Wednesday, December 23, 2009

ENDA, December 23, 2009

Orlando and Camila in bed kissing.

Emiliano talking to Rafa about his feelings for Paloma.

PJC being interrogated by the police. PJC claims his innocence. Police officer tells him that he will remain in jail until everything is cleared up. Here you can forget about being a priest.

Carloca comes to visit PJC. He caresses her hand and begs her to get him out. She agrees while caressing his face. She asks for a kiss and they lean close and Carloca suddenly wakes up. She says to herself even in her dreams he doesn't kiss her. Why?

Emiliano calls Padre Benito and tells him that PJC is still in jail. They are accusing him of the murder of Alonzo.

Rufi asks Paloma about her visit at the jail last night. Paloma fills her in on the police believing that PJC had an affair with Natalia and that they both killed Alonzo. Paloma hopes that German will help them. Carloca overhears Paloma talking about the situation at the jail and wonders how she knows what's going on. Rufi claims she heard about it in the streets and told Paloma.

Romina gets upset with Emiliano when she finds out that he and Paloma were out all night together. Emiliano says he can't take her crap anymore. She knew he was going with Paloma since she called and told him.

Paloma asks Mother Superior to miss school so that she can go to the jailhouse. She wants to try and assist PJC and Natalia in any way possible. MS lets her go.

Padre Benito asks Gabriel what he is going to do once he finishes restoring the painting. He doesn't know yet, but what's to find someone to finish his work.

Diana is waiting for her car to be brought up when Rafa sees her. He asks her if things are more clear to her now. She doesn't answer. Rafa asks her what she was looking for when she went into his office. She refuses to answer and Rafa informs her that she is no longer allowed to enter the factory. It has been forbidden and the staff all knows now. She yells at him that he can't do that, but Rafa says it's already done. And if you keep provoking me, then there will be even more surprises.

Orlando and Camila get into the car and he realizes that he left his phone in the car. He tells Camila that when he's with her, he forgets everything. She tells him that he better write down the wedding date so that he will not forget. He promises that he won't because it will be at the end of the month. He sees Emiliano called and finds out that PJC is in trouble.

Carloca spreads her vicious lies to Inez and another woman about the affair between Natalia and PJC. Inez can't believe that PJC would kill anyone. It must be a mistake.

Gabriel and Padre Benito talk to German and he shows them pictures of PJC and Natalia together at her house. Padre Benito wants to see PJC.

Camila tries to comfort Orlando. He tells her about PJC past relationship with Natalia. He also tells her that PJC was leaving the priesthood to marry Macarena. Camila recalls Macarena calling her excited and wanted to tell her something. Now Camila realizes that she wanted to tell her about the engagement. She feels bad that Macarena died before marrying the man she loved. Orlando says that Macarena died happy because of the knowledge that PJC loved her all this time. He also talks about Paloma being Macarena's child. Camila is muy impactada and wants more details. She wants him to pull over. They continue to talk and Camila says that PJC is Paloma's father. Orlando disagrees. PJC met the real father. Camila doesn't know who he met, but is positive that Macarena had only one amante and that was PJC.

PJC calls Carloca. He says he is positive that she is behind all this. He wants her to come down to the police station and admit the truth. Carloca says I asked you to play my game, but you refused. Now it is I that does not want to know anything more about you. Rot in jail! So this is revenge says PJC as he is pulling off his priest tie. (don't know how to call it) You are the one that did not want me in your life and rejected me replies Carloca. Now that you are in trouble you want me. So you must think that my influence will get you out of hot water. It is because you caused it says PJC. If you want to cleanse your soul then you must tell the truth. Carloca says she's not interested. You didn't appreciate my love and now these are the consequences. Now I know why you did this replies PJC. You are the one that killed Alonzo. Do you really think I would do that just so that I can lay the blame on you and Natalia asks Carloca. Please don't be so arrogant. It looks like this was a crime of passion. PJC says the relationship between he and Natalia was pure. Right says Carloca, just like you said about Macarena and you. What would people say if they found out that you were going to leave the priesthood for Macarena? PJC says I don't know how karma will get you, but once it does you will have to pay for all the bad things you have done. Whatever replies Carloca and hangs up. She gets excited and says I knew you would call me. You finally will realize that I am the only one that can save you.

Rafa and Joel are at the convention. Rafa spots Luz a row back and they smile at each other. Joel tries to get Rafa to pay attention.

Diana arrives home and Inez spots her. Diana tells Inez a big whopper that she came back early because she realized that she is no longer in love with Rafa. He wanted to have nookie last night, but she couldn't. Inez can't believe she would just throw Rafa away like that. Diana wants to get revenge though. Inez asks how. The same way he did me. Get another man and make him jealous. Inez tells Diana about PJC's problems.

Padre Benito and PJC talk about the pictures, his past relationship with Natalia and how he was going to leave the priesthood for Macarena. How all this looks bad. PJC wants to know if the church would expel him for all this. PB doesn't know.

Romina asks Camila to talk to Paloma. She wants her to tell Paloma to leave Emiliano alone. Camila refuses to get involved. Romina hangs up on her. Camila knew this was going to happen. Orlando offers to talk to Emiliano, but Camila says we don't get involved in their relationship.

Gabriel and Paloma talk about PJC and her feelings him and Natalia. He tells her that Emiliano came to talk to him and thinks that he is interested in her like a woman. Paloma denies that he feels that way and he agrees. Gabriel says he explained all that to Emiliano. My interest in you is purely professional. I just wanted to clarify that with you also. Paloma says she feels the same way.

Rafa and Luz talk about their time together and Diana. Rafa hopes to see her again.

Gabriel asks Paloma why Emiliano married another when he's in love with her. Paloma says because of the baby. German comes out and Paloma asks if she can see PJC. German will try to see what he can do.

Angelica checks her messages to see if Dario has emailed her back. She gets frustrated and tries calling him, but gets voicemail.

Romina goes to the school looking for Paloma and comes across Liliana who starts dissing on Romina. Of course they go back and forth with insults. Romina asks for Paloma and finds out that she left.

Gabriel calls his dad and asks for his help in trying to get Paloma to visit PJC.

Camila and Orlando talk about how happy they are. BLAH, BLAH, BLAH. Suddenly Samuel comes up and insults Camila. Orlando punches him.

Manana: PJC gets hit with a rock, Paloma gets upset and seeks comfort from Gabriel in front of Emiliano.


Can someone tag this for me, please? Thanks.

Gloria, thanks for the great informative recap especially at this busy holiday time. Sorry, but I am computer challenged so hopefully someone will post the recap soon.

Thank G**, Padre Chris touching Carloca's hands and almost smooching Loca was a dream/thought bubbles though sweet talking and a few kisses might convince Loca to help him as she wants. But how could she help without admitting she took or saw someone take the photos and why didn't she say something sooner. She could lie and provide an alibi and says she was with Padre Chris but was was reluctant to mention it. And we know how she can lie like a rug.

I am still perturbed that Gabe, though he is in the the police station, doesn't think to report the child molestation/abduction from the night before. I hope it doesn't come back to bite him. And Germ showed him and Padre M the photos, were they originals? Can the lawyer do that?

Diana's epiphany was nonexistent as she continues to scheme on getting back at Rafa for his rejection. She downright lies to Ines to save her self image. Funny how she says she has class and can get any rich man she sets her eyes on.

Two hours tonight for ENDA, I believe, but I probably will have to miss it. I am looking forward to the recaps for sure.


Gloria – thank you so much! I’m sure you had plenty of holiday stuff to do, so it’s great you took the time to keep us up to date. I tagged it for you.

Once again I had no captions last night. Does anybody else have captions? I wonder if it’s just in my area that there’s a problem. It’s been 3 nights in a row now. So, Gloria, I really appreciated your detailing the phone conversation between Chris and Carlota.

What’s up with Gabriel? I had the feeling he was telling Padre B that he was going to have to leave, and that Padre B said you’re young and have such much time to do so many things, at which point Gabriel stopped in his tracks, then caught up. Later, Don Eugenio said after talking on the phone to him that he would do anything for his son. All this makes me think he has some fatal illness for sure.

Orlando and Camila should have just turned the car around and headed away to anywhere but Real del Monte. There they are all happy, and the next thing you know, they find out Chris is in trouble, Camila finds out Paloma is Macarena’s daughter, and Romina wants her to go straighten Em out. Life has got to be simpler somewhere else.

I just checked my TV listings and it does say 2 hours on Friday! I'm going to go re-set my tape right now.

Thanks so much, Gloria. Great recap.

I can't STAND Padre Benito. All the secular people: Orlando, Emiliano, Paloma who know about Cris' incarceration are all firmly on his side, believing in his innocence. I don't know if the writers intend this character to be anti-clerical, but that's the way it strikes me. He's nasty, suspicious, and all he cares about is church hierarchy, moving Cris up the ladder. He offered absolutely no support last night.

They are doing some odd things with the characters of Gabriel and Eugenio (Cesar Evora). At the beginning Gabriel was absolutely smitten with Paloma, now he's changed up and seems to sincerely only want to pass on his talents to her. This doesn't usually happen in TNs. Guys take one look at a woman/girl and love her for the duration of the TN.

Also I thought Gabriel said that his father was a lawyer who could help Cris. Que? I thought he was a famous painter.

But these are minor inconsistencies. This is turning out to be one of the best TNs I've seen.

Thanks for the recap! It's harder and harder to watch this, ack! I can't believe PJC would think he could get Loca to admit anything, apparently he's just starting to get how evil she really is.

It does look like they're getting close to Pal and PJC finding out the truth, though.

The two hours is tomorrow night, I believe, not tonight.

That's what I thought, Ivy. My DVR to do list says the two-hour one is Christmas. I think this is because for Mexicans the big celebration is Christmas Eve nochebuena.

Thanks Gloria for the recap. Maggie while i am sure life would be simpler for Orlando and Camila elsewhere we need them to get closer to exposing La Loca lies.

The fact that Camila's is so sure that Paloma is Cris child with Mac. Hopefully will make Cris see how insane and evil Carloca is.

Plus the fact that she has now set him up with Natalia for Alonso murder should convince him what level she will sink to to get her way.

Loved how Camila told RoMEna she will not interfere with her marriage to Emiliano nor will she talk to Paloma for her.Also include that she told Orlando to stay out of it too.

Diana just never learns does she.

The town people are angry with Cris about the scandal of his suppose affair and murder of his lover husband. So they stone him?

Excuse me they didn't even do that to the priest in Florida. What century are these people living in?

GinCa two hours of Enda on Friday and i don't know who the other Anon was that posted the first comment before i put in the recap for yesterday's episode but it wasn't me.

Please post a comment section for Friday's doubleheader.

Hello, ENDA lovers, and Happy Holidays. I really don't have time for ENDA but I find my self watching more and more. I find the characters are really well developed and pretty consistent within themselves.

I really enjoy Camilla. She is just lovely and seems so down to earth. The actress playing Romina is quite good at being spoiled and manipulative but not entirely bad.

Carlota-loca is SO crazy that she is almost comic—except for her growing body count.

I love our dear Padre JC and I hope he and Paloma team up for reals, soon, to battle she-who-must-be-purple.

I am really enjoying this novela, and thanks to Gloria and all the other recappers who do such a nice job.

Oh, lord, I used the word really about 5 times in my last post. So sorry! I REALLY must be delirious from all the Holiday festivities! LOL...

Thanks for staightening out the night, Friday, for the 2 hour epi. Either way, I will be unable to watch ENDA unless I go Rambo and commandeer my hosts" remotes. Since I have no DVR, I am depending on the recaps to keep up so the recappers' efforts are truly appreciated. I do not want to miss an epi since as Elna june sonoma mentioned, this is a good show with great actors and even though there is horrible sound with music drowning out much of the conversations and some dumb decisions made by the characters as in all novelas, it's overall a very worthwhile novela.



Elna June, I'm REALLY glad you posted a comment. You always have something pithy to say and you're a fellow Californian to boot!

Carloca is crazy, all right; unfortunately she's mostly crazy like a fox. Her scheme to get PJC and Natalia accused of murder is working like a charm.

Elna June, I'm REALLY glad you posted a comment. You always have something pithy to say and you're a fellow Californian to boot!

Carloca is crazy, all right; unfortunately she's mostly crazy like a fox. Her scheme to get PJC and Natalia accused of murder is working like a charm.

GinCa and to anyone else who is hooked on ENDA i have found a site where you can watch the full complete episode and it's better than you tube.

So far i have only found a site like this for ENDA.

I hope this helps those who have dvr problems or other recording problems.

So let me get this straight if you know someone or associated with someone.Anyone can accuse you of committing a crime in Mexico and you're automatically are guilty?

Anonymous asks: "So let me get this straight if you know someone or associated with someone. Anyone can accuse you of committing a crime in Mexico and you're automatically are guilty?"

-- Only if you live in Realweird del Monte but it must be an anonymous letter written with newspaper cutouts.


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