then they had just been friends. It also served to reinforce Evangelina's love-obsession for her niece since the reason she killed her sister was because she had told her that she'd take Cecilia away from her, wich would kill Evangelina. It also served to heighten the tension until the finale (the original story was only 80 episodes total).

In this version Carlota is evil and she killed her sister in a very premeditated way. The reasoning for the kill was her love-obsession for Father JC, wich I don't think it's half as interesting. Paloma is already aware of Emiliano's feelings and we still have about 100 episodes to go. The only thing they get out of this death in my point of view is the shock value of having the "guts" to kill Victoria Ruffo.


Cathy, thank you for such a graceful recap. I've been watching novelas for almost ten years and I've never seen a more dismal, horrifying and shocking turn of events on one show. The suffering of Padre Cris, Mac, and above all Paloma is too much. I don't think I'll watch anymore as there just can't be a happy ending after this.

I just read an interview with Leticia Calderon in which she said she enjoyed playing Carlota as it was her first role as a villain, but the hardest scenes were those where she was mean to Paloma. She also said she hoped viewers can separate her from the character she is playing. She wanted to make Carlota believably hateful, but not herself.

I watch novelas to practice my comprehension and for diversion but this one may be just too dark and sad for me. Still, I'm curious as to how they will formulate the rest of the story with the main lead taken out of it and the other leads crushed by grief. I don't get it.

Jarocha, thanks for the interesting info. re: the original. I wish they could have just left Mac alive in this version.


Cathy, you captured exactly the right tone for this very, very sad episode. Unless the writers show some indication they plan to drive Carlotta mad and then have her killed off in the worst possible way, I don't think I can continue to watch. Paloma HAS to be taken away from the influence of Carlotta. I have been a fan of Leticia Calderon for years. But I'm not so sure she'll ever be able to shake off the consequences of taking this role.

Good grief!!! Opted out of this after the first episode but drop in on the recaps and see the promos. Never thought they would kill off Macarena.

As Carlos said on the Sortilegio line, we watch telenovelas as a break from grim reality...but this is horrendous. Where's the Zoloft when you need it! Yikes. wonderful to see you dropping in. Sorry you don't like Gancho...for us fans, it's a major laugh fest which we need, whether watching ENDA or not.

Thanks Cathy for slogging through this one. Hope you stocked up on kleenex.

Cathy I'm sorry for not commenting earlier on how wonderful your work is as a recapper. I saw that you are no longer going to be able to keep recapping this show wich is sad. I hope I can read your recaps in a future novela.


Thanks, Cathy, for the helpful recap. Though "helpful" probably isn't the right word, since nothing can help me deal with Macarena's death. I don't think her pulling a Ciro and coming back as a helpful ghost would do it for me.

Novelera, ITA with everything you said. I was surprised and pleased that this novela would actually permit a priest to leave the priesthood--I should have known. And, like you, I feel jerked around by all the false alarms, though I confess I was desperately wanting one more at the end of this episode.

I almost gave up on this TN after just a couple of episodes--it seemed too unrelievedly dark. However, I stuck with it, and now I'm beginning to wish I had stayed with my first impulse. But I guess I've gotten this far, so I'll continue.

Adios, Cathy. Via con Dios. Gracias por todo. :(

Thanks for the recap Cathy, thanks for all of your recaps. You've done a great job.
I guess this must be the end of Mac. As many times as she has come back, you can't be sure, but this looks like it. Javier and Sangrario were waiting at the door of the car at the end of the wedding, they were ready to take her home. Macarena's ride is here. :(

Not sure what is really gained by having Pal continue to keep the secret? I guess keeping the secret may keep Carlota from hurting someone else?

We'll find out what Pal is made of now. Seems like she could completely fall apart. Cruel will be working overtime lying to Pal and keeping here there with her. Mac has been keeping Rufi around, Cruel may want to get rid of Rufi to get rid of any 'bad' influences on Paloma.

I think either she is going to fire Rufi or get rid of her like some of her other victims. I thought this was an remake of a novela of the same name. It will be interesting to see how they make this plot last for well over 100 episodes left.

Cathy sorry to see you go, thank you for the excellent recaps on this sad sad show.

I can't believe they killed off Mac! NO PUEDE SER!
I was hoping love would win in the end, now no matter how many people Carlota kills she still wins by never having Mac and Chris together.UGH!
The misery that poor Paloma has endured so far...I can't imagine what kind of punishment the writers have waiting for Carlota, but I dont think it will ever make up for all the evil she had done.

I wish I could stop watching this TN but I am hooked.

Cathy, thanks for recapping this distressing episode, and for all your other recaps. I was glad to see someone else use "peachy keen"...people always laugh when I say that!

Is Mac really for sure gone? It seems so, but like others have said that is like letting Cruel win, whatever else happens to her later. That was a beautiful wedding, though. Too bad it wasn't real.

Did anyone else think that maybe Mac could have been revived again, if not for Paloma? The church ladies need to give Paloma lessons on visiting people in the hospital:

1. Don't sit on the bed.

2. Don't pat any place that is covered by bandages.

3. Really, for sure, DO NOT jump on top of the person and shake their smashed head.

I mean, really.

Thanks for the detailed recap.
well it looks like poor Macarena is really dead now. Descanse en paz. But wait we really need to know during Mondays episode.

Another thing, I thought Paloma was the main protagonist here? I always thought the major storylines and plotlines revolved around her. One more thing, Someone else must be enteriung the picture. It is good to break awayfrom formulaic stuff and rigid rules to foster creativity. I don't want to see Mccarena die, if that is what really will happen to her, but.....

OT: I think the person playing Rufi has usually played nasty old ladies. I'm sorta new at this TN watching but I think I've seen Rufi around before. She is just nive as Rufi.


Wow Cathy! A very good job on a very sad episode. Are you really not going to be recapping on this one anymore? Bummer.

I was blubbering through the whole death scene, but I wasn’t upset with the writers. Quite the contrary. These shows are so predictable that they can get boring what with evil always being conquered and goodness always winning out in a fairy tale ending. I was amazed that they let Mac die, but glad that they took a more daring track, although, as Jarocha informs us, this was in the original story. I’m sure Carlota will be vanquished in the end, anyway. I like how the writers keep us guessing in the meantime.

I was awfully glad they gave us the dream wedding sequence – or maybe it was what Mac saw in her dying mind – because I was thinking rats, now we don’t get to see them married. So at least they threw us that crumb.

Now I’m worried for Rufi. At least Paloma is about to come of age, but what is poor Rufi going to do?

I've only seen Rufi in one other novela, where she played the housekeeper for a rich family who was secretly the real mother of the daughter of the house (who never knew she was adopted). That was La Usurpadora. Her character was also kind and good, although much more anguished and not as funny and sharp as Rufi can be.

Novelera, that sounds like the plotline of FELS with Slofia and her mom with the big lips. It's a common theme of adopting a servant's child, I guess.

Cathy, thank you for all the time you put into your very enjoyable and valuable to the viewer recaps. I couldn't watch the novelas without the recaps to help me out. Hope you are able to comment when you have the time.

I am sticking around because I am so curious as to what Carlota will be up to next as we know she can't keep Pal and her inheritance money around forever, or can she.

Also I want to see narcissistic and snotty Romina, get her eventual comeuppance. And who will Camila end up with...Orly or Rafa, though I am rooting for Rafa. Maybe Orly will end up with curly top, his secretary. I am so bad at remembering names.

I am ticked off by Mac's death and for the writer's device of her not telling anyone about Carlota's pushing her through the window as Mac knew Carlota has the capacity to harm anyone in the future. And the envelope device is annoying as well. Mac was a flawed character, in that she had numerous warning signs since the puppy and before as to Carlota's true nature but due to her history of abuse and passivity, she was unable to overcome it. Maybe, that is why the writers had her bite the dust, IMO.


Didn't Mac declare several times that she would save Paloma from Cruelota, if it was the last thing she did? So why didn't she use a few dying breaths to tell everyone that Mac pushed her? Cruel would go to prison, Paloma would be free, ta-da. Unless she doesn't remember being pushed, there could be no doubt in her mind afterward about how evil Cruelota is...before, she always deluded herself into believing that Cruel was mean, but had limits.

Wasn't Rufi the old hag that had kept watch over Luisito in a hotel room that was later killed by Mapache on orders from Fernando Escandon? I think she was also the mother of the Pirate lady(Soledad from MEPS) who was scarred and had to wear a veil in Pasion or maybe Alborada. I'm mixing up my scenes. She was also the Pesty landlord of Lola Valente in Lola Erase una Vez.


Ibarramedia, no she was not that one FELS, nope. I know that she isn't
It does appear she was in Alborada:

And it looks like she may be on in the afternoon right now in Tormenta..

Lola is not listed at IMDB.

Wow, Jeff, Magda Guzman has certainly not lacked for work over the years!

No puede ser! I really can't believe that they killed off Macarena. It simply shows how the writers are unable to go against the Catholic Church. I too think that I will be unable to watch the show anymore. It makes me sick. I have just started back watching TN and now this happens! Also you cannot jump on or lay on someone who fell through a plate glass window from two stories. Ouch! Also my favorite color is purple but now......

Thanks for the great recap(s). Friday's episode was really sad. I guess in every TN a main character has to be killed off. And to think for some strange reasons I was surprised of the some of the characters killed off in MEPS like Dominga, Jairo, and Art's two goons that blew up the hotel/bar.

It was nice though that it seemed that the dream wedding sequence was kind of like Mac's heaven and that everyone she loved was in attendance.

I too think Romina will get her comeuppance. If what I think is going to happen happens regarding her, Emi and Paloma then she will turn out to be like a mini-Carlota except she probably won't kill anybody.

Cathy, ¡discúlpame! I totally forgot to thank you for a superb recap of a very difficult episode with Mac's death. I was so upset by the writers offing her that I got carried away. You have been a wonderful recapper and I know you will be missed! Thanks for your hard work!

Jeanne (your fellow schoolmarm)

Everyone's comments really interested me on this one since I don't follow very often. I have wondered if Paloma or someone who knows will confess to Padre that Paloma is Mac's child, and under the bond of confession, he won't be able to say a blessed thing until the news comes to him another way. In fact, Carlota could really jab him big-time by "confessing" her sister's sin and leave him wondering whose child Paloma is--who is the real father. Oh, she has much more damage to do.

But I haven't decided if I am watching past tonight when we find out for sure she is dead. I wanted to read ahead on Friday night and found I couldn't access any recaps the way I could in the past.


Jeff and novelera, You both are right about Rufina. I did some research and mistook her for Veronica Rios. they both are older women who sound gruffy.

I decided to wonder aloud before doing my research. My fault guys.

I don't want Romina to die. She does not even like Carlota and even suspected Carlota of being behind all the bad things that have happened to people there. She may be a pretty cute brat but she is not evil. Just a minor annoyance to some.


I keep forgetting to ask why the office of the Mother superior doesn't have Pope Benedict XVI's portrait. They still have Pope John Paul II's picture hanging up there.


I just luv the way u recap but i cant beleive mac can die just like that hw cruel can cruelota be damn her!!how sad for paloma someone else she loves dies.

I just luv the way u recap but i cant beleive mac can die just like that hw cruel can cruelota be damn her!!how sad for paloma someone else she loves dies.

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