Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Gancho Tuesday Nov. 24, '09 Slap My A** And Call Me Sally, The Hot Sauce Hit The Fan Tonight!

Oh my yes, it was a dramatic episode tonight. Aldo under papa-drug surveillance, Connie driven to distraction by her cougar mama; and Beto and Sal, in full paranoid hysteria, barricaded in the xerox room. In the midst of all that, Mauricio, in his Furia Enmascarada outfit was purely an afterthought. But speaking of afterthoughts, is our Constanza with child? The nausea, pallor and need to vomit are all pointing towards pregnancy. If she faints, we'll know for sure.

We start, relatively calmly, with Salvador breaking up with Gabriela. Seems he can't get past the toupee incident, even though she's ready to forget that little contretemps. He's convinced it's one of many signs that they are not meant to be. After all, it's never come loose before.

And our beloved Connie is twisting the knife in Monita's tender flesh, taunting her with the fact that she has both Mauricio and Beto by the short hairs and intends to keep them both.

So much for old painful stuff. Let's move on to new discomfort. Xime, Jerry, Rolu and wheelchair arrive at Mauricio's for dinner. Terry is surprised and of course Mauricio is not there. But Jackie is, and it's lust at first sight for Jeronimo.

Mientras tanto, Estrella is worried about Monita handling her distress. For Estrella it's different. She's an actress. She can keep it all inside. Encapsulate it. But she's afraid Monita will explode.

Back to the big house. Jackie's moved into her second favorite topic (her first being, well...Jackie), the need for more servants. Rolu quips that he'd volunteer his wife but she can't cook. Jackie's charmed. You remind me of my third husband...or was it my fourth? Well, anyway, he was in a wheelchair. And poor Jean-Claude ...he survived three heart attacks only to die at sea. How many husbands in all? Well, five. Jerry's looking like he's ready to be number six, and Jackie's on board. There's some more chit-chat about the big scene over Aldo's drug use. The dismal state of the household. No drinking, no smoking. Jeez, let's get out of here and go eat someplace.

Off they go. Jackie, Jerry and Xime. But wait! Xime's forgotten something. What was it? Oh yes, her purse. Only after Rolu aggressively clears his throat, does she remember her "bulto", and who can blame her?

Over dinner, Jackie wants to know about the situation with Beto, Maurio and Connie. Xime starts to explain but gets hopelessly confused. Rolu suggests that she's most adorable when she spends half an hour in the bathroom so she obligingly runs off to the ladies' while Jackie remains
as mystified as ever.

Now to the dark side. Loriloca and Oscar are plotting in the coffee room, emptying a full flask of poison into Sal's coffee and cackling over his future "all expenses paid" vacation in a padded cell. The thought gets their hormones flaring and they decide consummation can't wait. Off they gambol to a secret trysting place. We'll serve the coffee later.

Enter Beto, under a barrage of complaints from Paula. Clean this place up and don't leave until you do. Of course he spots the coffee and the cookies and swills it all down while Oscar and Lori are romping elsewhere. Can paranoia be far behind?

Well, we have to wait to find out. We're now at the gym where Monita, Costeño and Cesar are trying to come up with names for the new luchador. Monita finally picks a winner with Furia Enmascarada and the scene switches to our sculpted Mau, trying on the swanky outfit and hood. Connie's knocking at the door but he puts her off. The secret is safe for now.

Our scummy lovers stagger back into the coffee room, clothes askew, to find to their horror that Beto has gulped down the poisoned brew. Yes, the hot sauce has hit the fan. (And for those of you who don't know...Slap My Ass And Call Me Sally is actually the name of a hot sauce, one that will burn you from one end to the other, evidently.) So Beto's roaming the office in full paranoid hysteria until finally barricading himself in the xerox room. Paula's pounding on the door, ordering him out, while Gaby tries the gentle approach. Neither one works. He wants his mommy and Monita. And he's scared! And poor Sal is about to join him. Lorenza has tracked him into his office, offering him more poisoned coffee to "calm his nerves" and he willingly slurps it down before peering furtively out the venetian blinds. Twitching and ticking to beat the band, of course. They're both scared.

And Mau is scared also. Scared that he can't trust Aldo anymore. So from now on, he's taking all three of them to school. And checking with the teachers and the principal. If there are any slipups, he'll find out immediately. As for Chubi, he's on his way to prison. Now, son, any more junk in the house? Aldo swears there isn't (and we're pretty sure cunning Jackie got it all) but the scene ends tenderly with Aldo saying "Papa, I love you." " I love you too, son."

Well, no love lost between Connie and Mom. Constanza is begging Mau to throw her maternal unit out and Mau, of course, is welcoming his suegra with all his heart. And what better time for Jackie to resurrect some old stories about daughter.? Her problems with whiskey. That time she caught her in her room with her piano teacher and way drunk. Mau's loving it. Connie not so much.

After our galan leaves, Jackie wants a heart to heart with Connie about Monita and this Fantasma Vengador, adding that "lucha libre no es nice". Connie doesn't want to chat so mom then suggests a perfect day of shopping, massages and whatnot. No way. Connie's feeling nauseous, like she wants to vomit (OH NO, PREGNANCY ALERT!) but Jackie thinks she's just bulimic. Leave me in peace, wails Connie. C'mon I'm your mom! is the retort.

And the staff won't leave Beto in peace either. The entire workforce has now gathered outside the door and Beto can feel their bad vibes. No way is he coming out. Sal, twitching and jerking, has an idea. Beto, I want to raise your salary. Interest. How about I make you director of planning and projects? More interest. Do I get status over Paula? Yes, and over Gabriela too. Way more interest. Can I come in? Yes, but just you. Tengo miedo, bleats Beto.

Alright. Great scene. Maybe it can't match Lalo and Xime's mating dance but it's pretty darn good. Sal and Beto have each found a soul mate. At last, someone else who worries about hidden microphones, cameras etc. And understands the need to whisper behind the hands, in case the enemy can read lips. It's a kind of infernal heaven. Or would be if only Mommy and Monita could be there. Because that's who Beto really wants to see. (Okay, I know it's "whom" but you don't really want me to write that, do you?)

Meanwhile Gaby and Lorenza are bickering outside the door over relative degrees of lunacy. In the midst of this, Lorenza uses the word "cordura" (sanity) and Gaby thinks she's sniping about her "gordura" (fatness) and sharp words are exchanged.

In the midst of all this chaos, who bounces out of the elevator but Xime , Rolu, and Jerry. The latter snarks that it's a typical day in the office, Beto and Sal, soul brothers to the core, barricaded in the xerox room. Riiiiight.

Time for a pow-wow with Oscar. Jerry thinks he has news but Oscar already knows about Aldo's drug problem. And he's sceptical about Jerry's new infatuation with Mau's mother-in-law. But just think, Oscar adds, relapses are common, and we can give Aldo a little "empujo" (push) back into drug use. Jerry, always the slower of the two, wonders why. Well, we need an "as bajo la manga" (an ace up our sleeve) in order to get Connie to divorce Mauricio. She'd never divorce him on her own. And we want our share of the spoils. So we'll have to move the chess pieces around so she has to bow out of the marriage.( Sounds good to me.)

While these two are hatching their plans, the elevator disgorges some more players....Jackie and Constanza. Mom is only moderately impressed with Mauricio's business office. Jean-Claude had a much bigger spread, with a golf course no less. Connie's getting all riled up but the last thing the office needs is another loca. And Paula's only too glad to tell Jackie all the other things her daughter is...like promiscuous, dishonest, underhanded, slutty, poisonous....I see you know her even better than I, smiles Jackie. Honestly, we thought about having an exorcism performed on her as a child. Too bad we didn't.

Another elevator eruption. This time the much longed for Nieves and Monita. Monita's banging on the door and yelling at Beto to open it, while Gabriela explains to Jackie that Moni is an "encanto de niña." A little discreet Jackie eye rolling ensues.

Beto and Sal are crazy on the inside. Connie's still going crazy on the outside. Mom is the problem. Jerry can't believe it. He's sure he'd have a great time with her. Yeah, try living just one week with her!, wails Connie. Done. I'll haunt her night and day, he promises.

Whoosh. Suddenly Sal evacuates from the room. Evidently Beto has let a big one. The stress of the situation, you understand. Although it cleared out Sal, Monita and Connie, undeterred by the aroma, are now hunkered down in the copy room with our paranoid paramour.

Mauricio...the last to arrive at this crazy party, is horrified.

But not Beto. I'm with the two women I love! he exults.

Previews: Jerry and Jackie are smooching.
Lorenza is talking on the phone about the poisoning of the coffee and Ximena overhears.
Beto is kissing Gabriela? Did I really see that? (recorder isn't working so I can't check.)
And Beto's in the copy room with Monita and Connie, ordering them to "love me" while performing his trademark lizard tongue move. Can't wait for Wednesday!

pasar bomba =have a great time, get along swell
acorralado = cornered
as bajo la manga= ace up one's sleeve
chuchuloco = crazy? Sal said it. All I could find in dictionary was "chuchumeca" which means hooker.
cordura = sanity, being on an even keel
gordura= plumpness, fatness
empujo = push

Dicho of the Day:

Dios los cria y ellos se juntan. Birds of a feather, flock together. Could apply to Beto and Sal now that they've both swallowed the same poisoned coffee. But I imagine their collusion is only temporary. Sure hope so. As for Oscar and Jeronimo. For sure. Oscar and Lorenza, yes. As for Jackie? We'll see who she fits with. (whom whom!)


Judy, spectacular. I marvel at your ability. I swear, you guys make it seem so easy, while sometimes it seems to me to be almost like birthin' a baby. Can you believe that we're over 100 episodes and this train is still firmly on the rails. We are witnesses to a phenomenon that I doubt has yet to be fully recognized.

I've vowed to avoid grammar here, but...(hope you're happy Agnes Ann McKinley!) may I gently suggest that actually who is the proper usage. That is who... works better for me.

Jaki may have arrived late, but isn't she making up for lost time? I think no man is safe here, including Tano. It's worth repeating, she is a pistol.

I'm starting to get excited about our Isla Mujeres trip. Today I got my marching orders from my Profa, Adriana. "Keep a diary of the trip...en español." I thought I was going to be basically soaking up sun and playing grab the (hopefully not purple) butt with the Lovely Linda. Thankfully Stephe (wow, talk about great expectations) will be doing the recap. I'm taking along my little laptop so I hope that I'll not have to wait until we're back to tune in.

Didn't Coni look lovely tonight in that geometrically patterned dress?


Chaos is right! Whew, I'm out of breath just watching the episode and reading your recap. I agree with Carlos, this show really maintains a pace.

Coni always looks good in everything she wears. Both she and Xime are gifted that way. I remember one of Xime's dresses looked like a sofa pillow and she still looked good in it. Go figure. I like how Jacqui's houndstooth jacket matched the trim on Coni's dress.

Apparently they censored out the farts yet again. Not that I care about flatulation, but why???

Oh yeah baby, our Jacqui is definitely making up for lost time. She sure liked Sal, didn't she? I think she really goes for those mature, debonair chaps. Did you notice how she kind of mimicked his crazy tick when they met and stared at each other? Very funny! I suspect her cougaring with Jero may just be temporary and I fully expect her to wreak havoc in the coming days.

Judy, way to match the pace of tonight's episode! Your recap zipped right along and had me laughing all over again.

Who vs. Whom...sometimes we just have to use "who" even when it's not a subject because "whom" sounds way too weird, dontcha think? Works for me.

Thanks amiga! You really did this jampacked episode justice. Loved the recap, the vocab and your daily dicho.

I'm excited about Stephe recapping also but I think we'd better depend on Sylvia to help her post. I've never done a transfer from notebook or whatever to the software. I just type directly in. So I'm afraid I might somehow "lose" her recap which I know will be marvelous.

Well, on the "whom" debate...object or subject, I always loved that old comic line "Whom? You'm, that's whom!"

Another possibility would be to have Stephe contact Melinama for access to the software since I'm sure someone will ask her to sub again.

Her life is too busy right now to take on full-time recapping but I know we all love her style and would love a pinch-hit whenever possible.

Now Carlos...is it because in "That is who..." "who" is functioning as a nominative pronoun? I was thinking since it's the object of a verb...Beto WANT TO SEE , it would have to be "whom". Can you resurrect Agnes Ann McKinley so she can settle this!?

A stellar recap Judy. As always, you picked the perfect vocabulary and dicho to tie everything together. I look forward to reading these almost as much as your recap.

"Scummy loves" and "new discomfort". Excellent! I loved when Ximena forgot Rolu (yet again) and my fervent wish is that she would do so permanently.

I thought the title was clever Judy but had no idea there was a sauce by that name!

I have to admit I can no longer watch Sal twitch and twitter. Last night, I changed the channel when he came on - just too painful to watch. I'm glad our Ximena appears to unearth the poisoning and it ends soon.

If Coni is pregnant, I would think that the storyline might not take that turn unless she will be redeemed in the end. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

Sylvia, I love the fashions too. I think both Coni and Ximena could be models, particularly Ximena. Enjoy their styles, both with great flair.

Carlos, a safe and happy trip! We will miss you and look forward to your return.

I wish everyone a safe and Happy Thanksgiving.


Good morning Diana. Wishing you a safe and happy Thanksgiving also. In Ohio, the highway north to Cleveland (and partway to Youngstown) becomes a parking lot. So many of our residents are from one of those two areas and head home for the holidays. Hope you're not having to travel and can rassle that turkey into submission without too much trouble.

Judy, now I remember why I swore off wading (blundering) into grammar debates. You got me to thinking about whom being the direct object, but after pondering this and playing with the sentence by substituting other pronouns (she/her, he/him) I think what we are dealing with is a noun clause(that's who) that is the object rather than who or whom. As I recall, Paula and Susanlynn love these grammar discussions. Maybe they'll be lured into this.

We were speculating when Jackie first appeared about whom she would attempt to seduce, my new guess is that before it's over, she'll take a shot at all the guys here. At first I thought that Jero would be an unlikely target but now I want to see her go after Tano or maybe Cristian. Cupid is such a loose cannon in this show, that no one is out of the question here.

Did you notice when Ximena retrieved Rolu to take to dinner, that she gave the wheelchair a push and then jumped on the back of it to hitch a ride?



Thanks for the recap Judy. I'm not going to enter into the grammar discussion as I'm still learning this stuff and some of the best advice I've received is on this blog.

Wow, I never knew that there was a hot sauce by that name. However, I shun anything hot. My palate can't handle it.

ITA with Carlos...Jacqui is a pistol. I also enjoy how she torments Connie. And I must also give this novela points for remaining fun in spite of the number of episodes (I can't believe we're over 100). I know we've all seen extended novelas and the results can be very ugly (I'm specifically thinking of LFMB). I hope I'm not speaking too soon but this novela has so many crazy characters that are integral to the plot it doesn't seem like filler.

I am also looking forward to Stephe's recap. Have a great holiday, Carlos.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone and traveling mercies is you will be in transit.

Good morning everyone.

No I did not see Xime jump on Rolu's wheelchair. She's too darn funny, such a great comedic sense of timing.

Karen, I agree with you. I know they extended this TN but it still doesn't feel like filler. Even Juan Querendon started to get a bit repetitive and that was also a pretty fast-moving show. The actors in Gancho are delightful and talented, I just hope the writers can keep up the pace.

Thanks for bringing that delicious moment back, Carlos. Yes, she did jump on his chair and whiz like it was a scooter. I also loved the way she bumped it (take that! Rolu) as she lurched it out of the elevator.

I fear Susanlynn may be too involved with Thanksgiving dinner preparation to weigh in on our grammar conundrum. But no matter. Let the chips fall where they may, and may the Grammar Gods forgive us poor mortals when we go astray. Because, speaking for myself "I ain't mad, I ain't sorry, and it's probably gonna happen again." Country songs are the best, aren't they?

Karen, I had never heard of this hot sauce either...until yesterday, in class.

As you may know, aerobics classes also function as mini-therapy groups and in various corners around the room, whilst doing leg lifts etc., the ladies were comparing family holiday get-together horror stories.

One woman, who has a distant in-law relative by her second husband (got that?) who is decidedly redneck (I chose not to mention my Forks of Elkhorn DNA at that point) was lamenting that this cracker brought her a bottle of Smack My Ass And Call Me Sally last year, intimating that her cooking was too bland!

Great story and we worked it in to some banter throughout the rest of the class. And then I couldn't resist using it here.

Great recap -- you caught all the nuances.

Count me out of the admiration for Coni's dress -- not this one. But I missed the coordination with Jacki's jacket. That was a nice touch.

Have you noticed Rolu's expression when Xime does something off the wall like the hide n seek game she suggested? He seems bemused but amused. I think he may be staring to appreciate her.

Yep, it does look as though Coni may be preggers. She'll have to into seduction overdrive if she wants to convince Mao it's his. But then maybe she doesn't have to. He can't leave even if he knows-- and Coni can use it to try to convince Moni that she's been sleeping with Mao.

What a ride this show is!

Güera from Syracuse

Yes, Güera, that's the rub. Connie will use it to convince Monita she's had some close encounters with Mau. Another hurt for our heartbroken heroine. Dang! "But this too shall pass" and I'm sure there will be a lot of funnies mixed in.

Now, interesting point about Rolu's bemused expression. I noticed it also but couldn't decide if the actor was just getting such a kick out of Xime he couldn't "stay in character" or if the personage Rolu gradually is thawing.

Would be great if he warmed up and "became worthy" of Ximena. Like Carlos, who has a soft spot for villaness Connie, I keep a tender eye on Rolu. He is hawt hawt hawt, after all, and one hates to see all that fine landscape go to waste on evil doings.

Judy that story was hilarious. That poor woman must have been so humiliated that a relative would think her cooking bland. I'm glad aerobics can be a source for not only exercise but great tales as well.

Judy, I think these actors all enjoy one another so much that they probably are all at times struggling to keep a straight face. I've thought that several times Coni has almost cracked up even while being at her evil best. When Moni was sitting there watching Nieves help Alicia pack, she looked genuinely entertained. Gosh, I love this show.


Y'know, Karen, it's possible the gift was well-intentioned. I guess Floridians are pretty proud of their "use it and die" hot sauce. But then again....well, the upshot of all our stories was that we ALL have crazy families. Strangely reassuring.

Carlos, I think you've put your finger on one of the secrets of this show. The actors really are enjoying themselves, the situations, the scripts, the whole enchilada as we gringos say.

And my oh my, the writing is really clever. The recurring themes, the hilarious modus operandi of all the characters...Paula's plastic knife and threats, Estrella's sweetly narcissistic "Estrella Falcon actriz!" Beto's "me dañas"," puedo tutearte?", Xime's "tres cosas" "sipis" and "nopis", and Christian's law review way of speaking...well, it's charming and endearing and downright funny.

This is the most I've ever enjoyed a telenovela (other than drooling over Fernando Colunga in Amor Real). And of course there was so much angst and crying in that one, even drooling got to be painful after a while.

I was lured here by the hot sauce, but the grammar question is what kept my attention.

"Is" (technically, "to be") is a linking verb. A pronoun that comes after a linking verb should be subject case (I, she, they, who), not object case (me, her, them, whom).

However, it is so common to use the object case with linking verbs that few people would give you a hard time about it; it's a losing battle.

Source: http://grammar.quickanddirtytips.com/grammar-linking-verbs.aspx

Judy, speaking of country songs with meaningful titles look at this by John Denver. I keep hoping to get an episode that this title would fit.


Judy, thanks for another terrific recap (and great title). As for chuchuloco, in my episode the other day they spelled it chuchuluco. I found a reference online to little snacks or toys you get at an outdoor market. I think they were using it as a euphemism for Sal's wig, his little "accessory".

As for the grammar, I sometimes have the same problem as you did - I know how to write it correctly, but it sounds stilted. Sometimes I use the "proper" grammar, but often I just write it the way most people talk, and ignore the "rules".

Diana, I can see Connie getting redeemed at the end (if she's pregnant). In fact, it might be fun if everyone got redeemed, or at least the punishment for the bad guys could be humorous, rather than something like getting killed, or life in prison. For example, Coni could end up with Beto, and live in the barrio, wearing naco clothes. Oscar could be disbarred, become penniless, and we'd see him with a sign "Will write contracts for food". I don't know about Rolu - he's already been punished pretty much. Maybe one more time with the full body cast would serve him right.

The show really is one of the funniest I've seen. I loved the arrival of character after character at the scene where Sal and Beto were locked in the room. Each one brought his or her personality into the mix. And the addition of Jacky has made the show wilder than ever!

Julia, thanks for another interesting input to the question but its still murky for me. In the "it is I" example...if you completed it, yes, the I would be the subject. It is I....who is answering the phone.

But in my recap example...Nieves and Monita are who/whom? Beto wants to see. There the word serves as the object of a verb. Beto wants to see whom? Nieves and Monita.

Well, fuggedabout it because as Sylvia and Hombre noted, the correct usage (IF we can ever agree what the correct usage is) sounds stilted.

Carlos, I didn't think any song could top Third Rate Romance, Low-Rent Rendezvous (thanks Mike) but Get Your Tongue Out of My Mouth, I'm Telling You Good-Bye is now my new favorit I'm pretty sure you'll have an opportunity to use it one of these days soon! Heck, it would have been perfect for a recent episode of Sortilegio and certainly could come up again soon. But wait, First Dibs for Carlos! No tocar, Sortilegio recappers.

I get it - the "who" goes with the "wants," rather than with the "is"; the "is" links "that" with the entire clause, not just the word. I think you are right.

Waaalll, I ain't agonna stick my nose in that there grammaticular argument.....

Loved the recap, Judy. What a hilarious show. I agree that Rolu wasn't able to hide his smile at Ximena's antics. Maybe his ultimate punishment will be for Ximena to fall in love with someone else - and have it returned, about the time Rolu finally falls in love with her, and realizes what he lost. (I can do a longer run-on sentence, just give me a moment!)

I would love to see Mauricio sign over all his money to the kids and then put monita in charge of it or just sigh it over to monita. That way even with the prenups Coni wouldnt get all of his money.
On the plus side it would just drive her crazy.

Thanks Julia. I was beginning to think I was crazy. Grammar was such an issue in German so I had it drummed into me even though my eighth grade parse-that-sentence Mrs. Kessler (did she even have a first name?)hasn't stayed with me like Carlos' Agnes Ann McKinley has.

Emilia...you are too funny. Yeah, gimme a run-on sentence. I love those. And semi-colons be damned.

Ebony...thanks for dropping by. What an ingenious idea. But alas, our Mauricio appears to be a dim bulb. Gorgeous, sculpted and with nice hair...but dim, dim, dim. You have thought of a way out, but I doubt he will. Still, keep those ideas coming!

PS Emilia. Hope your mama makes it over for Thanksgiving. How wonderful that she lives so close. When "the days dwindle down to a precious few", every holiday is a treasure.

I heard some Strauss waltzes on the radio this morning that were some of my dad's favorites and I felt such nostalgia-- missing my own folks once more.

They say that we carry the people we love imprinted in every cell of our brain but sometimes I wish we could just have them here, one more time, to hold and to care for. Enjoy your family and all those wonderful Thanksgiving dishes.

Thanks, Judy. It's Mike's mom, actually. Lost mine a few years ago. Funny, for the last 15 years, we have told the kids, "This may be your grandmother's last Thanksgiving / Christmas / etc." But she keeps right on ticking! Good genes, I guess. She decided she won't come over since it just wears her out so much. So, we'll take her a plate over and visit there.

All y'all have a great Thanksgiving! Mike and I feel so blessed to have met you here.

Amen, Dear! Thanksgiving is always special 'cause that ol' iron skillet is put to its original purpose instead of...

Amen indeed Mike! Nobody's going to ruin a good cornbread by braining a husband with it.

Of course, if you only knew the sweet things Emilia says about you in her e-mails, you'd stop worrying about that skillet. She thinks you're mighty fine.

Ruin cornbread? I should think not! Not even giving Mike a good bonk is worth that. I've already got my cornbread made for stuffing tomorrow.

Carlos, are you gone next Monday or the following? Feel free to give Stephe my email address so that I can post her recap for her.

Sylvia, we are leaving Sun. !2/6 and returning Fri. 12/11. I'll send Stephe your Email address. Thanks. I know you'll take care of her.

I also want to wish all my friends here a happy and safe Thanksgiving. Judy, you reminded me of how much I miss my mom and dad especially on Thanksgiving. More and more I can see them reflected in the image I encounter looking into the mirror. Two small things that were once taken for granted:

My mom's kolaches which were always a part of our Thanksgiving tradition.

My dad's anxiety over the University of Texas/Texas A&M football game which for years was a Thanksgiving Day tradition. He was a hopeless Longhorn. Before TV he would be glued to our old radio hanging on every play . It was amazing how he could recognize poor officiating even without the benefit of seeing the plays.

We'll be spending the day with the Lovely Linda's mom who again this year made me the last fruitcake of her life. The Little Princess and her family will be joining us this year, traveling from Quannah, Texas.


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