Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Sortilegio Monday December 28

Happy New Year everyone and I hope you all had a cozy Christmas. I’m off running and don’t have time to edit but I want to get it up. Sorry for errors and omissions!

First are reviews of the last show. It’s been a while since they didn’t show anything Thursday or Friday so I’ll quickly review:
Alex tells Mari to tell the journalists who want to interview him about how he survived on the island (a change from the family scandals) that he is not giving interviews. She shows him the picture of him and Maura at dinner the previous evening and he when she leaves he slams the paper down and looks grim. I love it when he get upset! It’s clear he’s worried about what MaríaJose will think.

Meanwhile, Katia is refusing to believe what Fer is telling her about Bruno: “Nobody knows Bruno better than I do.” Sadly, there is no way this thing can end except with her being wrong. Sorry katia.

And finally, Alex calls MaríaJose and invites her to lunch. She is weepy and he knows that she saw the photo of Alex and Maura at the restaurant. He tells her it means nothing, that he would never cheat on her and that she shouldn’t be sad.
And now to our story….

Paula brings Roberto to the mercado to show him her father’s business. She introduces him to Meche, who is glad to meet him, and to Gabriel, who isn’t. As Roberto, Paula and the others are chatting, Roberto casually reaches over and plays with Paula’s ponytail.

Bruno is telling Katia over the phone that now that he is living at home again it’s too risky to see her. Nonetheless, he agrees to meet her at the restaurant the next day.

Alex drives up and asks for MJ. Ezequiel tells him she is working near the Jacuzzi and Alex gives an alarmed look at Bruno, who has just finished his phone conversation with Katia. He goes to find MaríaJose, who is painting pottery for her father and Chucho,. She receives him rather coolly. He compliments her on her creativity and good taste but she is having none of it and when he asks her if she’s still upset about the photos she wonders what wife wouldn’t be at seeing her (ex) husband kissing another woman. He says he was just saying thanks for her support in the whole deal with the board, and that he won’t deny that he likes Maura, and besides he’s just a very expressive guy. Alex, you cad. You wife is pregnant, you’ve divorced her for business reasons, you’ve twice kissed Maura while being married to MaríaJose, Maura has admitted she made up a terrible story about Mario Aguirre that drove a wedge between you and MaríaJose and almost led to MaríaJose’s death. Does it seem to anyone else that Alex is stringing Maura along for some reason? Or is he having a hard time adjusting to being a one-woman man? At any rate, Alex, sweetie, I don’t know if there are words enough, even coming from you, to convince a very pregnant woman whose husband divorced her for business reasons that her now ex-husband is out snuggling with his former girlfriend and it means nothing.

MJ wonders what her role is now in Alex’s life. Is she going to be the wifey who stays at home popping out children while the husband carries on with his bachelor ways? MaríaJose says she knows Alex doesn’t find her at all attractive and that someone like Maura must be very tempting but, but, but…she walks away, too upset to continue. Alex follows her, insisting that she’s more beautiful than ever now that she’s pregnant. He tells her that people don’t fall in love just because someone is pretty, and asks her if she will stop loving him when he’s a wrinkled old man with a big belly (perish the thought!) Hmm, look at that, he did find the words, because MJ smiles and teases him that she will let him get wrinkles, but never a big belly, and they kiss and laugh.

Alex asks MJ not to work outside anymore because he’s worried about what Bruno might do in his obsessed state. And, he says, he’s going to start looking for a house for them. MJ is delighted and paints his nose green in gratitude.

Raquel is telling an appalled Vicki that she wants an abortion and she wants Hernán to help her find a private clinic. Vicki tells her that even when she was pregnant and Samuel knew the children couldn’t possibly be his because he was infertile, she never wanted to get rid of them. Well, Raquel says, I’m not as good as you.

Roberto, Don Pedro and Paula are eating at a lovely outdoor restaurant. Don Pedro thanks Roberto for being so good to them but Paula insists that they, too, are practically Lombardos given their relationship to MariaJose. In this scene she clearly has a sense of entitlement to the good life.

Gabriel is complaining to Meche that as soon as a rich guy comes along and invites Paula out she doesn’t stay to eat lunch with them. Meche says she can do what she wants – it’s none of their business. Chucho comes along with sandwiches for all (what a contrast with the beautiful outdoor restaurant where Roberto took them) .

Paula has to go to school so she is leaving Roberto and Don Pedro, but she tells Roberto she wants him to come and visit more often. Ay Paula. Cuidado hija. After she leaves, Don Pedro asks Roberto what his attentions are, and Roberto assures him he sees Paula as nothing but a little sister (I think that’s what he said).

Mateo, aka fake Mario Aguirre, is telling Ulises over the phone that he found Sandra but now she’s gone. Ulises tells him to come back (to his apartment, I suppose).

Robert and Don Chucho continue their conversation, and Roberto asks Don Pedro if he had other children because he has a friend who looks identical to MariaJose. Don Pedro denies it, claiming that everyone has a double. Roberto doesn’t seem convinced.

Ulises calls Elena and tells her that they found Sandra but she disappeared and he needs some money to find her. Elena agrees to send him some, and also says she’s going to cancel Sandra’s credit cards to force her back.

Vicki tells Hernán that Raquel wants an abortion, and she’s worried because Raquel is so far along. Hernán tells Vicki to send Raquel to the clinic for some additional testing as there were some anomalies in her first round of tests. These two seem to be at cross purposes, with Vicki saying Raquel wants an abortion, and Hernán saying she should come in to do further tests to make sure the baby is all right.

At the market, Chucho begins to worm Don Pedro’s story out of him with his magic phrase: “Aflójese las apreturas.” I had never heard these words before this show but I guess it means something like “spill,” and Don Pedro does. (I’m combining two scenes, here.) He tells Chucho that Elena didn’t really die, as he told his daughters, but in fact left him. One day he was bringing the girls to church but Sandra had the flu (la gripe – what a perfect name for it) and so he left her behind. When he got back they were gone. Chucho wants to know if Elena married the other man, but sweet, naïve Don Pedro doesn’t see how she could have because in fact the two of them never divorced. Chucho thinks Roberto must know something about it and suggests that DP talk to him about it.

Sandra is with a sleazy guy (is this the one she buys drugs from?) trying to withdraw money from the ATM but she keeps getting an “insufficient funds” (fondos insuficientes) message. What’s this? She can’t understand what’s going wrong. The next time we see her she’s at a party in a drug- or alcohol-induced haze (maybe drug AND alcohol-induced haze) demanding that Elena reactivate her credit cards. Elena says that if she doesn’t come back she’ll lose the inheritance, but Sandra doesn’t care about it or the old man. Elena refuses to re-activate the credit cards and Sandra says that if she doesn’t she, Sandra, will turn to prostitution and it will be all her mother’s fault! (My childhood threats to run away pale in comparison to this one.)

Fer goes into Bruno’s room and asks him what’s this he’s heard about him and Katia getting married. Their conversation goes something like this (not a translation – just an outline):
B: “That’s nothing but schoolgirl fantasy on Katia’s part!”
F: “I’ll have you charged with contributing to the delinquency of minors (corrupción de menores)!!
B: “Your sister should be so lucky!!!
F: “I’m warning you!!!!
B: “Ooooooh I’m scared. You’ve got no proof, and anyway, Katia would deny it!!!!!

Elena calls Ulises and gives him Sandra’s cell phone number in Mexico City. Ulises asks for money but Elena says she can’t be constantly running to her husband asking for $$$. Ulises says he doesn’t even have money for a plane ticket to Mexico City, and they have to move fast or Sandra will leave again. Say, how many times is Ulises going to cash in on going to get Sandra – first from Robert, now from Elena, and next?

Raquel calls Ulises to tell him she does not want the baby and wants to find a good hospital. (She says she doesn’t want the abortion in a hospital de tercera, but I’m not sure what that is. Any ideas, anyone?) Ulises helpfully tells her not to worry so much, but then has to hang up because someone is at the door about (you guessed it) a business deal. Roberto comes into the chalet and proposes a deal with Raquel: he’ll give her the divorce and she will give him the baby.

Ale and MJ are in bed wondering what the baby will be like. “Like you!” “No, no, like you!”

MaríaJose, Alex, Vicki, Felipa and Paula are having breakfast. Alex is explaining that his good mood when Bruno skulks up to the door and listens in. The plan is to sell some shares to Maura, who will then vote for Alex for President and make the count five for Alex and only four for Bruno. Bruno runs away and nobody sees him. I know he’s the villain but for a moment he almost looks like a leprechaun as he tiptoes away.

Sorry folks – it’s getting late and I’ve got to run and this last part is kind of a mash.

Bruno is MAD at this latest development hitch in his plan for Lombardo domination and arranges with Erik to have MaríaJose’s father arrested on trumped up piratería charges.

Now we’re in the board room with MaríaJose, Alex, Maura and two lawyers to sign the papers selling stock to Maura, giving her a vote in company matters. Maura explains that Lisette isn’t buying any stock because it was no longer necessary to have two additional votes, and besides, she’s tired all the time and all she does is sleep. (No significant music is heard in the background at this point but this seems like a major hint.) MaríaJose, her hand in Alex’s, thanks Maura for her help and Maura, looking like she’s sucking a lemon, says she’s doing it for herself because it’s a good investment. What better place to invest than in a company run by Alejandro Lombardo, (she leans forward and caresses his arm) the best darn businessman in Merida. (If Alex were a toy doll he would be ripped in two by now.) The papers are signed, the lawyers leave, and Maura assures MaríaJose that between her and Alex (caressing Alex’s shoulders) they will take good care of her stock. MJ says she trusts Alex a lot, and also trusts Maura to support him as the good friend that she is. They kiss, and Maura notes that they are pretty cuddly for a divorced couple. MJ has to leave but Maura says she is staying behind to talk to Alex – “About business, of course.” (I’m combining two scenes here)

After MJ leaves Alex thanks Maura for her help, but says he doesn’t like the way she acts with him in front of MaríaJose. (Alex, baby, I think this is another mixed message. Maura thinks you two are divorced, and you’re telling her not to show so much affection when MJ is around.) Maura tells him not to be so sensitive – that his ex surely realizes that the two of them have a lot of “cariño” for each other. (That “cariño” is a tricky word, since it can mean affection or love.) Alex doesn’t deny it but tells her he wants to make sure she doesn’t mistake their business arrangement for something else, and then asks her what she wants to know about the company. Maura, who we know is certainly no quitter, smiles, plays with her hair and tells him “everything.”

Fer is telling Katia he talked to Bruno, who says that he has no intention of marrying Katia because she’s just a kid. Katia insists that Bruno loves her, and for herself, since she has nothing she can offer him but herself and her love. Oh really, says Fernando – maybe what you can offer him is information about my whereabouts. Maybe you were the one who told him that Alex and I were going to the Domincian Republic. He tells her to open her eyes and realize that she is nothing to him. He leaves her crying but her eyes don’t look any wider.

Vicki and Felipa go to Raquel’s house. It’s morning but Raquel is already enjoying a cocktail, and it’s probably not her first one. Raquel says she changed her mind about the abortion, and also that Roberto is giving her a divorce. She says sadly that Ulises doesn’t want to see her anymore but the thought that this might be because she is simply intolerable doesn’t enter her mind for an instant. She wonders to herself if Roberto is driving him away. If it’s true (she bares her teeth and looks pretty fierce) he will PAY!

Arturo helps a very awkward and pregnant MariaJose out of the car. Bruno traps her on the stairs and says she better vote for him or he’ll send her father to jail, and just because he’s innocent now doesn’t mean no evidence from before. She refuses. She goes inside and goes upstairs with Paula, who can’t understand how awful Raquel is to Roberto. If she were Roberto’s wife, she says, she’d take good care of him.

This next scene I’m not sure I understood, so if anyone has any changes please help us out. Rufino, Pedro’s old partner in crime, is stopped at the side of the road and his car is being searched for contraband. He insists that it’s not his, that it’s been planted, but what I’m not sure of is whether or not we can know if it really is a plant (he is a pretty nasty criminal already, after all.) But we see Erik standing in the background watching, so I suppose he must have set it up. Anyway (and I’m combining scenes again), once Rufino is in Jail Erik goes to visit him and says that he represents “a friend.” This “friend” has excellent lawyers – the best in Mexico, and can make sure that Rufino goes free. What Rufino has to do in exchange is testify that Pedro Samaniego is in on it with him. Rufino asks several times who the “friend” is and Erik finally tells him that his name is Mario Aguirre.

Bruno and Kartia are at the restaurant and Bruno is telling Katia that he has to deny everything related to her and that they can’t be together, because if Fer finds out it will ruin his chances at getting the presidency. He leaves her at the restaurant because of course he can’t take her home, and she looks sad and disabused.

Roberto visits Alex at Lombardo construction and says he wants to keep the baby but will need money to do that and Raquel has cut up all his credit cards. Alex thinks Roberto is there to ask him for a handout but Roberto says he wants a job. Alex is surprised but Roberto reminds him that people can change – Alex himself used to always be with a different woman, but now he’s only with MariaJose – and he wants to change, too. A time comes when a man looks around at his life, sees how all around him are false, and wants something different, something better, something pure; he thinks the baby can be that for him. I love the way Roberto has developed in this story!


Thanks for the great recap Chavala. You had so much in there, that I couldn't tell that you were in a hurry. The scenes you combined were perfect.

Thanks for taking the time to scold Alex for the way he is handling the whole MJ/Maura situation. MJ was very forgiving about the picture after he sweet talked her. Although he didn't really tell her that he thought she was MORE beautiful than Maura, which is something I think I would want to hear from my hubby if I was in a jealous snit. And he continues to hide the truth about Maura's evil deeds and has not brought it up to Maura even as a reason why he could never see her as anything other than a biz partner.

Roberto playing with Paula's ponytail was yet another show of his brotherly feelings for her, but from her conversation with MJ (where Paula walked away as MJ was once again warning her about having an appropriate relationship with the married Roberto), it seems that Paula is falling for him in a romantic way. Raquel is a mess though, and I hope that this baby is a turning point for Roberto. Asking for the baby (not money) in return for the divorce AND asking for a job (instead of quick cash) from Alex. Major developments for him!

-Vivi in DC (who has the whole week off and not much to do)

So nice to be able to read your lovely recap this morning. Jeez, when I started blogging telenovelas if I went out of town it was a big big problem! Now caray caray just rolls on without me! Thanks everybody - Melinama (Chapel Hill Fiddler) in Berkeley on her birthday...

Oh,and I think "hospital de tercera" means third rate hospital.

Interesting that they are leading us to believe that both Lisette (surprising) and Raquel's baby (not a surprise) will have medical issues. I must say that I don't really care about Lisette as she's almost as bad as Useless and only seems to care about her own pleasure. But her illness may be a way to control (Bruno) or change Maura. I do, however, feel very badly for the innocent baby girl that is surely being affected by all that drinking, fighting and screeching that Raquel is doing.

-Vivi in DC

vivi, they're in a bit of a jam with Raquel and her baby script-wise. They can't have an abortion (I don't recall any abortion ever in any telenovela). She is too bad to be rehabilitated. Maybe they have to have her baby die to solve this problem.

Happy Birthday Melinama!

I really hope that the baby makes it. That would be so sad if she dies. :(

-Vivi in DC

Thanks Chaval for the recap. I hope Roberto gets sole custody of the baby i feel sorry that it's mother is Raqhell.

Can someone hire MJ some body guards please, the way Bruno was man handling her did not look good.

Alex needs to stop using Maura that way i agree he is definitely using mix signals. Since she's obsessed with getting him back for herself. There's no telling what other stunt she might try to pull.

Katia really deserves Bruno eeeeck.

Ferdumbo should have left her at his uncle's ranch.

Looks like tonight Alex confronts Mateo aka fake Mario Aguirre.

Great recap Chavala. I only got to see bits and pieces. Did Lissete have sex with anyone? Surely they would do another pregnancy deal. We've already got 2 to deal with. I'm glad Robertoo is turning around. It's nice to see the progression in a character. Boy, isn't Sandra a peach!

Excellent recap, Chavala.

I actually did see one novela with an abortion, Sin Senos No Hay Paraiso, but that was a very different kind of novela (no happy ending, for example), and it wasn't on Univision, so I agree, it's unlikely they'll have one here. Since the studies show problems and Raquel's been drinking, a miscarriage is always a possibility, although I'm hoping the baby is born a little early, has some issues, but by a miracle, recovers, and Roberto gets his second chance. But what about Raquel? She might not be so lucky.

That Erik is really something. About a month ago, when he was friendly with Paula, I had some sympathy for him, and he didn't actually have Meche and Gabriel killed. But he's really sunk low this time, and deserves payback.


Thanks for the very complete recap. Like Vivi, I appreciated you giving Alex a what-for. I think his behavior with Maura is very manipulative and I do not like it.


Congratulations and a very Happy Birthday to you. I will be in Berkeley on Thursday/Friday (for my son's birthday January 1st) if I have fully recovered from the flu. My, my what a small world we live in.

Naturally I would love to pay homage to you, our beloved blog mom. Perhaps I could bring you a cup of Peet's coffee or tea? A bottle of Sonoma County Pinot Noir? Seriously, if you have a moment I would love to meet, if you think it appropriate.

Back to Sortilegio...So Pedro now admits he fabricated Elena's death. Bless his heart, he is just hopelessly inept. Grrr...

And Raquel is a one-woman horror show. I have heard of women who drank through their pregnancies who delivered normal babies but it seems to be a fluke. I am sure our medical professionals on the Board have opinions on this subject. Would they give Roberto a special-needs child in a telenovela? Seems unlikely. Sigh. I hope they don't kill off the baby for this plot line. Gosh, maybe they are going to kill of Raquel too! Just a random thought, NOT a spoiler.


Seems we had the same ideas at the same time...LOL

Relaxing over lunch with your recap. (First day back after a LONG weekend - the worst). Thanks for the great read.
Roberto was enjoyable to watch in this episode. Always thought he might be the redeemable character and it now appears he is heading that way. His simple plea to Raquel to give him the baby and he'll give her the divorce was well done, as was the scene with Alex.
As for Raquel the lush, anyone who watches Mad Men on AMC saw the same situation with drinking and being pregnant. It seemed so shocking, but made you realize how relatively recent it has been that the possible dangers of drinking and being pregnant have been known. Many women drank and had "healthy" babies. Much of the research to not drink has been centering on learning disabilities; more cognitive type issues on retention of information, attention disorders, that sort of thing, much depending on the level of alchohol consumed which if high can lead to much worse medical disorders.(Recently read an interesting article that shows that the drinking of the father can be just as distructive to the genes and cause possible disorders.)I agree with some here, that even though it would be horrible, the writers may chose to have the Rack lose the baby somehow, maybe leading to her light bulb moment to turn her life around?
I'm back to getting annoyed at Paula and her belief in the right to live so well just because sis married wealthy. still think they are working to hook her up with Gabriel.
And Katia...boo hoo.I don't give a fig that she's supposed to be only 17, she's just stupid.
we're heading into full Sandra mode now from what the previews show and how Pedro made his big confession. let the games begin.

Chavala, that was a great recap! I didn't notice anything that led me to believe you were in a hurry. :-) I was LOL when you wrote Alex couldn't convince MJ, and the next thing we all knew, he did. I really would not want to imagine Alex fat and wrinkly though, not even in my worst nightmares.

Happy Birthday, Melinima.

Hope all our bloggers with the flu recover fast!

Elna, are you living in California and coming to visit Berkeley area or are you coming from another state? In any case, warm welcome to the bay area. :-)

I had an alcoholic friend that drank through pregnancy & the baby was born with a cleft pallet.

I think hospital de tercera means 3rd rate.

The pro choice people could use Bruno & Raquel as a perfect example to support abortion.

As far as Sandra turning to prostitution, that's probably just a matter of collecting money.

Aflojese y aperturas is new phrase to me & I think a Chuchoism like carnicas.

Tks for the recap, great one on the fly.

Thanks for the recap Chavala. Enjoy your holidays and your family!

Yes Alex needed to be chided for his comments to his wife. Yes he is handsome but try to bring your character up to the level of your looks.

I too am glad it looks like Roberto is becoming the good guy we are used to seeing him play. As Vivi noted he asked for the baby (not money) and a job (not money). This is HUGE for him.

Since medical issues are pure fantasy in novelas, my script would have Raquel fall into a coma so she could no longer harm the baby. The baby would be miraculously be healthy and Raquel would stay in the coma a bit longer (I'm not concerned enough about her to determine whether she come out of the coma or not).

Happy Birthday Melinama.

If you missed Cristina last night, it had some good entertainment but if you blinked you could have missed Colunga. All he did was say Feliz Navidad y Feliz Año Nuevo & not much else. It was a remote hookup.

Loved the recap Chavala. I too don't like the way Alex is handling the Maura situation. He's leading her on even if he doesn't realize it and he's doing the very thing to MJ that he accused her of and threw her out of his house. He's withholding crucial information from her. I just think this will eventually blow up in his face. Maura wants him and she won't take no for an answer. I'm surprised at the changes Roberto is over going. I guess with Raquel being pregnant, he wants to set a good example and be a better person. Raquel really needs to stop drinking. I hate watching her throw down the liquor so recklessly while very pregnant. Sandra is a mess. It looks as though she won't change at all and Pedro does know about the twin sisters and that Elena left him and never divorced him. How long before this all comes out with Sandra wandering around Mexico City with so many looking for her. How long before the twin sisters meet face to face?

MJ must have taken some major chill pills last night. Not only did she forgive Alex and totally keep her cool in the board room when Maura kept rubbing herself all over Alex and implying how close they will be, she also kept her cool pretty well after Bruno accosted her on the steps of doom leading to the house. Anon 10:53 I didn't like the way he roughly man handled a very pregnant woman either. But it doesn't seem fair that she should have to remain a prisoner inside the house so that she doesn't run into Bruno. Alex needs to get them that house asap.

-Vivi in DC

You know, Pirate Babe, if MJ gets jealous enough and finds out all the stuff Alex has been hiding, she could pull "an Alex" and kick him out of the house. It's her house now and he's her guest in it. Lol! Wouldn't that be a funny turn of events! ;)

-Vivi in DC

ViVi now that's funny MJ turning around and throwing Alex out of the house.

Variopinta Bruno and Raqhell should be the poster children for why abortion should be a possibilty.

Alex fat bald and wrinkled bite your tongue.

My nextdoor neighbor just had a baby in July and I caught her in her backyard smoking while she was pregnant. I said she shouldn't be smoking and she said the doctor said it would be ok if it was only 1 or 2! Can you believe any doctor would actually say that? I didn't, but kept my mouth shut.

Connie one of my past bosses every time she took a break and i saw her outside she had a cigarette connected to her mouth.

One of my other co-workers mention to her the danger of smoking while pregnant she gave him a dirty look and said she always smokes and she's not stopping.

What can you do when some people don't care how they maybe harming their child by what they are normally used to doing and won't quit for several months for the sake of the child.

She had a healthy baby girl thank god but every time i saw her i just shook my head at her selfishness.

I know. It makes you sick doesn't it? And then there are the other people who do everything they are supposed and have a baby born with a problem. It's just not fair really.

Chavala: "Sorry for errors and omissions!" What are you talking about! Your recap was perfect, thanks for getting it done during a super busy time.

Elna June: ...."Raquel is a one-woman horror show." What a succinct, earthy and TRUE diagnosis. (Glad you're feeling better!) Fetal Alcohol Syndrome...what is the exact number of drinks sufficient to hurt your baby? I would guess that starting in the morning, continuing through the afternoon and guzzling through the night might do the trick. On visiting Dr. Hernan, I smell a writer cop-out...

I plan to just forget the "rape" thing, chalk it up to cultural differences and the "PC" thing. I'm glad that Roberto is going to change his life for the better. Besides, this novela needs more (DECENT?) men. You know, call me crazy, but there are probably men out there that really would take on the baby of his alcoholic wife's lover...

Vivi...what is it you are doing to nourish your brain? Cod liver oil? Ginko leaves? I need grey matter enhancement. You have this novela down to the letter!!!

Alex...wouldn't it have been better to have Mary as a business partner.....Maura, really!!!

Earth to Doris, hope you are alive and well....Preds games on top of everything else...sainthood!

Another thing I hate is when you see a little baby in the backseat strapped into their carseat and the windows are rolled up and the parents are sitting in the front seat smoking like chimmneys! Ack.

I can't even spell today! What a dork.

Connie smokers irk me anyway because i am a non smoker myself. After seeing all of those cigarette commercials and finding out what's in a cigarette itself. I really hate seeing someone pregnant smoking.

Then you have the people who have asthma who do it too. Totally flabbergasted.

Sorry i don't mean to offend anyone on here who smokes but this is how i feel.

Chavela-- great recap. You hit all the highlights and low-lifes so well!!
Sandy in TN -- now that's an idea...why didn't MJ and Alex just give his secretary some $$ so she could buy shares???? Too sensible I guess!!
Am in total agreeement with those who hate how cavalier Alex is being re. his relationship with Maura. COME ON, no way would he allow MJ to be that "EXPRESSIVE" with an ex!!And to tell MJ he's always liked Maura when she confessed to him the whole madeup Mario Aguirre which resulted in the near death of his wife and unborn child???? How could he forget/forgive that!!!!Not liking this side of Alex AT ALL.

Also am in agreement with those who like the way Roberto's character is developing. Loved his talk with Alex about false friends and wanting what's really important in life.

Thanks again Chavela and FELIZ CUMPLEANOS Melinama (Chapel Hill Fiddler)!!!!

I'm going to blame the writer for Alex's behavior with Maura because there's no way after he found out the Mario Aguirre plot and she was the one who though of it.

He would be all flirty with her and especially when MJ and his child almost died as a result of it.

The writers should have done a better job with this plot. Even though after she sign the papers at the boardroom and he confronted her about her flirting with him.

It was too late he had sent out too many mixed signals. What they should have done was have him say you owe me one for the Mario Aguirre plot against MJ. So do this for me and i may forgive you for what you tried to do.

Anon, my thoughts exactly on Alex's behavior.

Thanks for a very competent recap, Chavala. Combining scenes works for me. And happy birthday and happy travels to our Blog Mom.
I noticed that our "mature" Katia was playing with her teddy bear while on the phone with Bruno. And yes, she does so know Bruno better than anyone else (cough cough).
There are plenty of annoying characters in this TN, but one of the worst is Don Pedro, who never mans up and admits to vital info like his wife not being dead, after all. I want to reach into the screen and shake him until his head falls off.
La Paloma

Anon 7:13 I like your idea of having Alex call in the Mario Aguirre favor to get Maura to vote for him. I can't tell if this is a writing weakness or if they are trying to show us something about Alex's character. Remember when he got back from the shipwreck and wanted to call MJ right away when he found out she was on the verge of selling shares to Maura and Lisette? When Vicki told him not to do it because it could be a tremendous shock to a woman in MJ's condition, his response was "I don't care." He was going to call her anyway until Vicki took over the phone and gently asked MJ to come back to the house.

Great idea to have Mari be the one with the shares. Alex could lend her the money to buy them and she could pay him back when the stock goes up. She's smart, discrete, honest, efficient...

Happy Birthday to you Melinama in Berkeley!!! The fact that Caray is rolling along even when you're gone is a tribute to all you've done organizing this blog and getting it running smoothly. Thanks for all your efforts!

Thanks, Cielo:

OT/I live in the North Bay Area (Sonoma County, about 45 miles away)but my son and my older daughter live in Berkeley. His birthday is January 1st and we will be celebrating on 31 December and 1 January.

Are you here in the Bay?

Let's hear it for the Bay Area!!! I didn't realize Cielo de Levy was in the Bay Area. Elna June, as she's said, lives in Sonoma County, part of our wonderful Wine Country, while I live in Palo Alto.

Happy, happy birthday to you Chapel Hill Fiddler, our marvelous founding mother!!!! Hope the rain lets up a bit for your visit.

Happy Birthday day to the founding mother of Caray Caray. Thank you so very much for founding this wonderful site.

ITA with giving Mari his executive secretary shares instead skank Maura but that wouldn't work with the plot they set up now would it?

Once again i blame the writers for making Alex act callous at inopportune moments.

Elna and Novelera, I live near Pinole, part of West Contra Costa County. Coool I didn't know you guys were so close. :-)

Chavala there have been several parts or plots with the characters that have been slightly disjointed.

I guess all novela's have them including this one too.

La Paloma it's hard to take a father figure like El Smurf time and time again he refuses to be honest with Alex when he ask him for the truth.

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