Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Gancho Tuesday Dec. 29, '09 Can This Marriage Be Saved?

When I was a teenager, I devoured those articles in my mom's Ladies Home Journal: " Can This Marriage Be Saved?" It was the closest I could get to a sex education class 'cause they certainly weren't teaching anything of the kind in high school in those days. And of course we're all wondering if Ximena's topsy turvy marriage can make it. Even Lalu in concerned about her methods. As for Connie and Mauricio's noxious nuptials, let's hope not. And now we have another marriage in the offing, that of Salvador and Gabriela. Although why you'd agree to marry someone who faked a heart attack not once but twice is beyond me! Sal has definitely lost his appeal.

So, let's look at these marriages, along with the passionate non-sanctioned marriage of Beto and Connie. Their link is so strong she even appears to enjoy picking nits out of his hair. Aaaarrggh. Gotta be love. And then there's the oh-so-close relationship of Oscar and Jeronimo. Where is that going?

Our first scene is a repeat of perfidious Oscar offering to facilitate Mauricio's divorce from Constanza. He cannily explains that Mau needs a slimeball like him. An upright fellow like Salvador wouldn't be able to dirty his hands and speed things along like Oscar could. Mau appears to be thinking this over. At least his eyes squint and he makes little moues with his lips. Who knows what's actually going in in the itty bitty brain of his?

After making his offer, Oscar sallies forth to find himself nose to nose with an outraged Jeronimo. Little Jerry fears a double betrayal: Oscar is switching to Mau's side and bird-dogging Jackie. But Oscar smoothly dismisses his fears. I'm just helping Mauricio get rid of Connie so we two can divide his money between us, he assures him. And as for Jacqui, I'm simply showing you her true colors. She's capable of betraying you for a couple of pesos (methinks the diamond necklace cost more than that). Jerry is not convinced and the two end as they began, nose to nose, glaring at each other. Can this marriage be saved?

Back to the barrio and our three amigas. Paula's bemoaning her sore feet and the thankless chore of cleaning up all that Beto-broken glass. Monita's still fuming about both Beto and Mauricio and never wants either name mentioned again. Estrella, our voluptuous romantic, is still rooting for Monita's "principe" and is sure he'd move "mar y tierra" (lit. sea and land, but we'd say "heaven and earth") to be with her. No way, snaps Monita.

Mientras tanto, Connie and Beto are having another swarthy, sweaty encounter under the sheets, punctuated by a little luchador chat which gets our feral Connie all excited again and ready for round two.

Fortunately we break for an ad and when we come back, it's to a worried Nieves. She confides in Monita that she believes" la flauta" is really in love with Beto and is having HIS baby. No way! Way. I know what I saw and I know what I heard, insists Nieves. And I'm worried. So worried I went to church and prayed to the Virgencita. Game plan? Since Connie will be an awful mother, Nieves' prayer is that she'll leave little Betito to her and Beto. Mother and son can raise the little fella together. Interesting thought.

Back to the hot sheets. Beto's telling Connie how great Furia is. How he and the masked stranger are best buds and together in the ring, they're unbeatable. They can take on all comers. Connie is looking intrigued. Since Beto also mentioned how surprisingly capable Mauricio was in their fight, I'm afraid she's putting two and two together. She cannily asks if she can come watch their practice one day. Uh oh. The scene ends with a rather down home tenderness. With his head resting cozily on her chest, she thoughtfully picks (lice, nits, dandruff?) out of his hair. Not my idea of romance but if it works for them, so be it.

A strange almost-romance is also taking place at Monita's place. Furia arrives. She quickly loosens her hair. Whew! Symbolism out the wazoo! She was thinking of him. Really? He was thinking of her too. You know, she continues...about how you're in love with me. I'm broken-hearted right now but one day I'll heal. And I want to fall in love with you. Furia looks conflicted. At least his eyes do.

After a break for ads, Monita notices the sad eyes also. But why? I thought you'd be happy. Furia mumbles a little defense of Mauricio and the great love they had. Still, Monita's determined to move on. She has her friends, her boxing and now the presence of Furia in her life. And the hope of loving again. Hey, it's all good.

Yikes, I take that back. Things are getting stranger and stranger with Connie and Beto. He has his arm in one of her black net stockings and now the arm becomes a grungy puppet, talking baby-talk to the mysterious fetus, now nicknamed Baby Blue. Who loves ya' coos Beto. Don't be "cursi" (maudlin) sighs Connie. But she gets weepy herself (se pone chilpil). Ah, with my physique and your intelligence, says Beto, this kid will be great.

Well, time to leave the grungy motel and our equally grungy lovers for....an upscale restaurant and a very spiffy Gabriela and Salvador. They're nattering on about the shameless display Connie put on this morning, flaunting her sordid affair with Beto in everyone's faces. The gentle romantic piano music starts. They're playing our couples' song as they muse about how lucky they are to have each other...each other's support, understanding , inspiration....They close in for a kiss. Things are looking good.

And for Ximena and Rolu? Well, she's forgotten him for most of the day. So busy planning the big par-tay with Lalu. There's some dissing of Thalia, who's let him down and then some fretting about how to handle the mix Ximena envisages. She wants her highfalutin' friends but also her down home folks from the barrio. Sort of a tacos and caviar type thing. Lalu's not sure he can pull it off but he'll try. Three things, Lalu. 1) Nothing's as difficult as it seems. 2) My marriage with Rolu is not as problematic as it seems. 3) Everything has a solution. Fine, snaps Lalu, but I don't think you're handling this in the right way. For God's sakes, woman, tend to your man. He's been tied up all day. No food or drink. (And no bathroom, I'm thinking!) Lalu scampers off and Ximena looks thoughtful. Let's hope she's headed upstairs...or at least to the kitchen.

Okay. Back to the restaurant. Not a funny scene in my opinion. Salvador gives another very convincing imitation of a heart attack. They really drag the scene out with Gabriela fluttering hysterically and finally calling over the maitre d'. But when Sal asks her to touch his chest where he's feeling the stabbing pain, she finds....yeah, you guessed it...a ring. While the headwaiter, the rest of the staff and some cheerful diners stand watching, he asks for her hand in marriage and she gleefully accepts. Champagne for everyone!

Honest to God, that was not funny. Not even cute. What ever happened to straightforward proposals? Oh well. Crankypants alert.

And speaking of cranky, Jacqui is more than a little upset with her daughter's shamelessness. Granted she was a liberal lady in her day, but she never did anything as outrageous as what Connie pulled this morning. You're just miffed because I've outdone you, sniffs Connie. And if you don't like it, leave! Stop trying to run me off, counters Jacqui. Because I'm not going.

And staying with our cranky theme, Rolu is more than a little upset with Ximena and who can blame him? She waltzes in with pasta "avec trois fromages" (except it's only two, that's all she had) and is prepared to feed him with her saintly little hands, since he's still bound hand and foot. No way is he eating anything she's prepared. He wants his gag out, his bonds untied...his....whoops...she's got three things to say to him. 1) If he doesn't change his attitude, well.....2) He can decide. He can make this easy....or hard. 3) Here's dinner but if he lets it get cold, she's not going to warm it up. It's a Mexican standoff.

Well, "a falta de pan, cariño" (when there's no food, affection will have to do). And she pounces on the poor guy (I'm worried about his bladder) and begins to tickle him.

We'll have to see the aftermath of that scene in Wednesday's episode. I can hardly wait.

And now to another strange couple. Jeronimo has arrived to confront the perfidious Jacqueline. She handles him as deftly as her daughter does Mauricio. He's bleating that he's like a lost little dog on a stormy night, cast out into the cold by a treacherous woman. What breed of dog are you? muses Jacqui. You know different breeds react differently. This little bit of philosophy falls on deaf ears so she gets down to brass tacks. All we did was have dinner. Where's the harm in that. It was the least I could do after that charming gift of a diamond necklace. Oscar has the means to take me to nice places and do nice things for me...things I deserve. You attract me....we can still be affectionate...but you're mediocre. She throws a few quick kisses his way and slips out of his grasp, leaving him jiggling and humping like the poor little lost doggie he is. Not much future for this relationship.

Back to the barrio again. Paula and Estrella are gossiping about Furia's presence at Monita's place. Paula's all for the new relationship, Estrella's still backing Maurico. Beto arrives and they both turn their backs on him. What a churl! Scheming with" la momia" to thwart Monita and Mauricio's happiness. Out damned spot! Beto turns only to find another glaring woman bearing down on him...Nieves herself...in high dudgeon. He manages to cool her ire somewhat by having her imagine what it will be like to hold little Betito in her arms, snuggle him, spoil him, feed him, rock him. Fine, she snaps. But until I actually hold him in my arms, I'M NOT FORGIVING YOU!

Our last scene ends with our tepid would-be lovers, Monita and Furia. She's sharing that she feels calm with him. Safe. She doesn't ever want that to change. So never betray me, she pleads. I need to trust someone. Big hug. Major clinch. Then she quickly draws away, says okay and "bye." Oh the conflict! How will Furia handle this new complication? Tune in Wednesday and we'll see.

Previews: Jeronimo is talking about the "cloaca" (I believe he's referring to the barrio) being for sale.
And Monita and Mauricio are in another clinch at the gym, and she's saying "If you didn't wear that mask, I'd ask you to kiss me."


se ponen chilpil = get all weepy
se cuece aparte = she's in a class by herself (Beto talking about his mom)
chupamos el dedo = we're born yesterday (Gabriela and Salvador gossiping about Connie and Beto)
rayando mis cuardernos = blotting my copybook (Jerry complaining about Oscar moving in on his lady)
mover mar y tierra = move heaven and earth
eres un puerco. pero no trompudo = Okay. Help! This is one of Beto's refrains. Literally "trompudo" means thick-lipped or blubberlipped. Anyone have an idea what this saying means colloquially? We now have the answer, thanks to the Soothsayer. Puerco pero no trompudo = I'm a pig but not a downright slob, I have my faults but I draw the line, I'm bad but not THAT bad etc. Muchas gracias a usted Soothsayer!!!

ave de rapiña = bird of prey (Sal,talking about Connie)
a fuerzas ni los zapatos entran = you can't force things (Lalu giving marital advice to Ximena)
un poquito de recato = a little reserve, a little decorum (Jackie remonstrating with her daughter)
andas fisgoneando = you're snooping around (Estrella to Paula)
aplicar la ley de hielo = giving someone the cold shoulder, the silent treatment
se quedar muy cortas = Nieves, noting that the girls didn't "go far enough" snubbing Beto
a falta de pan, cariño = when there's no food, affection will have to do

Dicho of the Day:

Cada oveja con su pareja Each to his own. Every Jack has his Jill.
True enough, but which Jack will end up with which Jill? Aldo with Estrella? Christian with Paula? Monita with Mauricio/Furia? Beto with Connie? Salvador with Gabriela? Ximena with Rolu?......and Jackie with whom? Or are Jerry and Oscar destined to be a couple?
And...Can any of these "marriages" be saved? Let's hope so.


Judy, I love this recap. After struggling to relate what happened last night, it is refreshing to read this which seems so effortless and so clever. I loved this episode with one exception... Sal's heart attack. The first was unfortunate but almost understandable. Tonight's was almost unpardonable. At first Gabi thought he was faking again. I'm still wondering what he did to make his lips turn blue. God forbid that now he actually has an MI. I guess we'll all laugh as we watch him die. I object on two levels. As a physician and someone who was actually the patient. Let me tell you, he was very convincing. I guess they don't have the Little Boy Who Cried Wolf story in Mexico.

I loved Coni grooming Beto. Let's hope there were no nits...Ewww. I have a hair-curling piojo story from my intern days which I won't burden you guys with today. I thought the whole combined scene of the two of them was both erotic and charming, but then watching vipers mate on the Discovery Channel is also heart-warming.

As for Ximena, I can't help it, whatever she does short of murder is OK with me. She is an absolute joy to watch. With everyone else, I pay more attention to the CCs. With Ximena, I watch every move she makes and then back up to make sure I didn't miss what she said.

Oscar and Jero? Jaqui is the third wheel. They are meant for each other.

Big Bug and Little Monkey? Hey, who cares?


Judy, I too used to read "Can This Marriage Be Saved" in my mother's LHJ. Had to chuckle at memories of those days.
La Paloma

Great title amiga. I like how your mind works. I also remember "Can This Marriage Be Saved?"

Sal's proposal...I'm at a loss for words. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot was he thinking? Like Carlos said, woe be to him if he ever has a real heart attack. Gabi will giggle and go blithely on her way.

I also heard Beto say "pero no trompuda" but couldn't figure out at all what he meant. Big question mark over that one. By the way, did you catch the saying on Beto's shirt? Was that kind of naughty or am I reading too much into it?

Coni and Beto are awesome together. How can she be so loving and natural around him and such a perrrra around everyone else?

Anyway, thanks Judy. Loved your recap and your vocab list is maraviguau!

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Hi Carlos.Well, you and I are of one mind. The heart attack faking scenes are NOT funny...or as Sylvia says Whiskey Tango Foxtrot! Didn't know, however, that you were ever a patient in that situation. My husband is very into New Age stuff, so when he had his heart attack, at first I didn't understand (although I did drive him to the ER). We were at a party and he told me "he was processing some very negative energy" and needed to go to the hospital. Well, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot! However the ER folks took us seriously and were right out there with a wheelchair and immediate help.

La Paloma and Sylvia...happy to know I wasn't the only goofy teenaged girl reading those articles. I was always observing my friends' parents after that, wondering if they were having any of THOSE problems. Ay yi yi.

Not sure what the deal is with these entries on heart issues, but hey, it's always good to read this stuff. I became hooked on Pritikin literature back in the 70's and am also a fan of Dean Ornish, Caldwell Esselstyn and John McDougall's suggestions on diet. But oh my, being a fan, and actually sticking to those guidelines are two different things.

D'oh! We've been spammed! Those links are to sales pages.


Hi everybody - poking my head in to wish everyone a happy new year!

I don't want you guys to think I've forgotten you; on the contrary, I think about you every day and I miss you. I still have no cable, no time and not much fun, but I'm hoping the new year will bring new (better) luck.

Best wishes to all for a safe and happy holiday, and a wonderful 2010!

Ha! I used to read "Can This Marriage Be Saved" too. Oh, the things we had to resort to before the Internet, when there was never enough new reading material in the house!

Hi Miss Julie. Thanks for checking in. Yep, for my birthday I got spammed! Keeping my fingers crossed that the year to come will be a better one for you and to tell you we miss you even MORE than you miss us!!!!!

Oh! Happy birthday, Judy!!

Thanks Julie. It's a biggie. I'm now 70. The Turtleneck and Metamucil age (though with all the fruits and veggies I eat...the latter is not a problem!). Too much information?

Happy Birthday Judy!!!! Is this day Dec 30th your birthday? It was (still is I guess, even though she is no longer with us) my mother's birthday too. Well, even if your birthday was yesterday I think that the proximity should help you "process some very positive energy". Sorry, I couldn't help that. Also, I couldn't help giggling at what your husband said even though it is a very serious subject.

Are you still able to go in and delete those wonky, spammy posts?

Julie, it is wonderful to hear from you. Thank you for checking in. We also think about you a lot and hope you are doing well.

No Judy, not too much information. It's always good to keep one's priorities, uh, moving in the right direction.

I truly do hope you have a wonderful birthday. 70 seems like it should be a special one to celebrate. Are you doing anything special as a present for yourself?

By the way, I was checking my Tivo schedule for this week and it looks like Thursday night's Gancho will be preempted for some premios show, and then Friday will have another 2-hour segment. I wonder if they will be new episodes or repeats? I haven't seen any ads for Friday yet, has anyone else?

Hi Sylvia. Yes, it's today. Dec. 30th. Honored to be sharing the same birthday as your mom. Melinama's (and my son-in-law's) was yesterday. We have a real glut of December birthdays in my family. My little brother ruined one of our Christmas mornings (in my and my sister's opinion) by arriving unexpectedly on that day. I still remember watching my mom in her bathrobe hurtling down the steps while some neighbors came over to take care of us.

Now, I'll see if I can remove those posts.

Thanks for mentioning the schedule Sylvia. THIS TIME I'm going to make sure I record the episodes. Since it's New Year's Day though, I'll have to be watching the Buckeyes in the Rose Bowl. Muy importante!

To celebrate, I'll probably order dinner from Min-Ga, my favorite Korean restaurant here in town. A friend of mine always gets up at the crack of dawn to drive over and leave a little present on my door. A gift card for Min-Ga, some Necco wafers and a Snickers bar. The perfect meal and the perfect dessert!

Happy Birthday Judy! I hope you have a joyous day. I'm sorry, but your husband's description of his cardiac symptoms made me laugh. Processing some very negative energy indeed. I've never heard it put that way, but I'm inclined to agree. That's a very apt description. It's definitely something that can ruin a perfectly good day. Linda drove me to the cardiologist's office complaining the whole way because I didn't want to go to the ER in Tomball which was much closer. "Don't you dare die on me," Was pretty much the only thing she kept saying the whole way. I was actually feeling a little better when we got there and wanted to go over to my office to shave before going to his office. Next thing you know, They're wheeling me over to the hospital. Sal best be careful, his feigning is a little too dead on.

I also saw the schedule for Thur and Fri. I guess we'll know Wed whether we get new episodes or reruns.

I've also noticed that Nieves has been the victim of hair crimes. That fuchsia streak is not very flattering or age appropriate,


Hmmmm..."Don't you dare die on me!" Interesting approach. Linda sounds like she can be a tough hombre when the occasion calls for it.

Your desire to shave before being hospitalized made ME laugh, so there! Reminds me of a friend's husband (he was a gynecologist, already father of 4 from his first marriage). When she went into labor with their first child, he was so undone, he actually put on a three-piece suit (yes, complete with vest) before driving her to the hospital in the middle of the night.

We do crazy things when stressed. I still regret not tipping the fellow who parked our car when we arrived at the ER, but I just wasn't thinking. And by the time I got out of there way late at night, the parking guys were long gone. It was New Year's Day and not a soul was in the cardiac surgery waiting room. Lights out, the whole thing. I finally put in a long-distance call to our daughter in Charlotte and then felt less alone. Was going to try and tough it out by myself but clearly that was not working!

Happy birthday, Judy, and great recap! I love the idea of the various marriages (somehow, I never got around to reading Ladies Home Journal, though).

Okay, I totally hated Sal's "clever" way of proposing, although once again, I saw it coming from a mile away. I was yelling at Gabi, he's faking, he's gonna propose, and sure enough, he did. She said something like you gave me the worst scare ever, but now I have the best feeling of relief ever. Still, not funny.

But I think the writers did this on purpose, and since three's a charm, we are going to have a real heart attack, which of course Gabi will not believe, and Sal will have to go to the hospital. Being the kind of show it is, he'll recover, but he will have learned his lesson. I sort of hope they do something like this, because if they leave it the way it is now, people could be encouraged to do similar "funny" proposals.

These proposals are getting a bit much. Wasn't there one in the news where the groom put the ring in a cake, and the bride swallowed it?

Changing the subject, Mauricio really keeps stepping in it, doesn't he? Now Monita told Furia that HE better not be fooling or tricking her, and of course he is. And didn't Oscar saying something about bribing a judge. If Mau goes along with it, HE could end up paying, and Oscar would deny all involvement. Mau really has to learn to say no to these plans (Isabel's, Connie's with the divorce, now Oscar's).

And one last thing. Connie promised Mau if he slept with her that one night, she'd give him the divorce and his kids (although I guess she'd get a lot of his money). So he did sleep with her. Why isn't she giving him the divorce? Where is her sense of honor? Okay, just kidding about that.

And why hasn't Coni moved into the apartment like she promised? Mau gave her money for it. He's a complete dumbass. He needs to keep notes.

The definitive analysis..."He's a complete dumbass. He needs to keep notes." Well said, Sylvia.

Ooeeewwwwww...Hombre, I don't like your prediction but you're probably right. Seems to me you've nailed it a few other times as well.

I really DID know a guy who proposed in a dumb tricked-up way. A wild, romantic Italian named Carlos (hmmm...no, couldn't be the same guy) and he sent his California girlfriend an engagement ring in a box of chocolates. Fortunately she found it without breaking a tooth or needing her stomach pumped. Alas, the romantic engagement never quite led to marriage. Carlos had a lot in common with Beto and never got started on a career or much of a job....(the one we were working on in Austria was for 12 months only). Anyway, true story. He was a fun guy to party with and probably would have been a delightful father (and baby-maker) but don't expect a regular paycheck!

Judy, I just wished you a Happy Birthday. In Spanish. On your Facebook wall. Cool, huh? Very chi-chi, no? Someday I must figure out the Karma of Facebook. Anyway...

Coni picking through Beto's follicles took me back a few years. The mama-sans would sit out on the barracks steps and groom each other like that. Must've worked 'cause most of them had really beautiful long black hair.

Rolu. Who of us didn't squirm on his behalf at the thought of not being able to get to the baño all day. Let's hope Ximena's sadistic turn will go away and soon.

Clearly, Emilia and I need to get down to Mexico so she can mentor Gabriela on iron skillet techniques. Salvador's infarcto shtick has gone real stale after last night.

And, Judy, I have a cousin down the road from you in Cincinnati whose birthday is also today. Coincidence? I think not.

Wow..Cincinnati..so close to Kentucky! And a Dec. 30 birthday. But younger, I'm sure. Otherwise I might think me and your cuz' were telenovela twins separated at birth.

By the way, saw your Facebook comment first and answered you in my broken Spanish. Someday I'll be able to speak and write it with some confidence, but for now, all I am is a "good listerner".

Mike, I don't really "get" Facebook either, but my kids love it and communicate on it a lot. I prefer e-mails....and of course this wonderful blog line. But hey! I'm 70!!, that's an excuse for just about anything, verdad?

Judy, I wrote "Happy Birthday" on my Cincy cousin's Facebook, too, but then sent him a regular e-mail to tell him to check his Facebook. There must be a compulsion towards Return on Investment that makes me check that thing at all.

Oh, yeah, my cousin's 73 today, BTW.

Carlos, I salute you, Good Sir, for wanting to maintain a sharp personal appearance by shaving. One needs but a few moments on www.peopleofwalmart.com to realize how rare decent grooming has become.

Carlos, what's the probability (in telenovela medicine, that is) of an infarcto resulting in a coma? Wouldn't that give us three for this show?

Wasn't Coni's scenes with Beto some of the mos tender and sweet ever? She even teared up. Is she maybe changing for the better?... Nah... I guess not. I enjoyed watching Beto playing sock puppet with her patterned stocking. How sweet was that?

I don't see how Monita is going to be able to cope with Mao's mendacity. I'm afraid it's going to take some kind of a major crisis.

I'm also wondering how Ximena will cope with Rolu's basic physical needs. Hmmm.

Oscar helping Mao? Oh yes, that's a good plan.


Actually, the Beto and Constanza scene WAS sweet. Any highfalutin' female who could groom Beto's hair with such dedication and tenderness is in real, true, absolutely demented love. She WILL change.

As for Ximena, she's going to have to learn how to thread a catheter if she keeps on with her plan. Wonder how Rolu will like that!?

Mike, glad to hear your cuz is 73 . I treasure my older friends since so many of my pals are younger...and look it!

Mike, one could absolutely be in an MI induced coma, but I'm afraid that would be a very bad sign. Of course putting folks in a situation with a very bad prognosis never seems to be problematic for our TN writers. I'm afraid that I have to concur with Hombre. After two fake infartos, especially so realistic, a real cardiac event can't be far behind.


Hey all, Vivi here slumming from Sorti. I always love reading the comments over here on Gancho. You guys are hilarious. :)

I was also struck by how sweet the scene between Beto and Coni was. She really only becomes her real self with Beto. With everyone else she puts up this amor and does a very good job of making their lives miserable. But what will it take to bring her over from the dark side? She now has everything she wants, Beto in her bed (without the need to hide the fact that they are lovers), and everyone else on their knees at her feet. Seems like a pretty good deal to me! If I was a villian, that is.

Happy Birthday to all the December birthdays! We celebrated my dad's 71st on December 24th.

-Vivi in DC

Well, hey, Vivi, congratulate your dad for me. I'm very fond of folks in that decade. Old enough to be wise, young enough to still be fun.

Hmmmm...now what's this remark about "slumming"?! You should be a regular over here anyway (it's not "cheating" to leave remarks on two separate blogs....even three!), since you watch the show and have a great understanding of Spanish. We always welcome your comments, amiga.

and many more!!!!!!!!!

You are amazing, and a hero of sorts for me, I can only hope to be as positive and mobile both intellectually and physically when I make 70, as are you. May you have the very best of years this year filled will all you can desire!

Great recap too....including the title. Guess I'll have to go seek out the column somewhere to check it out. I'm of the opinion though that some marriages should just not be saved indeed. Mau and Coni? oh yeah, one of them!!!

Thanks Judy!!!

Well thanks Kris. Although us oldsters always wince a bit at the "at your age" sentiment, I've used it myself. My friend Olga, at 96, is the most positive, radiant, intelligent person I know. Widowed twice when children quite young, physical ills now, some serious...but she continues to be cheerful, accepting, faith-filled and wow! was she excited about Christmas! I can be down in the dumps and after visiting her, feel warm and uplifted again. So SHE is my ideal. Wish you all could know her.

That Can This Marriage Be Saved column has been running since the 40's I think. Certainly it was well-established by the time I started sneaking my mom's LHJ's at 13. Very heady reading for a 13-year-old.

Hey JudyB. Slumming was the wrong word. I love dropping in from time to time over here. But you Gancho folks are like a tight group of old friends, with your own language (like the Seinfeld gang). It's more fun most times to observe such a well oiled machine at work, than to try to join in.

My dad at 71 is the most energetic, adventurous person I know, and lots of fun too. He only gets better with age, I suspect the same of you too. ;-)

-Vivi in DC

Hi again Vivi....figured you were just being colorful with "slumming" and we love that. But honestly, we don't want to be so tight-knit that we appear closed to outsiders.

I think what happened is for a long time there weren't many folks watching the 7 pm show. Or if they were, they weren't commenting. Unlike the 9 pm show which always has a loooooong series of comments. (We 7 and 8 pmers sometimes feel little twinges of jealousy)So we kept talking to ourselves and through that process have become good friends. But always room for more!

And glad to hear your dad is so healthy. Hope your mom is too. A friend of mine's dad is still mowing the lawn and going skiing at 89!!! Unfortuately her mom wasn't as healthy and died about 10 years ago. Hoping she takes after her dad's side of the family because she's a treasure.

Hi Vivi, it's always great when you drop in and bless us with your two cents worth. Short or long, I always enjoy hearing what you have to say. Make no mistake, you are part of the group whether you choose to comment or not. Actually, we consider every Caray Caray reader to be part of the group. We are always delighted when someone comments for the first time and reveals they have been reading the recaps. It always makes the recappers feel appreciated. So thank you!

Well said, Sylvia. Thanks for chiming in. The last thing we want is to seem like a closed group. No how, no way. All commenters welcome.

Vivi, what Judy and Sylvia said. I've always thought that you a regular here. I know that I always enjoy your comment, opinions and predictions. I just assumed that you already know the secret language, secret signs, and secret handshake. If not, check with Sylvia to get the secret handbook, porfi.


Aww shucks! Thanks guys! :) Back to watching the show now....

-Vivi in DC

Well, OK. Two new episodes Fri. Hombre and Sylvia, good luck guys. If you need any assistance, let us know.

Estrella hates doctors? I'm crushed.


Thank you Carlos. I'm trying to sort out my weekend which is supposed to be completely full of boat work Fri - Sun. The yard has no wifi but I'm hoping to do the same as last weekend, the second half of the show Sunday night if that works with Hombre's schedule. Worst case it might be Monday. I'll keep y'all posted.

Doc Carlos, I'm certain Estrella would change her mind if she had the pleasure to meet you!

Sylvia, gracias, amiga. When I was in med school in Galveston, I helped my good friend work on his boat (which he bought with a student loan). Sailing with him was a lot more fun.


Judyb~~~xo....I am just in time to wish you a very happy birthday. I am so happy that caraycaray allowed me to ''meet'' you, and I hope your day was great. Hub and I just got back from a wonderful Christmas and weeklong visit with our daughter and son-in-law in Toronto. We walked into the house at 7 pm tonight to discover that it was as cold inside as outside [in the 20s]. Thankfully, the oilburner guy came right away to fix things, but I'm still sitting here shivering with a scarf wrapped around my head. We've been gone since the day before Christmas and have no idea how long the heat was off. Hope everyone had a greatr holiday. Now, I'll try to catch up on Gancho and Sortilegio. P.S. One of my gifts was Rosetta Stone Spanish from daughter and s-i-l. I have no excuses left, verdad ?

Susanlynn, uh... no. Welcome home. Get warm!


Ay yi yi...just saw your post this morning, Susanlynn. I don't think the heat was off too long or your water pipes would have burst. And thank God they didn't!

Will be very anxious to hear how things go with Rosetta Stone. Retail price for that is VERY EXPENSIVE. Friend of mine got started with it but bought it on ebay much cheaper. Now she's working with tutors from OSU.

Thanks for the birthday wishes one and all. So far, 70 is just great.

"Puerco pero no trompudo" is a common colloquial expression equivalent to saying, "a pig but not a hog," or, "A pig but not a complete filthy slob." It is often used to refer to oneself, as if to say, I have my faults but I draw the line.

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