Monday, February 08, 2010

Hombre de Misterio's guide to the lure of telenovelas

Judy wanted me to share this with y'all! Hombre wrote:

Delayed gratification. That could be the secret to all telenovelas. They make us think something is going to happen, in this very episode. Then we wait, we watch, we lean towards the television set. Our pulses race, our breath quickens, we can just TASTE the revelation to come. Except when it doesn’t. Sometimes it’s a moment of love, sometimes revenge. Usually, we’re just waiting for one character to finally tell another something we, the faithful audience, have known for weeks! Ah, but those writers, have they no shame? Do they think it’s FUNNY when they tease us, only to make us wait until the next episode? And that means waiting through a long weekend? With lots of snow? (at least for me). I guess they do.


Definitely true! They love to leave us wanting more so we'll keep coming back.

Yes! That is exactly what is intended. My surprise is how we all still keep watching and waiting despite the fact that we know very that this will happen. We are gluttons for punishment in this TN world...Ole!

Thanks for posting this, CHF. I really thought everybody should get a chance to enjoy Hombre's analysis. It was so spot on.

The suspense. Oh the suspense.



I really enjoyed this analysis. One of the things that I love about Caray Caray is this sort of thoughtful analysis—it is inspiring. I feel encouraged to improve my Spanish—yes—but also to thoughtfully consider the Telenovela genre itself. Why is this medium so popular? How does it reflect the culture and values of Mexico?

Your comment on why TN's work as darn-good-storytelling was a dead hit.

Thanks for all that you contribute to this community.

And thanks, as always, to CHF for creating/sustaining this forum.


When it's overdone, I think it can backfire. I'm watching LEP on YT, and the "Tease That Fizzles" has been so overdone that I KNOW it means nothing will happen. In fact, the only suspense is, "I wonder how the writers will escape this inescapable reveal?"

For example, at the end of one cap, the co-star is seen opening the door and looking, in shock, into the room with the BIG SECRET. Roll credits. I knew that tease would fizzle, but I couldn't figure out how they could avoid a big reveal at that point.

OTOH, I'm watching Amor Real on Telefutura. Those hints and teases actually play out. So when I see indications that something big is coming, I get excited because I know the anticipation will be satisfied.

Conclusion: AR delivers what it promises, so the tease excites me.
LEP overuses the false tease, so when I see one, it actually indicates that NOTHING will happen, and it just annoys me.

Good point, Paula. If the teases always fizzle, they lose their magic. Fortunately, in Un Gancho al Corazon, the teases don't usually last long, and the payoffs have been satisfying.

Come to think of it, I think I heard of a psychological study that indicated that the most effective reward system is inconsistent rewards.

A. consistent lack of rewards (e.g. LEP's empty promises) has NO influence on behavior.
B. consistent rewards (e.g. AR's promises always fulfilled) tends to achieve fairly good results in the desired behavior.
C. INconsistent rewards result in the STRONGEST response in desired behavior.

I guess with inconsistent results, the subject hopes, "Maybe this time it will work!"

Interesting discussion, but I can't figure out LEP. Which novela is it that consistently leaves you lunging at the carrot?

Very interesting opinions. Paula I agree with your view on inconsistent rewards. I think this is why novelas that go on for too long loose their quality to entertain. If the writers were delaying the rewards they will keep doing that and the story will become painful to watch. If the writers were giving inconsistent rewards they will stop doing it just for the sake of continuing the drama. If the novela was constantly giving rewards they will either stop doing it or they will run out of plot and will start adding stuff that won't seem natural for the progressing of the story.

My favorite Telenovela ever, Cañaveral de Pasiones, had a very intelligent and well written background for the story. It was only aroun 90 episodes long and 15 of those episodes were used for the background of the characteres. So many things happened in the background that you felt compelled to watch and everything was sorrounded by secrets. Most of the secrets were shown to the audience, but some we had to guess and there was one BIG secret that had affected the lives of the main couple but that you knew wasn't gonna get revealed until close to the end.

The thing is, they didn't tease the audience about revealing the main secret during the run of the novela. Instead we watched a the characteres go through obstacules and shocks and we were entertained and pleased by watching them discover all the lies and secrets that we knew existed, and then we were shocked while we discovered lies and secrets that we as an audience had not been privy to before, at the same time, the reactions from the characteres were shocking and very rewarding.

When the main secret got revealed, it was not used to further the plot. The main secret was the reward for the characteres, the thing that made everything seem so much worth it. There was no way to know before and the writers never teased you about it. Nobody looked stupid for not realizing things and everybody was appealing for their intelligence and strenght. That was one of the best writing I've ever seen.


LEP = Los Exitosos Pells ( or Perez.)

Wonderfully written. It's very true, it is edge of seat, for the most part when done well, every night. You don't have to wait once a week or next season.
And I would add the hot men, EVERY NIGHT. A definite incentive to turn on that TV.

I just wanted to note..that watching sorteliego...has helped me forget what I am going through with my job......I work for one of the US banks that was taken over by the October 2009 we were # 100 it was so sad ...I've been there for almost 20 years
..luckly to have been purchaced right away by another California bank.....But lots and lots of stress with all the changes

I haven't had much to look forward to latley........coming home and knowing that Im going to see beauty, good acting...and romance...has really relaxed me & excited me ...I just don't feel that at all while watching ....american soaps evening..or daytime...

what are we going to watch when our Novella is over.....Im going to miss William and Jaquie..sooooo much !!

Somehow...I feel like I know them.........I must be obsessed !!

oh and I don't even understand much spanish.....just love caray

that last post was from bluejeanblonde ....the whole job..and excitment post

Good analysis, Hombre. For me, it's all about the escape from being a responsible person most of the day taking care of the people and duties I am supposed to take care of. My nightly hour of novela [okay , it's 2 hours a night since Amor Real started on Telefutura] is my vacation from being a dependable grownup. I think that not understanding much just adds to the romance and interest. Calgon, take me away to bathtime at the hacienda.

Novelera, the LEP I'm watching is Los Exitosos Perez, with Jaime Camil, being broadcast in Mexico now. You can see most of the clips thus far, at this link, but it starts at Cap 44. You can start at Cap 1 at this link.

Jarocha's right (as usual), many novelas save the main plot progress points, for the final week. MEPS was the worst at that. Virtually nothing happened, and then everything bunched up in the last week. Ongoing plot progress works well on a short novela. Amor Real can pull it off because it's only 95 cap's.

But there is another solution: etapas. Different stages in the novela. Colombian Fea had about 175 cap's and four distinct phases. So you could have major plot developments in Phase 1, goals achieved, progress made, etc. But when you graduated into Phase 2, the slate was wiped clean and you started with a new set of goals, secrets, etc.

Susanjean and Blonde, I'm with you. I'm in it for the escape. My first novela was Fea, and within about three minutes of the start of the show, the rest of the world would disapper as I was carried away. Escape reality and hour a day, and when the show is over, no hangover, no damaged brain cells, and no hit to your wallet. What's not to love?

Paula H.~ HeeHee. I'm Susanlynn. I think that you juggled bluejeanblond and susanlynn and came up with Susanjean...which I kind of like !!! Maybe I'll change my name ! Change is good ! Susanjean or maybe bluejeanbrunette !!or bluejean susanlynn

Oh yes! And I so miss them right now. I can't wait for Sortilegio to end so I can pick back up with the next one!

Jarocha, you are so right, when they wait to long, we start to lose interest. I always think of FELS and how it just got so convuluted there was nothing left to do but enjoy making fun of it.

Alborada remains my favorite with very few odd side plots and stupid secrets. It moved right along and was very satisfying.

I miss you all!


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