Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Gancho Tuesday Nov. 3 '09 Aldo and Mauricio Are Both Brought To Heel And Sal Seems Senile

All kinds of bad things are happening to our menfolk in this one. Aldo has become resigned to his fate in the orphanage. Mauricio caves in to Constanza's cruel pressure. And Sal is twitching and blinking and seeing conspiracies everywhere. ( Well, he' s right! Someone is out to get him.)

Not to mention poor Monita in a coma for six months. At least we can stop worrying about her being pregnant....can't we? Well, I for one didn't see a baby bump under that sheet, but who knows? Here's what DID happen for sure....

We begin with a 110 miles per hour conversation between Paula and Estrella in the barrio. Gist: they both want to visit Monita. Presence is important. But Estrella has a casting call for a movie and Paula needs to get to work. They decide that Estrella will visit later if she has time, and Paula will prevail on Gaby for time off to sneak in a visit. And since "Sermeño Group" is always there, it's not like our little comatose boxer is lonely.

But Nieves sure is. We see her crying and sniffling as she hugs one of Beto's abandoned t-shirts which evidently still smells of Beto. (what an image). And the lament goes like this: How could you leave me after I nursed you for 8 years? Let's just take a moment to think that one over.

Okay. Moving on. We're at the office and Gaby and a twitchy Sal are lamenting the fact that Mauricio is never in the office and is letting the business slide. The camera pans back and forth between them and the sneaky Oscar/Jeronimo duo looking appropriately guilty and furtive. Jerry is also feeling bereft now that his planned and paid for night of Pasha passion turned into a "desvalijada" (getting robbed and ransacked) instead. By golly, he's going to have to take out a loan from the firm to refurnish his pad. Oscar firmly suggests that he work instead. (Horrified look from Jeronimo) But it has to be done if we're going to take Mauricio out of the game, counsels Oscar.

But wait...there's breaking news back at the barrio. Don Cesar and Nieves are about to get it on. I don't want to think about this any more than I want to imagine her nursing Beto 'till age 8.
But lo, we do have a middle-aged paunchy love scene, with both confessing their loneliness and Nieves tugging on his love chain until those two little paunches meet and squeeze. Nothing like a December/December romance to warm the cockles of your heart.

Mauricio's romance, on other hand, is in the doldrums. He's hanging around the hospital night and day gaping at Monita and murmuring sweet nothings., Not sleeping, not eating, and justifying this by saying Monita's more important. Sal, a bit more rational in spite of the coffee poisoning, is suggesting Mau "retomar las riendas (take up the reins again) of the business, and at least sign these daggone papers he brought to the hospital. Mau reminds Sal that the reason he has Salvador is to run the business! No need for him to come back. All he cares about are Monita and the children.

We see the sun rising, clouds floating...and know another day has gone by....maybe more. Nieves and Alicia are hip to hip at Monita's bedside, fighting over who gets to stroke her hair and pat her cheek. The kids find a moment for a group hug at the orphanage, and Lorenza continues her furtive poisoning of Sal's coffee. Monita's been moved to a regular bed. She's off the ventilator by the way. Mau and Teresa huddle together and feel sad. Salvador's tics get worse and we learn that six months have passed.

And things have changed. Aldo has knuckled down, on the surface anyway, to the regime of the fierce school matron. (Anybody remember Ida Lupino playing prison matrons in the old black and white movies? This lady gives me the same vibe even though physically she doesn't resemble her.) Luisa is horrified to see her brother kowtowing to the witch but he shrugs resignedly and says by now Mauricio has forgotten about them. This is their life now. Might as well make the best of it.

And Salvador is becoming gaga...to Gaby's horror and Oscar and Jerry's delight. Gabriela was looking forward to at least 20 good years of passion with her beau but alas, his "fecha de caducidad" (expiration date) is evidently already tattooed on his forehead. And Oscar and Jerry make jokes about him being just a piece of furniture in the office...and "apolillado" (worm-eaten, fusty, aniquated) furniture at that. Then they word play with "pollino" which can mean "idiot or silly ass" and ugh...I'm really hating this storyline, language aside. However, Gaby's suggestion that they hang dog-tags around Sal's neck with his name and address on it, isn't a bad one. Paula's quick to chime in with horror stories about old friends going ga-ga ("chocheando") from one day to the next, and this scene ends with the sad admission that furthermore Monita "sigue igual" (is just the same, no improvement).

Whew. We break for ads. Almost a relief. When we come back...Yea! Siss boom bah! It's Ximena. So glad to see our little airhead. She hasn't changed. Entranced with our pretty Monita's looks, she's considering being put in a sleep coma herself. But wait! first let's check out the wedding album and talk about her fab honeymoon. She's got three things to say: 1) It's a very special day 'cause she's visiting Monita. 2) Rolu's getting his body cast off today (I keep remembering what Carlos said about the ripe aroma that develops after some time in a cast) and 3) Tonight will be their real wedding night and boy has she got an evening prepared for him. (Let's hope it includes a loooong sexy shower.)

Rolu, unsheathed, is looking rather unattractive. The beard does nothing for him and neither do the moans of pain about his legs not functioning. He runs a few memories through his head of the fateful tattoo, the lunge over the parking garage and the sham wedding. And his first words? I want to see my wife.

Gosh, could our Rolu have fallen madly in love after all? As Ximena expects? Stay tuned.

Nieves and Alicia are still hip to hip and squabbling...this time at the laundry tubs.
Suddenly it's like the Second Coming....

Beto arrives. Time stops.

And comprehension too.

'Cause he keeps speaking in English. He's astonished that Monita lost the fight and ended up in the hospital but blows it off as "gajes del oficio" (part of the job). Alicia, angry over his absence and his cavalier attitude, starts in on him but Nieves cruelly cuts her off as a "vientre seco" (empty womb) who has no motherly rights to mess in either Monita or Beto's business. She'll take Beto to the hospital and tosses her undies ("chones") towards Alicia telling her to finish the laundry. Harsh.

Back at the hospital, Estrella is dealing some harsh facts to Ximena as well (not that Xime is paying any attention). Our feisty redhead is trying to explain that Rolu must be furious about all this. But no, Ximensa replies, there are THREE reasons why not. 1) He asked me to marry him. (really?) 2) I took care of him. 3) Eyes don't lie and I can tell by his eyes that he loves me.

Wow. I want to live in Ximena's world. It's such a happy one.

Estrella protests that while she loves Ximena dearly, she has to admit that her girlfriend is the worst thing to happen to Rolu ever! Just then a nurse enters, saying Rolu's asking for his wife. With what kind of face? stutters Ximena...angry or mushy and yearning? Errr...he's just "un poco intranquilo" hedges the nurse. Ahhh, he's gonna kill her, thinks Estrella.

And Paula's gonna kill Constanza! Yes, she just heard that Connie's back in the office and she has her plastic knife ready. Go Paula!

Back to our curious lovebirds. Rolu says to Ximena "Why did you leave me alone for so long. You're my wife and I missed you." Ximena shrieks with joy and plops on his lap, which leaves Rolu shrieking also.....with other feelings. Hmmm....can't wait to see how this plays out. But I don't see a loooong sexy shower in their future.

The long-awaited reunion with Constanza is also not going well. She's got Mauricio by the short hairs. As soon as he starts to yell about her betrayal, she smoothly heads for the door, saying she'll give him another six months to cool off and discuss this in a civilized manner. He can see HER kids tomorrow or he can wait another six months. But she has the power to decide. Harsh, harsh, harsh.

And the long-awaited reunion with Beto and Monita is also hitting some rough spots...namely Estrella who's castigating him for disappearing for months "en meses ni tus luces" and stinking up the hospital room now that he's back. He slinks off with his trademark insult to Estrella: "Tu sigues siendo nadie" (you're still a nobody)

Constanza, continuing her torture of the hapless Mauricio, has made it to the elevator, where Paula holds her hostage with her plastic knife. Lorenza, concerned, runs off to get her a real blade! how many times have I told you?! plastic won't do the trick! I felt some real affection for Lorenza at this point. Sometimes her heart is truly in the right place.

Constanza continues twisting the screws. I suppose you think I'm responsible for Monita losing the fight because I sprayed her eyes. But it's HER fault. She's the one who insisted on going ahead with the bout. I'm not responsible.

We take a little break back in the hospital room where Nieves and Estrella are now in a heart to heart. Nieves is admitting that Beto has many defects of character and that raising him alone, she may had made mistakes. But at her age, she can't be alone. And Don Cesar is just temporary solace. He's like all men, he'll move on. Estrella, of all people, can understand that....that men move on. In fact, that's why Nieves is so hard on her. Because she sees herself in Estrella and the bad choices she's made.

Ah. Well at least that's settled. We'll all been opining that for months.

Now back to our beaatch (sorry Carlos) and her take-down scene with Mauricio. She's enjoying pretending to be sorry about Monita and her coma and Mau is furious with her hypocrisy. But he has to keep it toned down or she'll walk out again. I don't hate her like you think I do, coos Connie. Not really. I feel terrible about your adorable chimpanzee. (Aaargh, I could stab her right now with a plastic knife myself!)

So now the Big Question: What does Mau have to do to see the children again? Simple. He has to marry Constanza. TA DAH. And there the episode ends.

Previews: They don't bode well, folks. Rolu is vowing to Jeronimo that he's going to make Ximena's life a living hell. Nieves is reaming out Beto again, concluding that Mauricio is more of a man that Roberto is. Harsh! Tano is wisely advising Mauricio that if he marries Connie he'll ruin his life. But Mau bleats sadly: It's the only way I'll get my kids back. On to the little bus for you Mauricio!


desvalijar = ransack, rob, clean out
paliduchas = pale-skinned women. Americans. (Nieves' lament about Beto going north)
sacar a la jugada = take out of the game (Oscar scheming)
apolillado = worm eaten, fusty, antiquated
apolillar = to snooze
apolillarse = to get moth eaten, to get infested with wormwood
pollino =idiot, silly ass
tatuada su fecha de caducidad =stamped with his expiration date (Salvador)
gajes del oficio = all part of the job
en meses ni tus luces = no sight of you in months
"bella durmiente" - Sleeping Beauty (Monita)
no seas gacha = don't be snotty (Beto to Estrella)
tu sigues siendo nadie = you're still a nobody, you're still a nothing
los chones = undies, lingerie. (This is the first slang word I learned after a few months of studying Spanish. My friend from Spain didn't know what it meant. My teacher who'd studied in Mexico didn't know what it meant. Neither did her Peruvian husband. Finally found the definition on the internet, after coming across it in Fronteras, a Spanish language newspaper.

Dicho of the Day:

I've used this before but it fits. And besides "review and learn new".

Mejor solo que mal acompañado. Better to be alone than in a bad relationship. Don't marry her, Mauricio! NOOOOOOOOO


Judy, Judy, you definitely must be feeling better. This was magical. You did not waste a single word and yet you absolutely captured this episode inserting your biting humor at will. I know this sounds hokey, but I hear you shouting when you whisper. Must be a deaf guy thing. As for senescent sex, that's why God invented light switches. Yay Nieves and Cesar!


Great recap!

Had to stop lurking to say what a sad episode! :( I don't watch this show everyday, but always look forward to a laugh when I do get a chance to see it. Ay yay yay! Thank goodness Xime is back, but I don't trust Rolu. I am hoping that he is suffering from a serious case of Stockholm Syndrome and has really fallen for Xime in his months of "captivity."

I found the scene with Nieves and Alicia arguing over Beto funny, since in real life the actress who plays Alicia is Beto's real mom, and the other actress does not have children. I wonder how they kept a straight face during that scene? :)

-Vivi in DC

Hahaha...Rolu unsheathed, I don't know why that cracked me up so much but it did. However, he sure had fire in his eyes when the cast was being removed. Xime watch out!

I find it odd that Beto didn't contact Nieves at all while he was gone six entire months. Oh well, makes for a more dramatic story I guess.

Vivi, very good point about the actresses playing Nieves and Alicia. It is funnier with your comment in mind.

Wow, does Estre look super hot in red or what? What a very sweet scene between Estre and Nieves.

I think Nieves and Don Cesar are adorable. You go kids!!

Miss Judy, I am SO glad you are back. Whew! We missed you. I know you hate it when these shows turn downward but heck, you still blessed us with a fab recap. I laughed all the way through it. By the way, I think your comparison of Ida Lupino and the head dominatrix is spot on. I was trying to think who she reminded me of and I couldn't quite get it. Mrs. Danvers? Not quite. (That would be the nasty piece of work from ENDA.) But yes, Ida Lupino could be it. Ahhhhh, Ida Lupino...what a woman.

Thanks Judy. Loved the recap, vocab, and your daily dicho!

Hah, Carlos...senescent sex and light switches. I'm sitting here laughing over my breakfast. I did love that scene of wild-haired Don Cesar swanning around the barrio laundry tubs in his silk robe. Hubba hubba.

And gosh, I've never minded "hokey". You have me blushing, (or am I hot flashing?)

Vivi...so glad you decided to stop lurking. We'd love to have your thoughts on a regular basis, whenever you watch.

Didn't know that about the actress playing Alicia. Will enjoy the scenes all the more now. You must be bilingual, judging from your translation help on Sortilegio. Ever considered recapping.

Well, anyway, we LOVE hearing from you on the blog line.

Sylvia...my eye is a lot better. Not healed, but better. Will call the doctor Thursday to see what else we need to do. But my energy is back and the vision has improved. I'm still not reading (other than the recaps) but I'm 100% encouraged and relieved.

I'm sure we can come up with a better "doppelgänger" for the school matron. I just threw out Ida Lupino for starters, since she was so great in her dominatrix role. If the school matron were playing a lovable role, I'd find her very attractive. I like the haircut and the tailored suits! very professional.

Glad you all are enjoying the AARP romance. I just keep wondering "who's on top?"

Hmmm...remember the first time some playground kid told you the facts of life (I was a mere 6 years old, in Towanda, PA) and you thought...ewwwww, my mom and dad couldn't be doing that! I must be adopted.

I think that's my reaction to Don Cesar and Nieves. Still, anything those two actors do is funny. Again, must praise the total cast as awesome in their parts. Absolutely stellar.

Good morning everyone. It's not even 7:00 a.m. and there are alreaady 7 comments posted!

Judy, I'll echo what's already been said - we are so happy to have you back and relieved that you are feeling better. You are an inspiration and a blessing amiga.

Your vocabulary list (and dicho) was simply outstanding. Your insight and observations are always amazing, but particularly so with this recap.

With so many nefarious doings, there are 2 that upset me greatly. Aldo and his femsibs (thanks Carlos) thinking they've been abandoned "becoming resigned to his/their fate in the orphanage" and dear, poor Sal who is "twitching and blinking". Sigh.

My advice to Ximena is to run for the hills. I fear Rolu has some truly heinous vengence planned. I think having anything happen to Ximena would push me over the edge.

Hoping the writers get back to their comedic roots, which is why we all became so entraced with this initially.

Diana in MA

Oooh, I love the word "heinous" Diana. And you're right. Rolu probably has something awful planned, but so far Ximena is pure teflon. Everything slides right off her. Haven't seen her distressed for more than 15 seconds at a time. Here's hoping THAT at least doesn't change.

Thanks for checking in and those kind words, amiga. Here's hoping for better days for us, my eye, and ESPECIALLY for the doings on Gancho.

I think that Rolu is no match for Xime. He may try to exact revenge on her but Judy is right. Xime is teflon. (I hope!)

I, too, feel bad for the kiddies. Six months and Mau hasn't found them? He's such a dope. And what about Estre and Katia? I thought they would at least try to find them. Hmmmph!

Well, I guess we have to assume Estrella and Katja DID try, but even the high-priced detective couldn't find the kids (shades of Tontas plotting coming back?) so at least we fast-forwarded 6 months through the coma.

Actually the storylines of these telenovelas are seeming downright incestuous, the more I watch. The same love scene in Merida was shot in both Sortilegio and Gancho. Same shots of galan loosening strap of heroine's sundress to proceed to watery "criterion behavior". That must be one hot grotto, or whatever they call it in Merida.

I think it might have been a cenote, not sure. Whatever it is, it's funny how our lovebirds were the only people there. I'm sure it's a major tourist attraction, how lucky for them that no other tourists happened to be around. Or maybe they were...

They called it a "cenote" in the Sortilegio recap and that word isn't even in my HUGE Oxford Spanish-English dictionary. It IS in my Larousse Español-Español as "manantial o gran depósito natural de agua situado a gran profundidad y que se alimenta de corrientes subterráneas: los cenotes mayas de la peninsula mexicana de Yucatán tenian carácter sagrado." Hmmm...wonder if that sacred character is defiled by having large crews of Televisa folks filming love scenes there? Oh well. Sagrado is sagrado. Either it is or it isn't. If our human shenanigans can defile the sacred, there ain't nuthin' left sacred by now I'm sure.

It was so great to have Ximena back with us last night. What a pleasant deviation from the usual bedside soulular catharsis having Ximena prattle on about her honeymoon.I imagine that Moni had a difficult time maintaining her comatose composure. And speaking of comatose, I wonder in Aldo has been Ritalinized. That certainly wasn't normally petulant pup up there last night.


I couldn't figure out if our "petulant pup" had just gotten better at faking compliance (always a useful skill when entrapped) or if he truly had been emotionally lobotomized. The sibling hugs were a plus, anyway, and we need many more doses of crazeeee Ximena (and fewer of seeing poor enfeebled Sal twitching and blinking).

PS Also consulted our ginormous 30 lb. Webster's Dictionary upstairs and it defines "cenote" thus: Spanish for Mayan "tzonot". A DEEP SINKHOLE (that doesn't sound romantic!) in Central America and the Yucatan peninsula formed by the collapse of strata overlying solution cavities in limestone and having a pool fed by the water table. esp:natural well into which sacrificial offerings were thrown in Mayan ceremonies.

Conclusion: 1) Romance is a sinkhole.
2) Watch out! If you make love in one, you may become a "sacrificial offering". (Monita and Maria José, are you listening?)
3) I'm sure Ximena wouldn't believe a word of it!

Thanks for your wonderful recap Judy. You made it delightful even though the proceeding were anything but that. Thanks for the vocab and dichos as well.

Carlos, thank you for your recap also. I didn't get to it until late last night. Your medical assessment of Monita's coma was very enlightening.

I know this is a telenovela but I'm very upset about Connie. She puts the kids in captivity for 6 months, makes Mau leave Moni at the alter, and sprays Moni in the eyes. Her calculated manipulation edges her closer to Carlota. I know I'm thinking too much about this (and stranded in the airport) but how can you harm someone's children, force him to marry you, and not think this might be the turning point which would cause him to kill you in your sleep. I know Mau would not do this but her actions have been so heinous (thanks Diana) it's difficult for me to stomach. Sorry for the rant but Connie is bothering me more than Bruno (on Sorti and at least I can laugh at his foaming at the mouth).

Hi Karen...QUE?..stranded at the airport? So sorry. Yes, the chilling part about Constanza's cruelty is that it's cool and calculated, whereas Bruno in Sortilegio is just BSC out of control crazy and evidently has been "off" since birth.

Connie is rational, capable of faking affection and tenderness rather convincingly (actually we must assume Bruno was faking well with MJ before the plan went south); but Connie can stay cool even when thwarted. She just pulls back and comes up with another HEINOUS plan.

And at least Bruno hasn't sacrificed any orphans yet. I always hate these plots involving emotional damage to babies and young children. Makes ME crazy.

Now get out of that airport! (Tell the pilot to get off his laptop.)

Karen, glad to hear from you. Try not to fret too much. I imagine that there will be some fairly swift and appropriate justice for Coni. I have to admit, however, she does seem to be getting the hang of this evilness thing. I was hoping for a bit more defiance out of the kids. Maybe tonight. Sal's twitching is heart-rending. Someone please take him to a Dr. This is one time cutting out the coffee would help a lot. And I can't even begin to imagine the way Rolu must have smelled after 6 mos. in the body cast.


Judy, thank you for the excellent, breezy recap, and I'm glad your eye is better.

I'd like to see Mau have a detective follow Connie, now that he knows where she is. He could say no to her proposal, then when she contacts the matron, the kids would be found. This will never happen, of course.

As for Sal, could he at least consider going to the doctor? It's possible blood tests could determine he has built up a large amount of belladonna or something similar, and maybe they could even narrow it down to what he's been eating or drinking. Again, unlikely.

I hate to admit it, but I actually feel a little sorry for Rolu. I don't want him to do anything to actually harm Xime, but maybe she could wake up to what she's done? Okay, third time, not happening.

Despite all my mild pleas for reality to intrude into our show, I actually prefer the contrived plots the writers come up with, so I'm anxiously awaiting what comes next (and in the previews, I think Moni wakes up, so we only had 2 days of coma - Yay!).

Also, Judy, thank you for the vocabulary. Somehow, I didn't even hear them say most of those things, and I thought I understand what was going on! But I really appreciate all the sayings and slang expressions which are never taught in a standard Spanish course, but which are said all the time by real people (such as our true to life characters :)

I can't believe Rolu was in the cast for six months. Good grief. He needed some of that bone-growing potion they use in Harry Potter.

This is all almost too tragic to watch but I'm hoping the six-month skip means we can now move on. Thanks for covering all the tragedy with aplomb and style, Judy.

On a more amusing note, I'm pretty sure Cesar was wearing fuzzy zip-up footie pajamas under his Hugh Hefner robe.

Oooh...naughty detail-noting Julia. Were you looking under Don Cesar's robe?!!!! That could be dangerous you know.

Hombre, I feel exactly the same way about your recap vocabulary. Did they say those things? So very grateful for the extra work you put in looking things up.

So you're okay with all the drama, huh. Me, I get waaay too emotionally involved when things turn tragic. There's enough of that in real life. Need some of your "boundaries" I guess.

PS Want to pass on a "hello" from both Nickster and Julie (of FELS, MEPS). Nickster is having a blast at school but surprised at how much work there is and how busy he is.

Julie is just worn out from her long commute (2 and 1/2 hours) and her work and various deadlines. She comes home, warms up leftovers or a frozen meal in the oven, checks her mail, takes care of essentials and heads off to bed.

So send her good thoughts and good vibes. Sounds like a dreary winter coming up (making the commute harder and longer) and I know you miss her funny comments and insights just like I do.

Thanks Judy and Carlos for feeling my pain. Not everything gets to me but manipulation and being ruthless with children vexes me greatly.

Also, I'm glad you are in better health Judy and hope your eye continues to heal.

And the plot with Sal is sad too. No one (even Sal himself) finds his behavior odd enough to seek medical attention? Sigh.

Hombre - I like your fantasy logic scenarios. I think the writers could keep things amusing and have Mau be a bit more on the ball.

Julia - you are always able to observe the secret life of our characters and say it in a way that always makes me laugh. Thanks.

Judy! No! You could see the pajamas at the neck and sleeves. They looked just like the jammies that toddlers wear.

Is the poison making Sal crazy in such a way that he can't realize how off he is? Gabi needs to shanghai him into a doctor visit asap.

Lorenza's drops in Salvador's coffee remind me of the Army's tests of LSD on its soldiers back in the '50's. That or Lucrezia Borgia. That whole business really bothers me.

Also, the S&M theme that keeps creeping in. Starting w/ Lorenza & her "castigo" for Oscar, then Oscar using the rope on the blindfolded Jeronimo and then this whole "Story of O" abduction of the kids. Agree w/ Judy - leave the kids out of this. Coni seems to be all about power and Mauricio too often is all about submission. Ya basta would be my vote.

Rolu looked a lot like the guy in the Geico Caveman commercials when they took off the cast. Six months w/o a shower, haircut or shave. Yeah, I'd guess he was quite ripe.

Thanks, Judy! Glad your eye is improving.

Yes! That's it!...the guy in the Geico caveman commercials. Not someone who makes my heart beat faster, although Rolu himself is attractive in a bad guy kind of way.

And ditto for the unpleasantness of Mauricio's all too often submissive response. That coupled with his slack-jawed open-mouthed look when Monita was in the hospital drains even more from his hero appeal. Right now Connie appears to have more testosterone than he does.

Well, here's hoping for a more upbeat episode tonight.
The S/M with Oscar and Lorenza and the rope around Jeronimo's neck didn't bother me. (Does that make me bad?) But oooh, the kids, can't take it, can't take it.

Mauricio should agree to marry Constanza, get the kids back, and then always act completely embarrassing in public so she'll be desperate to get away from him.

Always an interesting point of view, Miss Julia. A few turns in his clown outfit and some more off-key Mariachi singing would be a good way to start. I'm sure you can think of some more scenarios. Go fot it!

Thank you for the recap Judy. It did seem like a Cenote where Mau and Moni where, I keep remembering that those were the places the Mayans offered the most beautiful girls to their gods so maybe it does mean something. I don't want to seem like a six year old saying this but I have to say it: Gancho did the cenote thing first, Sortilegio started when our dear show was in it's last weeks.

I also couldn't forget what Carlos said about the smell when the doctor was getting him out of his cast. I forgot about that scene so I was surprised when watching that they had him looking so rough.


Our son was about six when he was allowed to bring home the cast from his arm. He chased all of us around the house yelling, "Odor, odor, odor!" I don't even want to imagine the odor in a body cast!

I'm a little disappointed that there's no tiny Mini-Mao percolating. Moni must have had a touch of gas when Mao dropped her off in the 'hood after the trip. Mexican food?

As for Mao's seat on the little bus, the way he's been lately, Teri had better pin a note to his shirt.

Estrella and I were thinking along the same wavelink reading Beto's mind that like the principe azul, he would give her a kiss and she'd wake up. Sorry Buster, you blew it.


Emilia, back in the good old days I did a fair amount of uncomplicated orthopedics and invariably the kids would want to keep their old casts when I would remove them. We were always more than happy to oblige and even provided them with a sack to take it home in. That would usually be after 6 weeks. 6 mos. is almost unthinkable.


The funny thing is that Rolu's teeth were shiny and white. Wonder what was in those juice boxes they fed him!

Glad it is going to be a short (for us) coma. I can't watch when they have a respirator, having seen my mother with one....

Wonder where Katia has been. She's a teenager, isn't she? I hope Coni at least packed her off to their parents, if she remembered.

I'm thinking Also is playing by the rules to get more privileges, and have a greater chance of escaping. Soon, please!!!

Constanza is very concerned about money, image, and status. Mauricio could hide all his money and claim business is bad and his investments have tanked, buy cheap ugly clothes, trade his fancy car for an old rusty beater, act as naco as possible when they're out with people, try to get Coni to do the cooking and laundry, then criticize the way she does everything. Eat corn nuts all the time so he has bad breath. Tell terrible stories and jokes and laugh at them really loudly for a long time. Repeat everything she says. There are plenty of ways to annoy and embarrass a person if you're committed to it.

Julia I like your ideas, I'm picturing Mau wearing Beto's clothes and with his hair in a greasy ponytail, hehe. I think at this point Constanza just has an unhealthy obsession with Mau. If she has the money to buy the judge, sent the kids to a private school and go to New York for six months then she doesn't need his money. She is pretty and she could just find another rich guy.


True. I think she is just obsessed and refuses to be dumped, which is why I think the workable plan is to get her to leave him, thinking it's her own idea and he isn't worth having. As well as maintaining her pride, she also likes Mauricio's social status, and wouldn't be so interested if he had none. She likes Beto but won't acknowledge him as her novio because he is of low social and economic status.

I feel so cheated that we didn't get to see Connie and Beto in New York!

I would have love to see that, if only to see the kind of things Beto would do in New York. Speaking of him, what did you thought of his english? Obviously he was supposed to be bad at it, I had to pause and rewind to understand what he was saying.

What's amazing to me is that now Beto and Constanza have had a longer relationship than Mau and Moni(since she spent most of their relationship in a coma).


Wow...interesting discussion. It always gets lively when I leave for class.

Julia, your ideas are just wicked wicked wicked. And effective. Do corn nuts really give one bad breath? Brussel sprouts sure do. I like every one of your strategies.
+ + + +

Emilia...I'm with you. I hated the respirator theme. I have had a mother-in-law and two dear friends on respirators so that is always heart-wrenching to watch.
+ + +

Jarocha...yes, I felt the same way with Sortilegio. WE (Gancho) did it first! Of course most of the folks on that line don't watch Gancho so they're not aware of it. But I did want to say nyah nyah nyah...but hard to do that when Señor Levy was looking so hawt.
+ + +
Carlos! Pin a note to his shirt! Oh my. You are putting a smile on my face for sure.

Emilia...the other thing putting a smile on my face is imagining your son running around the house with his cast shouting "odor, odor, odor". Having had both boys and girls I am amazed at how different male and female sensibilities are. A wonder any relationship lasts, given how vastly different our perspectives are. Goes to show you Mother Nature is one powerful lady!

Jarocha, I only heard Beto say a few words in English. It sounded okay...definitely an accent, but not grossly mispronounced like the few words Fernando Colunga said in English in MEPS.

Ditto what Julia said. It wasn't a gross accent and I didn't find it hard to understand. Just delivered in Beto's trademark funny style.

If Mauricio really wants to be a turnoff he could grow his hair long and stringy and walk around weeping and crying into an old ragged, green scarf.

I can't remember Colunga's accent in MEPS. Funny that he was supposed to have attended Harvard and was so bad at speaking english then. And yeah, Beto used his chilango accent while speaking english. I often have troubles with that one.

If anyone is ever up for a challenge, I'd recommend to hear Café Tacuba's "Chilanga Banda" wich is entirely in chilango speak, even people in México that are not from DF have trouble understanding what they meant (I had to read a translation).


Ha ha, Sylvia...I still haven't seen much of Pasion but I remember folks hating his character and that filthy green scarf.

Jarocha, I'll try that link tomorrow morning when I've had some coffee and all my neurons are firing. Thanks. You're such a great resource for us.

Jarocha, that link is awesome! I'm so glad you remember stuff like that to share.

Emilia, I forgot to tell you how your story completely cracked me up. I can just see some kid running around with his smelly cast terrorizing the household. Funny!

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