Monday, February 01, 2010

Sortilegio, Monday, February 1--Ep #79: You can take the girl out of Toluca, but you can't take the insistence on her being a promiscuous druggie out

of the girl.

SandyJo takes a look at Tiny Tony's baby pictures and wonders if perhaps the people in this house are not big fat liars.

Maura comes home and calls Bruno. She is very confused because she thinks that Sandra woke up in addition to MaryJo being missing from Toluca. She also tells him that she's got video of Katia with another guy. Skank.

Bruno reports back to Dr. and Mrs. Evil. He proposes accusing Alex of having kidnapped Sandra. Dr. Evil says that won't fly because medical experts would be able to tell that MaryJo has had a baby. Mrs. Evil proposes that they just say that Sandra had a baby in Spain. Dr. Evil wonders if they can use Ulises somehow. He says they have the word of the people at the clinic in Mexico that Ulises is the one who left with her. Now Bruno is confused--he thought Ulises was in Argentina. Doc says he's in an induced coma, but they can revive him whenever. You should be worried Bruno…if you had an ounce of sense left in that pretty little head, you'd be picturing yourself in a hospital bed, pale and flabby, with no hipster scarf to accessorize your hospital gown.

Ulises has grown a pretty decent beard. Bruno is impressed, but he does look a little freaked out. The doc explains how they'd revive him. Bruno is worried about what happens after he wakes up. Doc says they'll just bribe him--all Ulises is ever after is money anyway. Bruno reminds him that Ulises wanted to marry Sandra and get the old guy's money…why would he settle for less? Dr. Jor-hey-he's-evil says they'll figure something out. "It's him or us." Bruno gives another freaked out look.

Chucho works on some pottery as Pedro comes home with flowers. I didn't know it was like that with them. Oh, the flowers are for the Virgen. Chucho wonders if they shouldn't take Sandra's ashes to a church. Oh, no, the flowers are for Sandra, got it. Pedro hasn't had any word about MaryJo and he's kind of nervous about it. Chucho tells Pedro that there's a party going on later being thrown by the guy who's going to make Gabriel famous, in order to introduce Gabe to rich people with no taste who like to buy art. What? Maybe his stuff's good, but we haven't really seen it yet. Pedro doesn't want to go, but Chucho tries to talk him into it. And fails. Chucho then tries to talk Pedro into going to Toluca and dragging MaryJo back by force. Pedro won't do it. That would take a spine.

Vicky, et. al., come home to hear the news that Alex, Paula, and MJ are all back. Ezequiel doesn't know the details, though.

Hernán checks out SandyJo. He gave her a sedative. She's very worked up and she's going through withdrawal from the medication. Alex asks if Hernán knows what it is yet, but Hernán is waiting for test results. He counsels Alex to have patience and reminds him that right now MJ thinks Alex and everyone in that house are her captors. Alex is not happy about this.

Paula cries and tells the assemblage at Casa Lombardo how MJ didn't believe them. She's very upset about the whole thing. Felipa suggests lots of praying. Hernán and Alex come downstairs. Fernando introduces Alex to Tió Emiliano. Tió suggests talking to SandyJo since she remembers him from before. Alex walks him upstairs while Vicky comforts Paula.

Emiliano tells Alex to buck up, he'll see what he can do. Alex hides in the hallway to listen. Emiliano wakes SandyJo up. She's thrilled to see him.

Bruno is getting antsy waiting for Doc Evil to come back from his lab. He's still stuck on the calling the cops plan. Doc Evil comes in right then and tells Bruno to cool it. They'll wait for Ulises to wake up. Bruno doesn't want Ulises marrying MJ, but Jorge says it's no big deal--Bruno can just kill him after. Once again, kiddies, why doesn't Evil do it himself? That's right, he's not a killer. Bruno laughs and Mommy Evil just looks mad.

Emiliano gives SandyJo the info about the scar on her back as a way to confirm that what Alex, etc., are saying is true. She says she knows she has a scar, but they probably are just using her scar to support their story. But why would Sandra have a scar? Well, probably from doing dangerous stuff in Spain. And why would both Sandra and MaryJo have a scar in the same place? Well…. She doesn't have an answer for that one, but it just makes her more confused. She woke up with no memory and people telling her who she was and now she's got a whole new set of people telling her she's someone else. Emiliano says that he's sure that the people here are her real family and she only feels like she doesn't know them because she's upset, but deep down she knows.... SandyJo doesn't want to keep discussing it. She keeps trying to make it Emiliano who's really the one who's confused. Emiliano keeps calmly trying to tell her that these are her people. She ends up crying and hugging Emiliano.

Gabriel looks uncomfortable at his party. Meche and Chucho are having fun, but Gabriel looks like he smells poo. He wishes Paula were there to see him in his new tan suit. But Paula's busy with her family drama. Gabe's patron comes over and grabs him so he can make the official introduction to the crowd. Gabe's pants are not fitting well. I can't tell if they're too tight or too loose. It's kind of a diaper-y effect.

Emiliano is still upstairs talking to SandyJo while Paula and everyone else are downstairs. Emiliano comes downstairs and reports that SandyJo is upset and confused. SandyJo doesn't want Emiliano to leave. He's not sure if he should stay, though, and he wants to go home and tell Porfirio what's going on. Alex wants to go to talk to Porfirio too. Emiliano says they've got to worry about MJ first. Alex wants vengeance, but Fernando tells him to leave it to the cops.

Maura paces the pink pad. She picks up the phone to call Bruno. Bruno, meanwhile is packing his suitcase while he shouts the entire story to Erick who keeps annoying him by asking stupid questions like "how the hell did that happen?" Bruno picks up the phone and Maura starts panicking. She calls Bruno an idiot when he tells her that Alex came to get MJ. This is when she realizes that it actually is MJ at the Lombardo house and not Sandra. Maura says Alex will never forgive them and he'll have her locked up forever. Bruno, just as brilliantly as ever, tells Maura that they've got a plan and if everything goes as planned, no one will get in trouble. Translation: I have yet another stupid plan that's going to end up getting us all thrown in jail as I have been incapable thus far of carrying out any of my plans in an advantageous way, except for killing the judge, but he'll probably come back in the end after having spent the last several months recuperating from a stabbing, a near-drowning, and amnesia back in the DR and be so pissed off that he'll make sure I get the book thrown at me for identity theft and attempted murder, even if it means he has to go to jail himself. Maura tells him to swear, but first he wants her to calm down. He tells her she has to have cold blood and stick to her original story, until some indefinite point in the future, when he will give her a different song to sing. He won't tell her what and he won't tell her when, but, hey, unless she's got a better plan…. Maura decides to "trust" him and says he'd better not let her down. Maura is an idiot, but then, we've known that for a while now. Bruno gets off the phone and gripes at Erick for staring at him. Then he makes Erick pack his suitcase. Erick looks a little dazed as he starts putting stuff in the suitcase.

Vicky comes upstairs with food for SandyJo. SandyJo asks who she is, but Vicky answers with "I brought you dinner. I hope you don't throw it at me like you did poor Ezequiel." SJ asks again and this time Vicky says she's Alex's stepmother and Bruno's mother. She also says that SJ knows Bruno as Damián. SJ refuses to sit down and eat. Vicky sits down to eat her own dinner. SJ sobs, asking why they did this to her. Vicky comes over to comfort her and tells her to cry it out, that life is screwing with her, but they really are her people. SJ accepts the comforting and keeps crying.

Roberto interrupts Raquel playing a solo game of Truth or Dare. I thought it was Spin the Bottle, but she's using Spin the Bottle Truth or Dare rules. She asks herself about her first love and is about to answer herself as Roberto walks in. He came to tell her that he's leaving in a few days. She doesn't care and apologizes to her imaginary guests for the interruption. You know, some girls just have tea parties, but whatever. Roberto wants to say goodbye to Alex, but Raquel says he's busy with MJ. Roberto is surprised to hear it. Raquel says that Maura thought it was the twin, so there's some confusion. Raquel returns to talking to the empty room about her first love.

Alex fumes downstairs while Paula keeps crying. Alex thinks Bruno will be there tomorrow. Fernando doesn't think he'll dare. Paula runs to Roberto for comforting as soon as he walks in. They explain to him that Sandra is the one who was in a coma and now she's dead. Paula will explain the rest to Roberto, but he has to promise not to tell anyone.

SandyJo wakes up to Alex sitting in a chair staring at her. She's still upset. She feels like her life has been stolen just when she was figuring out what her life was. Alex tries to explain that he's her husband, they have a baby. He wants to take her to see the baby, but she freaks out. Alex talks about how upset he was when she disappeared, but she refuses to let him call her María José. She's Sandra! Alex tells her that Sandra died of a drug overdose and MJ has never had drugs, so she needs to get it into her head that she's not Sandra. He leaves and MJ sobs. I know she's upset, but come one…on the one hand there are two bitchy people who seem to hate you and keep telling you that you're a whore and a druggie and a supposed ex-boyfriend who gives you bad vibes and keeps trying to get you to sleep with him. On the other, you have a whole bunch of people who seem happy to see you and they're telling you that you're basically a decent person married to a hot guy and with a cute little baby and none of them are trying to make you feel bad about yourself. And still, you'd rather be the whoring druggie?

Vicky gets an update from Alex. She's sad about what's going on. Alex is afraid they've lost her. Felipa comes over to ask how MJ is doing. She asks if she can have a chance. Alex says he's going to the office. Vicky gives him a blessing.

Felipa comes in with Cuco and a balloon. SandyJo digs Cuco. Felipa says "see, he recognizes you…and dogs don't lie." SJ is cheerful as she says maybe Cuco's just like that with everybody. Ha, ha…"he knows who his friends are." Felipa wants to show SJ something. She agrees, reluctantly, and lets Felipa lead her out of the room. Felipa tells her the story of rescuing Cuco as they walk downstairs, SJ holding Cuco. Felipa explains that the house is half Vicky's and was half Alex's, but Alex gave his half to her because he loves her. SandyJo is impressed by the size of the house. Felipa leads SJ outside, where the babies are on the lawn. Felipa talks about how much staff they have to maintain the house and grounds. When they get down the stairs, SJ lets Cuco down to walk on his leash. Rosie comes over with the baby, happy to se MJ. SJ coos over the baby and Felipa says it's her son. SJ can't decide whether to hold him or not. She eventually gives in, cause babies suck you in like that. Just as she takes the baby Raquel walks up, getting Cuco all agitated. Felipa basically says, "I told you so." SJ explains she isn't greeting Raquel because she doesn't know her. Raquel says "I can't tell if you're Maria Jose, who seduced my brother to get him to marry her or if you're that Sandra chick." SJ gets upset and gives the baby back to Rosie. She goes back to the house. Felipa tells Raquel that MJ lost her memory. Raquel reminds Felipa to keep to her place and Felipa, I think, calls Raquel a whore. There was bleeping involved.

Pedro mops the floor as Paula walks in. He's apparently mopping with his own tears. Paula heard that Pedro didn't want to go to work. She nags him. Pedro is just feeling toooo sad about Sandra's death. Even though he didn't spend time with her, or see her grow up, or call the frickin' cops to report that her mother had abducted her, he still feels the pain. Some of that I embellished. And on top of that they don't know what's up with MJ. Pedro has already decided they'll never see her again, but Paula reassures him things will be like they were before. Pedro has resigned himself to being left only with Paula. Paula keeps trying to cheer him up, saying that MJ will be back before they know it.

At work, Alex and Fernando review Dr. Jorge's web page. Nothing on the web page talks about how to restore the memories after they've been wiped. Alex is sick of MJ looking at him with hate and fear. He's sick of looking at medical textbooks to figure out how the brain works and not being able to understand half of it. He just keeps feeling more trapped. What if MJ never gets her memory back and keeps thinking he's a kidnapper? Fernando says if she loved him before, she can love him again. Alex is down and Fernando is waving the pom-poms for all he's worth. He suggests getting MJ to go have lunch with him, Vicky, and Emiliano. Alex gives the ok, if Vicky can talk her into it.

Maura walks in, all smiles and swishy hips. Alex will not let himself be cheered up by her. He refuses to give her any additional details about what's going on. Maura's good cheer evaporates.

Vicky gets the call from Fernando and goes to talk to MJ. MJ is looking at the photo album. She tells Vicky she saw the baby, but she doesn't remember having a baby. She says she was excited to see him, and she also felt tenderness for the other baby, but…she just doesn't know. MJ felt a lot of things with Tony, but she figures that's what she would feel for any baby. Vicky thinks it's a good sign that MJ dreamt about breast feeding, but now SJ says she's not even sure she was the one breast feeding. Vicky says she knows it's all confusing, but they're not lying to her. Vicky invites MJ to go out with her, Fernando, and Emiliano, but SJ is scared to go out in a strange place. SJ gets stuck on not having clothes, but Vicky points her in the direction of the closet. After Vicky leaves, MJ goes into the closet to find a nice burlap sack to wear.

Hernán takes Lisette to a clinic where people without means get cancer treatment. He points out another girl, Lety, who is Lisette's age and also had leukemia. Hernán says Lisette needs a friend right now. Lisette goes over and introduces herself.

Vicky and SandyJo join Emiliano and Fernando for lunch. She is happy to see Emiliano, and even Fernando, who she remembers from the party. Alex comes up, but he upsets SJ, who refuses to let him call her MJ. She also refuses a drink, but Emiliano and Alex suggest that this could be additional proof--she can try a drink and see if she feels the need for another. SJ agrees and orders a tequila. Emiliano starts talking about Chichen Itza. SJ and Alex get into another spat when SJ says she loves historical stuff and Alex says she can't know that if she's lost her memory and she says people know what they like, regardless. Dude, right now, she's not liking you very much, but at least this is more fire of any kind than she showed around Bruno. She ends up screaming at him and calling him the shameless guy who kidnapped her from her family. She gets up and tells the whole table that she was a promiscuous drug addict in Spain and she ended up in a coma from an overdose and Jorge was the one who brought her back, but in order to cure her addition he had to wipe her memory and now they're taking advantage of it. She storms off. Alex goes after her and insists she was never a promiscuous drug addict. SJ can't see any other explanation for her memory loss. Alex says it's what Elena and Jorge wanted her to believe so that they could swap her out for Sandra and get her to inherit her grandfather's money. SJ says maybe it's Alex who wants the money. She wants to go home to Toluca. Vicky comes up as Alex is grabbing MJ's arm and separates them. Vicky and SJ leave to go back home. Way to ruin a nice lunch, Alex. I vote they just lock her in somewhere and let her finish drug withdrawal. Preferably somewhere where Bruno and Co won't know where to look.

But alas, as we have seen from promos, that is not to be. And judging by the outfits, we don't have long to wait before Bruno comes to reclaim what was never rightfully his in the first place. Again.


Arrrrrrrrrgh! They're going to drag this out as long as they can, knowing they've got us hooked.

Hmm, if Katia is still underage and Maura filmed her having sex with Mateo, couldn't Maura get sent to jail for child porn?

Unless Bruno, Dr. Evil or Elena throw Maura under the bus, there is really no concrete proof that Maura was in on the kidnapping scheme. Plus she was injured too.

But a sex tape WOULD be proof of Maura's crimes.

I guess they made the tape to blackmail Katia into shutting up and going away.

Hernan is the doctor for all of Merida, VP of Lombardo Inc and is pretty much the on-call doctor for the Lombardos, yet he has time to take Lissete to the cancer clinic.

Neither Maura nor Katia have jobs or school. They just lay around the house licking lollipops and scheming all day. They have time for Lissete; they just don't want to spend it with her. She's realizing that more and more every day. I can't wait for Maura and/or Katia to crack on Lety and have Lissete come to Lety's defense. You know that is so coming.

5ft Latina it's a surprise you're recapping for tonight episode but a welcomed delight.

Love having the imaged of Bruno in a drug induced coma minus his hipster scarfs.LOL.

Another great line of yours Jor-hey-he-so-evil LOL at that one too.

Can Bruno get anymore stupid with his plots? this is why we compare him to Wily E. Coyote.

Did anyone time how quick Alex spent with Maura in his office he truly finds her repugnant now i guess.

Great recap, Kat. Loved your funny lines about Bruno in a hospital gown without a scarf, Pedro mopping the floor with his tears, and MJ picking out a burlap bag to wear.
I was counting on baby Tony to soften MJ's heart, so a little disappointment there. Tio may need to tell Porfirio what's going on, since MJ keeps twirling and screaming. Hoping her meds wear off and some memory returns.
La Paloma

Kat, my fav recap lines of yours tonight"Pedro mops the floor as Paula walks in. He's apparently mopping with his own tears." Tooo funny!!

Kat, you are like an angel sent from heaven! How do you get these done so fast and have them so perfect. :). Loved the entire thing.

Ditto anon about the Jor-hey thing! LOL.

And Kat, ITA I think MJ should be locked up until she can remember everything. I mean I understand that she's confused and scared but damn, give poor Alex a break. Where's your heart woman? Don't you see his pain? Forget having a heart, where are your eyes? The man is drop dead gorgeous and crazy about you. Get with the program.

How does Bruno have the guts to come back tomorrow? What's his excuse this time? Alex keeps blaming me for things that I did. It's not fair. Why does he have to be so much smarter than me. Save it for someone who cares, Bruno.

Lol, ok I'm done whining and complaining. Thanks again for the recap, Kat.

Katia is 18 and she is no longer a minor i think this happen after Ferdumbo and Alex came back from survivor's island.

Kat is on a roll tonight love her recaps.

Btw, great title!

If this series would drag on for weeks I would be happy.........I'm not looking forward to the day it ends..........thanks for the recap in english !!!

Thanks for the fast recap Kat and funny as always.

You've got to give Sandra Jo a break. She trusted Esther/Paula and Nicholas/Alex and even defended them to her mother but they turned around and kidnapped her. To her they let her down big time. This plus with all her synapses firing wrong at the moment, it's understandable she'll react this way. It's also a case of the more you love the more you hate. She definitely felt something for Nicolas/Alex the way she adored him with her eyes when she met him again at the rented cabin before the kidnapping.

When she woke up from her induced coma, Elena was there to soften the blow at least. In the beginning Elena was gentle with her and nobody did that for her this time until Victoria came back but the damage was already done.


LV i agree with you but only to the point when Vicki came back and soften her neuroses. Alex had no choice he didn't no it but he saved MJ from further mind erasing drugs.

Also like Kat said in her recap after MJ woke up from the drugs they fed her, Elena alonf with Dr.Demented kept insisting she was a druggie and promiscuous with her self.

Somehow this did not ring true with MJ, and she kept gettinf irritated when it was brought up to her.

Here she has people telling her the opposite of the lies she instinctually knows were not true by Bruno,Elena and Dr. Demented but she's scared to trust in them.

Her flashback of baby Tony before Alex and Paula grab her back and Elena's telling her one minute she should be intimate with Bruno and not so friendly with Ester and her brother NicolAlex are a big contradiction.

Let's also include her very own insightful comment to Elena that all she cares about is her grandfather's money when she thought she was Sandra.

She needs to calm down and just think of everything that has transpire since she woke up.

Also it was not very smart of them to take her out into public so early.

Bluejeanblonde, I too will be very bored when Sortilegio ends. No matter how frustrated I can be with the situations in the show, I'm gonna miss it.

LV, I guess it's a lot easier to say I'd do so and so if I were in MJ's position than to actually do that. Still, I just feel so annoyed by the situation. One of those moments where I start pulling my hair from my scalp like why does it have to be this way! You have a good point though that MJ doesn't know what we know.

It kills me to know so much. Reminds me of a religious story (in Islam) I heard a while back. Some guy is laughing abnoxiously about something and the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) says something like "if you knew what I knew, you wouldn't be laughing." This was probably referring to after death punishment for sinners, but in any case, back to the topic, if MJ knew what we knew, she wouldn't be crying. Lol very far fetched example. I think I'm sleepy. Talk to you all tomorrow. :)

Thanks Kat, I'll be on tonight. Gabriel is a lousy actor, that's his problem, along with - probably - boxers under his nice tan suit, hee hee. Alex has proven himself to be less than diplomatic, he's quite the bull in the china shop, but I'll cut him some slack. You made me laugh in the middle of the night again, thanks!

I don't know what happen to the actor who plays Gabriel he's a little better in ENDA, but Carla would have been better served to use a mannequin for his role in Sorti.

Alright, I kept saying to myself who is this recapper? This is sooo funny. Then when I got to "Fernando waving his pom-poms for all he's worth" I just lost it. Surprised to find it was you, Kat, since it wasn't your night. But shouldn't have been. Your humor and writing style are so fantastic. Thanks.

Thanks Kat. Very funny recap and it perked up my morning.

All I can say, is thank goodness for Uncle Emiliano. The man is a rock and though I understand he feels he needs to help MJ, I wish they would let him run home and make sure his buddy Proforio knows what's going on.

Bruno and Maura just deserve each other. He's got major screws lose and he just never seems to get the memo that says " Your plans don't work and they never will. Get a job". And Maura just goes right along with it. If she thinks after all this that Alex would be happy to hop back in the sack with her, she's just delusional. Oh, yeah, that's right, she is.

The whole scene with Gabriel was a bore, but I know writerville is trying to pump up his character since I think they mean to hook him up with Paula. Poor girl

It's hard to believe we have barely two weeks of episodes left. So much yet to wrap up and some major pay-backs need to start happening.I'm still worried that some of the character wraps up are going to be disappointing, quickly done so they aren't even believable and viewers will be less than satisfied with a few.

Mrs. 5 ft...Hilarious as usual, but I loved most, "And still, you'd rather be the whoring druggie?"

LV, you're kind and everything you say about giving SMJ a break is true, but I find the hateful, mean looks and screaming tantrums directed at Alex super annoying, plus SMJ, the expression "you're cute when you're mad" doesn't apply to you!!! If you are confused about who you are, choose a respectable mother over a drugged out "whore." This story line is FELS-LIKE.

Welcome bluejeanblond, cute moniker.

Univision is not sending both an analog and an HD signal to the Nashville market, just HD. The analog signal should return on Wednesday, but for now no Sorti, without a cable box. My husband remarked that while that's tough on the Nashville market, we'd really hate to see Univision try that in Texas!

Thanks Kat for the snakilicious recap. When I saw Pedro mopping while crying, I thought in my head that he was mopping up his own tears, so it was great to see I wasn't the only one. ;) I forgot who it was here a long time ago that said it seems like Pedro suffers from clinical depression, but I could totally see that last night.

MJ has now calmed down enough to be polite and civil to everyone, except Alex. She is now directing all her frustration (because this is a really frustrating situation to be in) and anger at Alex. I agree with everything you said LV.

And Alex really should have known better in that last scene. Tio Emiliano is trying to make conversation and distract MJ with happy thoughts, and Alex just keeps butting in with snide remarks- like poking a caged tiger. It was no surprise that she blew up at him. What was he expecting?

Sandy, I'm not kind just trying to be fair. Sucks about you Univision. Here we get analog but no HD.

Anon, you're right. MJ needs to calm down but Alex keeps goading her. He should just take his time with her and start courting her again to get her confidence with him back. It is really irritating to have people tell you oh you're this but no you're that.

Like what Cielo said, MJ doesn't know what we know.


Oh Kat, that was just awesome. I almost choked on my oatmeal. Last night here I was all ready to watch, had my drink, the dogs had gone pottie, the show starts-ZZZZZZZZ It sounds like I missed the whole thing! This is not the time to sleep through episodes.

So Erik is back. Hmmm...I'm still thinking he'll turn to the good side and do Bruno in (in some fashion.)

I'm hoping that either Vicky will get custody of the baby or that MJ and Alex will. RaqHell is over the top.

As far as Gabe and that crew FF>>

Although it's frustrating that she still can't remember, we have to remember that this is medically induced memory loss. Not the typical telenovela bump on the head where the memory comes back just as quickly as it went away, triggered by one thing (like seeing your baby). Yes, she feels drawn to some people (like Paula, Alex and Tony), but she doesn't have the memories and probably won't for a while. She will have to re-learn to love and trust everyone as you suggest LV. Plus, her memory of the kidnapping is the key to proving that Maura was involved (her yelling "it's her, not me"), so we probably won't see her remembering everything for a while.

Kat - thanks for the great recap. LOL Definitely better than the episode itself.

Sandy in TN - the part about Comcast's excuse that I'm not buying is that our one TV with the built-in digital tuner has Looneyvision. It's picking Univision channel up over the air waves. If I can, why can't Comcast? (rhetorical question... never mind) After getting the kitchen cleaned up last night, I had time to sit in that room and caught the last 20 minutes of this episode. Que the ****?

Funny, Felipa got bleeped. Must have called Raquel una chucha chingada.
When I looked up chucha, that led to Chucho = mongrel dog. Our dear Chucho.
Love Felipa, I hope she comes to the party.

Go on Bruno, call the cops, you are an imbecile.

I noticed the pants thing too, in the crotch, maybe there is more to Gabe than we thought.

Not only does Dr. Hérnan make house calls, our oncologist, gynecologist, psychiatrist, surgeon, takes patients on day trips.

Someone should put it to MJ just like that, what would your rather be a drugged out whore, or a sweet girl that everyone loves, especially the hunky husband?

It s/b very interesting when Porfirio finds out about all this. He doesn't like the Mengeles at all & it's not Sandra.

I thought Tío & Fernando might help the situation, now they should bring abuelo to Casa Lombardo.

Thanks for your recap Kat. I also enjoyed your title. While I understand LV's argument and Alex is being quite dense, it is difficult to watch this medically induced erased memory (thanks Vivi) slowly return. Particularly since we know that Dr. and Mommy Evil and Bruno have been icky to SMJ.

Looked up that phrase on wonder they bleeped it! Felipa should have her mouth washed out with soap. (Just kidding. I'm glad somebody finally called a spade a spade.)

LV and Vivi,

You both make good points, after all Dr. Hernan and Dr.(?) Jorge have both warned us about the frustration and anger that is expected from the drug withdrawal. But as you remember, both Elena and Jorge were TERRIBLE to her. Elena constantly demeaning her(whore, druggie) and made her uncomfortable trying to get her sleep with Bruno, trying to keep her away from Nicholas, etc., etc. She was very unhappy with them and that is in her memory bank. Why all of a sudden is she so fond of her wonderful madre? Everyone in Merida is kind and supportive. Alex did a lot to get her out of there, he's frustrated. She's done some goading herself and doesn't listen. Also, IMHO, JB is really overacting the whole anger thing or..maybe it's just bad direction. She's morphed into Hulk Hogan. Oh well, it's just a novela!!

Can you believe we are trying to have a "logical" discussion about the effects of mind erasing drug withdrawal, funny!!

Doris, on Comcast/Univision, as my husband said...glad this is Tennessee, not Texas!

Thanks, Kat, for that fun recap to brighten a dismal , gray morning. I am starting to think that Raqhell is now at the bottom of a bottle and will not survive her alcoholism. Was she playing Spin-the-Bottle with herself last night ? Maybe she'll be out prowling the grounds one noche, drunk as a skunk, and she'll fall into that lake [canal? moat?] FIN //RIP Raqhell. Then, Roberto o o can hook up with Lisette and raise Li'l Vicky. Rob and Lis both deserve some happiness. I'm also sure that BigVicky and Fer will ride off into the sunset together. Maybe they'll live with Tio. He is such a sweetie pie. Surely Sadsack Gab will be teamed with the indomitable Paula who will give him a push and spark him up. Maybe SMJ's problem is the wardrobe she found in MJ's closet. I always liked MJ's clothes, but SMJ may be missing her scarves, jeans, and vests. Maybe Nichalex should take her shopping at Ranchhands R Us. By the way, Nicalex, you're back at CasaLobardo , so it's time to retire your neck bandana. Maura, look up!!!...There is a great big old anvil hanging directly above your little head. Did anyone else have a Frankenstein flashback when they saw JorHEY with Useless [who right now is truly completely useless] ? Sleeping Beauty is going to wake up and will be very upset with his doctor.

Sandy in Tenn ITA i said the same myself earlier,MJ just needs to think long and hard how uncomfortable she felt around Bruno/Damian.

How upset she got every time Elena threw it in her face that she was a druggie and a whore along with Dr.Demented.

How she can't remember anything before a month ago, but has had some maybe flashes of memory of swimming with a hot guy. Breast feeding a baby especially the baby flashback seem so real she even asked Elena about it.

Also someone had mention the day that Alex and Paula gab her back that JB was over acting a bit.I have to agree something just seems off with her performance that instead of being sympathetic towards her hysterics. I'm cringing like get over it already will ya.


You are always so funny! What about Gab and Lisette, both have had serious illness in common and based on the Hello Kitty Mansion, she likes funky art.

I bet Roberto ends up with Paula...good marriages are always based on good friendships!

We have to have some fun among all the falling anvils, don't we?

OK, enough blabbing for this morning, I'm off....


Yes, there is just something a little off with this storyline for me, a lot of cringe and ick factor.

OK, now I'm really off!

Maybe it's a case of better the devil you know than the one you don't. She basically just ignores Jorge, and although her mom gets on her nerevs sometimes, she seems to feel genuine affection for Elena. She is her mother after all, and what woman doesn't have a complex relationship with their mom? And then there is Porfirio, whom she adores and vice versa. And she seemed redy to kick Bramian to the curb and be done with him. It was a pretty simple, relatively carefree life. This new life that they are thrusting at her is much more complex and demands much more of her- mother, wife, daughter once again (to an unknown man), sister, daughter-in-law, object of obsession (Bruno), kidnap victim (Elena and Jorge), medical experiment, etc. The list goes on and on. I'd have a break down too. In addition to whatever effects the drug withdrawal is having, I understand why she would be reacting with so much anger and frustration.

I had to lol at Raq playing spin the bottle all by herself. She seems to have hit rock bottom, and everyone just ignores her and lets her drink herself to oblivion in the chalet. She did seem more calm than she has in a while though.

I would rather see Paula with Roberto o than Gabe. He is such a zero. Maybe they are making RaqHell hit rock bottom so she can have a REVELATION and make a change in her life for the good. I'm not sure we have that much time though.

Hi, Sandy~~~Maybe Roberto o o could end up with both Paula and Lisette...BIG LOVE. He is so sweet and protective that he could give them both some good loving. I hope that he will be rewarded with the baby and a good mujer.,,at least one of our girls. I know that he has warm feelings towards Paula , but Lisette has had such a tough time lately with her illness and no support from her heartless friend [?] and her selfish sister. Basta. Gab needs someone like Paula to make him less wimpy and more procative.

Vivi~~I always marvel at your clean and insightful analyses. Your thought processes always impress me. You have such an analytical mind. You offered very firm points about SMJ's reaction to this new reality. Being very pragmatic, my reaction would probably be ~ hottie husband, beautiful baby, big mansion weird , pushy mama, evil steppapa, or Dam Bruno ...I'll miss Abuelo , but you can't have EVERYTHING...What did you say my name was ? ...Where are my sundresses???.

Lol! Susanlynn, you make some very good points. :)

Raquel checks back into Oceanica in 5...4...3...2......

Kat - I'm back home and reread your recap and still LOLing. My favorite line: "Skank".

LOL that Felipa got bleeped. Yep, probably chucha chingada or something like that. "If the shoe fits, Raquel ...."

I wondered if Pedro was mopping the floor with his tears, too. What was up with the towel over the mop head when he was mopping? Also extreme agony suffered at this end, due to watching that scene in real time and could not FFWD-->. Meh......

I'm ready for this 'novela to be over. I'm tired of Bruno (who must die!), Maura, Katia, Jorge, Elena, and even sad-sacks Pedro & Gabriel. !Ya basta!

I though he was washing the floor with a t-shirt! Ha! :) On first glance that's what it reminded me of. One thing about Bruno that I like (in a weird way) is the way he handles the situation if he is caught in a lie--he just keeps a perfectly straight face and says, Of course it wasn't a real company, I was set up...blah blah blah. I wish I could think that fast.

Maybe Pedro was making his own version of SWIFFER.

Ha Anon--that's a good one.

Connie- you do have to admire his ability to make up, deliver with a straight face, and stay committed to a lie on the spot. Even to the point of getting indignant and dropping some tears. Works on Vicky almost every time.

I know. You think people would be catching on by now. My favorite is when he looks wounded--like how could anyone say that about me? I'm just so pitiful. Gag! He should get some sort of an award for that.

ROTFL, Connie. I have no idea how Bruno can possibly deny anything with such a straight face after everything that he's been caught with. It's so retarded, and it actually works. Brilliant in a wierd way. :)

Susanlynn, lol I have the same mind set as you--hot husband, what did you say my name was or what do you want my name to be; we'll just change it to that. And Roberto having both girls, that's hilarious. How about we adjust to him having 3 girls, and add you into the list too? :)

Sandy and Anon, maybe it was the acting that annoyed me too. I can't tell. I just know that I was irritated as heck by something.

Cielo de Levy i have been irritated for a long time by JB but trust when i say she is Merl Streep Oscar worthy material compared to Carla Estrada's fist choice to play MJ Anahi.

Cielo~~~Thanks for offering me the position of Wife #3 in Roberto o o's BIG LOVE situation. I'll check with Hubby #1 and see if he's down with that.

LOL, Anon. I haven't seen that actress yet. I actually do like JB though. But there are those times when I'm like what is going on here? Personal favorite is Maiti Perroni who I know that you like as well.

Susanlynn, haha you could only hope that you're husband is as liberal as Roberto ;-).

I don't know if that's what Felipa said, but what else could be so bad it would be bleeped? The TN's use several words for whore, so I think it has to be more. Dirty words in Spanish don't sound as bad as English, at least not to me.
I tried to find it on you-tube last night, but they had already gotten rid of the episodes.

Those mops are apparently common in Latin countries. We always called them a Cuban mop. Makes sense, you can wash the towel & get a clean one. Probably where Swifer got the idea.

I swear from my limited skills at lip-reading, that what Felipa said was "puta." It seemed to be the best fit in terms of length and need for bleepig.

It is astounding just how many words there are in Spanish for whore/loose woman, isn't it? But I guess we have a lot in English too. I feel like we've heard so many in these tns. Can we name them all? I'm going to leave out the ones that actually define the profession (prostituta)- it's a job afterall, and ones that accurately describe (promiscua).

Let's see: cualquiera, ramera, puta, what else?

As soon as I saw the title, I knew it was you Kat. Your signature style and another fabulous recap. Excellent!

So many ocmments already! As you noted in your first comment, we are hooked and will endure whatever comes along until the end. I'll only say I'm glad Maura is scared - she has good reason to be.


Vivi i LOL when they bleeped out Felipa curse words last night, as for your list let's add. Golfa, and Zorra.

Thanks 5ft for the recap.

When this is all over, I too will sorely miss WL in my living room 5nights a week. Oh what am I to do? I'll surely be suffering from withdrawals. He is the perfect galan of my dreams!

As for CC3 English caps, some cable companies (mine is AT&T u-verse -they're the best in my book)
have that option when you check the menu guide.

Very funny recap, Kat! I agree, they're going to drag this thing out. Fortunately, there are tons of loose ends to resolve.

Vivi made an excellent point that if MJ remembers the kidnapping, that can help convict Maura. I also think Bruno's murder of the judge will eventually come out. I don't think the judge is actually alive, but maybe someone saw something. I remember in MEPS, evil Babs had pushed this little guy down a hill to his death with no witnesses. But way later, somehow, the cops pinned it on her (I think).

Let's see: cualquiera, ramera, puta, what else?

Chucha is the c--- word in the southern cone

Fulana = tart, slut, hooker

Ah, yes. Zorra and golfa. I knew there were some others I wasn't remembering. :)

mrsmlgallego- will you throw angry tantrums and scream at people as you go through WL withdrawal? ;-)

Thanks, Kat, for your wonderful recap. "Pedro mops the floor..."LOL—I loved this summary of Pedro's character. 'Nuff said.
Sandy, Anon. Vivi and Cielo:

Regarding SaMJ's behavior, it certainly is not attractive. I know virtually nothing about drug induced amnesia, but I do remember reading in some journal (about 10-15 years ago) that some of the folks with Halycon-created amnesia had some pretty serious psychosis to deal with as well as amnesia.

If we take this thread and expound on it, then unappealing as she may be, SaMJ may be psychotic right now, and one could fairly say she is NOT herself.

Hey, Alex, with your access to resources, how about you get SaMJ to the best psychiatric help you can find in Mexico and also limit her contact with confusing stimuli?

Or could it be (goofy grin) since we are talking about a telenovela here, that Bracamontes' acting feels like fingernails on a chalkboard to me right now and I am trying to make up reasons that explain her deeply irritating manner?

I got these from


* ramera, fulana, furcia, zorra, puta, meretriz, cortesana, coima, pelandusca, buscona, pingo, mantenida, mesalina, hetaira

Wow! Even more words. If you're a loose woman in Latin society, there are just countless way someone can choose to insult you!

My HB (hubby wannabe) calls my dogs chuchas! I had never heard that word before. On another grammar note, I was reading in my book today and I learned that "es lo mismo" does not mean "it's the same as." It is more a phrase of indifference. Is that correct? Or can it mean "the same as" also?

LOL, Elna! I don't know if it's the acting or situation in general, but fingernails on the chalkboard is exactly the phrase to describe what it's doing to me. Really, getting MJ psychological health would be smart.

Wow girls, so many words in this list!

Mrs. Imgallego, withdrawl is not easy. After CCEA ended, I watched clips of it on youtube because I felt so deprived of WL. LOL youtube is the key.

I posted this yesterday & was really wondering if anyone has seen Alicia Machado in anything & what you think of her.

La dueña de tu amor

It looks like it won't be Lucero but Alicia Machado. Is she good, I want my FC to have the best if it can't be me.
Pablo Montero
Ana Martín, I think she loves Colunga as much as we do
Eric del Castillo
Eduardo Capetillo, Reyes cousin in FELS, cute
Gaby Espino, Villain
Jessica Coch, sth like that
David Zepeda, bad guy again

I'm watching Amor Real & am beginning to like Adela Noriega a little better. It was tough after FELS. It started out at 2 hours a day but now it's 1 hour, a little easier to manage. But FC is just soooo perfect in every way.

La Madrastra was produced by none other than Salvador Mejia, should have guessed.

I meant psychological help*.

I had to chuckle when Alex had all those medical books out trying to figure out how to help MJ. If this was CCEA, he would have gone ahead and gotten a medical degree, specializing in neurology AND psychology, in record time and cured MJ himself.

Connie - maybe it's meant to say "... it's all the same to me" or "whatever", which could be a form of indifference in LATAM.

So 'mujerzuela' isn't on the list for slutty women?

Vivi, lol!!! So true! I guess JM was a step ahead of Alex, huh? Haha.

Vivi/ Cielo: you both crack me up! Somehow, watching him on youtube doesn't cut it for me. I have to see him on the big screen tv. I even bought a dvd recorder to transfer the episodes, but the picture quality isn't as good. hence, I can't erase the 60some episodes I kept, from my dvr. this is how nuts I am for him. No other actor (in US shows or otherwise) has ever had this effect on me.

Still looking for the funniest La Madrastra video & ran across this

Ja, Ja, Ja, etc

Mrs. Imgallego, it looks like you have a bad case of William Love-aria that can only be treated by a) erasing your memory and never allowing you to see him again (oh the horror) or b) buying the DVDs of his novelas. Lol! :)

I'm cracking up here. Bruno La Madrastra is in this one also a couple of times

Gee..I hope my Spanishspeaking students don't ask me tomorrow in class about Spanish vocabulary I learned today. Variopinta~~~Adela is great in Amor Real. There is real chemistry between her and FC. Chantal Andere also does a bang up job as the randy housekeeper trying to get into Manuel's bed. Her nana is teaching her some naughty lessons. ~~~Susanlynn, having no success in her attempt to limit confusing stimuli...shout out to Elna

Rotfl, Variopinta! Just watched that second link you posted. That end poison scene was to die for. ;-)


(Smile). Some days (like today) I feel like all stimuli is confusing. I seem to be able to do only one thing at a time a very slowly at that. Must be the gray, foggy day.

If I really put myself in MJ's place, and had experienced all the trauma she has in the last year, I would want to be in a nicely decorated padded room, with a bucket of chocolate mouse, one spoon—and William Levy of course—to console me.

Elna, THAT sounds delicious. And so does the chocolate mousse. ;)

seriously, it's one of those days. I've read about 15 pages of my text in the last three hours. Sigh..

Loved the recap 5ft. I was exhausted after watching this. I hope MJ starts to remember because I'm not liking how she's acting with Alex. Of course, she's been told so many whoppers she doesn't know what or who to believe. Maybe today is the day when the showdown between Alex, Elena, and Bruno occurs. Alex is so ready to beat the crap out of Bruno for what he's done. He even gave Maura the evil eye. He's tired of all the games. So we know now a sex tape was made. I guess Maura will not only be jailed for being an accomplice to kidnapping but also contributing to the delinquency of a minor. Glad Lis found a new friend.

Maybe I should watch last night's again (and stay awake this time) before I watch tonight's episode. I hope Bruno gets the smackdown soon--and by several different people.

Elna June~~~I know just how you feel. It's gray and overcast here, too. I just corrected the first reading test of the semester...There are a bunch of As, Bs, Cs, 1 D, AND 4 Fs...YIKES. Chocolate mousse on William sounds pretty good to me, too. Even just the choclate mousse sans Bill would be good. Instead, I'll have a yogurt and a cuppa mint tea before I start reading the first writing assignments. ...Maybe I'll feel better if I put on a scarf and a vest or maybe some Spin-the-Bottle would brighten the day. ~~~Susanlynn, surrounded by confusing stimuli


As one of our commentators so cleverly quipped a couple of days ago, I believe you can find an exact copy of SaMJ's snappy elastic vest at the House-Movers Union.

And Spin-the-bottle sounds like an excellent organizing principle for my pile-covered desk. It's as good a way to prioritize my work as any, I suppose.


' William Love-aria' - hilarious!
I know I'll eventually get tired of watching the same scenes over and over, therefore, we need new TNs with Will-love ASAP.

Continuing the thread of off-color words and phrases, there is a web site with Spanish slang words. This is the link--be careful, it might make younger ears curl. Many of the English definitions are x-rated.
Newbie in Md

MrsImgallego i will be going thru William levy deprivation right along with you.Like Cielo de Levy has prescribed i go on youtube and get my CCEA fix for a cure.

Speaking of CCea JM would have not only study and found a cure for the mind erasing drugs for MJ, but he would have found a way to revive Sandra and offer her marriage upon her waking up.

Elna June nails on the chalk board about JB's acting yeah i think that about describes how irritating she is.

How do i say the word slut in Spanish let me count the ways, too funny with the list of names.

Variopinta some of my spanish friends and co-workers use the word Chucha at one time i thought it meant slut too. When i got the real defintion of the word i was like oh my.

LOL, Anon! i think JM would cure Sandra by asking her to marry him. Yeah, that would work. :) good one on the how do i say the word slut in spanish!

Oh my is right. Now I know what he's been calling my dogs all this time! I'll have to hold their little doggie ears next time.

Thanks Kat for a very satisfying recap. Your snark is always humorous and entertaining.

Much of what I would comment on have already been said. But I'm compelled to say that I understand everything that MJ has gone through and that she has been a victim. Still, I'm tired of the crying and hysterics. Enough is enough. We get the picture. Slapping the food tray out of Ezekiel's (sp)? hand wasn't very nice.

Thanks, Kat! I had more DVD problems and half the show was a loss for me, so I really appreciate the detail --not to mention the great snark.
; ? )

On the subject of La Duena...


Too bad about Lucero. I love her. I am not familiar with Alicia Machado's work. I hope she is at least age appropriate for FC. Does anyone know when La Duena might air here in the US?

La Dueña will probably be on after Corazon Salvaje

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