Friday, January 08, 2010

En Nombre del Amor, January 7, 2010

At the graduation, Paloma and Romina hug and cry. Everyone looks moved except Carlota, who shakes her head and rolls her purple-laden eyes.

Cristobal’s cellmate asks what’s the deal with that photo? Cris explains that his father gave it to him before he died (of cirrhosis). His father never accepted that he was an alcoholic or that he needed help. What does your father’s death have to do with the photo? Cris’s dad told him that he’d never get the other half, so it’s strange that it appeared while Cris was asleep in the hospital. He needs to find out who left it and why.

Someone calls Madeleine, the old lady, and a voice says everything is ready and in a couple of days the meeting will be able to take place. She thinks, “Finally, Cristobal, finally.”

Gabriel reveals to Pal that what she said to Romi in her speech left him impactado. Pal says she’ll always love Romi very much.

Liliana calls everyone to come out and dance. German tells Carlota he would have liked to come to the dance with Pal and that he’s interested in being near both her and Carlota.

Rufi comments to the mother superior that Macarena would have been happy to see this, to see Pal happy. MS is sure that Mac is there in some way.

Romi whines at Emil to dance with her, so he reluctantly gets up. Cami sees this and says she was right, that marriage was a mistake. Luz thinks they don’t look like they’re in love. Rafael remarks that they’re not, and looks at Cami while saying “love isn’t easy to find.”

Diana preens in the mirror while Samuel lounges in bed. He claims that he has always liked her, even back when he was married to Cami. Diana thinks it’s best that he go now because she doesn’t want people to have something to gossip about, but Sam puts on a “poor me” act about having to go back to a cold, empty bed. He even suggests that they could spend every night together. Di agrees that he can stay the night and she’ll think about his offer. When she leaves the room Sam rolls his eyes then clenches his fists in glee.

Everyone starts doing some kind of line dance where people have to switch partners, so of course Emiliano and Paloma end up dancing together while Romi glares at them from across the room. He thinks Macarena made this moment possible because she wanted them to be together. Pal insists they don’t have a future.

Suddenly Romi starts to double over in pain.

Liliana dances with Gabriel and tells him she likes him and Pal as a couple.

Now Lili is dancing with Emil and notes that he still loves Pal. He says he’ll never stop loving her.

Pal thanks Gabriel for coming to the dance with her. "Thank you" he replies.

Romi stumbles into the bathroom where she encounters Carlota. Romi complains that she got a pain from seeing Pal and Emil dance together. She’s surprised Carlota let Pal wear such a common/ordinary dress. Carlota replies that more and more Pal is out of her control. And out of mine, says Romi--it’s obvious she and Emil still love each other. She asks Carlota what else she can do. You have to separate them, advises the Purple One, and don’t let them be alone together for even one minute. You get your husband, and I’ll take care of Paloma.

Camila laments to Rufi about the Romi-Pal split. Luz asks what separated them, to which Orlando answers “they both fell in love with the same man.” Uncomfortable looks on Rafa and Cami’s faces. Luz thinks maybe when the baby is born that will bring them together.

Natalia agonizes over Alonso. She remembers several instances of him working on his computer and one night when he was worried and couldn’t sleep. She thinks there must have been something going on, he was very different in his last days. She takes out a picture of her and Sagrario, saying “help me, because it’s not fair to you, to me, to our daughter.” Then we see a flashback scene of someone, presumably Alonso, hiding a piece of paper inside the very frame that Natalia is holding.

Miss Aguafiestas (and that’s MISS, not MRS.) tries to make Rufi leave the party but Rufi volunteers to stay there with Paloma awhile longer. Rafael offers to take Carlota home while Rufi suggests that Dr. B. can take her and Pal home (Orlando offers too), and Carlota finally agrees. After Rafa, Luz, and Carlota leave, Orlando comments “what an enchanting woman!” From the look on Cami’s face, my guess is that he was referring to Luz, but who knows.

Pal and Gabriel run into Romina, who’s looking rather green. She starts having pains again so Gabe runs off to get Emil. He and Cami come running. I guess Romi’s water broke. Romi says this can’t be, so soon? While German lurks around the corner, Dr. B comes over and says it’s time to go to the hospital. After everyone leaves, Liliana comes up and gives German a knowing look.

Rafa and Luz drop off Carlota. Luz asks if Carlota has lived there her whole life, then rattles off a long list of the different places she’s lived. They go on to have a discussion about living life freely—-Luz is for it, Carlota isn’t, and she doesn’t want Luz putting ideas in Pal’s head. After Carlota bids them goodnight Luz comments that Carlota is from the last century. Carlota then spies on Luz and Rafa kissing and thinks what a tramp--but then she tells herself maybe she should be like Luz and that way she’d get Cris. She imagines that it’s her and Cris making out.

Carlota talks out loud to Cris again, this time about wanting his kisses on her skin and wondering how long she’s going to have to wait.

It’s night at the jail and it sounds like an owl is hooting. Cris asks his roomie Chucho what’s that noise? It’s Canibal’s group, they do it when they’re going to beat up (or maybe “take down”? I’m not sure exactly how “echar” is being used here) somebody. He hopes they won’t try something with Cris again.

Emiliano, Paloma and Gabe drive Romi to the hospital. Cami tells Orly that the baby will be premature but she doesn’t think it will be a problem.

In the car Romi thanks Pal for being there for her and tries to lay a guilt trip on her by saying she never imagined that the two people she loves most in the world would be able to be there on this important day.

Dr. B. takes Rufi home and gives her the two rings back to put back where she found them. She’s going to give Pal the real one and Carlota the fake one.

Rafa tells Luz that Crazylota is very strict/demanding with Pal, to which Luz replies “like Romi is with Emil”. She thinks Carlota and Romi are alike. She wonders what’s the deal with Romi—why be with someone who doesn’t love you? Rafa changes the subject and asks if Luz has ever thought of having kids. Of course, she’d love to. But she can’t have kids.

Still parked in front of the house of horrors, Rufi tells Dr. B. about her suspicions that Carlota diluted Macarena’s medication, and that’s why they weren’t having the effect he was expecting. Rufi thinks Carlota ruined Pal’s dress on purpose. Dr. B. says they can’t prove Carlota tampered with the medicine, so let’s go to Mexico City and get Pal out of here-—that will be our victory over Carlota. Said witch has just walked up and heard this and demands to know what he meant.

At the hospital, Romi asks Pal to stay with her and for Emil to ask Cami to call her dad. Emiliano rebuffs Gabe’s offer to go with him to the front desk to register Romi.

Dr. B. appears to be in an anvil-baiting mood. He informs Carlota that Mac didn’t want Pal to live with her and told him about Pal being her daughter. If Mac didn’t trust you, I’m not going to either. Although Mac isn’t here, I’m going to keep the promise I made to her. Carlota asks where Pal is. Dr. B. explains that Romi’s having the baby and she went to the hospital with her. Carlota thinks Pal has no reason to be there because she and Romi stopped being friends when they fell for the same guy. Yeah, just like others that were sisters, Dr. B. observes. Carlota demands that Dr. B. tell Pal to come home immediately.

Rafa and Luz have arrived home when Camila calls to tell him about Romi. He’s a little confused because it’s not time yet for the baby to be born. Luz offers to go to the hospital with him but he tells her to stay home and rest.

Carlota reads Rufi the riot act for not bringing Paloma home with her. She also tells Rufi not to go against her—-she doesn’t like her friendship with Dr. B., what they’ve been hinting at. Rufi is also in an anvil-baitin’ mood, as she speculates that perhaps Mac would have lived many years more had she married Dr. B., because she would have had a doctor caring for her and her medicines would have worked well.

German and Liliana get into an argument about who’s the father of Romi’s baby-—despite the DNA results she still has doubts and she believes Germy does too. He grabs her and asks what does she care? It must be because she still loves him. He forces a kiss on her but is pulled away and punched by her boyfriend Eric. They scuffle and German yells at Eric that Lili loves him.

While Carlota goes upstairs, Rufi sneaks into the study to put the phony ring back in Carlota’s desk. Before she can leave, Carlota comes in. Rufi claims she came in to close the window. After Rufi leaves, Carlota thinks “I hope you haven’t been snooping around.” She takes the ring out and looks at it. The camera pans down to the floor under the desk where Rufi had to hurriedly stash the real ring.

Rafa calls Diana but she doesn’t answer. She’s going to make him suffer. Samuel comes out of the bathroom and piles on some more fake compliments, including how Di is 1,000 times prettier than Camila.

Rufi returns to the study and retrieves the real ring.

The doctor does an ultrasound on Romi and notes that the baby is very small. Romi claims she’s 8 months along, so the doctor speculates that perhaps the baby hasn’t developed normally. Romi is afraid that something is wrong with the baby.

Camila leaves Samuel a message about Romi having her baby. Gabe comments to Emil that he must be excited to be a father for the first time. Emil sulkily says he doesn’t have to put on a nice guy act for him. Gabe says he’s not, it’s just that not everyone gets to be a father like Emil does. When Emil notices that Gabe says that as though he’s not going to have kids, Gabe replies “one never knows.” Emil, not phased at all by his imminent fatherhood, takes this opportunity to defensively mention that it’s obvious Gabe is interested in Paloma.

The doc informs everyone that the baby is fine but very small, like it’s 7 months or less. I think he says they’re trying to stop the labor and they’ll have to wait and see how Romi/the baby respond. Rafa arrives and Emil tells him that the baby could die.

In the avances, a doctor comes out and tells Emiliano he has to choose Romi, or the baby.


Nice recap, Deb. Sounds like Friday night is going to be a blockbuster as predicted. Are you out in the sunny climes? Shoveled about 4 inches of snow off the driveway last night and am beginning to understand why retired folks head South!

surely, everyone will finally figure out the birth timeline doesn't quite point to any possibility Emil could be the papa.
I'll count on seeing your comments from Friday's show. I have to be out in tne cold tonite.

Everyone stay warm.


Great recap, Debbie.

Luz wasn't too happy when Raf told her not to come to the hospital with him. She knows that Raf still loves Cami.


Thanks Debbie. Your recap was great.

Judy B. I am in the Phoenix area and believe me...lots of tired folk keep a second home out here for just that reason. Good luck with the snow and keep as toasty as possible :)

Hope someone actually does become suspicious about the timeline of the pregnancy. You can never tell with these TN's though. Just when you think "Ah ha...finally...nope."
I can't imagine that they would actually make Emo choose between wife or baby on this TN? Oh, well "Bye Bye Romeeena!"

I think with Luz there was some foreshadowing going on. We already know her character appears flighty and well, If I understood correctly, she basically said she just can't stay in the same place. She has to be on the move toward new places and experiences. Doesn't that kind of trump any future with Rafa anyway? That is if Camila didn't leave Orly, which we all know she will when she finds out about Houston.

Thank you Debbie, talk about a action packed episode wow.

It seems Alonso either put a copy or the original letter from Arcadia about what happened to Inaki and in case she died her.

At least this is what i am hoping it is, because i kept wandering where the letter he had went too.

Also where is his car surely if they found his car in the neighborhood he was at with Carloca.

Maybe the police should ask about that.Find out about the storage area he used to kidnapp Carloca too.

Glad Luz picked up the comparison in personalities with RoMEna and Carloca.RoMEna you deserve all the unhappiness you are experiencing you can't force someone to love you.

You still complaining to Carloca to help you is laughable. I glad both of them are realizing they are losing their control over Paloma.

Rufi finally keep telling Dr.B your speculations. Also from yesterday's episode Carloca introduced German as her family's new lawyer.

I hope Dr. B tells Orlando so he can get him another one but maybe the woman in the wheelchair will do it.

I was totally grossed out from the Cris making out with Carloca fantasy.

Luz didn't seem happy about being left out and told by Rafael to stay home and rest.

German is making his interest in Paloma to Carloca.I hope it backfires and Paloma pretty much has brushed him off after knowing he's been with RoMEna.

Rufi was giving me a heart attack with the ring switch. Why does she and Dr. B have to talk to each right in front of misery manor.

Samuel and Diana so deserve each other now that's karma at it's best.

Once the doctor said that in the room with RoMEna and Paloma, i hope everyone saw how scared RoMEna got with her lie being exposed.

Then when the doctor came out and told everyone how old the baby really is.

Camila quickly said it has to be German's the you know what is going to hit the fan for RoMEna now.

Debbie, a terrific recap - thank you!

Weren't the Diana/Samuel scenes great? Both players being played. The beauty is that neither have the slightest inkling. Looking forward to this anvil crash with great glee.

Ann, I also thought Luz' perennial smile faded when Rafa didn't take her to the hospital.

Mildred and Carlita, although it looks as though Camila correctly deduces Germs is the father, I wouldn't put it past Romina to somehow squirm out of this.

Ordinarily, I'd say I doubt Romina would be killed off but considering the history of this multi-hankie novela, I wouldn't be surprised.


Thanks Debbie for a very complete recap.

Well, it didn't take a professor of obstetrics to predict that Romina's hatred of babies, her apathy toward having a child, and her complete lack of taking care of herself during the pregnancy (including not allowing herself to gain weight) would bring about complications. Meanwhile, slimy Germs is slithering around on the sidelines and getting physical with Lili when she busts him for being the sperm donor.

Yeah, I think it is Aracadia's letter that is behind the picture, but why did Alonso put it there? Did this come out in an earlier episode, or is this a great mystery that we are being left with?

I'm scared spitless that Rufi isn't going to get out of Carloca's office with the real ring. Rufi honey, you have to do these things quickly, not dither around mumbling to yourself out loud about how you are tricking Carloca. They didn't show us Rufi actually getting out of the office with the real ring and not being busted by Carloca a second time, so who knows. Rufi is pretty slick, but if Carloca ever finds out that Rufi switched the rings, Rufi is toast, and the body count will move to #5.

The writers seem to be adding more mystery to this novela than in earlier episodes where things were more predictable. It sure is keeping me on the edge of MY chair.

Dona Gringuita

Thanks for the recap as always! I was on the edge of my seat with Rufi dithering the second time and talking to herself with the real ring. And talking to the doc in the car where superhuman Carloca could catch them. EEEEK! I think she actually did get through the door, didn't she? Rufi does seem to be almost taunting La Loca at times.

I thought I heard Cami say something about German but I didn't quite get it. I do hope that is going to come out soon. German still doesn't seem that evil to me, just out of control, and they don't play scary music around him, so I think he may change.

Thanks for the recap. appreciate all the detail.

I am also hoping that Romina's little game plan blows up and the truth comes out about how old the baby really is. By doing a good ultrasound, the doctors can do well more than determine the baby is "small". They can look at the development stage and know that the fetus is at definite stage versus what she's blabbing to everyone. I am a bit surprised they are adding the drama of a "her or the baby" to the plot. Being he only married her for the baby, what would he choose? Would they honestly bump off Romena and leave Emi with the baby?seems like there's a lot of the TN to go and do that.
So who gets the anvil - the good doctor or Rufi? La Loca has to have her secrets kept, so she's going to want to shut them both up somehow.

Ivy almost taunting Carloca? Rufi been doing it non stop since she came back.The guy who wanted to marry her warned her to be careful.

This after she suspected that Carloca was diluting Macarena's insulin medicine.

Rufi also knows about Arcadia and her hit and run accident and the fact that Carloca was getting her suv repaired at the same time.

I remember when they had their last Paloma's meeting at Natalia's house and Alonso bought up if she's capable of murder.

Rufi was having a flashback to the hit and run incident and repair of Carloca's car.She should have told everyone but she believed it wasn't that possible.

She didn't think Carloca would go that far.She did make it out of the office after she got the real ring. I was thinking that Carloca would pop out of the shadows.

Would they kill RoMEna, we weren't expecting them to kill off Mac so who knows.

I would guess no because RoMEna has to learn first she is mentally sick and obssesed. Her mother was never the bad parent and wasn't the reason why her parents marriage broke up.

As Luz has pointed out how her personality is the same as Carloca.Why is it always the outsider who can see things so clearly.

RoMEna has to beg Paloma and Emilano for forgiveness to resorting to the schemes and plots she used to break them up.

So i don't think they will kill her off yet.

As for Natalia remembering Alonso always being on his computer, i wonder if he left some information concerning Paloma's inheritance on it.

I think he was also gathering information concerning Carloca's family.Natalia needs to tell this to either Dr.B or her friend Ivvone.

Can someone put up a comment section for tonight's episode please Thank you.

Yes, you're right, Anon, I guess she has been taunting her blatantly for awhile. It just surprises me and I also didn't understand the Spanish well enough to get the extent of it, I wasn't sure. She really needs to take action and tell people what she knows, not sure why she doesn't other than to keep the story going.

Debbie, I just love your style. Wonderful recap!

Mildred – I don’t recall your having commented before. Welcome!

I’m in the L.A. area and it’s in the 70s. We look at the snow scenes on the news with astonishment and believe that only a race of superheroes could live there.

Can a delivery actually be put off once the water has broken? Well, we won’t find out, since now it’s the mother vs child decision. This actually happened in my family when my mother was born in 1921. The doctor came out and asked my grandfather the same question. My otherwise mild-mannered grandfather, who was 6’3”, took the doctor by the lapels and told him “You will save them both.” And he did.

Speaking of the water breaking, Romina complained that she was all mojada, but when she was being led out her dress was dry. It was like the bleeding episode she had earlier.

Anyway, Romina was put on bed rest early in her pregnancy, after which we saw her out walking a lot, and now dancing. No wonder she’s in trouble now.

German hasn’t been looking lustfully at Romina any more. He just stopped doing that somewhere along the line and I just noticed last night.

Excellent snarky recap, Debbie.

This novela gets better and better. I DVR three (!): ENDA, Sortilegio and Mas Sabe El Diablo, but the one that gets watched every night is this one, while the others may sit on the hard drive until the weekend.

I enjoyed the dance. It appears the actor playing Gabriel is a much better dancer than the actor playing Emo. For some reason I can't remember any actor's real name this morning. The actor playing Paloma looks like a good dancer as well.

As several of us said yesterday, how in the heck does Carlota get away with being rude and insulting to nearly everyone and no one calls her on it?

Of course it could be a red herring, but it sure looks like Emo and Cam figured out that the bebe was conceived waaaay after Emo's blackout night. Also, if she had carried "to term" she would have had to explain a 10 month pregnancy!

My heart was also in my throat when Rufi was doing the ring switch. I'm pretty sure she got out of the room with the right ring.

Great recap. This episode had me on pins and needles and your writing brought the tension right back. Are we sure Rufi got the right rings in the right places?

I thought the baby was conceived BEFORE Emiliano's blackout episode, thus Romina is claiming to be 8 months along but she's really full term. The baby is small, however, because she hasn't been taking care of herself and she's tried not to gain weight. I think the previews showed that tonight the doctor will tell everyone the baby is full term and Emiliano was saying, "then it can't be my baby!" Major game-changer. I'll be amazed if Romi manages to bluff her way out.

Ms. Calderon is doing a GREAT job. Every second Carlota is on screen I just want to reach in and strangle her.

Maggie, what a wonderful story. The doctor certainly heeded your grandfather's advice, didn't he?

What an awful choice to make - mother or child. I don't want Romina to die as she needs to live for her child and also because losing Romina would break Camila's heart.

Of course, I don't want anything to happen to the baby either so I'm hoping both are saved and for the happy ending Maggie's family had.

While I want the truth about the baby to be revealed, it just doesn't seem far enough into the storyline for that to happen. Once that occurs, there wouldn't be anything to keep Paloma and Emo apart. But, almost nothing about this show has been formulatic so nothing would surprise me.


Julia..It's funny you said that about the actress playong Carlota. she makes you want to reach into the screen and she makes me back away from the

This "choose the baby or Romina" is ridiculous. If her water has broken there's nothing to do except deliver the baby, is there? And if the labor is problematic, do a C-section and have it over with in 2 minutes. Even if the baby were only 8 months along, it would be viable. Of course we must have the drama.

How many episodes do we have left? It ends in March, right? So I think some things could start to be resolved. Even if Emiliano realizes the baby is not his, he's still married to Romina, and changing that would take some time and you know she won't make it easy for him. Plus the kerfuffle German would stir up would take some time, plus Paloma might be so fed up she wouldn't take Emo back right away anyhow.

I think the main story is how they're going to take down Carlota. I'm getting really worried about Rufi, and I'm still hoping Germy will turn away from the dark side.

Maggie, I loved that story about your mother's birth. This episode brought back memories of my parents as well. They met at a YWMCA dance where the circle of women moved in one direction, the circle of men in another, and when the music stopped, you danced with whoever was in front of you. Dad had already noticed the sassy little redhead across the room and finegled the line so she ended up with no partner and he stepped in to dance with her. The rest is history anyway.

Julia, I thought the opposite of you, that the baby was conceived after the night she spent with Emo. As I remember it, Emo definitely broke up with her sometime after that night in his bed.

I thought after that she went to Mexico City to search for her father with German and they spent several nights in a hotel. They made a point of their not having any condoms in that hotel, but they got carried away and did it anyway.

Maybe this was before Emo's blackout night, but I thought it was after. Anybody else have a memory about the timing of this?

Also, the doctor kept saying the baby looked quite premature, and she nervously insisted she was eight months pregnant - putting the time back to the night with Emo.

Maggie, great recap, I love your take on things. Also, thanks to all of the recappers that gave their time over the holidays, I really don't know how they do it.

Yesterday there was a lot of discussion about Pal's dress but nothing about Romina's. I thought Romina looked like a watermelon!

I think Raf didn't want Luz at the hospital because Diana will probably fly in on her broom. He can handle Camila but not la bruja.


novelera- I thought the same about the conception of the baby. Conceived in DF when she went with German in search of her father, which was after the supposed blackout sex with Em.

-Vivi in DC

I thought the baby was made the night she spent over at German's apartment.

I think that was after the night she climbed into a very drunk Emiliano's bed. I still don't believe they anything at all.

Seeing RoMEna can't get through a day without lying, i think this another one of her lies that they had sex that night.

Remember he was calling out Paloma's name, and he semi woke up and saw it was her. He told her you're not Paloma, i only want Paloma and pushed her away from. He then turned over and fell asleep.

The night she spent over with German she left that light green shirt that German kept.

Then when Emiliano put two and two together especially with a heads up by Liliana that's when he and German had their fight.

Can someone post a comment section for tonight's episode please.

Oh, they definitely did NOT have sex. I don't think there is any doubt for the audience. Romina just lied.

-Vivi in DC

Well, we know Germs and Romina were sleeping together both before and after Emo's blackout episode, and while she was dating Emo, and the fact that Romina was beyond the first trimester when she found out she was pregnant shows she's not exactly body-aware. Maybe I misheard was the doctor was saying about the baby's development at the very end of the episode. I guess we'll find out more tonight.

There were a lot of bad dresses at that party. Camila's was not the most flattering thing she's ever worn. Romina did look like a watermelon. I thought Carlota's dress was pretty and really flattering to her; too bad it was ruined by her nastiness.

Julia, I didn't like Camila hairdo and as you say, the dress was not flattering.


The main reason I thought Ro got knocked up at the hotel in DF is because the writers emphasized that they didn't have any condoms.

Oh, that's true. They also didn't use any the first time they hooked up; I remember Romina worrying about that afterward. Not that she learned any lessons.

Ditto on Camila's hair, I wondered if they did that on purpose, but she looked the worst I've ever seen her look and normally she looks pretty.

I actually thought Rafa was just kind of jolted by what happened and didn't feel comfortable bringing Luz into the weird family situation, like he wasn't ready to have her there.

Have to agree that Leticia Calderon is doing a fantastic job - I really want something terrible to happen to Carloca, preferably something very public and humiliating.

I think Rafa was uncomfortable, not just because he was a bit discombobulated by the family medical situation but also because he didn't want Luz around Camila. Really, most of them did NOT need to be at the hospital. Emiliano should be there (well, based on the fact he's married to Romina and thinks this is his baby, which is absurd), and it makes sense a scared young lady might want her mom there. The rest of them...I guess Rafa is there as emotional support for Emiliano, and Orlando to hold Camila's hand...beyond that...too many layers of support just turns into a hospital circus. Go home and wait for news, hangers-on.

Ivy as someone long ago that Leticia Calderon should have been the headliner and first name shown in the opening credits for this show not Victoria Ruffo.

After Macarena got killed off, Leticia got her well deserved spotlight.

As for Carloca comeuppance for sure it has to be public and humiliating after she has gone around berating and belittling people.

Rudely saying about their lack of morals and that they aren't fine and upstanding like herself. That definitely has to happen to her.

Thank you for the recap Debbie.

Leticia Calderón should have gotten the first credit, then Allison and then Victoria. That's how it was in the original. The evil aunt was the main character and then the heroine. Since in México everybody has watched the original at least once (it's been rerun many times, the last one just two years ago) it was puzzling that they had Victoria being the first name since we all knew she was gonna die midway through the story.

Had this novela been made 10 years ago there would be no contest in having Leticia as the first credit since she was one of the biggest names in Televisa for almost two decades. But it was made after she took the decision of settle down, get married, have children and appeared only in two small roles. Meanwhile Ruffo kept working and appearing as the lead in novelas.


Great recap, Debbie, and fun comments too. Only want to add that Carloca kisses like a large mouth bass....yuck.


Thanks for the recap Debbie. I'm late to the party. Tonight's episode is over half done. I was agreeing with Julia on the timeline, but now may agree with Novelera and Vivi. :) But... much of that happened after there was only 2 months until Paloma's 18th birthday. Or is Pal 18 now and I missed it?
I put both Rufi and Gabriel high on Carloca's hit list. She doesn't like Gabe and Pal is starting to like him. He doesn't treat Car as nice as she expects. And Rufi.. man, what is there to say. Be careful and get the heck out of that office!! Sometimes she is just not careful and almost deserves to get done in by Car. :)
I have noticed that when people do react to Carloca's meanness, she will dial it down and try a little sugar or sometimes a little money, depends on the situation.
I read that Ruffo was originally offered the role of Carlota and Calderon, Macarena. It would have been Victoria's first villain role. She had another show she had to do, so switched to Macarena and then Leticia became Carlota, her first villain role.

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