Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Sortilegio #35, Tuesday, November 24: Your recapper regrets to inform you... DVR did not record Sortilegio tonight while I was out at rehearsal. I am so incredibly sorry that I have no recap for you. I throw myself on the mercy of the viewers to take pity on me and please fill me in on what happened tonight!

Courtesy of La Paloma, we have the following so far:
"Alex rushed to MJ's side in his trusty helicopter, only to learn that she may die because of no available blood to match her rare blood type. He called the silver-haired family doctor for help [ed: Hernan]. Meanwhile, the other family members dithered about. Bobo and Raquel had some kind of dramatic argument and maybe a threat of divorce. And Alex was so sweet with his warm brown eyes focused on MJ, referring to "nuestro hijo" and begging her not to die. Then the most drama of all: the doctor reveals that the ONLY POSSIBLE match for MJ's blood is (Tah-Dah!) BRUNO! Sorry, but that had me howling with laughter. I'm not sure that's medically accurate. Oh well, Alex was so sweet I could ignore the rest." [ed: well, considering on each show there's only one hospital with only one doctor and only one cop with a name, then I guess it would follow that there's only one person in the world who matches her blood type and that it would turn out to be Bruno...however, shouldn't that also mean that Raquel is a match?]

Anonymous adds:
"Bruno was also chastising Pimp Daddy E for giving Alex his cousin name. Maura and team Mexitrash were having a pow wow then who should crash it. The uninvited no attractive heifer Raquel. So that broke up quickly.

Ezeke was giving Alex Pimp Daddy's E's whereabouts when Alex had his accident. Then Alex ask where was Bruno Ezeke told Alex that Bruno was not at Merida also.

Ferdumbo was trying to make mother in denial think and see reason about Bruno good luck with that. Many have tried and well you guys know the rest. [ed: shoot! I thought he might have been getting through to her yesterday, oh well!]

Katia couldn't wait to tell about her new found skankism so she told Lissete who them told big sis Maura. Who then told Useless that they now have ammunition against Bruno to keep him in line. Good luck with that Maura. [ed: really? cause I thought she was almost 18, so what would it matter?]

Raquel and Roberto arguing again this woman is way too much work and drama. Even Useless gigolo supreme is tired of her act already. [ed: word!]

Did I not say Ferdumbo would tell Vicki that MJ is preggers. Vicki have the nerve to question if Alex is the father, or if it could be Mario Aguirre. Excuse me heifer did you not have a affair and got pregnant by a married man? What special water is this woman drinking? Bruno overhearing part of the conversation was then told by the other person who can't keep their mouth shut Vicki that MJ is pregnant. Well that did not sit well with Mad dog who's already jealous that Alex gets to ride in the helicopter. Bruno being his normal charming self to Ferdumbo to gets to stepping this is family business. Vicki temporarily deprive of her special water took umbrage that Bruno was being uncivilized to her boy toy. Told her precious Bruno the only person leaving the table right now was him. Bruno looking like he either swallow something that wasn't agreeing with him. I thinks it's called pride left in a state of shock, that his mother would address him in such a way in front of Ferdumbo.

Alex called Hernan for help for the blood transfusion. Hernan personally went to tell Vicki and Bruno that he was the only match for MJ. Vicki at first did not want Bruno to donate, I guess our girl finally found her water. Then she was convinced by Hernan that MJ needed the donation real quick. She and the baby would die. Ezeke went and got Bruno who was lamenting to his favorite Pimp about MJ getting pregnant by Alex. Bruno came back with Ezeke was informed by Hernan that they needed his blood for MJ to live. Bruno at first said to bad no way was he helping. Vicki pleaded with him to show some compassion and prove to everyone that he is not a monster. She knows he's a good person. I would say now Vicki has drunk a pitcher full of her special water." [ed: how Vicky doesn't end up with whiplash from her constant changing of opinions, I'll never know!]

CC and Cielo de Levy report that Alex now knows (a) about the baby, and (b) that it's his, and seems willing to take MJ's word for it...whew!

And in further news, direct from our comment section, Alex is hot. Like seriously hot. Like melt-your-tv hot. Like he-could-even-melt-M&M's-hot. Just, you know, in case you weren't aware of his hotness.

I shall dispense with any additional updates and hereby direct you to the comments where faithful viewers can provide you with any other information you need about this episode and/or the exact degree of Alex's hottitude. My eternal thanks!


Mr. 5ft has just informed me that we now have a backup system in place should this happen again...which I really hope it doesn't!

Kat, technology can be a b*tch sometimes. Flipping back and forth to Dancing Stars finale, I can report this much: Alex rushed to MJ's side in his trusty helicopter, only to learn that she may die because of no available blood to match her rare blood type. He called the silver-haired family doctor for help.
Meanwhile, the other family members dithered about. Bobo and Raquel had some kind of dramatic argument and maybe a threat of divorce.
And Alex was so sweet with his warm brown eyes focused on MJ, referring to "nuestro hijo" and begging her not to die.
Then the most drama of all: the doctor reveals that the ONLY POSSIBLE match for MJ's blood is (Tah-Dah!) BRUNO!
Sorry, but that had me howling with laughter. I'm not sure that's medically accurate. Oh well, Alex was so sweet I could ignore the rest.
La Paloma

The account given above may not be accurate, of course, nor complete. I was still up and feeling excited because I don't have to work tomorrow.
La Paloma

Bruno was also chastising Pimp Daddy E for giving Alex his cousin name. Maura and team Mexitrash were having a pow wow then who should crash it. The uninvited no attractive heifer Raquel. So that broke up quickly.

Ezeke was giving Alex Pimp Daddy's E's whereabouts when Alex had his accident. Then Alex ask where was Bruno Ezeke told Alex that Bruno was not at Merida also.

Ferdumbo was trying to make mother in denial think and see reason about Bruno good luck with that. Many have tried and well you guys know the rest.

Katia couldn't wait to tell about her new found skankism so she told Lissete who them told big sis Maura. Who then told Useless that they now have ammunition against Bruno to keep him in line. Good luck with that Maura.

Raquel and Roberto arguing again this woman is way too much work and drama. Even Useless gigolo supreme is tired of her act already.

Did I not say Ferdumbo would tell Vicki that MJ is preggers. Vicki have the nerve to question if Alex is the father,or if it could be Mario Aguirre.

Excuse me heifer did you not have a affair and got pregnant by a married man? What special water is this woman drinking?

Bruno overhearing part of the conversation was then told by the other person who can't keep their mouth shut Vicki that MJ is pregnant.

Well that did not sit well with Mad dog who's already jealous that Alex gets to ride in the helicopter. Bruno being his normal charming self to Ferdumbo to gets to stepping this is family business.

Vicki temporarily deprive of her special water took umbrage that Bruno was being uncivilized to her boy toy. Told her precious Bruno the only person leaving the table right now was him.

Bruno looking like he either swallow something that wasn't agreeing with him. I thinks it's called pride left in a state of shock, that his mother would address him in such a way in front of Ferdumbo.

Alex called Hernan for help for the blood transfusion. Hernan personally went to tell Vicki and Bruno that he was the only match for MJ.

Vicki at first did not want Bruno to donate, I guess our girl finally found her water. Then she was convinced by Hernan that MJ needed the donation real quick.

She and the baby would die. Ezeke went and got Bruno who was lamenting to his favorite Pimp about MJ getting pregnant by Alex.

Bruno came back with Ezeke was informed by Hernan that they needed his blood for MJ to live. Bruno at first said to bad no way was he helping.

Vicki pleaded with him to show some compassion and prove to everyone that he is not a monster. She knows he's a good person. I would say now Vicki has drunk a pitcher full of her special water.

Sorry mates, I'm in catch-up mode... I've just finished watching yesterday's and I MUST say:

That was some robbery scene. Oh, my word. I found myself holding my breath. MJ and Paula were excellent; those scared noises MJ was making with the knife to her throat got to me. And that was a nice piece of writing to have an injured MJ dragging herself protectively over Paula, especially when I expected it to be the other way around.

Nice, nice work. Except for one thing... how in the world did MJ end up shanked in the shoulder? I went back and watched the scene twice, because I thought I was seeing things, but no. Thug draws his shank back at waist-level and thrusts in a straight line, under-handed, right at MJ's lower back. But when she's hovering over Paula, there is blood on the back of her shoulder and down the dress, and she is painfully clutching at her shoulder. ??

Maybe for some reason they changed where they wanted the wound, but kept the same stabbing scene, hoping no one would notice? I suppose I'll have to go ahead and watch the current episode and see exactly where the wound ends up.

Lawdy, Alex looked good. SO good, in every scene. Boy, did he chew into Pimp Daddy like he was day-old liver. *fanning* And I cannot believe I am about to say this--but El Bruno was "passing out and hitting your head on a curb" HOT. Wow. (Dude--you are a joven, but next to H-H, you're an old bassett hound! Stop being nasty like that! I know, I know, as if)

Anywhoos, on to the current episode.

Oh no, Kat! Technology strikes again! Well, it happens to all of us, don't you fret, you hear? :)

Yikes, I feel for you Kat!! I so look forward to your take on Sorti but so goes our techno-filled world!!! I'll recap my fav. scene:

When Alex finally gets to the hospital and sees MJ, he says he knows she doesn't want to see him but he's not leaving there w/o her. He asks her forgiveness and says he knows she and the baby will come through this. She says "the baby" he says "yes our baby" She says "I thought you'd say it wasn't yours." He says "No, no, if you say its mine, I'll believe you." She says "yes, its yours' He says "Thank don't know how I've missed you" "Me too" she says.

THAT to me was the most touching scene of all.So I was puzzled when Alex calls Dr. Hernan and says MJ needs the blood and then says she's pregnant with a child" Why didn't he say "our child"?????

Kat, it happens. Don't sweat it.

Alex, ITA with beautiful, dreamy eyes, apologizes to MJ for everything, and as far as I know she apologized for her part as well. MJ also asks Alex, how do you know the baby is yours? Alex very lovingly says, If you tell me it's mine, I believe you. MJ tells him its his, and he continues to kiss her hand until the doctor comes in to say how important it is to get whatever blood MJ needs. Alex calls Hernan...

Sorry for jumping around, but let me rewind in my mind...Bruno comes in asking why Alex left in the helicopter, and Vicki tells him MJ was stabbed. He asks if it's serious, and they say yes.

In the helicopter, Alex is calling Paula who won't answer her phone....minutes later, she calls him from the doctor's cell to tell him how badly MJ is doing and what blood is needed. The doctor talks to him, and Alex tells him he doesn't have that type of blood.

LOL, the fact that only Bruno could donate blood was just as dumb as in CCEA when JM was the only one who could operate on Marichuy. Where do these writers come up with this crap?

That's all I remember for now.

This comment has been removed by the author.

So MJ actually didn't apologize then. She just said she missed Alex too. Sorry, I missed the last comment. My bad. I repeated a lot too.

BRUNO a match for MJ?? You cannot be for real. The plot needs a good monkey wrench thrown in it, but that is just blatantly "aren't we such clever writers" stoooopid.

Did I just congratulate these clowns on some nice work? And before I could get the next breath out--THIS? But Dear Viewer, we must instill great fear and trepidation that Bruno may blackmail his way to the presidency after all. Don't you agree? Sure. Just not with some moronic coincidence that makes you all look like hacks.

To heck with this right now. I'm going to bed!

Cielo de Levy ita it should have been MJ and Paula's long dead mother who was needed for the blood transfusion. Oh well that went another way with the story.

Alex is so mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm good.

LOL, Stephe. Seriously though, to heck with it. I'm going to finish studying. Three exams tomorrow. Wish me luck guys!

Ok seriously my last post tonight, Anon, Alex was tooooo gorgeous! Mmmmmuuuuaaa! Big kiss for him. Words are not enough for him. :)

Good luck on your exams Cielo de Levy.

Stephe you never fail to disappoint me with your comments.LOL.

I don't understand Spanish much, and I watch it in captions. This is what Alex (WL cries so beautifully -- sigh!) said by her bedside, while she was sleeping...

'yo tengo la culpa de todo. fui un tonto necio me da una rabia los celos. pero si te vas, si te vas no voy a poder vivir con esto. mi amor, resiste, resiste. si no quieres hacerlo por mi, no lo hagas. pero hazlo, hazlo por la criatura que llevas en tu vientre. a ella no le importan nuestras locuras, nuestras debilidades, nuestras dudas. solo quiere vivir y tiene derecho, mi amor. te lo juro, te juro que nunca jamas te voy a reprochar nada. no me importa lo que hiciste o lo que no hiciste. pero por favor, no me abandones, no me abandones. no lo hagas.'

Oh, Alex.... I feel for you, I feel you!!!

Cielo de Levy: you're right.... words are not enough...

 mrslmgallego : Thanks for writing out that beautiful bedside dialogue as it was said in Spanish, the thoughts are wonderful. The one thing about Alex and MJ is , because of their strange beginning, they never developed the
trusting friendship that with most couples comes first. Combine that with the fact that with his "in your face" anger and her "less than honest" responses, they were always at loggerheads quickly and never talked through anything. On her sickbed they are making progress. I just wish that they could get together now and we didn't have to endure the gemela thing.

Speaking of gemelas, on a Spanish Sorti blogI noticed that they were calling Bruno " gemelo de Satan", funny!

If Bruno is the only match in Merida, glad he was already typed and cross matched and in the registry. Beyond sillyness   

Missed your wonderful recap Kat, but sometimes technology lets us down. No worries, I'll just look forward to the next one.

The only donor stuff- means this novela just jumped the shark. None the less, I was impressed with Alex and the bedside scene. I'm still surprised to see such a range of emotion from Levy.

"I thinks it's called pride left in a state of shock, that his mother would address him in such a way in front of Ferdumbo" So true, that was my favorite part of the show...

Thanks for the recap, LaPaloma and Kat. Kat-I just hate it when the DVR goes wonky and has a mind of its own.

I thought Team MexiTrash was talking about Bruno hooking up with Katia as statutory rape because she still is a minor, and they'd have some good blackmail to hold over his head.

Silly me, I thought Bruno's personality might improve after doing the horizontal tango with someone. Anyone. Anything. Preferably human...

Bruno as a match for MJ's blood. Vaya! I did not see that coming. Just goes to show that after ten years, I'm still a telenovela novice. Jejejejeje

I think Dr. Hernan also said something about Raquel being a match too, but something about her having hepatitis. Did I hear that correctly? That harpy wouldn't donate anyway. Bruto will surely want something in exchange for donating, and we all know what he wants more than anything right now (well, asside from a dead Alex)- the Presidencia!

It's not surprising that Hernan, being the family doc, would know all of their blood types. He said he checked all the private clinic blood banks, and this type is so rare that they had not yet found a match. I think he was sure they would eventually find one, but not in time, so they had to go with the person in their midst that had the type (not that there is no one else in Mexico that doesn't have that type). I'm glad they didn't pull in the twin/long lost mama story to resolve the blood donation issue. 1) It would take more time than they have to find them; and 2) This keeps the story more tightly focused on the central players and hightens the drama. To me it would have felt more like they had jumped the shark had the brought the twin story in.

-Vivi in DC

Sorry about the DVR Kat. I hate it when that happens. And it is always something important or something you really wanted to watch.

I could see that whole blackmail thing coming from a mile away. Bruno never does anything because he cares about someone. He only cares about himself. So you know he's going to say something like I'll give you blood if you give me the presidency (not a spoiler, just an opinion.) I don't know much about stab wounds but it seems like if you were stabbed in the shoulder it shouldn't be that life threatening. I could be wrong though.

H-H Katia makes me want to either scream or throw up. She needs to lay off Fer because what does a 17 year old really know about life anyway?

What was that thing Useless had in his hair? Some kind of chic ponytail? Ack!

Bruno looked like he was about to cry when his mama threw him out of the house, then he looked like someone had kicked him in the gut when he heard MJ was preggers. Lol! Guesse he can't fool himself into believing that Alex and MJ haven't done the deed anymore. She obviously loves him, and now Bruno knows that.

Alex's bedside words to MJ were so beautiful. WL really brought it to those scenes- very believable and touching. Loved how he just laid himself bare in front of her, and expressed his unconditional love (I don't care what you did or didn't do).

-Vivi in DC

Good luck on your exams Cielo de Levy!

-vivi in DC

Thanks Kat and others who contributed information to make up this "turning point" capitulo.

I wonder if after Bruno gives the blood the baby develops his blood type (rather than Alex's). Of course we know that in reality that couldn't happen, but hey this theory is compatable with the ridiculous fact that Bruno is the only eligible donor.

By the way, someone asked why wasn't Raquel compatible since Bruno is. Bruno and Raquel are fraternal twins. Two seperate spern fertilized two seperate ova. They each have their own placenta. They are unlike identical twins who are the result of one sperm fertilizing one ova and then dividing to make 2 babies. Both babies share a common placenta.
Unlike fraternal twins, identical twins blood types are naturally compatible with each other.

Many people think that the way you identify identical twins is by the fact that they look almost identical. But in reality this is determined at birth when the doctor sees that there is only one placenta.

I'm a newbie to this post. Bruno was chosen by the writers to be the only blood donor because....Alex has the three things Bruno covets the most 1) control over the inheritance; 2)control over the company; 3) love of the girl. Which do you think he's going to "negotiate" for with Alex!! No one else but Bruno could put MJ at such risk and no one else would give up so much to save her.
Newbie in MD

Welcome Newbie in MD! I agree completely. It was a great, unexpected twist (and aren't we always complaining about how predictable tns are?).

-Vivi in DC

Vivi in DC, you're right -- Dr. Hernan did say Raquel had the same blood type but because she had hepatites as a child she couldn't be a donor.

So sorry about your DVR failure Kat. I look forward to your recap next week!

Thanks for the confirmation CubsFan. Glad to know I didn't just imagine that. So with those three having the same rare blood type, Bruno or MJ could at some point down the road save Raquel's life, MJ could save Bruno's life and vice versa, but good for nothing Raquel can't help anybody because of her childhood hepatitis. How ironic that three people who can't stand each other may be completely dependant on each other at some point.

-Vivi in DC

Hola todos

I can see Bruno bargaining being a donor for the Presidency and I can see Alex giving in considering whats a stake but I think that some how the fact that bruno slept with Fer sis they may have a way out of the situation in the end ie. either Bruno give up the presidency or go to jail for rape.

Robert is being backed into a corner with Bruno and the whole Mario crap. I think he will tell Alex everything to conttinue the life style he's accustome to. My fingers are crossed.

Why the heck didnt Pedro think of his wife and daughter as a possible match I mean if I had a family member dying I would do everything possible to save them. Even if he wasnt able to find them atleast he can say he tried.

I am so grateful to all of you for your input, and the time you spend doing this to make it easier for us english speakers to follow. i hate to even ask this but is there anywhere you can watch this with english subtitles. Again i am so grateful to all of you who post!

Kat, Not to worry; it happens to everyone and it was just your turn ;-). You must be doing the play about now? Hope it's going well. Break a leg, funny lady.

Ebony, ita that Pedro was his usual ineffectual self in the "where can we find a donor" quandry. I was sure he would 'fess up about the twin instead of doing his constant pained look and furrowed brow bit, but noooo--he did nothing. In a way I'm glad she hasn't been introduced; this gives Alex time to get back with MJ--hope their reunion is strong enough for the impending anvils!

Mrslmgallego, that was the most touching scene of the night and I'm so pleased you shared the dialogue. Thanks.

I do believe MauMau will hatch a plot to blackmail Bruno over the statutory rape of Katia. Maybe that will finally put the Mario Aguirre deal in check? They both know too much about the other.

Welcome, Newbie in MD.

Back to the pie baking. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Im hoping that Alex will find out about the rape and Mario from Robert and then use this against Bruno as it seems Alex is always on the defensive and never the offending side. For once he should have the upper hand over Bruno.

What type of blood would be so rare as MJ's? Rh negative?

Isn't there a blood type that is like a universal type that can be used by anybody?

Blood types are more complicated than we are usually led to think. Most of us just know the basics. Yes, O is considered universal donor, but cannot receive from anyone else other than O, and O- cannot receive from O+. But O is often rare in most communities. Things like race and ethnicity also affect what is considered rare or common in a particular community.

-Vivi in DC

Sorry about your mishap Kat. I also look forward to your recap next week. Thanks for all of those who pitched in and let us know who said what.

Ebony - great point. The fact that Pedro didn't say anything at the time possibly means when this secret gets revealed MJ and Paula may not be talking to Daddy for moment. Granted there was not enough time to track MJ's twin or mother down but he never offered the info and perhaps he thinks her twin died.

Best wishes on your exams Cielo.

Anon 10:36 - on Univision the only CC's are in Spanish.

Thanks for the twin info Joanne.

Break a leg, Kat!

Anon 02:39 said "THAT to me was the most touching scene of all.So I was puzzled when Alex calls Dr. Hernan and says MJ needs the blood and then says she's pregnant with a child" Why didn't he say "our child"?????

What an excellent question! Alex loves MJ, but he does not trust her.

I wish I shared the optimism that some of you seem to have about Roberto. I agree that he seems to hold the keys to Alex coming out on top in all this, but he is a train wreck! I can't get over the scene with Uli a few days ago after what he intended to be the rape of his wife. Raquel acted like she got into it, making the scene ambivalent at best (and VERY troubling!) but Roberto's INTENT was clear. He wanted to show his wife that he still had power over her by raping her. So I can't trust Roberto to help Alex, even if in so doing he helps himself. His character is all over the map.

I've been trying to find info on statutory rape in Mexico. We may be SOL on that angle. I found an article that said your punishment for stealing a cow was harsher than for being a rapist. Sad.

Is statutory rape different for males than the females in
Mexico b/c on Gancho the majority of people (characters and viewerville) seem ok with Aldo and Estrelle getting together but is the complete opposite about Bruno and Katia or is this just a double-stander?

Pedro may think that Sandra the twin is dead. Elena told Useless she was going to leave all three behind but Sandra was always so sickly so she kept Sandra and left MJ and Paula.

If Sandra was always very sickly, in Pedro's mind she could be dead, and if she could be dead there's no use in bringing it up now especially when he doesn't know where Sandra is, if she "is."

Elena, on the other hand, he should have brought up. But he didn't because he would have to admit that Elena left him and the girls. So, yet another parent who lies about vital truths in order to look good.

So there are 4 people with the same blood type on this show:

Maria Jose

And all four are twins.

Victoria automatically thinks Maria Jose is a cheating slut because SHE was a cheating slut. She'll always think Maria Jose's baby is Mario Aguirre's and that MJ is lying about the paternity because SHE lied about her children's paternity for 30+ years.

Actually, according to most Mexican law (it varies), this isn't statutory rape, but it is corrupting the morals of a minor (still a serious charge). Many places in Mexico have an age of consent as low as 12! And many states in the US have statutory rape laws with ages different than 18. 16 is more widely used, but it varies. As for corrupting the morals of a minor, they also have to show "deceit" by the predator (Bruno), and although he's used deceit a lot, I'm not sure it qualifies in this case. However, we don't know if the writers are going with actual law, anyway, so we'll just have to see what happens.

I thought they said that Vicky had the same blood type, but had hepatitis (or something) earlier, so didn't qualify, and that Raquel was not a match. But I could be wrong about that. Anyway, the fact that Bruno is the only available match is just PERFECT, and so classic for a telenovela. I love it!

It is probably a double standard. I did read that if a girl was raped and the rapist agreed to marry her then no charges could be filed. And also if the girl was raped it was on her to prove that she was pure and chaste before the attack. Huh? That is just nonesense if you ask me. And, also, back in the day, if a guy raped a girl and he said, well she smiled at me so she must have wanted it" that was a legitimate excuse. Let's just line them up for a penisectomy.

Thanks for the info Hombre. I was getting frustrated because I couldn't find what I wanted. Your explanation makes sense.

Just looked at the scene again when Alex speaks to Dr. Hernan for the first time (you can tell I'm having a slow day and that I'm not traveling for the holidays). Here is the link, he speaks to Hernan starting at 4:40:

Firstly, he does say that Mj is ecpecting HIS child. I think WL's accent just made it difficult to tell. He says "Esta esperando mijo (mi hijo)." He ran mi and hijo together, which is very common in Caribbean Spanish. Seriously, watch it again.

Also, he says that MJ has AB- blood, which accroding to this chart on wikipedia (, 1% or less of the population has in most countries.

-Vivi in DC

To be more precise, the crime of "consented sex with adolescents" requires deceit. The crime of corruption of minors apparently does not (as is more serious). However, both require a complaint to be filed by the victim or the victim's family. Katia probably wouldn't do anything, but if Fernando found out, he probably could file a complaint. Here's where I got the info:

Scroll down to the Mexico section and they explain the different crimes.

I obviously can't spell today either. :)

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Thanks, Hombre, for the info on statutory rape. Didn't realize there was so much variation in the law in Mexico. But the corruption of minors law makes sense now because MauMau and Uli toasted over the "...minoridades..." after she told him the news -- at least that's the word I think I heard. Seems MauMau is still pretty happy she found out about this event and is poised to use it somehow though. We'll just have to see how serious a crime it is, if it's a crime at all.

Joanne, I think what you said about identical twins having a single placenta is usually but not always true. My daughter-in-law gave birth to twin girls. They had two placentas, so my son and daughter-in-law assumed they were fraternal twins even though they looked very much alike. However, a year later, DNA testing revealed conclusively that the girls were identical twins. My son and daughter-in-law were told that in about 20% of cases, identical twins have two placentas.

I think I see Bruno trading blood for the presidency of Lombardo Inc.
Raquel was a mtach too, but she had hepatitis as a child.
Alex, desperate told Hérnan to find that type blood whatever it took, in EEUU, Canada & they would fly it in. But time being important, Bruno is handy. Hope his blood doesn't corrupt the hijo.

Vivi in DC - "But O is often rare in most communities."
Thanks for the info. I thought it was the most common type, but see I have it confused with 'universal donor'. I'm O+.
Also more thanks re: noting that MJ is AB- because I missed that one.

Ms 5ft. too bad the dvr konked out but you did a great job with what was sent to you.

I just have to say that Alex gets better and better with every episode. The bedside dialogue was just stupendous. He surely is a good actor and a hottie at that!!!

Thanks for the dialoue Mrslmgallego.


I think O+ is the universal donor - I'm not sure how it works that other blood types can combine with it, though. I'm O- which can't. The whole blood type thing seems strange, though, doesn't the child have to have one or the other parent's blood type? Which would have to mean it's the Dad in common, because neither Vic nor Alex have it. Starting to get too confusing though...??

Ivy, a child can have one or the other parents' blood type, or a combination- meaning neither of the parents' type.

I didn't catch the blood type but it was negative, making it even more rare.

Bruno said, MJ having an hijo with that cerdo? Imagine him calling precious Alex a cerdo!!!!

Maybe Bruno wouldn't go to jail for statutory rape, but how about his so-called reputation & the (good) family name?

Vicky didn't lie to her husband about the true father of the gemelos because he couldn't have children. She just never revealed the truth to the 3 children.

I'm AB negative, no kidding, but I'v never been told that it is that rare. I should call the blood banks. MJ will have have special tests for antibodies during her pregnancy, but maybe Alex is negative as well. I doubt they'll take the story line that far!

Other than pregnant women and those facing major surgery, most people aren't typed and cross matched, lucky they knew Bruno's type.

While the hospital scene was very sweet, I hate the thought of the "gemelo de Satan" being a donor.

According to the wikipedia chart, O+ is more common, O- is more rare (at least in the countries listed). O- is only compatible with O-, but O+ is compatible with O-.

I don't think we should agonize over it too much, but I was impressed at least to see that AB- is very rare and the writers weren't just making stuff up.

-Vivi in DC

mija, mijo, porfa, all common in speaking like idunno is in English.

Thanks all for the recap. I know about the technology messing up. Been there many times. Loved Alex's bedside confession. It was beautiful and beautifully acted. WL was amazing. I too thought he said "mi hijo" when he was talking to Hernan on the phone. Bruno is the only blood donor available. Dun Dun Dun Duuun! LOL we all know what he will want in exchange. I was surprised that Pedro didn't say anything about the not so dead mother but we all know that anvil is hanging over our lovebirds heads. Will someone please tell Vicky to look in the mirror while she's judging MJ. I knew Fer wouldn't keep the secret to himself about MJ being preggers to himself. It was just a matter of time before he told Vicky. Looking forward to tonight's show.

Juanita, thanks for clarifying that identical twins can have seperate placentas. I am an identical twin and all of my life I had only heard it the other way around. I googled it and you are right. In part, this is what one article said:

Identical twins develop when a fertilized egg splits. Depending on when the split occurs will determine if the twins share a placenta, with either one or two chorions and amnions, or if they each develop their own placentas. In general, the later the spit occurs, the more likely that the twins will share one placenta".

I think it's fun that we're not only learning Spanish from the novelas but they compel us to research other real topics as well.

Thanks for the youtube Hernan-Alex conversation link Vivi in DC but I don't hear "mi hijo", I hear "un hijo". Regardless, Alex told MJ he would believe her if she said the baby was his so we'll see if he really does in upcoming episodes.

I am AB negative as well.

ALE!!!!! FLY me instead, my bags are packed and my passport is ready!

Pirate babe Vicki is just so delusional it's not even funny anymore. Her and her vapid boy toy Ferdumbo need to be stranded on a far off island. Neither one have been supportive of Alex so they need to go.

I can put up with team Mexitrash and the others who are conspiring against MJ and Alex. These two idiots are suppose to be on the good side.

How many of us are still working? Me for one. I need dog food and don't want to stop on the way home. Can you imagine the lines?! Ugh.

Joanne - yeah I think it's fun to learn these things, prompted by a TN! In the interest of researching stuff - here is a link about how blood type genetics work - I didn't know this and found it interesting.

No show tomorrow night but check in because I'll be posting something. Hope everyone has a great turkey day. Yes, I'm still here.

Connie, you have 2 choices, stop at 7/11 & pay 3 times as much or give him half your dinner.

Connie, if you haven't left, get your dog food at a service station mini mart, they'll have it, won't be crowded.

Happy Thanksgiving all, welcome Newbie, Cielo... hope you blew the tops off of your tests and most of all, MJ and Alex, I hope you get al least a couple of weeks of peace before the next anvil falls, your friends at CC are rooting for you and Baby Alex.

la paloma. I liked the One hospital, one doctor, one cop and one person to give blood ROTF. REgarding Raquel enjoying the sex. I personally think that she showed happiness cause now, if she is pregs by her lover, she can for a while, say it is her husbands. Before that, how would she explain the pregancy if wife and spouse never had sex. With Bruno, I think he will blackmail for pres; however, it will be dragged out and in the end, wha laa, someone else comes forth with blood, just as he is ready to accept the presidency and therefore doesn't get it. Who knows, it may be on the last night of the show ROTF

On a different note and unrelated. I need help with a spanish song. I have the song on disc with no title but it is so beautiful. A woman sings and in the chorus with others. It is a christmas song and the chorus goes something like this: Muchas cosas mas. no me da nada navidad. The beat goes downwards in half note,k almost like the beginning sound track of Antes de que te vayas. The beginning talks about someone not giving to remember and forgetting to call? I love the song and want to get the words offline, but I can't make out half of it. Any ideas on who it is and what they are singing. I do know it is not a regular christmas carol. It is someone singing about christmas, without the loved one I think.

"Oh yeah and by the way, Vic, MJ is preggers." Grrrr. Of course you had to flap your pie hole, Fer.

My, my... people throw around "mi amor" like it's water. If I just met you last night and don't even know if you have a rap sheet or anything else about you, it's still "mi amor" this and "mi amor" that. Really means a lot, that phrase. Doesn't it.

Couldn't tell if Al told Hernan "un hijo" or "mijo", what with the way he was emoting and stumbling over his words in the moment. Levy could very well have bungled the line somewhat, who knows. But what with him totally choked up while telling Hernan about the baby, and him begging forgiveness and accepting it is his without question, what the heck does it matter? I've heard proud papas say my wife and I are expecting A baby, and my wife is expecting A baby in real life. Big deal.

What a wonderful scene between MJ and Alex. Why does a man like that have to be a work of fiction?? LOL

Ohhhh, Alejandro, don't cry, baby. It's gonna be okay. (probably not) Man, he suffers good.

(sorry, I'm watching last night's episode LOL)

On the un hijo vs mijo, I think most men are better with the real baby than the embryo baby. That's not to say that many aren't thrilled and helpful during the pregnancy, they just bring much more to the table after the little one is here. I'm OK with un hijo.

Kat: Rotten luck with the DVR. Mine's been screwing around, too. Re: your production --Break a leg!

Thanks to everyone who helped out with this recap. Things like that are so appreciated! You all never disappoint!

Great discussion about blood types and twins, too. Who'd a thunk you could learn so much extraneous stuff while blogging, huh?
WL floored me with his bedside apology and professed love. Definitely a 3 hanky scene.

I think it's hysterical that Bruno is the only donor. It's also super creepy. I keep thinking of that Seinfeld episode when Seinfold wakes up in the hospital and learns that he has Kramer's blood in him and freaks out. I can imagine that will be MJ's reaction when she learns she has creepy Bruno's blood in her. Major eeww!


Hi. Just to clarify: AB (positive or negative) is universal receiver. An AB person can receive from an A, from a B, from an AB or an O. I was a kidney transplant nurse for a few years so I dealt with this daily. If they wanted her to be rare they should have made her a B.

Hey guys! All done with my tests, finally! Thanks for all the wishes. You guys rock.

And as for Alex's apology, I forgive him for everything after that. Someone mentioned it's sad that he's fictional, and ITA. Damn, I wish he were real.

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