Thursday, February 18, 2010

Gancho Thurs 2/18 #171 - Shock the Monkey, or It's my party and I'll cry if I want to.

First we are reminded of the long unpleasant drive to Monita's "surprise". Then we go over to the neighborhood where Mau lets slip to Tano that Estrella and Aldo are back together again. Tano's expression tells us absolutely that he still carries a torch for our bright star. Methinks he's not done trying to displace the kid.

Valentina soon grows weary of Coni's histrionics ("I'm sick and tired of losing to you!") and decides to egress from the car. How convenient (and safe) that Coni has pulled over. She rushes out and insists that Moni get back in the car. Monita wisely rejects that idea until Coni stops her dead by revealing that Isabel Lopez is alive! The expected argument ensues but Coni vows she's not lying or trying to fool Monita and she's the only person who knows where her mom is. Now it's Moni's turn to run after Coni. "Let's go" Coni agrees.

Nieves and Jacqueline resign themselves to the fact that their progeny can't live happily without each other. Alicia butts in at one point and expounds that a stud like Beto can get any other woman, many in fact. Normally Nieves would agree but now she tells Alicia to shut it and sit down. It takes Nieves three times to finally silence her loghorreic lodger.

Gabi is at her apartment with Xime picking up a few personal items to take back to the vecindad. Xime has gathered three huge ziploc bags of cosmetics and some sexy garb just in case Salavatore's spirit decides to visit Gabi in the night. Gabi's sceptical, she's going to be with Monita so why should she take an evening dress? Xime says three things, first one never knows when one will need an evening dress; two, Gabi is a widow and the dress is black, and three...well the sound went out here but maybe Xime wants to borrow the dress? Anyway Xime is ecstatic that Gabi is going to Moni's where they will all hang out and Gabi is amused by Ximena's enthusiasm.

Jacqui tells Nieves that the kids are heartsick and they have to do something about the fact that they think they are half brother and sister. Nieves says she'll tell Beto the truth as soon as he gets back and she promises to call Jacqui and let her know. Meanwhile Alicia's got her hand over her own mouth trying to shut herself up until she explodes that Beto won't be home soon because surely he's at the cantina hablablablabla...

Gabi observes that when Ximena married Rolu she disappeared off the map and didn't have time for her friends. What's up with her marriage and why isn't she with her husband now? Xime tries to change the subject and gives Gabi a sly little smile.

Speaking of Rolu, he's trying to call Xime while Arni sets a romantic table for two. Rolu frets because he can't get a hold of his lady love. Arni tells him to relax, everything's under control and the exquisite gourmet meal is prepared. Aha, so Arni is an accomplished cook. Is/was he a chef? Rolu is certain that this romantic dinner will rekindle their romance and Xime will never leave again. He even gives Arni a kiss on the cheek which sets Arni off in fits of gagging.

Back at Gabi's it's clear that Xime doesn't wish to discuss her marriage which is OK because what Gabi really wants to discuss is Sal. She can't get rid of this uneasy feeling that he's somehow reaching out to her. And to make it stranger, when Gabi went to see Lorenza she told Gabi that Sal is alive. Xime's sure Lorenza says the same thing about Pedro Infante and Elvis. But Gabi has more info, Lorenza told her that Oscar helped her poison Sal by putting drugs in his coffee. This gives Xime a flash, she once heard Lorenza talking to an accomplice. The two pals decide Oscar was that accomplice and he must be responsible for Sal's death. They need proof. Won't these two be a delicious detective duo?

Over at Goth Acres Lorenza is horrified to see Oski and Jero drag the dead-looking Sal back into the house. She shrieks in horror that they've killed him and starts chasing them around the gigantic tusks. Ouch, Sal gets dropped to the floor with a thunk. Luckily for them they manage to convince her he's alive before she tears their heads off. She grabs Sal's head and starts cooing until his eyes flutter open and he calls for Gabriela. "Kill him!" she demands, "He's thinking of another woman!" Oski calls the nurse to give him another injection and calms the panting savage that is Lorenza.

Coni and Moni are on the move again. Moni can't believe her ma is dead because she was in the hospital when mama died. Well Coni has seen her alive and talked to her too. How does Moni feel knowing she has been deceived by her own mother for so long, a mother whose gift for saving her life was to give Monita an urn with ashes that weren't even hers? Moni combusts as we go into commercial.

Whew, time for some comic relief. Welcome to the monastery where Brother Beto prays for guidance. He was with his sister, his own meat and lint (I think that's what he said), and he asks God what should he do next? He needs some sort of a sign. Surely God will forgive him because he didn't know, right? Brother Tomas approaches from behind, crosses in unison with Beto, and comments that he's impressed to see Beto praying with such fervor. Beto gasps, is this God talking to him already? But no, it's just his Bro. Beto gives his hermano a little too much information about the details of his sinning and Bro is all, that's enough! Time to continue your penance in your cell. Beto freaks until Bro explains the cell is the room where he sleeps. Beto suggests another version of penance, why don't the two of them grab a couple of goblets and break into the booze? No Beto, a sin does not absolve a sin. Will Beto last the night?

Mau and Tano intercept Nieves and Alicia as they are leaving the house. Have they seen Monita? No, has Mau seen Beto? They have something very important to tell him. Also, they need to find THAT PERSON so they can talk to THAT PERSON, wink wink. Tano, being the only one who doesn't know they're talking about Isabel, looks confused. It's a good look for him.

Coni parks in front of her dark, ominous apartment building. Moni looks up in trepidation, "my mom is here?" She tells a cruelly smirking Coni that she'd better not be lying or else.

Mau and Tano have no luck finding Monita in the barrio. They try Estre's door (after Tano ever so casually suggests her) but neither Estrella nor Paula have seen Monita.

Coni smugly opens the door to her apartment and tells Monita to wait outside. Inside Isabel is annoyed that once again Coni comes in without knocking. Coni couldn't care less because she thinks it's time for Isabel to face the demons from which she's been hiding. Coni opens the door and it's Monita who has to face the Demon. "Mama?"

Danni sighting! The kids are all over at the house saying goodbye to Katia. Luisa cries because her friend is leaving and Danni asks will she be gone for a long time? Katia cries yes and the girls all have a group hug. Katia faces Aldo and apologizes for her badness. He's very kind about it and gives her a hug goodbye but I wouldn't be surprised if he's doing the happy dance within. Jacqui interrupts this scene to tell Katia the car is ready and they need to go. "Is my sister going with us?" asks Katia. Uh, er, your sister told me to give you a big hug and kiss and she'll call you later, lies Jacqui. Katia tells her ma to quit lying, she knows her sister doesn't love her.

It's not that Katia dear, it's just that your big sis is very busy ruining people's lives right now. Let's take a peek...Isa is cursing Coni, Monita is crying but happy. She rushes toward her mama and Isa rebuffs her. Coni smirks that Isa and Moni probably have a lot to discuss. Isa yells at Coni "I have nothing to say to her!" She points to the door and tells Monita to get out. Moni is no longer the champion boxeadora, she has turned into the little girl who just wants to talk to mommy. She keeps trying to get her message across "You're alive, how is that possible?" but Isa grabs her daughter, throws her out into the hall and slams the door behind her. Coni gloats victoriously but only for a moment, because in the next Isabel slaps her hard across the face. Coni holds her face, however her pain is nothing compared to poor Monita's who has taken a blow to the heart. Uuff, that was a tough scene, let's take a commercial break.

Over at the barrio Gabi and Xime have arrived. Thank goodness, I need a big dose of Ximena right now. They see Mau who is still looking for Monita. Gabi hasn't seen her since they went to see Lorenza at the manicomio. Mau said he's tried to call but she left her cellular at home. Gabi knows Mau is preoccupied but she needs to discuss something with him in private. Tano is cool, he'll just hang out and drool over Estrella. Oh crap, Tano wants to "talk" with her.

Let's return to Rolu's night of Romance shall we? The romantic music is playing and Arni puts the final touches on the table. The bell rings and the brothers jump into place, which means Rolu in his wheelchair. Alas, it's not Ximena. Surprise, it's Lalo with a big bouquet of roses for his novio! Arni runs upstairs for his jacket and Rolu takes the opportunity to tell Lalu that he really does love Xime with all his heart. He knows he treated her horribly, he was a blind cad, but now he knows she's the love of his life. After the novios skip out the door Rolu tries to call Xime again. He leaves a message that he wants her to call him, he has a surprise for her. "Te amo," he whispers, hopefully and sadly.

Tano is in Estrella's house talking at her. What's up with her getting back together with Aldo? Breaking it off with him was the best decision she made in her life, not that Tano cares or anything, he's just saying this as a friend. (Some friend!) Estrella kind of hems and haws and says she just doesn't want to do anything she's going to regret later. Tano's ears perk up. Regret? Why, what's she going to do? Aldo comes in and says "she's going to marry me."

Tano tells Aldo they were just joking around and Aldo tells Tano that he and Estrella are getting married. Tano gets pissy and snitty, imitates Aldo because he's so mature, then has the nerve to call Aldo a boy. He also mocks Estrella for calling Aldo cachorro. He scolds Aldo for betraying Mau, the man who saved him and his sisters. Why are they getting married so soon? Don't tell him that... Yes, says Estre, we're going to have a child.

Shoot, I was hoping I wouldn't have to recap another scene with Monita and her witch of a mother. While poor Monita sobs and bangs on the door Isa and Coni take turns alpha bitching and telling each other they'll regret their actions. Isa grabs Coni and hauls her off to the bedroom so they scream without hearing that nuisance outside the door. Isa calls Coni a disgusting imbecile. Coni retorts that's what disgusting is a woman who hates her own child. Isa goes through the usual telenovela phrases, vas a pagar muy caro, ten cuidado, vas a arrepentir todo. Coni snorts and tells Isa her daughter is just outside the door and if Isa doesn't love her she should just go out and tell her.

Aldo tells Tano he knows he's young but he wants to do the right thing. Tano tells him there are other options and this sets Aldo off, is he suggesting they lose the baby? Tano says he's suggesting that Aldo tell Mau what's going on.

Somebody poke me in the eye with a stick. Our poor little Monita is still outside the door begging to talk to her mother. She puts her ear to the door and listens. She bangs and begs, "Why do you hate me mama? Mama? Mama?" And that's our final scene. Time for me to sit on the table and find my inner peace, or maybe pour a shot of tequila.

Mañana = Beto is leading the brothers in a game of Holy Craps. Coni is horrible!!!! Ximena eventually goes home for dinner. It looks like Oski has sent Coni pictures of dead Sal. Serves her right.

A couple of sayings to honor our Constanza:

Voltearse la tortilla = the shoe is on the other foot (Lit. to flip the tortilla over)

Dar alguien una sopa de su propio chocolate = to give someone a taste of their own medicine (Lit. to give someone a soup of their own chocolate)



Fantastic. I'm still laughing over:

"Somebody poke me in the eye with a stick. Our poor little Monita is still outside the door begging to talk to her mother."

You are always good but I was tracking right with you tonight. You were very perspicacious:

"Tres, you can lend it to me, it would be divino."

It sounds as if you might be as sour on Tano as I am. Maybe it's because he is the only reasonable voice in our little fantasy world, but I say, "Go be in Sortilegio." Oh, that's right, it's too late for that. I sure don't want him in my pirate show... I guess we'll have to endure him here.

I hope that the ninnies don't find our little holy man for a while. There's just too many possibilities at Club Benedict. Holy craps... great!

I'm afraid we're not done with our little monkey's reunion with her mom. Good luck to Hombre.

Loved the Dani sighting. She is such a cutie.

Lao, Arnie, and Rolu were so darn funny together. I believe that Rolu actually lost it at one point. What fun.

Let's hope he fun continues.



Wonderful recap, thank you. I am so sad for Valentina. Carlos, I know we love Coni, but really, she shouldn't have done this to sweet Valentina. I just pray that Moni gets her sassy back, and soon.

Hissabel is a beast. There is nothing else to say.

I love Beto's attempt to enter the monastery. He cracks me up. And yes, he did light up a little bit at the idea of self-abuse. (Sorry, you guys, it was such an obvious pun, I couldn't help myself).

Tomorrow, can we have a little comic relief, please?


Elna June,

As you know, I'm usually pretty tough on Coni, but I'll cut her a little slack here. Monita was going to find out about her mom sooner or later. As you will recall, Mao did exactly the same thing a few episodes ago, but Isabel had flown the coop and they encountered the naked lady instead.


Lots and lots of points for:

"loghorreic lodger"

And I'm liking Loriloca more and more:

She grabs Sal's head and starts cooing until his eyes flutter open and he calls for Gabriela. "Kill him!" she demands, "He's thinking of another woman!"

I'm amazed at how this far along, the quality is holding and maybe even improving (if that is possible).


Carlos, thanks for the help with Tres. Is it just the sound in my area or is it crappy all over? Elna June are you experiencing horrible audio? I'm wondering if it's local. Harrumph.

I've been OK with Tano up until now but tonight he was like a shark circling the wounded. He bugged me.

I had to go back and edit out numerous times that I wrote "I hate Isabel!!!!" in the recap. Aaargh, tonight's scenes were painful. They brought back every childhood fear that mommy would abandon me and made me recall friends whose mothers had. It's a primal fear.

Carlos, Tano could NEVER be a pirate. Our sweet cub Aldo has more pirate props than Tano does.

Thanks for checking in Carlos and Elna June. Hissabel is right. Grrrrr.

Oops, Carlos I missed your second comment.

I'm very pissed off at Coni for the horrible way that she revealed Isabel to Monita. True, Mau was going to do the same thing but I doubt he would have kept harping "too bad she hates you, too bad she betrayed you and gave you a stranger's ashes" etc. He tried to do the right thing but he's such a dolt he couldn't pull it off. Coni figures things out way before anyone else and she's too impatient to wait for the subtle and kind approach. And don't forget her goal tonight was to make others as miserable as she. Coni was very naughty tonight. Sigh...if only she were happy she wouldn't be such a harpy.

Agreed, the actress who plays Lorenza is a real treat.

Yes, just think how long this TN has gone on and it's still wonderful. Nice job writers and actors!


Wonderful! You cracked me up -- "loghorreic lodger". "Goth Acres", "alpha bitching", "your big sister is busy ruining lives"

Beto in the monastery is a hoot -- trippin over his habit and calling it a falda, misunderstanding about his "cell". His constant reminder " don't call me brother -- or hijo" is becoming like the long running gag about being able to tutear Mau.

Oh! the Moni, Coni, Hissy scenes were painful. But the Arnie, Rolu & Gabi, Ximena scenes were worth the evening.

And Lysenko (sp?) just won a gold medal -- And SU held on to win over the Hoyas. Not a bad night.

Güera from Syracuse


The sound today was HORRIBLE. At first I thought it was me, when I couldn't understand some of the conversation—usually it is my problem—but the echoing wa awful.

Thanks again for being such a great recapper.


Hi Miss Sylvia. Sparkling recap, full of " bons mots" and spelling triumphs. "Loghorreic" is something I'd never attempt. Sooo impressed.

Like you, my stomach just went into knots when poor Monita was out in that cold, dark hall, pounding on the equally dark, hard door begging for her mama. The cruelty of that scene was overwhelming. Please put back every "I hate Isabel" that you took out! Oh my, even I have given up all hopes for redemption for this ghoul.

Loved your "Dany sighting". She was cute as always, but I was distracted by Luisa's jiggling. I guess it was meant to convey emotion but she looked like she had to go to the bathroom in the worst way.

Now, on to Tano. I'm so aware of Carlos' strong views on the subject (our favorite doc is not a fence-sitter! that's for sure) that I was quite uncomfortable with the Tano-Estrella-Aldo scenes even though most of what Tano was saying made perfect sense. Tano and Salvador have both been "Felipa"to Mauricio's Vicky but here he was Estrella's Felipa and one can't dispute his points. Maybe just his hidden agenda.

However, his hidden agenda to get Estrella back is relatively innocuous compared to Connie's agenda to emotionally maim and destroy Mauricio, Monita, and the kids, and to stand by passively and let Salvador "die".

And finally, Güera, saw a bit of the Syracuse-Georgetown game and was delighted to see Syracuse was winning. Ended the evening on a better note than thinking about poor Monita, once again locked out of her mother's heart.

And do we need any further evidence that Ximena is bright as a penny?....she, at least, is taking Gabriela's intuition about Salvador seriously and is ready to help her investigate. At last!

PS Love "Club Benedict".

Good morning all. Judy you're so funny in your description of Luisa, not her finest acting moment it's true. Oh well, at least someone was showing a little emotion at Katia's departure.

I like "Club Benedict" too. That one might be a keeper. I'm in no rush for Beto to leave the monastery either. Just think of all that fresh meat waiting to be corrupted!

Elna June, I'm sorry to hear that you were having audio problems too but at least I know it's not my TV but most likely the station. I've got to believe there's a huge viewing audience in our area; they should fix the audio along with the closed caps!!

It's going to be quite a showdown when Gabi and Ximena locate Salvador.

Here I sit... all by myself... at my lonely little corner table... liking Tano...

Hahaha!! Emilia, you always make me laugh. Awwwww...OK, if you like Tano he can't be all bad. As Carlos pointed out, his biggest crime is that he makes sense.

No no, I'm at that corner table with you Emilia. Let's order a couple of drinks and really get going!

May I join even though I prefer Aldo? I'll bring some cookies or a pie or something.

Emilia wants to know what kind of pie, Cap'n??

I swore that I was going to lay off of Tano this morning because I hate looking as though I like beating up on a basically nice fellow just because I don't like his looks or personality, and also because I have a great deal of admiration and affection for his loyal supporters, particularly Judy and Emilia. However, I found him especially annoying yesterday. It's one thing that he's trying to wheedle his way back into Estrella's pants, but quite another to try to belittle Aldo in front of her, mocking her calling him a little puppy as well as threatening to tell Mao. I simply do not like his self-righteous condescension.

Coni's a naughty girl, to be sure. She's been very mean to M&M (well, actually, these days, just about everyone she encounters) but she's honest and straight forward about her purpose... to make everyone else around her as miserable as she is. Tano on the other hand is more devious and likely thinks that he is doing what's best for the others.

Bartender, send a round of dark and stormies to the pretty ladies sitting over there in the corner.


Hey, dark and stormies are fine, but only if YOU bring 'em over. We're not interested in waiters.

Hmmph, Carlos, I guess they want you to wear your boots and a Speedo, too, to serve their drinks. And don't forget to ask them if they'd "like anything else." Jeez, don't women know all about how to make us feel cheap?

But I have to agree w/ you re Tano's behavior last night. I think you'd find those features in the DSM IV under "Piss Ant." Tano really needs to move on.

Grand idea. We want BOTH Mike and Carlos in Speedos and cowboy boots. What an image. Just kill me now! I wanno go out with a smile on my face.

I thought he was a piss ant too. But onto more important things, what pie would pair well with Dark and Stormies? about sweet-potato pecan pie?

Girls, where are your minds? You forgot to include the cowboy hats in the ensemble!

Hmmm...cowboy boots, speedos, and dark and stormies...Where am I ???Does this have anything to do with this novela or are you guys just riffing ?~~~Susanlynn, wearing a sweatshirt, socks, and clogs and drinking tea...alone...hmmm...maybe I wouldn't be alone if I had the speedo, cowboy boots , and a dark and stormy

Great recap Silvia. I liked this episode, while not one of the funniest I thought it was one of the most captivating ones.

I was feeling a great deal of anxiety during the Moni-Coni-Isabel scenes. The moment when Isabel throws Moni out and slaps Coni was fantastic. I just thought it was a great scene. Even if it was painful.

I'm with Carlos on Tano. One thing is being the voice of reason and trying to help and another is being selfrighteous and judging.

I hated when Tano told Estrella he could talk to her like a parent about Aldo because it was what friends do and that Monita and her call each other out when they are wrong like parents do. Monita and Estrella's friendship is different and deeper than Tano's friendship with Estrella. Monita doesn't like Estrella as more than a friend and she only wants what's best for Estrella.

Tano wants Estrella and while he wants her to be okay, he just doesn't want her with Aldo. Monita is being supportive of Estrella and her choices because while those may be the wrong ones, she is the one who has to make them. Do I think Estrella and Aldo should marry? No, but I think they can try to work as a couple. What I'd say to them is to not make any rushed decisions and not do anything they aren't sure about, like get married. To be open and honest with each other about how they are feeling and to seek help and advise from the people they are closest too. But all Tano wanted was to separate them and when he learned of the pregnancy he just didn't know what to say because then he didn't know how to achieve his main goal in that conversation.

Sorry for going overboard in my Tano rant. I didn't even know I had such a strong reactiong to him. I know many like him and I don't think he is that bad. He just needs to find another girl, or a hobby.


Sorry, I am trying to get up off the floor, and to get that image out of my head!!!
OK, so shoot me, but I didn't think Tano was being ugly, just trying to be a friend.

But, bring on the dark and stormies, Carlos. It's fine to keep yer britches on, too! Sweet potato pecan pie would be perfect, Sylvia. (Loved the recap, by the way. Sorry I forget to tell y'all sometimes, but they are always appreciated)

P.S. Is anyone watching El Clon on Telemundo at 8 pm eastern ? I watched last night for the first time, and it might be interesting. The galan does not do it for me, but his daddy is the bad guy from Ladron Robar Ladron..quite a guaypo hombre. I think it takes place in Morroco. Also, I think that ''our'' Julie posted on last night's recap.

Oh my you folks are killing me. First the funny recap with words I've never even heard of and now images of speedos and boots and oh my!!!!

Mike I love your categorization of piss ant as an axis condition.

I haven't seen this episode, only read it and I'm sorry, but I don't like Tano being up to this either. Go away, it's none of your damn business, and not your issue to deal with. Bloody I'm better than him...ha...he's older, big whoop. Doesn't solve her acting issue, etc.

You know, I'm always for full disclosure, so even though it was done in the worst possible way and for the worst reason, I congratulate Coni for exposing Issy to Mona. Truth sucks, but it is what it is and nothing else. There will be hell to pay when she finds out our somniferous dolt was involved. Jeepers.

I saw the original one Susalynn. It was pretty good. Quite original. The dad in the new one I think is played by Saúl Lizaso. He is one of those men who get better with age. He was the lead in Acapulco, Cuerpo y Alma.


Thanks goodness you spoke up Emilia (AND got up off the floor...jeez your hubster is funny!). I didn't think what Tano was saying was so awful. Nor how he was saying it. But okay, I will accept that Carlos, Sylvia, Kris, Jarocha and Mike see it differently.

Advice, even from girlfriends, is seldom without some element of self-regard. There are no 99.9% Ivory Soap pure relationships. Tano has his faults but I just don't see him the way Carlos does. ( And I adore our Texas Doc... especially in his Speedo and boots. He is NEVER without his hat, so no need to mention it.)But I can't get on board with his perspective here. "Lastima".

Susanlynn...lastima also that I don't get any other channels so not watching that new show. Sounds interesting though. I will join you in Corazon Salvaje. Looks like it's going to be unintentionally funny.

Feelings about Tano aside, I think it's almost never a good idea to give advice about or talk against someone's current flame. Even if they ask you your opinion, maybe ESPECIALLY if they ask you. I don't know, it just never seems to be heard in the spirit in which it's intended.

To me, it wasn't so much what Tano said or how, but rather a complete self-debasement by going where he knows he's not welcome.

Hmmph. Go on and gorge on sugary sweet tater pie and sugary rum drinks. You dames are gonna be like a bunch of willful hyperglycemic three year olds.

Works for me!

Yeah Mike, thanks for the compliment!

You guys are simply too funny today. I can't stop laughing.


I think you'd find those features in the DSM IV under "Piss Ant."

Spot on. That is so funny.


We want BOTH Mike and Carlos in Speedos and cowboy boots.

Scary, but it prompted me to share this picture the Lovely Linda took while we were relaxing on the bird sanctuary beach with Cap'n Ruben and his crew. THIS IS NOT CARLOS! in the picture accompanying this comment.

Jarocha, on Tano, you and I are on the exact same page.


Hey, even Schwarzenegger doesn't look good in those itty bitty Speedos anymore. Let's just say this fellow has been well-fed (by his loving wife, no doubt) and is comfortable in his own skin.

Peace and Love everybody. And good luck to Baylor and OSU this weekend!



Susanlynn, this just cracked me up:

"Susanlynn, wearing a sweatshirt, socks, and clogs and drinking tea...alone...hmmm...maybe I wouldn't be alone if I had the speedo, cowboy boots , and a dark and stormy

Is that it, susanlynn? Do you think you alone because of the sweatshirt, the socks or the clogs? I have, on occasion, been seen in all three.

EJ, who doesn't even know where one would purchase a Speedo, a type of swimming attire referred to by my adult children as "marble bags". Where ever you kids are in these outfits, all I ask is that you send Aunt EJ photos.

Auntie EJ, you would definitely be asking for sticks in the eye! Or joining Beto in the monastery.

Love and peace to all, and good luck to UK (go Cats!!!!) this weekend.....

Oh, Emilia:

Despite my slightly ribald comments I would pick the monastery anyday, over a stick in the eye.

EJ, smiling and still waiting for those photos.

Yikes...must be nice. Kentucky is ONLY NO.2 in the nation. Have pity on us folks trailing behind.

Sylvia, I was so busy today, I didn't get a chance to read your recap until really late, but I loved it. I especially liked the title - two great songs, Peter Gabriel and Leslie Gore - and so right on about Moni.

Although I enjoy every episode, the pace has slowed way down. I think the whole episode was pretty close to real time, since at the start, Moni was with Coni outside the car near Coni's apartment, and at the end, Moni was outside the door. Did even an hour pass? I'm glad we had our lighter moments with Beto, Arnie and Ximena.

Hola Hombre, interesting point about last night's pace. I guess it was real time for once. The whole time Moni was suffering in Coni's company Tano was having his little talk with Estrella and Aldo. However if Beto doesn't manage to corrupt the brotherhood with some nice Milanesas and communion wine then his stay at the monastery will feel like forever.


I was starting to worry about you. I hadn't even thought about the time elapsed. I enjoyed Sylvia's recap so much, I hadn't even thought about any progress in the plot. Sometimes the less meaty episodes seem to be the most fun from a recap and discussion point of view.

You didn't weigh in on the Tano topic. In depth analysis in your recap perhaps?

A point I wanted to mention today and forgot until watching today's episode. Doesn't Coni wear short almost as well as Soledad in Tonta's? Now if she'll only touch up her character and personality a bit.


Seeing Coni wearing shorts reminded me of Mike's suggestion from a few days back. I think this is the first time she wears them. She looked good and I loved her shirt too.


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