Saturday, February 06, 2010

Sortilegio, 2/5/10: It's All In The Kiss or, Ignorance Ain't Bliss

[Because your kiss is on my list of the best things in life
(because your kiss) your kiss is on my list
(because your kiss) your kiss i can't resist...
Because your kiss is on my list of the best things in life
--Hall and Oates, "Kiss On My List" (1980)Voices Album]

Resumen del capítulo 87

First a little review of the redo:

Gabriel and Paula are cleaning up the kitchen while discussing Gabe's new found and eventually reknowned talent as a sculptor of means. He is inclined to believe that his future fortune and fame are written in the stars and hopes that our pretty pug in a ponytail will now begin to see him with $$... er...those same stars in her eyes. Peso-lovin' Pau, on the rebound from an unrequited love for her first crush, Roberto, decides to give Gabe a go. They make a date. She gives him a kiss on the cheek and skedaddles. Once she's gone Gabe the Gimp acts like he is never gonna wash his face again.

At the same time, across town at the hospital, Dr. Hernan and the consulting neurologist and gynocologist give Mary Jo and Alex the results of her brain scan and ultrasound. The scan shows she was not a drug addict and the ultrasound shows she had indeed had a baby. She is 100% certified as Mary Jo, the wife of Alex, and the mother of Tony. With time and the medication they prepared for her, says the neurologist, little by little she will begin to get her memory back. MJ cries tears of happiness and confusion mixed with concern at not being able to relate.

At casita de Nando, Katia is still very down in the dumps and brooding over Bruno's giving his little ho' the big heave. She tells her big bro' Fernando that she hasn't felt like seeing anybody or going anywhere all day. Woe is the ho' cuz now she is jobless and seemingly friendless. Life's a bore and she's a ....(rhymes with snore). Nando gives his bitch of a sister (appropriately enough) a puppy named Sami to cheer her up.

Meanwhile, Maura and Raquel are having coffee at a streetside cafe in town. In between complaints about her drinking, Mau is pumping Raqhell for news from Casota de Lobos y Locos de los Lombardo. Mau is anxious to know how Alex took the news about Ulises being the one who kidnapped MJ, and more importantly, if he's planning on reporting Uli to the police. Raqui says she doesn't know but she hopes not. Supposedly they are waiting to see if MJ recovers her memory first and can tell them what happened during the incident. Mau has a flashback to the kidnapping. Raqui confirms that Mary Jo is being treated in hopes that it helps her to get her memory back. Mau is Ruh-Roh!! impactada when she hears that MJ is under treatment specifically to regain her memory. (A silent prayer goes up to the virgencita throughout Viewerville in hopes that it might be soon--the sooner the better.)

Bruno now shows up at the main house throwing choice insults around at the hired help while looking for Mary Jo. He makes sure with Arturo first that Alex isn't around. Art says Sr. Alex has gone out for the day. Bruno goes inside the house then and asks Felipa if MJ is in. She tells him even if she were, he doesn't have permission to go upstairs. He sneers at her. Victoria walks in on him and Felipa. Vicki asks why he's there. Bruno says he wants to talk to Mary Jo. (Hmm. No more pretense that she's Sandra?) Vicki tells him she's not there. He asks if she's refusing to let him speak to her. (Like, where else would she be, lady?) Vicki deflects and asks what he needs to talk to her about. He gives her the now tiresome line that MJ's now a divorcee and that in Toluca they were dating and yada, yada.

Vicki says MJ never mentioned it. Bruno says well, he's telling her now, and that it means that Mary Jo loves him. Vicki is stone faced. He whines for effect, trying to elicit a little motherly guilt, complaining that even now that MJ's stopped loving Alex, his momma is forceably keeping him from a chance at happiness with her. (¡Ay! Talk to the hand, Bruno, cuz that face stopped listenin' a while ago.) Vicki reminds him she's his brother's wife, for crying out loud. He reminds her that technically she isn't. (Ugh! Here we go uh-gain!) Felipa interjects with something about as soon as MJ gets her memory back, but El Bruto tells her to shut her trap and starts heading for the stairs. Vicki yells at him to stop right there.

El Broodo de Bruno asks Vicki why she insists on stopping him and is taking the side of somebody who isn't even her real son. Felipa makes a pointed aside that they all wish to God that Alex was her son and not him. (Ten points team Felipa!) He yells at Felipa to stop meddling in his business. Vicki tells Bruno to stop yelling and acting like some deranged crazy person because Felipa is right. As soon as MJ gets her memory back his scheming will all be for nothing anyway because she'll know Alex is her one and only true love. He whinges (I do like that word!) that before all this memory stuff they were serious with each other.

Vicki throws her hands up in the air and says what the heck is his problem, anyway? They had and have had nothing going on between them. "What do you want? To snatch her from your brother? To destroy a family?" Bruno carps that Alex did that to him so why can't he do the same to Alex? It's only fair. Vicki tries reasoning with him, telling him again that it doesn't make any sense, that he's destroying himself, and --bottome line--that the way he's tied himself to this need for MJ is almost sick. (Almost, Victoria???) She pleads with him to look for another woman to have a relationship with and to forget this obsession so that he could actually be happy for once. "Just forget her and all this resentment of yours!!" Broodo says she doesn't know the first thing about it or him: Alex took away everything and has made him what he is! Alex not only took everything from him but he flaunts it in front of his face all the time! How is he supposed to feel? Who's being unfair then? Just who?

Vicki loses her patience and yells. "Enough already!" The commotion is so loud that as Alex and MJ return and enter the house, Alex has to intercede. He asks what's happening here. Felipa spouts off that "what's happening" is that Bruno is a spawn of the Devil. Vicki tries to cover and smooth things over. She lies and says nothing's going on and then tries changing the subject to what they found out at the hospital. Alex looks suspiciously over at Bruno and tells her that it turns out that tests showed there were no drugs and therefore it's not Sandra, but really Mary Jo, just like they thought. Besides that, the ultrasound proved she had had a baby.

Bruno yells back at Alex that the kid isn't his and that even so, MJ doesn't feel a thing for Alex now. (Nanny-nanny-boo-boo!) Alex says, yeah, but she'll remember soon enough. Bruno glares at Alex. "Oh yeah? What's she going to remember?" Alex gets in Bruno's face and keeps verbally punching back. He doesn't miss a beat. "You know what she'll feel whenever she looks in your face? Scorn! Rejection! That's the only thing you've ever aroused in her." Bruno is ready to explode. Vicki tries getting Mary Jo out of there. Mary Jo takes a hint and says she's going upstairs to see Tony.

Bruno starts after MJ but Alex blocks him. He's in Bruno's face again and telling him that his alegations are useless, cuz she's his wife and that's that! Bruno taunts back. "--In Toluca we were a serious item. We dated and we got touchy-feely with each other. We kissed each other. I even went to bed with her! (Oh noes!) Yep. That's how it was!" Alex has heard enough; he goes for Bruno's jugular. (Viewerville is up for another one of those exhillarating knock-down drag-outs, but...) Vicki jumps in between them and yells at them (despite Viewerville's multitudenous groans of protest) to stop it, and now! She turns to Bruno accusingly. "--No way will I witness [presenciar] another fight in my house!" Alex threatens that he'll kill him if he doesn't stay away from Mary Jo.

Bruno looks like he welcomes the challenge, but then he turns to his Mama with tears of frustration in his eyes. "What's Alex got to do with any of this? After all he's nothing but a filthy mooch since now the house belongs to you and Mary Jo!" Vicki is caught in the emotional squeeze-play. Somewhere she finds the strength to tell Alex to ignore Bruno, and, yes even to cut the apron-strings with her pain-in-the-ass progeny. "Precisely because I own this house I'm now telling you to clear out!" Bruno balks and stalls saying they'll wait to see what MJ has to say about it. Alex spits back a warning not to mix her up in this! Vicki has to break it up again. "Enough already! You get out of here or I'll throw you out myself--unless you've been so poorly raised that you'd lay a hand on your own mother!" Bruno threatens her not to force him to. Vicki (along with an incensed Viewerville) yells at him to just "Get out!!" Alex backs her up. "--Beat it!!" [¡Largate!] Bruno backs down (for now) and mumbles to himself on his way out the door. "--Again! Again!" [Otra vez]

Alex says next time Vicki should let him kick him out. Vicki is apopleptic. "--NO! There are not going to be anymore fights in this house! Is that clear?" (In a pig's eye.) Alex says then he and MJ will have to leave with Tony and go somewhere else to live. Vicki begs him not to do that. Alex hands her an ultimatum: she'll have to find the way to throw Bruno out. He walks off in disgust. (The screamfest has left Viewerville emotionally exhausted.) Vicki grabs her head as Felipa worries and warns that all of this emotional upheaval is going to kill her.

Alex heads upstairs to the nursery and learns that Mary Jo took Tony into their bedroom.

MJ is cooing at Tony and telling him she knows she's his mother now, though she doesn't really remember him. Alex walks into their room and MJ wants to know what happened. He says Bruno acted like a fool is all. He sits down and starts to stutter through a question. "I know you thought you were Sandra and I can understand... he was trying to get close to you. So I won't take your answer the wrong way... I just need to know is all. You are everything in the world to me, but I just can't handle it anymore... I ...just can't handle it. I need to ask you; I need to know..... Just how far did the trap Bruno set for you go? Because I would never forgive him, never in my life. He would have to pay for that. --Did you go to bed with Bruno?" Mary Jo immediately and firmly answers him in the negative. "--Of course not!" Alex nervously rubs his brow, lets out a deep sigh of relief and hugs her. MJ hugs him back, but a bit awkwardly.

Mary Jo then asks Alex why he would ask her such a thing. Alex tells her that it's what Bruno just finished telling him about her. She asks why Bruno does these sorts of things. (Do you have a few years to spend learning the psychology behind sociopathology?) Alex explains that he's always done stuff like that, ever since they were kids. "He would always take advantage of me, hassle me, beat up on me. I never let myself lose control, but........" MJ wondered what his parents ever did about it. Alex says he told about some things and they scolded Bruno. Other things he just let pass and kept quiet about. "Things got worse as we grew up." Alex just sort of resigned himself to it all, he tells her. Mary Jo says she thought brothers were supposed to love each other. (Ever heard of Cain and Abel?) Alex reminds her that they are only half-brothers. Anyway, he says, Bruno always was doing something to upset and anger him --and MJ as well. MJ wants him to tell her everything in detail. If it's that disturbing for him, she says, she needs to know all of it. They decide to eat up there in the room and have a long overdue discussion.

Later that evening Mau and Bruno have a pow-wow at the usual watering hole. Mau says she's going crazy from this whole thing and can't deal with it anymore. She's unable to sleep, to eat, or to even think straight any more. The poor dear even has to take tranquilizers to calm herself down. She's desperate. Bruno asks just what it could be that's bothering her. Mau says she is really worried about what happens if and when MJ remembers what went on during the kidnapping and that MJ heard her. "--What the hell was it you said?" She explains that when the kidnappers rushed in she was afraid that they might make a mistake and take her instead. She pointed at MJ and told them she was the one they were supposed to take. "--You should have kept your mouth shut!"

Mau says she was too frightened, so now she's worried that MJ will remember and she'll be arrested for being an accomplice. Bruno thinks it's a small detail and Mary Jo probably won't remember it. Or, they'll just have to hope that she doesn't. "--But what if she does?" "--Then you deny it! Remember they're only interested in the real culprit. That will be Ulises." (It helps not to have a conscience, of course. However, Mau isn't a sociopath like you, dude. She is just a rich, run-of-the-mill, jealous female out to get back at her competition.) "--Do you know where he is?" Bruno lies and says he doesn't. She whimpers again. She is really afraid. He loses his patience with her and tells her to just deal with it! He pays the tab (big of him), kisses her hand gallantly (what a jerkwad) and leaves her alone with her conscience.

Back at The Compound, Alex finishes telling MJ about all the little intrigues they've suffered through with Bruno recently. Mary Jo wants to know why he didn't just put a stop to it all or go to the police with it. Alex tries to explain that he didn't in order to save their families from scandal. She's surprised that he included her family into the mix. He says it was because he had fallen in love, head over heels, with her; that he still feels that way about her now. Alex misses her kisses and hugs, and especially the sex. This makes her uncomfortable. (Ah, come on. Look at this guy! Who in their right mind wouldn't want to jump his bones and/or have him jump their bones after a romantic come on like that?) MJ gets up from the table and walks away. Alex asks her to tell him --truthfully-- if she feels anything, anything at all, for him now.

Mary Jo tries to explain how it was in Toluca. "When I was in Toluca and Don Porfirio told me he wanted me to get married, I told him about Damian and introduced him. Don Porfirio didn't like him. So then, I told him about you --a photographer-- and that I was undecided about what there was between you and me. He wanted to meet you." Alex wants to know what she felt for the "photographer" at least. She admits he came across as sweet, pleasant, and kind. She liked him. He's disturbed that she talks about him in the past tense. She tries explaining that with everything that's happened since then, his taking her by force, and then telling her so many painful things about her mother that it's hard to say. He reminds her that everything he told her about her mother was the truth.

Mary Jo says it's hard to feel something nice about a guy who treats her like that. She lost control of her life because of what Alex did, so frankly, she finds it hard to imagine herself being able to love him. She doesn't know that she even wants to. (Ouch!) He says fine. But, she should know--and he swears to her-- that what they had between them before she was kidnapped was more beautiful than either of them could have ever imagined. He only wants the chance to show her and to get back what they had. "Open your heart with me. Try to love me, a little, please?" Mary Jo is brutally honest and says she doesn't know if she can. He says fine. "Have it your way. Just forgive me if I handled things badly. I thought I was doing the right thing by bringing you back here to your real life and home. Apparently you prefered your new life there." He politely says good-night and leaves her alone to mull.

The next morning the rest of the women are having breakfast together. Raqhell says they knew all along that she was really MJ. Felipa agrees. Vicki says the tests she took gave them proof what Bruno was telling them was a lie. Paula says she never believed her mother for a minute. No way could the woman have mistaken her for Sandra. "No, you know it when you're dealing with a loved one." Raqui puts in a worried good word for Uli. "Nobody can possibly think it was Ulises who took her. He had nothing to gain. [interés = reason to pursue, i.e., financially or romantically] Vicki insists that nobody is accusing him. Felipa suggests that he might know something, though. Just then MJ appears at the table asking for Alex. They tell her he already left for work. Apparently he left without saying good-bye and Vicki finds that a bit disconcerting. Mary Jo says she'd really like to visit her father. Paula happily says she'll take her to see him.

Once MJ and Paula are gone Vicki says that something must have happened for Alex to take off like that. Raqui thinks maybe the big love affair is caput. Felipa says it's a shame since MJ just found out she's his wife and all.

Pau and MJ arrive at the mall and she tells MJ not to think it's going to be a first class operation, but at least it's an honest way for their dad to make a living now. Pedro and the others are excited to see MJ there. Meche and Chucho reintroduce themselves to her because she can't remember even a little bit. Chucho reminds her (uh-gain) how he saved Alex's life way back when. Pedro tells her that she met Meche when Bruno played a dirty trick on Meche's kid brother, Gabe, and the rest of them. The three of them head for Pedro's humble abode so that they can have a little chat.

Meanwhile, back at Lodge Lombardo, Vicki has a chat of her own with Bruno. She tells him she really wants him to look for another place to live since he cannot seem to get along with Alex and MJ. Broodo insists on staying there as the judge decreed is his right. The chalet is his and that's that. They can leave if they want. He's staying. Vicki asks him to show a little class. (Him? Might as well spit into the wind, Vicki dear.) "Everything you've done up to now has been a waste. Why don't you just man-up and go your own way? Let everyone have a litte peace around here." This opens it up to a discussion about Bobo and his errant ways. "Are you trying to say I'm like Roberto?" Vicki smiles with just a hint of a snicker. "Roberto has a greater sense of decency than you." "--I'm not leaving! We'll just see if you can run me off!"

Vicki tries to reason with him again. "You have stock in the company and money." "--Yes, but I am lacking the love of my family." (Geez, Louise. It's back to this again.) Vicki gives up and walks off. Bruno watches her walk away and curses her under his breath. "You have never loved me you old fuddy-duddy! Now you can just rot!"

Back at Papi Pedro's apartment, MJ finds out that everything Alex told her about Bruno/Damian was true, and that the reason they never did anything to stop it was because Bruno was blackmailing Pedro for selling pirated merchandise and threatening to throw them all in jail. Pedro insists with his bum leg that nobody would give him a decent job. (To believe this line of self-pity regarding Pedro's game gam, please adjust the beany two notches. He had a desk job, you know?) Pedro continues his tale. When MJ found out, she went along with the fake marriage to Alex to protect them all from Bruno. Pau inserts herself here. "He's the worst kind of human being!" MJ asks why Alex went along with it once he found out. Pau and Pedro insist he kept quiet out of the kindness of his heart and because he fell in love with MJ.

MJ asks if she loved Alex also. Paula assures her she was head over heels for him, too. [derrapar = skidd, spin] Pedro asks what she feels for Alex now. MJ admits he's a stranger now to her. Pau wonders how this could be since they have a child together. Papi P. tells her to think of the rest of them and how they must feel, and how badly Alex suffered when he found out she was kidnapped. Pau tells her how Alex locked himself up with their baby for weeks afterwards because of his depression. Now, says Pedro, he's suffering because she doesn't feel the same for him anymore. MJ starts processing.

Back at Casa Lombardo Vicki tells Felipa she failed to get Bruno to see the light. Felipa's all for putting bugs, rats and whatever other vermin they can find in his place to run him off. (Viewerville is definitely down for that!) Vicki tells her to get real. She says she expected to pay dearly for all her sins, but never like this. She just can't cope any longer. Just then there's a call from Vicki's editor wondering if she's ready to publish her book of poems. Vicki says yes and that she wants it published under her real name. (Anybody wonder if it'll be dedicated to young lover Fer?) The editor is elated and says it will be sensational. FF>>

At Lombardo, Inc. MJ shows up with Pau for a look-see. Pau tells her it's the largest construction company in the state. Alex is thrilled to see her. MJ tells Alex she wanted to see the place where he works. Pau asks if he remembered offering her a job. He tells Mari to see to it immediately. He and MJ go into his office for a chat. MJ tells him about her chat with her papi and how Alex saved him from himself by paying his debts, etc. Alex admits he felt sorry for the old guy. It's obvious that MJ now sees him in a different light.

Meanwhile, Mari and Paula make quick friends with each other, especially when Mau shows up and they can secretly agree on how disagreeable Meowra is. Mau wants to speak with Alex. Mari and Pau let her know he's busy speaking with MJ and cannot be disturbed. Meowra says she wanted to tell him what Dr. Hernan told her about Lisett and to have him call her later when he's free. She pads out on all fours. Mari and Pau want to gag. They share a secret snicker.

Back in Alex's office he and MJ begin to flirt a bit. He takes the rest of the afternoon off and says after lunch he wants her to see the sights of the city with him. She says fine and blushes. He says there's a change in her. He wonders if it's good or bad. She asks him what he thinks. He says he has lots of questions he might ask her, but there's only one he will ask. "Can I kiss you?" She nods. He makes his move. They kiss. She goes with the flow and the two of them end up panting on his love seat. Just when it starts to get out of hand and we think they're going to do the deed right then and there and are asking ourselves if they remembered to lock the door, Alex pulls away. He politely asks her to forgive him for getting so carried away. "It's just, well, the fact is that I'm dying to make love to you. (Viewerville swoons.) It seems like years since we've done it." MJ giggles as Uni breaks for a little crass commercialism and gives us all a chance to catch our breath.

When we return, Pau and Mari are sealing their friendship. Pau says it's obvious Alex and MJ adore each other, so she is not about to be a third wheel. She asks Mari where Bobo's office is and heads there for a surprise visit. Bobo is happy to see her. He shows her the project he's working on. She mentions that BTW she's got a job there now also. He's happy to hear it. She's wondering if he'll end up going to Brazil for a while. He thinks he probably will. She says she'll miss him. He says he'll miss her also, then asks in his best Big Brother voice if she's managed to meet anyone yet. She says yes and that he knows him but probably doesn't remember him because the guy's been a nobody all this time although he is about to become a famous sculptor. Bobo says she doesn't sound very enthused about the guy. She says that's because the one she's been so enthused about was him. Bobo gets suddenly stiff. "I already explained that to you."

We beam over to the hospital now where Lisett is being discharged today. Her new friend from the free clinic, Lety, comes by and introduces her to her brother, Checo. (Uh, where is the scarf, Lis? --Hubby can't resist remarking that she looks like a conehead without it. Sadly, he's got a point. Show a little self-respect there, Lizzie. That turquoise thing looked pretty good the other day.) Lis introduces both of them to Big Sis, Meowra, and then invites them to come the next morning to the Hello-Kitty Castle for a big surprise she's got planned for them.

On the way out of the hospital Meowra scolds Lis for wanting to pay for the other girl's transplant. "What's the matter? Don't I have the money?" "--Of course you do, but you don't go throwing it around like that! I'm your sister and I'm supposed to take care of you." Lis says it's good that she remembered that because it seemed she forgot while Lis was laid up in the hospital all this time. (Ten points, team Lis.) Luckily she had Lety who did come to visit and she became her friend. Meowra can only gripe about the class Lety and her brother--with a name like Checo--come from. Lis walks off and leaves Meowra to stew and spew by her sorry damn self. (Another ten-pointer for Lizzie.)

Meanwhile, Pau and Gabe have their date. He shows her through an art museum nearby and explains what he knows about techniques or some such. FF>>

That night at the Casota, up in the nursery, Alex and Mary Jo tuck little Tony in. Alex tells her she'll be the best mother. MJ says it seems she remembers him telling her that exact same thing before. Could it be she's finally starting to remember? Alex says it could be. She's elated and hugs him. They walk towards their bedroom door. She thanks him for a wonderful day together then asks where he's going to be sleeping. Alex chuckles and says he's sleeping in the guest room. MJ asks him if he wants to come in with her. He smiles and says it will not be just for a kiss good-night. It looks, though, that she might be seriously considering the option. Mary Jo makes up her mind and invites him in. Alex asks her not to turn the lights on. He tells her that he understands how she feels and that he realizes it must be like the very first time they were together. He promises to be kind and gentle with her. He goes in for The Kiss. She tries to get into it but she's still too nervous and not really ready for it. Alex says not to worry. If she's not sure about it he can wait. He wants her to be completely confident so that next time they're together nothing is stopping her. He kisses her good night. She tells him to rest well. [Descansar] He chuckles to himself. (As if.) She smiles. He leaves. She's hot but not quite ready to trot.

The next morning they are all at breakfast. Alex and MJ tell Vicki they're going to visit Porfi but first he's stopping at the police station to report Uli to the police for the kidnapping. Raqui walks in on the discussion. Vicki tells her now that they know MJ is really MJ those responsible must pay for their crime. Raqui is desperate. She says all they have is Bruno's word that it was Uli. (We all know what that's worth. It seems like Mama and Alex are suffering from amnesia all of a sudden, here, too.) "Perhaps it's nothing but a big lie!" Vicki says that's why the police have to find him, to get at the truth. "But Mary Jo is just fine!" Pau pipes up to add that whoever did that to MJ has to pay! "--But he's my child's father!" Felipa chides her. "--And a courageous man you chose for the father, too! Anyway, you could give a flip about your daughter!" "--Stay out of it!" Alex tells Raqui that his mind is made up. He's reporting Uli to the police. Raqhell is frantic. She begs him not to do it. She turns to Vicki and tells her she'll die if Uli's sent to prison. "If you don't do this...I promise...I promise I'll never take another drink! Please! I'm begging you!" Vicki asks if she's really serious. Raqui nods. Serious as a heart attack.

Mary Jo says she has no problem if they choose not to report Uli to the police. Besides, she's back, safe and sound. Alex says then he'll think about it, but it is a crime that should not go unpunished. Raqui runs to MJ and tries to thank her --as best she can, considering. Pau starts to say something else but Mary Jo shuts her up on the spot. "There's nothing more to say. Perhaps we're making a mistake in not reporting Uli to the police, but with what Raqhell has promised, we've come out with a win."

Back in Toluca, Elena has been found out by Porfi's manservant, Isaías. Isaías goes back to Porfi's bedside and reports that he's sure he's seen Elena around town. So where is Sandra? Does that mean they have returned from wherever? Porfi doesn't like how things are shaping up. He has his man call Elena's rancho. The housekeeper answers and says yes, Sra. Elena is there. When she goes to hand the phone to Elena, Elena tells her to tell whoever it is that she's still away on a trip. Oops! Too late. The housekeeper tries to tell Isaías she's still traveling, but Porfi isn't buying any of Elena's B.S. and gets on the phone himself.

"If she's back why hasn't anyone bothered to tell me? It's not like we live in another country or something! Look, I want to speak to Elena! Put her on!" Elena pretends she's just walked back in the door. "So where's Sandra?" Elena pretends she left her to visit or something. "--You left her alone?" "--Oh, Porfirio. She's lived on her own for years now." "--You tell her she's to come back here immediately! That's an order!" Click.

Elena races over to tell Jorrible Jorge the bad news. "What do we do now?" Jorge tells her to call Merida and convince Mary Jo to come. "--And if she doesn't want to?" "CONVINCE HER!!!!!" (Viewerville waits for the rafters to stop shaking. What a freakin' ogre! It's Three Billygoats Gruff come to life. He and Porfirio are such a freak show.) Elena takes the phone from him and starts dialing. Vicki takes the phone from Zeke. She lets Elena know that MJ and Alex are on their way to Toluca to visit with Porfirio. "--Uh, Mary Jo?" Elena acts confused. Vicki says yes. They've medical proof now that MJ isn't Sandra. Vicki is so cool towards Elena the phone nearly gives Elena frostbite. "--Is there anything else I can help you with?" Elena says no, thank you, and then hangs up. She chokes giving Jorge the bad news that they've found out Mary Jo is not really Sandra and that she and Alex are on their way to visit the old man. What if they tell him the truth now?

Jorge wonders what's the big deal. "Not to worry. Ulises was the one who did the kidnapping, remember? He assured us she was Sandra." Elena is on the verge of a nervous breakdown. She can't believe that Jorge can be so cool and calm about it. Doesn't he realize the threat they are facing now, she asks. Jorge robotically explains to her that if one panics one cannot think clearly. Elena just blinks at him. She is panic personified.

Back at the Lombardo's Fernando is visiting his one true love. Vicki tells Fer that MJ and Alex have gone to see Porfirio. He asks if they plan to tell the old guy the truth. Vicki says she isn't sure MJ has it in her. He says he'll call his tío abuelo to warn him because if Porfi gets the bad news he won't take it well at all and somebody will need to control him. The man flies off the handle all the time and only his tío can really manage him. She has Fernando make the phone call. Emiliano answers and thanks him for the heads up, then heads over to Porfi's for the assist.


Thanks so much Jardinera for such a sublime recap on this snowy day shut indoors. :)

Your title is perfect. We are finally seeing MJ warm to Alex. And seeing some changes in Alex's seduction technique. He started out with a few old moves- don't turn on the lights (remember that one from the first time they made love?). But old Alex would not have stopped himself in the office or in the bedroom, despite feeling MJ's hesitation. He would have gotten that purse off her and untied the halter top on that dress faster than Bruno can come up with a new lie. Now it's all about let's wait till you're ready. It certainly left her wanting more. Did you see the way she ran her hand over herself when he left? I don't think either one of them got to sleep that night without a cold shower!

Oh, had to mention how many times Paula made me chuckle in this episode. When she was in the marketplace with MJ, acting like she's always been proud of the simple shop their dad has (she totally used to scorn it); giving Maura that fake smile hello and pointedly telling her Alex was busy with HER SISTER; and hoisting up her boobs (which dont need any more hoisting) and sashaying her way towards Roberto's office. :)

Jardinera, thank you for the fast recap, I liked your comment that MJ was hot but not ready to trot rotf.

Jorge and elena worry about the lombardos finding out about the kidnapping, yet are not concerned that they are going to be reported not just for kidnapping, but holding her hostage through being drugged and then by erasing her memory. They don't mention that?

Loved the recap Jardinera. If I had a man like Alex tell me that he's dying to make love to me. Memory or not, I'm locking those doors, throwing the contents off the desk, taking off my dress and shouting, "Let's go." Alex's face was so flushed when he stopped the kissing before it went to the point of no return. He wants MJ so bad he can't stand it. Hopefully, he's taking plenty of cold showers until she is ready to consumate the relationship again. Meanwhile Alex and MJ are on their way to Toluca. Beware of syringes please. Bruno is a lost cause. He will not stop until he is stopped. Maura is worried that her house of cards is about to collapse but she should've thought of that when she went along with the kidnapping scheme. Now it's time to pay the piper. How long has Uli been lying dead at the penthouse? Let's hope he's discovered soon.

Thanks so much Jardinera for another stellar recap.

Vivi i not only got a lot of chuckles from Paula and her boobs antics, her fake insincere hello to Maura too. I loved how quickly she bonded with Mari and those two look like they are going to be fast friends.

I'm sorry i have to give MJ a hard time after finding out she is really MJ and not Sandra and Alex explaining to her why Bruno is like after she asked herself for him to explain.

She tells him she can't love him back from taking her out of a very oppressive environment. Love how Alex put her dumb moronic thinking in it's place. Excuse me from rescuing you from a place she came to love.

I would have been mad too if i was him.I also would not have to have what he told confirmed by Pedro. In the short while since Alex has brought her back he has proven to her how gentle and honest he's been.

Why would he make up a lie about Bruno now and as for her mother, she knows herself how Elena controlled her by telling her about her past as a drug addict and a whore.

Anon- I dont think she was doubting that what Alex said was true, she was doubting why they all went along with the schemes? He said what his motivation was, and she wanted to know what her and her family's motivation was.

I also liked that Mari and Paula hit it off. If I was Mari I would have been worried, given the last time one of the execs dumped one of their young family members on her (Katia). :)

Vivi i'm giving MJ a hard time because she doesn't want to accept what Alex is saying about her mother is true and the fact he used a little force and trickery to take her back.

Yes i would be confused by that has happen to me if i was in MJ's shoes yet in still with the proof that was given to me that i am really MJ not Sandra like i have been told by mother and nasty step dad.

I certainly wouldn't be giving Alex a hard time like she is, she's knows how uncomfortable and uneasy she felt with Elena and Dr.Demented.

Also Alex also told her if it was proven she was actually Sandra he would take her back to Elena and Jorge. Hernan told her after all the test they had run on her to prove beyond doubt that she was MJ. He said if you don't trust our findings you can go to other hospitals to get their opinions.

Alex was right there and did not reject Hernan giving her that choice at all. Now if that was Bruno or Elena they would have come up with some excuse for her to avoid taking any kind of test for her.

She got to realize that Alex isn't hurting her intentionally, and what she should have told him was everything is too much for her now to process.

It was the way you brought me here and i just need a little more time that's all.

Hi Jardinera. Another great one, from the title and song lyrics (love that one) right on through.

Loved the vocab..."derrapar" for to be head over heels in love, and your description of Maura slinking out "she pads out on all fours".

Over in Gancholand, Elna June mentioned that she looks forward to your and Hombre's Saturday recaps like a frothy cappucino (or somthing like that...I'm famous for misquoting ever so slightly)...Anyway, it's a good description...something strong, bracing, yet also frothy and delicious. Vive les recaps!

Jardinera thank you for the very detailed and funny recap. Quite an episode last night.

Can I just say WOW! watching Alex/William last night. He was perfection in showing his desire, hesitation, sorrow, you name it in wanting to be intimately back with MJ. I felt like YOURS TRULY needed a cold shower after watching them last night.

I can sum up all of our antagonists last night by saying "What a selfish, stupid piece of work you all are." Bruno bringing out the same old "you never loved me, Alex is your favorite" that he most likely spewed as a two year old. But heavenly days, Vic wasn't going to listen this time. Elena suddenly so worried that their scheme will be discovered - DUH! Jorge - thinks they can get out of this because he's so smart, he just have to think of another genius idea and they will be fine.
And Maura - what a nut job last night. NOW she's worried? And then giving her sister the what-for at the hospital.I loved how Lisette just flipped her off. Anyone else think Lety's brother Checo may be the future Mr. Lisette? This would be the kicker to Maura: she winds up in jail or punished somehow, Lisette winds up with all the bucks and marries a "commoner" and uses the money to do something charitable and thumbs her nose at her old society ways. I so hope that happens.

My heart sank a little thinking I heard Roberto is on his way to Brazil (with my lousy skills I was hoping I got that wrong), but I guess not. That's the ending they will give him? So not cool.

And it convinces me more after that touchy,feely moment with Raquel and MJ that the Rack will suddenly stop drinking (no withdrawal???) and suddenly just love her baby and that will make up for everything. Yuk!

Well before Vic's high blood pressure causes her to blow a blood vessel, let's see if she and viewerville can see MJ and Alex firmly back together. (Shower scene might be good here for us).Then she can relax and have another hot night with her boy toy before the next round of smackdowns start.

Vivi, I should just be sweet and agree with you, but why would MJ become prone on a couch at Lombardo Construction and then have her misgivings in the privacy of her own home?.. Earth to MJ: hot kisses at the office means loving at home, EVERY girl knows that!!

Jardineria, am short on time today...I'll give you my. full thanks tomorrow

Alex should move out anyway because he told Vicki he was going to do that before MJ got kidnapped. Since Bruno refuses to leave her alone and Vicki is trying to reason with a crazy person to leave the house. Heck yeah move the hell out of casa Locos.

After Bruno told her he would leave MJ alone because Alex broke him and her up, Vicki should have got on the phone called up Hernan and make a permanent booking in a mental ward for dear sonny boy.

He was the one who plotted to have Alex killed posed as him to marry MJ, exposed himself as a liar and possible murderer to her. When she told him point blank she wouldn't cooperate with him then he told her he have her and her family thrown into jail blackmail.

When the real Alex Lombardo shows up and claim his fake wife he considers that as Alex breaking them up?

Maura you should be very scared how your role is going to be revealed soon, when MJ's memories start coming back. What a selfish, snobby heifer she is. How dare she chastise her very sick,scared sister for helping out the only true friend she really had in her time of need.

Thank god Lissette discovered there's more to life than laying around doing nothing other than gossiping about people or plotting to destroy others relationships.

Sandy- I think the office probably felt safer. Daytime, an office with other people around, and it was spontanious and kind of took them both by surprise. When she invited him into that dark bedroom (with a BED), she knew what she was invting him in for and the nerves took over, alas.

Another great recap, Jardinera. Loved Peso-Loving Pau!

The courtship of María José by Alex seems just right to me. They prepared us for this by showing her instant attraction to the "photographer" and her instinctive pulling away from Damián. At a cellular level she knew one was good and the other bad news. But she kept trying to talk herself into being Sandra and that she owed it to Bruno to give him a shot.

Then of course she was unhappy at being kidnapped and taken to a house full of strangers. It's going to take some time to get over that trauma. But this episode was laying the groundwork. First the clear medical evidence of her real identity, then different people (Alex, Paula, her father) revealing her life story and facets of Bruno's treachery.

I think they are definitely setting up Raquel for redemption. For two episodes now she's seemed more sober and kinder to others. Her only weak spot is her continued clinging to her feelings for Ulises. I couldn't believe how civilized she was toward MJ, even before she said she wouldn't press charges.

I guess I like redemption a lot. I enjoyed Katia and the dog. They say dogs are terrific therapy for all kinds of damaged people. It's all that unconditional love.

I am sitting here, reading all your comments, grinning from ear to ear. woooooo.... WL/Ale is muy muy caliente. I sure felt that heat last night. ADM!! could he be any hotter? how can anyone in their right mind resist HIM? oh, that's right - she's not.

Bruno's evil/demented eyes give me the chills.

Jardinera, thanks for such a great recap. I was able to re-live all the love scenes between Alex and MJ. They're two great actors. Boy are they great in the love scenes dept. Hmmmmm!!!

I agree with DaisynJay about Lissette. She is turning into an adorable young lady. But I, too, hope she wears a scarf.


Love,love your recaps Jardinera.
Thanks. Love "She pads out on all fours" and "She's hot but not quite ready to trot".
They might have proven to MJ that she's not Sandra but they have not proven that Elena, her mother has had anything to do w/ her kidnapping. I think Elena told them that Ulisses brought them the comatose Sandra and Jorge helped by reviving her. So she believes for now that her mother is innocent of the kidnapping at least. She may have had a serious disagreement with Elena but she is her mother and she loves her. She is MJ after all. Who hasn't had a fight or disagreement with their mothers but still retain that loving feeling towards them?

It was a spontaneous thing as Vivi said about the kissing in the couch, but I think it was MJ who put a stop to it. Her hands where over Alex's arms but then right before he stopped, her hands were under so I think she gave him a slight push.

I knew nothing was gonna happen when none of them took that freaking purse off MJ shoulder. ...Sigh.



Jardinera -- WOW!!! Outstanding recap!!! So complete and with so many bon mots!!! I Loved it.

Of course, I loved the big office kiss scene as well!!
One smal clarification (and this I know because I replayed the scene on my DVR several times already LOL). When Alex is at the MJ's bedroom door and she asks him in, he says, if he comes in, it WON'T be just for a goodnight kiss. Just wanted to point that out because I think it important that MJ does let him in knowing full well what's about to happen (even though, much to my disappointment, they postpone the big "intimate" re-encounter for another episode -- I only hope its not the grand finale)

Again, Jardinera, many, many thanks for such a great recap. It was a really fun read this afternoon!
Cubs Fan

Thanks for another superb recap, Jardinera.

I was thinking that Vicky seems to be way stronger physically than she was at the start of the novela. Back then, see seemed more frail to me, and was always in danger of fainting from any stress (she did faint a few times). Recently she's been standing up to Bruno, looking strong and fit. This may be to show she's not too old for Fernando. Of course, now that I've said this, she could faint tomorrow. :)

The Katia ho jokes were priceless! Woe is the ho, indeed :) I also thoroughly enjoyed the remainder of the recap.

I was just waiting for them to get it on and have her recover her memory very dramatically, but alas. Maybe next week, then.

Great recap! Thanks a million especially from those of us who aren't grasping 100% of what's going on (or even 30%). Can anyone explain how Sandra gets morphed into MJ after Alex kidnaps her, but Sandra gets dumped at Casa Lombardo and no one goes after Jorge and Elena? What happened to our crack detective when you need him? And on top of that Useless is going to be blamed for MJ's kidnapping, but what would be his motive? Should we assume this plot is so crazy that we just shouldn't delve to deeply?

And I must have missed when Raqhell went to detox. She appears to have stopped drinking before the "I swear I'll never have another drink" speech.


CubsFan: Okiedok! Missed that detail. Changed the scene accordingly. Tks for the heads up!

Gracias: The answers to your questions are all in the recaps from 1/19-23. You can jump to them from the Sortilegio link on the orange sidebar. Maybe somebody can give you a 2 paragraph summary, but my brain is fried. ! : > )

Anon- The story that Elena and Jorge are getting ready to spin is that it was Useless who told them MJ was Sandra. That he kidnapped her when he found the real Sandra in an irreversable drug induced coma (and dumped her at the Lombardos), and I guess, drugged MJ and brought her to E & J telling them it was Sandra and that she had OD'd on drugs. Thats when E&J decided to use Jorge's memory erasing procedure to cure her of her drug addiction. The motivation for Useless is the inheritance and marrying Sandra/MJ to get it.

Anybody who thinks about it for half a second would see that it makes no sense. But since there are so many players involved (Elena, Jorge, Useless, Bruno, Maura), it's hard for the good guys to figure out how they all fit together and who's really at fault. Each of them seem to have their blind spots too:

-MJ doesn't want to believe her mom capable of such a thing.
-Alex can't quite accept that Maura is in it up to her eyballs.
-Vicky doesn't want to believe Bruno is involved.
-Raquel doesn't want to believe Useless was involved.

No one gives a darn about Jorge (and they really should), and none of them seem to be able to picture all five of those people working together.

Finishing that thought- they all seem to be in an "either, or" mentality. Either this person was behind the kidnapping, or that person. Instead of thinking that perhaps ALL of them were involved.

Jardinera and Vivi, gracias. It makes a little more "sense" now; and I'll look at the past recaps otra vez.


ViviDC: Thanks for that concise rundown --and I really liked your explanation about everyone's blind spots when it comes to figuring out the facts. Interesting perspective and makes really good sense. I love it when somebody nails it on the head like that. It's like scratching a hard to reach itch, you know?

Jardinera~~~Thanks for another spectacular recap. So much fun. I especially enjoyed ''MJ is hot but not quite ready to trot.'' And...myohmyohmy...WillYUM..are you teasing MJ or Viewerville ? I was hoping that Mauron was going to walk in on the two horizontal on that office sofa. Monica Miguel knows how to direct a love scene , and the writers are really teases, verdad ? Bruno's trousers seem to be getting tighter and tighter. Last night , he was wearing skintight, shiny, blue slacks..que the hell ? Maybe the tight pants are making him Mr. Crankypants...Bruno, time to size up. p.s. Thanks for the lyrics. Hub and I saw Hall and Oates in concert at an outdoor venue a few years ago. They were great. They started the show by telling the audience that they realized that it had become very expensive to go to a live concert and that they were going to try to make the experience worthwhile...They did. It was one of the best concerts we've ever been to. People were dancing in the aisles .

Vivi~~Another excellent analysis. How much snow did you get ? We were lucky. We only got less than a foot. Much more fell in Philly and N.J.

Thanks all for taking the time to read and comment. It never stops to amaze me how everybody always has something to say that makes me say to myself "I wish I'd have said that!"

Susanlynn: we've never had Hall and Oates here that I know of. We'd have gone, too, if they'd come. Sounds like a nice couple of down to earth guys if they told the crowd that. I had to settle for YouTube videos, but oh man, did it take me back. I was ready to flick my BIC by the end of the song. Yessirreeebob!

Susanlynn- We definitely got more than a foot! More like almost two I think. But I haven't heard the final tally yet. It only just stopped snowing in the last hour.

Novelera: Except for the great sex, Sami has everything Katia could need emotionally. Better attitude and personality, more polite, more affectionate, much better looking...

Jardinera, just when I thought you couldn't get any funnier, I read your recap! Bravo. LOL at sooo many things

•Once she's gone Gabe the Gimp acts like he is never gonna wash his face again.
• Nando gives his bitch of a sister (appropriately enough) a puppy named Sami to cheer her up.
•Do you have a few years to spend learning the psychology behind sociopathology?
•Ah, come on. Look at this guy! Who in their right mind wouldn't want to jump his bones and/or have him jump their bones after a romantic come on like that?

So many more I could add! Brilliant.

That office scene, omg, I think I was melting from the heat. Damnnnnnnn!!!!! Daisy, WL was soooooo perfect. To die for.

Anon, I give MJ a hard time too.

Hombre, Vicky does seem a lot more healthy now thab in the beginning. I guess Fernando has her feeling younger and better.

Novelera, I'm a fan of redemption too.

Jardinera~~~I would go to see Hall and Oates again in a New York minute. In fact, a few months ago , hub was going to go online to get tickets for them at a venue in Philly. He had to do some errands. When he got home , he went online. All the tickets were gone as soon as they went up for sale. They sold the seats for just a couple bucks because the stadium was going to be torn down , and Hall and Oates are from the Philly area and wanted to give a little gift to their local fans. I was so bummed. We're going to see Martha and the Vandalas in a few months.

Bruno was incandescent. He must burn 1,200 calories an hour being such a jittery jerk! He's the best villain ever.

Melinama, lol love the wording and ITA.

Wow, thanks for the awesome recap Jardinera! The show always makes so much more sense after you guys explain what actually happened!

While I can't wait to see all the evil people in this show get what's coming to them, I don't want to show to end either...

I love that Lisette has a friend - it was so sad seeing her all alone in the hospital. And sticking it to Maura later too!

I'm okay with them having Raquel change, but I agree that it seems a little fast. And from how you all are talking, "redemption" in TNs means that there's no consequences for her actions. In real life, she would end up in jail, regardless of whether she's repentant...

Melinama i love your wording also for Bruno but i beg to differ on the best villain ever,Bruno is a good villain but he don't have nothing on Carloca from ENDA.

As Vivi so rightly put it the othe other day that woman is bat sh!t crazy off the charts. She makes Bruno look like a boy scout in how evil she is.

Now i enjoyed everyone's comments about the almost sex in Alex's office and MJ wanted him as much as every women was watching them together wanted him.

I'm glad he turned her down when she asked him to come in the bedroom, because he's showing her he's not impatient to be with her intimately even though he wants her very much.

Unlike Bruno/Damian who kept pressuring her to have sex with him all the time.

As for William the man knows how to kiss period, he was making me hot with his kissing scenes in CCEA.

I 'm going to go through a lot of WL withdrawals when this series ends.

wonderful, wonderful recap. There was a lot of explaining going on this night, and the recap was like total recall. many many thanks.

I don't know which is more evil: Bruno's crazy look in his eyes, or that tight, twisted black mouth.

I also loved someone's line about Bruno: He will not stopped until he is stopped.

This recap made my week. thanks again

Jardinera, thanks for the time you put into these amazing recaps.

When does Sortilegio end?


Lynne, Sorti ends sometime around Feb16-17.

Anon, you'd think one would get used to all of William's steamy scenes, but man, everytime I see one, I'm entranced and touched (I wish literally). Hearts in my eyes! 

So disappointed that Sorti is ending...but on a positive note, I think I'm gonna watch CS for the sake of reading all the recaps and comments. Caray has become such an important part of my life that I will feel depressingly bored if I don't stick around. Love the entire atmosphere here--always room for discussions on anything and everything interesting. :-)

Cielo~~And you have been a great, positive addition to caraycaray. So glad that you will be sailing with us for CS. Our crew is growing !

Talking about minimizing WL withdrawal post Sorti, previous posts indicated that Sorti casts will be on Cristina Feb 22, but I think there was another post that said they will be on Mar 1. Cuando es? I normally don't watch this but I want to see them (apart from WL por supuesto!) specially the ever-hateful bruno and vicky sans the wig.

Thanks, Susanlynn! Lol my first novela without WL...may God have mercy on me. ;) looking forward to staying in touch with u guys though.

There's a website to go to on his squidoo page and it's two part interview with the cast of Sorti. Yes from the picture we see Viki who Daniela Romo without the wig.

I can't see haw long her is in the back but she definitely looks different without the wig she's wearing in the novela.

You know what's so great about A/WL's kissing. He doesn't just smack one on the lip. He nuzzles, lets you take in his scent, he takes in yours, sees if you are into it. Very sensual. Watch how animals "scent" each other out when they meet each other. More couples and singles should watch him and get his technique down --would make for a happier world.

Watching that action is something I'm going to miss . .

Thanks to real life complications, my Caray life has been on the back burner. Great recaps and comments this past week! Thanks to everyone for explaining details, sharing info on psychology and such, and making me laugh.
Loved the BSC and Simply Car-Loca categories of insanity. I think my former boss was a Car-Loca.
If we could send Alex/WmL on a tour of the US, his hotness could melt all the snow and ice. What's taking MJ so long?
I think I'll save some of the super bowl snacks for Monday, as I sit down to watch Don Porfirio discover just how evil Dr. Jorge is.
Hurrah for Lissette finding a good friend and standing up to Maura, she who pads away on all fours. I keep thinking that Ana Brenda's dress designer character from Juro Que Te Amo designed Maura's wardrobe for Sortilegio.
La Paloma

To all the recappers, my memory is definitely no match to your details. And the recaps and comments make everything so much more fun...gracias!!!

La Paloma ~ I'm sort of ok with MJ being slow in her memory recovery - don't know if i'm alone here - because that's what makes me hooked on what Alex will do next to maker her "see" him again. If she just falls for him en un segunda (like what most of us here would do ourselves), then there won't be any sizzling scenes anymore. No more sortilegio then.

I can see how Abuelo will be so mad upon finding out the truth, but I hope his relationship with MJ will remain intact. That was something he held on to so preciously thinking that she was Sandra - only the better half. But Porfi should really give E and J an overdose of reality and strip them of everything. He can do that. He basically funds their lives!

La Paloma: 'If we could send Alex/WmL on a tour of the US, his hotness could melt all the snow and ice.' .... LOL!!!! HRH - his royal hotness!!!

I vote Guillermo Gárcia Cantú as THE best villain ever.
In the unintentional comedy La Madrastra he dressed as a woman in pink heels no less. But he & Diana Bracho are the only good parts in FELS. He won an award for that part.

Variopinta/Melinama: I sort of tend toward Guillermo and Diana myself, but the way David Z. played Bruno in Friday's episodio definitely wore me out. I was exhausted reviewing and writing up those scenes of his.

Anon 11:27- Thanks for the pointer towards the squidoo page for the link to the pics from the Cristina show. It looks like it will be a good show with WL, JB, Daniela (with really, really long hair), Gabiel, David and Chantal. She got all the main players for the show. I'll make sure to watch both parts.

Anon 12:54- Totally agree about the effectiveness of Alex's/WL's kissing technique. Not sure if it's the direction or his personal style, but it certainly makes me weak in the knees. :)

Hey! Jardenia, I’ve been meaning to tell you.....On Saturdays, ‘You Maka My Dreams Come True” (linked above!) We’ve been waitin for, waitin for, waiting for....You,, you, you, you! Oh yeh.....We’ve been waitin’ for , waitin’ for, waitin for ...... YOU!

“Peso-lovin' Pau, giving his little ho' the big heave,She's hot but not quite ready to trot, It's Three Billygoats Gruff come to life.”....Jardinera, it is your delightful editor’s comments that bring your recaps to life, no matter how serious or ridiculous the subject matter, your rendition of the capitulo brings sonrisas muy, muy grande to our Saturday afternoons! Yes,.........We’re waiting for, waiting for, waiting for, waiting for YOU! You make OUR dreams come true!!!!!!

(Sorry to those here to young to remember Hall and Oates!)

Hombre, it has taken the whole novela, and there has been some back sliding, but I agree, Victoria was really strong physically and emotionally in this last episode. It was a joy to watch her stop Bruno in his path.

Sandy in TN

SandyTN: Thanks for that link! Wow, and the walk through Memory Lane with the collage of pictures that particular youtuber's recording attached to it. Youth is indeed fleeting. What a shocker when almost overnight Old Age turns around and slaps you upside the haid.
~ 8 > /

Old Age slaps you upside the haid, laggs, bu**, face and everthang!

I was not gonna get into the Hall & Oates discussion, but here goes....
they are in my top 3 faves of all time. I used to be in luuuuve w/ Daryl. I attended their concerts every year back in the 80's when I used to live in No Va. Then about 5years ago, I decided to see them again here at the Greek in LA, and they were better than ever!! It made me feel young(er) again, going to a concert, after I hadn't been in so long. Their live DVD performance from around 2000 is amazing.


A maaahvelous recap, daaahlink. Thank you.

a shout-out to Novelera's post about the pace of the MJ/Alex reconnect. ITA. I want to see MJ develop a bit more of a sense of personal confidence and some of her sister's spunk. Having good boundaries is a big part of that development.

La Paloma: How nice to hear from you. I am sorry you ever had to work for a Simply Car-loca. (Shivers)...dreadful. My sister works for a Simply Car-loca now. It's the worst!

Sandy, Doris and others who were dreading the blue bow:

Well, I think it is official now. We have seen Raquel quench the unquenchable with both coffee and OJ. Her hair and wardrobe continue on an upward trajectory and she didn't break a single object in Friday's episode.

She even managed to treat MJ with groveling, sub-human submissiveness after MJ agreed not to "TELL" on Ulysses. For this kind act, now rendered meaningless by the bullet hole in Useless's pretty head, she will forswear all alcoholic self-and-other destructiveness.

Let's give her custody of her won damaged child, to whom she has not evinced the faintest of interest.

Bah, humbug!

EJ, bitter at the writers for the feeble apparent Raq-hell wrap up, and fully expecting to see our Raqui and la niña Vicki in pale blue 'Mommy and Me' matchy-matchy outfits at the inevitable wedding. I expect the matching BOWS to be in their hair.

Grrrr....Execs at Televisa, can you spell "not satisfying redemption"?

Surely this

Quick weather catch up..

Do any of you in the heavy snow area have power???

EJ, fussing like a mother hen

Having good boundaries is very good for men, women and people in general. MJ, in my opinion, makes the mistake of having an intense loyalty to those who could be hurting her, her mother, or in a way, her father who's conduct put her on the spot at the store where she was working and in dealing with Alex. She can't see the forest for the trees. She was removed, forcefully from a VERY ABUSIVE environment, which she remembers. She shut out all logical conversation on the subject and really turned into a little Raqhell at times. Some one in Caray Caray land needs to see this thing from poor Alex's point of view, what more could he have done for her, and for the entire town of Merida!! ( I say with a wink!) If she doesn't feel that she knows him, she doesn't have to sleep with him, just give him the chance that she has given Elena. She didn't need scientific proof for all the nutty stuff that Elena told her, she accepted all that garbage like it was written in the Bible. By the way, where are her track marks, and all the unmentionable symptoms that come from being a "drug addict and a whore"? Yes, she has lost her memory,, but she has a vivid memory of Elena and how she felt there. Besides, this lost memory is just a really silly plot to keep us all hanging until El Fin, I'm ready for them to be a happy couple.

I guess I'll be getting to know Tonto soon, I'm the Lone Ranger on this one!!!

All my comments are in fun, I love a good discussion, and where better a place for that than here!!

Thanks so much for bringing sunshine to a cold cloudy day, Comadre Jardinera! I sat down to enjoy a Sunday latte and laughs with your recap. I'm not sure if I'll miss you or Alex more. At least I'll have your CS recaps to look forward to...

Sandy, I agree! MJ has very clear memory of everything in Toluca. She must remember Elena constantly talking about the inheritance from Porfirio, and that alone should tell her a lot. Then there's Bruno, who lied that they had a live in relationship, and Elena agreed to as well. Alex had his reasons to kidnap her back; he loves her, and what possible interest besides that could he have? He doesn't need the inheritance that she was supposed to get.

Atleast she finally decided to give him a chance because I was getting super annoyed of her rejecting pobrecito Alex.

Great snark & recap, Jardinera. Thank you. Love your Hall & Oats lyrics, too. One of my favorite groups from the 80s!

I noticed Bruno was wearing is sprayed on pants again. Eeew.

Bruno’s face looks like a rodent, especially when he’s mad; then he looks *just* like a rat, beady eyes and all. Blech . . .

Susanlynn - lucky you to have seen H & O in concert! I wish I had been there. I have a best of/greatest hits CD of theirs that I treasure.

Sandy in TN - thanks for the H&O link to YouTube! Love those hair styles.

elnajune - I noticed Raqui being more human, esp. to MJ, and was all, like, Que the ****?
Raqui will probably get off light. It often happens in 'novelas, just like in real life. Personally, I'd like to see her suffer harsher consequences.

mrslmgallego, Jardinera, Doris: Glad there isn't a "through the years" montage of our hairdos on the Internet!

Cielo, thanks, I knew there was a good reason to invite you to my Sorti cast dinner party, you are seated right next to WL.

EJ, YES...our predicted pink or blue bows will be prominently featured on the heads of Raquel and Little Vicky in the boda scene at El Fin. You're too funny!

Raquel is softening but promising to stop drinking IF they spare Uli does not make her a worthy mother of her child whom she has never attempted to bond with.
That said, if I remember correctly, aside from her stabbing Roberto, none of her actions were criminal. Roberto and crew covered up for her on that one, so she escaped charges being filed.
So, I don't understand why someone said that it this were real like she would be in jail.
I may be a party of 1 but I don't see her recent changes as redeeming her enough to give her costody of the baby. I think that's just a good way to end her role since we're nearing the end. I think her baby will go to MJ and Alex. Just as in FELS the good guys were rewarded all the babies.
SusanLynn I have a grammar question for you (or other school teachers on board). I know that in English we don't use the subjunctive tense nearly as much as they do in Spanish. But shouldn't we use the subjunctive whenever we give a hypothetical situation of saying what we would do if we were someone else. For example, "If I were a king" versus "If I was a king". If I were Maura, I'd ... Just asking.

Sandy you're not alone in feeling for poor Alex this has been my problem with MJ. I know she had a right to be frighten and upset with the two new people she was getting to know Nicholas and Ester.

Like you said how can she now conveniently not remember how Elena made her feel every time she brought up her so-called drug use or whoring.

We all saw eventually how she had enough of Elena saying that to her,yes she also needs to think logically and compare both environments she's been exposed too.

The one jarring constant from both of them is Bruno and deep down she knows she's not attracted to him and sort of fears him also.

The only thing i will give Alex a little hard time about was when he was impatient trying to make her remember him instantly instead taking his time and being patient with her like he is now.


You make a very good point, Alex has had to take a deep breath, count to ten and then try to be more patient with MJ. Clearly, this has been very hard for him!

Por favor
Can someone tell me what Manuel says to Matilde when she says she wants to put on her nightgown & he says no ???? It's at 1:37

It sounds like "no hiciste muy bien, but I don't think it can be.

Forgot, That's Amor Real

Sandy after Alex explained all of their history with Bruno, and she told him she still found it hard to imagine she was in love with him because he took her away from her family.

I just wanted to shake the stupidness out her, how can you resist a guy that beautiful asking you to open up your heart and just love him a little bit.

Then she still stubbornly told him she didn't think she could, when he told her fine have it your he may have handled it wrong in the way he brought her back to her real family.Apparently you like being mentally abused and pressured on a daily basis with Elena,Dr.Demented and Bruno.

Which is what he was implying then left her with a cool goodnight, like think on that. It seem at that point was when she decided maybe she could be wrong about him.

Geez you think?

Great recap Jardinera. We are so close to the finale now.

Variopinta: Manuel says "No, así estás muy bien" He thinks she is fine naked, heh.


Anonymous~~You're correct. ''If I were king [Maura] '' is correct.

Doris~~~Hub and I have gone to a lot of concerts that disappointed us [Al Green , K C and the Sunshine Band, etc]. I love both, but their concerts were disappointing. However, we saw Hall and Oates at an outdoor concert which also featured Michael MacDonald [another fav of them] and The Average White Band. They were all great, but H and O were the best. They sang one hit after another , and they sounded exactly as they do on their cds. At one point, a beachball was being bounced around the crowd. Everyone was grooving to their sound. The audience loved them, and they were very appreciative of their audience.

Raquel has dialed down the drinking even before Useless got back into the mix.

I don't think Raquel can have true redemption until:

a) She apologizes to MJ and Paula for treating them like trash

b)the light bulb goes off in her head that she had an extramarital affair that produced a child just like her mother did; so if her mother is a ramera, so is she.

c)she realizes how much damage she's caused to little Victoria with her drinking and make amends by actually seeing the child.

Also, they need to get Hernan to see if Raquel is suffering from post partum depression and she needs to check back into Oceanica.

Sandy in TN: the good ol' days, eh. those 80's 'do' are at least good for a laugh (or 2).

mrslmgallego - and who here amongst us didn't have one of those 80's "big hair" 'do's? LOL

Variopinta (re: AR) Great scene, wasn't it? I love the music, too.
FC and AN have great chemistry together.

muchas gracias. I knew what he meant but I just couldn't understand what he said & I must have listened a dz times. Now I will go listen again.

Sí Doris, muy caliente. We have another hot baño scene with Antonia coming up.

I found it very curious that Thursday (I think) MJ said something to the baby alone like "te quiero tu papa", and then Friday she is telling Alex that she doesn't know if she can love him.

My theory is that they were trying to show that she does feel vulnerable to Alex, which is why she is so stubborn with him. With any of the other people, she isn't afraid of her heart overruling her head, but with him she feels like she needs to be more careful. Plus, her character was never one to jump into bed from the beginning.

Just my 2 cents :-)

Variopinta~~~We also have some great outdoor love scenes coming up in Amor Real. Ah, fresh country air. So many good scenes were cut out for the dvd. Enjoy !

Doris...did you see the SuperBowl ads? There was one where on Casual Friday everybody but one miserable guy came to work in their underwear. Do you suppose they got the idea from your quote on the sidebar?

I think the upshot was this one horrified guy was supposed to look for another job on but I just kept telling at the TV, you STOLE Doris' idea!

Back to Sortilegio--sort of. I've been listening to some of Daniela Romo's recorded songs. She has a lovely clear voice.

I think she has the most pleasing voice on the TN; no patois, she speaks clearly and slowly enough for me to understand. I wish Don Porfirio had had a longer and more important part; he too, has a wonderful voice. Is he the same as Matilde's father in AR?
Newbie in Md

Loved the recap Jardinera. Very snarky as always. I haven't had a chance to read all the comments yet so more later.

OT--I'm loving Amor Real (the uncut version). Saw Mati's bath scene. Is that the one that was supposed to be really good or is it coming up? I'm sure the guys loved that one anyway.

Anon- I think what MJ said in the nursery alone with the baby was something like, "I may not be your mother Tony (this was pre-tests), but you have a father who loves you a lot- very nice/lovely (muy lindo)."

Another snow day everyone! Although I did trek to my office, climbing over snow piles, early this morning and finished putting together binders for a proposal due today (yes, I live that close to my office). My boss is driving them to Baltimore to deliver them as I type this in her SUV. Glad it's not me. :) More snow expected tomorrow, so more snow days expected...

Great comments everyone. Things are slowing coming together. Bruno gets more BSC every day. He does look like a rodent. I see anvils and piecarts getting ready to fall. Who will be the one to find Useless? Does Fake Mario still have a key?

Alright, Caray mates. I admit it. I have a one-track mind. I can't get over the faux redemption of Raquel-que-the-hell.

Sandy and Doris have responded to my earlier post. Anon has written her/his own recipe for Wacky Raqui redemption. But Vivi, JudyB, Connie, Jardinera, Hombre, Daisynjay, Carlos and all ye other recappersz—are we seeing Raquel's redemption? Is this all their is?

Pls refer to my earlier post on this subject if you care to comment.

It looks like they are heading that way. She's not screeching and breaking stuff. I think it would be more plausible if it happened over a longer period. You can't be a boozer one day and then the next day be sober.

Elna June- I'm trying to remember what caused the crazy spiral downwards for Raqhell. Because she was always an alcoholic (a functioning alcoholic) from the time this tn started, but she then spun out of control during her pregnancy and just afterwards. The impetus was Useless ignoring and then abandoning her, then finding out via rumor that he had abandoned her for another (she suspected MJ based on the picture of Sandra), and then the final revelation/blow that he and Roberto had been lovers. I don't think she has stopped drinking, but she seems to have leveled off somewhat, going back to her normal state of functioning alcoholism, but not the manic state she's been in most recently- that does not mean she cured or redeemed. She also seems to have a new purpose for trying to stay focused- proving that her love, Useless, was not to blame in the kidnapping. Of course it would have been nice had her daughter been the motivation for any turn-arounds...
I'm not sure how they will wrap up her story, but surely Useless' death will play a huge part, since she is the only one who cares if he lives or dies.

Hi Elna June. I guess I haven't been bothered by Raquel's turning on a dime because I don't expect anything like reality in a telenovela.

And yes, of course it doesn't make sense that she'd suddenly become a contrite, sober, God-fearing, kind-hearted ,let me pat you on the shoulder, sister-in-law.

But maybe the writers want to give poor long-suffering Vicki ONE good child and it sure ain't gonna be Bruno. And speaking of, when he gets going, I can almost enter into his crazy world, he's so effective. I get the impression he truly believes he's been mistreated and unloved and that makes all his evil doins' okay. He is just simply totally delusional.

So no, Racquel's sudden conversion into Ms. Nicey-nice isn't believable but alas, Alejandro's perfect love for MJ isn't believable either (but great...hey' I'm lovin' the illusion) nor is Fernando's infatuation with Vicky, nor Roberto's lovely morph from bi-sexual I don't workism to responsible executive and devoted father of handicapped child not really his. I mean, how many good stepfathers do you know of any sexual preference?

I say just relax and float with the soap bubbles.

How did she get out of not going to jail for stabbing Roberto? I'm drawing a total blank.

Matilde's padre, Hilario, in Amor Real is Ricardo Blume. He looks like General Robert E Lee, famous confederate general in the civil war.

I can't find the actors name that plays Porfirio, but he is not the same.

Carlos Girón who plays Gabriel was Cirilo in Alborada. I don't remember, but could he be the one that became in charge of the town?
Mira aquí

Jardinera: A late thank you for the wonderful recap, great fun as always.

Sending Roberto to Brazil isn't the ending I'd envisoned for him either. However, the move may signify a chance for a new beginning. He has lost his daughter and once he finds out Useless is dead, a change of venue might be a welcome change.


Connie--I seem to remember that Roberto wouldn't press charges. The Merida PD could have arrested her and charged her, but without Roberto as a witness the prosecutors wouldn't have much of a case---unlike the flimsy evidence they had on Natalia and PJC in ENDA.
Snowbie in Md

Connie: I believe the family rallied around Raquel and said an intruder stabbed Roberto and he didn't dispute that account.

Oops, that last comment was me,


Connie- I think by the time Alex was mistakenly brought in for the attempted murder, Roberto was all well by then. I don't know how, but he seems to be the one who dropped the charges or wouldn't press charges. When he was at death's door was when most of the cover up happened. I don't think you can get away with trying to kill someone even if that person gets well, in real life. But as Judy said, it's a soap. Just go with it. :)

Thanks everybody. That's what I thought. I just seemed to go away. We should talke bets on who is going to off Bruno and how--Kind of like Professor Plum, in the library, with the candlestick! :)


I will take your kind advice and float with the soap bubble. You are right, none of the stories REALLY make any sense.

Thanks, I needed that.

Connie, great idea! And I love the "Clue" reference. My brother and I used to have cut-throat games of Clue with unsuspecting neighborhood kids back in the Stone Age.

My vote is for Erick in the chalet with a big knife like the one Raquel used.

Let's see--Dr. E-vil in the clinic with a syringe. (Definitely not painful enough. I'll have to think some more.)

Erick with a silencer on a calle in Merida.

Elna June: My preference is that Raqhell would be committed and Alex/MJ would adopt the little girl. IMO I don't care to see Bobo end up with the little girl as I totally disagree with his AC/DC and/or generally bohemian lifestyle. I see it as perverse and I refuse the telenovela's premise that tolerance should extend to that because it is anti-thetical to established religion as well as established social norms, both of which are thousands of years old. For example, I don't think The RC Church would necessarily decide to throw out the part of Leviticus
(18:22) which calls this act a real no-no.

However,in the story what I believe may happen is that Raqui is going to be rehabilitated and once she learns that Uli is dead she may look at her child with new eyes since the child will be the only thing that remains to her of the only man she supposedly ever really loved.

JudyB, this novela has required a Costco superstore
of soap suds as opposed to AR that only requires a dollop the size of a jalapeño.

Hey Sandy, I agree. Amor Real is simply wonderful. Very few soap suds needed.

I don't believe Roberto's sexual orientation has any bearing on whether he would be a good parent. Raquel, who as far as we know is straight, knowingly and deliberately put her daughter's health and life in danger in utero and as far as I know, has never actually met her outside the womb. As far as I'm concerned, her being straight sure as hell doesn't mean she's appropriate parent material and Roberto's being bisexual doesn't mean he's not.

As far as his rampant sleeping around, if that disqualified people from parenthood, we'd have a much smaller population.

I have a problem with him having raped Raquel, which keeps getting glossed over. Nothing stays a secret forever, and at some point Vicky's going to find out. How the hell would anyone be able to help her make some sense out of that?

I think that Rack's sudden mania was due to post partum depression, which can start during pregnancy. The screaming crying and having no interest in her child, are symptoms. On another note, I can't get into youtube Sortilegio, which I had no problem in the past. It says I need the new adobe player. Is this a worm trying to get into my computer? by downloading this program? Any thoughts. and if I downloaded it, since I don't understand their terms, what is the worst that can happen?


I had a client who had post partum. I went through the whole pregnancy with her in my office. Moods unbelievable, considering she already had Bipolar Disorder, which is common with people with post partum depression, both affected by hormones.

Anon- Can you play other YouTube videos without needing to download a new Adobe player? I would be careful if that is the case.I know a lot of the Sorti videos were pulled recently. Perhaps that's the problem. Here's a link to a video from one of the recent episodes that's still up:

See if it works for you.

Variopinta~ The actor playing Porfirio was the magistrate in Alborada. His wife was the town gossip who was friends with Tia Isabelle. I love seeing these actors in different parts. It's fun when you spot a familiar face.

I always got a kick out of Clue, so I'll play. Maybe Bruno will get his reward thus : Raqhell...with an actual her chalet.

Kat, hear, hear!

I don't want to be argumentative but I also agree that Roberto would make a fine parent for little Vicki. Having lots of lovers of whatever sex, same or different, in my opinion, has nothing to do with being a good parent, unless you decide to do it in front of them!


I, too have remained concerned about Roberto's rape of Raquel. Raquel made no secret of this and it would absolutely come out some day.

I just don't think that Raquel, suffering from post-partum depression or not, has the makings of a committed Mom. With little Viki's possible special needs ahead, her mother needs to be in the parenting game for the long haul.

Anon: I am sorry for your client who had Post-Partum Depression (PPD). It is a terrible experience. I have a friend who specializes in PPD. Thank goodness there are people who can diagnose and treat such disorders.

However, while Raquel may be suffering from PPD, I think she has been written as having problems (addiction, OCD, impulse control, likely depression, etc.)of a much longer standing. (Smile). The way she is going she could qualify for our new general TN diagnosis of Bat Shit Crazy.

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