Wednesday, February 24, 2010

ENDA Tuesday February 23. The villains don’t care what’s right, they want everything that’s left.

Overlap: Eugenio has responded to Carlota’s drunken weepy booty call. He gets to watch her waddle around (is it the shoes, or what? Carlota has the walk of a much heavier, older woman) and cry about her abandonment. He can’t convince her that kids are supposed to leave the nest. She says no one understands her. Lady, give them a break. They don’t all have doctorates in abnormal psychology. Eugenius says he’d like to understand her, then goes above and beyond the call of duty and bravely endures her leechy face-suck. Seems to really get into it, in fact. Should he get a Purple Heart for that?

On with the new: On an autumn day in Houston, Not-So-Angelic and OrlandNo are snoozing in bed all deshabille. They wake up. “What have we done?!!!”

Over at the rectory, Padre Benito asks Cristóbal whether he will remain a civilian or return to the priesthood. Cris says it depends on what Paloma decides to do. He feels Crueloca is still a danger and he needs to protect his daughter. Padres Benito and Mateo make evil-deflecting hand gestures and nod in agreement.

Romina is at the hospital, asking the doctor with great irritation what the emergency is. The doctor tries to be civil about the fact that this brat can never be bothered with her son, and says that Bernie is doing much better and will be discharged as soon as the day after tomorrow. Romi is not thrilled. She doesn’t want to take the baby home and doesn’t know how to take care of him anyway. Doc says they will teach her what she needs to know, and she can hire a nurse for the first few days to help while she gets the hang of it. “Do you know of anyone who might want to adopt him?” is Romeana’s response. The poor doctora is flabbergasted.

La Loca wanders into the sala in her robe and sees the wine bottle and glasses. “It wasn’t a dream! Eugenio was here! We kissed and then…” long thoughtful pause while we try not to imagine “…he left! I must not lose control like that again! I can’t cheat on Cristóbal, even though he was unfaithful to me with my own sister.”

The disloyal cad himself is breakfasting with last night’s partner in Tongue Twister. Cris asks for advice on how to protect Paloma from La Loca. Eugenio says, looking perhaps a tad embarrassed, that he may be a little too involved with Carloca, and not, um, ahem, in the usual way he is involved in his cases. He flashes back to the liplock. “Don’t tell me you are interested in Carlota,” says Cris, disbelieving. Eugenio gets all shifty and doesn’t answer. I think Cris’s mind has been blown.

Carloca is still in her robe, washing her own dishes. She tells herself out loud that she’s got to focus. Her only objective is to separate Paloma from Cris, so they can’t leave her all alone.

Cris, no longer hungry, is all, “Qué the heck is WRONG with you?! You know what kind of person Crueloca is!” Eugenio (not earning that genius rating at the moment) says yes, that’s what he finds attractive. She’s perverse, selfish, mitómana (no idea what that means but it must be bad), but also very intelligent, and he likes it like that. Cris can’t believe it. He warns Eugenio to be very careful. Eugenio admits that sometimes he gets sucked into her spell, and believes that she’s a poor sweet suffering thing, even though the evidence shows otherwise. Well, this is a major weakness for Team Good Guys. Can the dimwitted B-team rally?

Paloma runs into Emiliano in the lobby of the swanky hotel, where it seems everyone is living these days. He’s surprised to see her there, and she catches him up: Daddy is ex-Padre Cris, and there’s a bonus granny thrown in! Emo is delighted. Know what’s even better than her escape from the abbatoir, though? He’s getting divorced! Now they can get together again! Paloma isn’t jumping ships quite so fast, and turns away. Forget that painter punk! Ditch him and let’s get it on!, enthuses Emo. Paloma says nothing and looks at him with Great Conflict, because she is a Tragic Soul.

Paloma finally says she is Gabriel’s novia now. Emo asks if she feels the same way about Gabe that she does about him. No, she says, it’s different, but this is what she has decided. How can she do this if she still loves Emo, he asks. She reminds him that he loved her when he married Romina. Arguing about how this is different gets Emo nowhere, so he tries sliding up closer and fondling Paloma while talking about their smoochfest days of yore in his best Harlequin Romance voice.

Romina returns home to find Néstor, Emiliano’s lawyer, waiting for her with divorce papers. She tells him not to waste his time. She’ll never divorce Emo. He tells her she doesn’t have a choice.

Emo leans in to kiss Paloma, but once again she steps back and away from him. So what if he says he’s leaving Romina? She’s only interested in facts, not words and dreams. So, she’s going to stick with Gabriel, even though she totally really loves Emo, for sure. Emiliano wants to fight for their love, of course. Forget it, she says.

Romina refuses to accept the divorce papers. Néstor tells her the papers are just a formality. The divorce is a fact regardless. The only thing her attitude will affect is how much of the community property she gets to keep.

Camila tells Mónica that she’s selling her share of the ceramics business to Rafael and Joel, which of course Mónica already heard from Joel. Cami said when she was talking with Rafa she realized she still has feelings for him, but she hopes it’s just because she’s mad at Orlando, and not that she made a mistake in marrying him. Mónica knows that trying to find logic in Cami’s romantic decisions is futile, so she just nods patiently.

Luz and Rafa meet with the adoption lady. She tells Rafa he doesn’t need to be there. Since Luz is adopting alone, the psychologist and social worker will only need to talk to her. Way to care about the entire home environment, social worker. Luz wants Rafa to stay anyway, but he leaves. The lady asks Luz if she’s sure she doesn’t want to include him. No, she’s in a hurry to adopt Xochitl.

La Loca stalks her prey Cris in the rectory. He asks her what she wants. She wants Paloma. No one else can watch over (velar) Paloma, only her.

Paloma breakfasts with her abuelas and tells them she’s worried about her future. They tell her Cris hasn’t decided whether to be a priest again because he wants to stay with her and protect her. Paloma says she doesn’t need protection. Madeleine says they will never lack for money, anyway. She’s got oodles, and if Cris goes back to the church, Paloma and Rufi will be her only heirs. Rufi is surprised. Why her? Because I want to, and I like you, says Madeleine.

Another intense Carlota-Cris faceoff:
Carlota: Gimme my abused little birdie Paloma back.
Cris: Over my dead body.
Carlota: If that’s how it has to be.
Cris: I know exactly what you are capable of. Your masks have fallen off one by one, and now you’re naked. God and I see the truth. Your hate and envy of Macarena have finished you.
Carlota: Me?! Jealous of Mac?! Never!
Cris: Of course you are jealous! She was more beautiful and more of a woman than you! Do you realize you could have found another man, had children, been happy? But no! You had to cling to the impossible! (Afferarse = to cling, to insist, to hook together). Now you’ve lost.
Carlota: You think so? He who laughs last, laughs best.
Cris: You won’t be laughing. Good always wins, and people like you are punished.
Carlota: Make Paloma come back to me, or you will regret it.
Cris: Enough threats. I am not afraid of you. You are ruined. The end has come.
Carlota: We’ll see about that.

Whew! Yes, we will see about that, o crazy one. It’s why we tune in.

Gabriel gleefully tells Eugenio that he proposed to Paloma. They laugh and embrace. Didn’t they have this conversation yesterday, before Eugenio went to see Carlota?

Cris fervently prays for protection for the whole gang. A slightly threatening tone starts to drown out the holy monk chants.

Emiliano moons over a photo of Paloma and wonders aloud why she doesn’t want to be with him if she still loves him. He ignores his buzzing phone.

Romina leaves a ranty message for Emiliano demanding some face time. Liliana overhears and of course can’t help taunting her. That Karma is such a mean girl, isn’t she? Romina continues to insist that Emiliano is HER husband. “Oh, whatever. He’s trying to get back together with Paloma,” says Lili. “WHAT?!,” says Romi. “Yeah, but I don’t know if she’ll accept. Gabriel also proposed to her!” Romi looks furious. “Tough to choose between two such great guys, don’t you think? Careful with that karma! Ta-ta!” Lili flounces away, leaving Romina stewing in her own bile.

Paloma is at Gabriel’s place for a “painting lesson.” This involves him wrapping himself around her like an overcoat and helping her hold the brush. Well, okay, it can’t make her paintings any worse. She turns around to tell him about her encounter with Emo. He’s surprised and happy to hear that she didn’t go running back to Emiliano and wants to stay with him instead. Paloma admits that she still loves Emiliano; she can’t stop all of a sudden, but she also loves Gabriel and she’s chosen him. “So will you marry me?” asks Gabe. Paloma isn’t ready to commit to that. One day at a time. He appreciates her sincerity. They go back to the tandem painting.

Romina throws the papers at Emiliano and says she’ll never divorce him. He says what she wants doesn’t matter. What she did was so egregious that the divorce will be granted anyway. Romina snits that he thinks she is a golfa, but Paloma is the real slut! She’s already been with Iñaki, and now Gabriel! And Gabe has asked her to marry him, so forget about her loving you forever, chump!

Natalia calls Eugenio and tells him that Paloma told her that the day Alonso died, Carlota was out of town. Coincidence? She thinks not. They know Cruel tried to kill Doc B, so it’s not hard to believe she also tried to kill Alonso, and succeeded. Eugenio agrees, and will look into it. Doc B lies in the background, still comatose.

Romina calls Germán and demands his help. “Are you crazy? After the way you treated me?” he says, but his bizarre addiction to her prevents him from hanging up. “You have to make Emiliano not divorce me,” says Romi. “How? He hates me as much as he hates you.” Romina doesn’t care. He must find a way to do it, because if Emiliano doesn’t want her, no one else can have him, including that slut Paloma. “I don’t care if Emiliano divorces you. Deal with it yourself,” says Germs. Romina is incensed.

Emiliano paces around Gabriel’s house until Gabriel walks in from the other room. Did he let himself in? Telenovela people are always stunningly bold that way. He doesn’t waste time with pleasantries, he goes straight to menacing (well, he’s trying to be menacing, but doesn’t quite have the gravitas) warnings against marrying Paloma.

Paloma encourages Cris to return to the priesthood. “But how would you handle having a priest for a father?” he asks. “Very proudly,” she says. He worries that narrow-minded people might not approve, but she says that’s their problem. Cris also worries that they wouldn’t have much of a family life. His time would not be his own, and he wouldn’t even get to decide where he lives. She says she will visit him wherever he goes. She just wants him to be happy, and serving as a priest is what makes him happy. She’s never been like the other girls so she doesn’t care that she’ll be different, she is just ecstatic to finally have a father. Happy hugs. They argue about who loves the other more.

“I am not your enemy,” Gabe tells Emo. “Yes, you are! You can’t take Paloma away from me! She loves me!” “That is her decision to make.” Gabe goes on and on describing the life he intends to have with Paloma, to Emo’s great irritation. No, no, no, Emo stubbornly argues. He will NOT permit Gabriel to mock him! Or to end up with Paloma! Gabe gives Emo a sideways look as Emo vamooses, probably wondering what Paloma sees in him.

You know, it’s really hard to see the difference between Emiliano and all the obsessed, selfish, stubborn villains. I guess it’s that Paloma has said she loves him, but still. That doesn’t mean she’s given up her freedom and belongs to him.

Rufi shows Madeleine Paloma’s engagement ring from Iñaki, which Iñaki said was very valuable and Carlota claimed is worth nothing, and the copy she found in Carlota’s desk (she has both now). Hmmm, very curious, says Mad.

Germán finally takes the papers about the changed will to Eugenio. Eugenio asks whether he’s had further contact with Carlota, and Germs says no. She asked him to find out what happened to Doc Bermúdez, but he hasn’t learned anything. “Hmm. You may go,” says Eugenio. However, Germy has the gall to ask for a recommendation, so he can get another job. “Are you freaking kidding me?! You are corrupt,” says Eugenio. Germs says he’ll be a good boy from now on. “Some people don’t change, and I don’t think you regret what you’ve done. You’re just sorry about the results. You only came to me to get revenge on Carlota,” retorts Eugenio. “Please, please, please,” whines Germy. “No. I’ll pay you for your services and that’s it; we’re done. It’s a shame someone as smart as you took the easy route. You ruined your life.”

Carlota goes home and finds an envelope slid under the door. It’s another pasted-letters note:

I am so close to you that I can see that you are dressed very nicely today. Bermúdez.

“No! You’re dead! You’re dead!”

Cris is telling Paloma he knows she loves Emiliano, but there have always been obstacles in their way. “Yes, but now there’s also Gabriel, and something tells me I want to be with him,” says Paloma. “That something, is there revancha?” asks Cris. (Help, someone?) Anyway, Cris seems to want to be sure that Paloma really loves Gabriel and doesn’t just feel sorry for him because he is supposedly dying. No, she says, she loves him, and the thought of leaving him for Emiliano is really upsetting to her. “Well, there you go then; you have the answer in your hands,” says Cris. Paloma actually looks at her hands to find her answer, and Cris smacks her teasingly.

Luz is filling out the paperwork and telling the adoption lady she’s worried about being a good mother. The lady says love and desire to be a good mother are the most important, but you have to learn on the job. Xochi is brought in for a visit. Luz is all squeals of happiness.

Carlota leaves her house and looks around suspiciously. Música de suspensa.

Orlando and Angélica are in a restaurant for a super awkward dinner. Orly asks whether she wants wine. Ange says no. Last night she had enough for the rest of her life, thanks. Orlando kind of suggests they just forget about what happened. Ange says even if they try to erase it, it did happen, and she feels terrible. Orly says he feels terrible, too, but he doesn’t sound at all upset, while Ange is trembling and on the verge of tears. Camila is her friend! How could she betray her like this?! Orlando doesn’t think Camila needs to find out; it would just be unnecessarily rude to mention it. Ange wails that she’ll never be able to look Cami in the eye. She cannot live such a lie! Orlando looks confused.

Emiliano is at the hospital, and the doctor tells him that Romina wants to put Bernie up for adoption. QUÉ??? The doc is worried that the baby’s health will suffer if Romina does that.

Avances: Romina asks Gabriel to paint her nekkid, and doesn’t wait for him to agree before starting to drop her dress. Paloma walks in and is impactada.


Hi Julia, clever, punny title.
mitomano/a =pathological liar or compulsive liar; mitomania is the condition
revancha= revenge

Your note on Carloca's waddle was interesting. I'm sure the actress doesn't clump around that way naturally so the director must have wanted that as another indication of her repression and bottled up rage, no? Anyway, thanks for highlighting it.

Lots of snazzy vocabulary in this one..."deshabillé, egregious". Love it. And perfect description of our erstwhile lovers Great Conflict and Tragic Soul. Much as I like the actress, I'm a bit weary of seeing those little lips tremble and those little eyes look anguished. Oh well! Finale coming up soon.

Thanks for another excellent, funny (and punny) recap.

Julia, thanks for the funny recap. Your character descriptions were great this morning. I was very careful drinking my coffee.

Seems like the waters of RDM have finally gotten to our Eugenius, but I have hope for him. At least he realizes he may have an "issue". Sure, maybe there is a broken little girl under that purple exterior, but she's long past hope. People have to start giving him some of these facts that are getting uncovered and he'll see the hopelessness of thinking love and understanding will help her
I do feel a bit sorry for Germy. Not sure where he'll go from here, hopefully not back to the dark side. Did love him blowing off Romeme. Boy she has the gall doesn't she? That preview for tonight didn't surprise me considering her reaction when Lilli, the new Page 6 of RDM, told her Gabe had proposed. Someone took her cake and ice cream and she's having none of it.

which once again leaves poor Bernardo in limbo. At this point, I'm rooting for Germy and his Dad to come through and take the little one. At least they would know what to do and it would give him focus in life.

Emi talks a big talk on the little one, but he's too busy running around town chasing after Pal. could he have been anymore of a jerk going to Gabe like that. It's surprising that the writers really make you feel that he's as big of an a** as they come (not far from the Orly tree?) and yet we're supposed to want Pal and him to hook up in the end? I so enjoy the show, but that's the one plot that continues to bother me.

La Loca is getting more and more paranoid and is bound to either slip up or do something stupid to start the ultimate finale ball rolling. Just hope we get some positive Gabe/Pal time before he departs this life.

Julia, wonderful recap as usual, thank you so much.

Loved the Purple Heart comment - yes, there will be battle scars.


What I'm loving about this TN is that, although it's coming to a close, the writers are still coming up with more suspense and curveballs.


It is interesting that Eugenio an intelligent, professional is attracted to mentally challenged Carlota. In novelas or in stories (as they used to say when I was little) the emotionally weak women often fall in love with the arrogant, domineering man. Is the opposite happening here? Eugenio and Carlota could have the own novela. Eugenio is powerful, brillant,confident, honest, kind, and emotionally stable. Carlota is arrogantly confident living in a fabulous fanatasy world, bipolar, intelligent and mean. They share common traits besides their superior intelligent ( or the lack of timely reasoning by the town of real de monte) they are lonely people and morally opposites. So is there hope for Carlota by way of Eugenio? Just thinking out loud. Jolie

Julia- Such a stellar, funny recap. Man, there is just so much going on right now in RDM. I am still trying to wrap my head around Don E. and Carloca doing the tongue tango. My dvr cut off the other day, so I only saw it last night. It's not too much of a surprise, because they've been hinting at their attraction for a while. If she weren't an evil muderess, I'd be routing for them. But, alas, she is. Glad he told Cris the truth right away, and I laughed out loud at the look on Cris's face, and again at your description of it. "What is WRONG with you?" Lol! :)

Emoony is annoying me again. Dude, get your own house in order! First complete your divorce, check on the health of your child (like learning how to care for his health condition), and work on figuring out the custody of your child. He should be stalking Germy, trying to figure out for sure how they're going to handle this paternity thing and if Germy is going to try to assert any rights. Just lots of other stuff before he should go harrassing Pal's new boyfriend and making her promises he can't yet keep.

When Cris asked if Pal is rejecting Emoon out of revenge he was thinking that perhaps she wanted him to suffer like she did- being free/alone but seeing Pal with another. Just like she was free/alone and had to watch him with RoMEna. So she's not choosing Gabe out of vengence, and she's not choosing him because she feels sorry for him. She loves him, but she loves Emoony more. So what is it?

Thanks for another great recap Julia. One thing we know is always right is another recap from you.

So, if Cris becomes a priest again, will Paloma call him Father Father?

The doctor and tell RoMEE that there is someone to adopt Bernardo, after she signs the paper, they can say, surprise, surprise. It is Emiliano or Germy. :)
As much as RoMEE cares about Bernardo, if I was the doctor, perhaps adoption to a good family would be a good idea. Not sure if you could find that family though.

At least Ange feels remorse after what they did. Yep, no more alcohol for you. The old wake up in bed together and say what have we done routine. Never gets old.. I guess. :)
Ange will probably end up telling Camila all about it, well, maybe not all.

Thanks, Julia, for another great recap. I'm depressed at how many key passages I missed but grateful to you to have brought me up to speed.

Like many others here, I'm fed up with Emiliano. Indeed, even if Gabriel dies, as I suppose is likely, I'd hate to see Paloma turn to Emooony. I find him very annoying. There have been a few other TNs where I had hoped the heroine would choose someone other than the obvious galan, but I don't think I've ever disliked a galan as much as I do Emoooooony. Blecch!

Wow, drinking the water in RDM has obviously affected the brains of even the most smart and sensible men: Cris and Eugenio. Has Cris forgotten all of World History? How else could he possibly make so absurd a statement as "Good always wins"?? As for Eugenio, for a long time I assumed that his seeming interest in Carloca was simply part of his plan to unmask her, but apparently that's not the case. QTF!

Hmm, forgot to sign earlier, Anon 10:00 is me, JeffMN.

Juanita.. I thought Eugenio's infatuation with Carloca has always been a true one. But.. just seems with all that has happened he would have gotten over it. :)

I know the writers have written that Eugenio was attracted to Carloca i remember that from their first meeting at Paloma's art exhibition.

It's not believable now because he knows she's mentally unstable, a habitual liar and tried to commit a attempted murder and maybe also has killed before too.

They should have wrote it like he was like this with her maybe during Cris trial when she was trying to convince him to drop the case.

I also think he didn't handle German correctly last night either, while he was correct in telling German that he is corrupt and he didn't come to him because of his conscious told him too.
he came to him to get revenge on Carloca because she made him lose his job.

His treatment of German can comeback and bite him you know where, what's to stop German from going to Carloca and telling her that Eugenio is on to her and is trying to set a trap for her.

We all know how much German loves money, so Eugenio should have just strung German along too instead of paying him off like that.

Totally disappointed in Eugenius - not so much. I too thought he was just leading the Crazy One on. I guess some people just like to play with fire. I also thought he was overly harsh with Germs. One bad choice (not counting his obsession for the tart) does not make for a ruined life especially when you are in you 20's.

Can't help feeling sorry for German and totally loved him blowing off Romena. It's about time she stopped having everything her own way. Love her saying she isn't going to divorce Emoon - ever and being told it a fact. Dummy doesn't she realize that, lying about a child, lying about sleeping with the guy and having sleepovers with another guy are all that is needed to end the marriage ASAP.

Lily may have become the town gossip - not an easy thing to do in this town, but love her lecturing Ro about karma and dropping the Gabe proposal bomb on her as well. Romena has such an inflated idea of her own charms she can't believe that dowdy poor Paloma can hook all the hot guys with no effort. Wonder what she would do if she ever found out that german had thought for 20 seconds about going after Paloma himself. Romena has always wanted a father, money and a hot hubby and looks like Paloma is going to have it all while she ends up with nothing. Karma is a bitch!

So Cris is going to go back to the priesthood. I only hope it is in some other town. Notice that not one of the stone throwing mob has ever come to apologize to him. In a place full of petty minded simpletons like RdM unless Carloca publicly admits she offed Alonzo and lied about Nat and Cris there would always be whispers especially if the truth about Paloma comes out.

Is it just me or has the Crazy Purple One stop putting on her makeup with a trowel?" Or has Televisa finally run out of purple eye makeup?

I'm not surprised about RoMeMe and what she wants to do with the baby, since she never wanted it in the first place.I wonder what Camila will do when she finds out how her hell spawn wants to put up her grandson for adoption.

Daisynjay ROFL Liliana the new page 6 of RDM geez does this girl like have anything else to do besides that.

Glad Emoon lawyer told RoMeMe there's nothing she can do to stop the divorce since she lied about being pregnant with his child.

This is why i couldn't feel the least bit sorry for this heifer last week,She not only is still consumed by trying to keep Emoon tied to her.

She can't stop trying to make Paloma unhappy and miserable like she is.

She's got some nerve calling Paloma a slut like she is,unbelievable.

I like the two contrasting mentally unstable villains Carloca who will commit even murder to get what she wants. Then lying and manipulating RoMeMe who hasn't murdered anyone yet but you can see maybe how Carloca might have been like that when she was RoMeMe's age.

I hope that once Camila finds out she will get RoMeMe committed, this child needs a lot of therapy.Glad by the looks of her stripping for gabe tonight Paloma walks in and sees how much of a Golfa her once best friend is truly is.

Then the other Looney tunes wants Cris to convince Paloma to comeback to her. It's not penetrating her purple clogged brain that once Rufi revealed how she diluted Mac's medicine. Wild horses couldn't drag Paloma to ever want to be with her again.

I did get a kick out the new letter Natalia probably sent, and how La Loca was acting like she was being followed.

I think she is going to slip up big time i can't wait.

Judy, thank you for the vocabulary help.

I really don't understand why Eugenio thinks La Loca is so smart. She is NOT smart. She just yells a lot and refuses to admit she's wrong even when it's obvious. If she were smart, she would have figured out that abusing people is not the way to make them love her.

And, Eugenio really should have kept Germy going, trying to get information about Carlota. Even if he's corrupt, he could still be useful.

Emoony, ugh. What a jerk.

Yeah i have to agree with what everyone's been saying about Emoon he's just not sympathetic at all. He doesn't give Paloma any room to breathe and really how is behavior any different from Carloca's and RoMeMe's.

It just as selfish the only thing that barely sets him apart is he hasn't lied and manipulated to get Paloma.

Excellent recap, Julia. ITA about Carloca's odd walk. I've noticed it the whole novela. She also hunches a bit, with her head sort of forward. The actress actually manages to make walking menacing!

Everyone posting here could have predicted Oily Orly trying to convince Ange to keep mum about their night together.

Yes, Carloca truly lives in fantasyland if, after that scene with Pal, Rufi and Cris - with the major reveal about the dilution of medicine - she thinks that Cris would let Paloma go back to live with her.

Romina surprised me. Since she doesn't seem to have given up on hanging on to Emo, what would possess her to tell the doctor about the adoption idea. Plus, she had already said before the CF diagnosis that she was going to hire a day nurse and a night nurse.

Loved "escape from the abattoir" and "bonus granny".

I know this isn't a popular opinion around here but in my mind Gabe is actually no better than Emoon. Both of these guys are pushing Paloma. She is barely 18 and a very young one at that, she has been emotionally abused her entire life and tends to latch on to anyone who treats her kindly - even that creep Aron. I don't doubt that both these men love the girl but they are old enough to give her breathing space and they don't.

The mooner always pushes at her emotionally. The Dead Man Walking almost pushes her physically, last night he was draped around her like a pashmina. I often feel like telling them to back off and give her room to grow for all the good it would do.

Anon 3:23, I completely agree with you. Paloma needs some time and space to grow up and learn to be independent and take care of herself. No need to commit to a guy just yet!

However, I can understand why both these hotblooded young men won't back off. They do really like her, and I think both of them believe that if they ease up, she won't choose independence and taking things slowly, she'll just latch on to the other one. And they both believe that they are the best and will treat her right, and don't trust the other to do so.

Although, Gabe did try to leave her, thinking that was best. Now that she's said she wants him, though, I guess he's just trying to make the most of it and thinking he doesn't have much time. Paloma really doesn't seem comfortable around him, though.

Great recap, Julia.

I don't know if I understood Gabe and Em's conversation that well, but I don't know why I seemed to understand that Gabe and Pal's romance was going to be a "chaste and pure" romance as opposed to how Em's romance would be with Pal??? Was Gabe talking along those lines???

I also always wondered how Carloca really does walk. It does seem old ladyish.

I really feel sorry for Germ. I thought he would redeem himself, but he seems to be batting zero.

How could Eugenio be attracted to someone like Carloca or find her so intelligent. She's ruthless I'll give her that, but that's all.


Great recap Julia and I love you title. Liked the scene you tranlated between Carlota and Cristóbal.

About Paloma needing time for herself, I agree. Even without all the things that had happened to her she is still just 18 and she needs to live her life a little more.

This is one of the ways in which I think novelas need to keep up with the times. It was common before that girls would marry at 18 instead of going to college but now that's not the case anymore.

In "Te Sigo Amando" the main character was a girl that at 16 years old was extracted from her boarding school to be forced to marry an evil older man so her family would be saved from economic ruin. The guy killed her first love, used to hit her with a horsewhip, killed her brother, abused her emotionally, forced her to give birth in her bedroom without medical attention, only helped by a servant and then he gave away her newborn, he also provoked the heart attack that killed her grandma so she was alone at the end.

The main guy was an older doctor who fell inlove with her after saving her from trying to kill herself. At the end he asked her to marry him but she said she needed to take time for herself to heal her emotional wounds and finish her studies and he said he'd wait for her. I liked that. I think that's something that Paloma should also do.


Gabe was saying he was going to take Paloma away and open up her world. New places, new experiences, she would learn a lot and not just be stuck in the same little town forever. I don't think he said anything about chastity or fact, I think that's why he's pushing marriage. He's hot to trot and knows Paloma wants to wait until she's married.

You're right, Jarocha, times have changed. I think that's why I like the less traditional shows, like Un Gancho al Corazon and Sortilegio, where the heroine is a little older and isn't just jumping into marriage as a teen. Valentina and Maria Jose are both used to taking care of themselves and they're more self-assured and mature and know what they want.

Jarocha i have you seen the original to this if so what is your take on it.I know we have had plenty of discussion about remakes on the Sorti page.

I would say if remakes are reproduced as intelligent as this one seems to be i wouldn't have a problem with them then.

While i didn't see the original for this one someone mention during the time of Macarena's death that she was supposed to die like in the original and that the Carloca character loved the Paloma character and had a unhealthy attachment to her. The original being only 80 episodes.

I can't be that hard on Gabriel because he did try to leave Paloma and let her go on with her life. It was Paloma who asked him to comeback with her.

Anon at 3:23 you're right Paloma has latched onto anyone who has treated her kindly and that also includes Inaki. I would like them to show Paloma deciding she needs time and to see a little bit of the world and grow more.

I don't think they will show that but i still prefer her paired up with Gabe then Emoon who acts just like Orlando.

Fabulous stuff, as always, Julia! Thank you so much!

I totally get Eugenio’s attraction to Carlota. He’s a man of wide learning and experience, a lot of it I’m sure with criminals due to his legal practice, and probably many women might be boring to him. Carlota is beautiful and certainly not boring. Plus he does see that glimmer of humanity buried waaay down deep in her, so she’s fascinatingly tragic. She’s certainly riveting – we’ve had our eyes glued to her this whole show. He’s mesmerized, like somebody watching a cobra sway.

I’m glad they’ve added this unexpected plot twist. Once again, the writers have given us more nuanced characters than we usually see.

I think Gabriel was telling Emiliano that he would have his time with Paloma, and then it would be Emiliano’s turn, and Emiliano thought that was a weird thing to say, as he doesn’t know Gabe is Doomed.

Thanks, Maggie, for reminding us that Gabriel hinted to Emiliano, who, of course, didn't get the hint about both of them having time with Paloma.

I agree with others about Paloma committing to anyone at this time in her life. Maybe the novela will end up with a ring on her finger from someone and plans to go to college. I can't believe they'll show her getting married at 18!

Once again, hilarious recap, thank you!

I thought Emoon said something to the effect of don't give me that we're not enemies, openminded crap! He wants to fight for Pal, and of course doesn't know about Gabe's condition so it didn't make sense to him. They can both be with her,Gabe a little while and then Emoo, que?

It is delicious to see the villains finally getting what they deserve. RoMEME still doesn't get it, though, she continues to think she can manipulate people.

The take-down of La Loca looks like it's going to be slow, and hopefully painful. So far I have zero sympathy for her or RoMe. German, though, somehow seems like he'll come out good. Loved the comment the other day about he and Emoon being 2 men and a baby!

Anon I did see the original, it is one of my favorite novelas. It is also one of the most watched telenovelas in Mèxico of all time.

I think that while this story has the basic story of Cadenas de Amargura, they had to make changes to the characteres and stories because it is the double of episodes, by now I don't think anything resembles CdA anymore.

I liked it for what it was though I must say I prefer the original. The only character I don't like is Emiliano which is sad because I loved that character in the original. He was played by Raúl Araiza who plays Beto in Gancho and while not the hunkiest guy he had a sweetness about him that I loved and he was always very noble and caring. I don't get the same feeling with Sebastián Zurita's Emiliano.

The Carlota character was very different, she did love Paloma and her main reason for keeping her in the house was because she was afraid of being alone and she wanted her niece as her comanion but she also wanted her to share he pain and loneliness. She was more crazy than evil but her obsessions got her to do evil things, she killed her sister with an insulin overdose and was continually tormented by that act.

I do like Lety Calderón and I think she is doing alot with this character, she is the true star of this novela, just like Diana Bracho was for Cadenas.

Other differences:

Orlando and Rafael are just one character, Renato the father of Gerardo (Emiliano) had buffet where Gerardo and Víctor (Germy) worked for him. Martha starts working for him as a secretary after being abandoned by her husband, with time she falls inlove with him and he falls for her when his marriage was directed to divorce. Sofía (Romina) thought they were having an affair believed that was the reason her father left so many years ago so she hated her mother for that misunderstanding.

Sofía (Romina) was never so mean. She was interested in money and that's why she prefered to go for Gerardo instead of Víctor but she never did the types of things she does here.

Sofía does not get pregnant and she never marries Gerardo. They got engaged but he canceled the wedding because he realized he was in love with Cecilia (Paloma).

Aarón and Gabriel did not exist. Neither did Eugenio, Luz and Anamar.

Cecilia and Gerardo (Emiliano and Paloma) were mere aquitances while she was with Joaquín (Iñaki) and they become friends after his death. They fall in love with time and it was only after Natalia's (Macarena) death that he reveals his feelings to her. She rejects him because Sofia claimed to love him still.

Víctor (Germy) is a good guy, he doesn't gets involved in dubious stuff but he resents Gerardo for being with Sofía (Romina). He is the first one to realize Gerado's feelings for Cecilia and he starts flirting with Cecilia (Paloma) in front of Gerardo to waking him up to that fact.His romance with Sofía is also an important part of the story.

Natalia (Macarena) and Julio (Cristóbal) never get back together before her death.


Jarocha.. Thanks for description of the original. Sounds quite a bit different. Sometimes I think some TNs would stand better on their own if they weren't said to be remakes as they seem to be so much different than the original and they wouldn't be compared to it. You end up having too many expectations. For me, I don't have any expectations fo the TNs as I haven't seen any of the originals. :) I've only been watching since the last 5 month or so of LFMB.

Oh Forgot to add:
There were no more deaths besides Joaquin and Natalia (Iñaki and Macarena) father Julio never left his habit and he was not judged in any trial. Once he found out through a secret of confession from Natalia he never had any doubt Cecilia (Paloma) was his daughter and there was no story about his mother leaving him.


Jeff I do think I would have enjoyed this one if I had not seen the original. But as I said I enjoyed it for what it was.


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