Monday, December 07, 2009

Sortilegio 12-07: in which Katia gets frappuccini and Secretary Mary doesn't.

Yesterday: Fer and Vic have their usual conversation ("Our love, it can't be." "I'll always be waiting for you.").

Fer bursts into Alex's office with the newspaper gossip (that the Lombardos are getting DNA tests). Alex calls his lawyer and orders him to find out who leaked the news, he's sure it was Bruno.

When Bruno calls on the phone for MJ, Vic rushes to pick up the other line. He boasts: it was he who leaked the DNA story AND "Alex promised to give up the presidency and divorce you in exchange for the blood transfusion." Poor MJ is beyond shocked. Vic isn't too happy either.

I forget the context but there was a cute dicho: "Nunca digas de agua cuando no hay de beber." (Never talk about water when there's nothing to drink.)

The dramatic kidnapping subplot got wrapped up. Erick's been regularly driving to his dacha with food for the sequestered Mechita and her brother Gabriel, whom Bruno ordered him to kill. Erick's pretty antsy about not having complied, and he's annoyed to be buying their food with his own money, he waves his gun at them, tied up on the floor there, and shouts and threatens to bring rat poison next time...

... However, at the end of the episode Chucho and Pedro, the tiny twin sidekicks - who have been working on renting a storefront for their little business and who get Alex to be their guarantor - do the old "follow-that-car, cabby" thing and tail Erick from his "you're fired, here's your last paycheck" meeting. They watch him enter and then leave his dacha; then they spring the unhappy siblings, who I think are going to go stay with an aunt someplace, which is probably a bad idea because Erick knows about the aunt, but that's for another episode.

Meanwhile, after eavesdropping on Bruno's vicious call, Vic is all, "Oh my son Bruno is a monster, he knows no limits" when Alex gets home. He takes MJ into another room and admits it's true, he did promise to divorce her.

He has a plan, though. His plan, vetted already by his lawyer, is to sign all his worldly goods over to MJ and then divorce her so Bruno doesn't get anything. They'll remarry later. In the mean time they'll pretend to be divorced in the day and snuggle in bed at night. She doesn't love this plan but reluctantly goes along with it.

"What if something bad happens?" she asks and he makes the classic mistake of saying, "Nothing bad will happen," which as we all know summons the Acme Anvil of Doom to hover directly over their heads.

Raquel's chauffeur tells Ezekiel about Raquel's trips to visit Useless. "I'm afraid if I tell, Raquel will fire me - but if I don't tell, Alex will fire me!" Ezekiel has a little temper tantrum about how much better things were in the Old Days. Vic comes in and the chauffeur tattles about Raquel's little visits. Vic knew already.

Vic goes to see Bruno at his hotel, I don't know what she imagined she'd accomplish. She tells him he's a monster and he shouldn't make Alex and MJ divorce. He yells, "Everybody is against me! I'm only sticking up for what's mine!" I loved him in this scene.

Fer cheerfully asks Secretary Mary how his sister Katya is doing as an employee. How awkward! She tells him, reluctantly, that Katya's on the phone a lot and has a boyfriend. She doesn't tell him that Katya is a snobby, disagreeable minx who tells Mary: "*I* went to college and you didn't and *I* am a member of the family and you're just an employee and *I* have class and you don't and *I* am going out to get a frappuccino."

Ugh, Paula is an egregiously whiny mugrosa (snotnose) in her one brief scene tonight. She snivels and complains to MJ about the humble accommodations she's sharing with her dad. She's been protesting by staying in her room and not eating. She sobs and begs MJ to let her come back and lounge around the palace in the style to which she has become accustomed.

That evening, Vic mourns and mopes in Felipa's company. The Doc calls and asks, "When can I come pick you up tonight for our dinner date?" "I have to cancel, I'm not in the mood." Then Fer calls and asks, "Can I come see you?" "Oh, yes, come, I need to see you." Felipa snickers about this; Vic tells her, "The Doc is a nice guy but nothing more."

Alex has secretary Mary secretly book three seats (for him, MJ, and the lawyer) on a flight to Mexico City, the only place they can get divorced quickly. Katya tries to listen in as Mary is trying to book the tickets ...

And it gets on Mary's last nerve. She hangs up, goes to Alex, and, crying, says she can't take Katya any more - Katya is always leaving to get frappuccinos, she's constantly on the phone, undoubtedly to a boyfriend, and she sticks her nose in all the sensitive business ... Alex promises to take care of it; he leaves his office so Secretary Mary can make the necessary calls. As he leaves he sees Katya on the phone...

I have to say, I am horribly afraid - after the strong hints lately that Useless knows some dame who looks exactly like MJ - that, oh no, we're going to have one of those d*%#n "identical evil twin" subplots. I can't take it. Oh noes! Signing out...


Thanks for the recap, melinama. Posted so fast and yet you covered it all. Love your Acme Anvil of Doom --- BuaHahahaaaaaaa!

Loved the Cuco scene tonight. He may be the smartest character in this 'novela. ;o)

I'm so proud that the Brain Trust found Meche & Gabe, and freed them.

Bruno, ya basta! He is such a scuzz-bucket.

Looks like Katia she dyed the back of her hair. I don't remember her being bi-color. At least she was dressed better tonight, and not wearing hot pants to the office.

What is it about MJ's hair that bothers me??? It's got to be the base of her extensions, but it just looks weird.

Doris it has to be those damn braids just when we thought she had finally got a hair stylist and some conditioner. Here come those idiotic braids that are so out of place and distracting.

Did i not tell you guys, Alex was going to divorce MJ. Great plan he came up to make sur ol" Wily E. Coyote Bruno did not get one peso to his name.

MJ now when Alex says he's going to divorce you, you recognize the marriage as real.

Vicki what did you exactly expect from your devil's spawn from hell.

Mari i really feel your pain, I hope Alex takes quick action and remove Crotchya from the office quickly.

Pimp Daddy E i guess murder is very for him to commit. I wonder what or whom will finally push him over the edge, if he lives long to do so.

Where does someone looking like Crotchya ger off looking down on Papa Smurf and Chucho. This girl needs to hurry up to her nearest Maybelline counter.

Melinama covered all the high points and the low points. I couldn't sleep, so here I am.

Boy, did Bruno ever miscalculate demanding the divorce. Never having been married I guess he didn't know about alimony or settlements--no pre-nups in this marriage.

I'm waiting for the anvil to fall as well, we all know when Alex says nothing will happen, it will.

Doris--in some of the earlier episodes you could see that Katia's hair was streaked.

Taking up cruel and unusual punishments from over the weekend for our main antagonists makes me want to take some satisfying punishments for others as well. Here goes my list:

MJ - She has to cut her hair short (no self-respecting heroine in TNs or AmSoaps has short hair --or not for long) and no longer allowed to cry.

Vic - She can't wear that silver pin any longer so she can't be touching it all the time.

Robo - He is condemned to live in the pension where the Samaniegos had to stay after they were thrown out of the manse. He only gets Kool-aid to drink.

Uli-I think what the commentators came up with is perfect. It shrivels up, shrinks, falls off, gets a disease, or all the above.

Ferno-He doesn't get the woman and can only worship her from afar (nothing too drastic for him) on a daily basis.

Ale-He is required to stand around, smile, look handsome, sign autographs and get his picture taken with all his fans for as long as it takes.

Chucho-Every time he says Carnicas, someone will lash him 30 times with a wet noodle--off stage.

DonP-Nothing. He's punishing himself enough already.

Bruno-Ok, for him I reserve the worst. He doesn't deserve to die, that would be a blessing. He is condemned to live locked in his bedroom with no human contact except for Ezek & Arturo. They take away his cell phone, his snake and all his scarves and is forced to wear his shirt buttoned up for the rest of his life.

Raquel - She has to live the rest of her life with either Bruno or Cuco (poor Cuco).

Mau, Lisette, Pau
Help me out, I'm fading fast.
Newbie in Md

Punishments--I forgot Katia, add her to the H-H list.

P.S. Doris--Brain Trust, I love it.

Melinama, great recap, great title. Thanks for posting so quickly. I loved your characterization "Chucho and Pedro, the tiny twin sidekicks." (Of course, those other sidekicks, Felipa and Cuco are tiny, too.)

It was great that the two who aren't impressive enough for Katia could be the heroes and rescuers.

Yay for Mari, telling Alex about the problems Katia causes. Katia is such a little brat and needs to get knocked off her high horse.

Yes, I was cringing when Alex was saying nothing could keep them apart, etc. Anvils ready to tip and fall.
La Paloma

That Katia! Where does she get off dissing our Chucho and El Smurf? I know Chucho ties his shirt at his waist and El Smurf defines the term slob with his un-tucked knee length shirts, but that Katia child hasn't got a lick of taste based on what we have seen of her wardrobe.

And what did she say about going to college or school? I couldn't make it out. Did she not just get expelled from prep school? She hasn't yet been to college!

I think I had better just take my indignant self to bed. Hrmff!

Newbie in MD, I think Katia's punishment should to be wear a caftan and Venetian mask for the rest of the show.

And thanks, CHF for the quick and accurate recap!

Thanks for the fast recap Melinama, you covered everything. Your title was great.
Anom. in MD LOL Bruno has to wear his shirt buttoned up! :-)
Kudos to Chucho and Don P for following Erik and rescuing the brother and sister. I just wish they would of called Alex.
This novela is fun to watch and enjoy the comments

Liena, FL

Actually, JB looks really cute with short hair. At one point in Tontas, when she becomes a single mom and must have sensible hair, she has a cute bob. It looked quite fetching. But of course later in the main part of the story line, when LOVE re-enters her life, she must have that long, flowing telenovela heroine hair. ;-)

It think Alex's punishment would be just the opposite of the one you've laid out for him, since he loves the company of women so much. No contact (kissing, making love, etc.) with any woman, especially MJ. That man can't go very long without that... :)

-Vivi in DC

All in all, I think MJ took the news of the deal with the devil, the divorce, and the plan to put the majority of Lombardo wealth in her hands pretty well. That's a lot to take in in one afternoon!

Loved how she also thought that Alex following his "palabra de hombre" (word of honor) to Bruno was ridiculous, as Bruno is not a man, but a beast/animal. Lol! Not sure what Vicky thinks to accomplish any time she speaks to Bruto, but is seemed like this time the veil covering her eyes about him really fell away. It was actually quite a sad scene. Even Bruto seemed sad and teary (for real) realizing that his mother really did not see him the same way anymore. Hmmm... I feel like I need to give some more thought the the relationship between those two and how it got to this point.

How funny was Paula! What a drama queen. Even with nobody around, she's still hamming it up and bawling her eyes out. When Papa Pedro and Chucho spoke with Alex, they let it slip how unhappy Paula is, which made Alex sad. He also thinks she needs to get back to school and said he would speak to MJ about letting Paula come back to the Manse. And MJ said to Paula that she would speak to Alex abbout letting her come back, so I guess she's be back in the big house soon.

Yay Pedro and Chucho! What sweet little heroes. :)

-Vivi in DC

Great recap Melinama. I don't know how you do it so quickly. I thought the outfit Victoria was wearing last night was very fetching. I'm getting tired of the V necklace or whatever that is too. I think maybe she wears it so she remembers what her name is. Kind of like Ozzy Osborne who has his name tattooed on his knuckles so when he gets stopped by the cops and they ask his name he can just look down and say, "My name is Ozzy." :)

Some thoughts about Meche and Gab: How did they eat with their hands tied behind their backs? How do they pee with their legs tied together? Why do they just sit around waiting for Pimp Daddy E (aka Buttlick) to come back instead of getting free and getting the Hell out of Dodge? Chucho and and Pedro were a hoot. I think they are the smartest out of the whole bunch. Well, maybe not Pedro.

Katya--Ack! Mari should have just slapped her lips off.


Newbie in MD - Perfect prescribed punishments for all! Katia should be condemned to wearing a burka and chastity belt, working 60 hours/wk in a taco stand.

Connie – ITA with you about Victoria’s dress. It was her best outfit, so far. I had the same ‘wonderings’ about Meche/Gabe also. LOL Great minds (???) think alike.

I think Erik is toast. He got killed and tossed into a pit in his last 'novela, and I don't think his luck will run much better in this one.

I think maybe it was the neckline. It was very flattering. I noticed her lipstick too since we were just talking about it. Too dark I think. I don't thik a pink or a coral would work for her though.

Mad dog Bruno isn't really one of the smartest villains is he. Other than paying off the judge who married him to MJ.

All the witnesses too, what exactly has he done successfully with his plots.

He's not very smart but he is entertaining. I keep waiting for spit and foam to fly from his mouth and his eyes to pop out.

Alex plan is brilliant too, since the lawyer said it's legal and he can transfer the money to MJ. How in the world can dumb Bruno get around this one?

I always said Vicki and Bruno did not have a normal mother and son relationship.Bruno thought he was always going to get away with anything because Vicki let him.

Now that she finally sees what he has become, she thinks she can appeal to him to have some decency.

I guess Vicki never read any of Dr. Spock's books on child rearing huh?

A little OT--Does anyone ever watch that Supernanny show? I just happened to land on it and all I could think of was Bruno and Raquel when they were kids. If I had talked to my mom like that I wouldn't be able to sit down for a week. Since when does an adult have to bargain with a child?

Enjoyed your concise and witty recap, Melinama
I think it's interesting at how these attorney's are also private investigators. Their job descriptions include a variety of nefarious skills.

Putting all the money in MJ's name just puts a big target over her face. There are so many ways for this to fail, and it will. Maybe he'll hide her someplace until he can figure things out and get ride of Bruno. I fear a kidnapping and the appearance of a twin...

I was thinking the same thing, how can Meche & Gabe eat with their hands tied behind their back?

Maura & Lissete, banished to a small room in neutral colors

David Zapeda is going to be the villain in La dueña de tu amor.

I think I would like Yadhira Carrillo opposite FC. I saw her in Amarte es mi Pecado. She's good & muy bonita.

Melinama: Thanks for the recap.

Yes, I, too have been waiting for something to happen about MJ's twin that Ulises wants to marry.

Shortly after MJ returned to the manse from the hospital she had a conversation with Paula about the scar from the assault. If I remember correctly, she said that it could be removed by plastic surgery.

That may mean that the old switcheroo act may be in our future.

I forgot about the twin. I hope they don't do the whole "twin pretends to MJ so she can get all the loot scenario." Not a spoiler. Just a guess.

I woke up refreshed and have another twist for Katia. I loved the caftan and burka. How about having her home-schooled for 12 hours a day for the next four years? No offense to all those dedicated moms home-schooling out there, but for Katia it would be a real punishment.

Cheers for Mari. She took a real risk bringing her complaints to her bosses.

I was also thinking about bathroom issues for Meche and Gabe, but was too delicate to mention it at the time. Meche's hair looked too well groomed for having been in lock-down for a couple of days.

Bruno still needs someone to do his physical dirty work, so I think he'll keep PDE around for awhile longer.

Well, if Vic and Alex carried on their touchy-feely relationship while Alex was growing up, it's no wonder Bruno is bitter. On the other hand, some children are naturally affectionate and other not.

We'll probably get a chance to see MJ in short hair in this TN if she's also playing her twin--or at least a short wig. Speaking of wigs, I'm becoming very sensitive to them (ENDA)--does anyone suspect Vic of wearing a wig?

Vivi- I didn't want to punish Alex, but you bring up a good point. Maybe his punishment should be too many MJ's to choose from--oh wait, I think that may be coming!

“Acme Anvil of Doom, the tiny twin sidekicks” Melinama, quick, fun and sassy, thanks for the great recap.

Newbie, great list. What you said about Don P is right, he IS punishing himself enough. Yes, Paula needs a punishment too. Should it be ----going back in time and living with Mother Teresa for a year? Helping Yucatan Mayan families plant corn using those mini loans? Katya could go with her and be assigned to the same hut/room, both have very generous doses of the snob gene.

Didn’t MJ ask Alex not to date while they are divorced? I think that portends more scenes with Alex and Maura and I can’t take that. Are “we” going to have to endure a stupid twin plot and Alex “dating” during the Holidays.....HOPE NOT!

Vario, like minds.....I commented yesterday that I would love to see Yadhira Carrillo with FC in the new novela!!

Forgot to say, welcome Liena, FL!

Ugh, the evil-twin scenario I'm dreading is Alex seeing the evil twin in a clutch with Useless. Nooooooooooooooooooooooo.

What about this senario, through the magic of mirrors, MJ sees Alex kissing Maura at the exact same time that Alex sees Useless kissing Sandra.


Sandy in TN, I don't think I could take that. Do you think she will be an evil twin or a stupid twin? Paula and Katia should have to work in a nursing home full of Chuchos and Pedros.

She'll be a cheap, hussy twin!

Runnin late but want to get this question up. We remember that Carla's Crew often like to tease by inserting great art works into their telenovelas. Did anybody else find that shot of MJ and Alex just way to beautifully arranged and paused for it to just be a shot of them in bed?

Oh wait, Katia should have to do my most unfavorite thing--filing and making notebooks. Ugh. Those stupid things never fit in the file drawer. She probably doesn't even know her alphabet though so that might be a problem. Maybe we should make her some flash cards. When it gets to v (pronounced v-vaca of course) there could be a picture of her!

Bonney, if you are referring to the "sheets" scene, yes, it was beautiful and artfully arranged. It was almost identical to a Faith Hill video and in a way a remembrance of the stills that came from the video.

Did anyone go back and rewatch last Thursday's episode where I mentioned the weird thing on the table by the bed? The mention of the artwork reminded me of it although I hardly think it was "artwork."

Thanks, Melinama. You are still the master. WOW Someone suggested that Al would transfer his $$$ to MJ before divorcing her to keep it out of GreedyBurno's grasp. I hope that no one is watching youtube and posting spoilers. It seems like MJ's druggy twin is about to appear just in time to assume MJ's identity, grab the pesos, and muddy the waters. Newbie, those were unique punishments you suggested. Perhaps a fiiting punishment for Al would be making him wear baggy pants instead of those skinny Beatles' trousers he loves to wiggle in to. Let's see..Fernono should be forced to smile, giggle, and grin for an entire episode. May I propose that Katia and Paula should spend some time as substitute teachers in a high school. They would meet other Katias and Paulas there and get a taste of their own medicine. I would like to see Paula and Katia come face to face . [I think of them as ''I WANT'' AND ''ME, TOO.'' That's what we called our daughters when they were 4 and 2.] That would be interesting . Chucho and Pedro have become the Dynamic Duo. I, too, was wondering how Meche and Gab could eat those sandwiches while they were all trussed up with no place to go. As for the potty...hmmmm....However, Meche's hair looked neater than MJ's usually looks. Well, this is a dangerous place to be when you should/ ought to/ must/ have to something else. [I just gave a modal auxilliaries test yesterday , and I should/ought to/ must/ have to ...correct it.] ..That would be another good punishment for someone...teaching modal auxilliaries. Final exams next week !!! YAY ....Then , I get a few weeks off until the next semester begins which is ironically called the ''spring'' semester even though it starts on Jan. 18 .

Thanks for the great recap, Melinama!

Love your list, newbie--especially Bruno having to wear a buttoned shirt. LOL.

Next week is finals week so I will probably be checking in less regularly. :( I'll miss you guys while my head's in the books.

Susan- It was Hombre who originally thought of Alex giving the money to MJ, and he's not a spolier kind of guy. He's just super smart and was actually listening to Alex (instead of drooling over him like us ladies) when he was speaking to the lawyer about being able to give/do whatever he wants with his money for the moment before the will is contested. :)

I did say in follow-up to that that MJ now has a huge target on her back for a number of people if she has all the Lomdardo cash. If Bruno had it in for her now...when she has the momney too...whoa! He is going to be livid and he won't give her a moment of peace. Team MexiTrash (including Raquel) will also have plenty of additional motive to want to do her harm. From what we hear of her twin, she has money too, so not sure what the motivation would be for her to try to take MJ's money. Unless she's just greedy and wants it all- which could be the case. There are just so many things that could go wrong with this plan (it is a good plan though), that I don't blame MJ for giving Alex that look like he's talking crazy when he says NOTHING will go wrong.

-Vivi in DC

Can you imagine what would happen if he gave all the money to Paula?! Yikes!

I always thought Alex would divorce MJ because she kept throwing it up in his face that she married Bruno pretending to be him.

When Bruno made the divorce one of his conditions to give his blood to save MJ, despite what alot of you were saying Alex shouldn't go thru with it.

As novela rules there is a code of honor the main hero must adhere too. What i didn't see coming was the transfer of all his assest to MJ.

Even though the lawyer says it's legal, i am still confused about the inheritance part. I would think Alex would still have to be responsible for the monthly allowance.

Unless this a way to block Bruno from getting the presidency.Which still leaves me confused, Bruno's petition for it is based on being Antonio's first born.

I agree now MJ will have a even bigger target on her back. I also wonder what those papers his little skank spy gave him, have to do with his lawsuit.

It was something about Alex's uncle who we haven't met yet.

I was wondering about Meche and Gab being able to eat as well. I kept trying to figure out how they might be able to feed each other. It was great that Chucho and Papa Smurf came to the rescue! That happened pretty fast. But they should be taken someplace where Alex can protect them.

Anon 1:01- Good question about what happens to the monthly allowance for the twins. Not sure what happens with that. But there are two things that Bruno is challenging based on the results of the dna tests (which they all know the results of): 1) The redivision of the assets equally between himself, Raquel and Alex (based on the fact that he and Raq are blood children of Antonio Lobardo; and 2)The presidency, based solely on the fact that he is the first born. Now, Alex was willing to divide the assets equally between himself and his sibs, and seemed to think that reasonable fair. Also, Bruno was making threats to go public with the whole thing and ruin Vicky's reputation. When Bruno pushed for the presidency too, Alex backed away from the whole deal. Hence the MJ/blood blackmail to make Alex go along with things, but it was Vicky the second time round who refused to go alng with it, and now it's all been made public and they're going to court.

All the lawyers are saying that Bruno is going to have a hard time proving his case- it's basically a lost cause that could take many years in court. Afterall, a person can leave whatever they want to whomever they want in their will. But, Bruno can make a lot a trouble for everyone involved (already started with the article and gossip about Vicky) in the meantime, and he can try to show that Antonio wasn't of sound mind when he made the will- hence trying to find his enemies (inlcuding Alex's uncle) and digging up any dirt he can find on him. If he can show that Antonio wasn't of sound mind, then he has more of a case for contesting the will and has a better chance of actually winning.

-Vivi in DC

Vivi~~I always am impressed by the way you can keep track of all the twists and turns in the plot. I appreciate seeing all the details lined up. You have a verey analytical mind. Me...not so much. I have more like the pear half floating in jello sort of mind. I wonder how Al's tio is going to figure in to the mess. Is it his mother's bro or his dad's ? Didn't Burno ask his lawyers to investigate Al's mother to find out if she may have slept with someone else and Al might not be Antonio's son. I agree that putting the $$$ in MJ's name is going to make a lot of problems for her. Just wait until Paula finds out. She will want a monthly allowance . Cielo~~Looks like you and I are both headed into finals week. I give 2 next Monday and one next Wednesday. Then , I must figure out and post final grades. Bueno Suarte on yours. What's your major ?

Excellent recap, melinama. I don't know how you manage to cover everything so concisely.

I was also wondering what motivation the evil twin would have for impersonating MJ since she's looking at inheriting some serious money. Maybe the old guy is in too good of health

The conversation between Mari and Alex was perfect. I've been there, having a useless subordinate whose main talent was sucking up to my boss. It's torture because you tell yourself you'll look like a woman who can't get along with other women. You put off that talk with the boss for a long time. Alex got it immediately. I was rooting for him to have it out with Bratia right then, but it looks like he's going to overhear her spilling all to Bruno. One thing about Carla's novela's, you get resolution to lots of things quickly.

Alex in baggy pants is punishment for US!!!

Alex must have sth up his sleeve otherwise he would tell Bruno to pound sand. He did mention fighting dirty, but would that even be necessary with Bruno if they dig up all the dirt?. And would he expect that Bruno would ever honor HIS word?

Susan, thanks for the wishes. It's actually my first semester in college, and I took two general ed classes and two political science classes, which I thought I was interested in, but not so much any more. I think I'm going to go into English instead. Two politcal science finals Wednesday, and the other two are on Monday. Not too worried about Monday, but will definetely have to get reading done for Wednesday's. What do you teach? Best of luck with grading as well. :-)

LOL, caray is such an excellent place to turn to when I am bored of studying. Now, I'm wondering about the inheritance stuff too...hmmm...

Gabriel needs acting lessions. He was totally inanimate in the gun-waving-Eric scenes and in all of his other scenes for that matter. Ok, so he's tied up, but how about some facial expressions. Maybe he has to remain motionless because he really needs to pee.

Variopinta: you're absolutely right!! we're the ones who'll suffer.

All I noticed last night was Alex in his tight pants -- ay caramba!!!

Anon, lol Gabriel doesn't have too much of a reaction to the gun, I've noticed as well.

Mrs. Imgallego and Variopinta, ROFL! I don't want a punishment for Alex either if I have to suffer. I like Newbie's punishment of signing autographs. :)

Cielo de Levy good luck with your finals. Vivi thanks for the info concerning Alex's uncle i didn't hear that part.

Anon 2:47 i have been wondering along with alot of other people how in the world did they go to the bathroom and eat tied up like that.

MrsImgallego you're not the only one distracted when Alex is wearing tight pants.

Bruno in i think it was Thursday's episode told his lawyers to check Alex's mother relationships. He wanted to see if maybe she was having a affair like Antonio.

If she was then he can say Alex is not Antonio real son he is. I thought Alex took a blood test too.

I loved also how Mari went and told Alex about Bruno's skank spy, then when he was leaving saw her talking on her cell phone.

Let's hope he kicks her to the curb tonight.

I think Bruno's just grasping at straws right now, so the whole "check to see if Alex's mom was faithful and if Alex could possibly be illigit" thing is just that. We know the Alex is Antonio's. Plus, didn't they use artificial insemination to get pregnant? I seem to remember that they had trouble conceiving and went to all kinds of lengths to do so. It was so long ago and part of those beginning montage scenes, I hardly remember (and I have a good memory)! Anyway, I don't think much will come of that. But bringing up Alex's mom's family makes me wonder why they weren't involved in his life growing up? But that could just be a telenovela thing. People in telenovelas never seem to have friends or family outside of the ones who further the plot. :)

-Vivi in DC

Thanks, Anon! Can't wait for finals to end. Then it'll just be me, William Levy, and Sortilegio. And of course you guys as well. :) ok, that's enough commenting for me today. Back to the last of my homework and some studying. Hasta luego.

Vivi in DC---"didn't they use artificial insemination to get pregnant? I seem to remember that they had trouble conceiving and went to all kinds of lengths to do so."
Wouldn't it be wonderful if the DNA tests came back and said Bruno & Raqi were not Antonio's kids, but that there was an accidental switch at the sperm bank?

Great recap CHF! I know the Chuchu-Pedro duo have many fans, but I for one am not one. I always FF on my DVR when they're on. Same for Metchie and Gabe. I say wrap up that storyline and get them off the screen!
So happy Alex's secty. finally called Katia on her unprofessional behavior. Hope Alex does deal with it like he promised.
As for wigs, I hope this isn't considered gossip but I did read an interview with Daniela Romo where she said it was a wig. Plus I've seen recent pix of her off Sorti where she has her long locks!!

To all the Caray Caray youngsters
who have finals coming up, much luck! I remember those days and don't envy you!!

Sandy, I have not seen the video you referred to but that could mean the painting is a rather new one. I have to make time to form some Google image keywords and the hunt is on! I also need to take a look at Thursday episode to see if I see a strange object on the nightstand! And will we ever find out why Vicky wears that silver pin (unicorn?)all the time. AND I WANT TO tell everybody how much I'm enjoying the blog!!! Jardinera I'm with you and your hubby - that Puppy Dog needs to be put out for adoption and if he does not think age is a factor then why doesn't he stop treating Vicky like a fragile old woman. Work is taking up too much of my time!

That would be funny Doris. Lol! ;)But unfortunately, it was Antonio and Alex's mom who had trouble conceiving. Vicky's husband was shooting blanks, and Antonio's wife was having trouble getting pregnant. But together, Vicky and Antonio had NO trouble at all making the demon spawn (Bruto and Raq). :)

-Vivi in DC

Anon had said that it was a smart move to give the money to MJ. They are divorcing and we may have to endure Bruno trying to win her affections so he can marry her to get the money. Someone else mentioned her being kidnapped and a twin being used. I too would not want to endure this over the holidays. I'm surprised we have not heard anything about alex and mauri's kiss??? How many months left? this will give me an idea of how many more problems can be brought into the novela and if there are kidnapping scenes, how long we have to endure it. Ret

I posted a grammar question and I don't know where it went. Ack! I'll have to repost.

Bonney, I mentioned it in my recap on Thursday. It was next to Bobo on the nightstand during their "afterglow" scene. I thought it looked like a cow or something.

Cielo: Bueno suarte with finals—never my favorite school experience. What a relief it is to be done with finals for you and for Susan and other professors.
Detail folks like Vivi:
A point of clarification—Does twin Sandra HAVE money or is she just set to inherit money from her dead-sorta-step-dad's father? Didn't Elena tell us that her rich second husband (who wasn't really a husband since she never divorced El Smurf) told his richer father, Don XX, that Sandra was his child? That would make her Don XX's heir, and who knows, maybe she lives a life of leisure on an allowance like the other members of Team Trust Fund.

Unfortunately, I see the twin being used by Useless and/or Bruno to make off with the family assets. I hope poor MJ isn't kept in some cave somewhere while she is pregnant with Alex's bebe and drug addicted sister Sandra acts the MJ part. Shudder...

CubsFan - I could tell Vicki's hair is a wig from the beginning, so don't worry about posting a spoiler. I think lots of 'novela female characters wear wigs.

Vivi in DC - well, there it is. I got the sperm bank recipients all mixed up because my brain is like a pear half, floating in partially set red jello, from watching too many 'novelas. (grins)

Ret - we're just past the halfway mark so probably 2 or 2 1/2 months left. Lots of time for more evil-doing from Bruno and team MexiTrash.

One nice thing about Carla Estrada's telenovelas, usually something happens in every capitulo, unlike Mejia's. That's what struck me about Amor Real & Alborada. ( I missed Pasion)

OK, and one more thread to pick up on from yesterday...

I think it was you, Stephe, who suggested in your role as our statistician that you wondered if Bruno could have had a hand in the accident that killed Antonio? Oh, my, I had never thought such a thing! How dastardly!


When you posted earlier I thought that you meant that the still shot of MJ and Alex under the bed sheets that started the scene was the "art work". The famous Faith HIll video is below, no one looks better in a sheet than Faith!!

Elna- Hmm..good question. It seems like Sandra doesn't want for money. Both she and Elena seem to be living a comfortable life. But it does seem that she will inherit a LOT more from step-grandpa once he's dead. I just don't see how the switcheroo is going to work unless Sandra does her evil work fast, before MJ starts showing, or uses belly pads to pretend she's pregnant (and never lets Alex touch her- true red flag for him), or she pretends she lost the baby, which would just be so sad for our hero, or...oh, heck! I'm going to stop speculating about how this whole twin thing is going to work and just enjoy the ride. :) Tonight's Capitulo 49 out of a total 96 (I think), so we are more than half way through and there are still a lot of unresolved issues- the judge, Mario Aguirrre, Nando/Vicky/Hernan triangle, Katia, all of Bruno's plots, long lost mamas, long lost twins, the divorce, the Lombardo wealth, the guys Pedro owed money in Saqui, plus a baby and the inevitable final wedding. Plenty to keep us occupied in the next 40-something episodes.

-Vivi in DC

elna June: On Antonio's demise. If I remember Vic's flashback, Bruno had just been kicked out of college, so he was a beginner at being evil. They had gone to the school and Antonio's demise came at the hands of the motorcyclist who wasn't able to avoid him when his crutch got stuck in a Mexican pothole. It is remotely possible that Bruno might have had something to do with having the motorcyclist there at precisely that moment. Who knows. Vic blamed herself all these years because she and Antonio were arguing about Bruno as they crossed the road.

If Bruno was still in college when that happened, Alex was pretty young to inherit the business and CEO position if he's younger than Bruno. I guess that's why we have to adjust our beanies a lot--the numbers don't always add up.
Newbie in Md

Cielo ~ To answer your question, I teach English as a Second language in a community college. Elna ~ I like the ''Team Trust Fund'' name. Right on. Bratia is a good name for Katia , and it could also be a nickname for the coupling of Burno and Katia = Bratia. [Similar to Brangelina or Bennifer] I'm not very good at predicting where a plot will go. I do think that Vic will end up with her Puppylover Fernono because they are together in the opening montage. The only twins I've seen in novelas were the male ones in Mundo de Fieras, but since the EVEEEEEL one had lost an eye and a leg, they were no longer identical. Nasty weather predicted for late tonight into tomorrow---sleet and snow, so I'm wondering if my classes will be delayed or cancelled. It's the last class before final exams , and we were going to review the 12 verb tenses. OH NOES.

Elna i thought the same thing when the accident happened with Antonio. Bruno was lurking around the corner at the time spying on his parents arguing about him.

What someone suggested said was no one knew about the hole by the road grate in the ground. Where Antonio crutch got stuck in.

It would seem likely Bruno would hire the mysterious motorcycle driver. He definitely wouldn't know which way his parents came out of the college and where they would walk.

You guys are saying most of the women in novelas are wearing wigs.What in the world or should i say why in the world is Jackie B's hair or wig look a hot mess.

Don't forget in Mexico they introduce new novelas in the half hour format and still count it as one episode. So maybe we should subtract three episodes from the number 95 or 96.

The time line for tthis was very confusing remember in the earlier episodes it jumped from ten to fifthteen years. Bruno looked liked he was thirteen or fourteen and Alex looked liked he was ten when they were playing soccer.

Then it jumped to another ten years so i don't know.

We're at 49 out of 96 or 97 by the Mexico count, so that's accurate. It's a number lower than 49 for those of us in the States.

-Vivi in DC

Connie i just now saw your comment at9:25am i thought Bruno was foaming at the mouth when he found out he was Antonio son too.

Especially when he got up close in personal with Hernan.

Rofl at your other comment of a Supper nanny helping to raise the terror twins. Too funny.

We might be off the track with MJ's twin. Useless knows about her & shared that bit of news with Roberto. Neither one of them would willfully help Bruno, unless he's pres & controlling the purse strings that is. So maybe the twin will be on the good side. Carla does like to surprise us.

Vivi: Your comment about friends and family cracked me up!
"People in telenovelas never seem to have friends or family outside of the ones who further the plot. "

I originally thought Bruno's plan of getting info on Alex's mom having affair was silly, but then...didn't he get Bratia to steal that file from the office which had just what he was looking for? Was that file related to Alex' mom or Alex's uncle?

Doris- "brain trust" HA HA
How perfect a description is that?

I think that V NECKLACE is from Antonio and very near and dear to her. Take it off, Vicki! People don't wear those initial things anymore- or do they?

I'm also tired of her PERFECTLY coiffed straightened hair. But, really, everyone's hair remains pretty much the same throughout, until the wedding scene, right?-----except for MJ. Those braids are actually insulting to us. I mean we know her background...we don't need to see the braids at this point. I know MJ needs to constantly prove that she's from a different background, but at this point, the writers should have "brought her around!"

Meche and Gabriel need to go back to that Televisa school of acting. I also feel like FFing their scenes.
Gabriel actually has some potential... if he would just put on some nice jeans and go do some reggaeton at that night club where his mom used to work.

Cesar Evora's evil twin thing in Mundo de Ferias was not so long ago. I hope and pray that Televisa doesn't do that again here. That could SO RUIN this TN! Darn! Don't you wish we could all have a say in this? Carla should be sending us critics previews of these TNs before they air. We could be SO HELPFUL TO HER!

Someone else originally came up with Bruno possibly being responsible for Antonio's death, and I completely latched on to that because of the way El Bruno was skulking around when the accident happened. He looked none too surprised, peeking from behind that lamp post the way he did. And it is so his style, reacting like a petulant child without any clear outcome because someone is doing him "wrong," hiring someone else to do his dirty work. He was and is a mean little snot. I don't remember if Antonio and Vicky's appointment that day was scheduled or not. El Bruno could have paid off the motorcyclist to wait around for whenever they showed up.

More than likely, the accident was just that--accidental--and Bruno simply got lucky. It was intriguing to bat the idea around, though, which is what we were doing.

Oops, I meant his sister, not his mom! Maybe that slip was a little freudian. She does, after all, act totally like his mom.

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