Friday, November 27, 2009

ENDA November 27, 2009

Hi all--I've posted this for comments/discussion on the Friday episode.


Why is Cris having a hard time believing Paloma is his daughter? Diana really is a nasty piece of work. i was so glad when Emiliano told her he did not want her at the wedding.

Rafael you're a little late about wanting Camila aren't you. If you had told her the circumstances regarding Orlando and Emiliano instead of giving Camila the brush off when she tried to talk to you. I would be more sympathetic with you.

After the repeats of the latter portions of Wednesday's episode, we get to the meeting with Team Paloma: Natalia, Alonso, Bermudez, Cristobal and Rufi. Alonso is asking pointed questions about whether Carloca would be capable of killing his son. Rufi has a flashback to Arcadia, the woman who worked in Carmen's house in RDM. She remembers that both Iñaki and Arcadia are dead.

Alonso says that Carloca was the one who talked Carmen into cremating his son's body. Bermudez insists that the death was natural.

Romina calls Diana to try to convince her to talk Em into a church wedding.

Paloma goes to the church, encounters Cris and tells him she came there because it was her mother's favorite place. Then she drops the bombshell that Mac was really her mother. She relates the story of Macarena and her great love, the one who abandoned her. She said it was Carloca's idea to give the baby to Javier and Sagrario.

Carloca goes to the bank and asks for her safe deposit box. She takes out a ring (I couldn't tell which one. The ring Iñaki gave Paloma? Or Mac's engagement ring?)
She takes out the supposedly incriminating pictures of Cris calling on Natalia.

Rufi tells Dr. Bermudez that Paloma wants to leave RDM; that they will both leave and it's because of her heartbreak over Em.

Rufi puzzles for a long time if Carloca could really be that bad. She doesn't want to believe it.

Cris is stunned into babbling with Paloma's revelation. Pal tells him Macarena thought the father of her child was dead, but just before dying she found him again. Cris asks if Mac told her. She says no. He asks her age. Then thinks: A little less than 19 years ago she and I ... No, no puede ser.

Paloma says that Carloca told her who her father was, but she doesn't want to discuss it. Although he's alive, he's not someone who could ever assume his paternity. Editor's Note: This doesn't work for having Cris think Pal knows she's his daughter. She would be bound to have behaved differently toward him.

Rafael comes to see Orlando to tell him that Em now knows the worst about Diana and he has no reason to keep his promise about staying away from Camila. He's going after her.

Back to Cris and Pal. She embraces him and tells him that maybe Macarena meant Cris to be the paternal figure she needs. Cris is muy impactado.

Rafa gives it to Orly right between the eyes. You knew I loved Camila. You took advantage of the situation to force me away from her. You must feel very insecure about your relationship with her to have done this. Rafa tells Orly that Diana is going to give him a divorce. Orly insinuates that she'll never let him go, especially now Em is so distant. Diana doesn't know how to be alone.

The girls Paloma is to teach painting arrive. They start off smart-alecky, but Pal doesn't buy into it.

Diana pays some boys to spray golfa (prostitute, loose woman) on the gates of Camila's shop. Diana is acting crazier and crazier. She calls Em and tells him she has to see him. He tells her seeing her would only make things worse; they might say things that couldn't be forgiven. She says she'll talk to him on his wedding day. Great, how thoughtful, Diana. He tells her he doesn't want her there at all; this obviously hurts, but she insists she has the right to be there.

Ange has another talk with Orly. She doesn't approve of what he did to Rafa. And, she tells him that if he's so sure of Camila's feelings, what difference does it make. That's a direct hit. He looks pretty evasive at that pint.

Cris says to himself, if she's 18, it really could be.

Paloma tells Carloca she wishes she could understand and not try to make her feel badly for wanting to fly free.

A young girl named Jennifer shoes up saying to Rufi that she's Edmundo's granddaughter. He's very close to death and wants to see Rufi - his last wish. He's not in the US, but near the border. The girl has the ticket all ready for Rufi to go.

Samuel calls Carloca and invites her out with lots of flattery.

Paloma urges Rufi to go to Edmundo.

Orly and Cris talk about Paloma's bombshell. Orly is dubious. How could she have kept it secret even on her deathbed. If she didn't tell you then, possibly you aren't the father. Maybe another man? Orly asks if that would hurt. Cris doesn't buy this and says that they loved each other and were going to go away together. That time period is when she could have gotten pregnant.

Camila is desperately trying to clean the gates. A boy shows up with a paint can. She tells Monica that, if Diana had this done then she knows that I love Rafael. Just then Rafa shows up with a big grin, overhears, and tells her he loves her too.

The avances show German looking at the new testament and saying that Paloma is rich. Cris tells Carloca that Paloma is his daughter. RoMEANa is showing Paloma her wedding dress and gloating. Paloma faints.

Maybe Rafa waited a bit to tell Camila. He did try to call her and tell her what was going on but Camila wouldn't take his call.


I'm not sure Cris is having a hard time believing that Pal is his daughter, I think it just never occurred to him and he's totally shocked, it will take him a little bit.

Maybe good for Rufi to go as it would get her out of harm's way for a while. She seemed to be looking at La Loca and realizing that she really IS that evil.

Team Paloma - I love it, and it's also great to see she has some people on her side trying to help her.

Thank you, Novelera, for a very complete and helpful recap. If you haven't been a weekly recapper before, you certainly have the writing talent to be one on any novela. Kudos!

At the Team Paloma meeting, I think Alonso mentioned he would pursue the Carmen angle. Miracles do happen!

Besides the fact that the residents of the Casa de Montereos y Espinoza are a bit slow, Rufi could be in denial because she has been a witness to alot of nasty things Carloca has orchestrated over the years: separating Mac and Chris with lies and fake deaths (how sane is that), separating mother and child (so as not to disgrace the family name), insulting everyone with no remorse except for fake tears, slapping everyone around on a regular basis (family abuse for sure), killing poor doggy and birds (uh, serial killer alert), locking Pal in her room, trying to control every facet of Mac and Pal's lives, having a bad humored superior attitude (even Ted Bundy was charming) and especially the link between Carloca and Arcadia who by some strange coincidence is killed by an unknown driver the at the same time that Carloca's is fixing front end damage on her SUV. I would think it would be difficult for Rufi to accept and admit that she is living with an killer, let alone in tiny RdM as it is not one of those big crime laden cities. And it means that she could be the next victim if she doesn't watch herself. Either that or she is as slow as Mac and Paloma.


Oh, the boy who brought the paint for the gate is Meche's grandson who is being counseled by Padre Chris, but I've forgotten his name.


I hope Rufi does go; that could be the only thing that keeps her alive. It could slow down the Good Guys Club, though, if she doesn't tell them everything she's figured out before she goes. Because you know people in telenovelas are not capable of making phone calls from another town. Poor Edmundo, though. He sure went downhill fast.

I'm pretty sure Cris is convinced that Paloma is his daughter; he is just so stunned that he has to keep going over the evidence again and again to get it to sink in. He seems to have figured out that Carlota lied to Paloma and that Pal doesn't know her father's real identity after all, so I hope he'll fill her in soon.

Meche's grandson who brought the paint is Chava.

LOL to them not being able to make phone calls! If they do make a call it's always overheard by the wrong person, too. Good guys being so virtuous they don't know how to be sneaky?

Di/Gud's little vandalism trick kind of had the opposite effect - was she gone by the time Rafa came running up?

Rufi is eating the same enchiladas that Mac and Paloma did so it's not surprising she slow at putting two and two together.

German on Monday found out how really rich Paloma is mucho rico he said.

Rafael was a little late coming back to Camila. Let's not forget how many times she called him and he ignored her calls. When they did speak he kind of brushed her off without an explanation.

RoMEna is trying to angle for that church wedding, don't think it will happen.

Paloma supposed to bear near 18 that's when she was supposed to receive her inheritance.

Carloca may use those pictures with the bishop to get Cris thrown out of the priesthood. While they look innocent i think she may used that he already has a child. May suggest he is still fooling aroud with woman.

I hope Alonso does get in contact with Carmen.I like team Paloma but Rufi needs to open her mouth about everything she knows.

By her telling them about Arcadia that would probably make them question Inaki's death like Alonso.

Why is it the good guys always tell the villain what they are going to do. When it comes to other good people who are trying to help they keep their mouth shut.

Yeah Novelera i know you remember the judge that Rojas got to change it say it can be done but it is totally illegal. If there is a fallout he wouldn't be a fall guy for changing it.

Also remember she had to get it done before Paloma's 18th birthday that's why she been so angry and stressed about it.

So Paloma's birthday should be soon.

The meeting of Team Paloma is historic and is the first time all the different players have come together in the same room. Rufi is key, but in order to protect her sanity, she's had to be in a lot of denial about Carloca. I know it's a gross thought, but I keep wondering if she had to clean up the blood and the glass from Mac's fall through the plate glass window to her death. There seems to be no curiosity on anyone's part how Mac just fell through a window. Or have I missed a discussion of this in the series?

Hopefully, Chris will come to the awareness that Pal is his kid and will stay in RDM instead of heading off to D.F. to become bishop. Of course, who knows what Carloca will do in the meantime to make sure he never gets selected?

From Monday's avances it looks Cris finally believes that Paloma is his child.Carloca has started her campaign to not only make him not get the promotion to bishop but i believe thrown out of the priesthood.

I think that's why she took the pictures of him and Natalia.Plus the fact she told Padre Benito that he already has a child may factor in.

Rufi did clean up the mess of Mac blood and the glass, if you remember the scene Rufi kept looking up to where Mac was pushed from like she couldn't believe it had happened.

Right now i think Rufi doesn't want to make the leap that she's been living with a psychotic insane murderer.

The evidence has been there for Rufi to see from sadistically killing Paloma's puppy to Mac's birds. Knowing she a relationship with Arcadia then she turns up dead.

Supposedly hit and run she finds Carloca getting her suv getting repaired at the same time.Then the big reveal by Mac telling her Carloca was the reason she and Cris could not be together.

Telling each of them the other had died. Now the latest the phony make believe actor acting as her father. Also include how adamant she is in keeping Paloma by her side.

Forgot how she wanted her to forgive Aron for the near rape and saying it was her own fault.

No i don't see how Rufi is overlooking all of this evidence that she knows and has seen.Plus include her plotting with RoMEna.

That's why Rufi shouldn't have kept her mouth shut at the team Paloma meeting. She should have told them everything, i guarantee most of them would not only question Inaki's death but Mac's also.

Dr. B knows how nasty and evil Carloca's is from her trying to break up his romance with Mac. I don't think it would be a big leap for him with Carloca.

Novelera – you did a bang-up job again! You write really well. Say, why don’t you be our Friday person, since you’ve already completed two now? You could be as brief as you feel like and we all would be pathetically grateful.

Those two boys did their graffiti in broad daylight and we have to assume that Camila’s shop isn’t on some back street where nobody goes. Plus Diana with her bright red hair wasn’t even hiding effectively behind the bushes. But of course nobody caught the boys and nobody saw Diana. And we know that people having secret love affairs can kiss in the parks in the middle of the day. Whadda town! If nobody sees things like this in broad daylight, no wonder Carlota who at least tries to be sneaky can get away with stuff so easily.

If I recall correctly, the fellow playing Edmundo died in real life, which would mean they’d have to do something to tie up that loose end. But then again maybe he died after the filming was over.

When I was watching the Premios I finally saw the ad with Cesar Evora. I had thought he might be showing up as the bishop, but seeing the ad nixed that idea.

Novelera, thank you so much. I concur on your writing. It's a pleasure to read.

I wonder how Cris will react when he hears the fake dad story. Either Paloma or Carloca is sure to tell him one of these days. I'll be sorely disappointed in him if he of all people believes that nonsense.

They're really building up the Cesar suspense. Whether he's good or bad, I hope he's able to rattle Carloca's cage. On a side note, I think Carloca's character is fascinating. She's repulsive and scary but she sure ain't dull!


Even if Carlotta succeeds in getting Chris ousted from the priesthood what makes her think she can get Chris to marry her or fall in love with her...hah!!! dream on....


Yes, Carloca even stripped to the buff for Padre Chris. If his rejection of her didn't register in her brain at that time, nothing is gonna stop this crazy nutjob, Ha ha.


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