Friday, January 15, 2010

En Nombre del Amor, January 14, 2010

Eugenio, Gabriel and Luz chat. She suggests that she can show Eugenio her gratitude by finding him a girlfriend; she and Gabe laugh over Eugenio’s protests.

Lili convenes a meeting of the Lonely Hearts Club asks Paloma how to live apart from the one you love. Gabe comes in and wants to take Pal out. Emiliano enters with a bouquet of flowers and says not so fast, she’s coming with me. Pal takes offense to Emil deciding things for her--if she goes w/Gabe it’s because she wants to, not because she was pressured. So you’re going with him? Yes indeedy, Mr. Needy. Gabe goes outside to wait for Pal while she explains to Emil (with Lili still in the room) that wasn’t a question of love why they’re not together, it was the circumstances, which they can’t change. I want to keep living my life . . . You aren’t for me--that's a reality.

German and Romina run into each other on the street. Practically drooling, he notes that she got her figure back. He wants to start things up with her again and claims he’s about to hit the big time and thus will be able to give her the life of a queen. She starts to walk off and he grabs her and kisses her.

Emil pouts while Lili tries to convince him that since he’s with Romi--who's never going to leave him--it’s logical that Pal’s moving on. Lili is glad that Pal is not closing herself off to love. More pouting.

While still kissing Romina, Germs sees Carlota walking by so quickly pulls away and says he has to leave. Romi informs him that she won’t be his lover again because she doesn’t like cowards. Get lost for good. She tells him she has a better option elsewhere.

Eugenio asks his secretary to have Licenciado Martinez find out everything there is to know about the Espinosa family. She then tells him Madeleine Martelli called and dials her up for him. He and Madeleine are on a first-name basis and it has been awhile since they last talked. When he tells her that he’s in Real del Monte, she says what a coinky-dink, me too. She wants to meet with him right away.

Carlota arrives at the dispensario where Ines and another church lady are working. They look at Carlota weird because of how stuff came out at the trial and now Mac’s reputation is ruined. Carlota pretends to be sad and upset that she knew about Mac’s trampiness and had always tried to steer her down the right road, but didn’t succeed. You don’t know what I’ve suffered with Mac’s double life. And poor Paloma, boo-hoo-hoo, she who adored Mac like a saint.

Romi cries to Camila that her papa robbed her (i.e., cashed the check and didn’t buy the baby furniture). She’s upset that he robbed his own daughter, and that she defended him so much and went against Cami on his behalf. Cami is hurt that not only did he still Romi’s money, but he also stole her smile. Romi wants to see him and tell him what she feels; Cami declares it’s time for him to see that Romi’s not blinded by him anymore. Romi asks Cami to go with her and Cami agrees.

Samuel and Diana are playing cards. He starts working his con on Di, saying the business deal he was expecting is finally done. But the problem is that it will all be for naught if he can’t show that he has some property or put up a property as a guarantee, or something like that (my captions disappeared). He needs someone with a property who can act as a guarantor. Diana asks if her house will work. Yes, but don’t even offer, because I’m not going to accept--it’s not right. Di insists on helping him and suggests that 1) they don’t tell Emiliano & Rafael and 2) leave Real del Crazy and live together in his Mexico City apartment. He accepts and says he loves her, with all his soul.

At the hospital, Emil holds the baby while simultaneously looking tragic and thinking that he’ll continue to do everything to help his kid.

Gabriel takes Pal to the countryside to ride “motos” and he has come prepared with racing outfits, helmets, etc.

The doctor tells Emil that she’s happy with the baby’s development and that he’s responding well (despite Romi not wanting to breastfeed or visit the baby). And Emil and Pal visiting with the flute player was very good for all of the babies in the nursery.

Angelica asks Orlando if Miriam can stay with her for a few days, he says sure. He wants her to tell Dario that she’s not alone, she has friends that will help her unmask him. Angelica wants Dario to understand that he should respect her and the others that he plagiarized even if they don’t have anyone to defend them. Orly admires that Ange is fighting for what’s hers.

Romi and Cami confront Samuel in the hotel lobby. Romi accuses him of ripping her off and lying, etc. and says this is Cami’s business too because all the money Romi has is thanks to Cami. Cami had to be both father and mother to her at the same time. Sam tries to claim that he’s the only father there, but Romi declares that she doesn’t have a father anymore; he’s the opposite of everything she thought and she doesn’t want anything to do with him. After they leave he looks like he’s got steam coming out of his ears.

Montage of Gabe and Pal riding some type of all-terrain vehicles and having fun.

Emiliano mopes (natch) in his office. He tells Orlando “I lost her” and whines that he’s not her priority anymore, waa waaa waaaaa. In addition to being obtuse, Orly appears to suffer from the same forgetfulness that plagued Macarena (and still plagues Pal), because I think only a few hours have passed since he told Emil to follow his heart and stalk Paloma, but now when Emil laments that he and Pal are going their separate ways, he’s saying “oh well, maybe that’s what you have to do.” Emil says “I just want to make her happy, Papa”. Orlando can’t hear the rest of Emil’s tale of woe not because of the loud music, but because all he can think of is himself and that Emil just called him “dad.” He points it out to Emil, who didn’t realize he said it--he thinks maybe now that he has a baby, that makes it easier to understand Orly.

Madeleine tells Eugenio she’s worried about Cristobal, because he’s her son. Eugenio is impactado so she explains that she had him before she met Pierre (I got the feeling that Eugenio knows her through Pierre--maybe he worked with him?). Maddy is sure that Cris is innocent and thinks this case isn’t being managed well (ha!). Eugenio asks what if he’s guilty? She’s certain that her intuition isn’t wrong and doesn’t care if she has to spend all of her fortune to prove that her son is innocent. Eugenio cautions her that he hasn’t practiced in years, but she’s certain that if his son was in this situation he’d do the impossible to save him (hmm, foreshadowing, anyone?). She begs him to defend Cristobal and he agrees.

Cristobal tells German that he’s worried about Paloma and wants to see her so he can tell her everything--he needs to do this in order to have peace.

Eugenio doesn’t like injustices, so if this is what’s happening with Cris, he’ll do everything he can to help him. Maddy asks him not to tell Cris that she was the one who hired him to take the case. He tells her not to worry.

Romi and Cami are back at the shop--Romi asks for forgiveness. “I was so unfair with you. You’ve been the best mom in the world. You’re always going to be with me? You’re never going to leave me, right?” Camila promises they are always going to be together. And now they have Sammy to unite them (Romi says not “Sammy”, she doesn’t want to name him that now). Romi cries that it would be easier to be with the baby if Emiliano was there too; Cami tells her not to miss the incredible experience of being a mother. Romi asks her to come see the baby with her and they hug and cry and say they love each other.

More Mopey-ano, this time thinking back to the conversation with Pal at the beginning of the episode and wondering “why did you go with him?”

More Gabe and Pal riding ATVs.

Eric and German glare at each other in the office. When Carlota shows up, she and German go into his office--she wants to know why he didn’t tell her what happened in the trial. Oh, it didn’t occur to me. She reminds him that she’s paying him a lot of $$$, so he better be at her service. And don’t tutear me. But we kissed, Germs protests. It was a mistake, Carlota says. On her way out she tosses an envelope of money on his desk, which Germs then thumbs through while Eric scowls in the doorway. In addition to having no scruples, Germs apparently doesn’t have peripheral vision, because Eric stands there for some time before Germs notices he's there.

Out on the sidewalk, Carlota crazy talks about how the only one who can control her with just one kiss is Cristobal.

Romina goes to Emiliano’s office and cries about her dad robbing her. “He doesn’t love me,” she weeps.

Gabriel and Pal have a picnic. He says a bunch of stuff about how there’s more out there than what’s she’s lived in Real del Monte, there’s a whole world out there to discover, paint, etc., and the failure of one love isn’t the end of love altogether.

When Emil reminds Romi that her mom has always been there for her, she says but not the men--my father’s love wasn’t real and neither is yours. She asks Emil to love her and hug her so he kisses her on the forehead a couple times. She takes advantage of the moment to plant a big kiss on him.

Carlota comes home and yells at Rufi because Pal isn’t home yet. Rufi comments on how Pal must feel upon learning about Mac and Cris, and Carlota hopes that’s the only secret she finds out. Because if she finds out that Cris is her father--a man who’s a sinner, blahblahblah--I don’t want to imagine how that will affect her.

Emil's phone rings so he breaks off the kiss. He says he shouldn’t have kissed her, he got carried away because of her emotional state. Romi says this kiss could be a new start for them, but Emil repeats that he doesn’t love her. She insists that she wants to start over, and that includes “you and my baby. Thank you for that kiss--it was unforgettable.” Dun Dun DUNNNN!!!!! Be sure to join us for our next episode, Emiliano Jones and The Look of Doom.


Great recap, Deb."Emiliano Jones and the Look of Doom", "Orlando can't hear the rest because of the loud music" and German's lack of scruples AND peripheral vision. Nice to see that Romina has finally realized how much her mother has done for her, and how little her skanky dad matters. First step in character redemption. Muchas gracias, amiga.

Debbie, thanks for the recap. So now it's making sense how Eugenio plays into the picture and why momma turned up on the scene. Both will be riding in to save the day, and soon I hope.

I can just see the pages of the script for Emi each scene: Sit in chair and mope, stand on street and mope, Paloma leaves, mope. Poor guy, his face is going to freeze into that look permanently. Anf frankly, it's getting old and just not feeling sympathy, which I'm guessing is what the writers want.

But it was great to see Paloma tell Emi she's moving on, with no moping and no big tears. Our little girl is growing up (now if she would just do it with La Loca). Love her with Gabriel. If they really do hve him die from his mystery ailment, it will be so wrong. Bummer

Romena sure got some little action yesterday. She may have gotten ticked at Germy, but she was getting into that kiss, and out on the street. Gees guys! An you just KNEW that those little comfort kisses by Emi were going to lead to something else and he wasn't exactly being forced to keep going either. If that phone hadn't rung...could we be seeing these two actually get together??

Ok Eugenio, ride up on that white horse, save the day and let's get this stupid trial over. (I want to see Germy's face when he's taken off the trial! Oh, and Carlota too! Good stuff)

Thank you Debbie for the great recap.

German is actually the one who has enough evidence to save Chris and put Carlota down. I'm wondering if this character will come to senses, or will he go down with the Carlotta. I'm hoping for redemption because of the final math: Paloma-Emiliano, Romina-German, Gabriel-dead from his mysterious disease. But will see.


Thanks debbie another very good recap. I am so tired of Emiliano and him trying to keep Paloma by his side.

Finally Paloma now just do the same with La Loca and all will be well.

I think Erik seeing German accepting that payoff may not be good news for German who is so full of himself now.I hope Erik uses this to get German disbarred.

Eugenio really is a lawyer well others had said it but i kept missing that part.I can definitely see him taking over this case and winning.

Big wake up call number one for RoMEna about her father. Can't wait for wake up call number two being confronted with her lies and manipulation concerning the baby.

Diana deserves everything Samuel will do to her and hopefully it will get Samuel locked up like he deserves.

The previews for tonight RoMEna gets upset at finding out Paloma was visiting her baby with Emiliano.

Natalia tells the prosecutor that Alonso asked if Carloca killed his son.Paloma is in shock from this statement.Carloca is not happy about what is coming out during the trial.

Tonight should be fun guys.

Can someone please put up a comment section for tonight's episode.Thank you.

I had to laugh with Germs kissing the clone in training and then leaping away when the purple cougar came on the scene. A much as I loath Carlotta she certainly has all the dolts, otherwise known as men, in Real d M pegged correctly. Never have I seen so many idiots in one place in my life.

Poor Emil stuck like all young galans in wimp mode, moping and complaining.

Romina finally had her eyes opened and i blame the boring Camila for turning her into such a self centered beyach in the first place. She has coddled her from the beginning even swearing never to see other men. However her chickens will come home to roost when the truth about the monster nino is revealed, or maybe she will just "man up" and admit the truth.

Well so Gabe's dad was a lawyer before he became a famous painter. This should be interesting to watch when smug Germs gets the boot. I just hope he puts the pieces together and gets over himself before he finds himself at the end of one of the cougar's murder plans.

I can't help wondering what will happen to JC in the end. Will he go back into the priesthood after being quickly and unceremoniously dumped by the meddlesome priests or will he go back to France with his mother. Apparently she has beaucoup bucks. Frankly i don't want to see him with whinny Nat and I'd like him to tell all the "good" citizens of RdM to go to blazes.

Haaa, haaa...peripheral vision. Great snarky recap, Debbie. Must run now.


Terrific recap, Debbie. I loved "Yes indeedy, Mr. Needy" and numerous other quips, and I thought exactly the same thing about Germy's lack of peripheral vision.

Ugh, Emiliano. Could he stop whining "but I loooooove her" already? Buddy, loving something doesn't mean you own it.

It was really nice that Romina finally apologized to her mother. The "I'll never leave you" seemed anvilicious, but would Camila actually go away with Orlando? He seems to think so, but her feelings toward him are tepid at best, and she's got her business and family in Real del Monte, which I don't think she'd leave so easily. It isn't like they'll starve if he doesn't get the business deal in Houston.

I'd like to see Cris give one last sermon, even if he doesn't become a priest again, telling the haters and stone-throwers to go to hell. He's probably too noble for that and will take the high road, though.

Great recap, Debbie. Your snark was in top form with that one.

Yes, the poor actor portraying Emo probably needs to take anti-depressants after weeks and weeks of portraying a sad sack. He kind of got into that kiss with Romina, but I thought it was appropriate. After all, considering his age, his hormones would take over being kissed that passionately by a beautiful girl (can't quite call Romina a woman yet).

I could have slapped Orlando when he gave that wide grin upon hearing papá. Never mind that the son he supposedly loves so much is miserable. It's always all about Orly.

I was truly touched by Romina's finally recognizing the worth of her excellent mother. Those scenes between the two were well acted by both. And, yes, I'm sure Camila telling Ro she'd never leave her signals the death knell for her going to Houston. And, hopefully, the whole marriage with Orly.

What a pleasure to see Paloma laughing, joking, and having a wonderful time.

I can't wait for Eugenio to get a look at Germán's pathetic courtroom abilities and ride to the rescue. I'm tired of Cris being in the slammer and want the trial over. I just can't see how Eugenio will pull it off. Because it's clearly too early for Carloca to be completely revealed as a murderer.

Great recap! Thanks. It was nice to see Pal having fun with Gabe, and what a great thing for him to do, take her out to do something really fun. When has Emoo ever done anything like that? He just wants to kiss and moon.

Looks like the beginning of redemption for RoMEna, but she is still hanging on to her deception about Emoo. Sweet for Camilla to have her sacrifice acknowledged and her daughter see the truth.

Hope something will come out about La Loca, I can hardly stand her getting away with her deception with Pal and anyone else.

Debbie, another marvelous recap, thank you. So many wonderful lines and in addition to the ones Judy's already pointed out, I enjoyed Emiliano mopes (natch). Always!

Maria, I'm hoping for German's redemption as well but he's inching further from it in each successive episode.

Novelera, Juliet and everyone who's noted it was heartwarming that Romina finally sees what a wonderful mother Camila has been - totally agree. Camila extolling the virtues of motherhood seemed to finally get through. Am hoping that finding out Paloma has visited Samuel Jr. doesn't deter Romina from trying to bond with the baby (as the christening hasn't happened yet, and as Romina is now shunning Samuel, can we hope for a name change??)


Decie I think JC will go back to the priesthood. It would solidify the whole idea that Mac was his one true love and noone else could take her place. If Palmona winds up in the arms of one of our young heroes, even if the truth comes out that he is her father, he'll feel that she's safe and secure and won't need him. And we KNOW in Telenovaville, the heroine has to wind up in a wedding outfit at the end with someone.


Of course she will end up in a wedding gown and i think it would be great if her father conducted the ceremony. I actually couldn't believe how fast that bishop threw him out of the priesthood just because he was accused of murder. Hadn't he ben the rising young star and yet they keep on with that old gossipy biddy.

Loved the RoMEna recognizing that Camila has always been there for her no matter what bonding moment.

Can someone put up a comment section for tonight's episode please.

Thank you, Debbie for another wonderful read peppered with laughs. Excellent stuff!

Doesn’t an accused choose who his lawyer is? How can Eugenio and Madeleine just decide he’s Chris’s new lawyer? German certainly will be surprised, and Chris too, but probably he’ll be pleased with Eugenio’s results and will go along with it. Also, I’m wondering who is paying German to be Chris’s lawyer. The church? Is he doing it pro bono?

I’m thinking maybe German will see the light and actually stand up for Chris and unmask Carlota, thereby performing a courageous act that will impress Romina who will fall into his arms. Or maybe I’m just dreaming.

I didn’t have time to comment much the past few days, but I want to thank Jarocha for the fascinating data on telenovela actors’ income and on the prices in Mexico. The poor actors sure don’t get very much compared to what they’d get for comparable work here in the U.S. I’ve always been surprised when I look at the Casas de los Famosos (I think it’s called) photos in TV y Novelas and the actors are living in such very modest places, many of which just look like small apartments.

I think Natalia may be paying the legal bills. Orlando may be offering money, too...wasn't he trying to help out his old friend (well, you know, as long as it doesn't interfere with his self-absorption). The church doesn't seem particularly interested in Cris's welfare.

Come on, Germán! You can do it! The previews showed Natalia saying in court that Alonso had suspected Carlota of killing Iñaki, so maybe people will actually take her seriously and Germy will decide to jump off the sinking ship. I don't think it would mean the story was ending too soon because as we all know, the more evil the character is, the better she is at evading punishment, even if EVERYONE knows she's bad. Remember Amador in CCEA? Everyone knew he was bad news all along, but it took until the end for him to get nailed.

Maggie these actors work sometimes from ten to twelve hours a day too.

i thought Orlando was paying for everything when Cris first got arrested he told German anything he needs come to him and ask.

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