Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Dinero 2/9: In which "lack of sexual connection affects cosmic union."

We have lost our Tuesday recapper. Any takers? Here's what happened tonight, minus all the funny stuff:

Alejandro and Rafael are both in need of cold showers after being rejected by their respective erstwhile lovers. Rafael gets his shower, but Alejandro - probably because she can't take showers in her condition - instead goes in to work at 5 in the morning, after a noche de perros (I guess that means, like barking all night keeps you awake).

She calls Rafael, it's still dark! and makes him come to work straightaway.

Julieta needs money for books so she goes to Rafael's dubious friend Pepete at the billiard party and asks him to sell some of the expensive wedding booze for her. He doesn't want to get involved (fearing Rafa's wrath) but tells her where to find some rich folks who'll buy it.

Marcos is still kissing harlots (sitting in his fine new ride) when Ale calls him to say he doesn't need to take her to work, she took a taxi. Speaking of which, does Marco work? Ever? He also tells Ale he is in the midst of "fecund and creative activity."

Suzanna, perplexed to see Ale at work so early, says "You can join me in a salute to the sun! Tai Chi [etc]" Ale turns her down and says invoices are her equivalent. Susanna sees there's a problem, is distressed to hear Marco and Ale haven't "done it" since the accident, and utters the warning seen above.

The sales force straggles in, Ale's already yelling. They see she's even grouchier than usual and will eat them alive in their daily sales meeting. In that meeting, before their rousing close, she tells Claudia to button up her blouse, "I don't want to see your 'products,' that's only for selling cars."

Finally Rafa gets a chance to start making calls from his list of clients (the list stolen by his co-workers) and finds they've all been called. He tells Alejandra.


Lots of parallel action tonight. Here’s the first twenty minutes.

Both Marco and Vicky leave the frustrated lovers and on the way out the door tell Ale and Rafe that they need to marry as soon as possible so that they can recover (or discover) their intimacy.

Ale has fond thoughts of Rafe but orders herself to snap out of it. Meanwhile Rafe, fresh from his cold shower, is stripping a sexy poster from his door because it is just making things worse.

Rafe answers the phone at 5 am and stumbles out into the kitchen where his mother is ironing his clothes and offering him her own coffee. She wants to make him breakfast but he thinks with Ale for a boss breakfast is a meal that is about to disappear from his life. Ale is at work and can’t figure out where everyone else is. There isn’t even any coffee. She sends the night watchman out to get her some.

Dressed for work Rafe is filling his briefcase with bottles of that expensive booze from the cancelled wedding. He wants to sell it if Ale leaves him a free moment. (Does anyone see anvils here? A briefcase full of booze on his way to work? Then there’s Julieta who wants to sell the stuff herself -- and she’s under age.)

Rafe arrives at work and he brings in two coffees prepared by the night watchman. He hands one to Ale and she (ever the trusting soul) asks him to trade cups -in case he put poison in hers. Then she orders him to get to work so that he can make the money to pay her off so that she never has to look at his face. -- And said face grows sad at the thought.

Here's 10 more minutes

Rafe is stashing his booze in his desk and talking to it -- I’m not kidding here -- He’s talking to the bottles and telling them that fate brought them to him and that they are destined to help him out of his problems.

Ale is talking to her aunt on the phone when Susana comes in and is surprised to find her in the office so early. Susana is up early to do Tai Chi. She invites Ale to come salute the sun with her -- but Ale says that the best therapy is work.Susana senses that something else is wrong and Ale admits that it is her relationship with Marco -- that they haven’t been “together” since the accident. Susana thinks that this is very serious because it destroys the “Cosmic Unity” which a couple must have. (I love this new age girl with her aroma therapy and her sun salute and her cosmic unity.) Ale is blaming Rafe for all of this. After all who would want to make love to a pile of wounds and scars.

Speaking of Marco, when Ale calls him to let him know she’s at work already he almost gets caught because of the noise level of the snoring in the back seat of the car. It’s his sleazy friend Chavez the one who arranges for the harlot delivery. Ale wants to know what the noise is and he has to think fast. He tells her that it is construction noise from some workers near his house. When he wakes Chavez he denies that he snores. I fear that after their night out Ale’s car may have lost that new car smell.

Thanks Melinama and Anon for the recaps. I have a very difficult time understanding what they are saying. If not for you all, I would probably give up on this show. Very funny anon about that new car losing its new car smell. Thats for sure. We will see how long it takes Ale to catch on to Marco. I hope he doesn't give her something before she does. He is such a sleezeball. Thanks again guys for the recaps.

Thanks for the recaps Melinama and Anon. Somewhat of a nice little show so far. Looked around yesterday and see it is listed at 215 episodes, yikes. Another long one. Must have been extended and liked enough in Mexico.

Cute with mama getting Rafa ready for work. Dressing him all up. Yep, not sure how got of an idea it was bringing the whisky to work. Looking anvilicious for sure.

I liked the coffee scene. She not trusting Rafa and trading cups and then him suggesting, maybe I thought you would do that and I took the poisoned one. :) Or.. perhaps he has spent the last two years developing an immunity to iocane powder.

Of course, Rafa was late to the meeting.. because.. of course he had a phone call from Vicky. They handed out the quotas for the week and Rafa has to sell 6. Others only had 1. Tough go.

Seems like when Rafa was going through the lists, he would have gone through a whole page of people being contacted by the same person. Hard to believe the rest of these people worked so hard they went through everyone in about a day?!? Surprising that Rafa brought it up to Ale at the end, that he thought the others had taken his lists.

Loved it, lost that new car smell, definitely.

OMG 215 episodes? And I thought ENDA was hard to get through!

I like the new age girl, too, and how she keeps trying to get Ale to join her in it.

Thought it was cute the way they had both disatisfied lovers going at the same time. But the way Rafa was kissing Vicky I thought maybe he was trying to scare her away!

that was too funny about Rafa trying to scare Vickie away. I was kind of thinking the same thing. It was like he was her little bird "pajarito" and was pecking at her like birds do.

Thanks, Jeff. Ale had better learn, "Never go in against a Naco when death is on the line!"

Pajarito = little, or beloved bird. I just figured out what kind of bird Vicky is: an ALBATROSS!

Anon, do I detect an aspiring recapper? If you want to do that but you're apprehensive about
A. posting your name, or
B. doing the technical part of recapping (posting to blog),
I can help you with that. If you'd like, I can make arrangements with Board Mom, and you could e-mail me whatever you write and I could post it to the blog for you.

If I can facilitate it for you, let me know. My e-mail is:

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