Saturday, October 31, 2009
Gancho Friday October 30th Will Moni fall for Beto's Story? Will Mau fall for Beto's Revised Story?
As we saw last night, Beto’s on Team Bad these days. Finding Moni’s apartment empty, he gets a weird little smile on his chubby cheeks.
Over to the Goodies. Salvador is struggling to get to sleep on Gabi’s couch, when she takes pity on him, and citing his back problems, invites him to sleep in her bed. After all, we’re adults, she points out. You’re not afraid, are you? Not at all, says Sal. But I made a promise, and I’m going to fulfill it. Until I am totally free, what we have will have to wait. Gabi protests, it’s really tempting having Sal there. She likes his gray hair (canas), and her cheeks feel flushed. He stands up, gives her a kiss, and gallantly says goodnight. She goes off to bed, but promises to give him a massage in the morning. No need, he insists, but as she leaves, he winces again, not wanting Gabi to see. He’s a good man.
Back to a bad man – Oscar, to be precise, who toasts Lorenza in a bar, and has the perfect plan for Lorenza’s revenge. He tells Lorenza that other than Sal’s straying, the other thing he did was to have Lore locked up in the nuthouse for a few months. Wouldn’t it be nice to give Sal a taste of his own medicine? Lore agrees, but how? Well, the hospitals have drugs to stop hallucinations and paranoia, but there are also “wonderful” drugs that do just the opposite. In his best Snidely Whiplash imitation, Oscar hisses, Wouldn’t you like to see Sal in a strait jacket (camisa de fuerza), bouncing off the walls? Lore would LOVE it! They toast to madness.
And back to good. In Moroleón, Alicia has prepared the bed for an exhausted and distraught Monita. She tucks Moni in, still fully clothed. But Moni’s shivering, so Alicia adds another blanket. This one was Isabel’s favorite, in fact it still has her smell, and Moni hugs it tight, breathing in, feeling close to her Ma. Alicia hugs Moni, promises not to leave until she falls asleep.
And now, from the sublime to the ridiculous. Beto has put on Moni’s wedding gown (!), is holding the bouquet, and marching around her apartment humming the wedding march! Of course it’s open in the back, as Beto’s bulk negates any closure here. He tosses the bouquet over his shoulder, and who should happen to walk in, unannounced, and catch the bouquet? Mauricio! Mau stares in disbelief, Beto in horror, as I fall off my sofa, and we go to commercial.
Mau can’t believe it, what is Beto doing? Well, says Beto, it’s Moni’s dress, and she lends me everything. But don’t get any ideas. I’m all man. I mean, haven’t you ever had a craving to wear women’s clothes? No, never. Really? Never. Oh, ummm, me neither, says Beto, but I was just worried about Moni. Mau demands that he take off the dress right now, but Beto’s too “shy” to undress in front of Mau, so Mau leaves, Beto telling himself he’s really stepped in it now.
Moni has fallen asleep, and Alicia quietly leaves, turning out the light. Back in Moni’s apartment, Beto has donned his trademark tee-shirt and jeans when the phone rings. He thinks it’s Monita, but it’s Alicia, who immediately says “Mauricio”? Thinking fast (not too easy for him), Beto holds his shirt over his mouth, and squeaks out a “Sí.” Alicia then proceeds to have a one-sided conversation, telling “Mauricio” that Valentina’s in her house, begging “Mauricio” to come clear things up. He’ll come, won’t he? Beto squeaks out another muffled “Sí” hangs up, and gets that sneaky look again.
In the morning, Mauricio tells Paula he’s going to hire a private detective to find Connie and the kids. In the meantime, could she stay in the vecindad in case Moni comes home, and call him with any news? She will. Mau asks about Estrella, who apparently left really early this morning, as did Beto. Paula thinks that’s quite unusual for Beto, getting up early. If he does, it’s usually after some wild party. Once he woke up dressed up as a Hawaiian woman, can you believe it? Mau can.
Over at the preppie school, we see why Estrella got up early. She’s grilling Katia on the whereabouts of Connie and the kids. There’s a little friction between these two, since they both like Aldo. But Katia’s a good person, and tells Estrella that Constanza’s still in the city. However, she doesn’t know what Connie did with the kids.
Well, WE know, they’re imprisoned in a hellhole of a reform school, sentenced to be “resocialized”. The mean matron brings Aldo some food in his punishment room/cell, wondering if Aldo’s now in the mood to “cooperate”. Don’t think so. With an evil cackle, the matron tells Aldo she’s had much tougher cases than his. So enjoy your meal! After she closes the door, he hurls the food against the wall, and knocks over a table in anger.
Moni’s barely picking at her breakfast, to the consternation of Alicia. The doorbell rings, and Alicia admits she called Mauricio last night and told him Moni was here, he must be at the door now. Moni’s initially mad, but Alicia says she has to listen to Mauricio, there must have been a very good reason for what he did. Alicia promises that if, after hearing Mau’s reasons, Moni still wants him to leave, she’ll back Moni 100%. Moni agrees, Alicia opens the door, and is shocked to see Beto. Wearing a tee-shirt which says “I’m not Santa Claus, but I bring little toys”, Beto proceeds to lie through his teeth, telling Moni that Mauricio sent him to tell her that Mau never wants to see her again.
At the boarding school/hellhole, it looks as if Luisa has a plan! She whispers to Dani, asking if she has the plan memorized. Of course, answers Dani, I’m seven years old, I’m not a baby! The matron comes in, and a teacher tells her that Luisa is breaking the rules, wants to be in the same class as her little sister, won’t listen when I tell her the different ages have to be separated. The matron threatens to put Luisa in a punishment room when Luisa STOMPS on her toe, STOMPS on the teacher’s toe, and runs out of the room! But it’s just a diversion, as this leaves Dani alone in the room, and she scurries over to the telephone on the desk, looks around to see if anyone’s watching, looks up to remember something, and she’s got it!
She dials the phone (Mau must be pretty far away, as Dani presses 11 buttons), but anyway, Mau’s cell rings in his car. Mau can’t believe it, where are you, Dani? With quavering voice, she tells him she’s in an ugly place where they treat her badly. But where? They won’t let us see Aldo, Monstranza imprisoned us here, please come for us. Unfortunately, Dani doesn’t know where she is, and the matron comes back, so that’s the end of THAT.
Moni can’t fathom why Mau didn’t come in person, and why did he leave her at the altar? Beto doesn’t know, maybe Mau went to see a client, you know how those rich people are, he probably lost a few million dollars, went to raise some money. Moni’s in tears, but Alicia’s suspicious. Beto swears it’s the truth. Moni wants to know what else Mau said. Well, uumm, that you should pardon him, and forget about him forever, and that’s it (y ya tan tan). Alicia isn’t biting, urges Moni to call Mau directly to see if this absurd story is true. This isn’t the kind of thing you send a messenger to tell. She picks up the phone, as Beto starts to squirm, arguing that there’s no point in calling, and by the way, Alicia, who are you to meddle, you’re just like my mother. But Moni agrees to the call, and dials Mau’s number.
Mau’s cell rings, he thinks it’s Dani, but it’s not. And it’s not Moni, either. It’s Connie! Mau is furious that Connie has the kids locked up, how could she treat a seven year old like that! You’re tormenting (martirizando) my children. He begs her to have a little decency, tell him where the kids are. Although Mau’s frantic, Connie’s cool as a cucumber. She tells him he continues to ignore her rules. Well, maybe he needs more time. Fine, she’ll give him some time. She hangs up, and in a terrific Sergio Sendel imitation, Mauricio throws his phone to the pavement, smashing it to bits!
And the hits keep coming. Connie picks up some airline tickets. Uh oh!
Well, of course Moni couldn’t reach Mau, much to Beto’s relief. Alicia wants Moni to call again, Beto thinks she shouldn’t, it’s God’s will that Mau didn’t answer. Alicia lowers her eyes, why are you so nervous about her calling, Beto? Beto wants Moni to forget about old doll hair and concentrate on tonight’s boxing match (yes, apparently, Moni’s going to defend her world title tonight, we all sort of forgot, and I wonder how the wedding was going to fit in with that. I can see Moni on the honeymoon. “Just a minute, honey, while I slip into something more comfortable, like my boxing outfit. Just keep the bed warm, I’ll go defend my world boxing title, and after they ring the bell, I’ll be back to ring yours. Hasta pronto!”) Anyway, Moni agrees she should fight, and while she’s back in the D.F., she’ll talk to Mau. But if she finds out Beto’s been lying, he’s toast! I think Beto’s feeling a little warm.
And Connie’s hot. She angrily calls the matron and reams her out, with all the money she’s paying, how could the matron allow a call. From now on, no calls, no visitors! Yes, Miss, says the suddenly obsequious matron. Connie adds that she’s going on a vacation for a few months, and she won’t tolerate any more of these mistakes. Got it? Yes, Miss, and have a nice trip.
Over at Connie’s place, Estrella’s hot, too, angrily bursting in, accompanied by Katia, ready to give the Mummy the third degree, why did Connie cruelly tell Mau she was leaving the country with the kids, when she’s still right here? But there’s no Mummy to be found, so Estrella tells Kat she’s not moving until the soup spits (hasta que escupa la sopa – I’m not sure how to translate it, maybe until the fat lady sings, let’s just say Estrella will be there a while. New info: I think it means "til the truth comes out" - thanks for the assist, Judy). But Katia sees a note! Connie’s left a note for Kat, saying she’s going out of the country for awhile, with her adopted kids. Oh no, says Estrella, it’s true!
Fortunately, we get some relief from all this angst, in the form of Nieves and Don Cesar, whose budding romance never fails to please. She’s at the gym, brought him a bag of sandwiches and a bottle of orange soda to wash it down. Yummy. He’s grateful, but he’s worried. The big fight’s tonight, and where’s La Monita? Nieves looks around, shushes him, tells him that early this morning, her Betito asked for the address of Alicia, a lady who lives in Moroleón. You mean we’re alone and can fool around? asks Don Cesar, hopefully. No, no, calm down. It’s that La Monita is there, and Beto’s going to bring her back for the fight. But I don’t want Mauricio to find out, so hush (chitón). Don Cesar gives her a few kisses on the cheek to seal the deal.
In the famous coffee room of Grupo Sermeño, the fact that Paula has the day off is just perfect for Oscar and Lorenza’s little plan. By the way, they’re wearing almost matching (or at least color coordinated) evil duds, he in a gray suit, black shirt, black and gray tie, looking quite dapper, she in a little gray (maybe beige) knit blouse, dark gray skirt, big dark chain necklace, her auburn curls wild and beautiful. He brings out the little ol’ bottle of drops (borrowed from Babs in MEPS, from Sara in Querida Enemiga, and from who knows how many other telenovela baddies, that little bottle really gets around).
In the outer office, the elevator door opens, and Beto, Moni and Alicia are here to seek out Mau. Beto’s not so keen on this plan, why don’t they go down to the gym and train? Shut up, says Alicia, hitting him with her purse, and Moni wants Beto to can it, too, for the last five hours on the ride back he’s been going on and on with his complaints. Gabi’s overjoyed to see Monita, gives her a big hug. Next up, Salvador, with another big hug. He tells her that Mauricio’s desperately searching for her. Sal and Gabi explain that the reason Mau stopped the wedding was that Constanza had taken his children, and he didn’t know what to do. “¿Qué?, says Moni, as in the background, we see Beto with a weak smile, shuffling nervously, willing the elevator doors to close a little faster, he’s outta there.
Terry’s out of the hospital, feeling much better, and Mau and Ivan have escorted her back to Mau’s place. She senses that something’s wrong with the kids, but both Mau and Ivan dodge her questions, imploring her to get some rest. (I just noticed that they’re all wearing gray, too. Maybe the producers are telling us the show’s entering a “gray area”.)
Alicia fills Moni in on Beto’s deception, and Moni will settle the score with him later. Sal further explains that the call Mauricio received at the church was from Connie, who threatened to take the kids out of the country if Mau didn’t immediately stop the wedding (and now I notice that Gabi and Sal are ALSO wearing gray).
Enter Lorenza, today’s coffee girl, carefully distributing the cups, making sure Sal gets the one with the coffee “just the way he likes it”, and nobody suspects a thing. Sal tells Moni that Mau went to pick up Terry at the hospital, that may be why he’s not in the office yet. This is almost too much for Moni, she knew nothing about Terry, is now feeling very sorry for Mauricio, needs to talk to him. Gabi offers to call Mau’s cell, but Sal relates that Mau recently smashed it. Moni decides to call Estrella.
Beto’s approaching the exit door in the lobby of Grupo Sermeño, convinced Connie’s gonna kill him, and when Moni speaks to Mau, they’ll be together forever. Darn! But he’s in luck, as Mau’s sportscar pulls right up in front of the building. He tells Mau he’s found La Monita. She’s in Moroleón, at Alicia’s house, and he knows this because Alicia called Nieves. Mau buys it, turns right around to get back in the car. Beto wants to come, too, but Mauricio wants to handle things on his own. He speeds off, as Beto’s glad he stopped the meeting for now, but knows Mau will be back.
At the gym, Connie, wearing a short trenchcoat and sunglasses, looking very secret-agenty, is looking for “Roberto”. Consteño says he’s not here, but would you like to take another shower? Connie haughtily tells him to cut the crap, just tell him where Beto could be. Costeño’s not sure, but knows that tonight, La Monita has a boxing match, and Beto never misses them.
In the vecindad, Paula and Nieves are wondering where Moni could be when Estrella rushes in, she’s back! Moni now knows all about why Mau called off the wedding, and she is going to fight tonight. Paula and Estrella go to get all gussied up for the match, leaving Nieves to bemoan how Beto has messed up again.
Moni’s nervous, pacing the floor of the office, where is Mauricio? Sal, Gabi and Alicia urge her to relax, if she wants to box tonight, she should go get ready, they’ll let her know when Mau shows up. Gabi gives Moni a pep talk. A true champion can block out all distractions, and concentrate on the match. And everyone will be there cheering you on (echándote porras). She tells Moni to take a deep breath, breathe out slowly, do you feel calmer? No, Moni’s still upset, worried about Mau, and it’s all the fault of La Mómia. Okay, new idea, Gabi continues. When you get in the ring, think only about that witch, and I assure you, your opponent (contrincante) won’t last more than one round. This works for Moni, she’s determined now, and goes off to get ready.
At the ring, Nieves and Don Cesar continue their flirtfest, with little kisses and mutual compliments. He’s happy Moni showed up, although she won’t talk to anyone. Well, tell her I’m here as usual, with lots of cheers (echándole muchas porras). They kiss and part, and Nieves is floating along until she bumps into Alicia. They have a little power struggle, both claiming to be Moni’s true mother figure. Alicia critcizes Beto, and even says that Nieves and Beto have been mooching off Valentina for years. And she tells Nieves about Beto’s little poisonous plan, coming to Morleón, pretending Mau didn’t want to see Moni. Fortunately, Alicia saw through him. Nieves yells at her to shut up, stop meddling, and get out! Alicia isn’t leaving! Enter Cristian (with Paula), who says “Ladies, in the name of the law, which I represent, I exhort you to maintain calm and not cause any disturbance in the event”. Well said. The ladies glare at each other.
Back in the coffee room, it must be time for Sal’s next cup. Lore’s bored with the one drop a day suggestion of Oscar, puts in two this time (I notice that her top’s actually beige, not gray, but it’s still a muted color). Gabi sashays in, Sal’s speaking to the detective Mau’s hiring to find the kids, needs some coffee. Lore has it ready, she’ll take it in. No bother, says Gabi, I know things are tense between you too, I’ll take it. No, no, says Lore, I now know our marriage is a farce. Gabi’s delighted to hear this. Unfortunately, Lore goes on to say that she’s not getting a divorce, that even though her marriage isn’t working, she’s going to fight to save it. So, excuse me while I take him his coffee. Gabi’s a little less delighted.
Late at night, Mau arrives at Alicia’s house, rings the bell, bangs on the door, but it’s all in vain.
In the pre-fight training room, we’ve switched to a red theme (anger?). Don Cesar’s all in bright red, and Moni has a red shawl over her reddish pink outfit as Cesar laces up her pink gloves. Don Cesar wants Moni to concentrate, and Moni says there’s no problem, she has a very strong motivation to let out all her aggression in the ring. Don Cesar leaves for some last minute preparations. Moni punches the air, full of anger, when the object of that anger walks through the door. Yes, Connie’s here, with a look of pure malevolence, the witch is back.
Trick or Treat!!!! (Happy Halloween, everyone).
And once again, Monday looks unbelievable! Beto gets tickets to the U.S., the flight leaves at midnight, and Connie Outfoxes Moni Again! Yes, C.O.M.A!
Camisa de fuerza – strait jacket
Y ya tan tan – and that’s it, that’s all there is to it
Martirizando – tormenting, sort of like “martyring”, although that’s not commonly used in English
Hasta que escupa la sopa – until the truth comes out, literally, until the soup spits (boils), in other words, Estrella wasn’t moving
Chitón – Shush, or Hush up, now
Echando porras – cheering, porristas are cheerleaders
Contrincante - opponent
Labels: gancho
So the kids demonstrate their clever resourcefulness even as Mao once again reveals his own ineptitude. I love a good phone toss as much as the next guy, but not at a critical point in the plot evolution. What a dunce. Looks like Estrella and Katia will have to rescue the Hernandez orphans.
And I'm guessing that I'll get to cover the upcoming fight. Cool.
My main concern today is for our Judy, however. I've certainly been sending up an unrelenting stream of pleadings for your speedy recovery Dr. Judy. I'm certainly hoping that you are starting to see some improvement. Let us know how you are.
I'm dying to know how the kids are going to get out of the reformatory. I think I'd try throwing a note wrapped around a rock or whatever object was available over the wall, and hope whoever found it on the sidewalk was kind enough to make a phone call.
How likely is it that Beto didn't want to change in front of Mau because he had purloined lingerie on under the dress?
Judy - I'm hoping you recovered so you could attend church and enjoy life in general.
Julia - great call on Beto and the lingerie. I think you're right.
"Listened" to the episode more than watched it because of the eye but found it very disturbing and dark, for the most part. Hate the idea of Oscar and Loriloca dosing Salvador...especially as he is showing himself to be such a noble aspirant for Gabriela's love.
As the story goes on, the marginal characters are either becoming more noble and high-minded, or more conniving and evil. And Old Doll Hair is just plain s.t.u.p.i.d. Yep, there's a little bus in the future for his offspring.
Hombre...I'm just guessing. But is it possible that "hasta que escupa la sopa" means "until the truth comes out"?
Ugh...Beto and Connie. I used to find their frantic couplings funny and entertaining. Now they turn my stomach. Ditto for Oscar and Loriloca.
Ugh ugh and double ugh.
But "abrazos y besos" to all my dear blog buddies. Your good thoughts are helping tremendously.
Julia, love your idea about the lingerie Beto was probably wearing under the wedding dress. Claro!
Karen, I've never written any serious prose (still haven't!), but I do write songs. I just read everybody else's recaps, pretty much copy, and try to make it interesting. But gracias por el cumplido (thank you for the compliment).
Dr. Carlos, do they really make medicines that you can give somebody a drop of, and slowly drive them crazy? If so, WHY!?
Oh Julia, you ARE naughty and most likely correct. I hadn't realized but of course Beto must have been wearing girlie undies under his wedding dress. I admit that was a plot twist that caught me off guard, but it's very funny.
I hope it's Estrella and Katia who find the kids. I think if these two put their heads together they could be a formidable force. OK, Estrella by herself is a force, she's intelligent and wily, Go Estrella!
Hi Judy, thanks for checking in. I truly hope you are feeling better. Are you wearing a patch like a pirate?
Hombre, In answer to your questions about medicines to make one crazy, yes and no. There are of course no medicines designed for such, there are certainly medications in doses only slightly higher than therapeutic that would have that result. For example, when Susanlynn was preparing for a cruise we talked about Transderm Scop Patches for motion sickness. I mentioned that one of my patients decided to use 2 patches instead of the prescribed 1 and suffered (enjoyed?) hallucinations as a result. A very few drops of scopalamine (derived from the Deadly Nightshade) would cause an acute psychosis in anyone.
I'm not ready to abandon Beto... yet. I never had high expectations so as of yet the only real surprise from him has been the wedding dress. Curious, surprising, but not necessarily disappointing. It almost gives an added complexity to the character.
I'm also looking to Estrella and Katia for the rescue of the kiddies. I hope not before the kids have a chance to make life miserable for the head lady and her goons.
I didn't realize that a show is allowed to have 2 comas. This, by the way, by real life standards should effectively put an end to Moni's boxing career.
Mauricio doesn't even need any enemies, he does such a good job of plaguing himself. Why would he destroy his phone and not immediately get a new one right when his kids might be desperately trying to reach him?
I think Beto's affinity for cross-dressing is so darn interesting and it explains many things. I have a feeling that Constancia would be more tolerant of this than Monita.
Carlos, I agree with you about Beto. He's not being very nice right now, but he's the kind of character who could be redeemed. Maybe one day he'll realize that if he really cares for Moni, he'll put her interests ahead of his own, and recognize Connie for the selfish (although beautiful) user of people she really is. I found Connie's final look at Moni so chilling I just had to post the screenshot, especially since it was Halloween :)
Sylvia...didn't want to scare the kids so I turned my left side towards them as I threw in the goodies. Generally, they're more focused on the candy than the purveyor anyway....but just in case!....
Hombre, I enjoyed your ode to autumn and agree that we shouldn't think about the winter but enjoy the many colors of our Fall story plot line. Wonderful pictures as well as embedded and vocabulary list.
So many great lines: "In his best Snidely Whiplash imitation, Oscar hisses, Wouldn’t you like to see Sal in a strait jacket (camisa de fuerza), bouncing off the walls?", "They toast to madness" and my favorite "He brings out the little ol’ bottle of drops (borrowed from Babs in MEPS, from Sara in Querida Enemiga, and from who knows how many other telenovela baddies..." Excellent.
I wasn't surprised by Beto's strutting his stuff in Moni's wedding dress. He has a very healthy ego and simply found another (albeit different) way to showcase his "charms". I would have laughed had I not been so annoyed with him for his recent behavior.
Carlos, Mau has been exhibiting unbelievable ineptitute. Perfect word.
Judy, glad you are feeling a little better but was hoping you might be able to take a break from yard work for the time being?
Diana in MA
These past few episodes have not been as uplifting as we are used to but they are still very interesting.
Keep up the compresses Judy.
Oh dear, judging by the previews our Monita is going to have a rough time of it tonight. Interesting thoughts regarding Estre and the Dr. You never know where love might be lurking in these shows.
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