Monday, February 01, 2010

Dinero 2/1: the power of a miniskirt and a loosened blouse

It's dog eat dog at Auto Siglo. Moustache man, jealous that Don Carlos Lopez is sealing a deal tomorrow to sell ten trucks, watches Claudia moaning to said Carlos as she thrusts her breasts up his nose and moans: "Alexandra is going to fire me, I am three or four commissions short of my quota, and my whole family depends on me, even my poor old aunt in the hospital!" She cries unconvincingly and asks the sucker Lopez to accompany her to the bathroom; she waves her butt in his direction and he decides to give her three - then four - of his truck commissions, and she wraps herself around him.

Moustache spies on them and then rats them out to the big boss Beltran. The two rush through the hall and Beltran busts into the bathroom, where he sees the couple against the wall - Claudia's blouse is open.

And Moustache says "In addition, Lopez is neglecting clients in favor of canoodling!"

Elsewhere Susanna is giving Ale a massage. Ale's "nobody can disturb my peaceful moment" sigh is Beltran's cue to rush in and tell her to deal with her people.

She calls in the lovebirds, she yells and waves her crutch. Claudia says she had a fever and therefore loosened her blouse, Lopez says they're novios. Ale says, that is against the regulations - they say they're just friends - she says "intimate bathroom friends are not ok." One has to go: Ale chooses Claudia!

However, Claudia flounces to the boss, pulls her tricks, and he hyperventilates and then tells Ale she has to fire Lopez instead of Claudia.

Big drooling boss is not impressed by the 10 trucks that Lopez has virtually sold - and says, further, that Claudia's miniskirts and open blouses are good for biz. "So you have to fire Lopez, he's the pervert. Now you have to find a new salesman!" "Where will I find another salesman?" she asks herself...

Cut to Rafa, grimly telling ma and sis that he'll marry Vicki. They are skeptical and rather negative. He defends the decision - he and Vicki have been going together for years and he feels for her tenderness, solidarity... His sis mocks him and his mom worries that he's marrying "por interes" (for money).

At Auto Siglo, the salesforce is yakking about romance vs. capitalism. Ale stumps in and gripes that Beltran is keeping "the miniskirt" on the payroll -- and firing Lopez instead.

Ale asks Susanna to prepare Lopez's liquidation papers. In comes Marino, her most detested and pushy salesman, asking who's going to nab the 10-truck deal. "Can't we bury the dead first?" she asks.

Rafa's jailmates are out. I think they run some kind of beauty parlor. In comes a bombshell. They think she's their first customer but actually she's "Ovidia," their new associate.

Poor Lopez packs his stuff as Claudia hangs all over him, squeezing him for his database of clients and, especially, his big buyer. He's called away to Ale, however, and makes a deal: he'll submit his list of clients in exchange for a good letter of recommendation. Ale agrees and has Susanna lock his list in her desk.

Marco comes for her and she yells about her whole day and especially the nerve of Rafa asking for a job. After hearing her out, Marco says he thinks she SHOULD hire Rafa!


You never cease to amaze me with how quickly you get these recaps up! Thanks.

Well, at least now Lopez can go back to being the front gate man over on Sorti in La Casa Lombardo. :)

Thanks for the recap M. I don't think I will ever be able to get them done that quickly.

It was an interesting episode. It felt like they were laying groundwork for all the personalities at Siglo.

I didnt quite get what job Lopez was offerring Claudia. Was it at another car dealership?

Thanks again

Pata, I have been pretty hooked on sortilegio so to do these quicky recaps for Dinero I take notes and then write during the commercials. by the final commercial I'm finished. This wouldn't work if there were a lot going on.

Lopez offered her a job selling something less lucrative than cars but I forget what it was. She was offended and said she wanted to be a stewardess.

He suggested that she sell vacuum cleaners. When she was offended & said that she wanted to be a stewardess he pointed out that all the pilot's wives refused to let their husbands work with her. She was fired from her former airline position for "activities" in the baños.

This show is starting to get to me. I really like Rafe & his family. I'm glad that the cellmates are back. They were fun from the start. I like this role for our old friend Donato from Tontas much more than his doctor on Gancho. There's lots of potential among the staff at Auto Siglo. I also like Ale's family -- It's not very PC but I enjoy the running joke about Ale's dad always getting people's names wrong.

But Oh No! I don't have time in my day for two shows! But no way can I give up Gancho.

Güera from Syra cuse

So, Güera, are you interested in recapping? Even a half-slot (like, every other Tuesday?) we've lost our Tuesday recapper after tonight... let me know if you're interested.

Thanks for the recap CHF/Melinama. This show does seem to be getting better. Ale is not that likeable, yet I do like her. Er.. Any one missing Denia's charms from MEPS.. er.. ahem.. ah.. yes.. Anyway, with Claudia and now Ovidia, they are starting to be in abundance here.

Wow (or should I say guau!) , Melinama. Thanks for even thinking I could handle recapping -- but I'm not ready for that yet.

Jeff- I thought of Denia and her charms, and the fact that this novela each day adds another character who has similar...assets. If there are any other men watching this, besides you, there's plenty of eye candy to go around.

Querida Güera, con todo respeto. If you don't want to recap because writing is not your thing or you can't afford the time, I TOTALLY understand. In fact I'm bowing out of recapping Dinero after tonight because of time obligations.

But if you're worried about your Spanish comprehension, trust me on this one, Honey. If you could understand "vacuum cleaners" in that dialog, your Spanish is much better than mine (I had no clue), and I consider myself a quite adequate recapper. I'm sure you've got the "chops" for the Spanish.

Güera, I'm with Paula on this one, obviously. If you want to give it a whack, you can do as little as you want - after all, I'm just going to slap up a "comments anyone?" heading on Tuesdays after Paula leaves so anything you've got is better than nothing! Think it over... ??

The funniest part of Lopez' exchange with Claudia was when he said that she was'n't allowed to work for the airlines because all of the pilots wives had unified against her.

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