Monday, January 04, 2010

Cuco! Go get help! (Sortilegio 1/4/2010)

Roberto is in the hospital near death from the stabbing Raquel gave him when he admitted he was two-timing her with Useless. The Lombardos have decided to lie to the police en masse, saying an "unknown assailant" grabbed their kitchen knife and did the deed. Alex even had the alarm system cut up to "add verisimilitude to an otherwise bald and unconvincing narrative." [one of my favorite Gilbert & Sullivan quotes of all time. --Ed.]

Raquel is quite out of it. The police come and seem, well, unconvinced by the bald and unconvincing Lombardo narrative. Raquel says she didn't hear anything because she was listening to music - the police wonder why the kitchen knife disappeared - Alex says his sister is in shock and unless they're going to charge her, they should come back later.

Alex and MJ have a nice snuggle in bed. [It's my favorite thing about this novela, that they enjoy so much good time together. So far, the amount of torturing and misunderstanding and estrangement has been kept to a minimum, thank goodness.] Next day she reads in the papers that the Lombardos are a cursed family. "Let's get out of here, anywhere else..." they agree.

Everybody goes to see Roberto in his coma. Paula is particularly upset. Eventually he opens his eyes, survives, and says he won't accuse Raquel because he loves the whole family, even her, and he is what he is.

It takes a lot of snarling and a lot of money, but Bruno, on his way to the board meeting, finally gets Erick to get somebody to implicate Pedro in felonious deeds...

At the office, Bruno goes to see MJ and threatens her (again) with throwing her dad into jail if she doesn't vote for him.

Well, it's time to vote! Raquel votes for Bruno (to Vic's surprise). MJ votes for Alex (to Bruno's surprise). Alex wins 4-3. There is applause - Raquel applauds too, but her cranky brother Bruno grabs her hand and stops her, heh.

Afterwards, Maura comes into Alex's office and wants to go out celebrating their victory. She tepidly invites MJ as well, but MJ just wants to go home. "That doesn't have to keep US from celebrating, Bonbon!" she purrs to Alex - but he elects to go home with his wife.

On the way home MJ complains about the way Maura talks to him, but then she cheers up and proposes: "Let's take off our clothes and go to bed." He likes that.

Vic and Raquel go home. Raquel really, REALLY needs a drink - but all the booze is gone! Vic: "You have to stop drinking, especially now - you'll have to be sober to lie convincingly to the police and everybody in the family could get charged for bamboozling if you blow it, so no booze."

Raquel and Vic go to the police to give statements. The cops say they'll let things slide until Roberto wakes up and testifies.

Raquel (sans makeup) is escorted to rehab. We hear later, she's "rebellious" there... Vic wants to visit but it's against policy.

Maura goes home and fumes: "Alex wasn't effusively grateful for my help." She's desperate to get him back! Sis points out: Alex is going to be awfully happy at home with wifey when the kid is born.

Maura calls Useless, who says he's off hunting for Sandra, she who escaped his clutches. Maura wants him to come back and help her reconquer Bonbon. She offers lots of money - but how to achieve her goal? She doesn't know. Maybe again with the Mario Aguirre thing? She's grasping at straws. He's not interested. [Maybe with gypsy love potion a la Alborada?]

Useless goes to visit some guy with tattoos who claims he doesn't know where Sandra is. Useless asks, who does she go with? Tattoo guy: "More or less anybody." "I knew that, but anybody special?" Useless forks out some bribe money but if he gets more info we don't hear about it.

Metiche and her brother Gabriel have a chat with Chucho of which all that seemed germane was that they aren't going to tell Alex it was Bruno who paid them to lie - because if Bruno goes down, they will too. They agree Pedro has been nervous lately.

Boring conversation between Fernando and Vic. Katia is depressed since Bruno dumped her and she's gone back to live with her uncle again. They review Vic's many troubles and Fer asks, "What can I do to help?" "Love me forever!"

Elena is disgusted that Useless let her daughter Sandra escape. She'll hire a private eye if Useless doesn't get results soon. She asks about her other daughter (MJ): "Is she much like Sandra?" "Identical." "I want to see her."

Alex shows his cellphone, with the photo of Sandra, to MJ, and tells her all: that Sandra is her identical twin sister, that their mother Elena is alive. MJ is beyond shocked. Alex asks her not to tell Paula or Pedro, it will just upset them.

He has to go to work. MJ staggers off, dizzy and disoriented. Down by the canal Bruno finds her, shakes her, threatens her, throws her on the ground and kicks her! He's mad she didn't cast her vote for him.

Her waters break, she goes into labor! "Help me, Bruno!" she begs but he walks away (to make yet another call to Erick and say he wants MJ's dad to putrify in jail). She screams and sobs in the bullrushes.

Ah, I KNEW our favorite little white puffball was going to have a Lassie moment! Desperate to avoid yet another monologue from Felipa the boring baby-talking-dog-lecturer, Cuco streaks off to find MJ gasping on the ground! And then goes back and gets Felipa! Good girl, Lassie! As Felipa is regarding the scene in astonishment, Bruno suddenly reappears, scoops MJ up (muttering "this is the second time I've saved your life") and an ambulance is summoned.

So now all the good guys are pacing around the hospital waiting room. Alex, who had been en route to some hacienda-to-hotel-conversion business deal, turns the helicopter around and hops in the waiting car and is back in time to get to MJ's hotel room as their baby boy is born. He gets to cut the umbilical cord. There's a VERY sweet scene with the new mommy and daddy and baby. Awwwwww.


CHF- Wow! I cannot believe how fast you got this recap up! You always capture all the relevant stuff without needing to write super long recaps. How do you do it?

Man, Bruno really sunk to a new low tonight. Assaulting a pregnant woman, kicking her in the stomach! Ack! I just hated that scene. It made me so mad. Then he seemed to be slightly regretful about what he had done (seems like he does have some feelings for MJ, if twisted feelings). But poor MJ, having to accept the help of the man who had just assaulted her, and for all she knew, endangered the life of her child. This makes the 3rd or 4th time Bruno has seriously assaulted MJ that Alex does not know about. He would kill him if he knew about this time.

LOL at Alex's and Vicky's faces when Raquel finally told them why she had stabbed Roberto. :) If they thought their family had crazy drama before, that tale just took it to a whole new level.

What a funny conversation between MJ and Pedro with both of them hiding the truth from each other in order to protect the other person. "So, have you heard from Bruno?/ No..., why? Is there a reason why I should?/ Nope, no reason..." Awkward...

-Vivi in DC

Thanks, Vivi! I always try to stay up until at least one person has read my new recap so I can go to bed now... do you watch with subtitles? Mine are totally out of synch these days - they get paragraphs behind, then they leave a bunch of stuff out and then they get paragraphs ahead! It's crazy. Wasn't that Cuco scene ridiculous and cute?

Thanks CHF for the recap and i was LOL when Raqhell told Alex and Vicki the reason why she stabbed Roberto.

Another comedic scene in the boardroom after the vote went down everyone clapping for Alex being named the president.

Raqhell joins in even though she voted against him and Bruno stops her from clapping i was ROFL with that one.

Maura has definitely enter the crazy chick who will not leave her ex-lover alone phase. I have to get him back at all cost territory.

Was she for real asking Useless about using the Mario Aguirre scheme again? This woman is very desperate therefore that makes her dangerous too.

Alex needs to make it very clear that there is no chance in heck that he will ever go back to her skank behind.

I know a lot of us have knocked Lissette but from time to time she does point out the truth to Maura. It's Maura and her delusions who refuses to accept the reality that Ales really does love MJ despite her social status.

I never watch with subtitles. But hearing about it from you all, it always seems like they are problematic.

Cuco was indeed too cute and the scene was funny, in a perverse way. Your description of it was perfect. Lol! Like Cuco was saying to Felipa, "Shut up already woman and move faster! We have important tasks to do today!"

-Vivi in DC

Anon 11:37- Wouldn't it have been great if during that conversation between Alex, MJ and Maura (where Maura tried her best to ignore MJ) Alex had put Maura in her place, and right then and there revealed to MJ that Maura was behind the Mario Aguirre thing? That would have given MJ perfect motive and opportunity to slap that smirk off her face right at that moment. Oh well! A missed oportunity I say.

-Vivi in DC

I enjoy the Cuco Lassie to the rescue moment too, even MJ told him to go get help.

Isn't it time for another Bruno beat down?

Alex couldn't you have waited to tell MJ after the baby was born.

I wonder when Alex will get around to telling her that. I'm sure if MJ knew about Maura's involvement with that plot and she was the one who started the whole thing.

MJ would not want to have anything to do with her and she would probably tell Alex to choose her or me and your child.

That would have been a perfect time to tell MJ too.

I don't know if you guys have been noticing during the commercial breaks it started last Friday.

They show it twice last night once during a ENDA commercial break and another time during a Sorti break.

Previews for it looks like a upcoming novela Hasta para el Dinero. I know i didn't get the title correct.

It's saying Muy Pronto the only novela that's ending soon is Sorti, it ends in Febuary.

ENDA ends in March, Gancho i think ends in May or June. This novela maybe replacing Sorti after it ends instead of the new version of CS.

Some of you have already mentioned how it's not getting good ratings in Mexico and i also read about that from some post on youtube and other places myself.

Many thanks CHF!! Was surprised at Bruno's change of heart and decision to help Mj (albeit after shoving and kicking her). At first I thought he really only wanted her so Alex couldn't have her, now I think perhaps in his own twisted way he does feel something for her. Hmmmm...

Don't know why, but it always cracks me up when Alex runs to and from the helicopter (tonight and when he ran to it when he heard about MJ's stabbing).

Re. the whole Mario Aguirre secret, at this stage, I doubt Alex will ever tell MJ about it. It seems that storyline has run its course. Even though I did think Alex could have been more blatant in his rejection of Maura's solo invite after MJ said she was tired, I did like that he rejected the invite saying in addition to Robert's hospitization that "MY WOMAN is a bit fatigued". Unfortunately, being subtle with Maura isn't always a good thing!
Thanks again CHF!

Muchas gracias for such a quick recap, Melinama. This was classic TN mellerdrama all down the line. For someone so sick, Roberto was very clean shaven and well groomed. I had to laugh when Raquel applauded Alex' victory in the boardroom election and Bruno grabbed her hand.

So MJ is wandering/brooding in the garden when evil Bruno approaches, intent on being evil as usual. Once he beat down MJ, it was obvious that she was doomed to a dangerous delivery amongst the rushes and bushes (unless someone came to the rescue.)

And who conveniently appears but our fluffy little angelito perro, all poised for a Lassie rescue moment. Loved, loved, loved it. We knew Cuco was born to be a star!
We also saw Bruno brooding and possibly prodded by his conscience to go back and help MJ.

Something that keeps me smiling is how easy it is for Alex to hop in the helicopter or a chauffer-driven vehicle. No slogging through a swamp on foot or running down the street for him. It was nice he could make it back in time for the delivery. And who knew that Dr. Hernan(?) was also an obstetrician! (Or maybe a family practicioner?)

The scenes with the baby were very sweet and I'm glad the delivery was problem-free once they were at the hospital.
La Paloma

Cubsfan i disagree i don't think the Mario Aguirre plot has run it course, because crazy obsessed Maura was thinking of trying to use it again.

I don't know if Alex will tell MJ about Maura's hand in that plot but it's not a wise move on his part either.

Maura is getting very extreme in her obsession with Alex and there's no telling what else she might try.

The fact that she was desperatelt trying to get Useless to comeback and help her split up Alex and MJ and she was willing to pay whatever price to get his help.

I'm very worried for MJ's safety now that's why i believe the Mario Aguirre plot and who started it has to bought up at some point.

that Bruno is just VILE!!! i can't believe they'd actually show someone treat a pregnant woman that way. argh!!!

As for the upcoming novela, it doesn't matter if WL is NOT in it. oh when oh where will he appear next. tomorrow is not soon enough.

has anyone seen this?.....

A world-class recap. Thanks so much.
Vivi, Bruno—the comic-book worthy villain has reached the nadir. That's it. There is no redemption possible for a man who kicks a pregnant woman in the belly. Bam! Pow! He is no more. I am sending Cuco in on a special undercover mission to rid the world of an unmitigated evil.

Whew! glad that is over. Now I can enjoy the mega sweet scenes of Alex, MJ and the sweet baby.

Vivi said,"LOL at Alex's and Vicky's faces when Raquel finally told them why she had stabbed Roberto. :)" I agree. While trying to translate that scene for the hubster, he laughed so hard that I could not stop the tears from coming to my eyes.

Thanks Melinama! I didn't get to read all the comments yet, but I will check in later. For now, I'm off to bed with that horrible image of Bruno kicking MJ. Ugly.

Alex and MJ with the baby was cute though. I'll try to keep that in mind. Talk to you guys mañana.

Melinama, thanks for another smart, snappy recap. Loved the "verisimilitude to an otherwise bald and unconvincing narrative" and your Lassie riff on Cuco's rescue. Thought you were a little hard on Felipa though (admittedly I talk absolute drivel to our cat). Anyway, another great one. You're the master.

Thanks for the recap Melinama. I don't know how you do it so quickly!

That's it. There is no redemption for Bruno. Since when do you kick a pregnant lady in the belly?

I knew Cuco was going to save the day but all I could think of was why would you walk your dog in 4 inch heels? My feet hurt just looking at those shoes.

Was the baby a boy or a girl? I listened but didn't catch it if they said it.

Maura is such a heifer. I started to like her but then she had to be a skank in front of MJ.

CubsFan- Maybe it's best at this moment that MJ doesn't know about Maura's misdeeds in the Mario Aguirre caper, just as it's probably best that Alex doesn't know about Bruno's numerous assaults of MJ. If MJ knew the whole truth, her current annoyance with Maura's presence at Lombardo Inc. would turn into bitter anger. And if Alex knew just how violent Bruno has been with MJ, his general anger/annoyance at Bruno being around her would turn into murderous rage. Neither of them would be able to think very cleary when it came to their rival/enemy.

-Vivi in DC

Enjoyed the concise, relevant, recap!

Are Chucho, Gabriel, and Metiche just liars like Pedro, or really slow learners? Why do they continue to lie? By now they have to know they're better off with Alex than Bruno, yet they side with Bruno.

Maura's not going away easily. Maybe she should be interned where Raquel is. Maybe Sandra will join them and we'll have another storyline.

Where's the trust between MJ and Alex? They keep so much info from each other, it's the last bond they need to bridge to be truly happy...

Thanks, CH(ie)F, for that quick, succinct recap. You are the master. There is a special place in hades for guys who kick pregnant women in the stomach. They're going to receive an eternity of kicks in sensitive areas. I was thrilled when precious puppy channeled Lassie and led The Dog Lecturer [great title] to Timmy [er...MarieJose] in the well. I can't believe that the writers had the birth and happy baby and parents scene at the end. I thought they'd keep us in suspense about the result of the kick and fate of the bebe for a few episodes . Maura, you might as well move on ...Al, MJ, and Baby make three with no room for you, Hootchie Mama. Maybe Useless has some free time for you if you have the cash.

A great episode last night and a great recap! .. so many funny moments along with the drama. Paula, the character, gets on my last nerve at times, but the actress playing her is so good in the role. I loved her prancing like a rooster in the background as all in the hospital waiting room were discussing MJ. I empathize with her at times.


What does everybody think of the Paula in the hospital scene with Roberto? Does she "love" him as "in love" with him or does she care for him as a friend? I'm having a hard time deciding which way they are going with it.

jb- I think Alex and MJ do trust each other completely now. Not like in the beginning. I think the things they are both keeping quiet right now are things they think would just hurt or agitate the other person needlessly and aren't, in their view, important enough to cause that kind of trouble. (We know different of course.) MJ just refuses to fall for what she believes is another of Bruno's blackmailing tricks, like she used to fall for them so easily before. She really doesn't believe that he's going to have her father thrown in jail (her father hasn't said anything about threats), so why bother Alex with nonsense (her thinking)? And, well, I think the reason for Alex not telling her about Maura are complicated, and as some have mentioned here before, may be tied to his own feelings of guilt over the whole thing. And when he finally told her about Sandra and her mom, her strong reaction to it made him question whether he should have told her.

Anyone notice that in this episode both MJ and Elena expressed a desire to see each other? Could there be a meeting/viewing from afar soon of mama and hija?

-Vivi in DC

I think Paula has a crush on Roberto and she wants him to divorce Raqhell.She definitely thinks he deserves someone better than Raqhell.

Thanks so much, Melinama, for another great recap. I had no idea you'd get it done so quickly, so I didn't even bother to look before I went to bed. I also didn't realize that you wait until at least one person has seen it. I'll have to keep that in mind for future Mondays. In the meantime, MANY THANKS!

Great recap Melinama!!! You are quick! I think you are right, Bruno definately has some feelings for MJ. Does anyone think MJ will keep quiet about Bruno assaulting her? She could easily have him put in jail or is she fearful Ale will finally kill him for this dreadful deed? He does have scratches on his face.

I agree Anon...Maura's obsession is getting dangerous. I was appauled at how she ignored MJ completey, just acted like she wasn't there. Her desperation will lead to her destruction. I can't wait to see that.

Does anyone think that somehow Wacki Raqui and Sandra will end up in rehab together?

How was maura going to use the mario lie again she already told Alex that he was someone they made up? and the same with Chucho didnt he and Pedro tell Alex that it was Bruno who paid Metchi and Gab to lie? and Alex being the great man that he is said he understood.

I really hated Bruno anoche after causing MJ to go into labor he comes back and tells her this is the 2nd time that he has saved her life when it would never have been in danger if it wasnt for him. What an Ass!!!

Felipe and that slow walk drove me crazy any other time she would have gone over and picked cucu up.

Was Raquel on drugs? First she actually held Felipe's hand and later at the clinic she seemed out-of-it.

Elena does seem really interested in MJ first when she was questioning Katia and now Useless.
I thought she said she felt nada for MJ and Paula. Come to think of it she seems to be interested in MJ and not Paula might be MJ money
that she has feelings for.

CHF-- Great, fast recap,like several have mentioned, loved the Lassie reference. Cuco even had the Lassie bark down perfectly!

Connie, I bet Filipa walks in those heels because she is so short in real life. I have a very short girlfriend who feels that she needs heels because of her height!!

To many fun comments to quote all by name this morning, but love: Bruno "twisted feelings", "VILE", "untimigated evil"; Maura "crazy chick", "Hoochie Momma", "Maybe Useless has some free time for you if you have the cash"; Cuco "Cuco Lassie", "Shut up already and move faster"!

Maura is up to something, whether is the Mario Aguirre thing or not, I don't know. She was pacing the floor like a MAN last night. "With friends like Maura........"

On Alex not putting Maura in her place, I think men sometimes have a different reaction than we do to "Hoochie Mammas". I noticed during the beginning of the Tiger Woods thing that women talked more about the wife vs the women and men tallked about Tiger, a "world class athelete's" inability to drive the car!!!! Alex is just acting like a typical man.

ADORABLE baby with tiny little hands, didn't use a 6 month old as usual...really loved that scene. Connie, they have given Raqhell a girl, they'll give Alex a boy, my guess.

I heard them say it was a boy that's what Hernan told Alex.

Maura is has definitely gone over board.

Ebony when she bought up the Mario Aguirre plot again to Useless, i said she's lost her marbles now.

When someone gets that crazy on novelas they don't think normal.Her sister has been trying for the longest time to make her see Alex has moved on and she should do the same.

Maura isn't used to this kind of rejection especially since she believes she is so much better than MJ.

Don't be surprised if she turns against Alex because he's not coming back to her like she wants.

Elena is interested in MJ i think because of the money, and now that she asked once again from Useless how alike she and Sandra look.

As a lot of you have mention about the twins being switched it might happen. We see how hard a time her and Useless are having tracking down Sandra.

Elena wants Sandra back because of the money Sandra will inherit from her grandfather.

I don’t think Bruno had a change of heart as much as a need to appear to be the hero by saving MJ.

Carlita, “Does anyone think that somehow Wacki Raqui and Sandra will end up in rehab together?” LOL!

A switch between Sandra and MJ could help Elena get Sandra’s inheritance AND help Maura get MJ out of the way. Then Useless could force “MJ as Sandra” to marry him so he could get the inheritance. Then “Sandra as MJ” could do a lot of damage to the relationship with Alex, what with her drug problem and “way with men,” benefiting Maura and Bruno. If all of the evil forces collaborate, we could have mega-evil. I hate to see it though.

Does anyone remember when/why/how Bruno saved MJ the first time? I don't recall it. Thx.

When he donated his blood.

The "mega-evil"(thanks Beth) consortium that I see is Maura with Bruno.... Yes, Maura voted against Bruno, but there was a glint in her eyes and a moment of hesitation when Lisette mentioned Bruno as a helper. That seemed like a foreshadowing to me.

Maura, we in viewer-ville have noticed the shortage of great guys in make believe Merida. Please, take the bull by the horns and just MOVE to Miami,the DF,or anywhere. You have the pesos to do it. You are beautiful and there are tons of cute guys that would LOVE to have you as their novia. The novela gods are harsh to bad girls...Escuchame bien!!

Cuco to the rescue!! Loved it, what a cute perro! Great recap, thank you!

Glad that Alex told MJ about her twin, at least that wasn't withheld from her. I hated Bruno hurting a pregnant woman that way, too, terrible.

The birth scene was great - they did a good job, cute baby.

SO....Is Cuco now ''Classie?''

I was stunned by that brutal belly bump, which caused MJ's water to break. I had forgotten that Bruno is a sociopath and killing a baby would not be outside his limits.

Good points, Vivi. They've come a long way in real love and trust. It's more an issue of maturity and honesty. They're both so reactive. If they could both handle the truth, it would be a lot easier to tell the truth. Of course, that might make it boring for us...

Have to agree with Beth. Bruno only came over after frantic little Cuco had located Maria Jose and called Felipa over. He was forced to act gallant because there were witnesses.

If MJ hadn't been discovered, he may well have walked off nonchalantly and denied (as usual) any involvement in the disaster.

Beth i'm thinking the same thing that old heifer Elena is sounding a little desperate about finding Sandra.

She keeps bringing up how do MJ and Sandra really look alike.

As for Bruno i do believe his conscience got to him that's why he went back to get MJ.

As so many have said he has a twisted love or emotions concerning MJ. So there's no rhyme or reason with his actions concerning her.

I think Alex very subtle snub of Maura invitation is what has finally pushed her over the edge.

Sandy good point about Maura i said this earlier i would not be surprised if she turns on Alex.

Let's remember she started the Mario Aguirre plot as payback to Alex for dumping her for MJ.

Now that she has really gone over the edge in her obsession with him and she has shown she is vindictive too.

I can really see her teaming up with Bruno to separate MJ and Alex. She now cross over into the territory of desperate crazy chick.

Loved the recap Melinama. I was furious when Bruno threw MJ down and kicked her stomach. I was concerned that that kick harmed the baby but the baby seemed fine. What a cute scene at the end when Mommy, Daddy, and baby were all together. Back to Bruno, what did he come back for when Cuco and Felipa found MJ. To pretend he was so concerned about her when he was the reason for her water breaking. I was so mad, I wanted to leap through the TV and work him over. Ok taking deep breaths. I was glad that Alex finally told MJ about her twin. I hated him telling her to keep it a secret from Paula and Pedro. There's too many people keeping secrets. But again if everyone told the truth, the novela would be over.

Anon: 2:47.

We're tracking on this.

Maura, Ana Brenda(name?)is bring a lot of talent to the table now...She really looked the part of the "desperate crazy chick." She was making me nervous and I was snuggled in my bed. (Is's VERY cold here!) If it happens, the Bruno/Maura combo will be a novela Armageddon. OK, I'm exaggerating a little, but both of them are smart, rich and determined, Casa out!! I'm glad MJ is no longer pregnant. Surely the writers will leave Baby Alex alone, I can't take a "harm" the baby plot...

There have been some very good performances in this novela. Closer to EL Fin, we can dissect and discuss the acting. It won't be like MEPS where Silvia Navarro kinda stole the show.

Ana Brenda will be starring in one of the episodes of the second season of Mujeres Asesinas 2.

It starts up again Thursday 28 of January.

Sherlyn who played Rocio from CCEA will also be in one of the episodes too.

Thank you Melinama for the excellent recap. Love the title, too. LOL

Vivi said,"LOL at Alex's and Vicky's faces when Raquel finally told them why she had stabbed Roberto. :)"
I wish I had seen that. I may have to make a very quick FFWD--> thru my recording, since I won't have time today to watch the whole thing.

Bruno will have to come to a deliciously terrible end, after kicking a pregnant woman and putting her into labor. I believe in LATAM that motherhood is highly revered, so this action must be punished.

Maybe we already discussed this but its been a long day--does Bruno want MJ because he loves her or because he wants what Alex has?

Connie I think its both. Bruno does seem to care about MJ or at least he did but in a twisted way
now he just wants to breakup Alex and MJ to hurt Alex and possible MJ too for choosing Alex.

Bruno does not want Alex to have anything that he thinks belongs to him. First it was his mother, then the company and now MJ.

He's a very sick and twisted person so no matter even though he kept saying he loved MJ his actions say otherwise.

You just don't do that to this woman's family and now he's setting up Papa Lying Smurf for jail time. The boy has got some serious issues.

Connie, I think it's some of both. Bruno can't stand it that Alex has her. And he really does want to get her into bed. I don't say love because I don't think Bruno is capable of it.

Chapel Hill Fiddler, excellent recap, compact and loaded with great writing, as always.

I'm so glad that MJ knows she has a twin. Of course Sandra is still in the dark. I've got my fingers crossed about no twin switching in the future. I can't see how MJ would leave her child and go pretend to be Sandra to gain an inheritance for Elena and Sandra.

And Alex knows, so if Sandra's hair were dyed and she tried to pretend to be MJ, he'd spot the personality differences in a NY minute and the game would be up.

For some reason I don't think Elena's curiosity about MJ is about using her as a stand-in to get the abuelo's inheritance or to get her hands on Alex's money through MJ. She may have been a cold hearted person by leaving two children, but I think even the worst mothers would be curious about a child she hadn't seen for over 20 years. Of course, it is odd she hasn't asked one thing about Paula.

Amor Real is going to start on telefutura Jan 18th at 4PM EST. I will be able to see the uncut version instead of the butchered version on my DVD.

Variopinto~~~You are going to looove Amor Real uncut and in all its glory. They cut lots and lots of great srtuff out. It is spectacular. It is my second favorite novela. My top fav is Alborada which has the same galan, director, and producer.

Sorry i disagree with you Novelera Elena is all about the money that's why she anxious to get Sandra back home for the grandfather.

Since she having a hard time locating her i wouldn't put it past her to use MJ instead acting like Sandra.

Like you said she hasn't asked about Paula at all how come she not curious about her.I tell you why Paula doesn't look like Sandra and MJ does.

Elena needs access to the money the grandfather is going to give to Sandra.When she didn't bat a eye or give a care about either daughter when she learn about them.

That said all i need to know about Elena as a mother.


I am with you and all the others who find it odd that Elena has not asked after Paula. Odd, and very sad. Poor Paula, there are reasons why she has developed into such an annoying person.

I simply cannot see Paula with Gabriel. She would run him over in a second and, after the first blush of love was passed, would hate him for being a poor but talented? weaver.

BUT—I can't see putting Paula with Roberto, either. Roberto has a lot of atoning to do and with his sexual history would it be safe for Paula to hook up with him? I am thinking that leopards don't change their spots.

Since we are now in the ultimos capitulos I don't see how Paula's character gets a happy ending. May the writers surprise me!

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