Wednesday, November 11, 2009

ENDA Tuesday November 10. Carlota gives love a bad name.

On a related note, there is a raging epidemic of mad cow disease going around Real del Monte.

Anoche: Germán, I assume hanging around the police station to find new lawyerin’ clients, says Aaron is in biiiig trouble. He asks what Emiliano will do if he is the father of Romina’s baby and looks sad and conflicted when Emo says, “ruin my life.”

Camila finds out Romeana was doing card tricks and agrees to meet Orlando for dinner.

Rafael springs Emo from the station and doesn’t seem to mind having paid the fine, even though Emoo has a job and few expenses.

Carlota yells at Paloma for her unladylike gall in reporting the attempted rape. Paloma says she’s fed up with the lies and she’s not going to take it anymore. Countdown to Paloma forgetting all this and hugging Cruelota starts now.

Hoy, finally: Aaron calls Romina and asks her to get Germy to represent him and get him out of jail. She says no way, it’s his own fault he’s screwed everything up. Aaron tells her if she doesn’t do it he will tell Germy that the baby is his.

Rafa drops Emiliano off and is surprised to see the expensive new auto. “Isn’t it super cool? I’m so lucky,” says Emo, grinning from ear to ear. “Yeah, cool,” says Rafa, but he looks annoyed.

Germy is surprised to find Romina sitting in his office chair, reading his agenda. She asks him to help Aaron. Germs says no at first, but his mind is no match for Romi’s wheedling and groping when his hormones hit the override switch. She insists Paloma just wanted to scare Aaron, not put him in jail, but that she didn’t dare ask for help herself. Isn’t it hard enough for Paloma that Romina is going to marry Emiliano? She should at least not have to feel guilty about Aaron’s imprisonment. Germy gives in but warns she is going to pay very dearly for this favor.

Carloca fondles the church keys and talks to herself out loud like the loca she is. She mocks Paloma for thinking Macarena was a victim, when Mac and Cris were only victims of passion. A lightbulb appears over her head. She knows just what her relationship with Cris needs!

Emo calls Paloma and tells her he knows what happened and got in a fight with Aaron. She assures him she’s fine. They agree to meet in the evening when Cruel goes to her church meeting since Paloma can’t leave the house while auntie is home.

Romina is fixing herself a huge plate of sliced oranges with chili sauce. That’s so repulsive to me I hardly hear Camila tell her to stop telling lies to try to get her back together with Samuel, because it is never going to happen.

Over at the rectory, Padre Juan Cris is telling Padres Benito and Mateo that he doesn’t want to leave because he is worried about Paloma and promised Mac that he would take care of her. They think that’s silly because Paloma isn’t really his family and besides, she has Carlota to take care of her. “That is exactly what worries me,” says PJC.

Paloma greets Emo in the Magical Park of Secrets by sneaking up behind him and poking him and screaming. Mysteriously, this gets her some hugging and kissing rather than a swift elbow jab to the ribs. After they say their usual lines, I love you, I’d do anything for you, what if the baby is yours, blabbidy blah, Paloma starts tickling Emo because she, like many people, seems to mistakenly believe that is fun rather than either annoying or torture, depending on one’s level of ticklishness. Tickle-Me Emo thinks it’s cute, though.

Camila stares at the orchid and text-messages Rafael, saying she’s worried about him and wants him to call. Rafa reads the message and says he’s not fine, but he must renounce her and knows in his place she would do the same thing. Unfortunately, he says this to himself, not into the phone.

Paloma and Emiliano are outside the gate of Misery Manor, smooching up a storm. Paloma says they really shouldn’t be kissing when they’re waiting for the test results to tell them their fortunes. Emo says he’s been thinking about it and really doesn’t think Romi could have gotten pregnant the night she spent with him. Paloma of course has no idea what he’s insinuating and says God willing, that’s true. They liplock some more and Romememena wanders out onto her deck and see them and her world comes to a screeching halt. Back in her room, Romi throws a little fit and tells herself that will be the last time they kiss.

Rafa marches into Orlando’s office. “What do you want to talk about, our unfavorite shyster shrew or our son?” Orlando asks smugly. Rafa says Orly may think he has the upper hand (la sartén por el mango, literally the frypan by the handle), but it’s only for the moment. Anyway, Rafa wants to talk about Emiliano. He says Orlando can’t buy his love and he will never see him as a father. Orly says Rafa is just jealous because Orly is going to buy Emo all the things he’s gone without all these years. Yes, that Emiliano has been so deprived, poor little urchin. Fortunately, looks like he’s got a future full of ponies and trips to Disneyland and all the ice cream before dinner he wants ahead of him. Orlando apologizes most fauxsincerely that this bothers Rafa.

PJC is nestled all snug in his bed. The music is all wrong; it sounds like cartoon magical mystery when it should be horror and suspense with curdling screams, because Carlota creeps in wearing her frumpy finest in seduction wear, which is of course the uptight blouse and severe hair and makeup she always wears. She strokes Cris’s hair and he twitches but doesn’t wake up. Then her eyes glow and she leans over his neck like a vampire. Was she watching Aaron try to rape Paloma to get lovemaking tips?

After the break, the music has caught on to the situation and is as horrified as the rest of us as Carloca continues fondling Cris, finally waking him up. “What are you doing here?! Are you crazy?!” he asks, jumping out of bed. She answers both questions by starting to slide out of her clothes. “I am a priest!” Cris yelps, bypassing seven thousand even more pertinent reasons to just say no. He pulls her jacket back around her and tells her to leave, but Carloca grabs his hand and says she won’t leave until they have made love. She is lucky he doesn’t barf on her.

Romina calls Paloma under the pretext of concern. She says Paloma should stay away from the dudes for awhile. She must have gotten a reputation for being easy, and that’s why Aaron tried to have his way with her. Paloma gets really snappy and says whatever Aaron thought is his problem, not hers, and thanks for the bad advice but I’m hanging up on you. Romina reiterates that she’s only saying all this because she cares about (or likes) Paloma. Then after she hangs up, in a transition that makes more sense in Spanish than translated to English, Romina says to herself, “Yes, I like you. I’d like to see you dead rather than kissing Emiliano.”

Okay, this is so psychotic I’m just going to transcribe it:
Cris: How far are you capable of going with your craziness? (he shoves her away, onto the bed)
Cruel: As far as it takes. For love there are no obstacles.
Cris: What you feel is very far from love.
Cruel: My love for you is the only thing that gives sense to my life.
Cris: You don’t know what love is. You confuse it with desire, control, obsession, ego.
Cruel (all up in his face): You’re wrong. I know perfectly what it is. Since the first day I met you, I have felt that my body responded, that my heart was yours, that you were for me. I’ve saved myself for you. I want you to be the first and only man in my life. (she has her hands on his chest, he has a stoic expression). Isn’t that proof of my love?
Cris: Enough, enough. Don’t make me throw you out of here by force.
Cruel: I’m not leaving here until I’ve been yours. Please, please, I beg you, love me.
Cris, pushing her away: It’s very sad to see a woman like this. But I ask you not only to respect me as a priest, but to respect me as a man (in other words, that was the worst seduction ever) (and, he shoves her violently onto the floor).

Rufi can’t believe Romina is blaming Paloma for what Aaron did. She has a lot of nerve calling Paloma “loose” considering she’s knocked up and they don’t even know who the father is, says Rufi. Paloma is freshly determined to continue on her quest for a spine and a voice.

Carlota sobs and begs, “Cristóbal! Cristóbal!” as he flees his room. Then she pouts and calls him “estúpido” and says no one else will ever offer him the kind of love she offers. That is probably his greatest wish right now.

Romina is telling Germy Paloma probably regrets her mistaken accusation against Aaron. Germs tells her not to try to convince him of something she doesn’t believe herself. He doesn’t think Paloma will change her mind or that she asked Romina to get him to help Aaron, and Romina’s calling Paloma a dead fly and making fun of her “little good girl face” doesn’t help to convince him. He’s pretty sure Romina is mad at Paloma over her involvement with Emiliano. Besides, he doesn’t think he can help Aaron, especially after the fight, which he delights in telling Romi about and which makes her even more mad. Germán doesn’t know how Aaron fits into Romina’s twisted plans, but he’s sure Paloma’s well-being has nothing to do with it. Romememena mocks him for playing Sherlock Holmes, but her selfishness is really no match for his lawyer training or his common sense so she can’t whine her way into his believing Paloma wants him to help.

Crueloca yells at a crucifix that Cris will never go far away, or be a bishop, or a priest, or a cardinal, or the pope! Nothing!

PJC has told the story to Padre Benito, and PB is enraged. “You see why I can’t leave Paloma with that nutcase?!” PJC asks. PB says he does understand, but it’s still not his responsibility. Padre Mateo runs in wondering what’s going on.

Inés visits Aaron in the slammer. He wants her to get Paloma to forgive him and get him out of there, because he’s way sorry and it will never happy again, plus he’s worried about his career. Inés shakes her head sadly and says she doesn’t think Paloma would be able to trust him again. He says if he gets out he will go to the capitol and not ever come back.

Orlando tells Camila about his history with Diana aka Gudelia, and that Emiliano is his son. Cami is Angélica-bug-eyed level impactada. Orlando wants Emiliano to know this and change his name to Ferrer before he gets married, AS IF. Rafael is his father regardless of genetics.

It is still the same long long night, which is why Paloma’s birthday never comes. Diana goes to Rafael’s apartment, and he is unthrilled to see her. She says Orlando threatened and insulted her, and she is scared. She begs Rafa to come live with her again and protect her, as she grabs his lapels. He pushes her away and says Orlando wouldn’t dare hurt her, and besides she has Emiliano living in the house. He thinks they should tell Emo everything so Orlando won’t have this secret to hold over them anymore.

Carlota yells at Paloma and Rufi as she stomps into the house and up the stairs. They look bewildered. She throws stuff around in her room and yells that he is going to do what she wants!

Inés blames Ange for putting Aaron in jail. Ange argues that it was his own actions that put him there. Inés says that was a terrible betrayal and it was just a tiny mistake he made, like everyone does. She evicts Ange from the house.

Paloma and Rufi eavesdrop outside Carlota’s door and wonder how many things she broke. Rufi starts to say she knows the only thing that could have put the Purple Cow in such a mood, but then stops herself and won’t tell Paloma what it is. She thinks to herself that Cruel must have seen Cris.

The priests investigate and figure out that Carlota must have had a key. They decide to change all the locks on the church buildings the next morning and tighten up security.

It’s finally morning. Inés tells Diana she can’t be arsed to care about her stupid problems; she’s got enough of her own. Diana bullies her into helping anyway. Inés dials the phone. She tells Orlando that Diana needs to tell him something very important regarding Ignacio, and is waiting at her house for him. They are at Inés’s house, as it happens. She hangs up and they heh-heh over their cleverness.

Rufi goes to offer Carlota breakfast. Carlota is lying on her bed in yesterday’s clothes and says she isn’t hungry. In that case, Rufi is going to the market and the church. La Loca flips out and forbids her to go to the church. After she throws Rufi out, she creeps across the bed to glare at her little shrine statue, apparently a proxy for Cris, and hiss that he is going to pay.

Orlando has appeared at Diana’s house, and she is there too. At first she pretends she didn’t know Inés called, for some reason. Then she says, like she just remembered, that she wanted to tell him that Ignacio made her betray him and has since gone to live in the U.S. “You made me come over here to hear that stupidity?” he asks. In response, she tries to flirtily tell him not to be angry and molests him. He shoves her onto the sofa and tells her it won’t work. But what is her plan?

Emiliano goes to Orlando’s office to return some files. Since Orly isn’t there, he goes to put them in the file cabinet himself, and finds the photo of his mother stashed in there. “¿Qué the heck?” he wonders.

Orlando rages out of Diana’s house and hits a tree so hard he hurts his hand.

Inside, the furnishings are smashed all over and Diana’s face and arms are a bloody pulp. She slowly picks up the phone and calls Rafael to come over. And that is the gruesome picture we end on.

Tune in tomorrow to see Aaron and Romina plot against Paloma and Emiliano. Well, that’s just the filler, in my opinion. Really tune in to see Carlota defiantly attend church, make Cris sweat during the mass, and confess to Padre Benito that Paloma is Cris’s daughter. Make that BASTARD daughter, as it can’t be emphasized enough for Carlota.


Wow Julia...sounds like another fun, light-hearted episode. So sorry I missed it.

Loved your blow by blow account of Carlota's sttempted seduction as well as the "it is still night which is why Paloma's birthday never comes".

"Nestled all snug in his bed" and "Angelica bug-eyed impactada" were great as well. I still worry that the actress playing Angelica has undiagnosed or untreated Graves' disease. Oh well...or "ni modo" as they say.

Thanks Julia. Funny and well-written as always. Wish the telenovela were also.

Hey guys, Julia great recap as always :)

I can't believe romina...rufi was right how dare she say anything about pal being "loose" um did she forget her situation?

As for aaron's situation I'm happy Germie finally had some common sense and did not help him.
I can't believe Romina and Carloca just dismissed the fact he tried to rape Pal and they still want him in their plans to seperate pal y emo...

Thanks for the recap Julia. Your title was funny too. Thanks for transcribing that insane pseudo seduction. Each time you think Carloca has hit the peak of crazy, she does something new.

I know Diana wants everyone to believe that Orlando beat her but I think she set him up. While she may get a temporary victory, things are going to be that much worse when her true character is revealed.

I hope Pal gets that brain and spine.

After watching these obsessed people causing havoc especially towards Paloma. It's time for these writers to bring in someone to help Paloma see how much she has been manipulated. Where is Lilliana? Since Carloca said that in the confessional to who was Benito or Mateo they can't tell Cris the truth. It also looked like Rufi went to confess too. It really scary that we have people who act like Carloca, Aron and RoMEna in real life.

The only wrong thing Cris did was not yelling for Benito and Mateo to show them she was there. Knowing Carloca she will probably lie and say that Cris is lying. Neither Benito or Mateo saw her on the night Cris says she was there. She is scheming something big i think to get Cris thrown out of the priesthood.

RoMEna i can't wait until all of your lies are revealed. Paloma needs now to end the friendship they once had. If a suppose friend ever told me to get over a attempted rape. Say i asked for it and her reputation is questionable too so long. Goodbye. Camilia i hope you remember how many lies your daughter has told. If she is willing to lie to get you to have a relationship with only her father and no one else. She's willing to lie about anything.

Camilia should have taken this nasty brat to therapy after she and Samuel split up. Instead she spoil little miss center of the universe and she has a horrible little Carloca on her hands.

German you're just as slimy as Rojas the lawyer you replaced. Get a backbone and tell everyone you were RoMEna first not Emo.

Diana when Emo finds out what kind of person you really are, i hope he cuts ties with you for good. You and this Ignacio already set up Orlando and he went to prison because of that. Now you are going to falsely accuse him of beating you up? U hope you get locked up.

Thanks, Julia, for a fun and snarky recap. Mad cow, radiation leak, tainted water seem to be affecting the entire village of Real del Monte. Or perhaps it's inbreeding in that tiny population. A nice place to visit but not live.

Did Carloca have anything on under her coat besides a scarf? Or was it a top? I'm curious...maybe just a strapless teddy because she was ready to go. She is truly delusional.

Since Orlando is into hurting himself, mainly his poor hand, I doubt he beat up crazy Diana. I guess she's crazy enough to beat herself to a pulp maybe with that lamp.

Romina is a younger version of Carlota with all the lies, manipulation, jealousy and narcissism. She said "I'd rather see you dead" about Paloma when she saw Pal kissing Em. But hopefully, she could never go as far as Carloca.


I don't think Carloca was wearing anything but the scarf around her neck under her coat. EWWWWWWWWWWWW! It has to be something in Real del Monte because the natives are definitely pure loco.

Will changing the locks keep Carloca from making attempts at late night booty calls with Cris.

Cris should get a restraining order after last night ugly attempt at seducing him in church.

That's what Carloca needs is for everyone to realize this so called pillar of society is a mad crazed stalker, who is obsessed with a priest.

Was La Loca just wearing a scarf?! I thought it was a halter-neck ruffled blouse and just her shoulders and upper back were exposed, but I didn't look closely. Ack.

I'm pretty sure Diana did all that damage herself, but Orlando hurting his hand will only support her lies. That woman is truly nuts. First she gave herself a severe allergic reaction to get out of seeing Orlando at a party, now she beats herself up so she can blame him? Next will she throw herself over a bridge so everyone will pay lots of attention to her at her funeral?

There was a real theme in this episode of crazy women trying to have their various ways with men, and the men pushing them away, literally shoving in most cases.

Julia – another wonderful, funny recap! Thank you for all the great lines and good laughs.

This was a hot hot hot episode, so your detail was much appreciated, especially the dialog in the night stalker scene.

Amazing that Paloma and Em would be smooching right on their own street where Carlota could see them, and Romina did.

The writing on this continues to amaze me. I’m thinking I may be spoiled for any future telenovelas.

From the previews of last night episode i at first thought it was halter top too. When i saw last night episode, when she started to take off her coat the camera showed her back with only the scarf around her neck. Then Cris quickly pulled the coat back up to cover her nastiness up.

Doesn't Carlota make the ugliest faces when she cries??? What a crazy broad!!!

I'm glad German is hardening himself to Romina's wiley ways.

Thanks for a great recap, Julia.


Great recap, Julia. Yes, that was an action-packed episode. I don't think Benito and Mateo will come to doubt that Carloca was there in the middle of the night.

Yes, Diana is going to tell Rafael that Orly beat her up to try to get him to come back with her. But how is she going to explain her face to Emiliano? There's no reason for Orly to beat her up unless the rest of it comes out.

Was glad to see a tiny spine on Pal last night when she hung up on RoMEANa. Also glad to see Aron isn't getting out anytime soon. German pretty much told her he wasn't going to tell the authorities that Pal made it up, or came onto him, or whatever she was angling for.

The avances of Carloca confessing to Benito are interesting. But what can this accomplish? If he fathered a child BEFORE he became a priest, where's the sin? If the sin is not acknowledging the child, wouldn't they believe Cris that he never knew of the child? And, how could Benito even discuss this with Cris since it's under the seal of the confessional.

I guess I'm finally hooked and in for the whole 171. Especially since Sortilegio is not doing it for me right now.

I think the fact that Carloca and Rufi will both be confessing Paloma's parentage tonight. Carloca with Benito and Rufi with Mateo. I just don't know how Carloca is going to use this revelation to her advantage.

The love of mysticism and mysteries peculiar to the vast majority of women, so a good gift would be accessories to the predictions and light magic rituals.

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