Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Corazon Salvaje - Monday, March 1: All Aboard the SS La Promesa!


* Narrator introduces us to Regina (the straight laced, sweet lady), Renato (the honest, hard-working hacienda administrator), Aimee (the flirtatious tart), and Juan (Tarzan in gentleman’s clothes). Narrator asks many poignant questions hoping to peak our curiosity about the upcoming meetings and reunions.

* We are on the beach - Juan, still in his brown adult diaper, carries two children out of the water (one under each arm). He laughs with his gang of friends. He loves his life there as a fisherman and living with them, because his dad was a fisherman and they are honest, caring, hard-working friends. He asks if they want him to leave. They chime in, “NO!”

* Aimee is outside the schoolyard - she has a secret meeting with a school beau. As they are about to kiss, the school headmistress catches Aimee. The beau scrambles to leave the premises. Aimee and the headmistress discuss the punishment for disobeying the rules of the school. Aimee doesn’t really care - she’s more about the parties and the beaus than studies anyway.

* Juan tells his friends that he needs to leave. He knows it’s time to start his vengeance plan. One lady tells him he should find a lady and get married. He says no, that's not in his plans.

* Rod wakes up in his big extravagant bed. His new bride comes in and has to remind him of his daughters’ graduation today. He is more interested in making love with her.

* Regina is in the school classroom talking with the head director of the school about her future plans and her trip back to Mexico. He notices that she’s staring off into space and asks if she has a beau back in Mexico.

* Arcadio is arguing with Renato in the hacienda fields. Arcadio tries to threaten to go to Leona. Renato shouts back that he will be the only one to tell his mother anything. Renato rides away on his horse. Arcadio stands and grumbles.

* In the kitchen, Clemencia is starting to bake bread. She is startled when Leona growls as she appears in the kitchen. Clemencia drops the bowl and the salt sprays all over the chair and floor. The women are petrified that they will have another run of really bad luck. Leona orders Clemencia to clean it up immediately. Then Leona lets is slip that Rod and the twins are returning. Clemencia is on cloud nine with the news.

* Rod talks with his new wife about their trip to Mexico, and he warns her never to speak about one subject.

* Arcadio catches Maria and Mirta out wandering the dungeon hallways. Maria still cries for her lost baby. Arcadio yells at them to get back in their cell. They scurry back inside the cell. He locks the gate. Maria tries to cry and whine. Arcadio tells her to shut up already, he’s sick of hearing it. Maria starts to whisper to Mirta.

* Clemencia enters the bedroom. Leona, seated at her dressing table, growls that Clemencia didn’t knock before entering. Clemencia tells her that everything is prepared in the dining room. They start to talk about Regina and Aimee’s return to the hacienda, along with Rod and his new wife. Leona is happy to have the twins back home again, however she isn’t too thrilled to see Rod with another woman. Then she growls at Clemencia and waves her out of the room.

* Celestino whines about how sick he is, and how he’s stuck in his hammock bed, and orders Rosenda around the little room. Rosenda yells back that her life hasn’t been a happy picnic with him either.

* Meanwhile, Magda is talking with Felipe about her one true regret, that she abandoned her daughter in Mexico. She wants to return and get her daughter back. Felipe tells her the sailing arrangements have been made.

* Maria looks out the cell window and dreams about being in a church and suddenly seeing Juan. She looks and is stunned to see a white dove fly in and sit on the table. She kneels down and talks about this being a sign that Juan is coming for her now. She plays with her little ragdoll and sings it a lullaby. Mirta stands and watches. The dove stays on the desk. Maria tells the dove that she can’t leave, not without her son. She cries how she has to stay until her son comes for her. As she gets close to the table, the doves flies away out the window. Maria is impactado and sad.

* Ship captain tells his assistant that Juan will be on board the ship, but in secret. They talk about his travel companion, Gabe, as well as Santo and Mabel Aldama. They are well-respected with the company. Assistant leaves the office and walks with a servant and tells him about the secret passengers that will be sailing on the ship - Federico Aldama (Juan’s secret identity).

* Gabe is in a cabin and starts to look through a trunk. He starts to thought bubble.

* Jimena, the gypsy, wanders around the ship’s deck and smiles as she hides in a corner.

* Regina and her best friend are packing up her things for her trip back to Mexico. They discuss their trips and fun outings together. The friend brings up marriage and asks her if she’s thinking about Renato. Regina ignores the question. Regina tells her friend to take any clothes she likes. Regina doesn’t care. The one item that is really precious to her is her camera.

* Captain and assistant are in the office discussing other passengers for the voyage - two daughters of a well-to-do man will be boarding.

* Aimee talks with her dad on the elegant port staircase. He tells her to watch over her sister. Aimee smiles and says of course she will. Regina finally appears.

* Three ladies are seated in the cabin on board “La Promesa”. Felipe and Magda are speechless by the ladies’ conversation topic.

* Martin del Campo is escorted to his stateroom. He is harsh with the steward and orders him to leave immediately. Alone, he grumbles to himself about his family’s misfortune and hopes that his future in Veracruz will bring him better luck.

* Leona stops by to visit with Celestino. Celestino grumbles a reminder of how he has been keeping his mouth shut about her secret. Leona is startled and frustrated.

* Everyone starts to board the ship. Crew prepares the masts and the ship for sailing. Aimee and Regina stand on the deck and enjoy the sea air and sunshine.

* Captain and Rod discuss a change in their accommodations on the ship. Rod isn’t happy. Captain explains that he has two special dignitaries of the company on board. Rod is upset and demands to speak with the ‘patron’.

* Juan walks down the stairs to the lower deck. Aimee glances at him and is quite enchanted at first sight. She elbows Regina and whispers about the handsome gent she just saw. Regina tells her to stop with the ‘salvaje’ flirtations. Aimee doesn’t like that advice and thinks about getting him to fall for her. Regina gives up on her sister and wishes her good luck. Aimee loves to have fun - she turns and bumps right into Juan. Aimee scolds Juan for bumping into her and not apologizing. Juan is startled and defends himself against Aimee. Regina tells Aimee to back off. Juan thanks Regina and says that she is the only lady he sees in front of him. Aimee corrects him and says Regina is her sister, and they are both educated ladies. Juan doesn’t care for Aimee’s attitude. He takes Regina’s hand and kisses it. He leaves. Aimee is very curious about the mysterious gentlemen.

* Gabe is in the stateroom, trying on the tuxedo from the trunk. Juan enters the room and scolds Gabe for putting on the tuxedo.

* Felipe and Magda sit and she tells him how worried she is that Rod may arrest her or do something to her for stealing his expensive jewels a long time ago.

* Rod and Captain check on the new accommodations. He still isn’t pleased with them. Regina tries to tell daddy not to worry, but Aimee defends dad’s reasons. Rod finishes with the Captain. Captain leaves. Aimee tells daddy how much she loves and respects him and is so very proud of him.

* Juan explains to Gabe that they are not there to show off his wealth. They need to be very discreet and not let anyone know of his last name “Montes de Oca”. Gabe understands Juan's reasons and mission, but he has his own mission also. They discuss the destination - Veracruz. Juan says this business trip is more for honor. (Flashback - Juan Jr./Sr. in the thunderstorm)

* Noel is trying to read a letter. He looks and looks and finally locates his spectacles and a candle. He reads that Rod and the twins are returning soon to Mexico. He is thrilled and knows Leona and Renato will be very happy. He remembers when the twins were last there as little girls.

* In the stateroom, Regina scolds Aimee for always being a ‘salvaje’ flirt and party-girl. Aimee tells her sister that she can be straight-laced and a nun if she wants, but she much prefers to have fun and flirt, especially with one gentleman in particular.

* Juan is alone in his stateroom. He yells at his reflection as he rips off his coat and vest, opens his shirt, and rips off his ponytail ribbon. He yells, "he isn’t a gentleman! he is Juan del Diablo!" He then reminds himself and his dad about his promise and vows to complete his promise and make the entire Montes de Oca family pay dearly.

ADVANCE: WIll Aimee’s enchantment turn into a night of passion with Juan on board the ship?


Capitana Jody, thank you. I just got home, having missed the show and thought I'd check any new comments on the last post and there you were, already up and running. Your straightforward bullet point style is much appreciated. Now I feel as if I haven't missed a thing.

Do they really want us to believe that Mirta and Rosie are still locked up in that dungeon after all these years? And that Rod is still going at it with the ladies?Whoops, beanie adjustment time.

I'm surprised that Celestino is still hammoc ridden after all these years. Either he would get better or die, not saty that way for years. His daughter has grown up to bhe such a pretty lass.

Mirta and Maria are still languising in the dungeon. Strange they have not been ravaged by disease. After what amunts to decades down there, they don't seem to have bathed or changed clothes. Rosenda seems to have an effeminate somewhat French companion. Jarocha was right. That ship has quite the collection of characters.


I don't want to offend anyone, but I just don't see the 'sexy' in EY. He does nothing for me. And that long stringy hair is hideous. It's just too...Fabio. eeewww.

Cap'n Jody, what a fine distillation of a mess. Is it just me or are they throwing characters in the mix with no rhyme or reason? I was totally confused last night with the new faces.

xIntperuvian: I'm with you on EY. Someone came up with Tarzan of the Seas (apologies...I can't remember who but that's a keeper!!) & that's all I could think of last night. He's too. Too big, too loud, too stuck-in-crummy-roles.

Gack! Wardrobe crew: emergency on the set! Stat!!!! What is with the garish outfits? My eyes were bleeding last night with the twins' hideous color combinations in durable polyester. They better not get too close to open flame or they'll melt. Wait...too late. Aimee is smoldering in the opening credits as she nibbles on her fan.

Mirta & Maria are ageless in their Dungeon of Doom. How did Mirta get the short straw & end up as Maria's cellmate?

And I'm sure no one will notice the discreet gypsy running around on the decks in her best belly dancing outfit.

[adjust beanie...I've been away from TN Land for too long!]


I was having a hard time adjusting and readjusting my beanie and writing this recap at the same time. I too can't believe M&M are still in the dungeon -- their clothes are ripped, torn or anything. what did Leona do, order up clothes so they wouldn't look neglected?

As for Celestino - I quote Arcadio - get over it already, how long does a stomach ache last anyway before you either get over it or die?

xintperuvian and Maggarita - I agree EY isn't at all good looking or sexy with the long hair.

Maggarita - someone else called him Tarzan first? Who? I'll have to give him/her credit for the perfect and creative description.

Jody :)

Cap'n Jody (with a smart salute to you, my dear): I don't know who came up with Tarzan...I saw it in yesterday's comments from GinCA but I'm not sure who the original creator was. Was it you? 1000 apologies, if so. I've been a bit behind on my recap reading (damn this work stuff that gets in the way).


Thanks Capitana Jody for the recap. That was indeed a confusing episode. Who was the gypsy and why was she there? I think EY is fab long hair or not. And who can be upset about half-naked swimming. Sigh.....

What was that thing on Leo's head? I know it is supposed to be a wig but it looks more like a dead animal. I can't listen to her because I'm watching the wig to see if it moves.

I was wearing my sombrero size beanie with satellite antenna, beam me up.

Such a coincidence, all those characters on board with former connections. Juan Jr., the twins, Rod, the thief.

Why is Juan on there anyway, has he been in Spain? Where did his wealth come from, he doesn't have the Montes de Oca money. Was it Renato that gave him money, hace muchos años. He must be a good invester o his bank pays better interest than mine.

So nice of Leonarda to pay a visit to sick friend, Celestino. Guess he's next on her hit list, but what's taken her so long?
Get out the poison, Rod has a new mujer.

I was waiting for Maria to take off with the dove, but I guess she has to wait for Jr.

What's with Juan hair? He is a salvaje alright.

Could Aimee be more obvious? I also laugh when I saw E from ENDA (where is Paloma? lol)

Thank you for the recap! :-)

Connie, I am with you; Lalo is looking wonderful. It will be some fun to watch him fool around with the mala, lucky girl.

I say forget the ponytail--just let all that hair fly free! I like his smile too. At least his hair is better than Leonoras and Rod's new wife. Ack!

There seems to be quite a few good looking guys in this one. Renato is pretty handsome too. He had a short part in FELS. Didn't I see the guy from ENDA in there somewhere? Maybe they will all go swimming together. 8(;P

I just posted but I don't know where it went.

Christian de la Fuente (Renato) appeared in some episodes of CSI:Miami; he always looks pretty scrumptious.

Not sure of the background of the actor playing the shipboard character introduced last night, but he's good looking, too.

I wondered who that guy was. I had just taken out my contacts and couldn't see him very well. Was he a good guy or a bad guy?

Just my impression, but I thought he was not a good guy. (This is the guy in his own cabin -- not the young man in Juan's cabin.)

I'm just now listening to the recap and maybe I didn't understand properly, but was surprised to hear that Rodrigo's paramour is his wife; I thought she was complaining bitterly to him that he stuck to his guns and did not marry her as he promised he would not, even after all the years they were together.

In the kitchen, I think what was spilled was salt. There's a superstition about spilling salt, where you're supposed to toss a pinch of spilled salt over your shoulder to ward off bad luck.

Leonarda is very superstitious. Her superstition is bound to appear as a plot point some time, the way they're pressing it.

The money Juan has is Santiago's money. I'm not sure if I got this right, but I thought the captain said that Santiago and his wife Mabel had passed away. Someone correct me if I'm wrong. Juan is Santiago's heir- as part of his promise to take care of Juan as if her were his own child, he left his fortune to Juan. This fortune includes ownership of the ship they are all sailing on. Juan goes by Santiago's last name, so he is known as Juan Aldama de la Cruz. So he currently has three last names- Aldama de la Cruz, San Roman, and Montes de Oca. And three first names- Juan, Juan de Dios, and Juan del Diablo. So confusing!

Gabriel, his manservant/companion (taking a break from being a mopey young man in ENDA, to being an angry young man here), is the son of Juan's tutor who died, and Juan has pledged to take care of him.

So Magda looks like she put those stolen jewels to good use and became a successful madame in Europe, and her grown up daughter Rosenda is being played by William Levy's baby-mamma Elizabeth Gutierrez. Those two should be quite a pair once mamma and hija reunite!

I don't think Rod married his lover. He spoke about the promise he made not to marry again, which did not make her happy. She thinks it's an unfair think to have promised. Plus, he's not taking her to Mexico with him. It didn't seem like Rod minds this setup. Obviously he has had his sexual and companionship needs fulfilled all these years, without having to really commit.

Jeez, there were a lot of characters last night.

Jody: First of all, thanks for a great recap. And, I love Tarzan of the Sea.

As to Rod, I think he looks better with gray hair than he did with the dyed black job. I thought the woman he was with wanted him to marry her because she had been so good to him all these years.

And, I'll second the comment about how did Juan end up on that ship? Maybe we'll learn that eventually, but it looks like he went from the beach to the best suite on the ship. He's in the suite that Rodrigo wanted. That's sure to kick up a fuss somewhere along the line. Not that Rodrigo needed another reason not to like him.

When Juan was with the fishermen, they said that he's a gentleman and doesn't belong out there with them. He said that his people are fishermen and that's why he prefers their company to that of the rich society he is part of. So, it's not that he was some poor fisherman in Europe. He just liked to go kick back with his peeps in the fishing villiage every now and then.

Thank you Jeri and Vivi for the explanations and details that I missed.

Jody :)

What I can't understand is, if Aimee and Regina are obviously not identical twins (which they can't be if Aimee has always had red hair and Regina has always had blonde), then why couldn't they have gotten 2 actresses to play the twins? (no dis for Aracely A.)

And how did Juan get so big and burly?

He's a big guy really. I think he could have done more muscle building but I like him anyway.

Thanks, Jody, for this great recap of an impossibly confusing episode. Some of my questions have been answered by other commenters, but I still don't understand the scene with Juan ("still in his brown adult diaper"!!) at the water with other fishermen. Where did that take place? It doesn't seem to be a flashback, but was he still slumming in his diaper even in Europe?

I'm afraid I've pretty much lost patience with this TN. Last night's episode wore out all my beanies. As much as I love the recappers for this TN, I don't think I can afford to buy more beanies.

Thank you, Jody!

Let me join Team Yanez: I think his new hair is awful, unruly and doesn't suit him well, but the man's still fabulous.
(Oh dear, is this gerontophilia? :-))

One more thing: I agree with those who don't find EY all that sexy. After MEPS and Sortilegio, perhaps my expectations are too high, but EY just doesn't do it for me, and especially not in his adult diaper.

Juanita- Those were fishermen on the coast of Spain, who remind Juan of his beloved fishermen in Veracruz. Did anyone notice the extremely tiny bolero-like vest (with no shirt) on one of the young, buff fishermen? It just cracked me up for some reason. I like ogling buff men as much as the next girl, but that just looked silly.

I wish they would tone down Aimee's acting. She's always biting her lip and rolling her eyes like she's in ecstasy, and she hasn't even made love to Juan yet! What kind of faces will she make when they actually get it on? Lol!

Well, I wouldn't be opposed to him taking it off. Did I say that out loud?--Sorry. :}

Connie, I was thinking he looks trimmer in this novela; I think he has lost weight -- what do you think? Diana, nice to see you again, too. :-) Aribeth, here's a seat on the bandwagon. :-)

Juanita: It's interesting - I think William Levy's a cutie but I can't take him seriously, and the same goes to the awesome Fernando Colunga. I like him since Esmeralda (1997?), but he's not my cup of tea.

On the other hand, this loud, huge and 947 years old caveman got under my skin quickly. :-)

Jeri: LOL, thanks!

Jeri, I think he has slimmed up since FELS. He needs more muscle though and definitely more abs. But I'm good with it anyway.

Connie, me, too. Aribeth, I had to laugh; that is exactly it. I never saw him before Destilando Amor, but I was a goner in minutes and collect all the stuff I can find. I even have a movie lobby card of his that I found on eBay. I like him young or old; I hope we both live to 90.

Me too Jeri. That was one of my favorite TNs. I've seen it 3 times.

Do you think we could get EY, FC, and WL all in the same novela at the same time? Although their egos might bump into each other!

Thanks, Cap'n Jody, great recaps with all the bullet points. They really helped. I'm kind of just hanging on with this TN right now and last night almost corked it for me--too much confusion and new characters and noise and scene changes for my slow brain to grasp. Thanks to Jody and the commenters though, I'm sort of caught up.

The question for me now is, with FELS still fresh in my memory, can I stay with another long Mejia Alejandre production that is overblown, over orchestrated, over-the-top melodramatic? EY has been reasonably restrained so far in his yelling and chest pounding, but he usually eats the scenery and I fear he is just winding up. His animal magnetism is somewhat simian and doesn't do it for me, although the long hair is OK.

Oh well, grump, grump; I'm here for now. Thanks for listening.

In Destilando Amor, EY was in shape & out of shape during the novela. It's maddening how fast the guys can shape up. FC lost weight for La Dueña
to appear younger.

I guess I wasn't paying attention, tks for clearing up some things. I hadn't seen Juan at his day job, pirating, so didn't know where the money came from.

Rod's mujer didn't act like a wife, more like an amante.

I don't know why anyone would be attracted to Rod except for the money. He seems kind of cranky and hateful to me.

Excellent recap, Captitana Jody. I also like your bullet style.

Vivi has cleared up many of the questions. I agree, I'm almost sure they said Santiago and Mabel died in an accident, so Juan is their heir.

I didn't realize Rodrigo's lady friend was not his wife, but I do know he said she wasn't coming to Mexico. I agree with the explanation that he told her he never promised her anything (such as marriage).

So, that guy Felipe is Magda's manservant? So many times there's a maidservant, it's nice to see something different. Magda definitely prospered from those coins she took so many years ago from Rodrigo's desk.

I'm also pretty sure that Arcadia moved Maria and Mirta. They were in the basement, now they're in some sort of tower. He had to move them because he didn't want them to be discovered, and they were also too noisy (not Mirta, of course). When the white dove (looked almost like a duck to me) left, I think Maria realized that Juan, Sr. was dead (she said he's gone, I was thinking this bird has flown), but she still thinks her son is alive (and she's right).

Thanks, Captain JR. I am with the Big Ed fans, and I like long hair on guys. [Hub, however, will not budge and has never let his hair grow long. Que lastima.] I liked Juan with the suit and the long locks. That vest and poet shirt did it for me. Very Tarzan quasi-tamed. The ''twins'' are interesting...Slutty and Prissy. They actually seem to represent two sides of the same person..the good vs the bad. Old Rod is still at it ??? Leonarda is still pining for him ???? I especially enjoyed the way she gave poor, sick Celetino's hammock a good swing.

Slutty and Prissy! Love it. Maybe that should be their new nicknames.

Jodi: in my case FELS was the catalyst. I saw him in Yo compro, but in that novela he was a babyface, and although I liked the character, I wasn't mad about the actor. Of course I was 8 or 9 years old, so I wouldn't have been mad about Gerard Butler, Hugh Jackman or James Purefoy neither. :-)
16 years later I saw a few new pictures of EY. He was wearing very short hair, and his face was too gruff, and I thought "aw, what a pity, he didn't age well". But a few weeks later I heard that Adela Noriega and he both participated in a new novela, and I started to watch FELS - and after 5 or 6 episodes I was like "OMFG, this is a Hunk Paradise, and I'm in love, I wanna see all of his telenovelas, period."

He was a drug dealer in the Punisher (the one with David Jane)and looked very handsome. I had to rent it just to see him in it.

Thanks for the recap, Jody. Must admit, I missed it AGAIN yesterday. I think I'm with Juanita. I've given up on this one, but I enjoy all the recaps and comments so will continue reading those.

LOL at the adult diaper!

I'm also not a big fan of EY for the exact reason Maggarita isn't. He is pretty darn big. He has a nice face, but just not my type. I'm for WL all the way. Tall, thin, long lashes, pretty eyes, and a gorgeous smile. Plus, he's closer to me in age, though I will say age doesn't stop me from loving Johnny Depp or even Sylvester Stallone. Haven't seen a complete novela with FC, but I know who he is, and find him very handsome as well.

Have fun with this one guys.

Thanks for the recap, Jody!

Totally agree that Aimee is too over-the-top. I fear Regina may end up on the other end of the spectrum: meek with lots of hand-wringing and moping.

It's definitely a stretch that Mirta and Rosario are still alive and (relatively) well after so many years in that filth. They would've died of disease for sure by now.

And why is Celestino still alive? I figured Leona would have slipped him some sleepy-time tea and been done with him already.

Leonarda's superstitions are intriguing. It's strange to know the villana's weakness so early in the game. Maybe they're setting us up for her to go completely loca by the end.

EY is decent eye candy but I'm more of a de la Fuente girl. ;)

I think Felipe might be gay, so he functions as sort of a harem eunuch, I think. He manages the girls and their makeup and wardrobe and is an assistant to the madame. He was making sure they looked demure enough to not cause a shipboard stir.

I kept wondering if Rosario were going to get thin enough to slip out the tower arrow loops there.

I'm thinking Juan's benefactor said in the previous episode that he was adopting Juan and giving him his name. The fellow was already owner of the shipping line then, I think.

In Yo compro Juan's (Alejandro's) mom also managed to survive for thirty (?) years, but as I recall she and her little helpmate resided in a _relatively_ cleaner cell.

Gracias, Jody! Thank you for "brown adult diaper" and I hope we don't have to see that anymore! But I guess that's what guys had to swim in...or maybe it would have been more historically accurate to have him swimming in the buff. Hmmm...which is less traumatizing?

I felt sorry for the three ho's traveling with Madame Magda. Here they're supposed to behave themselves and not be slutting it up about the place, and I have a feeling they're going to take one look at Aimee and think "Hey, how come I've got to behave if she doesn't?"

Jeri- The prostitutes looked more demure than Aimee did! Could they get any more makeup on her?

Kat- Our comments crossed and obviously we were thinking the same thing. Lol!

"Hey, how come I've got to behave if she doesn't?"

You're absolutely right. The twins, and especially slutty Aimée needs new wardrobe as soon as possible. The whores* are more elegant and well dressed than the well-educated and rich ladies from the first class.

* Btw I like them. Plus Felipe, Gabriel, Jimena and Rosenda, they're great characters.

Thanks for the recap Jody. Very well organized, clear yet funny. Thanks to commenters for the additional insights.
I like Tarzan of the Sea, Slutty and Prissy. Nice of them to make Aimee a redhead, so I can remember that she's the fiery one. Two different actresses would have worked for me.

Is this set in the mid 1800s or later 1800s? Can't remember, but I was not pleased with the costume stylist. I like to quibble over details, so the tighter fronts on the skirts and the bustles didn't seem right to me. Young ladies of the higher social classes wouldn't have been out in the sunshine with bare shoulders and no hat or parasol. Not that historical accuracy seems to be a concern here, anyway.
Juan was also styled free and easy, what with no necktie and that long hair only halfway confined at the neck. Of course, he's salvaje and not restricted to normal dress or behavior codes.
QTH was the purpose of the gypsy skulking about the ship? I'm still confused on some of the lesser characters. Guess I'll re-read the summary and cast again, then just roll with whatever happens. At least we don't have a glowing magic flower in a cave (yet).
La Paloma

thanks for the recap.....Thanks Vivi in DC for clearing up what i thought i heard.....once i read your comments it all was clear..... whowas the gypsy? she was trying to hide from the ship employee all night......I agree with most EY does not do anything for me either.....i don't like stringy fly a way hair.....not saying he bad looking....i think the hair is too much......Put Fernando Colunga in long hair and he would be oh so handsome....anyway.....things are looking up.....a bit busy last night......BNinCA

La Paloma:
"Is this set in the mid 1800s or later 1800s?"

Maria del Rosario supposedly died in 1851, therefore the story takes place in the 1880's.

About Juan's nicknames: I call him Juan del Sandokan, but Juan del Tarzan and King Kong are also often used ones. :-)

Wow i'm shocked that you ladies aren't turn on by our middle aged hero sucking in his gut looking like a black haired Fabio emerging from the sea wearing his adult diaper and who knew that they came in colors too.

It's enough to male me rip open my bodice and yell at my TV take me big ED i'm all yours big boy.

Variopinta as long as i could remember EY weight has always fluctuated even during the filming of his novelas. Let's just say there hasn't been a taco made that the man couldn't turn down.

Cielo de Levy i feel deprived and i cried foul last night because the Sorti interview got cut short because of the We are the world filming video for Haiti.

Why couldn't she have had a separate show for that.

By the way the first time i saw the picture of EY on esmas.com wearing his diaper coming onto the beach from the surf, i could not stop laughing hysterically after i saw that image.Needless to say i didn't get a good night's sleep that night but woke up with a huge grin on my face the next morning because of it.

May I ask that who's this Fabio you're mentioning?

Aribeth sure Fabio is a male model who graced the cover of many romance novels with long flowing blond locks just like EY is wearing his black locks for this novela.

Fabio last time i saw him was in i can't believe it's not butter commercial.

Aribeth: Fabio is an Italian male model, known mostly for showing up on the covers of bodice-ripper, poorly written novels of the 1980s. Very muscled/chiseled/oiled & always wore his hair very long. In my opinion, he's a "meh."


THAT Fabio? Ay, thank you very much, I know who you're talking about. :-)

Big Ed With Long Locks indeed looks like a trashy romance book's cover boy.

I loved Fabio in the 1980's on covers. "Defy Not the Heart," by Johanna Lindsey, was a devastating cover.

OT: I just received the full set of "Poldark" on DVD from the UPS guy. It's finally, finally out on DVD.

Hey, Anon! You're telling me. I'm so deprived, I came home last night, sighed at having no Sortilegio, and decided to read a book besides watching TV. Did catch the interview though, and it wasn't enough. ENDA ends this week, right? I'm going to try to watch Mi Pecado because I want to stick with novelas, but this one is a little too heavy for me.

Btw, good one about sucking in his gut, Anon! lol

I found the original "Defy Not the Heart" Fabio cover.

It's at Telenovela Album

Eduardo and John Travolta have a few scenes together in "The Punisher" and only one presence lept out. John who? I thought EY blew John Travolta out of the water. His English was very good as well.


I too like the names "Prissy" and "Slutty". As a parent you'd think Rod would notice his slutty daughter's appearance and tell her to cover up. But then Rod's not a real good parent...

Maggarita, I noticed the hideous color combinations too. Aimee's day-glo green gloves and choker with the bright red satin dress; did they even have dyes to make colors like that back then?

My heart throb will always be FC. He is... Just. So. FINE.


I see Vivi has filled in the gaps that I was about to now. I want to add that Maria's outfit and veil are worn out just a little bit compared to when she was locked up there. But not really enough after decades. That outfit and veil should be nonexistent by now. I can only imagine the filth if they never ever bated all those years. They actually should be dead now. Same with Celestino as I stated in my first commnet last night.

Regina and Aimee are identical twins but with different hair color. I know twins like that. I find Aimee's habit fo shushing annoying. Her chuchuchu drove me nuts. Other than that, I'll take Regina,aimmee and Rosenda. Hot babes I like. ;) :) All you ladies can lust over Juan.

I told you guys that the Felipe dude was kinda effeminate.

And Yes, Juan inherited Santiago's and Mabel's fortune. Ah, dear Mabel descanse en paz. No more dark make up for you.

I think that gypsy girl was a stowaway looking for adventure in the high seas. I predict whe will hook up with Juan's ward and manservant who is Emiliano from ENDA. that dude looks all wimpy here.

Fate or is it destiny brought all the major ship passengers together. I think that is a literary plot device that I've seen afew times back.

We have Rodrigo and the twins who are Juan De Dios/Diablo/Aldama's cousin's or sort of relatives. We have Magda who stole Rodrigo's money, Felipe her manservant,Gabriel Juan's manservant, Rodrigo's lady F-Buddy. The gypsy girl, the 3 'escort' girls The ship captain and his first mate. Oh what a fun bunch we have here. I wonder if Magda and Rodrigo will recognize each other in that small clipper ship.

Now here's a crazy thought. What if they all get shipwrecked somewhere? Oooh, you ladies must be running wild with your imaginations now.

I think our timeline here is a brief stay in 1851 then mostly in 1870's-80's.

That seaside scene explained my curiosity. Before watchiungn yesterday's episode, I was puzzled why Juan became a fisherman. I thught he was back in Veracruz. It was revealed his was just on the shoreline of Espana with some iberian wannabe gypsy looking people. They did not sound like they had much spanish accent. I could be wrong.

I loved the fact that Rodrigo could not have the main state room and had to complain and try to pull rank to no avail.

OT: You ladies may like the fact that William Levy is in scandalo TV. Lol.

Jarocha, was really right about the ship. this should be fun....


Rodrigo sure gets around with the ladies does he? Maybe he dislikes Leonarda's ridiculous supertitions. I called her on it right away from the first episode.


Yes Diana. And he was really tall.

You'd think if you were a stowaway gypsy you would try to be more discreet. So the guy who opened the trunk with all the clothes and stuff was Juan? I think I missed something on that scene.

Oh, xIntperuvian, you & I are on the same page with FC. He really is

Amor Real
Bath night with Manuel y Antonia.
Muy sexy.


Or just in general?

Keep your cotton pickin hands off MY FC, you too Margarrita. Destilando was my 1st novela, then Pasión, wow I fell hard for FC, he is perfection in my book & improves with age.

WL is adorable but just TOO young, besides Cielo has spoken for him.

When Juan Jr was ripping his clothes off, I was expecting a real scream, but no TG. Too disturbing for the other passengers I guess.

Mabel with the spray on tan is dead? I don't even remember Santiago. I'll have to see if I can find it on You Tube. I need to pay more attn.

Amor Real comes on in about 7 min, bath time with Manuel & Antonia.

La Paloma: I think two different actresses who look alike would work better for me, too, as the twin odd couple. The split screen thing is distracting and annoying. As Aimee, the actress is too silly to be believable.

OK - I know, this is giant fiction.

Anyway, as several of you have noted, this is an interesting character array on the ship. If they don't eat in their staterooms, they should all be together for dinner like on a real ship. And, this one isn't that huge.

Variopinta: may I suggest a rotating schedule? I don't need FC every night of the week but perhaps between the 3 of us, we can share the wealth (so to speak).

hubba hubba.

Variopinta i'm willing to share WL with Cielo de Levy but she can't have exclusive rights to him.

FC does nothing for me but i will admit he is a handsime devil and i enjoyed him in MEPS the first time i ever watched any novela of his. Just like some of you were complaining about how his part was in that novela was written for someone younger the same can be said for EY's part in this novela.

It seems as a result of the overall complaints that came in from Mejia;s choice of actors for this novela and how he remade it. For his next project Cunos de Lobos he is hiring mostly younger actors for the main roles.

What still has not been revealed is how he will mess up another classic novela the only way Mejia knows how to do.

Everytime now i see when Mejia is involved with a novela i am reminded of Eddie Murphy doing his Mr. Robinson neighborhood impression on Saturday Night Live. Can we say F'd up boys and girls?

LOL Anon! I am more than happy to share WL with you too. Thank you, Variopinta for giving us rights over him. Not too young for me, thank God. :)

I think Tarzan of the Seas is the invention of Mad Bess who is Susanlynn, I believe. I thought it was so funny and had to use it since lets face it, E Y does look like Tarzan or one of our early ancestors from the prehistoric era. And I love E Y. The only thing I can add is: Tarzan of the Seas, is it beef(cake), ham or tuna? per Jessica Simpson.. I go with the ham.


Hi, GinCA. Yes, I dubbed Juan ''Tarzan of the Seas'' as he emerged from the waves with dinner in his clutches. I would have chosen au naturel as more authentic than those odd trunks, but the censors would not have liked that. Spartacus on Starz, on the other hand, features lots of au naturel gladiators. Yikes..nothing left to the imagination. I like Big Ed. He has a great smile , massive shoulders, and strong arms. He is my second favorite novio after TBLMOE..such a beautiful strong face and voice plus he is the king of the kiss. Has anyone seen EY in Striptease with Demi Moore ? He plays a bodyguard. He is very cute in that one , but he doesn't have many lines. Connie and Variopinta~~~Isn't Antonia in Amor Real a cheeky monkey..climbing into the tub with Manuel..ai..ai...ai.

Antonia is a hot babe. I would gladly have her give me a sponge bath following our conjugal visitation and congressing. ;)

Connie, The guy opening the trunks and trying on the ntuxedo is Gabriel not Juan. He is also Emiliano in ENDA which ends this Sunday.

Now if you ladies are finished oooing and ahhing, how will life in Veracruz turn out with all the former residents and a few visitors returning? Will the now sexy and beautiful Rosenda reunite with her mom Magda? Will she be introduced into the business or will she be sent off to school by her mom to be educated?

I'm just curious to see Magda and Rodrigo come face to face in that little clipper ship, La Promesa.

I wonder how many gypsy moors from Espana ended up in Mexico and intermarried with indigenous Mexicans.


Excuse em moi pardom my French, Jody, for not earlier mentioning your wonderful recap which I really needed. I hate to admit it but I had to channel surf to see who received the final rose on the Bachelor. I just can't stand that program but find myself watching it anyway like a voyeur.


Anon 4:22
It you ain't seen Amor Real, Pasión o Alborada, you ain't seen nothin yet. FC hotness can't compare in MEPS, but I'll take it.

If she were 15 years younger, the actress who played Ruth on FELS could have been a believable Aimee. I'm sorry but Aimee must have gotten into Sofia from FELS' magenta eye shadow collection and all of that nibbling on the fan and making crazy faces is distracting.

Cielo de Levy i guess we are going to have to suffer being deprived of our William for these next several months.What's a girl to do when suffering from Levyitis? Youtube here i come.

Variopinta my point is for some inexplicable moment i got hooked onto MEPS because in the past i have avoided FC novelas like the plaque but for some reason or not i happened for the first time ever was able ti watch almost a entire novela with him in it.

I don't know if it was the writing or his co-star Sylvia Navarro who made it impossible for me not to stop watching that novela but that is the first time i have ever like him in anything. Usually when i see him on the screen it's click next channel.

No matter how great the outside packaging maybe it's not everyone's cup of tea. Like i said before it;'s not that i don't find him attractive he is but he doesn't make me want to set aside my schedule just because he's on at a certain time like he does for most who are on here.

Sorta like some of you guys like historical novelas or costumed period novelas it's to each his own and what we as individuals like.I don't mind at all when you guys speak about how much you love Passion,Alborada or Amor Real that's just your preference and that's cool.

Some shouldn't mind when i or Cielo de Levy speak about CCEA while it wasn't a great novela by anyone's standards it did have some very good moments and most importantly it featured Cielo and mine's number one Novio WL.

All people should respect others likes or dislike if you don't agree with it fine but some and i'm stressing some not all should learn to be more tolerant.

No one has come on here to say not watch CS but as was pointed out we can be critical of a production produce by the likes of Mejia and the actors he chooses to play these roles.As for trying to persuade anyone from the comments that were made before CS was shown in this area from watching it.

I think some are giving others too much power in that category people are going to watch what they like or won't watch it because they don't like period. It does not have anything thing to do with others think or want you to do.

If any of our telenovios came walking into my room- William L., Eduardo Y., Fernando C. or Jaime C.- I would drop everything and drool and stare. They are all handsome and in differnt ways. :)

wonderful comments from everyone. loved reading them all.

Susanlynn - I salute you for coming up with the Tarzan moniker for Juan Jr. :)

While EY is good looking, FC is still TBLMOE for me. Although Osvaldo looked really handsome as this TN's "wooly mammoth man". :)

Jody :)

Thanks Jody! "Tarzan in gentleman’s clothes" yep. "adult diaper" - Yep!

I think the Tarzan of the Sea thing must be painfully obvious, because the friend that introduced me to novelas (with the original Corazon Salvaje, no less - I'd forgotten about that until she brought it up) flipped over to CS09 on Friday and referred to him exactly that way. (Well, as Tarzan, anyway - close enough!)

I'm generally not much for the buffed-up manly men myself (I was in heaven during Pasion, with all those long-haired pretty boys running around), but I can put up with Juan Jr alright (though I giggle every time they show that segue into the commercials wherein he's smouldering at the camera). Going purely off generic features, Gabe seems like he ought to be more my type, but so far, I'm kind of 'eh' about him. Then again, I'm 'eh' about everyone else in this novela, too.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who's weeping at the clothes, too. The Victorian era has so much to offer, and we get stuck with Prissy and Slutty the Christmas twins.

Ahoy Capitana, a million thanks for the wonderful recap that clarified so many things for me. This episode was a visual feast but I was very confused by the parade of new faces. I love how most everything is delightfully unbelievable and I find the constant over-emoting irresistable. I got a lot of guffaws out of this even though I was slightly baffled. Anyway, many thanks to Capitana JR and the commenters who explained who was who and what was going on. I love all the scenes on the high seas. I hope they don't arrive in port too quickly.

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