Wednesday, December 02, 2009

ENDA Tuesday December 1. Is she is or is she ain’t his baby?

Okey dokey, folks, due to the schedule cramming tonight we jump right into the middle of a scene, mid-sentence, with no credits or anything. Fortunately, it seems we haven’t missed anything.

Orlando is telling Camila that due to his insecurities, she needs to decide right now whether she wants him, all or nothing, because really everything is about him and the fact that she has a million other concerns at the moment and probably hasn’t slept much in weeks doesn’t matter. Camila must have just given up on life, though, because she says she wants him. She doesn’t look too enthusiastic but emotionally blind Orly doesn’t notice.

Germán sits in his office, incriminating important shady papers in hand, and tells Carlota via telephone that the big important papers haven’t arrived yet. She throws a little fit and he promises her that she will have them by the following week, and if they haven’t come by Monday or Tuesday he will go to México City and fetch them himself. She claims if he delivers she will trust him unconditionally.

Padre Juan/Cris fidgets nervously on Natalia’s sofa and takes awhile telling her he needs to discuss something confidentially. Nat, unlike Carlota, does not get treated to a PJC striptease. Finally he asks about Sagrario, back around the time Paloma was born. Does Nat remember her pregnancy? Natalia tells him that Sagrario had trouble conceiving and had had many unsuccessful fertility treatments, so she was surprised when Sagrario called and told her that they were staying in Real del Monte because they were going to have a baby. However, Nat didn’t see her pregnant, as Nat was still in the D.F. and Sagrario and Javier had moved away. They went for Javier’s father’s funeral and never came back. Cris thinks to himself that it’s true; Paloma is Macarena’s daughter and was handed over because Mac was abandoned, either by him or by that other dude.

Emiliano asks Germs again about his history with Romina, and he wants a specific and detailed answer. Germy tells him again it was just the one time, nothing more, for realsies. Emo is a chip off the old bio-dad and doesn’t notice that Germs is twitching and averting his eyes as he promises there was nothing more. They discuss how much they’ve missed their friendship and that they had agreed to be each others’ wedding witnesses, and kiss and make up. Oh, this isn’t that kind of show. They hug in a heteromanly fashion and make up.

The new art teacher who is not Clara tells Paloma that the art exhibition starts on Saturday, and she’ll need to go to Pachuca to get her paintings set up. Paloma is thrilled to have a pretext to avoid the wedding.

Cris goes to Misery Manor and asks for Rufi, thinking she may have returned. Carlota slyly shows him all the way into the parlor before telling him Rufi isn’t there. She tells him not to keep wasting time on his base passions for a dead woman. He says his passions now lie in more godly pursuits, but he still wants to know the truth. Carloca taunts him, saying she knows he’s still carrying on with Natalia. Not so, says he. Then she makes her daily attempt to seduce him. He barely even reacts this time, he’s getting so used to this. He shows himself out.

Orlando bounds into the office and announces to Angélica that Camila has finally succumbed to his brainwashing and pressure, oops, I mean has agreed of her own free will and with no conflict and much happiness to marry him. Ange congratulates him and hugs him while looking sad. She says she’ll be leaving town soon. He says he still needs her. Ange says Vero must be about ready to come back. I doubt it, because she was only a few months along in her pregnancy several months ago, so even if she does have a few weeks available to work she’ll probably be wanting a maternity leave soon. Orly begs her to stay.

Monica is not too happy to hear that Camila has agreed to marry Orlando. She says Cami was pressured too much and should give it more time and give Rafael a chance to escape Diana’s clutches. Cami says there are no guarantees anything will last forever, so what the heck, she’ll take the risk and marry Orlando. Now that is romantic.

Romina calls Emiliano at work to bug him about wedding details. Invitations. “What else?” he asks brusquely. She needs the original and a copy of his birth certificate. “Fine, what else?” Orlando has offered to buy them a house; isn’t it thrilling?! Emiliano is looking more and more fed up with every word she says. She wants to go pick a fabulous house, but he thinks it’s awkward because they don’t know how much Orlando wants to spend, etc. Emo thinks they should just let Orlando pick the place. Romi doesn’t like that. He hangs up on her.

Paloma is sweeping and Carlota is washing dishes. Obviously this will not do. Carlota says she’s ordered up a new scullery maid. Paloma wants her to make it clear that the job is only for a few days, because surely Rufi is coming back; she wouldn’t dare not. Carlota seems to think otherwise, and accuses Paloma of being just like her mother, always thinking of others, as though that is about the nastiest trait imaginable.

Carloca says she hopes Paloma will come to see her as a mother, even though she’s direct and rude. “For our first mother-daughter outing, we will go ice skating in Hell,” says Paloma’s face. Cruel claims that she is nasty because her parents were very strict with her (so she wants Paloma to turn out the same way?), but her fondest wish is to have a warm loving relationship with Paloma. Paloma is suddenly very interested in her sweeping.

Padre Cris chats with Gabriel, who is busy restoring church artwork. Cris asks if the bishop has been around yet. Gabriel says no, but he’s expected later. Cris says he’s been wanting to talk with him for awhile, but with one thing and another he hasn’t been able to see him. “Oh, the same way I’ve been hoping to see my Mystery Girl,” Gabe awkwardly parallels. He’s willing to wait as long as it takes to find her, though.

Camila asks Paloma to not be a stranger and continue to visit her, even though Romina won’t be there. Paloma says she’ll visit when she can, but she’s moving to México City with Rufi and Dr. Bermúdez. She just has to get away, even though she’ll miss almost everyone. “It’s because of Emiliano, right?” asks Camila. Romina barges in and hassles both of them and drags Paloma away to her bedroom. Camila looks like she’s about to go postal.

Emiliano tells Orlando he has no interest in looking at houses; whatever he picks is fine. Orlando decides to take Romina instead. Then he tells Emo that if he doesn’t change his attitude, he will be living in hell. “I already am,” replies Emo.

Paloma tells Romina she won’t be able to attend the wedding because she has to go to her art show. Romememena is incensed. Paloma finally admits she doesn’t want to go watch Romina marry the man Paloma loves. Romina throws a fit and accuses Paloma of being a liar and traitor. Paloma says Romina is a nutcase, threatening suicide and claiming she can’t live without Emiliano’s love when she was tangoing with Germy the whole time. Romi still claims that isn’t true, and no one has ever had such a great love as the epic love of Romina and Emiliano. Paloma says she knows that isn’t true, since she has been his novia in secret for quite some time. I would add that there’s also the way he quite publicly admits he can’t stand Romina and doesn’t want to marry her…that often does not indicate deep and abiding lurve.

Camila is in the church, praying for enlightenment. She doesn’t want to make a huge mistake, but feels lost without her normal wits or her friend Mac’s counsel.

Romememena is outraged that Paloma dared to fall in love with Emiliano, after Romi saw him first. “Well, anyway, I guess our friendship is over, and I’m leaving town and we’ll probably never see each other again, but I’ll always love you and I hope you’ll be very happy,” Paloma tells her. Needless to say, there are buckets of tears gushing here. She hugs Romina and leaves and Romina actually looks very genuinely upset that she is losing her friend.

Cris sees Camila in the chapel and asks her to help him with something, since she was so close to Macarena. Camila agrees. Better not let Carloca see Cris holding her arm as they walk away…scandal!

Padre Benito is at the church office in Pachuca, trying to get the appointment-making priest guy to get him in to see the bishop when he returns. Other Priest says Obispo Calixto isn’t back yet, but will probably be very busy when he does finally arrive. No kidding; is he taking the slow boat or what? PB says it’s a delicate matter, the possibility of Cris having a daughter, and he doesn’t think they can trust the woman’s confession since she is a known liar and has been tormenting Cris for years. Wait, so they can discuss confessions in roundabout terms? I did not think so. Anyway, Other Priest says he thinks Padre Benito should talk to Cris and investigate himself, and draw his own conclusions.

Camila tells Cris that she doesn’t know all the details of Mac’s life, but she is quite sure that Mac was never in love with any man other than him. He is quite pleased to hear that. Cami remembers that Mac had mentioned that there was some secret between her and Carlota, something that could free her and Paloma from Carlota’s yoke (yugo), but she never found out what it was.

Rufi is in some hotel room somewhere with Jennifer. Jenny says she’ll call the hospital and find out when they can visit Grandpa, but it’s late so it probably won’t be tonight.

At school, Liliana tells Paloma she’s doing the right thing, avoiding the wedding and everything. Romina just threw a fit because she is jealous that Emiliano is in love with Paloma. Paloma says it doesn’t matter, he’s marrying Romi and they’re having a baby; moral victories don’t count.

Romina whines to her mother about that jerk Paloma who dared to admit she was in love with the groom. However, Romi is sure the baby will change everything and he will fall in love with her. Cami is all eye-rolly and says Romina already knows what she thinks about all this. Romina retorts that Camila agreed to marry Orlando and she doesn’t believe that she’s in love with him; what’s the difference? (Let me count the ways…infidelity, suicide threats, drugging, faked paternity test, selfishness, strong-arming, what am I forgetting?)

The doorbell rings and Romina goes to answer it, hoping it’s a present arriving. It’s Orlando, wanting to take them house-shopping. Romina is thrilled. They go to get their purses and Romina nudge-winks Camila, saying maybe Orlando is quite a catch after all. Camila already has a house, so I’m not sure she’s so easily convinced.

Diana and Rafael have a screaming divorce fight. Di says she’ll only agree to a divorce if there’s a clause that says Rafael can never marry again. He says she’s gone crazy. GONE?! She started out crazy, then kicked it up a notch. He says he will get his divorce, and it will include no considerations for her.

Turns out Rufi and Jenny are in Matamoros, Tamaulipas. Jenny returns to the hotel room with a shopping bag and says they have an appointment to see Grandpa, but he had one wish. He wants Rufi to wear the long white dress when she comes to see him. “How can I go out in this?” Rufi asks. Jenny doesn’t think Rufi should deny him his last wish.

Padres Benito and JuanCris discuss the possibility that Paloma may be Cris’s daughter. Cris tells Benito the story of the other guy that he heard from Carlota and which Paloma evidently believes, but he doesn’t think it’s true.

Carlota micromanages the dusting that Felipa, the new housekeeper, is doing. She says eventually she’ll have her trained right. Felipa is surprised and says she thought this was only for a few days, until Rufi returns. Carlota claims she would never fire Rufi (forgetting that she already did once), but life takes surprising twists and Rufi may not come back after all. Okay, creepazoid.

Padre Benito and Padre Cris continue discussing the characters of Macarena and Carlota, and who could have done what or lied about what else. Padre Benito says what Cris needs to do is find the supposed other father (dad, not priest, though we’ve got a surfeit of each in this show) and find out what his story is. Ummm, guys, this is a question science could answer with much more certainty.

Avances: Liliana, on Paloma’s behalf, is not giving up yet. She has a serious chat with Emiliano. He decides he isn’t giving up either.


Boy, Julia, I was so happy to see you got this up so quickly. Due to the scheduling, I only captured the first half on tape. Bummer. So I had fun chuckling through your recap. I just love the word “heteromanly” and plan on trotting it out at the first likely opportunity. Excellent! Thank you!

That virgin painting that good-looking Gabriel is setting to work on sure is gloomy and badly needs cleaning.. I expect he’s going to make it glow, and maybe he can make another virgin glow. Let’s hope!

Oh, and very appropriate title. Good one!

Even fluttering on the edges of this telenovela, I've gotten paranoid. Was the niece (fake?) a set up to lure Rufi out of the city? Is some car going to hit her on the way to the hospital? Time to hit the off switch, Judy.

Thanks for a funny recap..."let me count the ways"...indeed. And love those old blues songs so enjoyed your title, amiga.

Great recap, as usual, Julia. Glad we got the entire episode.

The way Romeana carried on (with tears yet) when Paloma told her she was in love with Emo --like Romeana never knew. She did all she could do to discourage their love for each other. She has all her father's traits (bad) and none of her mother's.


That was a great scene between Paloma and Romina. Romina really is a complex character- selfish and egotistical- but she does have the capacity to love, and I believe she does love Paloma. I really think she thought Paloma would always be around for her to boss around, pick on, and also rely on. The same way she takes for granted that her mom will always be there. She fawns all over the people she believes will leave her, namely, men (her father, Emeliano). She looked truly heartbroken and surprised that Paloma is ending their relationship and leaving her. Good job on Paloma's part though, ending a co-dependant relationship that was only hurting her. Now, if only she can do that with Carloca...

-Vivi in DC

Thanks, Julia, for a great recap. I had feared that I'd have to miss this episode, since I couldn't get to the TV until about 9, but to my surprise I came in in the middle of En Nombre del Amor. Glad I didn't try to tape it!

JudyB, I share your paranoia about Jenny (Edmundo's nieta, I think--or so she says). She sounds as if she's not telling the truth, and the bit about the white (wedding?) dress was really over the top.

I loved the scene between Cristóbal and Camilla where she tells him how much he meant to Macarena, and that no one else had been so important to Macarena. I thought Arturo Peniche gave a very moving performance. (Then again, I've loved him in this TN from his first appearance.)

I am watching eagerly with very little knowledge of Spanish. So you can imagine how I wait for the interpretations!
I would be really grateful if someone would post the words of the lovely song which is featured before and after the show.
Thanks you all for the translations! Lori

Creepazoid is right. Judy and Juanita, I share your uneasy feelings about Rufi's great adventure. It's either saving her life or ending it.

Finally someone has the upper hand with Carlota. Who knew it would be German?

Agree that the Paloma/Romina scene appeared real and was very touching. Vivi, you said it perfectly - Romina is complex and selfish but does have the capacity to love. I'm hoping this will be her saving grace before the end.

Thanks for the excellent recap Julia.


Lori, I think Julia wrote down the words of the song (and perhaps translation)in one of her recaps near the beginning of this telenovela. When she checks in, she can probably tell you what episode it's in.

Maybe because Raymundo believed Rufi would never make the decision to marry him, he's springing a surprise wedding on her? I think that's the only fishy thing that could be happening there. Jenny doesn't seem like a pysco or killer (plus, Rufi doesn't have any money or anything anyone would want- other than Carloca).

-Vivi in DC

Thanks, Julia. Excellent recap. You really write well.

I live in CA and have a dish, so I get both east and west coast on different channels of Univision and Telemundo. I automatically record the 5:00 and 6:00 versions of ENDA and Sortilegio. I was able to get what I missed from the late recording by simply manually recording the 8:00 and 9:00 novelas and adding a half hour to their timing.

The scene with Pal and Ro was indeed excellent. For once Pal didn't let her get away with pretending Em was the only man in her life. And she told her they were novios. Great.

I think Edmundo is planning a wedding, rather than this being a plot on Carloca's part to get Rufi out of Dodge.

Boy, they sure are jerking us around a lot. I'd resigned myself to the wedding, then they show a preview with Em saying he's going to fight for Paloma. Que?

I just don't know what to think about this Jenny plot; that's what makes it so intriguing. It is possible that she's working for Carlota to get rid of Rufi, and we did hear Carlota say she thinks it's time Rufi died, but usually when she schemes we see more of it, and Jenny doesn't seem like the sort of accomplice she would pick.

It seems more likely they just wanted to wrap up the Edmundo storyline, and with the actor sick (as someone said) they were limited in what they could do. I wonder if we'll see him at all.

But who knows? Anything could happen, and Carlota is sure acting creepy.

I don't think I ever translated the theme song, but here's a translation I found:

Lyrics to En Cambio No :
Quizás bastaba respirar, Solo respirar muy lento
Recuperar cada latido en mi
y no tienes sentido ahora que no estas,
ahora donde estas, porque yo no puedo acostumbrarme aun
diciembre ya llego, No estas aquí yo te esperare hasta el fin,

En cambio no, hoy no hay tiempo de explicarte
y preguntar si te ame lo suficiente
yo estoy aquí y quiero hablarte ahora, ahora.

Porque se rompen en mis dientes,
las cosas importantes,
esas palabras que nunca escucharas
y las sumerjo en un lamento haciéndolas salir
son todas para ti, una por una aquí.
Las sientes.. ya besan y se posaran entre nosotros dos,
si me faltas tú, no las puedo repetir, no las puedo pronunciar

En cambio no me llueven los recuerdos
de aquellos días que corríamos al viento
quiero soñar que puedo hablarte ahora, ahora

En cambio no, hoy no, hay tiempo de explicarte
También tenía ya mil cosas que contarte
y frente a mi, mil cosas que me arrastran junto a ti.

Quizás bastaba respirar,
solo respirar muy lento.
Hoy es parte, hoy en cambio, no.

Maybe it would have been enough just to breath, Just breath very slowly
Recover every throb of me
and it has no sense now that you're not here,
wherever you are, because I can't get used to yet
December has come, You are not here..I'll wait for you 'till the end,

But instead no, today I have no time to explain
or ask if I loved you enough
I am here and I want to talk to you right now, right now.

Because are breaking between my tooth ,
the important thoughts
those words that you will never listen
and I crowd them in a lamentation making them go out
are all for you, one by one here
You feel them...are already kissing and will be put between us
Yes,I miss you, I can't repeat them, I can't pronounce them

Instead my memories do not take me
to those days, when we were following the wind
I want to dream that I can talk to you right now, right now

But instead no,today I have no time to explain you
I already had a lot of things to tell you
and in my face,a lot of things that are bringing me close to you

Maybe it would have been enough just to breath,
Just breath very slowly
Today is a part, today instead no...

Love the recap and the snark. Thanks, Julia.

I agree that Rufi is being set up to marry (in her white outfit) Edmundo, in the hospital, since the actor is very ill. From the beginning of this novela, the writers have us wired to expect the worst and it usually happens. But, hopefully, Rufi will be able to marry her true love before he passes.

Poor Camilia is trying to stabilize her out of control life by marrying Orlando because he is ALWAYS there for her. I hope she doesn't regret leaving Rafa.


However, I do resent Orly for giving Camila an ultimatum about accepting him or his ending things with her. He is still manipulating her as always.


Orly is always pushing to get what he wants at the expense of the feelings of others. He wants Cami to marry him even though he knows she's lukewarm about it, and he won't even wait until her myriad other crises settle down a little.

He knows Emiliano is in love with Paloma, but still strongly encourages him to marry Romina, because happy Romina = easier time for Orlando with Camila.

He knows Ange has a hard time being around him, and why, yet begs her to stay.

I don't think he's evil. He seems to mean well. He just doesn't consider what is important to other people, or the long-term effects of his actions.

Julia, Thank you so very much! The song echos in my head often during the day and it is nice to know words. Lori

Rafael needs to play dirty like Diana to get his divorce. By dirty bringing up her past with Orlando and what she did to him.

Ita with everyone on the RoMEna and Paloma scene. Paloma called her out on her lies and told her she's leaving town and their friendship is over.

RoMEna at the end of the scene just realized that her only friend in the world will not be their for her anymore. I hope eventually Camila will do the same with RoMEna she does need a big wake up call.

I think Cris is realizeing what a liar Carloca is,especially after Camila told him how much he meant to Mac. He should have known that beforehand though.

German to me is still sleazy just come clean with Emiliano.

Even though the avances for tonight show Emiliano saying he's going to fight for Paloma.

The whole week avances show him waiting to wed RoMEna looking sick to his stomach.

Who has the more ludicrous imagination Carloca or RoMEna. Her great love with Emiliano line was unbelievable.

Julia & Maggie:

I am slowly getting my Spanish back after many years of not using it. Your Recapps are a great help. ENDA is a fantastic telenovela and has kept me captivated since I discovered it in early September. I also turn on the closed captions and read the script better than I hear it. The show is definitely helping me relearn Spanish and keeping me motivated.

The cast, the scenery, the music and every aspect of the program are excellent and I look forward to every program. I feel very lucky to have found this very interesting TV show that gives us an idealized glimpse of the life of the privileged society in Mexico.

My father-in-law lives in Mexico, near Ensenada , Baja California. We go there once a year to visit and relearning my Spanish has made it a lot more fun.

Getting back to the Tuesday episode, Chris's long dialog with Padre Benito thankfully revealed that Cris does not believe Carlota's strory about Macarena's affair with "un vivales" which I think means some kind of "one night stand" artist.

Rufina is one of my favorite characters and I am worried that Carlota is planning to get rid of her since she is the only one left that can tell Cris the truth. As others have mentioned though, a simple paternity test could save him a lot of trouble!

Thanks again to all the recappers , I enjoy them and the comments almost as much as the program itself.

Decatur, IL

I thought someone had mentioned that Cesar Evora who will be starring in ENDA soon is to play the part of Diana's accomplice of many years ago (I can't remember his name.). If that's so, perhaps he can be of some help in Rafael getting his divorce. He may say that she stole the money from Orly. You think....????


Thank you, Frank, and welcome. I'm glad you enjoy the recaps and please feel free to comment anytime.

I think "vivales" more generally means a tricky or crafty person. So a guy who led Mac on (theoretically) but really was just using her would be a vivales, but the word itself doesn't necessarily imply sexual behavior. I've also heard con artists referred to as vivales.

Maybe I should start working harder on including some vocab in the recaps...the Gancho recaps always have so many delightful phrases given. ENDA just isn't such a colorful show, though.

Ignacio?!?!?!!! We may actually meet Ignacio, and he may be César Évora? Now I am excited. Of course, to be a real telenovela character he would also have to have ties to multiple other characters...someone's long-lost brother, someone Angélica once dated, something.

Welcome, Frank. Great to hear from you.

Ann, I think I was the one who speculated that Cesar Evora would be Diana's accomplice in setting up Orlando (Ignacio??). But then someone else posted that they'd peeked at Wikipedia and that was not the name of the character Cesar will be playing. So as far as I know, we don't really know what his role will be in the novela.

Julia, picking up on your thought about including some vocabulary in your recaps, I for one would be VERY grateful if you were to do so. I find it very helpful when recappers do that, especially when they focus on words and idioms that I can't find in my dictionary.

When watching the TN, I close-caption and also have my laptop on It's a big help. Also keeps a list of words I've looked up and I often review it. It helps alot.

My Spanish has greatly increased by my watching the TN's and then checking words in


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