Monday, December 14, 2009

un Gancho al Corazón Mon.12/13/9 The Scent of a Beto

We begin with the last scene from Friday's presentation which Hombre described so well:

"Moni’s disgusted with Beto, lying there with Xime like an animal. An animal, maybe, but not an ugly animal, corrects Beto. Moni can’t believe it, first La Momia, now Xime, and she’s married. Xime finally speaks up – that doesn’t really count, she says. Moni says well, that’s your life, but Beto’s like my brother. Estre thinks Moni and Beto should talk alone, beckons Xime, your husband is waiting outside, remember? Oh, him, right, yeah, let’s go, as she pops up, and let’s not deny what I was doing, porfis. Estre is flabbergasted. You want to TELL Rolu? Xime has three answers, as that little pinky goes up to start the list. 1) Robi is divine, 2) You can’t imagine how happy I am, I’m eternally grateful and 3) thanks to Robi, my life is changing! She exits theatrically, with air kisses and an “Au revoir”, as Beto waves with a “Ciao, Xi!” Estre goes to check out the Rolu fireworks, and Moni crosses her arms for the Beto interrogation to come. Beto smiles weakly, coughs guiltily..."

Well, turns out that a group of little girls have abducted Rolu and are using his wheelchair, with him aboard to play race car with. He, however, actually seems to be enjoying himself. This is not the same old grumpy Rolu that I had come to know and love. Ximena interrupts his fun. Rolu insists on knowing what she has been up to. In her charming, indescribable fashion, she beats around the bush, at first maddeningly insinuating, using Estrella as a sounding board, dangling hints, and finally letting it slip out that Moni and Estre caught her and Robi in bed embracing, making like spoons... oops she catches herself allowing this juicy detail to intentionally slip from her lips.
Rolu is appalled by this disclosure. Ximy, not so secretly, gloats. Mission accomplished.

Meintras tanto Moni has latched onto Beto but Beto turns the tables and asks if she is jealous. She wonders how, if he was trying to fight for her affection, he falters at the first opportunity. He replies that it is because he is so much of a man, as he lifts his arm offering her a whiff of his manly aura.
I'm guessing that some of you were mildly put off by this scene, but it is vintage Beto. "Pure testosterone!" he boasts. But then he offers up that he has told her a thousand times that she is the one he wants and that if she will make the effort to love him again, he will be hers, "Body and soul." She tells him it ain't gonna happen. "Then, stop meddling in my life..." She replies,"You truly believe in God, right?" He looks perplexed.

Coni is is cogitating over the cloyingly sweet, hilarious public display of affection played out by Ximy and Beto in the restaurant, in which, by the way, Mao seems to be struggling to maintain a stern countenance. Her ruminations are interrupted by Jaqui. She is going out with Katia and invites Coni along. Coni, at this moment, is in no mood for much of anything but pouting. Jaqui commiserates. Pregnancy is difficult, especially at first, but things get better. Coni warns her not to let her secret out and Jaqui renews her vow of secrecy. "This is a very delicate matter," Coni reminds her. Jaqui agrees, "Having a child is always a delicate matter... especially when the father is not the husband." Good to see that Coni's mom is so supportive, much like a proud mother spider.

Back in the courtyard, Rolu is devastated by Ximena's unfaithfulness with Beto. She explains how when she is with Robi, something happens to her that is inexplicable. It's like the effect of a thousand strawberry daquiris. He insists that she ditch Beto and she counters that it's Rolu's fault that she strayed in the first place. He recognizes this and pledges his loyalty from now on. They reunite embracing and kissing sweetly and then she happily wheels him away. Awww! Estrella asks herself,"What bug could have bitten her?"

The mother/daughter arachnids continue their serious discussion. Jaqui wants to know when Coni plans to announce the news of her pregnancy to Mao. Coni will do it when she thinks the time is right. Jaqui reminds her there is not a lot of time remaining. She wants to know what is really troubling Coni. Why was she crying? She the answers her own question. It's that jackal that you're pining for, isn't it?" Coni denies this by protesting too much. She hates him and never wants to see him, or speak of him again...ever. "Now go!" We, every bit as well as Jaqui know this is a lie. "OK, I'm going but I hope you don't regret what you are doing. Coni looks so sad and forlorn.

Ivan has returned home and is warmly greeted by Teri. She is delighted to see him and regrets that she only gets to see him on Sundays. Well his job at the university has kept him very busy. He's here now and wants to take her out. She resist not wanting him to spend his money on her, however, surprise, now he has a new job, starting as a messenger... at Groupa Sermeño. He wants to prove to Mauricio that he is worthy of Luisa. What a nice surprise for Teri. He suggests that they go out to eat to celebrate and she agrees, but someplace cheap and first she must pretty herself up. "Tú me dices rana y yo brinco. (You say frog and I hop.)" He says. Huggies.

Mao and the kiddos are about to go out. Aldo suggests a football game. Dani doesn't want to go to a ball game, she prefers the circus. When Mao suggests an amusement park they all agree wholeheartedly. Just then Ivan walks up and Luisa's stunning brown eyes switch to high beam. She is suddenly glowing. Ivan requests permission from Mao to take Luisa with him, it should be OK since his grandma will be going along. Luisa switches those persuasive eyes to pleading-mode and aims them in Mao's direction. "¡Porfis!" she entreats.

He melts and yields. Mao turns to leave, Aldo gives him a friendly but firm brotherly caution, "¡La cuidas! (Take care of her!)." Luisa is radiantly ready.

Now we're at the park, Mao and Aldo confer with Dani over the map. She points and off they go. Well looky here who is also in the park. It's Pau and Cris flanked by...Moni and Estre. They too consult the map, then off they go as well. Hmmm, I wonder if the paths will cross.

Back at the castle Ivan is telling Luisa about the new job. She is happy for him (and I suspect herself as well). Teri is ready and looks marvelous. "¡Que guapatona!" Luisa correctly observes. Aldo tells Teri that Luisa will be joining them for dinner. "How nice, just be sure to stay where I can see you." Looks like the adults in this show have about the same amount of confidence in these two hormone-driven little bunny rabbits that I do. Well, here's a splash of cold water for our sweetly-lusting pair. It's the Conster, herself, and she proceeds to rain all over this happy parade. Nope, Luisa is going nowhere. "Mauricio said we could!" "Yes, well I'm your adopted mom and I say no." Teri tries to intercede, but Coni retorts,"No is no!" "I hate you you witch!" erupts Louisa. This spontaneous outburst is rewarded with an equally spontaneous slap from Coni. Teri looks on aghast. Ivan clinches his fist and glowers as Teri restrains him. Coni seems pleased that she has been able to bring a little misery into someone else's day.

We abandon the unpleasantness at the manse for the happier confines of the park. Dani wants to ride in the little spinning cars and escoted over to them by big brother. Mao ambles over to a food vendor he asks if he has esquites con túetano. "No señor." "I thought so, anyway give me one." I have no clue what he's buying. "All the way?" "Yes." He takes his over to a bench and takes a seat. Who wants to guess who has taken a seat on the bench directly behind facing in the opposite direction? How cute and ironic is this? Moni and Mao are sitting back to back, almost touching, enjoying the same treat.
Back at the manor the unpleasantness continues unabated. Luisa, her eyes now glowing with a smoldering hate (Did I just say that? Gack!), holding her cheek,
lashes out at Coni, Coni lashes back, Teri speaks up and is repelled. Ivan lashes out at Coni, Coni smacks him down, having mustered up more spunk, Teri sternly whimpers a complaint brushed quickly away by a defiant Coni who then banishes Luisa to her room. Coni then advises Terri that she is prohibited from having visitors in the parlor and to use the service entrance rather than the front door. Uuuh!

Coni, predictably, bursts in on Luisa who is, predictably, dialing the phone. She snatches the phone, jerking the cord from the wall. Hey watch the lamp! She shouts. Luisa offers up pleading mixed with shouting. Coni shouts some more, reminding her that she is the mom. The judge says so. I'm hating this. Mercifully Coni leaves. Those beautiful adolescent brown eyes melt into grief, she tosses a!

Ah jeez, a downer conversation between Teri and Ivan. He rants and complains, "She hit her. We should report her for abusing minors." Teri points out that once Coni gives Mao the divorce, all will be well. He mutters a threat for Coni but Teri counsels against such thinking. Patience.

Fun in the park. Pau and Cris, Esre and Moni, are on an anemic looking roller coaster, but hey! They're having fun. Mau and Dani are sharing a bumper car, Aldo has his own. More fun.

Well this is just great. More maudlin musings between Terri and Ivan. He whines... She consoles. "Tell Luisa I love her."!

In the park, Aldo reunites with Mao and Dani after a breathtaking ride. He offers to get Dani a soda and off they run. Then... BAM! Estrella runs headlong into him. Why, at this point, Am I worried that Dani may be forgotten for the moment?

Now Teri is consoling Luisa. Luisa's eyes are mostly sad now. Now she's been banished to her room for like what, fifteen, maybe twenty minutes? She whines that she feels like a prisoner. Gee, I would have thought that the Hell-school would have toughened her up a little more than this. Teri counsels patience here as well. Luisa wishes Coni... dead. Teri discourages this kind of talk. Patience.

Now who could have predicted this? Cristian and Paula are settling into a dangerous looking ride as Pau spots Groupo Sermeño settling into a seat on the same ride. Then, compounding coincidences, the seat he has taken is squarely adjacent to one occupied by... Moni! Well, you could knock me over with a feather. Them too, from their astonished looks. "¡Mauricio!" "¡Valentina!"

More consolation for Luisa from Teri. An excerpt, "Coni's gonna reap what she sows." Uuuh. They are joined by Coni, who has realized that she has not spread her quota of misery for the day. She yells at Teri, spewing familiar venom, then kicks her out. She then turns on her daughter ,"What? do you have something to say about it?" As beautiful as she is, Coni is becoming a bit of a downer.

Mao and Moni exchange pleasantries waiting for the ride to begin. Cris expresses a bit of trepidation but is reassured by Pau, "Breathe, breathe, you'll enjoy it." Uh... thanks. The ride commences. It is robust. Actually, downright scary. Good luck Cris!

Thank goodness, Dani is not being neglected. Estrella greets and hugs her. She then wonders aloud if Aldo doesn't have his concerns about her and the Fury. He is amazingly non-chaulant giving her a chaste kiss on the cheek. She seems a little perplexed by his newly found swagger.

Salvador is in the cosmetics department of a department store learning about various anti-aging products. He finally decides to buy everything he has been shown, when who should appear but Jaqui and Katia. Jaqui asks if he is buying these things for Gabi. "Uh...yeah...that's it." He is mildly embarrassed, but to his credit, he completes the purchase following the clerk as she finishes the transaction and bags up his potions. Katia reproaches her mom for being so forward and flirtatious. Jaque responds that he is merely a friend. Besides, he's in love with another woman. Of course he would be perfect for her. "You never know. He could be your next dad." Salvador has invited them to dine with him and Katia is mildly put off as Jaqui links arms with him and leads him off.

Gabi, looking downright gorgeous with her hair pulled back in a severe bun is talking on the phone with a desperate sounding Jero.
He is trying to enlist Gaby's help in regaining Jaqui back from Sal.She is not interested in joining him inany kind of venture. He confides that he is so distraught that he is considering suicide. She suggests that he take advantage of that urge and leap off his balcony. It would do the rest of the world a great favor. Whoa! That is really cold. She has been busy making preparations for a guest. The doorbell rings, "Gotta go now, bye," she abruptly terminates her conversation with Jero to answer the door. It's Marlon Brando. Well, this guy looks like him, anyway. So this is the escort she ordered? looks like he will do nicely.

Aldo asks Estrella about her relationship with the Masked Fury. She should be able to confide in him since they are friends and all. She wonders what sort of game he is playing. They are joined by M&M who are strolling arm in arm. Dani is thrilled to see her Monita. Monita also is genuinely moved and drops to her knees to hug and nuzzle with little Dani. "I've missed you so much, Monita!" Moni has missed her as well. Awww!

Cris is hurrying to check in with his commander and Pau, who, let me say right here, looks absolutely fabulous in tight blue jeans (she would've been a hit in Gilley's in the old days), manages to wrestle him back. Sheis wanting another go at that frightening ride that takes it's passengers to dizzying heights turning them upside down in the process. Good luck Cris!

We once again join with the cougarette and her puppy. She thinks he has lusty motives but he observes the shear coincidence of the family trip to the park. Estrella is dubious. Dani wants to ride the carrousel again, this time with Moni and Mao. Monita recalls that she and Mao aren't supposed to be together. ¡Por favor, Sweetheart! Estrella points out that Coni isn't here and Dani won't tell, "Will you?" "¡No!" Even Aldo gives his permission. Thanks sport. Off the three of them scurry. Don't want to miss the carrousel. Aldo turns to Estrella and offers to accompany her back to Cris and Pau. "Then I'll go for a walk... alone."

Gabi is entertaining as well as sizing up her Rent-a-Hunk. She asks his name. Hey! Neato! She gets to name him. She names him David. He really needs to button his shirt. She is very much in control. What a confident woman. She asks him to stand and let her get a good look. She doesn't seem bothered that he hasn't buttoned his shirt. He tells her that if she's seeking perversions, he will give her another number. She is amused that he is the one who seems nervous. She offers him botañas and pours him a glass of wine (red) and sits down to go over his job description. This has distinct possibilities. Pobre de Salvador.

On the carousel, M&M share deep thoughts and a!



A bit of a downer? Coni is a bit of a downer? Carlos you are way too kind; I feel like it's time to start hitching the horses to the pie cart. Conster the Monster descended to an all time low tonight. I took consolation in Tere's words, Coni will reap what she sows, raise crows and they will peck out her eyes, whatever it takes. Grrrrr! OK, I got that out of my system. I just wish she would stop torturing the children and other people who feel helpless around her.

I love how Gabi rejected Jero's questionable offer. You're so right Carlos, she was super confident tonight. What a woman.

Thank goodness for the comic relief in this show. Chris and Pau were hilarious, Sal getting busted at the cosmetics counter was a hoot, Moni and Mau getting to spend time together was a pleasant surprise (for them), Rolu and Xime are a scream, Aldo and Estrella...well I'm just curious as hell how their relationship is going to pan out.

Carlos, it's great to have you back. Thanks for the excellent recap and superb pictures.

"We abandon the unpleasantness at the manse for the happier confines of the park".....what a sentence! I'm hearing it in my mind with a perfect English accent (my fave for books on tape). You were at your uttermost-his-archness best tonight, Carlos. Also loved the mother/daughter arachnids.

I was out too late to see this last night, and after hearing about Connie's misery spreading, thought about skipping it...but then I'd miss Ximena's revenge and Gabriela's hottie-for-hire I guess I'll have to watch and just ffwd Miss Connie. When even you find her too much, it's seriously evil.

Great to have you back Carlos. Hope you and the lovely Linda are still basking in post-vacation bliss (I know, I know, reality intrudes all too soon....just like Connie).

The roller coaster was the perfect setting for this episode as the story and emotions ran the gamut from high (Ximena and Rolu) to low (Coni's manic tirades).

Luisa radiated pure joy at seeing Ivan (not that I could ever blame her there). The actress shone as her anger at Coni was palpable.

"mother/daughter arachnids" and "cougarette" were great Carlos. An excellent recap with insightful observations - gracias. I join Sylvia and Judy in welcoming you back.


Good morning Sylvia, Judy, and Diana. I hope your weathers today are nicer than here. It's cold, wet, and dreary here. I'm already longing for the warm sunshine and cool breezes of Isla Mujeres.

I thought that Ximena was hysterically funny last night. She has now branded (that tattoo), and broken poor Rolu. He seems to have completely succumbed to the magic that is Ximena. For someone who seems like such a ditz she certainly is frighteningly cunning.

I thought some of the best acting last night was done by little Luisa. She ran an entire gamut of emotions last night. She has two of the prettiest, most expressive eyes ever. Initially, when this show began I thought that she was perhaps a weak link in the acting, but no more. She was extremely convincing last night. The scenes between her and Coni positively crackled with electricity. Coni makes a chilling nemesis for the kids.

I also think that David is going to provide us with some fun giving Gabi an opportunity to shine.


For some reason my TV reception was horrible last night. I wasn't able to fully appreciate "David". Harrumph. Hopefully I will get another chance to see him tonight.

I agree about Luisa. She is a wonderful little actress. She was very convincing in her anger against Coni. She did a good job of conveying both rage and helplessness. Her eyes are amazing. No wonder Ivan is smitten.

My sympathies Carlos, it's hard enough to come home from a vacation but to come home to cold and unbearable!

Carlos, ¡Hola de Oaxaca! I found out from Stephe and her excellent substituters re-cap that you were actually near (a relative term in Mexico) me last week. I have not read today's recap because I am catching up on last week still as I follow Gancho and ENDA from CarayCaray this month. I look forward to coming back to read this and enjoy the comraderie of C2 that I have missed so much. I will get back to this but wanted to jump in while comments were still active to say thanks and hello I have pictures on FLICKR of Oaxaca which will be a FIESTA almost every day of December:

I can't wait to help load the piecart on ConartistConnie and dish the dirt with my old buds and new ones here too. The new telenovelas here are full of fun and sturm and drang so there is a bright future for all of us to follow the current set in the US.

This comment has been removed by the author.

Awesome pics Cheryl! I feel warmer just looking at them. I love the colors. It's great to hear from you. great. We have Carlos back. Diana back. And now Cheryl back. It's beginning to feel like Christmas, by golly!

Carlos, it's gray, gloomy and frigid here. And one of my students has just learned her cancer has come back. As always, Gancho is a welcome respite from cold, cruel reality. The older I get, the more I need these hilarious episodes.

PS In such a hurry to read recap this morning, never even noticed your sly homage to "Scent of a Woman". Great title, Carlos.

Great recap, Carlos! I agree that both Gabi and Paula looked really good in this episode. I was happy to see everyone at the park wearing jeans, since that's more realistic than what they usually wear. On the other hand, I like the wildly inappropriate outfits, too, so let's just say I appreciate ALL the costumes/outfits on this show.

I keep thinking that the judge should be hearing about all of Connie's bad behavior. Yes, I know, the judge was paid off, but maybe they can get another judge.

It was nice to see Mau and Moni so happy at the park. But of course it won't last. I agree with Diana about the roller coaster nature of the episode.

And Cheryl, thanks of the pictures. I just love the colors. Everyone looks happy, too.

Carlos thanks for the recap. Moni's expression on the capture you posted is fantastic! Sorry you got a mean Coni last night.

I have to let out my inner teenager out (not that hard since just a few years ago I was one) and admit that I was jealous with envy watching the characteres at the park, especially when they took the Batman ride! I love it! It feels so great to be there hanging upside down! Gah the actors in this novela get to be funny, go to Mérida and swim in a cenote, play games including jump on a springboard full of talc, sing and dance with Mariachis, do acrobatics with luchadores and get on rides at the park! Poor them, what they have to do for work. I want to be an actress now hehe.

Cheryl love your pictures, my mom's family is from a city in the state of Oaxaca and we are going there for christmas. Seeing all the kids dressed for the day of the Virgin of Guadalupe brings back memories.


Carlos, as I was watching this last night I was wondering whether you would be able to defend Constanza. I think it's time she went back to her crazy shrink.

I did wonder why Teresa and Ivan didn't call Mauricio. He's certainly going to hear about this eventually.

Was "David"'s facial hair a bit odd, or is that stylish these days?

Jarocha, I agree with you...I was wishing my job involved going on roller coasters and driving bumper cars. Alas, I have no acting skills and hate being photographed, so I guess it's a no go.

Good grief...those pictures are awesome. So clear and detailed I didn't even need to put on my reading glasses to see them well. Bien hecho, Cheryl. Thanks.

Thanks, Carlos. You are becoming very adept at capturing the pictures. Welcome back, Cheryl. I haven't had a chance to view your photos yet. I'm in the middle of giving final exams, grading them, posting final grades. I'll be glad when this week and the semester is over. As for the weather, Sunday was cold,gray. rainy, and icy . Today is just cold , gray, and damp. I tried to sell my doctor on caraycaray today when I went for my annual checkup . He told me that he wants to learn Spanish, but he looked a little confused and disbelieving when I told him that I was learning Spanish by watching the telenovelas and coming here for the translations.

Cheryl, it's so good to hear from you. Those pictures are awesome. Everything in Mexico seems to be in bold Technicolor. The colors and sounds and smells and lights on Isla Mujeres last week were intoxicating.

Hombre, I keep hoping that Coni has an epiphany and becomes the sweetheart that she looks like she could be. I have zero confidence in that snake of a judge being of any use.

Jarocha and Julia, everyone seemed to be having a delightful time at the amusement park. I'm not so sure I'd enjoy the Batman ride. I'm right there with Cris on this. Maybe the wimpy yellow and purple roller coaster for me.

Jarocha, do you know what it was that M&M were eating? The seemed to be savoring it.

Julia, I was so transfixed by Gabi's radiant beauty that I didn't even notice David's facial hair. He had facial hair.

Judy, I agree that it's great to have everyone back. Now we need to hear from Hanna, Robyn, Susanlynn and of course Emilia and Mike. Ebony and Vivi too.


Julia maybe we could try being extras whenever they need to go to parks to shoow, heh.

Susan watching tv shows helps. I think it has helped me so much with my english. I'm currently waiting for Lost to begin, that show is so much fun.


Carlos, the esquites: you boil grains of corn with water, epazote, a little cilantro and butter. The esquitero will serve you a cup full of this while it's hot and according to what you ask you can add cream or mayonnese, parmesan cheese, chili powder and drops of lemon. This is VERY popular in most of México. Whenever I go to the center there's an esquitero in every two or three corners selling Esquites and prepared Elotes. There's also about three different esquiteros passing by the street of my house every night yelling "ESQUIIIITES Y ELOOOTES".


Here's an Esquitera. There's a stove inside that box and it helps to keep the corn hot. A Prepared elote with drops of lemon, mayonnese, cheese and chili powder. Two Esquites.

Mmmm...sounds delicious. Esquites is one treat I was sorry to miss while in Mexico. I guess I'll just have to make some for myself.

Jarocha, I was confused when Mauricio asked for esquites con túetano. Isn't túetano bone marrow? Is that what he meant?

Wow, I just looked at the pictures. They're making me hungry.

Yes, tuétano is bone marrow. Some people add bone marrow from beef to cook the esquite to give it an especific flavor. Not all esquiteros do it because it becomes more expensive to prepare it.


Arrggghhh... You all ought not put up comments that make me so hungry when I'm still stuck at work.

The esquites sound somewhat like the "pommes frites" stands in Belgium where they (allegedly) fried the potatoes in horse fat and then put a good dollop of mayonnaise on top.

Now I'm making myself even hungrier!!

Elotes aka Corn on the Cob! Sounds good to me y ahora yo tengo mucho, pero mucho, hambre! Ay caray!!

Carlos, glad you're back! You haven't lost your touch at all - thanks for a great recap.

Susan(lynn), I'm glad to hear from you too. Let me add my endorsement to TNs as learning tools... yeah, that's it... educational.


Hooked On Telenovelas worked for me!

Jarocha, thanks for those pictures. Both look so tasty. On Isla Mujeres, I didn't see anyone selling this although there were many street vendors. We just got back and your picture in the street made me nostalgic.

Mike, thanks. Potatoes fried in horse fat? I don't know about that.


I think I'll stick with potatoes fried in duck fat. I do remember being in Belgium and having fries served with mayonnaise. I thought it was very weird. Years later a girl from Belgium lived with us for a while and she made fries with homemade mayonnaise and it was divine.

Where I'm from (Idaho, potato kingdom), most people mix together ketchup and mayonnaise to dip their fries in.

The esquites sound delish. I'll have to try some of those when I'm down south.

Dagnabit! I was feeling somewhat satisfied with my chicken vegetable soup until I started reading this. Now I want some "esquites" or at least fries with mayo! aaarrrrggghh...

Hey come you're just Susan now? In another year, will you be shortened down to Susy?

Oh and while we're doing the Europe number.... When we lived in England, the thing to do was get fried fish (wrapped in newspaper, often) and fries with malt vinegar and salt. That was tasty too.

Judy, you have lived everywhere!

Carlos I think Isla Mujeres tends to cater to tourists and what they might like. I was only there once so I don't know much but whenever I go to Cancún I only see Mexican snacks when we go downtown. Cancún, Isla Mujeres, Playa del Carmen, Puerto Vallarta, Cozumel, Cabo San Lucas and other places with beaches are arranged so that tourists can stay in once place and the city in another, they are doing the same here in Veracruz but we still get to see many tourist exploring downtown because of the port, since many of them come from cruisers.


Sorry for the late post. Thanks for the recap Carlos. Glad you are back and clearly lost none of your wit. I truly am sorry Coni is becoming a bit of a downer for you. My policy on Coni is "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all." Currently I have to FF through most of her parts.

I didn't notice anyone mentioning it but a few of your "Aldo" references were actually "Ivan."

Ximena continues to tickle me. And her charade with "Robi" is quite fun.

Karen, thanks. You are of course right about me mixing up Ivan with Aldo. I still have faith that Coni will do something good. Little Betito's mom can't end up being evil, but she certainly has a way to go.


Judyb~~~Well, I guess I decided Susanlynn was too long to type, and in my life for realz, noone calls me Susanlynn. They call me Susan, Susy, and Sue [which I hate but Hub still always calls me that]. Some of my students call me Miss Susy. I guess I started out as Susanlynn because it sounded a bit more romantic. What do you think...Should I be Susan for brevity and for realz or stay romantic ? On the other forum I frequent, I am Stevi. Maybe final exams and the holidays have thrown me into an identity crisis.

Susanlynn, when I first began frequenting Caray Caray I always was delighted to see the Anonymous said.... followed by always witty and warm comments and signed by Susanlynn, the signature most often followed by a cute phrase. Therefore, I have a real soft spot for Susanlynn, though it makes difference how you sign yourself as long as you continue commenting and sharing your observations with us.

Carlos, trying to catch up with a week's worth of Sortilegio

Hey guys, sorry I've been MIA for a few days, but I got to tell you I read bits of this and it has to be one of the best ever. Carlos you are the man. Welcome back, hope you had a fabulous time in Mexico!!!

Great to hear from everyone and I'll have to check out the pics from Cheryl too.

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