Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Gancho Tuesday Jan. 12, 2010 Warm And Sunny Today But Heavy Thunderstorms Predicted For Tomorrow

Remember those hot sultry evenings of summer when the heat lightning started to flash, the hot moist air wrapped around you like a cloak and you knew an incredible storm was coming? Tonight was kind of like that. Lots of hot loving, some raunchy, some semi-chaste, some tender and sweet...but oh my, you could feel the storm clouds gathering.

But let's not get ahead of ourselves. When last we met, Monita and Mauricio were wrapped up together and Carlos was breathing into a paper bag. (Glad that martini cooled you down, hot lips!) Monita finally admits she knew it was Mauricio all along and as usual he's confused, but what the heck, why worry that there doesn't seem to be much brain power behind those nice eyes. He's happy; she's happy.

So on to Beto and Constanza. Oh no, he's still got on his socks! and they're black. I need to cover my eyes. Also need to cover my ears. Connie's idea of post-coital nuzzling is to talk about how she's going to take all Mauricio's money and his kids as well. Beto wonders why she has to be so mean. We do too. What a Rottweiler.

So, wanna go back to M& M? To tell the truth, they're a bit insipid. You know, the usual: I love you. I love you more. Now I have not only the man of my life but the man of my dreams. Okay. Enough, right?

Back to serpent woman. The clever witch is about to figure out that Beto must have been the double in the Furia Enmascarada disguise but he cleverly throws her off track with loud macho declarations of Mauricio hate, and a volley of kicks on various pieces of furniture. He's thumping, he's growling, he's got her fooled for now but as she hugs him and coos "You're going to help me ruin him, aren't you?, he gets that Whoops look on his face. Yep, Beto's between a rock and a hard place. Or will be soon.

So whassup back with Maricio and Monita? Well, not much. Mauricio, ever the gentleman, isn't about to get to criterion behavior with his beloved temptress. That would make her "la otra", the mistress, and he can't do that to her. They'll have to wait until his divorce is final. She thanks him for his courtesy. Big waste of a tiger dress if you ask me. But I understand the concept. I wasn't raised Presbyterian for nuthin'. They conclude with some tender talk about war. War with Constanza. But Mau won't be alone in this war, Monita will be right beside him. And what's more Beto will help us, promises Mauricio. He'll testify to the adulterous affair, the pregnancy, everything! Moni can't believe this until he tells her how Beto donned the costume to save his secret at the party. She's blown away. Wow, what he did for me...for us, she stammers, I can't believe it. Well, neither can we. When push comes to shove, I'm thinking Beto will cave to Constanza. Storm clouds gathering for sure. What's the take-away from all this? Monita and Mauricio will have to stay away from each other, punto...until the divorce is final.

Alright, moving through our couples list, we find Estrella and Aldo. She's looking peaked, downright tired. And for the first time I thought she looked old. Definitely a lot older than Aldo. He's fussing about the possible pregnancy; she's refusing to go the the doctor. We've got that one hanging in the air. But both he and Estrella are clearly worried.( PSA for waiting till you're older to have sex? Lots of luck with that, broadcasters.)

Somewhat later. Beto returns to the barrio and an effusive Monita. Kisses and hugs. Are you drunk? he asks. Nope. She just learned how he helped Mauricio and how he's going to help them both. More hugs and kisses. Making amends time. He apologizes for being a sulky vengeful brat who did things to hurt her. Mauricio is the only one who can make her eyes shine and he wants to see her happy. And she wants to see him happy too...although she has a hard time believing he can be with la Momia. He assures her that the Beast loves him as much as he loves her. And with little Betito on the way-- what could be better? Loving looks, nostalgic tears, friends and sibs forever. Sweet. Now he wants to carry her over the threshold. What!? Yep, he dreamed once of doing it after the wedding...now he'll just do it as her best friend and brother. And hoist! And slam! Her head that is. Right into the door. Beto, don't be an idiot, you brute! That's it! he smiles. Just like I dreamed it.

We're back at Mau's now. Aldo has just crept in after seeing Estrella. A snippy sister is waiting for him, warning him that if Estrella is pregnant, Dad will really be mad at him. So go relax now, she adds. IF YOU CAN. Yes, definitely sultry storm clouds are gathering.

Whew. A break. Think of it as a soft breeze in the midst of all this suffocating heat and humidity. Yeah, I'm talking Ximena and Rolu. Our new fave couple. She's tickling him--the captions say "tiqui, tiqui, tiqui", ready to trot off and get him one of the car mags he loves so much, but turns out all he wants is Xime. She's pleased but distracted. Worried about hostile cuñis who won't even tell her goodnight when he hies off to his room. No problem. Arnoldo's always been weird. Smooches and love talk. I love you. Not as much as I love you. Doesn't seem like drivel at all with these two. Whoops. Yes it does. At least to Jeronimo who enters, hears, gags, dismisses Rolu as brain-damaged and takes himself off to bed, muttering about the nausea of two stupid people in love. Doesn't put a damper on things at all. When last we see them, Xime is gently giving Rolu a cranial massage. All is well. For the moment.

Now to the bat cave. Tano and Mau are having a little heart to heart. Mau's talking about his love of the luchador life. Tano's worried that he'll never return to racing. Maybe one day. How about love life? Monita's found him out and she's totally okay with it. And Tano? Romance? Nada. Just two failures, Estrella and Ximena. He's convinced he's destined to "vestir santos" (remain unattached) but he tiptoes around the Estrella/Aldo question and you can tell he's still interested. Not sure where that is going. Anvils? For sure. Mauricio admits that if Connie finds out he really is Furia and has been around Monita he's sunk. Now think about how many people know his secret. Yep. He's sunk for sure. And another thing. His face clouds over at one point in the conversation as he also remembers his questionable pact with Monita's mother. Uh-oh.

More hearts to heart. Monita and Beto. He wants to hear ALL about their steamy encounter. Lord! I'm glad it just ended with kisses. This whole scene made me a little queasy. There's such a thing as too much information. But he maintains he just wants to see her happy and clearly she enjoys telling him how she tricked Mau and how the kisses became ever more desperate as he tried to let her know who he really was. Not something I'd tell my brother frankly. But hey...

Alicia and Nieves are looking at a magazine. It's a picture of somebody I'd know if I knew more about Mexican culture. You're going to have to help me out here. No, not him! I recognize Fernando Colunga, but not the dude with him. Anyway there's some cosy chitchat about Alicia having a go at the guy and she demurs: "esa pulguitas no brincan en mi petate" Let's not get too literal here. Just means he's not for her. More musings about their romantic past. Lusting after Pedro Infante. And what about all those suitors Nieves had? And the guy who left her at the altar? Painful memories now. Nieves doesn't want to be married in white...evah...because it reminds her of being dumped. Alicia makes a pitch for marrying Don Cesar (I thought he was just separated from his wife, not divorced) but Nieves is adamant. We're fine as we are. No white wedding for me. I hardly qualify with MY past. Alicia suggests maybe a white dress with a red sequin for every little sin. In that case I'd have to be married in a "china poblana" (a colorful Mexican peasant dress) snaps Nieves. Alicia keeps probing. Have you ever heard anything more about that guy who left you at the altar? Was he Beto's father? Nieves' lips are zipped. For the moment.

And the fatherhood theme continues. Beto's confessing to Monita that in addition to his excitement at being a father, he's downright scared. He never had a dad. How's he going to know how to be one? The usual bromides. Just give love naturally. Man, if it were just that easy Monita! But whatever. You know where this is going. They decide Beto has a right to know who his real dad is and to find him, talk to him, heal the wounds of abandonment. Ask Nieves! You have a right to know. After all, Monita continues, I at least have the memory of cuddling with my mother in this bed. And I forgave her everything. Cleaned up my past. Closed the door. Oh boy. Storm clouds getting closer. Thunder rumbling. Watch out.

Aldo's feeling it. He' tossing and turning in his bed, wondering if indeed Estrella is pregnant.

How about Xime and Rolu? No, they're still in sweetly sappy bliss. She's heaving him, with more than a little difficulty, into the bed. He kisses her tenderly. She figures it's because she's being so helpful. Nopis. It's because he loves her. Oh my. She needs to recuperate with a strawberry daiquiri. But first let's talk about surgery. He'll need to have it, so he can walk again, so he can leave her! Nopis. Surgery too dangerous. Never going to leave you. We'll always be together. Fine. She runs off to get the daiquiri. And he gets up with no problem and has a drink of water. Uh oh. Think he's about to be found out? Wait and see.

Back to the barrio. Our new minted male, Beto, swaggers in. The man of the house is home. And wants to talk to his Mamita alone. Off goes Alicia. Lots of maternal billing and cooing. Beto boasts that he's talked Connie into a divorce and they're going to form a family. He's a man hecho and derecho and then some.

And Alicia and Monita. More happy talk. About how Beto's growing up. And how much Monita misses her mom. Well how about coming with me tomorrow morning to take flowers to the niche where we placed her ashes, suggests Alicia. Feeling those first drops of rain now? Together they pray to the Virgencita for Monita's mom while the rest of us start biting our nails.

Final scene. Serpent woman and foxy Mom. Connie's giving her whatfor for letting Aldo out and allowing the girls to go to a spa. The outrage! Jacqui defends herself and once more, the voice of reason, points out that the children are just an "estorbo" (pain in the butt) for Connie and why doesn't she let them go back to Maurico. Nevah! I'm going to make him miserable. And also make sure he and that chimpanzee never get together again, even if I have to kill her! (Okay Carlos, you're always defending la Momia by saying she hasn't killed anyone yet. But she's thinking of it!) And there we end.

Yikes. Talk about storm clouds. Connie looks up and sees a strangly familiar woman. Who is it? No puede ser! It's Monita's mom. But no, she's dead!
And follows her out to her car. Mystery woman takes off, knocking Connie to the ground. Ay yi yi. Jacqui calls for help.

Not much struck me tonight.
enchilado = angry, riled up
rosquilla = little doughnut (came up in the conversation between Tano and Mauricio)
quedar a vestir santos = remain unattached, usually refers to women being old maids
esas pulguitas no brincan en mi petate = those fleas don't jump in my bedroll. or simply, not for me.
estorbo =hindrance, nuisance

Dicho of the Day
A lo hecho, pecho = A deed done must be faced. Own up to what you've done. You have to face the music.
Lots of application for this one. Tune in tomorrow and see.


Judy, excellent recap. This was so well done. Once again I'm in awe. Estoy a tus pies, Profesora. One small quibble. Feeling pretty good about today and the nice reception my recap received, I fixed myself a martini (not wanting to trouble the Lovely Linda) and settled in to enjoy your recap. You almost killed your poor old Dr Carlos. Ever spew martini through your nose? It's not quite the same experience as milk or Coke. When I got to the part about Dr, Carlos breathing into a paper bag, that's exactly what happened. I made need to see the ENT tomorrow. Still smarts.

Beto was very convincing and very funny attacking the furniture in the bedroom. We all realize that he will waiver when Coni goes into her Constancia mode. Let's enjoy the moment and hope.

Little Bonnie Belle hates stormy weather. Long before we hear the distant thunder, she is quivering. Your storm analogy is dead on. The clouds are gathering. Like cattle lying (laying?) down in the pasture before the storm moves in, let's relish this little interval of calm before all Hell breaks loose.

I blithely asked last night if Rolu suffers from Munchausen syndrome. He pretty well confirmed it tonight. If he doesn't get well, Ximena can't leave. Time to bring back Dr. Meño.

I've lots more to say but for now I've got to tend to my nasal passages. As those hippy girls once said to me, Dr. Judy, You da bomb!


Judy B. Thank you for a wonderful recap. Even though I am just getting starting with Gancho, I feel like I caught a lot of what what was going on—with your kind assistance.

A question—the costumes? How did we get started with the costumes? I have not yet reached them in my perusal of past Caray recaps.

Also, Monita is a delight. Does she always appear to be lapping Mauricio in the IQ department or was it just tonight?


Judy, loved your recap and the hot sultry evenings/heavy thunderstorms analogy. Reminds me of my growing up days in Atlanta, so boy could I relate.

Monita's seduction routine was hysterical! When she blindfolded herself and stuck out her lips and said "Besame," I thought I'd fall over. She looked like a little kid playing dress up!

You're so funny! I loved the "Big waste of a tiger dress" comment!

Poor Carlos: hot lips, breathing into a paper bag. He'll never live down last night's recap! That one is memorable. There should be quotes on the sidebars from his recap!

Wasn't Beto's face funny when he agreed to help Constanza and in the midst of their embrace, looked over her shoulder and into the camera, wincing, as if to say, "Boy am I in trouble now!"

Those storm clouds are indeed brewing: Beto is going to have to do some fancy dancing to keep ahead of La Momia. Mauricio will have some 'splainin' to do with Isabel back in town. How many times can Monita say, "Me engaño" to Mau and still forgive him?

We've all been praying for someone to just slap Coni. Seeing her knocked down by Isabel's car in the previews for tomorrow was even better! But most importantly, when do we finally get to sing, "Ding Dong the Witch is Dead?"

Unpredictable, rapidly changing and soon to be inclement weather was the perfect theme for this episode Judy! For a moment, I was transported from ten degree frigid cold to a balmy, summer night with a storm looming on the horizon. Your vivid words illuminated and enhanced this pivotal episode masterfully.

"Bat cave", "serpent woman" and my favorite "The usual bromides" were simply great. Thank you for providing the terrific vocabulary and the wonderful dicho which I've already written down. These are always enjoyed and very much appreciated.

Carlos, my little Juliet also hates storms! Most dogs do I believe. Yes, let's enjoy the calm before the storm (which is rapidly approaching by the previews).

Elna June, Mau is very sweet but will not be joining Mensa in the near future.

Deb, I also liked Beto's realization that even the best laid plans may go awry, especially where Coni is concerned. Not sure if and how he can weasel his way around this.

While I so enjoy Ximena and Rolu, my primary concern is Estrella and Aldo. After Aldo left, I thought the expression on Estrella's face reflected doubt about their relationship rather than her medical issue. Tano's reappearance is all too convenient and as Judy noted, he is still carrying a torch (albeit quietly) for Estrella.

So in addition to having no heart, Moni's malicious mother is going to be an attempted murderess as well??? Ack.


Good morning Carlos, Elna June, Deb and Diana. I'm in a sunny mood this morning (though sorry about your nasal passages "carnal") The Buckeyes came back from a major deficit for an incredible win over Purdue AT PURDUE which is like playing real live lions in the coliseum.

Okay, now to the topics at hand. First of all thanks for all those kind words. We have such a nice group here.

And Elna June, how quickly you HAVE picked up on things! Mauricio has been sweetly subpar on the IQ meter from the get-go. Seeing him try and do business in the office is almost as alarming as seeing him try and match wits with cunning little Monita...or Connie...or just about anybody but Jernonimo who is equally dim. Love you phrase "lapped him in the IQ department". Plan to use that sometime.

Deb, glad you admitted a little glee at seeing Connie knocked down by the car. Have to admit the primitive, feral, non-Presbyterian part of me felt the same way! It did just look lika little bump and hopefully little Betito was well-cushioned from the blow.

Elna June, are you asking about the Luchador costume? Yes, Mauricio has been running around in a disguise in order to be near Monita. His pre-nuptial contract with Connie forbade him to get with 10 or so feet of her, or heck! even in the same room. But we have lots of "costumes" in this one and each charactic has a definite way of dressing. Every colorful. Lots of fun with different accents in this one too. Spanish, Miami Cuban, Argentinian, Valley Girl Fresa...and perhaps more to come. It's really quite a clever show.

Diana and Carlos...your pet/storm stories reminds me of when dogs used to attend my weight training class. I was teaching it in a large school gym and two of my students would bring their dogs if the weather was bad. The pooches were very well-behaved, but the funny part was at the end, the Golden Lab would stretch with us. As soon as we lay down, he would too and extend his limbs (and groan audibly) just like we were doing. It was hysterical. He's in the next world now, along with his mistress, who had leukemia, but hopefully they're still relaxing and stretching out, even in the midst of an occasional storm.

Wow, a most excellent recap! I love the storm motif. How did you know a warm storm was brewing in my area at the same time? Perfect!!

Now now, you're not slamming Rottweilers are you by comparing Coni to one? (Oh wait, didn't I compare her to a terrier? OK, you're off the hook.) My fave scene of the night was the one of Beto kicking the furniture around. Way to preempt Coni's suspicion! But she won't be fooled for long I'm sure. She's a smart one.

The guy with Fernando Colunga was Pepillo Origel and I think he's involved with TV y Novelas Magazine or some other gossipy type thing.

Are we finally going to meet Beto's father?? They've been tantalizing us for a while with this one.

Moni was hilarious and absolutely gorgeous. They should have her do more comedy.

Man oh man, I can't believe all the anvils they threw at us in this show. Every relationship is threatened, the "newly minted manhood" (great phrase) of Beto AND Aldo is threatened, Betito may be threatened, the list goes on.

Elna June, it sounds like you're figuring out the dynamics quickly. Mau...not so smart. Your phrase about Monita "lapping" him is absolutely perfect considering he is a race car driver. Did you know that? He also owns his own company that is thankfully run by his trusty sidekick Salvador.

Judy, your story about the dog in exercise class is a hoot. What a great visual. And congratulations about the Buckeyes.

You're right, Sylvia. I loved Elna June's image but didn't even think of the connection with Mauricio's racecar persona. Muy bien. All your neurons are firing this morning. Mine are still a wee bit frozen.

There's something about Golden Labs, Sylvia (I would NEVER compare Constanza to one). I also knew a Golden Lab who would pray. (I may have told this story befoe). I was visiting a friend who was terminal. Her dog knew me and would snooze undisturbed as I stepped over his big hulk and sat on the couch with her talking.

But when we started to pray, he would suddenly get up, come over, put his paw in our clasped hands, and keep it there until the prayer was over. No greater love, I'll tell you.....

Judy what a great story. I've known smiling dogs and laughing dogs but never a praying dog.

Well, I'm not making any theological arguments here. But it speaks to the incredible emotional sensitivity of these dogs.

I pray in the same tone of voice as I speak. And this snoozing dog could pick up the difference between a normal, affectionate conversation and a loving prayer.

Now how did he do that? So extraordinary. Clearly our minds and hearts connect in so many ways that we can't explain in an empirical mode.

Here I am, 70 now, probably one aerobic foot in the grave and the universe is still a great big mystery to me. Thought I'd understand a lot more by this advanced age!

Way to go, Judy! I loved it, starting with the title. Carlos breathing into a paper bag - what a hoot! (or snort, eh Carlos?)

Rolu is going to be caught but lets hope Ximena is pleased that he wants so badly to stay with her. By the way, he looks so much better clean shaven.

Poor Beto, poor Monita, poor just about everybody! Do we need raincoats or just beanies?

Could Tano be the father of Estrella's wee one?

Oh, and I loved the dog stories. So sweet.
Carlos, I don't think we told you how much we are enjoying your Bonnie Belle calendar. 'Mr. May' with the puppy is my favorite.

Judy, I loved your storm analogy and you wove it so nicely into each scene.

Yes, the anvils are hanging over almost everyone's heads. Everyone has a new plot line set up for the new time slot next week. (I was hoping that was bogus -- but I saw the announcement during today's show. 3:00 it is. What's going to be on at 7 since the new show is going on at 8 ?)

Not only was the look on Beto's face wonderful as he looked over Coni's shoulder & realized what he had just promised -- but his whole look and demeanor have changed since he "hitched up his pants." He's even better looking.

Güera from Syracuse

Emilia, I had the same thought about Tano -- but hasn't he been away too long??


Good morning Judy, this morning everything seems OK. I must remember to be careful about drinking and reading Judy recaps. Probably should be careful with those of Sylvia, Kris,and Hombre as well. I meant to add that Bonnie Belle would be getting pretty nervous about now if we were in Ganchoburg.

Elna June and Deb, where have you guys been. Ya'll are already adding extra sizzle to the discussion. Elna June,

"Does she always appear to be lapping Mauricio in the IQ department or was it just tonight?"

Good stuff. He's a big, dim, lunk of a guy who reminds me a bit of Li'l Abner. He's a boring but pretty doofus but he's our boring pretty doofus and we lovehim. I'm sure you will soon learn to FF through any conversation of any significant length involving him and anyone else, save those with Ximena during which he seems to oddly shine.

Deb, so you've lined up with the anti-Coni forces? Hmmm. Well, that pretty well include everyone else but me. I'm hoping that when she goes to the Dr., he'll find and remove that burr from her butt and she'll be transformed into our own version of Pippa.

Dianna, how astute your observation concerning Estrella. Like Judy, I thought that she looked suddenly older last night, and may I add that Aldo looked sadly younger than ever, but there was something else that I just couldn't put my finger on it. I think you just did.

Emelia, I asked myself the same question last night. Hombre is pretty good with this timing thing.Maybe he can enlighten us.Is Mike OK?



Mike's fine. I'm sure he'll pop up here eventually. (He slept through a lot of the show last night. I kept poking him but he was zonked, poor guy!) He shops for his mother today and has lunch with her so he'll be worn out this afternoon.

Emilia, glad to hear Mike's OK. You reminded me of a few years back when my mom was recovering from surgery in an assisted living place here, I would spend every Thursday afternoon with her, I'd take lunch for us or I would take her out for lunch. I now treasure those days because I got to know her well on an adult to adult basis. One afternoon when we returned from lunch and were walking through the lobby she pulled me closer and whispered in my ear,"It's so sad. There are a lot of pitiful old folks here." She was 84 at the time.

Happy to see the dog talk here. As you might imagine, I'm overflowing with dog stories.


Mike's mother is 91 and when her doctor mentioned something about 'elderly' she snapped: I'M NOT ELDERLY!

I had an aunt who took up the harmonica when she was 90. She loved going to nursing homes and playing 'for the old people'. She died at 96, still not old...

Judy, great recap! The storm theme is wonderful. I remember those nights as a teenager in Kentucky when we'd try to tune in WLS out of Chicago. If the weather was clear, we'd get their signal on a tropo skip, but if there was heat lightning around, forget it. No music. But Diana's spot on w/ praise for the summer imagery during this cold weather.

Elna June, mi esposa Emilia y yo are the resident Appalachian Americans on the blog and we're delighted to have someone w/ two names show up! Does the "Sonoma" indicate you're in California, though?

Coni: is she a demon wearing a Coni suit? I remember sci-fi shows wear a beast appears as a beautiful woman until something happens to reveal the truth. Let's wait for a scene wear Constancia morphs into a tall, skinny iguana w/ crusts of MRSA and C.diff under its claws and an inflamed cloaca. If Betito is delivered in the form of an egg, we'll know.

Carlos: Your Magnum Opus yesterday was the best ever. Yep, you had a particularly good episode, but I think your recap of it rose to the level of Art. Salud, Amigo!

Wow. Glad you guys are enjoying the dog stories. I'm loving the IM NOT ELDERLY stories. Not sure when one is able to truly believe one is old...maybe in the last few breaths before exit time. Although there are those dear beloved souls who are playing their "poor me" violin from 50 on. Luckily we don't know any of those, right?!

Güera, the new lineup manages to shaft a multitude of viewers. ENDA fans are outraged that their show will now be on at 7 (6 pm Central Time) and they'll have to try and digest their dinner while watching Carlota try to jump on menfolk's bones.

We're at 3. And afternoon viewers will be going Wha? if they haven't been watching at night.

And new show at 8.

Mike, missed your comment. But I agree. As someone once said of Julie's Pasion recap a year or so ago, that wasn't a recap....that was LITERATURE. Carlos really did hit a new high Monday.

Judy, thanks for another fast-moving, fun and insightful recap. Your opening paragraph set the tone, and you're right, storm clouds seem to be gathering.

As to what's up with Estrella, I'm sort of hoping she's not pregnant, but then, the alternatives are probably worse. Assuming she is, I'm baffled. I thought her night with Tano was more than a month ago, and didn't she say she's only 3 days late? Also, she and Aldo were very careful to use protection every time, so if that didn't work, what happens to the message to use a condom every time? Hopefully we'll find out soon.

I don't think Rolu's invalid act will hurt him too much if Xime finds out. After all, he did it for love (just like Mau and the Furia costume), so maybe she'll forgive him.

In keeping score as to Mau's secrets, there were 3, the night with Coni, the Furia identity, and Isabel. Moni found out about 1 and 2, and she's forgiven Mau as to both. But here comes No. 3. It looks as if Coni might find out first. So if she gets hit by a car, could we have amnesia (again)? :)

Can't read the comments now but will later this pm. Another great recap Judy. Thanks for all the great work you do and the allusion to storms was appropriate.

Carlos, when I saw the preview I thought of you and your valiant hope for Coni to change. Perhaps if her fall leads to a hospital stay or coma, she can get a personality transplant. In CCEA, a nice character, Vincent, became evil. The recappers and readers diagnosed the transplant problem. For your sake, I do hope Coni changes but still not holding my breath.

So have I missed something. Why is Isabela trying to off Coni. A misguided gesture of love for her daughter? She's looking good. Must be feeling better.

Mike, thanks. Literature?... Nah... hardly. Maybe more like passable soft porn.

Güera, I have such high hopes and such low expectations for Beto, but he is truly a charmer.


Nopis. Not love for her daughter, Carlos, misguided or otherwise. She doesn't want the truth of her subterfuge to get out and Connie could, in fact, "out" her. So she swiftly takes action to eliminate this inconvenient witness.

I think. Mind you, I inferred all this from this brief previews. But of course, if this cold-hearted lady really didn't want to be discovered, why is she hanging around?

Notice how much better she looked though. Shiny hair, careful makeup, good clothes. She's obviously enjoying Mauricio's hush money.

Judy, I really enjoyed this recap. I love the way you always find a theme, and your storm metaphor took me back to those summer afternoons of my childhood, in the mountains. Unfortunately we don't get many good thunderstorms in Seattle.

I loved how the ladies were swooning over Fernando Colunga. Telenovela characters: They're just like us!

Judy, it's funny how much we can infer from that brief preview. Here's what I "gleaned". First of all, I totally agree that Isabel looks way better than last time, but of course, she was dying last time, and now that she's been cured (was it Moni's bone marrow transplant?), she's back to the way she used to look. (BTW, I also think Alicia looks better, now too. Maybe they just got a new stylist on the set).

So I'm guessing that when Coni calls to Isabel and Isa realizes she could be outed, Isa tries to speed away, Coni runs after, and accidentally gets knocked over by the car. Of course, I'm usually wrong about these things, but I hope Isa didn't do it on purpose.

Hombre, I agree. It looked to me like Isabel was trying to evade, not kill, Coni. I'd think Isabel, cold as she is, would be more overt if she had murderous intent.

I loved your dog stories Judy!

When I'd call the vet to check on my lovely Romeo (who is gone but still grievously missed) after his surgery, I would always say "It's Romeo's mother". One of my colleagues always used to get such a kick out of hearing me say it. I felt that way - he was and will always be my baby. My fur baby, my fur child.

I am blessed to now have Juliet and am now proud to say I'm her mother.


Mike and Hombre...yes, recalling the scene, I agree. Escape was the motivation, not murder.

Diana, you've "outed" me, with your own confession. Bob and I natter on to our cat like senile idiots. He's Dad and I'm Mom. Can you tell we're missing our kids? And have no shame?

Actually, I agreed to adopt the cat from someone after I came back from caring for my first grandchild and was truly experiencing the anguish of "empty arms". Kizzie was 7 pounds when we got her. The furry size of a newborn. So obvious. Asi es.

Julia...yes, I enjoy those sly tips of the hat towards other telenovela actors that they do in these shows.

And it's interesting how many of us have treasured memories of summer storms. As the risk of sounding like a geezer, I'm not sure today's youngsters, tucked in the air-conditioned comfort with an X-box or tv in front of them will have those same memories.

Julia, I like the continuity you have with your pets' names Romeo and Juliet. Similarly, my first pitbull was Clyde (Henry), a once in a lifetime dog, and now we have Bonnie (Belle). Clyde was a wonder who is still in a way with us. There is a cell culture stored on ice in California in a cryogenics facility awaiting that glorious day...


Hi, guys. It's been awhile since I have commented here. Don't get to visit much. I loved your recap Judy. It was hilarious. Almost choked on a peanut m&m. Storm is definately brewing. I loved the scene between Mau and Monita. Mau trying to break it off and Monita trying to hang on. I thought the scenes with Rolu and Ximena were sweet. After he treated her bad and all, he realized that he really loves her. Although I would never have put up with that crap. Tonight looks like it'll be a good one. Can't believe Connie gets hit with a car. Hope little Betito is fine. I still have a huge crush on big Betito. I love the character. Speaking of dogs, I have a mix terrier (Chico) and a chocolate lab (Dodge). Anyway a couple of weeks ago I let Chico out before bed and I wasn't feeling well that night. Totally forgot to let him in. I never even heard him bark. So the next day I discover this and am frantically looking for him. Mind you it was 8 degrees that night. I never thought that I would be so emotional over it. I had co-workers and friends looking all day for him. We live in the country so it is a pretty big area. I thought he was a goner being blind and 10 years old. Did you know he came back 2 days later. How? I don't know. I think I scared him the way I cried and was all over him.

The actress married to the guy in the wheel chair was screaming funnie in Amor Mio. That was a 2 seasons comedy in the format of a 'I Love Lucy'.

Gosh Gloria.... Great to hear from you. (sorry about the alliteration) I didn't even know you were watching Gancho. That story about your doggie breaks my heart. So glad it had a happy ending.

Bonney Churros, didn''t know you were watching either. I understand the wife of the actor playing Rolu also wrote one of the beautiful songs featured in Gancho. Multi-talented she must be.

Sylvia: Forgive me, I forgot to thank you for identifying the fellow in the newspaper picture. Makes sense now.

Carlos: My neurons definitely are not firing today. (could be a chronic condition) I didn't pick up the connection between the two names of Diana's dogs. Thank God you're the doctor and I'm only the impostor.

What a charming group you have on this Board! Thanks for the feedback on my "lapping" comment. I was inspired by the opening scenes with the race car but I had no idea Mau was the driver.

Judy, thanks for clarifying the costumes and the various accents. I really enjoyed the dog stories as well. My lama (Tibetan Buddhist) is a western woman and her dog, not surprisingly a Lhasa Apso, accompanies her to all of our meditation sessions. The dog "meditates" with us. As soon as she hears the opening gong she lays down with her eyes open and doesn't move until we begin closing prayers. In the Tibetan tradition many of the high lamas have had dog companions who seem to be deeply aware and were said to be reincarnated former monks.

Judy thanks for the wonderful recap. Did I detect some disdain from you to black socks?

Well Beto is definetely between a rock and a hard place but I'm betting he'll be triumphant in the end I believe in him.

Elna June: My theory with Mau is: He was involved with Constanza our main villainess for three years before this novela started. Therefore her mantis like powers (thank you Carlos for your help here with that picture, it made it all the more clear) made her able to suck his intelligence during that time. Of course now she has ended up with a wonderful intelligence while he has to struggle to keep up with what's going on. But still, we like him and Monita loves him.

I'm thinking Beto will be able to manage with her thanks to the wonderful shield of his aroma and his lizard instincts.

Judy: Wasn't the actor playing Rolu the one who wrote the song for the novela? I'm truly asking because I can't remember.

Bonney Churros: Yes. Veronica Jaspeado played Vera on "Amor Mío", she was great there also and did you notice that the acto playing Beto played Marcos the main male character in "Amor Mío"? He tended to be always in a suit and tie on that show. The actress playing Paula on Sortilegio was also there.


Judy, I watch too many novelas. Gancho, ENDA, Sortilegio, Tormento en la Paraisco and just found out Amor Real is replaying on Telefutura. I can't wait. My poor husband when I start another one says "Why did I marry this crazy latina?" I always end up yelling at the t.v. He asks me not to start another one, but I do anyway. Although I get behind on some and try and catch up when I can. I finally caught up with Gancho after a week behind.

There's a charming picture of Alex Sirvent (Rolu) with some cuuuuuuute puppies on his Facebook page.

Oh...wait...I'm supposed to be working right now...

Jarocha, I love your analysis of Mauricio's intellectual handicap. I always have chalked it up to the wreck followed by the micro-coma. I like your theory much better.

Bonney and Jarocha, the promo for Amor Mio looks enticing but frenetic. I see that Tio Meño is also in it. When did it air here? I was almost exhausted watching just this promo, but it sure has some of my favorites in it.


Carlos acording to wikipedia Telemundo first aired Amor Mío on the US from October 25, 2006 until February 9, 2007, then announced that the unaired episodes will air in the future but never did.


Hmmm. Looks like it would be fun.

Hombre, since Mao's hellish contract with Isabel. was made with only the best of intentions and it resulted in saving Issy's life, I think (at least from my point of view) that it is the most forgivable of Mao's crimes of betrayal.

I am seriously worried about the fate of little Betito. Not so much Coni, she's a survivor.

Gloria, so glad you've joined in.


It's a tribute to Carlos, Judy, Kris, Sylvia and Hombre that our number are growing. Well done, y'all!

Carlos, you're right to worry about Betito or any infant gestating in a womb where bile has replaced amniotic fluid.

Hi guys. How nice to come back after teaching and find all these wonderful comments.

Elna June, love your dog story. Beautiful picture in my mind of this "friend" quietly meditating alongside you.

Gloria, I'm definitely getting that "crazy Latina" vibe. I remember your spilling food on the bedsheets scenario. Your hubster better let you watch anything you darn well please!

Jarocha, I'm sure you're rightabout the author of the song. I have a nicely fluid brain and everything gets mixed up in there like a casserole. Tasty but not necessarily accurate. But hey, I never said I was perfect.

Mike...bile instead of amniotic fluid. Yikes.

Oh, and Jarocha...yes, love the IQ analysis. Spot on.

Julia...Okay youngster, tell me how to find Rolu's Facebook page. Purely in the interests of research, you understand.

Facebook pic with puppies

If you just Google his name, you'll get an eyeful.

Hi everyone, Help! I was on vacation? What novela is ending? Why is ENDel Amor moving to 7? Where's Gancho? Is it ending or what? Because I know "Hasta que el dinero nos separe is starting on Mnday". I'm confused...

Someone give me details please!!!!

Someone please help me! I just got back from Vacation!!!! "Hasta que el Dinero nos separe" is starting on Monday? Which one is moving time slots, which one's changing? which one is ending???! HELP!!!

JULIA!!! I love the pic. Puppies are my kryptoniote, Alex is so dreamy. Did I mention that when I met him was at the meet and greet after Televisa's theater production of Grease? He looked so handsome in his 50's bad boy look. Sigh.


Brenda: None of the Telenovelas currently on Univision are ending. Sadly, they are going to change Gancho to the 3 pm hour and ENDA to the 7 pm hour to give the 8 pm slot to the new novela next monday. However Sortilegio is in its last weeks.


Mike, bile in the amnion? That's harsh. I must admit that Coni has been extra peevish of late but she still hasn't killed anyone.

Brenda, in a nutshell:

What? Gancho 3:00pm EST 2:00CST
ENDA 7:00pm EST 6:00CST
HKEDNS8:00pm EST 7:00CST
Sorti 9:00pm EST 8:00CST

When? Monday 1/18

Why? ??????????

Welcome home, Señorita.


Ooooh...he would make a dreamy 50s bad boy. I'm glad you liked the picture.

What I was actually looking for when I saw that and the multiple ripped-abs shots was a listing of the other roles he's played...

Julie: Acording to Wikipedia in Spanish:

Musical groups:

Onda Vaselina


Un gancho al corazón
Madre Luna
Yo amo a Juan Querendón
Contra viento y marea
Corazones al límite
Amigas y rivales

TV shows:

Mi generación
Más allá de la música Discovery Kids
Hoy Sábados
Cantando por un sueño
Mujer casos de la vida real


Vaselina (Grease)


What a lot of fantastic comments today! Praying dogs, meditating dogs, Alex Sirvent looking hot hot hot, new commenters, old friends dropping in, and more! So sorry I missed the fun today but I sure am enjoying relaxing with a nice glass of wine and catching up on the comments.


A pleasure to meet you and your lovely spouse. Elna June—the name—is a relic of my maternal grandmother and has it's roots a little further east than Appalachia, namely Dublin Ireland. Yes, I am in Sonoma County, California, but I am so proud to say I have two new friends who are Appalachian Americans (you and Emilia). You can say that you have a new friend in that crazy foreign land of Northern California's wine country.

Hombre, thanks for the clarification regarding Mau's secrets.
Oops, gotta go watch Gancho.

Sylvia, Judy told me some time ago that we have many more people reading our recaps than I might imagine. I was doubtful but now I believe. This mini-crisis has certainly revealed that we have a lot of support. I hope we can find some way for everyone who wants to continue watching to be able to do so. I'm still perplexed as to why Univision has made this decision. I know that it's not out of spite, but I wonder if they are aware of the following these shows have here in Gringolandia. I wonder if they have any idea of the size of the demographic of Spanish as a second language following they have. The big 4 TV networks rightly bend over backward to woo and cater to the Latino audience. Just judging by the participation here at Caray Caray, you might think they would at least research this market. But what do I know? I'm just a simple country Dr. who enjoys Spanish programing. Well, back to catching up on Sortilegio. Enjoy your wine. I'm cautiously trying another martini, taking great care not to be surprised by something hilarious like Judy's recap last night.



Luckily when I read Miss Judy's recap I was in danger of snorting only tea, one of the benefits of reading it at 5:00 a.m. And snort it I almost did! However I learned long ago to be very careful when reading recaps. The scathingly brilliant and irreverent translations of the Caray Caray recappers can easily cause all sorts of unexpected reactions.

I am still baffled by Univision's decision. It just seems weird. Enjoy your martini amigo, salud.

I'm glad there was so much fun and lightness in this line today. Tonight's episode had the most cringeworthy scene of this show for me, I saw it yesterday and it made me forget it for a while.


Shoot, really? I probably won't be able to watch until tomorrow. I knew the anvils were lining up. Thanks for the warning Jarocha.

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