Thursday, February 25, 2010

Gancho Thursday Feb 24 #176 - Thirty minutes of horror

We left off with Mau telling Moni the truth for once, her mom has been deluding her. Coni gloats in the background. Mau sincerely tells Moni that, sadly, everything Hissy told Moni is a lie. He hugs her and Coni's diversion has been a success, so successful in fact that Mau and Moni don't even notice she has snagged the BIG RED ENVELOPE and scampered out the door.

As Coni sashays through the patio Beto stops her to ask what she was thinking cuddling up to Christian. Since Beto won't let her escape she admits she had nothing to do with him (looks down her nose at Christian). Encouraged, Christian drags Paula out to hear the truth and Paula immediately lunges at Coni. Coni admits to Pau she'd have nothing to do with that (sneers at Christian).

Tere and Alicia unpack the groceries and Tere recalls happier times when she and Ivan worked for Mau. But Tere can see that something is bothering Alicia, what is it? Al says she's got something important to do and out she dashes.

Coni insists she had nothing to do with this patrullero (she makes Patrolman sound like a swear word) and Paula lunges again. Come on boys, let her at the Momia, I want to see fur fly! For some reason nobody seems to notice the BIG RED ENVELOPE that Coni keeps waving around. The crowd, led by Gabi, verbally attacks Coni, she's a bland little worm with a weakness for jackals (alluding to Jacqui's description of Beto I think), "and escuincles too!" chimes in Estrella. Coni finally tears herself away from Beto vowing she wants nothing to do with any of them!

Moni gripes to Mau about Coni messing up her house and all because she was looking for a damn BIG RED ENVELOPE. How odd, says our hunkalicious dimbulb, there was also a BIG RED ENVELOPE at my house. They quickly dismiss the clue. Moni doesn't want to accept what the Momia says about her mom, is it true she was raped? Mau tells her yes, but Moni's not the product of rape, she has a father who is looking for her.

Inside Estrella's house, she and Gabi dis La Momia to cheer themselves up. Enter Xime and Lalu who agree that gossip about Coni is always fun. Do they talk about the BIG RED ENVELOPE?? Nooooo, they talk about the Bruja. (No, not Coni, the real Bruja they're going to consult about their love probems.) Then they fill Xime in on the gossip about Coni, Christian and Pau. Lalu sighs that a man in polis uniform is his one unrealized fantasy. Then Estre tells them that Coni also made a play for her cachorro. Xime says her ex-amiga is the worst. Si si, oui oui.

Chris and Paula walk and talk. (How ever will he prove to her that he really loves her?) He tells her he loves her but she says it doesn't change things. the best thing for them is to stop being novios and it's not because of La Momia. Their relationship is not advancing, she wants a family and he is afraid of commitment. She mentions marriage and he starts choking. See, she says, see what happens when I mention marriage? Goodbye for ever. She leaves him standing alone in the dark.

Mau and Moni do go on. In short, Mau tells her that her Pa never knew she existed. When Isa was sick she needed Moni to save her life with a bone marrow transplant, it was her only option. Moni leaps up, enraged. she refuses to believe. Mau insists that Isa needed Moni for her marrow and that's it. There's more crying and angst but I think we all get the picture. The scene ends with Moni refusing to believe.

Oski and Jero, relaxing at the wine bar, toast each other and wait for Coni's entrance. She throws the "final" envelope in their faces. They congratulate her on her success but news flash, they actually have the final envelope safely hidden where she'll never find it. She asks them why they are doing this to her? Jero says to wreck her and for their own amusement. Oski whips out an estimate of her worth, the total sum, and here is 33 percent for Oski and 33 percent for Jero. Coni scoffs. Jero sets the terms, she has one week to get them their money or the last envelope goes to the police. She insists she needs three months. Some whispering between the boys, they decide to give her a month and a half and that's it. Salud, clink.

Back to the torment that is Mau and Moni. This is three scenes condensed into one by the way. Mau explains the entire story of Isabel's perfidy, how she carefully planned each step, getting close to Nieves, luring Mau in and convincing him to pay for her operation and in return she would disappear and not break Monita's heart. Moni refuses to believe. This is basically the same conversation, but wait, Mau starts crying now. Yes he made a mistake but he wanted Moni's memory of her mom to be one of love, didn't want to see her suffer yada yada yada. Tears and denials, Mau I'll never forgive you.

Alicia gets out of a taxi and approaches the bat cave. Isa answers the door and tries to hug Alicia and put on her sweet face. Al says she knows perfectly well she's standing in front of a monster.

Gah!! More "I don't believe you" from Moni, over and over. Mau tells her she knows she's the most important thing in his life and from now on he tells her only the truth. Moni says OK then, if I'm not the product of rape who is my dad? Marcos Lerdo de Tejada is your father, father of Coni, you and Constanza are half sisters.

Alicia starts to lay into Isabel but will she maintain her spine in front of the Hissy Viper? Isa works it, we've been friends for sssssso long. Ali says yeah, inseperable friends, you liar!

Moni is, to grossly understate it, impactada and looks like she's going to hurl. Mau says he doesn't think Marcos is a bad person. Moni gets rather hysterical, Coni did all sorts of bad things to her, lied about her mom, etc. Mau insists that Isa is just as bad, Isa and Coni are allies! Moni reverts to "my mama loves me, she loves me!"

Ali asks why Isa did that porqueria to her, made her and Moni think she was dead? Isa tries the poor pathetic me look. Ali lights into her some more, she was a stupid idiot to take care of Isa all those years, what a waste! OK, so Alicia is standing firm for much longer than I thought. Hang in there Al.

Moni is still trying to wrap her mind around being the kid of Marcos and sis of La Momia. More back and forth, "I'm telling you the truth, Marcos didn't know you existed," and "No you're not, he's as bad as La Momia and my mom loves me." The scene ends with Moni saying after all of Mau's lies she certainly doesn't believe him now and she doesn't want to see him. I guess Isa's predicition was correct, no way will Moni be convinced to think bad thoughts about Mommy Dearest.

Alicia must be weakening because Isa pours them cups of coffee. Turning on the waterworks and begging on the love of all their years, Isa says she was a victim and everything Mau says about her is a lie. "What, do you think I'm crazy?" she demands. (A collective YES!!! from the audience.) She had the chance to live her life with Ali and her daughter, but Mau put her in a hospital in Monterrey, far from Ali and her family. Yeah, that's it. Mau and Marcos sent her far away to be completely alone. (Mentira!!!) Al says what does Marcos have to do with all this? Marcos is the father of Valentina! Alicia short circuits.

Ivan shows up at Luisa's and wants to know why she called him there. She says she wants to tell him everything. Britney whatever escorts Andres in. Ivan looks sour and impactado, what's Luisa up to? The boys immediately start fighting and Luisa screams at them to stop and listen to her. Lots of chest thumping and sneering going on between the testosterone tots. Luisa says she called them both there to apologize to them.

Paula returns to her friends at the barrio and tells them she broke up with Christian. Xime has three things to say, one, a hunky policeman like Christian isn't easy to find, two,
Coni just wants everyone to be as bitter and unhappy as she, and three, don't worry because they made an appointment with the love witch, wheee!

The group is interrupted by Mau and Moni rushing in. Moni is crying and Mau is clearly upset. He tells Moni to think about what he said. Mau sends Aldo home so he won't get in trouble and Beto yells "Adios Cachorro", heh heh. Estrella pulls out her Cachorro's cell phone that he left in her purse and Moni says she'll run after him. The anvil runs after her.

Beto brings Mau into Nieves' house for some comfort. He tells them he told Moni the truth about her mother and Nieves crosses herself. He also told Alicia and Nieves thinks it's weird that Ali didn't tell her, not even to gossip about it. Mau tells them that Moni is mad at him because Isa has made herself out to be the victim. Moni is very confused and he's lost her forever. Nieves stands up and announces she's going to talk to Isabel right now. Paper covers rock. Snow covers Ice.

By the way, I set a stopwatch on the scenes with Mau and Moni's endlessly angsty "conversation"... just over thirty minutes. Can you believe it?

Mañana: The wacky witch points to Moni and says her aura is very dark. Mau tells Beto and Nieves that Marcos is Moni's dad.


Thanks for the recap Cap'n. I think Alicia went to see Issy because she wanted to be convinced that Issy still liked her and had some goodness down inside her. I hope Ali doesn't cave completely. Issy spewing mentiras like crazy.
Really, 30 minutes of Moni/Mau. Hard to believe.
Should be some sparks tomorrow when Nieves finds out Moni is Marco's hija.
Coni got a good deal, from one week to one and half months, hey good deal. :)
Have to get Paul and Cris back together. Thought for sure he would yell out as she walked away, but no such luck.

Awww Jeff, I think Christian's got to go after Pau. They are perfect for each other. I believe in true love.

Heck, even if I made a mistake and kept my chronomoter on a little to long, it's still a lot!!

Thanks for dropping by Jeff, see you on the high seas.

Simply brilliant. My favorites:

"Lots of chest thumping and sneering going on between the testosterone tots."

"Estrella pulls out her Cachorro's cell phone that he left in her purse and Moni says she'll run after him. The anvil runs after her."

"Nieves stands up and announces she's going to talk to Isabel right now. Paper covers rock. Snow covers Ice."

One line of Beto's that I cracked up at was when Mao told Him and Nieves that Isabel was at the Bodega:

"Is she locked in the tower?"

Coni won. A month and a half? She'll have Heckle and Jeckle tied in knots.

30min.? My heart goes out to you. I'd best check on the Tequila stores.


Oh! Did you see Paula's face as she slowly walked away and gave Christian the chance to call her back and propose.? The actress was perfect. Then with a sad affirmation she recognized that what she hoped for wasn't coming and she kept on walking. One of our Paula's finest moments.

Güera from Syracuse

Hi, Cap'n:

Thank you for recapping. I just finished watching the DVR of Gancho and I must praise you to the skies for taking on the task of recapping this dull episode. Mau and Moni were endless and (yawn) oh so tiresome. I think they could have condensed all those scenes into one heart wrenching 4 minute conversation.

Mike, you had me thinking about washing machines as I watched Moni in the yellow bag dress and red footless tights—yet again. Two thoughts flashed by—what if the extension of our beloved Gancho did not come with a generous wardrobe budget and the ladies in la vecinidad have been generously washing the outfit between shows? The hand beating of that dress on a stone would explain whey it looks particularly bedraggled.

Well, Carlos, it looks like I am going to have to give Marcos a chance. Mauricio told Moni that he did not think Marcos is a bad person. Mau also promised not to lie to her again so I am going to trust that he would not speak well of Marcos if he did not believe in him.

Coni gets 6 weeks from Oskar? Why not give her 6 months or a year? Oskar is a good murderer and decent kidnapper but he and Jero together are really inept villains. Why is Oskar splitting the blackmail money with Jero anyway?

Guerra, I agree with you about Paula. She is so lovely, with those big damples and stong jaw line. Cristian needs to get his act together.

Hi Sylvia. You did a great job with a draggy episode. Too much Mau and Monita, not enough of the other folks.

You were particularly adept at re-creating Constanza's sneers with your bold face type and "Patrullero".

Like Carlos, loved "testosterone tots"....and also "hunkalicious dimbulb". Perfect description of Mauricio. Wouldn't have minded the endless conversation if at least he'd been wearing just a towel...but no such luck.

Very impressed with Isabel's strategy. She is well on her way to convincing Alicia that Isabel is the victim and Marcos and Mauricio the villains. She practically had me convinced herself! she played the scene so well.

Good morning fellow voyagers, let's see now, I think this is the second day (TN time) that our dear Monita has been wearing her bedraggled outfit. This includes one night sleeping on the floor outside mommy's flat. However, her feet still look perky inside her very high heels; I would have been barefoot or in slippers long before now.

EJ, I think you're onto something with the wardrobe budget.

I don't believe Oski actually intends to share another 1/3 of the fortune with Jeronimo. Doubtless he plans to relieve Coni of 2/3 of her fortune and pocket it for himself, he just hasn't worked out the details yet of how he plans to cheat Jero...or maybe he has.

Guera and EJ, Paula is indeed a beauty. EJ were you around for the episodes where she was locked in a closet and tied to a chair wearing only her "ropa interior". Ooh lala she gave our boys quite a view of her perfect figure decked out in white lacy dainties.

Carlos, let me tell you that the bottle of Don Julia sitting on the shelf in full view was very tempting.

Judy, I like your style. Mau in a towel makes me much more likely to NOT fast forward through his scenes. I was wondering how long it would take him to come to tears. Thankfully he hasn't done it in every episode like the first TN I saw him in. Was it Mundo de Fieras?

Thank you for the wonderful recaps Carlos, Judy and Kris. I've been catching up - they were all fabulous.

I have been sick with the flu and just returned to work. I sincerely appreciate your kind remarks and concern. Judy called me yesterday to make sure I was all right. I was touched but not surprised as Judy is one of the kindest and most caring people I've ever "met". A treasure...

I was able to watch all of this week's episodes. Sylvia, you excavate each episode, discarding the coal, but finding and polishing the diamonds. Although Carlos already pointed these out, they bear repeating: "Estrella pulls out her Cachorro's cell phone that he left in her purse and Moni says she'll run after him. The anvil runs after her" and "Nieves stands up and announces she's going to talk to Isabel right now. Paper covers rock. Snow covers Ice." Excellent!

Even though Moni may be starting to realize Isabel is a monster, admitting it to herself and the rest of the world is another matter. Then, finding out Coni was her femsib was really too much to bear.

I was yearning for more Beto and more Ximena.

Güera, yes, Paula realized Christian wasn't going to propose. Well, at least at that moment. She did the right thing. I've no doubt he will reconsider shortly.

Andres vs. Ivan. Really Luisa, there is NO contest. What are you thinking?? Ivan - hot. Andres - not.


Good morning all. Yes it is unfortunate that Moni slept in that horrific outfit and has worn it now for two full days. It's the worst she ever looked and they have had her in it for waaaaay too long.

Isabel is indeed a masterful manipulator. This is going to be a long, soggy ride before Moni comes to her senses. And Alicia, who has never been too bright a bulb is going to be Issy's willing stooge. She is sure to wreak unwitting havoc. We're in for a bumpy ride.


Diana! Welcome back. Leave it to you to find the silver lining in your week of illness. Yes, at least you got to watch a week's worth of Gancho, ample enough to catch up on all the goings on.

Oh darn, I wish I would have used your last statement as my title: Ivan - hot. Andres - not. I think my brain was numb from all the wearying conversation between M&M.

I'm so glad you checked in.

Guera, I like how Paula handled the situation. She didn't give Christian an ultimatum, thereby "trapping" him into anything. Rather, she just told him how she felt and that she needed to move on. She's sad, he's sad, I'm sure (hope) he will come around and then the decision will have been his.

Hi again Sylvia. Yes, Diana's remark would make a great title, but yours was fine too. Besides, I'm sure we can "recycle" it for another episode.

Isn't it great to have Diana back! Her analysis is always so apt...too bad she doesn't have the time to be a recapper herself. Darn these day jobs!

Gúera..yes, we're in for a long bumpy ride with Alicia and Mauricio and misunderstandings. But hopefully Monita will change out of that unfortunate outfit soon.

Sylvia...glad I missed the telenovela where Sebastian Rulli cried all the time! I've already had my fill of him in this one.

Mmm, yeah, maybe tonight we'll get to see Monita in full trailer trash mode w/ the red leggings all stretched and droopy, food stains down the front of the yellow top, cigarette dangling, greasy hair pulled back, no makeup whatsoever, bags under the eyes and a scowl.

A cousin of mine was married to two cops. She ended up with a diagnosis of PTSD and keeps an AK-47 in her closet. Just sayin' wrt to Paula and Christian, though we've seen Paula's fascination with Tasing and assaults w/ plastic knives, too.

Does anyone have a fix on Isabel's agenda outside of being creepy and selfish?

Thanks, Sylvia, esp. in light of the thirty mins of the World's Most Tiresome Angst.

I love the image of the trailer trash Monita.

It seems that Isabel's current agenda is simply to torture Marcos since he didn't rush into her arms to form a family when he learned that Monita was his daughter. Does anyone have a better explanation of her despicable behavior?


Ugh, and I thought last night's Coni/Moni fight went on for way too long and I was pretty sick of recapping it - 30 minutes of Mau and Moni...that's enough to snooze a crackhead. Better you than me my dear.

Thanks for hanging with it and making it fun for yourself with the great timer idea. You are good with those timers, eh? ;)

Loved "and the anvil follows her" of course. I'm to the point where I pretty literally see these dark vibrating anvils hovering like UFOs over people and whipping about behind their heads. Imagination is a good thing in telenovela land.

Thanks again Cap'n and hello to everyone. Welcome back Diana. Glad my imagination of the guys in Spandex didn't scare them off yet either!!! :)

It's so good to have you back. I was beginning to get a bit worried. I'm glad that you're feeling better. You were sorely missed.

I didn't notice the bottle of Don Julio. When we were on Isla Mujeres, whenever I requested Tequila, the bartenders would offer Don Julio Añejo. Very tasty.

Elna June,
I thought that you might warm toward Marcus. I think Eric del Castillo enjoys turning people against his characters and then winning the audience back as the show goes on.

Jeff, you were right. Coni certainly didn't last long in CS. At least she was well-dressed to the end.

A sad reality about yesterday's show is that now that it's taken this long for Mao to get on Moni's bad side, it'll take at least as long for him to talk his way back into her good graces. So before long, one of us will have to take another hit for the team.

Let's get on to the witch. That has distinct possibilities for fun, and best of all, Ximy and Lalo are going.

I was noticing last night that Andres is actually rather handsome. Maybe we should give him a chance... on second thought... nah.


Oh and thanks for the comments yesterday re four footers. Always an enjoyable side topic. chance for Andrés. You know these rich, spoiled sportscar driving boys can't possibly be good for a young innocent like Luisa. And Constanza likes him! So he must be bad news. Clearly, hard-working, poor but noble Ivan is the one.

Okay, Carlos, with any luck you'll get the witch episode. And with any luck, I'll get dear little Tano and Emilia and I can enjoy rooting for him.

Sorry about Constanza passing away so early in CS the other night, but yes, her nightgowns were lovely. Had trouble believing someone could give birth to twins and be in nifty lacy peignor so fast, but that's telenovela life for you.

Sylvia, thanks for another superb recap.

I think the 1 1/2 months Coni has to raise the money lines up perfectly with the 2 months she had for the boxing match with Moni. Maybe the two will happen on the same day.

I really can't understand why yesterday, Moni forgave Mau for helping Hissy fake her death and keeping the secret from her, and today, now that Mau says Hissy doesn't love you, she'll NEVER forgive him for the same behavior. Oh well.

On second thought, we once again had a long, long drawn out explanation (from Mau) about all the bizarre things that have happened (this being a novela), and of COURSE Moni could never believe all that!

I think Aldo's phone in Estrella's bag will be helpful, if only to show the Aldo-Oscar connection, which may prompt Aldo to mention Lorenza.

Trying to remember - wasn't there a witch visit in Juan Querendon? Anyway, yep, tonight should be fun!

I am going to try and stay up until midnight to watch today's recap - it looks way too good to miss.

Carlos, I meant to ask you if you caught Coni's first and last appearance on CS last night? She arrived, smiled, gave birth to twins, said a few words and then perished. In her first scene though she had to kiss the very slimy and unappealing villain (her husband). Let's just say there was no comparison between that kiss and her kisses with Beto...Not that I blame her.


Well, now that I think about it, doesn't Marcos have to be redeemed for the sake of lovley Monita?

To overstate the obvious, this girl's got problems:

1.Valentina has just been saddled with a new sister (who, sadly, she hates)

2.Her mother is a cobra, and,

3.Her boyfriend is dysthymic (or "always lightly depressesd" as a colleague of mine likes to put it) as well as being 'two pulls short of a pint', an Irish expression my mother uses to describe anyone with Mauricio's brainpower.

Alright, Carlos, I will root for Marcos. Writers, in your divine wisdom, give Valentina a charming and loving daddy, for heaven's sake!


Valentina in full trailer-trash mode would be a sight to see. I am ROTFL laughing at the thought.

OTOTOT - Road trip imaginings follow...

I am not willing to let our road trip idea go, just yet.We can't do it in July because I would like to bring the hubster—he is a very funny man—and he goes off with his man-friends for a few weeks in July.

Members of Gancholandia really are from all over the country and Mexico, too, so, hmmm, what if we picked a great National Park somewhere to have a rendezvous? Yellowstone, anyone? Those who are allergic to dirt can always stay in one of the national park lodges (at great expense) or we could camp or whatever. Food would be a big theme with this crowd,and I bet we could whip up some jim-dandy food on our Coleman stoves. Naturally we would need bartenders to keep the Club members from feeling parched.

A whimsical sotry follows...One year at Burning Man a couple of us who love the art and the spectacle of the festival but need our time alone created "Introvert's Camp". We has an oasis theme, put down Astroturf on the playa between four motor homes, and set up an army surplus parachute as a sun-shade. trucked up two wing chairs, a bookshelf full of bad paperbacks, a reading light, a fake palm tree and we borrowed my husband's "No talking" sign that he keeps by his armchair.

We were quite the popular place, I'll tell you. Complete strangers would come by, see the set up and the no talking sign, make the zip-the-lip motion with their hands, grab a paperback, and pull up a piece of Astroturf for a quiet afternoon.

I don't know why I told that story. I guess I was reminded of crazy camp-outs by thinking about our Club Gancho imaginary road trip.

If you turn thumbs down on Andres... well... then there's not much hope for the lad.

Care to adopt a slightly snooty, greasy-haired, but kinda cute, well-dressed, horny adolescent?

I was crushed seeing our Coni looking so pale. She and that old troll (actually I love that actor, wish I had
his voice) certainly didn't have near the chemistry that she and Beto have.

Elna June,
dysthymic? I love it when pretty women talk dirty.

Isabel is a masterpiece. Maybe Coni will take a good look at her and realize her future.


Carlos, ME, adopt an adolescent?? That ship has sailed, darlin'!! We could probably handle Ivan but Andres, not a chance. He needs EJ to straighten him out.

Sylvia, I liked your recap way better than the actual 30 minutes. Whoever stands just off camera and squirt tears in the actors' eyes must be the busiest person on Univision, dontcha think?

Good grief, what a long tedious conversation. The recap, though, certainly not tedious. Thumbs up for your stamina.

Was there any good reason they couldn't have had that conversation in swimsuits or Mau in a towel? I mean, really. Moni desperately needed a shower. Jaqueline should have sent them to a spa.

EJ, the great thing about imaginary road trips is that there are no budget limitations. Should we do any camping (I am not a big fan of it, myself), I think we should get our tents from Raj Tents. We could do it safari-style with real beds and fancy lamps.

Looks good to me, Julia. They probably have a place to store the camels!


I can't forget Andres' lame little hip wiggle in the bad disco scene a few weeks ago. M'dear, I think any woman who could aim a sharp-toed boot in the direction of his a$$ets could start the straightening-out process. No psychological help necessary!

Want to apply for the job?

Big grin.


Now that's camping! Can we imagine handsome B-grade TN stars—great looking folks with no conversation,like my boyfriend Gabriel Soto—as servants who bring us hot appetizers and chilled wine as we lounge about in the Raj tent? Gabriel could spell Carlos, Mike and JeffMN when they get tired of showing off in their boots, hats, and spandex.

EJ, whose imagination is a little out-of-control today

Oh, let's pick up all our favorite telenovios.

Eduardo, mi amor! Where are you?

To clarify for those who didn't put up with my swooning over Eduardo all through my CCEA recaps, I mean Jorge de Silva. Did he drop off the planet? Where can I see him next?

Hopefully Jarocha can answer that question, Julia. Your "Eduardo" is pretty much a telnovela staple as the secondary guy so I'm sure something is coming up with him in it.

Are you sure you mean Jorge de Silva? I looked him up and found this. I don't think I've seen him in anything. I thought you preferred the intellectual types. This guy looks like just another pretty face (well, OK, perhaps more than just a face). I admit that he might get away with wearing a Speedo.


Oh my Carlos, that's quite a picture!

They say a girl never forgets her first TN was Alborada so I'd have to say Fernando Colunga continues to be my fave.

However I am very fickle and I have a short attention span. I quite liked Christian de la Fuentes when he in Dancing with the Stars, so I'm looking foward to seeing him actually act. I also had a mad crush on Chef Hawt from Querida Enemiga. Oh, and I also had a crush on Juan Querendon, especially when he would do tricep dips in his short shorts and cowboy boots. Let's see, who am I forgetting?

Yep, that's him.


He does sometimes play intellectual characters, so it's all good. I know nothing about the actor's real life, nor do I care to. It might spoil the illusion.

I think we'll also need Marcelo Cordoba and Augustin Arana.

Chef Hawt, FOR SURE. But he's a leading man...are those okay or are we sticking to second-stringers and giving them their place to shine?

I wonder if Coni'd like to come along. She seems like she'd be a lot of laughs.


Julia, do you know if the Raj tents come equipped w/ a kitchen sink counter for the guys to lean against while drinking beer and discussing carburetors?

Oh, oops, are we going for second stringers? That's me, never reading the instructions!

I would definitely say Marcelo Cordoba, and that cute gypsy guy from Zorro, la Espada y la Rosa.

I say bring along Juan Querendon. He was surprisingly hilarious and he enjoys Tequila. I would bet that everyone would welcome Ximena, too.

I just finished watching today's episode. Hombre really got lucky and looks like I'll get to spend time with Lalo and the girls at Bartola's place as well.


Yeah, Juan and Chef Haut. If we're talking about second stringers, how about Costeno? He's pretty haut...

Oh yeah!! You win Emilia. Costeño is the hottest second stringer evah. Good choice.

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