Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Sortilegio #25, November 10: I want 1/3, Alex!

So Bruno engineered Paula "killing" a man and now he's blackmailing MaryJo again and he says there'll be no saving them now. MaryJo at least thinks to ask if this isn't something Bruno cooked up. He denies it of course, and reminds her that she already knows what he wants. She runs away and he says they'll talk later.

Bruno walks on and runs into Raquel, who gripes at him for talking to "that servant" and then wants to talk to him, but he ignores her and walks on.

So then Roberto comes out of his chalet asking what all the shouting is about. Raquel repeats my last paragraph. Robert's response is "ok, then talk to Alex." Like, duh. Raquel says at least Alex is civil. Like she'd know from civil.

Inside the big house, Alex and a robe-clad Vicky discuss their options. 1: They make a deal with Bruno and give him 1/3, and then make a deal with Raquel also. 2: They fight, which will take a couple of years and be really exhausting for everybody. Alex doesn't want to put Vicky through a court battle. Vicky tries to protest, but Alex reminds her that his Daddy left him in charge. Even so, he wants her to have the final word. Vicky says she made up her mind yesterday and she's not going to submit to a "chantaje" (blackmailing) by her own son. Alex wants her to think about it and says they have a few days.

Out in the wilds of the manse (hey, don't those trees look suspiciously like the ones in which Vicky told Tony that the hellspawn were on the way?) Paula tells MaryJo (who is busily trying to ask "why didn't you?" which, hey, too late for that, so just be supportive, m'kay?) that she didn't check the body because she was scared and besides, Erick checked and said the guy was dead. Paula doesn't want to tell Alex and MaryJo doesn't exactly agree, but she doesn't disagree either. Paula remembers that the guy just walked in front of the car and didn't even look first. MaryJo is grouchy about Erick letting Paula get behind the wheel of a car in the dark. Paula swears it won't happen again, but she wants MaryJo to swear not to tell anyone. MaryJo reminds Paula that even if it was a homeless drunk, it was still a human being. Dude, she's not unrepentant, so back off. Paula would probably be better off turning herself in to the cops…at least they won't give her a sermon every five minutes about what she should or shouldn't have done.

Fernando comes to pick up Vicky. Felipa goes upstairs to get her and gets about halfway up when Bruno comes in the front door and tells Fernando that he made it clear Fer wasn't to come around anymore. He calls Fernando a "retrasado mental" (mentally delayed, i.e. "retarded"). Fernando says it's not Bruno's house and he's not going to get in an argument and disrespect Bruno's momma. Bruno suggests they pick another time and place to get into it. Vicky comes downstairs and tells Bruno to lay off. She tells Fernando they're leaving now and Bruno, in a kind of whiny voice, tells her not to go anywhere with Fernando since he's just after her money. "Whatever," says Vicky, "I'm old enough to take care of myself!" Bruno whines that she's his mother. Again, whatever. Vicky tells him if he cared, he wouldn't be doing all the stupid stuff he's doing. She's acting like a mother, but he's not acting like a son. Bruno starts to say it's her fault for sleeping with the old man, but now Vicky grabs a couple of handfuls of lapel and tells him he'd better not dare say another word. She asks Fernando to get her out of there and walks out the door herself, Fernando following.

Vicky apologizes to Fernando for Bruno's behavior. Fernando's not worried, since Bruno's never liked him. Vicky doesn't think that gives Bruno the right to treat Fernando the way he does. She keeps trying to apologize and asking him to forget it and he just tells her not to worry about it and let's go have a good time. He tells her after they check out the land, he's taking her someplace "incredible" for lunch. There's a moment of romantic tension when he buckles her seatbelt.

Ché looks on as Ulises calls up some guy named Federico. Ulises turns down a party invitation, but asks for Fede's help. He offers money and says it's nothing dangerous, just a "broma" (joke, practical joke) and gets a number from Fede.

Some guy getting his shoes shined gets a call from Ulises. This guy is Leo and Ulises got his number from Fede (seriously, we needed to know all this? Ulises couldn't have just called Leo first? We really needed to know how he got Leo's number?). Leo laughs at the mention of a favor and says he's not a "maricon" (fag…sorry, I'm not a fan of the word, but that's the connotation…and also it was bleeped, but I'm 99% sure that's what the guy's lips were saying). Ulises assures him it's not "that" but that there is a lot of money involved. They arrange to meet on the terrace of the bar facing the ocean at noon. Uh, yeah, and the red chicken flies at night. Leo wonders how they'll recognize each other and Ulises tells him to give his name to the bartender and say he's waiting for a friend. They hang up and Leo smiles.

Bruno has a web conference with the Stunt Guy. SG wanted to tell Bruno that there was one tiny problem with their flawless plan (ja, ja, Bruno E. Coyote, take that!), a guy saw him get up. Bruno asks for a description. SG says it was an old guy, probably just someone walking around there, but he wanted Bruno to know. Bruno calls Erick and tells him to come to his room (don't do it, Erick! Defect!).

Pedro and Chucho take a walk as Felipa picks flowers from the garden. Something about having a drink or dinner with Mercedes. Pedro doesn't think he's invited, but Chucho thinks it's both of them. Felipa greets them. She was planning to go visit Pedro later and see how he's doing. Pedro doesn't think she should bother. Pshaw, it's no bother, and she's glad to see he's doing better. Felipa announces she's got the day off, since Vicky's out of the house, and she plans to go to the market to pick up some ingredients for pozole ( Felipa invites Pedro to come along and help carry her bags (sucka!). Pedro's going to go change his shoes and Felipa's going to put the flowers in water and they'll meet at the front door in 10 minutes. Chucho invites himself along because one date isn't enough for him, and then he and Pedro start planning all the food they're going to get at the market. Boys! Felipa is irked that they ran off without saying goodbye. But they're gentlemen of a certain age, so they didn't get far before she got a goodbye out of them both. She goes back to picking her flowers with barely a change in facial expression.

Bruno is now griping Erick out for not having seen that someone found "the body" after they left. Erick says it was too dark for him to have seen if anyone else was around. Erick just had too much to worry about. Bruno hopes it wasn't one of the household servants, but they usually aren't out unless it's the weekend. Whatever, Bruno just hopes if it was they didn't recognize the car. Erick begs Bruno not to turn Paula in to the cops, which he only plans to do if MaryJo doesn't do what he wants. Sappy music plays as Erick says she's a good kid, young, and she doesn't deserve for her life to go to waste. Bruno laughs at him and accuses him of being in love with Paula. Erick denies it and says she's a nice kid who has nothing against anyone, and nothing against Bruno. Bruno shuts him up. He wants Erick to tell him when MaryJo is alone. Erick tucks his tail between his legs and leaves.

Pedro and Chucho run into MaryJo and Paula and tell her that they're going to the market with Felipa. Just to carry her bags, understand? Chucho asks MaryJo to make an excuse to Zeke for why he's out of the house. His first suggestion is that he went to get her a paper, but they get all the papers delivered. Paula is upset at the mention of the paper and wonders if the news would have gotten out already.

Back in MaryJo's old room, Paula cries while MaryJo calls Ezequiel and asks him to bring her all of today's papers.

Ulises and Leo meet for drinks. Ulises gives Leo some money so that he can register at a cheap hotel under the name Mario Aguirre. If someone starts asking around about him, he is to switch hotels. Ulises also gives him the number for the Lombardo house so that he can call and ask for MaryJo. Leo wonders why he's doing this, but Ulises tells him it's none of his business. Fine by Leo, he's done other jobs for Federico before and he's not going to cut off a source of work.

Raquel and Roberto argue on the way to the garage. Raquel doesn't want him there when she talks to Alex, but he insists, since he is technically family and this concerns him too. Raquel makes him take his own car because she says that the new chauffeur is going to take her to run lots and lots of errands after. The new guy asks where they're going, but he doesn't know where Alex's office is, so Raquel has to tell him to follow her husband's car.

MaryJo and Paula look through all the papers, but there's no mention of an accident or of anyone being run over. They hope maybe the guy lived or someone helped him or something. Paula is sorry for causing MaryJo so much trouble. Alex calls and invites MaryJo to dinner, but she makes excuses, saying she's not hungry and not in the mood. Alex wonders if maybe, even though she says she had Aunt Flo over for a visit, she really is pregnant. MaryJo says she's not and they agree to have dinner at home. Paula asks her what's wrong as MaryJo cries, but she doesn't answer yet.

Ulises gives Maura a neck massage as he tells her everything's taken care of. He claims they can trust the guy because he makes a living doing "transas" (cons). But he does wonder where they're going with all this. Basically, Maura just hopes that it will make Alex see what a ho MaryJo is and get rid of her and her trashy family. Ulises says no way. Alex is in love with her. He reminisces about being in love once with an anvil who looked almost identical to MaryJo. The anvil was a drug addict who would occasionally be repentant, but then go back to the drugs again. Ulises finally had to leave the anvil behind. Maura doesn't think Alex is like Ulises because he has dignity. Ulises is adamant that the whole "Mario Aguirre" subplot isn't going to get the job done.

Ulises goes outside and calls someone named Elena, who is busy brushing her horse while wearing a plaid nightgown and a see-thru black chiffon bolero jacket. He asks where Sandra is and Elena tells him that Sandra is still in Spain finishing school. Ulises says that he met a girl who looks exactly like Sandra, isn't that funny? Elena looks panicky. Ulises tells her that the girl's name is MaríaJose and asks if she doesn't have family around there. Elena says lots of people look like other people. Ulises goes on to say that this girl has a sister and a father and just got married to an important man. "How nice for her," says Elena. Ulises tells her he just wanted to call and say hi and see how Sandra was doing. They hang up.

A man comes over to Elena and asks who was on the phone. She tells him it was Ulises, asking about Sandra. The man is going to the hospital and won't be home for dinner. Elena sighs and says "María Jose, I can't believe it!"

At the market, Felipa has to pay for everything because the guys are broke. She points out a stall where the can have a great lime soup with some horchata and cheese. Hopefully the cheese isn't in the horchata, but who knows.

Fernando and Vicky visit "the site." Those are some pretty big ruins…how did they buy that and not know that they couldn't build there? Maybe they're just looking at other pyramids in the area? Vicky laughs and says she feels like a kid on a field trip. Fernando doesn't think she's old, just accustomed to a more serious life. As they climb in the back of a pedicab, Vicky says he only thinks so because he's a "lisonjero" (flatterer). Fernando thought bubbles that he thinks so because he's in love with her and he wonders what she'd think if he told her that.

Raquel explains to Alex that she's been left out of all the discussions and if goods are going to be redistributed she thinks it's only fair that she get 1/3. Alex says he wants to settle things out of court and keep it quiet, which Roberto agrees with, but Alex says that Bruno is insisting on having the name "Lombardo" which is going to make that difficult. Alex tries to remind Raquel about the terms of the original will, but she says again that if things are going to be changed, she wants 1/3. Raquel gripes at Roberto that she didn't even want him to come to this meeting. Alex, however, supports Roberto being there because he's her husband. Alex tells them that he and Vicky hold the majority of the company shares, but Vicky doesn't want to just hand things over, she wants to fight Bruno. "Why?" asks Raquel, "does she hate us?" Heh. Alex says she doesn’t, even though they've treated her like crap. He's having his lawyers write up a deal and then they'll invite Bruno's lawyers over to look at it and if Raquel wants, she can come to the meeting too. Raquel thinks that sounds like a splendid idea. Alex says, "And now, if you'll excuse me, I have some work to do." What remains unspoken is, "so that I can make more money for you and your worthless brother to fight over." And really, even if Bruno wants a piece, it should be a percentage of what the company was worth when their dad died, cause everything since is what Alex made of it, Bruno's efforts at having housing projects built on quicksand notwithstanding. Raquel asks for a minute to speak to Alex ALONE. Roberto says he'll wait for her outside. Raquel wants to apologize for getting drunk and hitting on her half-brother. Alex doesn't even want to talk about it. She comes over to give him a kiss on the cheek and tells him she loves him. Then she leaves.

When she walks out of the office, Roberto air kisses Mari goodbye and grabs Raquel by the arm, asking what she talked to Alex about. She doesn't answer. Another employee coming in from the door Roberto and Raquel are walking out of asks Mari what she needs. Mari wants this person to help her find Mario Aguirre. She's been calling every hotel and motel in the city for days and can't find him. Mari tells the other woman that it's confidential. The other woman goes off to get another phone book so she can help Mari.

Fernando and Vicky are now visiting the indigenous community. Vicky wants to talk to the people, but they don't speak Spanish, only Mayan, which Vicky doesn't speak. She compliments a little boy in Spanish for being handsome and having huge "pestañas" (eyelashes, and she's right, no amount of mascara in the world can replicate those lashes…why is it always boys who get those when you know they don't care?). She says hello to some of the other people and they all walk together to look at the land.

Felipa, Chucho, and Pedro have finished eating at the taco stand. Felipa paid, of course. She jokes with the men about how much they ate, ja, ja. They hear a whining and realize it's coming from a furry little dog in a crate. It's a dirty dog, but Felipa thinks it's got a pretty face. She decides she's going to take it, since a woman there tells her the dog has been there for a few days and no one has claimed it. Felipa says if anyone comes looking for it they know where to find her. Pedro offers to take care of the dog if they let her keep it.

Puch, the leader of the Maya community, talks about the ruins. Fernando says they're about 1200 years old. Vicky has no doubt that the community will benefit from tourism, but she thinks it will take years. Puch says they're willing to do anything so that their old ones can be recognized as the wise men they were. Everybody walks on to see a well.

Raquel whines to Ulises about what Bruno and Alex are doing and how nobody thinks of her and they're willing to let the family reputation be dragged through the mud, whine, whine, whine. Ulises gives her a drink and says her mom's probably just saying they'll go to court to get Bruno to back off. Then he starts kissing her. Cause when someone's really upset, the best thing to do is get your freak on.

And what a freak she is! Changed into some fishnet thigh-highs and black lingerie. Raquel tells Ulises about the 1/3 that she thinks she'll end up with (dream on, sister) and says she'll lend him money (bye, bye, imaginary 1/3). Ulises says that's not right. Besides, he's got some job offers, not that he can accept just anything. Raquel won't take no for an answer, she's going to write him a big fat check. However, she wants exclusive rights to his slimy self. She brings up Maura (oh, yeah, eau de jealousy, a man's favorite fragrance). Ulises says they're just friends and he doesn't know what she was doing there, maybe she just wanted to talk to him. Ulises says he doesn't like Maura at all and only has eyes for Raquel. Somebody's cell phone rings. Ulises finally answers it. Raquel goes over to copy the pose from Ulises classy artwork. It's Roberto, inviting Ulises to a party at "Joe's" where Joe wants to introduce them to a guy who sings and plays the guitar. "Bo-ring," the guys decree, but Ulises will go because Roberto invited him. Roberto asks if Ulises wants to bring back old times. Ew. Please, Roberto, find another girlfriend, another boyfriend, anything but gross slimy Ulises.

Back at the house, it appears the seniors have dropped the dog off at a vet/groomers. Felipa gives Agustin (?) money and tells him to pick up the dog from the vet along with a leash and a collar.

Bruno finds MaryJo downstairs in the big house. He tells her a witness saw everything and wants money to keep his mouth shut. MaryJo has to come to a hotel (he gives her a piece of paper with the address) or Bruno will let Paula get sent to jail. MaryJo insists she won't go. Bruno takes off (since he was tipped off by Erick) before Alex walks in. MaryJo is surprised when Alex comes in. He asks where they should eat, since his Mom's not home. MaryJo gestures vaguely at the dining table, but says she wants to wash her face. Alex says he does too and runs upstairs with her. Is that what the kids are calling it these days? She manages to stuff the piece of paper in her back pocket. Alex starts telling her about Raquel and Roberto coming to talk to him at work.

Bruno asks Erick if his cell phone can take pictures. Bruno wants Erick to take pictures of MaryJo going into the hotel. And he also wants Erick to shut up about Paula and to find Mario Aguirre. Erick watches him drive off and kind of mouths something, but maybe not.

While Alex is telling MaryJo that at least Raquel isn't interested in causing a scandal, he takes off his jacket and tie. MaryJo takes advantage of his back being turned to toss the piece of paper on the floor and shove it under the bed with her foot. Alex wonders if MaryJo is ok and offers to have Hernán come over, but she says it's just the heat. Alex says he really would have liked it if she had been pregnant. MaryJo nervously says she's not, so "ni modo" (oh, well).

Fernando and Vicky have dinner. Vicky starts talking about Bruno. Fernando's ok with listening. She feels stuck between a rock and a hard place. She always thought he had just as much right to inherit as Alex did, but she can't believe that he would try to take it by force without caring who gets hurt. She doesn't want Bruno to get his way, but she doesn't know if she can take the scandal. Fernando says she's only suffering because she had the guts to love and he's a coward because he hasn't had the guts to say he's in love. Fernando says he's in love, but she's a woman "above" him. Vicky thinks he's a handsome young man with a good career and he should tell the woman. Fernando says he'd rather stay quiet and enjoy her company even if it's only once in a while. He can't take the rejection. Vickypatra drinks more wine. But you know she knows.

Leo reports to Ulises that he hasn't had any problems so far. Ulises is going to give Leo some information so that he has something to say to MaryJo when he calls.

Alex is concerned that MaryJo doesn't appear to be enjoying the food. Alex is really worried about her. He asks if she's sick or if something is going on. She says she's just down because of being at home all the time and is bored with nothing to do. The phone rings and Ezequiel answers it. He gives Alex the phone. It's Mari calling to say she knows where Mario Aguirre is. Alex takes off. MaryJo thinks it could be dangerous. Leo calls as "Mario Aguirre" and asks to speak to MaryJo. She doesn't want to talk to him, but Alex tells her to. He walks off as she tells Mario that she doesn't know him, she's never known a Mario Aguirre. Alex is on another phone as "Mario" says they're from the same town and he knows her father, Pedro, and her sister, Paula, and they know him too. "Or what, you've forgotten everything and now you don't want to take my calls?" MaryJo freaks out and hangs up. Alex gets angry and asks her why she hung up. But in a really creepy quiet way.

Tomorrow: Alex and MaryJo have a shouting match; all the baddies are happy that their nefarious plans have worked out; Alex busts down Mario Aguirre's hotel room door.


Finally! My computer is acting up and it took me longer than usual to get this posted. Enjoy :)

Oh, Kat, probrecita. How frustrating. Jardinera was driven nearly crazy Saturday trying to get her recap posted, too (but I think it was Blogger that was giving her fits). Thanks for hanging tough until you got the job done--your efforts are so appreciated. Mah-velous recap and award-winning snark! I did enjoy.

I suppose the fog really has lifted, then. What with Vicky deciding she's not going to submit to Bruno's blackmail, and hauling him up by his shirt for messing with Ferdumbo, wow. I am impressed. Who'da thunk.

Paula, you are stupid and way too high-strung. Sorry. If you'd shut your paint-peeling screeching up for five seconds, your brain might have had a chance to kick in.

(seriously, we needed to know all this? Ulises couldn't have just called Leo first? We really needed to know how he got Leo's number?) Hecks no, we didn't need all of that. It's called FILLER.

I could swear Felipa was picking the same flowers that were all over her dress. What is it with the wardrobe people on this show?

Por amor de Dios, something went seriously wrong with my brain last night. I actually LIKED Pimp Daddy's the King of Lemon-Lime shirt and tie ensemble. It made me crave a frozen margarita with salt. What happened to me?

Alex wonders if maybe, even though she says she had Aunt Flo over for a visit, she really is pregnant.

She brings up Maura (oh, yeah, eau de jealousy, a man's favorite fragrance).
Two of my favorite Kat-isms, har har!

Elena sighs and says "María Jose, I can't believe it!" Neither can we, Elena. We cannot believe we're going to have live through a TIRED doppleganger plot device for who knows how many weeks. Craptastic. If this were a murder mystery, Julia and Meche would have been freakin' red herrings.

Well, at least Raquel finally got the cojonas to broach the subject of offering Alex some Twinkie. But eeeeee-uuuuuw. I agreed with him--if you didn't feel the need to talk about it the other day, don't bother now. We're trying to move the heck on. (ay, I thought he was going to regurgitate his food)

That little dog looked so small in its crate, but Felipa is so teeny tiny that when she picked it up, the thing looked huge. It covered half of her body. LOL

Oh Bruno, Bruno. Web conferences with stunt guys can leave hidden stuff on your hard drive. Dummy.

Oh, Uli! Surely Raquel doesn't leave home with "come do me" outfits in her purse and frilly corsetted skirts under her jeans. So guess what? That means you have a whole stash of women's role-playing clothes in your freakin' closet, dude. Hahahahahaha! Poor Raq had best be concerned with who might have worn them before her. (that black number she had on last night looked really cute on her, though, and I'm straight)

So. Tonight, our fine young con artist will begin his illustrious career as "Mario Aguirre" with a good @ss whipping, OR the writers will have been setting me up and Alex will bust into the wrong room. I have NOT looked ahead, I just know that old trick.

Morning, mates.

*meltdown alert, meltdown alert*


OMG, MJ. I am just about done with you. What the hell are you doing? Do you enjoy "stepping in it"? Is that what it is? Someone made a good point yesterday, that you know something is very wrong in the house, you're very uncomfortable, and you're not going to let your guard down until you decide to. Well that's all fine and good. The house IS a danger to you. BUT ALEX ISN'T and what's more, you realize that. The only thing bad about Alex right now is his hair-trigger jealousy. But that jealously would never allow him to let harm come to you, from any source. He would protect you with his life. Heck, if he knew you were pregnant, he'd take a flamethrower to somebody!

But I must hide this pregnancy so he doesn't lock me up in this house, wah, wah, wah... That is bull. The man already offered to take you away from it all, new digs and no Lombardos. No stress. Whatever would make you happy. And you sat there on your duff and said NO. Though you lurvve him. I mean, look at the picture of y'all going to the chopper, you seeing him off. Your relationship is to thatt level, but you can't tell him stuff, cover your butt, and expect him to help you?

None of that family jailtime Bruno has threatened so far has happened because Al is here to thwart it, just like he would take care of this crap with Paula if only he knew about it. "Well, I just don't want to worry him" doesn't cut it if you've figured out there is a serious conspiracy to undermine your marriage. And now, because you've kept all this stuff from him, I'll be surprised if he believes another word out of your mouth from here on. And when he finds out you lied about being pregnant too--whoa, you are toast.

You've shown some good common sense before now. If that same common sense has gone on vacation, you'd better call it up right now on that new cell of yours and get it back into town fast.


Thanks, 5ft, for that great recap. Hmmmm...Maura tells Useless that Al has dignity. Would she recognize dignity if she fell over it ? MJ brings the White Rabbit in Alice in Wonderful to mind . To quote ''I'm late. I'm late.... I'm in a stew and don't know what to do. No time to say goodbye...hello. I'm late. I'm late. I'm late.'' It must have been hot. Both Fernono and Useless were sweating up their shirts. [Or was that a blouse Useless was wearing?] I got a big kick out of Raq striking that pose !

I did too, susanlynn. Cute!

Poor MJ really is falling deeper and deeper into a trap. I'd rather be Paula, who thinks she killed a man, but at least she can lay all her burdens on MJ. MJ takes it all on herself and won't ask anyone for help, as all these walls come tumbling down on her.

She has now denied she is pregnant to Alex, how many times? Not good. It is very sweet how worried he is about her though.

I haven't seen a doppleganger plot in a TN yet, so I'm not bothered by the possibility. I'd much rather see that than the secret pregnancy thing, which I feel like I have seen in ever TN I have seen the the last year since I have been following them. So is Elena MJ's mom? Is Sandra her twin, younger or older sister, cousin? I'm looking forward to the reveal. Any other Gancho watchers notice that "Sal" made an appearance as the man speaking to Elena? His hair is less white and more silver. Funny to see him twitching like a mad man in Gancho, and looking so dapper and serious in Sortilegio on the same night. :)

-Vivi in DC

I though Useless called the woman Helena not Elena. The way she was acting she's probably Paula and MJ's mom. The Sandra they were talking about since Useless said they look identical is probably a twin.

Bruno aka Wily E. Coyote gave MJ a key to a hotel room. That's what miss dummy put under Alex's bed.

How can she not think this is another plot of Bruno's.

I think Alex would get over her hiding her pregnancy it's the other lies she keeps telling him, that are making him mad.

Thanks for the recap Kat. I hope rehearsals are gong well.

Stephe - I completely agree with your rant. I can't believe the horrible decision's MJ keeps making regarding Alex. It defies logic (I know, I know, it's a novela) and negates her previous common sense. Moreover, since she knows what Bruno is capable of, she should know that if "bad things" are happening there are also "manufactured" set ups not just unfortunate coincidences.

Susanlynn - LOL, Mau not knowing dignity if she fell over it.

Vivi - I had a lovely visit to your city last weekend and completely agree with you that MJ needs to tell Alex she is pregnant muy pronto.

Thanks for the recap Kat. Funny as always. I'm sick of MJ too. Just tell him the truth already. Geez. He'll protect you from Bruno if you would only let him.

Great recap as usual 5ft. You make it all so clear and meaningful.

Anon 09:40 you said "I thought Useless called the woman Helena, not Elena".

The H in Spanish is silent. So the two words would sound exactly the same if pronounced correctly.


Thanks Lisa i know about H sound though I took spanish for eight years in school. I believe the spelling which i remember from the list names of who is who from the cast. It starts with a silent H.

The twin thing won't last long! One thing about this show, it doesn't linger. It goes by fast!
Can't wait to see roberto and greasy hair together, that was funny. Thanks for the recaps.


Great recap, Kat, thanks!

Vivi - yes, I recognized "Sal" from Gancho. What a difference!

It may not matter, but Paula's requesting all the newspapers from Ezekiel could cause the gossipy Zeke to tell someone how strange that was, thus putting more suspicion on Paula.

ITA with Stephe's rant.

I wonder how long it'll be before Chucho's sighting of the stuntman comes out (he told Pedro, but didn't connect it with anything). If Bruno finds out first, Chucho could be in trouble.

As a guy, I feel a strange attraction to just about all the "wrong" ladies on the show, such as Raquel, Maura, and Paula. The one I'm not attracted to at all? - MJ, of course.

Great recap 5ft! And glad to know I'm not the only one who thought Alex was kinda scary in the end, of course scary in a hot way.

And I can't stop thinking...Dios mio, why do you do this to yourself MJ?

Hombre de misterio, you're actually not the first guy, or even person, I've heard say MJ is unattractive. I actually think she is pretty cute, better with straight hair than curly, but cute nonetheless.

And I just forgot to mention, sorry if you guys already did and I missed it, Alex was so sweet to MJ this episode. She had the opportunity to tell him whatever the heck was going on. If she told him the truth, does she really think the danger will increase...

Kat - Thank you for the recap and truly great snarky editorial comments. :o)

I loved it when Vicki grabbed Bruno by the shirt and went off on him. We need more of that, Cleopatra!

Did anyone notice that Bruno's magenta-purple shirt matched some tacky velvet chairs in the house? yikes. I really think the wardrobe people are color blind, or on drugs.

Watching Raquel being chauffeured in that taxi made me think of Driving Miss Daisy. That thing is just too comical.

I think one of the reasons Alex gets so easily jealous of MJ when it comes to this fake Mario Aguirre thing. Alex has never been truly in love before. Certainly he had his booty call relationships see RaMaura this applies to her and others like her.

It's not the same as the relationship he wants and needs from MJ. MJ humbleness and non greed is quite refreshing for Alex not what he expected at all from someone involved or tricked into one of Bruno's schemes against him.

I think Alex just wants MJ to totally trust him completely and with everything and that includes her paint-peeling screeching sister Paula. Her non helpful father who's only purpose it seems is to keep messing up and waiting for MJ or Alex to bail him out.

MJ doesn't want to give her complete trust to him, even after the poor man said he would move for her and start the company in any location she wants. He just wants to hold onto his happiness he's found with her. So i'm with everyone else about MJ what a dope.

How much more reassurance can a woman want. She must be drinking the same water as Vicki in that house.

Cielo de Levy Alex is hot when he's jealous like that.

Karen- Last weekend was a great one to be here in DC. Temps in the 60s and 70s and clear! The weather has turned wet and cold today. Hope you had fun.

-Vivi in DC

Anon, you are hilarious! Lol haha MJ is definetely on the same idiotic boat as Victoria. Your wording is too funny, girl. I'm in class right now with an extremely large smile on my face, and I'm guessing my teacher thinks I'm crazy. LOL or maybe he just knows I'm not giving him my full attention.

Yes, Vivi I had a great time and the weather was great.

Anon 1:26 - ITA with your analysis of Alex's anger. He's in love for the first time and when anything threatens that love, he gets very angry.

Oh heavens, yes, ITA with the comments that both MJ and Vicki have been hit with the "dumb" stick.

*rolls eyes*

If they had brains, our telenovela would last three weeks. Thank heavens for telenovela beanie hats and AFDBs.

Glad to be out of class because Doris's sumb stick comment would have got me kicked out for sure. :-)

LOL Dumb* stick is what I meant

Kat: What a recap—you are a STAAAHR! Hope your play is going swimmingly.
Wardrobe, I am stuck on wardrobe. Of all the moments worth commenting on in this evening’s episode, I must give priority to the scene where Ulysses calls the older babe named Elena—older than MJ and younger than Vicki but still a babe—and the camera finds her outside, grooming a lovely buff colored horse in… what? What was she wearing? Was that a red silk plaid taffeta Mrs. Claus dress cut down and reworked with a bustier? I have spent a fair amount of time around horses and I cannot think of anything one could do on a horse in that get-up. The clothes were so awful and distracting that I missed who she was, and why Useless called her except that he told her he had met someone—Maria Jose—who looked exactly like someone else they both knew, Sandra. And Useless dated the drug addicted Sandra?
I think this outfit alone will cause me to need a new beanie fitting. It is worse than the pink Peter Maxx refrigerator in Casa Lombardo.
I need a drink, or maybe I should stop drinking while watching Sortilegio, I am not sure.
Compadres, I need your counsel!

Stephe, I loved your wardrobe comments:

"I could swear Felipa was picking the same flowers that were all over her dress. What is it with the wardrobe people on this show?"

And "Oh, Uli! Surely Raquel doesn't leave home with "come do me" outfits in her purse and frilly corsetted skirts under her jeans. So guess what? That means you have a whole stash of women's role-playing clothes in your freakin' closet, dude. Hahahahahaha! Poor Raq had best be concerned with who might have worn them before her. (that black number she had on last night looked really cute on her, though, and I'm straight)"
I, too, thought Raquel was hot in the outfit from Ulysses' dress-up box.

Keep drinking Elna! I am sure things (plots AND wardrobe) are only going to get crazier from here out. You'll need the booze to fortify you through the horrors to come. ;)

-Vivi in DC

Mrs.5ft Thanks for the subtle snark. A great line, “However, she wants exclusive rights to his slimy self.” Just the right description of the moment.

Stephe thanks for the rant, I feel much better!

Vivi: You’re a kind soul: “Poor MJ really is falling deeper and deeper into a trap.” I honestly think that MJ is her own worst enemy and part architect of the trap. This is the perfect time to tell Alex, everyone is furious with Bruno, even Vicky, who even manhandled him. MJ, stop putting your wacky family first, they will continue to disappoint. Put Alex and the YOUR BABY first. Your precious family has done nothing to help you, just embarrass and hurt you. Tell Alex everything, muy pronto. Your lack of candor is a real mistake, ask Ed/FR from MEPS...he’ll tell you what hiding the truth can do.

Jardinera, did you notice that the “flowers” Filipa was cutting were azalea bushes? It must be nice to hack away at your azaleas like that. I have to cherish each branch.

Sandy, I know. But somebody has to feel sorry for her. And on the spectrum of women who rely on someone else to help them out of every situation on one end, and women who always try to figure it out on their own (sometimes to their own detriment) on the other (like MJ), I am closer to the go it alone (stupidly) side. So I feel a bit of a kinship. :)

But great comparison to Fr/Ed in MEPS. Yes, MJ is really like Fr/Ed in this, and Alex is like Nanda (smart, loyal, good person to have on your side, especially if they knew they whole truth).

-Vivi in DC

I miss Fernanda. Am I the only one?

Thanks, Vivi, I needed that.
I love the comparisons to FER and FR/ED from MEPS. Alex is SO Fernanda! Smart, spunky, honest...and, FR/ED drove me crazy with his convoluted thinking just as MJ is doing now. Will someone please explain WHY MJ has to hide her pregnancy from Alex? Beanie, beanie, where's the beanie when I need it?

Connie - you are not alone. I miss our Fernanda, too.

H/Elena's outfit was too bizarre for that scene. It looked like a tafetta RenFair getup to me.

Elna, the best answer I have for why MJ is hiding her pregnancy is S-T-U-P-I-D. I mean I know I wouldn't mind telling my HOT and loving husband that I was pregnant with his child...

I meant to comment the other day about that terrible dress RaMaura was wearing. It had that huge bow thing on the shoulder. Yuck! U G L Y!

You guys are so fun.


ReMaura's bow! I cound not agree more.

Taffeta RenFair get-up indeed. Or Christmas tablecloth?

Cielo de Levy
I think you have said it all.
"Elna, the best answer I have for why MJ is hiding her pregnancy is S-T-U-P-I-D".


You are always the voice of reason! MJ's family have not done a blessed thing for her except give her gray hair. Alen has been the knight in shining armour. So, who do I trust...

Big smiles to all of you in Caray Caray Bloggoland for all your comments.


Interesting that you said kinship, I feel a lot of sympathy and kinship for MJ and even Aurora in MEPS. I'm from a small town, have a wacky family, and when younger never felt comfortable around the sophisticates in ATLANTA (ha) when I moved there. I'm sad because MJ is falling into a trap of her own making, story telling (don't like the word lying) and once you start down that path, it is so hard to be believed again.

I really meant it when I said you are a kind soul, you take a kind, analytical position on situations had a visit from your ex, that counts for something!

I like the Alex/Nanda comparison, and I miss Nanda too.

Great recap Kat.

I agree with you all that MJ is acing like a dope by not telling Alex all that is happening. He doesn't know what more he can do for her and her family to show her how much he loves her. She is so frustrating.

And what is it with these guys and their "girly" shirts??? Even Alex' shirt is so contoured to his bod "not that I'm complaining about him." He looks smashing...
Keep it coming.


"You are always the voice of reason!" Elna June, do you mind if I quote that to my family???


Quote away, dear. You can even say that you were given this feedback by a mental health professional(Ph.D. Psych, Berkeley, long time ago).
With a wink and a grin.....

Connie ` I don't miss Fer , but I do miss Fr'ed. He wasn't a very good hero , but I liked looking at him. Does anyone know if FC has chosen his next novela ? I'm hoping that FC's next novela will follow Sorta and Corazon Salvaje. [I like to plan ahead.] The actress playing H/Elena looked familiar to me. I also noticed Sal from Gancho. So...Did H/Elena take MJ's identical twin and head for parts unknown leaving MJ and little Paula with Papa ? I am feeling some ''Parent Trap'' vibes here. Maybe MJ's actions and personality can be traced back to the fact that she became the ''mother'' of the family when H/Elena disappeared. I had a friend whose mother died when she was very young. My friend had to take care of her father and older brother. In 7th grade, she was responsible for meals, cleaning , the laundry, while the rest of us were going to dances and parties, watching tv, talking on the phone. Maybe that explains MJ's not asking Al for help and trying to deal with everything herself. She's been the strong, responsible family member trying to take care of whiny Paula and irresponsible Papa. It seems that among siblings , one is always the strong, reliable one even when both parents are present, and this strong sibling is not necessarily the eldest.

"you guys are so fun." elna, you won't believe how many times I tell my friends the same thing about you guys. :-)

Damn, Elena PhD! Makes me wonder whether this novela intentionally makes MJ so dumb to bother the educated and straight-thinking viewer. Hmmm...

Cielo de Levy:
Educated, perhaps. Straight thinking...who knows?
If we are trying to get into the head(s) of the writer(s) I like Susanlynn's take on MJ's behavior.(So, Sorry about your friend, Susanlynn...tough gig). Your friend stepped in and "parented" the family. If, in our story MJ stepped up and quit school when charming Pedro the Incompetent lost his job, then she assumed BIG responsibility without a lot of support. She really didn't have anyone to lean on so Alex may seem a bit too good to be true. She is probably more comfortable in the caretaker role and has a hard time leaning into Alex the fabulous.
Just an interpretation of the story, you understand...
And to think I am improving my Spanish as well as having virtual giggles with you all! Thank you Blogmom, CHF.

Cielo de Levy i can't even imagine being in poor MJ shoes. Here she has a drop dead gorgeous damn hot and sexy guy willing and able to move heaven and earth for her. Puts up with her annoying and embarrassing scandal causing family. She can't tell him the truth?

She rather keep listening and following deranged mad dog Bruno even after he slapped the taste out of her mouth. When he tried to pull that coup to get control of the company. Some people deserve their misery when they act just plain stupid.

What really gets me about her is she knows firsthand how Bruno plotted to have Alex killed. His Wily E. Coyote scheme of pretending to be Alex to get the money and company.

If she is supposed to be the responsible one in the family i would think she would be a lot more smarter than she has been acting.

MJ if you don't want Alex I'll take him.

I do pity MJ for what I see as her stupidity, but I can understand if you see as her obligatory responsibility. Anon, I'd be more than happy to take him too.

Sorry, Susalyn missed your comment. I guess I undermined the possibility that MJ's position was also realistic. That is her position as the care-taker of the family, which I can give her credit for. I'm still bothered by her decision to hide things from Alex though. It's not really protecting her family in the long run.

Kat, always love your recaps and was LOL at your comment about Ulises once being in love with an "anvil" that looked exactly like MJ. So now we all know there's a twin somewhere that's gonna muck things up for a while.
And, okay, I'm a sucker for animal rescuers, so I'm lovin' Felipa right now for saving that little pooch, even in her puurrty dress!

I thought about our our blog men when Raquel had her leg propped up on Uli's bare abdomen--a cute pose if I ever saw one, and you certainly deserve more of the same, I think, what with all the beefcake we women get.

So here's to a little more fun for the guys! *everyone raise your glasses*

Does anyone else find it extremely funny that our Useless anvil has actually had an anvil of his own? He obviously knows what it's like to have a dead weight hanging from your neck, and yet HE still insists on being one himself.

Buen dios! LOL

Stephe- Lol! I'll raise my glass to that. Especially since our guys here seem to like the bad girls. :)

-Vivi in DC

Elna June--I'm with Vivi on this one. Do NOT stop drinking while you watch Sorti, or your brain just might implode inward, foil-lined beanie not withstanding. ;)

Last night's captions said "Elena" though I know that may have been a typo... I think we should just take a look at those opening credits.

Yeah, that's it. H/Elena looked like she was part of a float in a local Christmas pageant.

Sophisticates in Atlanta, huh, Sandy? Ha, that did give me a chuckle. :) Y'all have some hilarious comments. Keep 'em coming.

Even though MJ has been the caretaker and responsible one in the family so far. She is now being the idiot by letting her self be threaten and harassed by Bruno. She also needs to set some rules for her father and whiny screeching sister.

I guess her putting her family well being before her own is one of the qualities that makes Alex be in love with.

Kind of like the opposite of Victoria did with her family. Even though Vicki likes to believe she put her family first.

Maybe if they change the color tones in that house and get rid of Barbie's playhouse pink fridge, those people would not be so looney tunes.

Look how well Alex has turned out from those warm beige and brown earth tones in his room.


I think you have a very good point, MJ is the caretaker of the family as many children of alcoholic and drug addicts are, and as we can see, her family needs caretaking. I'm sure her vision is clouded. BUT, Senor Guapo, Alex, is on her side and Senor Enojado, Bruno, is not. She needs to stop, take a breath and THINK through her options.

I'm with the drinkers, besides, someone needs to keep Raquel company.

All in fun!

I think the only thing I have left to say is LOL to:

Anon: Look how well Alex has turned out from those warm beige and brown earth tones in his room.

Sandy: BUT, Senor Guapo, Alex, is on her side and Senor Enojado, Bruno, is not

I seriously love all of you guys! I don't think I ever leave Caray with a frown--actually, I hardly leave Caray at all!

Sandy- I don't think she will be taking that breath tonight. Looks like she and Alex majorly lose their cool tonight and let loose with screaming at each other. Hopefully, the harder they fight, the better the next love making will be. :) One can hope, right?

Let the fight begin!

-Vivi in DC

Cielo de Levy while i wouldn't be frothing at the mouth ala Bruno. In serious deep denial like Vicki. I think i would be knocking back a hardy beverage or two like Raquel. It gotta be the colors right? Imagine growing up in that house being exposed to that on a daily basis.

:) Anon, I've told you you're my twin before, right?

Lol with Cielo De Levy we've been separated at birth but it's all good. Much love, thanks to 5ft. and her wonderful recap and all the reacppers. I do so enjoy coming here and getting some good laughs. So thanks to everyone.

Anon 5:20
Even though MJ has been the caretaker and responsible one in the family so far. She is now being the idiot by letting her self be threaten and harassed by Bruno. She also needs to set some rules for her father and whiny screeching sister.
Ah, yes, rules and boundaries, something that telnovela's seem to have in short supply. MJ sure isn't going to learn boundary-setting from her mother-in-law!
And you are right, of course. While I have compassion for how MJ may have become the person we see, she is acting like a total dolt with all these stories, Spit out the truth, girl!

I just noticed the little quote under the link for Sortilegio recaps:

As I watched her hair and gum tactics I couldn't help but think: "That's the type behavior that makes all trailer trash look bad" -- Alice

I'm going to die of laughter. :)

Very fine - just like wine. You always make me giggle, Kat!

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