Saturday, January 23, 2010
Gancho, Friday January 22nd. A Real Hombre de Misterio – He’s a Father, a lover, Maybe something Other
Recently, our little novela has introduced several new characters. First we had Jacqui, then Arnoldo, and in today’s episode, we meet a Man for all Reasons. This Mystery Man seems to arrive with a purpose. But what is it? Will he finally answer some of the nagging questions we’ve had, such as what has Nieves been hiding? Why is Coni such a royal b*tch? And why, if Mauricio is a race car driver, can’t he get his brain out of second gear? Well, not sure about that last one, but I AM sure this episode will provide us with lots to consider. So let’s put on our thinking caps, and get some answers.
Beto’s been doin’ a lot of growin’ up. He’s less selfish, now truly wants to help La Monita, not force her to be his novia. He’s admitted his love for Coni, and wants to be a good father to the baby he thinks she’s expecting. And now he realizes his mother Nieves, while not perfect, is the rock in his life. He forgives her for not telling him about his father, and for not knowing who his father is.
But Paula, who knows who her father is, is despondent. Everyone in the vecindad has to move in 3 days, and her father is old and sick. What’s he going to do? Alicia offers her house, but Moni points out that while that’s a kind gesture, the whole neighborhood has a problem. Where can they go? Aldo suggests asking Mauricio for help. Teresa says the first thing is to find out who the new owners are. Maybe Mau or the residents could talk with them, and explain the situation. Aldo is about to call Mau and ask him to come to the barrio, but Moni realizes that’s too risky. She doesn’t want to be seen with Mau. The new plan? She and Aldo will go to the warehouse where Mau’s staying. They skip out to hail a cab (and I notice that Moni is back to the very short skirts I love. The director positions the camera to help me gape at her gams, too.
Thanks, director). Little do they know that La Momia is hot on their heels, HER hot little heels pressing the accelerator of her Audi 4x4, smelling blood.
Beto bonds some more with Nieves. They discuss Isabel a bit, she thinking it was nice Moni was able to forgive her before she died, but Beto remarking that he might not have forgiven Isabel, since she abandoned Moni at such a young age. Talk then turns to saving the barrio. Beto thinks Constanzia might help, but Nieves doesn’t. After Beto leaves, Nieves takes a photo album out from under her mattress, tearfully recalling better times.
At the big house, Jacqui tries to convince Katia that she’s changed as a Mom. Sure she’s extravagant, always out on the town partying (pachanguera), but she really does love her daughters. Katia’s dubious. Maybe it’s just that Jacqui has no man right now, so all of a sudden her “love” for her daughters has blossomed. Jacqui says that’s not true, she’s always had her kids in her mind, no matter where she was. When she first had the kids, she was young and immature, not ready to be a mother. Katia thinks that as soon as Jacqui finds another millionaire, she’ll be off again, probably to some carnival in Brazil or something. Ah, Brazil, reminisces Jacqui. With her fourth husband, she had a great time in Rio, samba dancing herself right out of her shoes. You should try it, daughter. What, marrying four times? No, dancing the samba. Katia smiles. So does Jacqui, adding that this time, she’s decided to stay for good. She really wants to get to know her daughters better. Katia would like that, too, and we have more bonding.
Having invested some much in all these bonds, it’s time to take stock of what’s happening in Katia’s life. She just can’t seem to snag that Aldo, whom she loves. Even though he broke up with Estrella, he still thinks about her all the time. Jacqui has good news. She heard that Estrella’s going to move to another town with Alicia. She doesn’t know why, but this’ll leave the field open for Katia, and Jacqui will be her personal advisor. They don’t call her Jacqueline Giochans viuda de Lerdo de Tejada and various others for nothing. Katia reminds her that her Daddy isn’t dead, but Jacqui jokes that it’s as if he were. The two clasp hands, full of feline felicidad.
Alicia enters Nieves’ apartment, ready to cheer up Nieves whether she likes it or not. Nieves thinks back to when they were young, they had so many dreams. I remember, says Alicia. And, she adds, Isabel, you and I were inseparable, right? Nieves isn’t so fond of remembering Isabel. Clueless Alicia happily recalls when Isabel and she were going to be the bridesmaids at Nieves’ wedding. Too bad that guy left you at the altar, expecting his child. Not true, corrects Nieves. The child I was expecting was not his. So how did he find out? wonders Ali. Did you tell him? No, replies Nieves. Isabel told him. It was Isabel’s fault I lost the love of my life. She wistfully touches the photo of her former beau from many years ago.
Having piqued our interest in this romeo from the past, we now see Isabel enter an outdoor restaurant. She has no reservation, but someone’s waiting for her. She strides up to a tall, well dressed, gray-haired gentleman,
Mientras tanto, Moni and Aldo exit their cab outside Mau’s place. They’re greeted by Mau, and begin to tell him about the problems in the vecindad. They go inside to talk. From a parked car, we see Coni’s beautiful face slowly appear from behind the steering wheel. She smiles, then crosses her arms onto the steering wheel in triumph, making her huge silver bracelet look like an adornment of a warrior queen, saying, “Gotcha!”
Inside, Moni explains that Cataño, the old owner of the vecindad died, and his children decided to sell the property. Now the new owners have given the residents 72 hours to vacate. Where are they going to live now? Mau squints a little, puts his fist under his chin for support, and tries, he really tries, to think. But he’s stumped, of course.
In another restaurant, Jerry and Oscar are ready to declare victory. Fausto Pineda, the lawyer, tells them how he notified everyone, and legally the tenants (inquilinos) have to leave, although he’s concerned they’ll put up a fight. Oscar says if they don’t go out voluntarily, they’ll be KICKED out (they go out a patadas). The lawyer says actually the police will handle things, if necessary. Right, says Jerry, we’ve got to get them out and demolish the building, so we can get our profit before Salvador realizes what’s going on. Oscar the Count creepily bares his fangs, tells them not to worry about Sal, he may NEVER come back.
This would really destroy sweet Gabriela, who’s on the phone, giving the hotel staff in Venezuela the third degree, desperate to have an explanation as to why, if they’ve given Salvador Ulloa all of her numerous messages, hasn’t he called? Apparently the Señorita suggests that Sal doesn’t want to call, he’s found something (or somebody) more interesting, but Gabi says, no way, I’m his fiancé, and he’d never do that. And don’t you dare hang up. The phone goes dead. Gabi looks stricken. She recalls Oscar’s snide warning that maybe Sal’s had second thoughts. She swallows, takes a deep breath, and dials the phone again. I’d like an airline ticket for Venezuela. Today.
Moni asks Mau for help, saying he knows laws and such (yeah, right), although they, the pobres aren’t so enlightened. Mau suggests talking with the owners in an intelligent manner (not likely). Moni’s so happy, she jumps into his lap, barely covering her super legs. Mau asks if she has the number of the lawyer, and she just happens to have the card UNDER HER SKIRT. (I kid you not, she just slips her hand under there, and out it comes).
Jerry wonders what Oscar meant with that remark about Sal, but Oski basically says, don’t ask, don’t tell. The licensiado’s phone rings. We switch back to our dynamic trio, and the director has realized that Mau could never concentrate with Moni in his lap, so he’s now standing up. Moni’s standing about 10 feet behind him, hands clasped expectantly, and Aldo’s even farther back, a step down, looking like a little boy with his hands in his pockets (okay we get it. Mau’s the man).
Mau repeatedly asks Pineda for the names or numbers of the owners, as Pineda resolutely refuses, saying the owners want to keep that info confidential. In the background, Moni and Aldo are so cute, they keep smiling, punching each other, thinking the big guy in the pink shirt is going to save the day. As Mau gets more and more frustrated, Moni and Aldo do the same, a sort of Marcel Marceau tableau to keep us on our toes, in case we get bored with this repetitive conversation. Even when Mau threatens an amparo (a protective order, like an injunction), Señor Pineda gives up nada, and eventually hangs up. Oscar tells him not to worry about no stinkin’ amparo, in less than a week this vecindad will cease to exist. These words are music to Jerry’s ears.
Mysterious Marcos tells Icy Isabel he wasn’t planning on returning to Mexico, but he had to, because Isabel, up til now, hasn’t done her part of the plan (whatever it is). Isabel says a problem came up, she ran into La Momia. Who? Oh, just some estúpida who hates Valentina and wants to destroy her. Marcos tells Isa that this Momia doesn’t know who she’s dealing with. Isa assures him she has everything under control, she had a deal with her. But they should move slowly. It would be terrible if Alicia found out she was still alive, and even worse if Nieves found out. Nieves? he asks. Nieves Ochoa? He breaks into a broad smile. I wonder how she is. Old, just like you and me, replies Isabel.
Cut to a picture of Marcos 30 years ago, in Nieves’ album, Alicia remarking how handsome he was. Nieves loved him so much, and that darn Isabel ruined everything. Alicia defends Isabel, it wasn’t her fault. Nieves stands up, she’s mad now, you, Alicia, always revered Isabel, you thought she was so perfect, always danced to whatever song she played. But you were blind, Alicia, blind! You never realized the scorpion she was. A woman without a heart, without a soul. Now Alicia stands. Don’t you DARE talk about Isabel like that. Especially since she’s no longer here to defend herself! Respect the dead. No, says Nieves, I’ll never respect the woman who robbed me of the love of my life. Isabel was always in love with Marcos (ahah! Mystery man again), and she was so envious, she never would allow him to fall in love with me. Alicia shoots back, Marcos wasn’t so perfect either (la blanca palomita, little white dove). Why do you keep blaming Isabel? Nieves is boiling now. What about how Isabel hated La Monita from the day she was born? Let me tell you something, Alicia. I’ve prayed for Isabel, that God would pardon her, and she wouldn’t burn (chamuscar) in hell. But there are some things that can NEVER be pardoned. And you, Alicia, are so dense (bruta), you just don’t see the truth.
Isabel agrees. She coolly tells Marcos that Alicia was always a fool, so stupid, she’d do whatever I asked. And we can probably make use of her now, too. But Nieves is different. Marcos says he’ll handle her. You’re just dying to see her, right? inquires Isabel. Don’t worry, assures Marcos. The past is long gone. I moved on, married the appropriate woman, although it didn’t work out. But I’m not sorry, I have two wonderful daughters. Isabel says she’ll never forget his wedding, that exquisite woman, everything was so beautiful, but I was destroyed that you didn’t marry me. You never saw me the way you did Nieves, or even your wife. Why did you discard me like an old shoe? Well, I loved Nieves, but I’m sorry Isabel, I just never loved you.
Jacqui and Katia are amigas now, Jacqui’s glad she can be close to her daughters now, something that would never happen with Katia’s Dad. But wait, says, Katia, his assistant called us the other day, he’s going to be in Mexico for a few days, can we get together? It would be great to have the four of us together. No way, says Jacqui. Your father is dead to me. If you three want to get together, that’s fine, but leave me out. The doorbell rings, and it’s Beto. Katia holds her nose. Luisa smiles. Beto says, Hello, family. Yuck (guácala) replies Jacqui.
Estrella is curled up in a chair, crying, as Paula comes to help. Everything will work out with the barrio, Monita’s on the case. Estre’s not crying for that. Of course she’s worried about that, but it’s also Aldo. She can’t get over the things he said. He was so mature, so centered, she felt as if SHE were the child. Did you tell him about the baby? No, says Estre, and now I’m thinking about how disappointed Beto was not knowing about his father, what am I going to tell my child? That’s why you have to tell Aldo now, counsels Paula. Moni and I have promised to keep your secret, but why not ask Mauricio for help? No, replies Estre tearfully, I don’t want to be a burden to anyone, that’s why I’m moving in with Alicia. Listen to me, Paula, I’M the one who has to grow up, I have to mature, take hold of my life (she says tomar las riendas, which means take the reins). How can I be like this when I’m thirty years old? Paula gently comforts her.
Marcos fondly recalls how funny Nieves was. They’d roar with laughter for hours. She’d wear the wildest, silliest outfits. When my parents saw her, they almost had a heart attack. Right, replies the ice queen Isabel. Your parents felt Nieves wasn’t up to your level. Well, neither were you, Isabel. And I’d love to see Nieves now, although at her age, I’d guess she’s wearing more conservative outfits (think again, Marcos!). Isabel wants to change the subject, so Marcos starts talking about his ex-wife (Jacqui). She always made me laugh, too. She’s a witch, though, a hysterical nut, but always a lot of fun. He smiles. He still misses her at times. But you, Isabel, you’ve always been a floe of ice (un témpano de hielo), you’re a little too boring for me, and forgive me, but you stunk in bed (gee, what a charmer this guy is). This doesn’t stop Isa. She tells Marcos that he was her only love. When she lost Marcos, she renounced men forever, never had sex again. If that’s not love, what is? Nah, says Marco, you didn’t give up men because of me. I know your story. You did it because of what happened to you. You never got over that traumatic experience. Well, she replies, that’s because you didn’t help me get over it. Marcos has had enough, let’s not talk about the past. Sorry, answers Isabel, we’re forever tied together by the past. And nothing can ever sever that tie.
Okay, enough of this drivel, it’s Ximena time! Rolu’s watching TV, and Xime made him a little snack. Arnoldo is neatly arranging white handkerchiefs on a black pillow on his lap with his gloved hands. Xime’s plan is to fatten Rolu up for Christmas, and then eat him up, bit by bit (cachito por cachito) with a little bit of salt, too! She pretends to eat his arm. Arnie thinks this is in bad taste, but Rolu just thinks he’s jealous (he is). Xime proceeds to feed Rolu her snack, a canapé of salmon, cilantro and caviar.
Delicioso! She goes to get some wine from the réfri. Rolu urges Arnie not to be so harsh with Xime, she’s so innocent. Arnie thinks Rolu underestimates Xime, she’s not as innocent as she seems. And Rolu needs a shrink for the crazy way he’s fallen for her. Could this be the shrink he needs?
Jacqui tells Beto there’s no point in waiting for Connie, she’s been gone for a while, and might not be back for hours. No problem, says Beto, he’ll wait, and he sits his manly butt down in his “favorite” chair, and asks his “suegrita” to go to the kitchen and whip him up a nice snack. This doesn’t sit too well with Jacqui, who tells him to look who he’s talking to. He gets up, looks at her, and remarks on how BEAUTIFUL she is. With “all due respect” he takes her hand and puts it on his belly, see how it’s empty (no hay gatos en el balcón, no cats in the balcony), THAT’s why I need food. Jaqui’s not impressed. She can’t believe she got involved with Connie’s problems with this naco, she might have to call animal control (she says antirrábico, which means anti-rabies) to take him away. She leaves, as Beto plops down on the couch, his poor tummy still empty.
Well, Mau’s talk with the abogado didn’t work, so he’s decided to get serious, and has dressed up as Furia Enmascarada. Yes, the plan is to confront the lawyer in this costume, and I guess scare him into revealing the name of the owner. Moni squeals with delight, and they’re off on another adventure. The big black doors of the warehouse open, and out comes a roaring motorcycle. It’s Superfly, with Hot Monita hugging him from behind, her luscious legs splendidly displayed as they head off to defend truth, justice and the Mexican way of life.
Little do they know that the evil Constanza was watching.
Marcos asks, are you sure no one else knows you’re alive? Nobody, says Isabel, except La Momia. But didn’t someone help you fake your death? No, I did it alone, she lies. Well, why do you need me? he asks. She wants to bury the past, once and for all. Marcos wants to talk to La Momia. And if she’s a problem, I’ll “get her out of the way”, he adds, menacingly. Isabel knows full well what he's capable of. Just then, his phone rings, and guess who? It’s a glowing Coni. Darling Daddy! Ah, Constanza, I’ve missed you so much. (Ay caray, what a tangled web we’ve woven!)
Previews: Moni and Mau (dressed as Furia) are sure Coni will NEVER get her proof. Unfortunately, a camcorder is recording this. And Jacqui spills the beans to Beto about Coni and her accident. Uh oh!
Pachanguera – a party girl, always out on the town
Inquilinos – tenants
A patadas – to be kicked (out)
Un amparo – protection, a protective order
Chamuscar – to burn, singe, char
Guácala – yuck
Tomar las riendas – to take the reins
Un témpano de hielo – an ice floe
Cachito por cachito – bit by bit
Labels: gancho
Loved your characterization of Mauricio trying to think (it did look painfully inept) and saying he never "got out of second gear". Other favorites, "feline felicidad, "anly butt"andur translation of "no hay gatos en el balcón.
Like you, I was astounded when Monita pulled the card out from under her skirt...could have sworn there wasn't room under there, for one thing!
Feeling a lot of foreboding about Salvador. Interest about Connie's scummy, upper-class dad, and a little amusement about Estrella "not wanting to be a burden to anyone". How's she not going to be a burden to Alicia, living with her, depending on her for food, housing, and care for her and the bébé!? Oh well, insignificant details, right?
Thanks for another instructive, entertaining and cleverly put-together recap, Hombre. You the man!
I had thought for a while that the reason they moved our time slot was because of the after school teen audience at 3 pm. This show has a lot of teen issues and the sex is light & fun.--Though it always gets pretty hot around here whenever Beto & Coni hit the screen together.
But last week you indicated that the change was because they thought the audience was of the geritol variety. Maybe that's why the action seems to be shifting toward romance and intrigue among the elders -- Isabel, Jacki, Nieves and the man in all their lives.
So Coni & Moni may have the same Dad -- or not-- At least we know that Beto is NOT Coni's brother. Whew!
We've certainly taken a couple of new plot directions lately. I hope Gabriela can do something to save our Salvador. You go girl!
Güera from Syracuse
What was up with those baby bottle earrings Nieves had on? Qué the ????
She has been on safari with her purses...and I don't mean animal print! They look like a child's backpack: cute little stuffed lions and I don't remember what else hanging from a shoulder strap.
Lately her hair has had colored stripes as well: blue, dark pink, etc. And there have been big Minnie Mouse bows, too.
Believe me when I say she has been more outlandish in prior episodes!
Hombre...I'm new and still cramming, but even in my newbie state I got your title.... having our "Hombre de Mistero", Erick de Castillo in the cast makes Gancho even more of a pleasure to watch. .... thanks for the fun recap.
Mike...I'm in Nashville, and yes, I can pronounce Apal-a-a-a-a-chia Hummmmm, Kentucky, do you know anything about basketball?
Great recap, HdM. I especially liked the line about Slo-Mau being unable to get out of second gear. Also appreciate your thorough recounting of Mysterious Marco's and Isabel's conversation, since I watched this late and had a little trouble tracking all of that.
Amazing that we are so many episodes in, and not losing steam.
I did wonder if Marco might be Valentina's father. It seems like it's possible, but would Isabel have resented her daughter so much if that were the case, since she claims to love him?
Funny that if Beto never existed, Conni would have never existed- Marco would have married Nieves and not Jackie. The whole thing makes my mind boggle. Also interesting that Marco seems to be attracted to funny, spunky women (he'll fall for Xime right away then). Yeah, the Ice Queen Isabel never had a snowball's chance in hell then. Who's she kidding?
But here basic character makes a difference. Nieves, in spite of losing the love of her life, loves and nurtures (all right, to excess, but...) her baby while Isabel rejects and eventually abandons hers.
One, a warm, humorous, earthy woman; the other a cold, manipulative iceberg.
Connie seems to have both extremes in her character and if we want to hang with Carlos, I guess we'll have to hope for her eventual redemption and the triumph of her warm, earthy side.
I can't say I blame Marcos for falling for Nieves and Jaqui instead of Isabel.
About Coni, I can see alot of Jaqui on her but, as even Jaqui has admitted, she didn't have the love and care of her mother that she needed while she was growing up and I can see that as a reason for who she ended up becoming. Katia, while she has more warmth than her sister, could go and become simmilar to Coni so I was delighted by the Jaqui and Katia scenes because that girl really needs her mother. As for Marcos, I have no idea how much he was involved the life of his daughters, but I can easily see him as the parent that throws money and material things to them to solve any issues for his absences. At least it seems like Coni adores him while she resents Jaqui in many ways.
I think that while Moni didn't live in an ideal household while growing up, she did receive a nice nurture from Nieves, so their scene last episode made me tear up (sorry, I just caught up with all the episodes so I'm mixing them here).
Anyway, I just love how this show puts so much importance to friendship and family and how important is to have a strong support sistem and how the people that were not necessary you blood relatives can feel just as important.
What a marvelous recap. You are truly great at capturing the scenes so that I feel if I had been standing behind a curtain, watching.
I am on the road for the next week and don't have much time to comment, but are we about to find Bad Daddy getting in the middle of our plotlines? Let's see, he loved Nieves, but left her at the alter because she was pregnant with another man's child (Beto). Isabel loved him but he did not reciprocate and he eventually married Jacqui and fathered Coni and Katia. A tangled web indeed. We have speculated that both Moni and Beto could be the products of the same attack. Now that could also make them half-sibs, right?
EJ, whose head is spinning with all that thinking...
Judy, Vivi and EJ, I agree with the theory that maybe Isabel and Nieves were part of the same attack. Previously I thought Moni was younger than Beto, but there's really no evidence of that. But wasn't she about 8 when she came to live with Nieves? Maybe her arrival had something to do with the end of Beto's nursing!
I had always thought that Beto is older, though I can't think of a single thing know that would verify that. I do remember clearly recapping an episode in which Alicia said that the same thing that happened to Isabel had happened to Nieves. I would think that it is highly unlikely that Marcos is Moni's dad if indeed she was conceived as the result of a gang rape, although the prospect of Coni and Moni as sisters is appealing. I speculated early on that Moni and Beto are actually brother and sister, because of he number of times Moni has said that Beto is like a brother. However, that tends to make one squeamish over the former intimacies between Moni and Beto that have been alluded to.
We should have lots of fun watching the pieces fall into place.
It will be interesting to find out how all the paternaties (??) will shake out. Could be interesting...
When Coni visited Isabel in her hotel room, I seem to remember Coni saying that her name was Con Stan Za, and Isabel said ok, goodbye Momia! Now Isa is with Daddy when Coni calls. It shouldn't take her long to work out who Momia really is. (In my opinion, Isabel 'out-momias' our favorite Momia by a country mile!)
Like Jarocha I am shocked to hear that Estrella is 30! I thought she was like 23 or so, just a few years older than Aldo.
Things are really getting complicated now what with Marcos wanting to go after La Momia who is actually his daughter who recognized Isabel who is Monita's "dead" mother and ex-best friend of the love of Marcos's life who is...oh never mind. Thank you for translating their conversations so thoroughly. There was a lot of detail there that definitely seemed like it was setting a base for future events.
I'm another one that laughed out loud at Obregon's picture. Hombre, I like how your mind works.
Emilia, good point about Coni pronouncing her name for Isabel. Both Coni and Isa are very good about picking up on those little details. But I don't see Coni outwitting Isabel unless it's with her father's help.
It will be interesting to see what happens if/when Nieves and Marcos come face to face. So far I like Don Cesar a whole lot more, he seems like such a nice, genuine guy.
Thanks Hombre, loved the recaps, the pics, the vocap, and Beep Beep!
I also wanted to say that Gabi continues to be my hero. Good for her for not believing the naysayers and wanting to see Sal in Venezuela for herself. I hope she gets on that plane TODAY.
I haven't seen this but again, no need, I get it all from this, even the pics.
Great job. Lets see where this misterio man takes us, shall we? I lovvvve Eric del Castillo, he is one of my long time favorites so I am thrilled to see him on board.
I also love the idea of Moni and Coni as sisters. If that doesn't come to pass, I imagine there will be several clevar plot twists and surprises before the end.
Sorry I missed this but any time I don't have to see Isabel, I breathe a sigh of relief. Evil incarnate.
After hearing from Jarocha about the salaries, I imagine these folks are just happy to keep on getting cast and keep on drawing a paycheck. I know I would be!
And speaking of that, Hombre, thanks for your simple formula to figure pesos into dollars. Everytime I look at those charts, my mind goes zzzzzzzzz (just like it used to do in math class) but that formula is great.
However, under the heading of "dress for the slide, not the ride" the skirt comes up a bit short.
Huh? What did I say? Stop laughing at me.
Also liked your "Having invested some much in all these bonds, it’s time to take stock of what’s happening in Katia’s life." Yes, at Katia's young age, she can easily afford more risk by adding equities to her portfolio.
Estrella cannot be 30!! No puede ser!
Judy, does the Isabel actress always have the lifeless psycho eyes?
Now that we know Estrella is thirty, I do feel vindicated in my early stance that an Aldo/Estrella romance was unwise. Now me and Emilia are still on Tano's team but we're a very small group of cheerleaders, I must say!
Also, glad you noticed the stocks and bonds thing. I was saving it in case there was more interest.
Gancho ... Airs again at 12am to 1am ( I guess for the late night owl population). I was watching Conan's last show Friday. While channel surfing saw the scene with Monita, Aldo, and Mau.
To all Recappers Thanks for the wonderful,colorful translations and indepth insight on the shows.
Signed A faithful caray reader Jolie
The magical skirt...I loved the way she jumped into Mau's lap (just a little sumthin' sumthin' a girl does for her hero). But when she pulled that card from under her skirt, I thought...
"Okaaay, that skirt must be magic..."
Estrelle's age...They mentioned before that Beto and Moni are both 30 or in their early 30's in earlier episodes. I think some of the writers are this age b/c they right these characters so well. The same sort of shenanigans...well, not the same but similiar attitudes and childish behaviors I have and experience with my friends. A lot of Xime's/Mau's/Moni's/Beto's/Estrelle's and Pau's but No momia's tho. No momia's.
I've been in front of the mirror all afternoon practicing to be more like Isabel. "But you, Isabel, you’ve always been a floe of ice (un témpano de hielo), you’re a little too boring for me, and forgive me, but you stunk in bed".....and there was NO RESPONSE.....if I could just keep it together like she does, Mrs. Sandy in TN, you need new tires....WHAT!!! Mom, we can't come to dinner after all........ HUH?
Isabel needs to fly straight to Vegas and start playing POKER hoy dia!!
Sandy, I take it you don't play poker?
Jolie, thanks for the heads up about the midnight showings of Gancho. Some people are aware but just in case somebody missed the news flash it's good to know.
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