Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Gancho Tuesday Feb. 9, 2010 Lotsa Chickens Comin' Home to Roost

Alternate title III: THE HAIR SAYS IT ALL
(ps. I know with "alternate" there should only be two. But work with me here.)

Today was a day of satisfying confrontations. Jacqui guesses that Estrella is pregnant and wants to know the next step. She counsels against abortion. Aldo finds out the truth and is ready to step up to the plate and be a dad. Katja, after being pushed and prodded, gives a reluctant confession and apology to Estrella. Estrella slaps her a good one! (okay by me, since Katja wasn't really sorry, anyway) Jacqui, who has witnessed Katja's perfidy and lack of real repentance, apologizes to Estrella for her daughter's behavior. Estrella then blasts Jacqui for raising up two such poisonous daughters. Ximena confronts Connie about being an ugly bitter person who mistreats others. Mauricio defends himself from Marco's accusations and together they seem ready to reach an understanding about how to protect Valentina. But not before Mau characterizes Marco as arrogant...as arrogant as his daughter.

Well, heck, that's pretty much the episode. Want more? Okay, here goes.

We begin with a very hungover Jacqui facing the horror of cleaning up in a shared barrio bathroom. Does it have a roof at least? she asks anxiously. Well, a partial one is Estrella's none too reassuring reply. In spite of her hangover and baño anxiety, Jacqui picks up on Estrella's slip of the tongue earlier and guesses she's pregnant...and by Aldo, no less.

In the meantime, Connie is spreading her good vibes and universal love around the office, telling the bereaved Gabriela that she's fired, along with Pau. That's when Gabriela gets the additional news that Connie has divorced Mauricio and been awarded every last penny and shares in his business, along with those miserable kids. Yep, Connie and Dad are the bosses now...and you, Gaby?...you're outta here. What's more, after I beat that chimpanzee in the ring, I'm tossing out everybody in her little neighborhood.

Time for the first of Ximena's three things....to Connie: 1) You're the worst person ever. 2) If you think you're going to beat Moni in the ring, you're crazy. She's the freakin' national champion, for gawdsake. and 3) Can I get your little black dress after Monita destroys you?

Time to check on Nieves. She's dragging her behind, in spite of the sparkling maroon streaks in her coiffed hair. What's bringing her low is Cesar's desertion and Beto's decision to become a priest. Monita arrives and pooh-poohs the whole thing. He'll change his mind. Next thing you know he'll want to be an astronaut. And Cesar's crazy about you. This must be a misunderstanding. Beto gets a little huffy about their doubt of his vocation but nobody pays him any mind. Well, once he's in his priest's robes (sotano) and listening to their confession of their "pecaditos" (little sins) they'll change their tune! Secure in the knowledge that Beto could never take up a profession that didn't include women, Moni promises to talk to Cesar and straighten things out. But wait! Nieves isn't sure she wants him back. Dum de dum dum.

Back to Estrella's fashion emporium. She's picking out just the right outfit to replace Jacqui's tequila soaked pantsuit. There's some hemming and hawing from Jacquelinay but the alternative, an outfit from Nieves, doesn't suit-- so she's up for it. And it's not bad. With the sunglasses, she has a certain rakish charm. What designer? Santiago. Never heard of him. The Santiago tianguis (outdoor market). Ya' think I can afford designer clothes? Get real! Jacqui promises to get it dry-cleaned and returned to Estrella, after she gets home.

That settled, Jacqui gets down to the real business at hand. Estrella's lived her life but Aldo's just beginning to live; he's only a kid. What are you going to do with a baby? Estrella confesses that she wants to lose it. Jacqui, who's been relaxed and tolerant up till now, looks shocked.

Whew. Just when things started getting heavy, Xime lights us up. Connie, Marcos and his nameless lawyer, are sitting in the boardroom with glazed eyes, while Xime gushes about her love letter from Rolu and Arny's romantic missive from Lalu. They're going to be a "maraviguay" couple.

Basta ya ! Let's get down to business. Marcos slides over a chit of paper with a figure on it. That's my offer and it's non-negotiable. Take it or leave it. Xime squints and wants to know what these zeros mean. Connie assures her it's plenty...enough for Xime to buy anything she wants. Even the Castillo de Chapultepec? Alright. Not that . Now sign! Marcos and Connie wait. Faces grim. Will she or won't she?

Well, same question for Estrella, verdad? She's telling Jacqui about her lifelong dream of being an actress, her audition with Ms. Nesma (Hey, she's a buddy of Jacqui's. Who knew?) and how she's slated for the part of the sexy lover. And boom! she goes into an hilarious mini-drama, complete with a pastiche of the Connie-Beto coupling, for Jacqui's benefit. Alas, the conditions of the part require no pregnancy. And in a few months she's going to show (have a "panzona"). What's a chica to do?

Which is precisely Ximena's question: She's so nervous she's "sudando hasta las manos".
(breaking a sweat even in her hands). Mauricio arrives just in time to keep her from signing. He dismisses the offer as ridiculously low. Scribbles a new sum on the paper (Wow, sez Xime) and sails it down. No way, answers Marcos. That's it. Take it or leave it, says our newly macho galan. The tipping point? Ximena threatens to start talking about Lalu and Arny again. Done. Accepted. Signed sealed and delivered. Yay! Best part of the scene. Connie looking like she's having a gall bladder attack. Marcos looking the same. Savor the moment, folks.

Awright. Estrella and Jacqui are still talking about the baby...and the possible regrets if she does have it....and resents it...when sass! Aldo and Katja arrive. Overhear the conversation and now Aldo knows. You lied to me Estrella, he sighs. And we break for an ad.

When we come back, it's to the office. Marcos is seeing the nameless lawyer out and apologizing for the time wasted. Connie is seething at Ximena and wants to know what she'll do with all that money. 1) I don't have to tell you a thing. You're bad bad bad. 2) Mauricio is not "alone', the money is for him 3) Don't mess with my cousin. You're no saint yourself.
Well said, Ximena!

Things are heating up back in the barrio.

Estrella: you got into my bed, Aldo, to make yourself "a man". You never cared a thing for me.
Aldo: I love you.
Estrella: Yeah, right! You talked about me like I was a prostitute. Those stupid cowards came after me, thanks to you. At least have the guts to admit it. You're an imbecile who wanted to have some fun with me and boast about it at school.
Aldo: Yes, I'm an imbecile. I blew it. Please forgive me.
Katja, during all this, is looking guilty....but not saying a word. Skank.

Whoa. Suddenly we're back in the office where Marcos is reaming out Mauricio in a similar fashion. He doesn't want to talk business, he wants to tell him what a wretch he is, messing with two women at the same time. Stay away from Constanza. I'd love to, quips Mau. Just give me back my children. Stay away from Valentina too. You have no right! Oh yes I do. Both Connie and Valentina are my daughters. (cara impactada--Mauricio)

Brief return to barrio. More bitterness. Aldo wants to know why she didn't tell him about the pregnancy. 'Cause it doesn't concern him. How do you even know it's yours? Gals like me dole it out to anybody, don't you know that?

Longer return to office. Marcos admits that Isabel was in his past but so what. The main thing is Mauricio is a wretch who, through his despicable actions, has caused hatred and contempt between his two daughters. No way. Okay...the usual. Monita is "la mujer de mi vida". I'd give my life to make her happy. Etc. etc. etc. She doesn't need you, snarls Papa. Neither one of them. They have ME. I'll give Monita my name, make sure she has what she needs and I'll protect her from animals like YOU.

Well, speaking of animals. Estrella's now talking about the two scummy classmates of Aldo's who came and threw money at her and attacked her. Aldo made them believe she was a slut.

Aldo admits he was foolish. So thrilled about being her novio, so happy that he couldn't stop talking about it. His first time....and it was wonderful. But no, I never said you were a slut. That was Katja's doing. Jacqui's head snaps up. What did you do Katja? she asks.

And now the worst "apology" ever. Katja reluctantly sidles up. Admits she wanted to break up Aldo and Estrella. But hey, everyone knows you're "easy". Bueno ya, perdoname. Big slap. Richly deserved.

Exit Katja. Jacqui apologizes for her daughter but Estrella won't let her off that easy. You ask forgiveness but you're the woman who raised those two spiders (Connie and Katja). You're the pharaoh, the head of the pyramid. You're responsible for the way they turned out. Exit Jacqui. (Dang. I like Jacqui. Not the best of mothers but let's let Katja and Connie be responsible for their own actions.)

We've got more blah blah with Mauricio. Marcos doesn't understand why Mau thinks Monita needs protection from Isabel. We hear about Mau's immense cariño for Monita. Well, Marcos isn't letting him near any of his daughters. They're both unhappy and it's YOUR fault. I'm NEVER wrong. Mau: Nopis. Connie gave you the wrong idea about me. And you're an arrogant so and so. Just like she is.

Making progress is our Mauricio. He goes on to explain about Isabel's abandonment. Her threat to tell Monita how much she hates her if Mau doesn't help her play out her fake death. And only his great love for Moni led him to help Isabel. Marcos looks thoughtful. Realizes that Isabel has lied to him about a number of things. Is actually listening. Wow.

And Ximena is listening to Connie....who's still looking like she's in the midst of a gallbladder attack. Ojala! Ximena, ever pert, asks that Connie "no me claves la mirada" (don't glare at me). You're an imbecile snaps Connie. I maybe expected you to waste all that money on strawberry daiquiris, but never thought you'd give it to Mauricio!

And now....three more things: Ready?
1) Mau is my cousin
2) Not leaving him bereft after all the horrible things you did to him.
3) I need a mirror to protect me from your evil gaze! (as Xime holds up a little hand mirror to shield herself).

And there's more. Our pixie is glad Roberto's free of Connie now. Her former amigosa gets more bitter and ugly every day. And Xime hopes he can find a woman worthy of him. He'll never find anybody like me, sniffs Connie. Yeah, promiscuous, perverse and horny, retorts Ximena.

Back to the endless Mauricio/Marcos discussion. Our galan explains how he was protecting Monita from learning of her mother's hatred of her. He wanted to leave her with a memory of a mother's love and a tender, heartfelt reconciliation. Yes, but that's an illusion, points out Marcos. Isabel gave me a completely different story. Said she faked her death so Valentina wouldn't suffer watching her die slowly, little by little, from the disease. But I guess you dug your own grave, helping her fake it, didn't you, Mauricio? Perhaps. But I wanted Monita to believe her mother died loving her. If you can doubt my love after that, well, too bad.

And now...now that Marcos knows the truth? Well, let's confront Isabel. No can do. She's left her hotel and no one knows where she's gone. (Well, Connie knows. But our two fellas haven't sussed that out yet.)

Barrio time again. Aldo reaches out to touch Estrella. She angrily shakes him off. Let me hold you, he begs. What's going to happen to us?
E: You'll go on with your life. I'll go on with mine. Forget about me.
A: How? You can't ask me to do that.
E: How? That's your problem (bronca).
A: I WON'T leave you. It's my problem too. It's my baby too.
E: You're not ready. It's a mistake. The very worst thing that could happen. I don't want this baby. I want to lose it.

Oh my. Hard to see a happy ending here. Will be interesting to observe how the writers work this out. Ideas, anyone?

Now we're at the gym. Don Cesar is in a splendid blue suit and aqua shirt. Absolutely horrible hair. Worse than usual. Clearly a metaphor for his great distress. The hair says it all. Monita is there to get the two lovebirds together again. Alas, there's only one lovebird. Cesar. Nieves enjoyed his company, accepted his tenderness, but she wasn't in love with him. Not like he was with her.

Okay. Here's the "take-home message". Get ready. Monita reminds Don Cesar that with Love, well....it's like Boxing. Never throw in the towel. Never give up. So you're against the ropes in the first round. You pick yourself up and go at it again. You taught me that Cesar! Follow your own lessons.

Great place to end the episode, right? Wrong. There's more. Marcos wonders why he should believe a scoundrel like Mauricio. Well, if you don't....ask Monita. She can tell you. Marcos admits that Isabel is very manipulative. And Mau points out that she and Connie are in contact. So Monita is clearly in danger even if Marcos has forbiddn his daughter to hurt Moni.

And sure enough--the two vipers appear in the next scene. Isabel's in the apartment sipping what looks like a whiskey. Connie sails in and gets reprimanded for not knocking. And the latter informs Isabel that it's HER apartment and she'll come in without knocking anytime she darn well pleases. Does Marcos know where Isabel is? No. Good. Let him forget I exist. Fair enough, but now I want to talk "sin tapujos" (frankly). Just what's up between you and my father.

We knew each other 30 years ago. I was madly in love with him but he was about to marry another. You know her. Nieves Ochoa. Cara impactada, Connie. And there we end.

Oscar, busy collecting more frequent flyer points to Hell, threatens Connie. Remember, you're the one who broke Salvador's cellphone. And your fingerprints are on it. If the police know, and they find out he didn't die in Venezuela, they'll figure you killed him. Another cara impactada, Connie.
And Aldo asks Estrella to marry him.

cohete aguamieleras = that's what the closed captions said. Help! Any idea, Jarocha?

Sylvia suggests it was actually "jicote aguamierleras", a type of honeybee. Possibly a term of endearment? Or this type of honey as an ingredient in a hangover remedy?
arañas fumigadas = lit. fumigated spiders. in other words, two dames drunk as skunks
descreido = disbelieving. Monita, about Beto's plans for the priesthood.
panzona = belly "three-monther"
la chiquis = little kid
mira la trompita = look at your face! Beto, kidding his mother about her glum look
cara de fuchis = icky face. looking like there's a bad smell
sin tapujos = frankly, no holds barred
bronca = problem, something disagreeable
maraviguay = marvelous in a gay way
creaste la fama de prostituta = you started the rumor that I was a hooker, you ruined my reputation
sudando hasta las manos = sweating right down to my palms
no me claves la mirada = don't stare at me or don't glare at me
sotano = priest's robe
pecaditos = little sins
tianguis = outdoor market

Dicho of the Day:

Las mentiras tienen patas cortas. lit. Lies have short legs or feet. In other words, eventually the truth will come out. Well, some of it did today. But there are many more lies to uncover.


What a busy night. Lots of revelations. Your three titles tell it all. The new pairings -- Jacki & Estrella, Marcos & Mauricio -- show some promise.
Estrella's vamping for Jacki , her imitation of Beto & Coni was hilarious. Xime was great as always. I loved her confrontation with her "ex-amigasoza" Coni was great, especially when she held up the mirror to wad off Coni's evil eye and Coni started primping in it

Great recap -- complete with word for word dialog!

Güera from Syracuse
(where we don't have half the snow that some of you have down south.)

Judy, I'm in awe. You are Wonder Woman. When I got home your recap was already up. Once again you capture the fun with biting wit, wise insight, and wonderful style.

Ximena once again stole the show. She has such comic instinct. It's impossible to tell when she's putting us on. The burbling about Lalo and Arnie was as entertaining to me as it was annoying to Coni and Marcos. I think Marcos' lawyer was amused as well.

Coni did manage to steal a scene from Ximena... well she made a deft effort at least when Ximena held up the mirror to fend off Coni's gaze, Coni used it to check her makeup and primp. Yea, Coni!

I hate to admit it, but I felt sorry for Katia. I thought she was more sincere than you did. I'm sure I'm in the minority here. She just seemed so helpless, tiny, and yes... sorry.

I hope that your coccyx is feeling better, and that you and all of our snow bunnies are safe and warm tonight.


Happy Tuesday, happy because I have Judy's recap to look forward to, hooray!!

I was also baffled by "cohete aguamieleras", but I think what was said was "jicote aguamielero" which I believe is a kind of honey bee. I can't remember the context however.

Judy, how did you select your title? All three are fantastic!

OK, Katia's a little twit PERO...I do recall Jacqui advising her to do what she needed to get Aldo away his novia. Jacqui didn't know who Aldo's novia was nor did she tell Katia exactly what or what not to do, however she gave damned little guidance to her daughter. Ahem...so I think it's appropriate that Estrella gave Jacqui what for. Jacqui's a great character but she kind of sucks at being a mom.

The scenes with Xime and everybody are just a scream. Gosh I hope Veronica Jaspeado wins a premio, she's just the best. I also think Laisha Wilkins deserves an award, she brings a ton to her role. She does the most difficult thing possible by playing a baddie who has the ability to tug at your heart. Hell, they ALL deserve prizes.

Wowee, is Mau growing a pair? Time will tell.

Judy, thanks again for your usual fantabumaraviguau recap!!!

Off topic, I really enjoyed the conversation on yesterday's recap about acting and accents.

PROMISCUOUS, PERVERSE, perfidy, pushed, prodded, pregnant.....Judy you were really cozying up to p-words today... A very fun and PLEASANT recap, thanks.

I too loved the accent comments too. I'm certainly no expert, but even I can hear WL go into his Cuban when he talking fast and excitedly.

About a conversation here,are there categories where women compete again men for " best actor"?

Carlos , I left a thanks for your recap late, hope you got it!

Does anyone else work on a phone? Sometimes what you write gets stuck and you can't proof it!

Okay, it's too late for me to consider saying anything insightful, but I just had to read the recap and I agree it was stellar.

Loved Ximena saying Arnie and Lalu were "maravigay."

Hey guys...thanks for noting Connie's primping in the mirror. I was scribbling Ximena's "three things" so fast, I missed it.

Once again, I was aware of how FAST people talk in this show. The speed of conversation, compared to Sortilegio and ENDA is incredible. Not complaining. I love our sassy little show. But it makes capturing everything for the recap difficult.

On to snow, accents, my nether regions and other topics. Yes, Güera from Syracuse, the Weather Gods must be very angry or confused. You folks know how to deal with snow. Poor Washington DC is totally flummoxed.

Carlos, what a difference a little post-partum cushion makes. A student in my aeroibcs class braved our snow storm to bring me one and it's made all the difference. Have put away the Advil bottle for now. Hooray!

Sylvia..good call on the "jicote aguamielero". I think it came up when Beto was talking to Nieves, so perhaps it was an endearment. I'll go back and look at the tape and see if I can figure it out.

Thanks to both you and Carlos for defending Katja. She was horrible setting up Luisa for humiliation several months ago and horrible in setting up Estrella. So I can't find any sympathy for her but I agree, Jacqui has hardly been a strong moral compass. And ditto for Marcos. Shall we say "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree"?

Still....always time for redemption.

Hi Sandy, glad you were PLEASED with all the "p" words. Guess we've got a Jardinera thing going on here. Makes me think of "peso-lovin' Paula". So impressed you can even blog in using a cellphone. I barely know how to answer mine. Carlos logs in that way. Don't know if he has the same problem or not.

And Good Morning Julia. I'm about to zip up the page and read your ENDA recap. Looks like it's a sizzler.





By the way, Snow Bunnies...I was talking (well, pretty much just listening)Monday to our school custodian who's originally from Puerto Rico. She was venting about having to shovel her car out before heading home from a late shift. She said "palear" for shoveling. So if you need to talk about your relationship with your driveway...there it is!

Well, I'm home from work today. Why? About 20 more inches of snow fell (and it's still snowing madly, with 40 mile per hours winds). Turns out that just like Ximena, Baltimore has it's 3 things, namely snow emergency phases. Phase I - you have to have snow tires or radials. Phase II - no parking on snow emergency routes. Phase III - no vehicles allowed on the road AT ALL, except for snow emergency vehicles. They just declared Phase III for the first time EVER. Wow!

But the electricity is fine, we have plenty of food, and I get more time to read and comment on Caray Caray!

Judy, thanks for the wonderful recap, you never disappoint. I especially like the capsule summary at the start, the alternate titles, and the vocab.

I was very happy that Marcos actually listened to Mau. Most telenovela characters never listen to explanations, but Mau's tranquil manner (some would say boring) actually benefited him in this case. And Marcos, while not as placid as Mau, does have a businessman's demeanor, he wants to get all the information.

The previews, with Oscar threatening Coni, hint at what usually causes the bad guys' downfall - they start accusing and threatening each other. The good guys usually have far less information, but at least they're united. The bad guys' greed and insecurity inevitably hastens their defeat. And for we viewers, it's a sweet treat (that defeat). Of course we have months to go, but I can start dreaming.

Good point about the bad guys turning on each other, Hombre. Their own character defects lead to their downfall.

So you're at Level III. Yikes. You're going to be doing a lot of "paleading" today. May be time to invest in a snowblower. Although a number of folks here have lots their fingers, trying to unjam the icy snow when their blower got stuck.

Glad you've got plenty of food, and above all, electricity! We haven't heard from Emilia and Mike yet today so hope they're alright.

Judy - Simplemente exquisito.
I loved watching Xi (Beto's nickname for Ximena when they were pretend dating) square off with her ex-amigasoa before and after the meeting.

I see where Coni gets her "evil stare off death". The look that Macros (and Coni) gave Ximena would've melted her if she wasn't a big ball of sunshine. I would've been sweating under those cloudy conditions, too. Thank goodness for Mau. He made it just in time. At least he was able to actually save someone that day. God love

BTW, I think Ximena melted Macros (aka the ICE King) a little when she kissed him on the cheek. So cute and so Xi. ^^

Be well all.

Hi RockZ. By the way I loved your "that model is on back order" quip the other day.

Yep, you're right. Xime can melt Marcos or just about anybody else...except perhaps wretched Oscar.

Overall, it was a very fun episode and fun to recap.

Hombre- Having the exact same weather as you right now. It really is a wonder to behold!

My favorite scenes of the episode all involved Xime. She is so maraviguau! :) But Connie also stole the scene with her mirror primping. It must be fun to play someone so cold/evil. Let's see who wins in the evil contest between her and Isabel. I'm betting Isabel, because she's had more years of practice.

This was a really fine recap. I have a hard time keeping up with some of the fast-talking actors and you fill on the blanks so beautifully.

I am just knocked out by the acting on this show. Xime is a comic actress in the Lucille Ball class—her timing is just perfection. Marcos made me believe him as he (slightly) shifted perspectives on Coni and Isabel yesterday.

Coni behaves terribly but I still find her appealing. Wow.

And the Estrella/Aldo chicken's coming home to roost—so much young tragedy. It looks like Jaqui may turn into a mentor and friend for Estrella—wouldn't that be lovely? a

But I guess I am in the minority here; I do not like Katia. I do not like her hair and I did not like her apology one bit. She set Estrella to be raped and that is not just a teenager's trick. I was thrilled that Estrella gave her face a resounding slap.

Hoping Hombre, Vivi, Mike and Emilia and all you others in this record-breaking snow are safe, warm and well fed.


Emilia here. We're fine. Mike came home about 10:30 this morning. We only have about 1 1/2 inches of snow and the roads appear to be more or less clear - until they freeze tonight! Our son is up in Arlington, Vivi, so he's getting what you're getting. Please stay safe.

Loved the titles and the recap, Judy. I was surprised that Mau grew a spine and stood up to Marcos. Also, Coni primping was great. She appeared to be enjoying her little bit of comedy.

Hi EJ, Mike and I could go without food for a LONG time and not starve! But, yes. we're well fed. Pot roast on the stove for dinner!!!

Hey guys, didn't mean to worry anyone. Judy and Carlos, thanks for your most enjoyable recaps. And thanks to all the rest of the gang for the comments. Caray, Caray has become our little tropical oasis during this lousy weather.

I'm trying to figure out Marcos and am not liking what I see. My bet would be that his interest in Valentina is not as a father (give me a break...) but rather in capitalizing on her national championship and he sees Mau as a threat to profit.

Somebody tell me spring will be here in a few months. Please. Even if it's a lie.

Mike, spring will arrive. In fact, the trees here are already starting to leaf out, and stuff is blooming!

Oh, that didn't help much, did it? At least...it doesn't get dark quite so early anymore? Well, stay warm and distract yourselves with telenovelas.

Ximena is a nonstop delight. Even around Coni, like when she asked about buying el Castillo de Chapultepec.

Coni: Ximena, you are never going to need to buy a castle!

Ximena: Well, you never know...

That's our Xime...and who knows, she just may have a reason to buy a castle someday.

Julia, I do believe you. I do believe a Higher Power will deliver warm weather. I do believe trees will bud and flowers will bloom, etc, etc...

Re your weather, I've been hearing that Vancouver is sweating (hah!) the unusually warm winter that has so far failed to deliver snow for the Olympics. We have plenty. Their people should contact our people. Right, Hombre and Vivi?

Ugh, my work computer got eaten by a virus and is spending the day in surgery, and this "public" office computer I'm using is as slow as Mauricio.

I'm trying to figure out what in the heck Isabel does all day. Does she have any hobbies?

Mike, it's true, this area has had an unusually warm, relatively dry winter while you all have been suffering. I haven't even had my heat on for weeks. The Olympics are going to be interesting.

Mike and Emilia:

Happy to hear that you are well—fed.(Big grin). Spring will come if the past is an accurate predictor of the future. I don't blame you for being impatient, though,if I had experienced the winter Vivi, Hombre, JudyB and your kids in Arlington's have had I think I would be downright cranky.
Mike, I agree with you about Marcos.I thought he might have believed Mau in this episode but I am not crazy about his
character. That man defines the term "slick".

JudyB i am happy to hear that a little pillow has provided so much comfort. I loved this segue in the recap, "Time to check on Nieves. She's dragging her behind, in spite of the sparkling maroon streaks in her coiffed hair. What's bringing her low is Cesar's desertion and Beto's decision to become a priest". LOL! However, if what I understand from reading old recaps is correct, Don Ceasar has a perfectly serviceable wife tucked away somewhere. Can't Nieves have a man that she doesn't have to share? I LOVE this actress.

Cesar's wife left him, for reasons unknown, before he got together with Nieves. So I'm not sure he has to be shared.

I agree about Marcos. Whatever his motivations, they don't seem to be universal love for family. He can't be bothered with Katia, even though she is also his daughter. Is it because there is nothing he can get out of her yet?


I always enjoy your comments. So sad that today you are working on an oldy but moldy computer. I love some old objects, especially anything with a rich wood patina, but I am not so fond of antique computers—or toiliets for that matter!

With a smile.


Hi guys. How fun to come back and find all these comments. And glad to know Mike and Emilia are alright. Pot roast sounds divine. Haven't had any in some 20 years but one never forgets. The taste of beef!

I'm in the midst of watching today's episode (mum's the word) because classes are cancelled today.

More later.

Weather update from NE Pa....It's started snowing last night about 7.30 , and it hasn't stopped. I'm wondering if we should start shoveling off our deck. Philadelphia[about an hour and a half southeast of us has had record snowfalls this winter. Roofs have collapsed. Many people are without electricity. Schools have been closed all week. Not as bad here. Schools were closed today, including the schools that our daughter and son-in-law each at and the college where I teach. [YAY..They used their heads and closed for a change.] Hub thinks that we might end up with about 18 inches of snow. Meh. Our daughter called us from JFK this morning to let us know that she had just landed. I've been watching the NY channel, and Manhattan is getting lots of snow. However, she just emailed to tell us that the people she needed to meet with at her work are all there, and if she can't get a cab , her hotel is close enough for her to walk to. Do you ever stop worrying about your kids?...NO.

Judy loved your summarizing paragraph. That set us up quite nicely and the details are icing! ha....segue...

Hello snowbums!!! Hope you all are hanging in there and finding wonderfully creative things to do.

I forgot I have an event so I'm not sure when/if I'll finish my recap tonight...I'll try to post something but I'm not sure if I'll get to watch until late...so hang in there...

Oh Susanlynn...so happy your daughter arrived safely, and if necessary, can walk to her hotel. No, alas, one never stops worrying. When my mother was in a nursing home, senile and very weak, she would still have a fit at the thought of me driving back to Columbus from Indy late at night. Ninety years old and still worrying about me. And we thought stretch marks were the only problem!

Elna June, glad you've joined me in the Katja-deserved-it corner. As you said, her setting up of Estrella was more than a kid's trick.

Julia, my condolences on the old, cranky computer. Probably just the right speed for me!

Hi Kris. Hope your event tonight is a fun one and that you have a great time. Remember, if you're really overwhelmed, you can just post a header and we'll all discuss. If there are lurkers out there who struggle with Spanish, they can ask us questions and we'll fill in.

Vivi...that's a hard one. We've seen so much of Connie doing cruel things. Only a few of Isabel at work. I think it's a draw.

I'm glad to hear that everyone is surviving this capricious weather. Mike and Emilia, I was starting to be a little worried about you guys, now I'm envious... pot roast.

Sandy, yes, I read your nice comments yesterday. Thanks for those kind words. I'm so glad that you've joined us here at Club Gancho.

I was about to take up for Marcos, but then I remembered... didn't he meet and pay off the judge after Coni's divorce? I was going to say that he's just a neglectful father trying to make up for not being more a part of his daughters' lives and means well. I guess I'll stick with my first impression that he is a likable rascal. I do appreciate how he and Jaqui enunciate, however. I hope that we have more scenes with the two of them together... on Mondays.


Ay ay, three cheers for enunciation! I also had a great fondness for folks who speak somewhat slowly. When Monita gets going, it's always 90 miles an hour.

So sorry to hear you are getting slammed with snow, too. I am not surprised to hear that roofs are collapsing around the snow area. The flimsy house I live in now would collapse under jsut a few inches of snow, I am sure, let alone a couple of feet.

In the Sierras, and I am sure in in Rockies as well, a key thing in getting a new building permitted is its ability to tolerate "snowload" weight. Unlike the Rockies, where they enjoy feathery light snow much of the time, we have what we call "Sierra cement" here, full of moisture blown in from the Pacific. Very heavy indeed.

I bet your snow in PA is fairly heavy as well. Hope you—and yours—are safe, well and warm.

And no. we NEVER stop worrying about our children.

Sierra Cement...what a great term!...for a horrible problem. And of course, until I started studying Spanish, I never ever thought about what "sierra" meant. Learning this language has made me appreciate so many place names in our country in a new way.

Ah, snow load...a topic in my wheelhouse. Snow loads consideration is required for building engineering pretty much every place that ever gets snow (and has a building code), but the design load varies greatly. In Seattle we typically design roofs for snow of 25 pounds per square foot. When I worked in Idaho, I designed some places for as much as 150 pounds per square foot. That could be about 12 feet of snow!

Then you also have to consider the shape of the roof, which can lead to snow drifting in the wind or sliding off a higher roof onto a lower one, plus in some places you have to consider that snow sitting on a roof may trap rain which falls afterward, which puts even more weight on the roof.

Plus, if the roof surface isn't insulated or vented and can be warmed by the heated space below, you can get icicle loading along the roof edge.

And when it all goes wrong anyway, buildings collapse!

Hi, Elna. Still snowing here. This snowfall is pretty light , but we sometimes get very, wet, heavy snow. Years ago, we had so much snow that the schools were closed a total of 17 days. We had to hire someone to get the snow off our roof. The local and Philly stations have had all day coverage of ...SNOW. It looks like the loxcal schools will be closed tomorrow, too, because the snow is supposed to continue until tonight. Watching the blizzard in Manhattan on the NYC channel makes me nervous for my daughter. She just emailed that she is still at the office in meetings with her coworkers , and she'll leave work when they do. Unfortunately , she's staying at a hotel that isn't as close as the one she usually stays in when she goes to Manhattan. She might try to take the subway rather than walk. I told her that room service would be a good option tonight. I won't settle down until she calls to tell me that she's in her hotel room. I was just thinking about all the places my kids have gone and how I've been right here worrying about them in that place far from home--Canada, Italy, Germany, England, Scotland, Spain, New Zealand, France, Hawaii, New Jersey, New York. I forgot to watch Amor Real at 4.00. Bummer.

Elna June, I hope you won't be disappointed that Emilia and I are enjoying a nice Paso Robles Zin w/ the aforementioned pot roast.

Julia, I greatly enjoy your design information, this and the comments on the Haiti construction. Keep 'em coming.

Carlos, no sympathy for you, my friend, since you'll be at Goodson's or the place with the plump Gulf oysters tomorrow for lunch.

Susanlynn, Vivi, Carlos, for all my whining, Yorktown's winter is a puny fraction of what you all are enduring. I wish you guys the very best and a lovely spring, sooner rather than later.

Did anyone notice that for the first time since they got together, Nieves and Don C were out of sync with their clothing colors? He was wearing blue/green and yellow, and she was wearing maroon and some other colors. A sign?

Vivi, yes!! I noticed that too. There is some great symbolism in this show and not too obscure for those of us (ahem...me) who easily miss those kinds of things.

Julia, very interesting info about roof loading. Thanks for sharing.

One time, I was in a seminar about snow loads, and the guy giving the seminar (who I always enjoyed mocking in many ways and for many reasons) kept talking about the "climatic situations" except he kept saying "climactic."

Well, you know how easily amused I am, and it didn't help that my partner in office crime/comedy was sitting directly across from me and caught my eye. I thought I would explode from trying not to laugh.

Another time, I was in a seminar about concrete and the speaker kept saying "salacious" instead of "silicious" (silicious meaning containing silica).

You know, now that I am telling this, it occurs to me that in engineering it really helps to be very easily amused.

Judy: Excellent recap. I have not seen the episode yet but I think Sylvia's explanation of Jicote amguamielero sounds right.

I'm dying to see Ximena's scenes. Sounds like she was delightful.


Hahahah!!! Julia you're killing me! Those malapropisms are hilarious. How salaciously climactic it must have been.

My sis once went to an allergy clinic and she couldn't wait to come home and tell me about one of the women who very earnestly described her allergy to "poignant" cheeses. This was years ago and to this day she and I never say pungent cheese, preferring instead to use the term poignant. Then my sis always says "because they smell so bad they make us cry" and we shriek with laughter. Pretty stupid, huh?

Wow. Julia, I love it when you talk engineering. That was very interesting. I need more engineers in my life 'cause I know nothing about it.

Vivi...good call on the non=matching outfits. Yep, the symbolism fits. Our favorite couple is out of sync. Where will our dear Cesar, in his snuggly footed jammies and sunglasses sleep tonight? So sad.

Susanlynn...when I had to travel (for interviews for teaching jobs, I always had room service. Never was comfortable eating by myself in a restaurant.

Judy, I kind of love eating by myself in a restaurant. You can think clearly and take your time (if you have time) while you eat to look around all the other people eating. I also like sitting by the window and watch the people pass. I especially loved doing that in Toronto, where people are so diverse and so different from me. It all kind of gives me a sense of peace. Or maybe I'm just that weird, haha.


Jarocha~~Great restaurants in Toronto, no ? My daughter and son-in-law live there. And yes, Toronto has a very diverse population. The people are very friendly, too. If you look lost, someone always wants to give you directions. Julia~Wow - I don't know what I'd do if I had to go to a seminar on snow loads or concrete. When I taught high school , my best friends were English teachers who got me in a lot of trouble by making me laugh at inopportune moments in faculty meetings or by leaving risque post-it notes on my circulation desk.

I don't mind eating alone. It's actually a good way to meet people and, as Jarocha says, you can spend time people watching. Also, room service is usually expensive and the food can be so-so. I guess my desire to save money is enough to drive me out into the public eye.

Susalynn: Yeah, the people in Toronto are amazing! They are so nice and they always try to make you feel welcome. My teacher told us once about a controversial ad on Vancouver that said the drink they were advertising was colder than the people in Toronto. Everybody in the class was shocked that somebody would print that because we were all treated well and with great warmth by the locals.

Sylvia: In school, that was the best way to meet new people. Sit alone on a table and there will always be someone who comes and ask if they could sit with you.


Many years ago I went to the south of France by myself. Every night I ate in the same lovely cafe at a table right on the sidewalk perfect for people watching. The waiter more or less took me under his wing and for the first few nights would seat a gentleman at my table. I think he thought I was lonely. Unfortunately I was so preoccupied trying to converse with these guys in French that I couldn't enjoy my meal or the balmy summer evening. Plus I didn't care for his choice in dates, they smoked or they had hair coming out of their ears or some such thing. I finally asked the waiter to stop seating gentlemen at my table because I preferred to eat alone. As luck would have it the next night a competely hunk-a-licious Kiwi strolled up, couldn't find a vacant table, and asked if he could sit with me. My joy was short-lived; the waiter dashed out and shooed the poor guy away yelling at him in French that the mademoiselle required solitude!

Aw. Sorry Sylvia, that waiter sounds like an interesting character. Too bad he had to sent away the hunky guy. At least you will always have that fantastic story to tell in reunions. It sounds like something that could happen in Gancho. In fact, it sounds like something that could happen to Estrella.


I always fondly recall that waiter. He was such a dear, and he saved the same table for me every night. You're right, it's a good story and could be a comedy scene.

I have a friend who was transferred to Toronto for a year for his work. He loved it and was traumatized when he had to come home. He considered trying to stay in Toronto but he missed the Pacific ocean and that's what finally drew him back.

After living in Hoboken and NYC for a couple years after college, Toronto was a nice change for my daughter. However, Jarocha, I've heard someone on a tv show from Toronto make snide comments about the people from Toronto. I think it has something to do with Toronto being the financial center of Canada. There are lots of yuppies there. Evidently real estate values are high compared to places like Montreal. I've always found the people of Toronto to be very warm and friendly. My son-in-law has lived in several parts of Canada [Nova Scotia and the west coast]. He teases about New Foundland where he says the folks are unique. Hub and I are planning a trip to Quebec this summer to celebrate our anniversary. Our daughter loves that city. People say that it has a very European feel. I also think that Toronto has a more European feel than a north American vibe....so many cafes, museums,parks, etc.


Cap'n~~~Ahhh...you had me at ''the south of France.'' One of my lifelong dreams has been to go to France. I've dreamed of it ever since I was ''Suzette'' in Miss Grace Moore's French I class when I was 15. I think that you could develop your anecdote into a great telenovela if you just change the locale to ''the south of Mexico.''

Susanlynn, I have an admission to make. I did eventually get to meet the hunky Kiwi because I ran into him the next day at the beach. So hmmm...maybe I WILL have to turn it into a telenovela and change the locale to some fantastic Mexican shore, say Veracruz perhaps? And my hunky Kiwi can be a pirate?

I'd watch ~You know how I feel about pirates. I only know one kiwi, my daughter's friend who lives with his significant other, a Cuban guy who makes the best mojitos and coffee evah.

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