Wednesday, December 16, 2009

ENDA Tuesday 15 December. Green with envy, red with anger, purple passionate blues all around.

Paloma has a little chat in church with her dapper daddy, as we discussed yesterday. Upon second viewing, I really think Cris recognized the necklace, which is why he was asking Paloma if she’s sure it was a gift from her father. If he’s still wondering whether she’s his daughter, though, he’s keeping that to himself.

Carlota is looking unfortunately healthy in her hospital bed, having only barely missed having a heart attack. The doctor wants to know about the poisoning. Carloca claims she just meant she felt like she was poisoned. Really it must have just been something bad she ate. The doc is all, “I am a doctor. I can tell you’ve been poisoned, duh” but Carlota won’t talk about it, so he gives up and tells her she has to stay in the hospital overnight, as she might yet have a delayed reaction. We should be so lucky.

Paloma tells Padre Cris she’ll probably never return to Real del Monte. He says he’s leaving too, to become a bishop. He takes the necklace and twiddles with it while assuring Paloma he’ll always take care of her as he promised Mac. Lots of flashbacks of Mac and Cris. Paloma tells Cris she’ll take care of him, too. They agree they are inseparable.

Germán has his arms around two trashy-looking dames who were, naturally, attracted by his new babe-magnet toolmobile. Romina comes along and tries to tell him the marriage is going swimmingly, but he doesn’t believe her because Emiliano always looks like he’s at a wake. Romi tries to get him to tell her how pretty and skinny she looks, so he feels her up and tells her she’s getting a bigger belly and has that maternal glow. She gets crabby at that, and he says that’s what happens when girls are pregnant; they lose their cachondería (vulgar way of saying sexy hotness). Romina calls him an imbecile, dumps dead leaves in his new auto, and departs.

Camila and Orlando loiter in some ugly place by the side of a highway in Mexico City killing time before their flight. Camila wants to call Romina, but Orlando thinks she should wait until they get to their hotel in Houston. Why, so it can be more expensive? Right now, he wants her to forget about everything and just pay attention to him, him, him. I think Cami has found herself a replacement Romina. She claims she never thought he was so possessive, because she hasn’t been paying attention.

Joel and Rafael are in the car en route to their conference and petulant Rafa is not a fun road trip buddy, on account of his anger and jealousy over Camila choosing Orlando. They pass a woman getting into her slinky convertible on the side of the road and Joel disrupts Rafa’s griping to admire her fine form. Rafa doesn’t approve since they are both interested in other ladies, and Joel says even if you’re on a diet, you can still look at the menu. Rafael takes a long moment to remember all the time he’s spent with Camila as their theme song plays.

Sandra, friend to Liliana and cousin of Eric, happens upon Gabriel and tells him she wants to take painting lessons from him, even though she is not very good. That goes well, so she invites him to be her date for graduation. He says no at first, but she looks sad so he immediately agrees, and kisses her on the cheek. Well, that was easy.

Emiliano lounges in the office, recounting to Angélica every tedious detail of his great luuuurve for Paloma. Ange is a little jealous.

Dario carries the envelope containing Angélica’s newly-finished pamphlet, “101 Stupid Mistakes and How to Make Them,” and says to himself out loud that he’s going to go straight to the D.F. and read it and not stop until he’s finished.

Germán parks his shiny new car, and Licenciado Rojas happens by, in town for a few days on personal business. Rojas comments on how expensive the new car looks, and Germy claims it was a gift from his proud dad. Rojas asks about Carlota’s papers. Germy says he had to pick them up himself and just delivered them yesterday, and of course he didn’t read them. They agree it’s always tempting to call Carlota a witch to her face.

Rabid mongrel Diana spews nastiness all over Inés, who tries unsuccessfully to convince Diana that she should try to move on from Rafael (who is NOT with Camila, she reminds her) and that she put the cord around her own neck. Diana responds by telling Inés that her new gentleman caller is no good and is trying to separate her from her friends. Behind his angelic face there is a demon.

Obispo Calixto has returned (!) and is wondering why Carlota hasn’t shown up for her appointment. Padre Otherguy gives him the background on the situation (i.e. Carlota says Paloma is Cris’s daughter, but the priests think she’s lying) and says she must have realized she wouldn’t get far with her lies.

Orlando and Camila try to check in at the airport. Holy crow, the airline agent is Gabriela’s hottie escort from Gancho! He has recovered from his fancy-food allergic reaction, but still has the same cheekbone-enhancing facial hair. Camila is denied because her visa has expired. Orlando doesn’t want to go without her, even though it’s supposed to be a business trip for him. She convinces him to go and says she’ll go to the American Embassy for her new visa right away and join him in a few days.

Rafael and Joel have arrived in the lovely Valle de Bravo, Estado de México. Joel thinks he spots the roadside babe in the hotel lobby as they check in.

Paloma and Felipa wonder why Carlota hasn’t returned home. Right at that moment Carlota calls. She claims she had to return to Mexico City to repeat some routine medical tests that got screwed up, and she has to stay overnight to have blood drawn tomorrow. Come on, Paloma, throw a party this time! Carlota remembers her latest grisly snuff. I am amazed that a truck can knock off a laced oxford shoe.

Natalia frets to Ivonne because Alonso hasn’t come home and hasn’t called. They head out to look for him.

The artifact couple stroll down the street carrying random handicrafts and gossip guy tells his wife about the priest going to visit the pretty lady. Don’t priests spend a lot of time visiting with parishioners? What is suspicious about this? Gossip guy fills us in—Nat kissed Cris on the cheek. Artifact lady says people from the city are like that, more forward and cheek-kissy. Gossip guy does not approve of these modern ways.

Camila is driving home. She stops at an intersection, makes a decision, and calls Mónica and tells her to pack a suitcase and meet her in Valle de Bravo.

Ivonne and Natalia ask Paloma if she knows anything about Alonso’s whereabouts. Paloma says no, but it’s weird because Carlota was also missing, but just called to say she’d be gone overnight. Nat and Ivonne say they’ve left lots of messages for Alonso, but he hasn’t called. The only thing left to do is ask the police about accident reports, but Nat doesn’t want to do that until tomorrow because she thinks Alonso will show up and get mad at her for going to the police as if he were a lost little boy.

Some medical types stand next to a covered corpse and say that the guy didn’t have any identification on him, so they’ll need to send photos and prints to all the nearby police delegations.

Samuel is for some reason flirting with a woman who works at the hospital and he reads the form and sees that Carlota is a patient there.

Gabriel goes to Misery Manor, Now With Less Misery (for a limited time only!). He gives Paloma the money from the sale of her paintings. Naturally, Emiliano sees Gabriel there and is muy celoso. Paloma sees Emo and gets all agitated and invites Gabriel in. Gabriel immediately figures out what’s going on, which is how you can tell he hasn’t been in town long.

Natalia and Ivonne go to the church and tell Cris that Alonso is missing and they can’t find him anywhere. Nat is getting very worked up and Cris tries to calm her down, saying that this is a very peaceful town (yeah, all those mysteriously dead people don’t make much noise) and Alonso will probably show up just fine at any moment.

Paloma doesn’t like that Gabriel can read her totally obvious thoughts, and gets all huffy and snippy with him as usual. He tells her she’s not at all sweet and nice like Padre Juan says, and she’s lying when she says there’s nothing between her and Emo anymore. Paloma reneges her parlor invitation and stomps inside. Emo and Gabe do a little competing peacocks routine in the street.

Samuel creeps into Carlota’s room. He tells her their date for Saturday is still on. He steals a flower from another patient’s room and gives it to her, wondering why she’s in the hospital in Pachuca. Carlota thinks to herself that no one can find out she’s in Pachuca. Buh-bye, Samuel? Out in the hallway, Sammy tries to get a nurse to tell him what Carlota’s in for. Unlike every other medical professional in Novelaland, she’s into confidentiality, so Sam slimily tries to flirt it out of her.

Paloma paces the gloomy house, turning off the lights and remembering good times with Mac and Rufi. She does not even try to have any fun with Cruel away. The best she can do is cry and almost make a phone call.

Romina sets up a fancy dinner for two. Emo says he isn’t hungry. He heads off to bed (or, more likely, the balcony).

Gabriel drinks wine and putters around his messy studio with a candle, looking at the sketch he’s been drawing which is apparently supposed to be Paloma.

Rafael has finally decided to buck up and be more pleasant company, owing to the magical charms of Valle de Bravo. He and Joel have drinks in the hotel bar. Camila arrives at the hotel.

Tomorrow: Rufi returns. Carlota wants to leave the hospital. Emiliano is all jealous and possessive, i.e. definitely Orlando’s son.


*~*I'm going to be traveling next week and the week after and won't be able to do the recaps (Tuesdays, the 22nd and 29th). Anyone want to fill in? Even a brief, major-highlights outline? If not, someone can post a space for discussion, I hope.*~*

Good morning Julia. Hope your travels are a fun Christmas time trip and not business related.

For some reason "Padre Otherguy" always cracks me up. And now we have Gossip Guy. What a cast!

Favorite line? Gabriel immediately figures out what's going on which is how you can tell he hasn't been in town very long.

Second favorite? Emiliano is all jealous and possessive i.e. definitely Orlando's son.

Thanks for a great read, amiga.

Julia, thanks for posting this so early! My DVR didn't record last night's episode and I was freaking out. I'm glad I didn't have to wait all day to find out what happened.

It seems to me that Carloca's downfall is imminent and hopefully Camilla and Rafael will finally get together. Orlando is such a tool.


LOL Julia, what a funny recap.

It was funny when they projected Paloma's face into the drawing. They could have as well put Rufi's face into it, and the degree of similarity would be the same.

If he is her teacher, no wonder, that Paloma sucks so badly at painting.


The way they keep stressing the gossip guy must mean he's going to play a key role. Since when is scandalous misconduct to talk or hug a attractive woman even a priest.

He wasn't making out with Natalia on the sidewalk. This gossip guy needs to get a life.

Could Samuel be our next victim?

Previews Rufi comes back will Cris ask her about Paloma's dad?

I think Cris at first did not see the necklace until the end of the talk and then when he took it out of her hands. Maybe i missed his expression he was thinking again about whether he was Paloma's dad or his recognition of the necklace.

Hopefully tonight we'll see, but Emiliano needs to really back off from Paloma and give her some space to breathe.

Poor RoMEna she had a seafood banquet served to entice Emiliano and he tells her he's not hungry.

This woman is going to get more pathetic in her attempts to seduce Emiliano,he does not want or love you.

Ya know...I don't like Romena, but I am starting to actually feel bad for her. As far as Emiliano knows, the baby is his and he made the choice to be with mom so grow up and leave Paloma alone. He has to be one of the most annoying characters in this novela. The kid will grow up in a very hostile environment with him acting like he is. Is that a good thing emiliano??????

Love the entertaining recap, Julia. I"ll miss all that snark for the next two weeks but I wish you safe and fun traveling.

As JudyB mentions, that's a great line about Gabe having to be new in town since he's able to quickly figure things out. Also funny and true: "Emiliano recounting to Angelica every tedious detail of his great luurve for Paloma" and "Angelica's newly finished pamphlet, "101 Stupid Mistakes and How To Make Them." With the residents of Real del Monte and herself as her source, the book should be 500 pages long.

You are right. "Cami has found herself a replacement Romina" in Orlando. Me, me, me. I am glad Cami has seen Orly's possessiveness and that she still made the decision to attend the Ceramics Convention knowing Orlando will be in a fit of jealousy once he finds out she was near Rafa.

Yes, Padre Chris did indeed see the pearl necklace in Paloma's hand. His reaction seems is so muted since he must now know that Paloma is his daughter. But I guess he is confused by how fake dad fits in the picture and why Mac never told him that Pal was his daughter.

I appreciate the recaps as I have no DVR and missed a chunk in the middle of the episode due to a phone call. Now I know what happened!

Oh, and Gossip guy and Diana need to hook up so they can self righteously go on all day about other people's supposed sins.


Thanks, Julia. Great writing, as usual with a generous helping of snark. Agree with JudyB that your line about Gabriel figuring things out because he hasn't been in RDM long was really funny.

Carloca was upchucking by the side of the road, had her stomach pumped, but her eyeliner and mascara remained in place. I guess less eyeshadow was meant to show how extreme her illness was.

I'm starting to doubt that German will turn away from the dark side.

I thought the way they got Camila to Valle de Bravo was pretty clever. I kept thinking she'd change her mind and stand Orly up, but the visa thing was brilliant.

Diana is the WORST. It's not enough that she insists on Ines being involved with her crazy schemes. She has to try to spoil the poor thing's first date in decades, hinting that the guy is no good.

Is Valle de Bravo the very same beautiful spot where Eddie and Fernanda from MEPS finally lost their not so youthful virginity?


Thanks Julia for the entertaining recap. Love the title too!

Yeah Maria, I agree with you regarding Gabriel's total lack of painting skills. He has been entrusted to the task of restoring the Virgen but can't draw a simple face. I think that is why is was holding a candle to it, that way he could imagine anyone he wanted to in there. After graduation the candle may show Erik's cousin.
Oh, and I do hope that Slimy Sam is Carloca's next victim!!! She would deserve a high five for that one.

Novelera, I was wondering the same thing about the Great Puprle One's make-up. It actually looked a bit better though.

Now Emo gets a taste of his own medicine.YES. He is being selfish wanting to stay so close to Paloma knowing how much she is suffering. He should have never agreed to marry her just so she would take the paternity test. He could have waited until the baby was born and had the test done anyway...HELLO!!!

Julia: Wonderful recap - you were on top of your game as usual, beginning with the title. Carlota has lost her purple glow of late, perhaps bellandonna will do that to you...

Sam is just gross. Period. How he could charm anyone is a mystery. How he ever got Camila to marry him is beyond my comprehension.

Now that Carlota has added another notch to her kill belt, she may try and lay low for a while. I think that's the only reason Rufi will be safe, at least for now. Carlita, I would not mind if Sam were her next victim, but I fear he isn't high on her list.

ella, you are a kinder person than I regarding Romina. She made her bed so to speak...However, I do agree that the baby will certainly be raised in a tension-filled, loveless environment...

Happy travels Julia.


I think Valle de Bravo is indeed that lovely place to which Eddie and Fernanda were magically beamed for their Night In Red Satin.

It looked like the hospital crew had removed Carlota's eye shadow, but left the mascara and eyeliner. Of course, I think in Novelaland mascara is considered a medical necessity--in CCEA Marichuy was even wearing mascara while having eye surgery. Carlota did look better without all the purple.

I like the idea of Diana and Gossip Guy getting together and sparing everyone else. Diana is a terrible friend. She can't let Inés enjoy just one lunch date, in all the years they've known each other and after all the crap she's put up with?

Count me in i would love nothing better for Carloca to get rid of Samuel.Add German to the list as well.

I don't feel sorry for RoMEna one bit she's the one who had the paternity test changed. She also knew Emiliano is in love with Paloma.

She really needed to go see a therapist after her suicide attempt. Camila never followed thru after she refused to see Angelica.

RoMEna is an emotionally crippled mess, part of the problem is because Camila is also too.They need to go to joint therapy and get the group rate.

Alonso did not have any id on him at all?

So graduation isn't far off but the birthday still is?

I hope Carloca doesn't remember where she was found before she got taken to the hospital.

That letter is the key and i don't want La Loca to find it first.

Isn't always the most pious people who think they are saints and godly that commit crimes out of hate and jealousy.

Julia, this was a laugh-riot all the way through. Besides what others have mentioned, I loved the considerately silent murder victims and the toolmobile..

I had no captions last night. Did anyone else have captions? Did you, Julia? If not, you are astonishing to get all of this. I had absolutely no clue what was going on in a lot of scenes, so your recap saved the day. Also, I appreciate you explaining who Sandra was. To me she was just a vaguely familiar face.

I didn’t realize that Alonso had taken Carlota to Pachuca. I wonder what Samuel was doing in the hospital.

With Carlota poisoned and telling the doctor she doesn’t want anyone to know she’s there, and also that nobody poisoned her, you’d think a competent doctor might think she had attempted suicide. But then of course the police won’t get involved and we need that for our story.

I wonder why Camila had a visa for the U.S. already. It doesn’t seem like she ever goes anywhere, plus she doesn’t need to go on buying trips as her merchandise looks like Mexican artisan stuff.

Ella, I couldn’t help feeling bad for Romina too. I mean, she did cook dinner and if Em were polite, he could at least eat one shrimp. We know he doesn’t like her, but he could manage a bit of human kindness. Then he gives her a kiss on the forehead before going up to bed.

Oh, I forgot to mention – we’ll all miss your hilarious recaps for those two weeks. If nobody ups to cover your night, I volunteer to put a link up for comments.

Hope you have lots of holiday fun!

The Show Just Keeps Getting Better And Better, Great Recap By The Way, Also, I Was Just Wondering If It Was Just Me Or Did Anyone Else Notice How Much The Actresses Playing Monica And Angelica Look Alike? I Think They Do Anyway, But As For Carlota, We All Wish She Was Killed Off In Some Long Slow Painful Way Already And Let Paloma Finally Be Happy, But It Seems We Have A Ways To Go Still, Looking Forward To Tonight's Show.

Maggie, thanks for your offer to put up a link during Julia's absence. We've been able to cover Friday pretty well, so I'm sure we can post comments for Tuesday's recaps as well.

I got the impression Samuel has something going on with a nurse, and that's why he was at the hospital. Two nurses were featured: first the sort of dumpy one whose neck he was nuzzling when we first saw him in the hospital. Then later, after visiting Carlota, he tried to coax her diagnosis out of the cute one. We don't know if he succeeded. It was sort of lame to have him suddenly appear and have something going with someone at that very same hospital. But I smell a blackmail plot coming up, if she's so determined to keep the belladonna poisoning secret. Samuel has already thought he'd sweet talk dinero out of Carloca (fat chance), but he may be able to get it in return for keeping quiet.

Maggie, I did have captions, fortunately. I don't have too much trouble understanding this show since most of the actors enunciate pretty clearly, but it's useful when there's too much background noise or when they use a word I don't know.

I agree, it's a little surprising that Camila had a visa, even expired. It doesn't seem like she's really gone anywhere since her divorce, which was like 10 years ago. Also surprising that she wouldn't check her documents before heading to the airport. I used to have this recurring series of nightmares in which I would forget my passport or luggage or something, and now I check everything about a hundred times.

I just looked up the visa details for Mexicans traveling to the U.S. A tourist or business visa is typically valid for 10 years, but you have to fill out a whole application and basically prove you are financially solvent and plan to return home, make an appointment at the embassy, go to an interview and have all your data processed, which takes 2-4 hours, and pay a $131 (U.S. dollars) fee. The whole process usually takes a few weeks.

Sheesh, what a pain. I can see how if you thought you were ever going to need to make a trip to the U.S., you'd try to get all that out of the way at some point when you had some free time, rather than waiting until something came up and you wanted to leave immediately.

Julia – very interesting stuff about the visa. I’m surprised that it’s good for so many years. I wouldn’t have expected that. Thank you so much for looking it up.

It’s also interesting that you had captions. I know you’re on the west coast like me, so now I wonder where the feed for L.A. comes from!

The visa doesn't guarantee entry into the U.S. It just gets you as far as the immigration line at the U.S. airport, where you get to submit another form to get a stamp good for up to 90 days (typically) in the U.S. per trip.

And just to add on the info on the Visa: To get it you have to go to the embassy in Mexico City and stand in line from 5 am outside of the building to be able to get out at least at 1 pm. LOL I don't now if you needed to know that but that was the thing I most remember back when I tramitted my Visa. You might get lucky and see an actor standing in line too.


Julia, loved snarky recap, thanks! I've been so busy at work I can't be on here much right now. La Loca does look better without all that purple, but I'm sure that's part of her evil character.

Interesting that Cam decided to go to the convention thing, wonder what they're setting up with that other woman there.

Pal sure is rude to Gabriel, I don't think he deserves that.

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