Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Gancho Tuesday Dec. 8, '09 Rolu and Constanza Get Their "Just Desserts" A Big Double Dose Of Jealousy

Lots of action again tonight, both in and out of the ring. And the sweetest of all?...both Rolu and Constanza are twisting in the wind with jealousy! How sweet is that? So sit back and savor a re-visit to their torment. Our "rottweiler in heat" (thank you Miss Stephe) and our horndog in wheelchair were both mighty worried as well they should be.

Let's start with Rolu. We get to delight in his anguished look as big muscular Costeño arrives to act as Ximena's bodyguard, and what better way to start than with a long, oh-so-long hug between the two former lovers. Rolu looks like he just bit into something sick-making.

Elsewhere, Monita is troubled as Furia arrives at the gym and she remembers how he keeps cropping up in her dreams. She reminds him (and herself) quickly that she knows he's interested in Estrella and she and he are just friends....but, but, but....what is it about your eyes that I can't stop looking at them?...that they give me so much peace? Furia looks like he wants to follow up on this but she dashes into the gym.

Oh shoot, let's go back and watch Rolu suffer some more. Sure 'nuff, Ximena has plans for Costeño to be glued to her side NIGHT AND DAY. Rolu's squirming and whimpering something about being her husband and he's the one to protect her but Xime kindly points out that he's in a wheelchair and not a good candidate for bodyguard. She needs muscle! And Costeño can be her "escudo humano" (human shield). Now it's Costeño turn to look less than enthusiastic. But no matter. The deal is set.

So what about the deal for the wrestling match? Don Cesar has his boys in hand, reminding them that even though this is just an exhibition match, it's important. There'll be promoters and potential sponsors out there so they had better be impressive. Beto assures him that Furia will learn what he needs to from the great Fantasma. Cesar reminds Beto that he also has things to learn from Furia...things like discipline and commitment. We then have a little montage of the luchadores practicing their moves while Monita looks on troubled, wondering why she's so attracted to Furia.

We take a break for ads. You know how I feel about Christmas come-on's, so let's get back to the episode.

Whoa! The real fight action is taking place outside the ring. Constanza arrives in full Hell hath no fury mode and slaps Beto a good one. She calls him a descarado (shameless) and traidor and he's confused. Nothing new there. But no calling him out in front of his mates. Let's take it outside. Of course there's also a threatened skirmish between her and Monita. And when Connie takes a good look at Furia, she checks him out pretty thoroughly (comiendo de los ojos). Another reason for Beto to take her outside.

Not that things get clarified there. Beto keeps denying he's slept with Ximena, Connie keeps accusing. Well, you admit you were with her last night, right? Yeah. So what? Why do you care? You dumped me. Tell me you still love me, Beto adds, reveling in her jealousy. No way! You're a rat. Yes, but a rat who loves to nibble your cheese, he murmurs, moving in to kiss her neck. You're not up to my level, she sniffs. Okay, from there on, it's his lines, her lines. Mutual accusations of cheating and lying. Mutual denials. Yada yada yada.

Cheating is also the topic back at the apartment. Rolu's having a little man to man with Costeño. He knows Ximena's with someone else (Not me! sez Costeño). No, I know, sighs Rolu. And frankly, I pushed her into it. I treated her really badly. But now I feel sad. But why? I can't stand her. I wish I had a remote control so I could turn her off! I should be celebrating that she's involved with someone else. But.....I don't want to lose her.

Back to our other combatants. It's baby talk time. No, not that way. Beto's maintaining the little package is his. Ximena told him. D'ya believe that you fool?! Ximena's a nut case. In the clouds. The baby is Mauricio's. That was Connie's best shot, but Beto has a better one. Well, guess what, you're right. Ximena and I DO have a thing going on. And she is hot, baby! And you know, she told me three things. 1) I'm a bull in bed. 2) No one makes love like me. and 3) That stupid Constanza doesn't realize what she let go. Beto wins this round, absolutely.

But wait, there's more. Don Cesar is in the gym, pushing Monita to work out intensively so Mauricio can change clothes and scope out the fight between Beto and Connie. He arrives just as Constanza, driven to a jealous rage, is hurling rocks at Beto. Our little rottweiler, still quick on her feet, maintains she's out there to ascertain that Beto is indeed involved with innocent, vulnerable (yeah, right) little Ximena. Mau loftily notes that throwing rocks isn't a good way to resolve things. Connie's behind him making hilarious nyah nyah nyah faces at Beto. Best part of the whole scene.

Connie tromps back into the gym and heads for Monita's hangout next. Another slew of ads before we find out what for.

When we come back, it's hombre time. Manly talk about Ximena, her unhappiness in her marriage (Well, nobody's happy with Rolu, Beto notes) and Mauricio's concern that Beto not hurt her. Beto explains he was in love with someone else, but forget that b**tch now! They're all tramps. The only good one is Monita and from now on he's going to pursue her and try to win her back. This is not good news to Mau. Line up another customer for a big dose of jealousy, please!

As for the gals? Well, we could say Connie's lines, Monita's lines. Because it's the usual round of insults, accusations about Connie's relationship with Beto and more insults, ending with dismissal of both Beto and Monita as temporary entertainment for the upper class lovers, not a
long-term thing at all. Ooooooh. Nasty. Let's order up a great big Constanza anvil for that one.

Connie sweeps out after landing her last poisoned dart. But Monita, left alone, finds Furia's discarded outfit and begins to wonder....What if?..... Well, you know.

Mientras tanto, Cesar is advising Mau to go back to the office the back way so neither Monita nor Beto catch sight of him. And "aguas" (watch out), he adds, your wife is still around.

The next scene is absolutely delicious. Cesar, putting on his best linguistic bib 'n tucker, requests Constanza, "de la manera más atenta" to kindly exit and leave his luchadores in peace. And next time, please inform me ahead of time when you're coming. And furthermore, where is Monita? You didn't hurt her did you? Connie throws a few more naco insults around and lets him know Moni's in his "ofinucha". OH NO! Cesar's gotta save the secret. Off he goes.

No problem. He pretends to be concerned that Mauricio is picking up Furia's costume. He'll be furious is he knows you're into his stuff. He's very private, he adds, meanwhile pantomiming frantically that Monita is hiding in the office bathroom. For once, doltish Mauricio catches on quick and goes with the plan. As the talk turns to Monita, he tells Cesar to tell her he loves her and that he'll be divorced in a month or two. Monita smiles dreamily to herself as Mauricio quickly exits. All is well.

But not back at the apartment. Rolu is watching anxiously as Ximena dolls herself up to the max, with a bodice-ripping dress that, alas, dives down to the max. Waaaay too much cleavage for a luchador outing. Why don't we just stay home? he pleads, and kiss and hug and who knows where that will lead? Well, it leads right to the ads, wouldn't ya know!

When we come back, we're at the gym again. Monita's still dreamily thinking about the possibility that Mauricio might be Furia; Beto's wondering where the heck his partner is; and Cesar's trying to get his two luchadores back in the ring and back at work.

But first Beto has to fend off Monita. She wants her little piece of flesh, demanding to know why Connie pitched such a jealous fit. Are you still involved with her? No way. I'm done. Oh yeah, how many times have you said that? (plenty, we can all attest) Beto swears it's different this time. He's going to "fajar bien los pantalones" (hitch up his pants) and from now on, only you, Monita, exist for me. I'm going to keep fighting for you.

And Rolu is still fighting for Ximena. Can ya believe it? Major kissing going on. So major Ximena is forgetting everything (actually not that hard). Okay. Not only major league kisses but Rolu invites her to tell him three things.... yes really! But then a little glitch. Rolu brings up the nasty nurse scene. Yes, it was wrong, he admits, but.....

Basta ya. Three things from Ximena. And here they are:
1) It's in very poor taste to bring up that nurse. (hear hear!)
2) I forgave you already (hmmm...I think this is called "cheap grace" but oh well, good for you
3) This fight we're having shows that this marriage really can work!
I'm super sure. So am I, murmurs Rolu. (awwwww)

Whoops. In walks Costeño to interrupt this sweet scene. Ximena swishes out the door. Rolu looks pained. Costeño looks compassionate. End of scene. (Suffer a bit more, Rolu, you deserve it!)

Okay. Things are picking up. The grand moment has arrived. The luchadora fight. The place is rocking and the whole barrio is there. Paula is yelling so loud her cop novio is going to have to take her into custody and work her over for 24 hours in his "private sector". Whew. I love their dialogue. Monita arrives and is seated between Paula and Estrella. The latter is gushing about Furia and asking Monita to help her convince him to go out afterwards. Aldo looks on, mightily amused. Monita shares the happy news about Mauricio's divorce plans. Girlish shrieks of joy.

And more ads. They're coming fast and furious as we near the end of the episode. Back in the locker room, our two lads are stretching and warming up and getting some last-minute advice from Don Cesar. After he leaves, the talk turns back to womenfolk and Beto's latest plan. Forget that other gal and the cuckold she's married to. From not on he's concentrating on Monita. And if Furia will help him land her, he'll help Furia with Estrella. Sound like a plan?

Now a strange transition. Another meeting with Salvador and Jacqui over drinks. They're basically having the same conversation of the night before. They're just friends. How great. Frienship can be better than love. Have you seen Gaby? No. I tried but she was out. But so much the better. I have the weekend to think it over. Ah, but how lucky Gaby is to have your love, sighs Jacqui. No, I'm the lucky one, Sal assures her. Clearly this scene only exists so Jeronimo can walk in the bar, see them and suspect the worst. Hey, another guy to add to our jealous list. Chido!

Back to ringside. The noise is ear-splitting. The excitement at fever-pitch. At last! Fantasma Vengador struts into the place, vaults up to the ring, falls back off , and then has another go by crawling in through the ropes. Not a propitious start. But wait! Now it's Furia, truly impressive as he successfuly vaults in, cape wafting out like huge bag wings. Whadda guy.


Well, he looked like whadda guy until the opposing pair came in. Lordy, those two look like thugs and we have a troubling view of one of them jumping out of the ring to go after Aldo. And the fight is on! Clearly we must watch tomorrow to see what happens. They've gone and hooked us again, haven't they?

aguardiente = eau-de-vie, clear brandy made from fruit juice
escudo humano = human shield
cerdo = pig (one of Connie's insults to Beto)
borlotes = ruckus, row (Connie accusing Monita of being incapable of "civilized conversation" )
ofinucha = perjorative way of saying "office". more derogatory Connie talk
prueba de fuego = trial by fire. Cesar's admonishment about the importance of tonight's fight for our boys
comiendo de los ojos = lit. eating up with one's eyes, giving someone the onceover
descarado = shameless
aguas = watch out
de la manera más atenta = in the most courteous manner possible, as politely as possible
fajar bien los pantalones = hitch up one's pants, get tough, "man up"
chido = cool!

Dicho of the Day"

Quien pega primero, pega dos veces He who strikes first, strikes twice. (and it looks like it might be the bad guys who land the first strike. Tune in tomorrow to find out.)


I'm not too worried about Aldo as it looks like Nieves and her moo-cow clutch are on the attack. The "rudos" look like real luchadors, yikes!

BWAHAHAHAHA...Rolu. 'Nuff said.

Not only does Constanza infuriate everyone around her but she infuriates me too. Grrrr! Ahem, but she looked lovely and she is very good at getting in the last word.

The scene with Don Cesar pantomiming that Monita was hiding behind the door was the best ever and such great physical humor that I had to guffaw out loud.

Judy, there was a ton of dialogue and action in tonight's episode. Nice job on the recap! You really managed to keep up the pace of the program. The pace was absolutely frenetic and you did a great job of capturing that. The dicho was perfect.

Sylvia, thanks for confirming that the pace of the dialogue WAS FRENETIC. I kept wondering if my mind had slowed down (70th birthday fast approaching) because it was simply impossible to scrawl notes fast enough. And while I was writing one thing, I was missing something else. Oh well, another reminder that I should have taken shorthand at some point in life.

I love the physical humor in this. Don Cesar, is funny, even without moving a muscle. Just the hair and polyester suits are enough. And vicious Connie even endeared herself to me with the nyah nyah faces she was making at Beto. I could see her as a 6-year-old, hiding behind the screen door, making faces at the neighborhood brats.

The show is still amusing. The writers are doing a great job and so are the actors. I love seeing Aldo grow up and become more confident with grownups right before our eyes.

In short, all's right with the world...if I could just listen...and write a little faster.

The more excited the characters got the faster they spoke, and they were getting very excited! Usually I can understand Coni but last night it was very difficult. Wow, was she ever mad! I was glad that Mau (as Furia) was able to see how Coni really behaves toward Monita when she doesn't know Mau is around.

I suspect that Beto is going to have fun pulling Coni's chain. I loved how her expression kept switching from being really angry to being hurt and confused then back to angry. Her nyah nyah faces were priceless.

Just by the by, I'd say the cruising speed in Spanish is always faster than that of English or German. So learning a Latin language is especially challenging. But I can remember at first, even the women newscasters were too fast for me. The men spoke slower so I could follow. Now at least, I can get most of what our spitfires say, as long as I'm not trying to write it down. (Headphones help too, of course).

Thanks for the recap Judy. It was not you, everyone was talking REALLY fast. It was a verbal blur. During times like those I just admire those of you who recap all the more.

Don Cesar had me rolling. He is funny without doing a thing, as you said. And when animated, he's hilarious.

Though I'm glad Rolu's jealous, he'll have to do so much more to be worthy of Ximena. Nevertheless, I 'm going to enjoy watching him squirm.

Karen, I'm going to enjoy watching Ximena make him squirm. She's adorably sadistic at times.

Oh yeah, who knew Ximena could twist the knife so delightfully. Rolu will be doing heavy duty payback time. And let's face it...total body cast, now two broken legs...to a certain extent he's "paid it forward".

Karen, good to hear from you. Okay. Relieved. Further confirmation that my hearing hasn't slowed down. Can that even happen. Yep, when the mind slows, everything else does too, I reckon.

What you all said. I have a hard enough time trying to pick out words, but pretty much gave up last night. Definitely a fast paced episode. I looked at my watch expecting we were only half way done and it five minutes till the end!

Stephe - "Rottweiler in Heat" must join "Harpy on Jet Fuel" as a classic description. Well done!

Thanks, Judy, for a well done and funny recap in the face of all that fast talk!

Thanks Mike, relieved to know yet another "slow listener" is in the group. I honestly thought I had started in on senility last night!

Yes..."rottweiler in heat" is definitely up there with "harpy on jet fuel". Interesting though that the worst tags are for women, written by women. Oh well, no one knows us better than our own kind.

Dang it all, I am having real trouble maintaining my hatred for Rolu after I swore he was dead to me. He's just so cute. I guess I can forgive him after he does a little more reforming.

It's great that Mauricio is getting a chance to see how everyone behaves when they don't know he's there. This must be very enlightening for him.

Judy, I love the glee that comes through in your writing. You have such pizazz.

Judy, sometimes I listen to our local AM Spanish radio station and have much better luck figuring out the words they're saying than I do w/ the TNs. I wonder if my ears are compensating for the lack of video and closed captions.

Weather.com reports Isla Mujeres is currently at 86 deg F. but mostly cloudy. A good day to avoid the UV rays and stay in the shade of the outdoor refreshment stand with a Pina Colada. I do hope Br'er Carlos is enjoying the living daylights out of himself and comes back with a bunch of good photos!

Julia, what a nice compliment. Thank you. It's easy to feel glee with this telenovela. The most fun I've had since watching Juan Querendon doing triceps dips in nothing but boxer shorts and cowboy boots.

I'm enjoying watching Rolu suffer but yes, if he truly reforms (is such a thing possible?) delighted to see it work out with him and Ximena. He does have a very fine face and bod' although I'm ready for that scruffy half-beard to come off.

Mike, you can be dang sure Br'er Carlos is having a blast. That man knows how to enjoy himself (I'm assuming the lovely Linda does also)....just like you and Emilia.

We are being blown to bits here, with strange combinations of leaden gray clouds at the horizon and bright sun up above. We Ohioans are so sun-deprived that we're willing to suffer hurrican strength winds if they just blow the clouds away for a while!

Judy, thanks for another fast-paced recap. The show is really getting exciting, and I can't wait for the wrestling match tonight.

They sure did tease us with Moni seeing Mau putting on that mask, but Don Cesar coming in just in time to tell Mau to stop fooling with the wrestler's things. Then, when Moni left, they walked back in one second later, since Mau still needed to put the outfit back on. Love that telenovela timing.

I do feel a little sorry for Estrella at this point, and I hope that Aldo isn't too full of himself, since he knows the secret. We'll see.

I loved Ximena's "escote" (is that the word for low-cut neckline?). Yes, she's really driving Rolu crazy now. What fun.

Way to go, Judy! Isn't this fun? Rolu's jealousy made the whole episode for me. I'd like to give him a shave and a haircut. At least a shampoo and combing!

And, I'd like to wipe that smirk off Aldo's face. He's waiting to see other people get hurt - how juvenile is that!?

That Constanza is one fine actress. Can't stand her character but she's do good at it. Tiny changes in her face convey so many different emotions. But hey, let's anvil her all the same.

Don Cesar is such a card. I thought he'd break his neck motioning to Mau that Moni was nearby. Glad Mau caught on before we had to put DC in a neck brace!

You're right about the pace of the dialog. Wow! Add me to the list of slow listeners. Sometimes I just close my eyes and concentrate, but not for long. Can't miss all these wonderful actors. Y'know, I 'hear slower' in English than I used to also.

Fabulous recap Judy! I share your opinion on Rolu, he has suffered so much already that just for that I want to give him a chance and he is a hottie. I've seen him in person and he is just gorgeous.

And Coni was so mad! Seeing her squirm is fun! Sorry Carlos. But I did like her faces in that scene with Beto and Mau, in fact, I liked all of them. I'll give Rulli credit for making me still like Mau even after all his terrible choices (I was going to write stupidity but I didn't want to be so mean).


Judy, absolutely wonderful. Though I'm not getting to see the shows this week (I hope the TIVO is working for me), with the stunning recap by the saucy Stephy and your masterpiece today, I feel like I'm not missing a beat though I absolutely must see for myself the events that ya'll so vividly describe. Sounds like our Coni still has a way to go for redemption.

Isla Mujeres is gorgeous and definitely another world. They are celebrating the fiesta of the Virgen de Guadalupe. We passed by the bull ring last night and there was a bullfight in progress. I had a nice chat with the taxista on the way back and he came by the hotel this morning to tell me that he would pick us up tomorrow night to take us to the arena. I had to respectfully decline; the lovely Linda is adventurous but draws the line at cockfights, dogfights, and bullfights. I'm relieved. The restaurant we ate at last night (Sunset Bar and Grill) didn't have aguardiente so I had a Tequilita as an apertif. When we got back to the hotel, however, the bartender was able to produce a bottle (there was a red scorpion on the label... a warning perhaps?) though he insisted that he give me a sample before pouring a shot for me. It was 80% EtOH (160 proof). The lovely Linda tried it and wish I had the camera to capture her expression. She tends to agree with Ximena about the taste. I on the other hand was intrigued with the flavor. Surprisingly complex and smooth for something so potent. A bit like rum, but fruitier. This brand was made from caña (sugarcane). One certainly immediately feels it's effect. Tomorrow we've hired a boat for the day. We're going to the bird sanctuary and maybe for a bit of snorkeling.

Sorry to drone on like this. Maybe I'm still under the spell of the aguardiente. Hasta mañana mis amigos.


Carlos~ Love your travelogue. Glad that you and Lovely Linda are having a good time. Remember the episode from Highlander where the bad immortal loved his illegal Absinthe ?

Absolutely love hearing from you Carlos. And we feel honored that you take time out from that heavenly vacation to write. It's much appreciated. And those sunny days sound divine. And talking in Spanish with the cabbie. Way to go!

Jarocha, relieved you think he's a hottie too. You're the right age to think that way. I feel a bit guilty but what can I say, the heart doesn't age, just the skin and the joints.

Susanlynn aka Susan, good to hear from you. Absinthe is plenty lethal but I understand the taste is quite pleasant.

Emilia...glad to know you're listening slow in English too. I've noticed young people's phone messages go lickety-split, whereas us mature types seem to speak slower (walk slower and...well, better stop there....)

Young people's phone messages?! Judy, young people do not leave phone messages. I know this because I read it in an article on How Not To Act Old, which I believe came originally from hownottoactold.com. No, really.

Also, wearing a watch instantly makes you look old; young people do not. It's very informative.

Judy, I don't think there is anything wrong with your thinking Rolu is hot. He is not a child, after all.

I myself not only think Rolu is hot, but also Salvador and Aldo. Why discriminate?

Julia~~~I need to read that article.~~~Susan, looking at her watch as she leaves a message on an answering machine ...siggghhhh

Judy: Of course it is okay for you to call Rolu hot. As Julia said we shouldn't discriminate because of age ;).

Carlos: nice to see you are having a great time in Isla Mujeres. The Aguardiente is hard to find in big establishments or any place that could be considered upscale. It was considered something only for the poor workers from the haciendas and small towns, because it was cheap and easy to find in low class cantinas. I've never had a drink of it alone. Only in "burritos".


Oh, and the fact that Xime had not heard about Aguardiente, it was because of course that's considered a "low class" drink, and she is a rich fresa. The joke was that she seemed to liked it, ALOT.

Susalynn: Nice to hear from you.


Now I can't find that article! I suspect it was in More magazine (...what? They have it at the gym, and I get bored on the elliptical...) and was a compilation of the top ten tips from the website, or something.

I've been accused of being old because I use capitalization and punctuation in emails and on Facebook.

Hah. I love these comments. Well, I don't wear a watch. Never have. Don't wear bracelets either. They bug me.

But I DO leave messages on answering machines and I prefer e-mails to Facebook.

I'm just now getting comfortable with a cellphone. And I still don't have an ipod! But hell's bells, I'm getting near my expiration date. Why worry?

And yes, I think Aldo's cute but strictly in a maternal way. Like Sal. And God help me, I can see where Oscar would be naughty fun. Oh yikes, better stop right now! I'm gone! See ya tomorrow.

I like Oscar, he might be a sleaze but Roberto Blandón has a fantastic voice. It helps he just played a very nice guy in a recent telenovela here.


I think quite a few men in this show are extreeeeeeemely attractive. I'm very jealous of Jarocha that she got to see "Rolu" in the flesh.

Carlos, I'm so glad you were able to check in and give us an update on your adventures. Sounds divine! Aguardiente is now on my list of must haves.

Has anyone ever had Vin Santo ? Delish. My daughter brought it home to give as gifts the semester she studied in Florence. It's a sweet dessert wine. Time for bed. I wish I had a tiny glass of Vin Santo as a nightcap.

I love the stuff. Nice to sip and I also use it when making Tira mi su.

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