Thursday, March 18, 2010

Gancho Thurs 3/18 #190 - Bad boys bad boys, whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?

This seemed like an episode of traps. Is Marcos trying to trap Mauricio with kindness? Is Coni going to trap Marcos into an admission? Are Marcos and Jacqui trapped in the War of the Roses? Will Aldo be coerced into robbery? Isabel tries to trap her daughter with fake love. Estrella doesn't want to trap herself or Aldo into marriage and Aldo wants it but doesn't see it as a trap. Sal is trapped by Loriloca and they are both trapped by Oscar. Arni is trapped in love with Ximena. The rateros are trapped in a cage. There is more but ya basta! Let's see who is trapping whom tonight and you can make up your own minds...

When we left off from last night Marcos was offering Mau a job as President of Grupo Sermeño. Ya see, he wants to build a great family business owned by his daughters and run by his two sons-in-law. (Methinks he's figured out HE doesn't have time for it and his daughter who fired the entire staff is now too busy training to be a cut-rate boxer to run the biz. What do y'all think?) Mau is all about the family cuz GS was started by his dad, a stonemason who started from the ground up and turned it into a great business. OK, he accepts the offer and Marcos agrees to keep the name Grupo Sermeño. Wonder how Beto's going to feel about that? Poor dude is already lobbying for Grupo Ochoa.

Gabi is having breakfast with Xime and I must say, neither of these beauties outshines the other. They both have exquisite but very different features. And they are in color coordinated shirts! But I digress, Xime says Rolu is upstairs sleeping off his night of passion, Arni is nowhere to be found (poor sod), and she promises Jero isn't around either, he never came home last night. Gabi says he's probably with Oscar which makes Xime wriggle with delight, How marvelous! "No, not like that," corrects Gabi, "they are accomplices." Hablando del rey de roma y por la puerta se asoma... in walks Jero looking uncomfortably surprised at the sight of Gabi.

Marcos continues his role as the grand benevolent. He thinks Mau's bodega is too small and unseemly for his yerno and nietos. How about the keys to a penthous suite? (Easy there Mau, all this kind arranging may come with a price tag.) Marcos is also confident that for Valentina's sake he will eventually debilitate Isabel, have faith in papa Marcos everything is under control. All righty then, Marcos will see Mau at work first thing Monday morning, here are the keys and oops, almost forgot to give Mau the address of the penthouse! Mau smiles his dopy trusting smile. I hope for Mau's sake they find Salvador soon, I'm not sure he can run GS on his own.

Gabi puts the pressure on Jero, she wants him to tell her right now where Oscar is. Jero's a rotten liar but he does it anyway. He has no idea where that fugitive is, he's hiding from the cops and don't forget he stole all Jero's money too! Gabi doesn't believe a single word and she offers to pay Jero to tell her where Oscar is and any info on Salvador's murder. Any amount, name your price.

Over at the manicomio privado Loriloca makes Sal comfy while the nurse readies the next injection. Lorenza protests, no inyección please! Sal musters up all his strength to moan a pitiful "No, no." The nurse recalls Oscar's treacherous words, he doesn't like loose ends and Lori and Sal must die, so she agrees no inyección, but it has to be their secret. The nurse sends Loriloca to keep a watch at the door and she advises Sal that he must continue to act like he's drugged, then he and his wife must escape. "Graaaacias" he moans.

Gabi is still pressing Jero who seems to be interested in her offer. How much money is a lot? Xime keeps piping up that she knows he's hiding something. Gabi maneuvers around Ximena's interruptions and tells Jero she is prepared to sell everything, her car, her apartment, her family's property.

Nurse tells Sal he will feel some withdrawal symptoms but they will soon pass and he needs to try to cover them up. Señor Oscar is muy peligroso and Sal and his wife are in great danger if they stay. Oscar and Lori come in and Oscar ominously reminds the nurse that Sal must have his inyección every five hours.

Xime is ready to donate an unbitten apple and the change in the bottom of her purse. Gabi is appreciative but forges ahead. What does Jero want? Jero sticks with the lies and tells Gabi when they find that treacherous rat Oscar she will be the first one at him. When he goes upstairs Gabi and Xime look at each other suspiciously. He's hiding something.

Estrella visits Mau at the bodega to tell him Moni doesn't suspect a thing although she (Estre) nearly had a heart attack. She still can't remember, is he sure nothing happened (she asks just a little too hopefully)? He's sure absolutamente nada happened. (Aw, poor Estrella.) They piss and moan about that traicionera Isabel. What are they going to do?

They are interrupted by a surly Aldo who is in an epic snit. Mau and Estrella are thrilled he finally came home. But Aldo lunges at Estre and yells that last night he found them in bed together! This goes on for a couple of scenes but in typical telenovela fashion Aldo won't listen and they can't seem to find the words to tell him the truth anyway. After lots of loud but impotent yelling our cachorro heads for the door never wanting to see them again.

Marcos gets home and finds Coni lying in wait for him. She's confused, what this big secret that her ma keeps talking about? Marcos tells her not to be fooled by Jacqui's craziness. Oops, Moni walks in and tells him to go ahead and tell her his big secret.

Luckily Marcos has a commercial break to get his story straight.

Coni tells Moni to beat it, she has nothing to do with her father, go back to her cage and leave them in peace. Au contraire, Moni has a prior engagement with Marcos. Coni tells Valentina to mind her own business and beat it because she's talking to her dad right now. Marcos corrects her, in point of fact he needs to talk to Valentina solo, he pushes a mortified and irritated Coni out the door. "OK Valentina, we're alone now."

Moni doesn't want Marcos to call her "hija". He says they have a lot to talk about. First up is the subject of her hating him based on Isabel's lies. Moni doesn't want him to call her Monita either, he has to stick with Valentina. He says he wants to start by being her friend, he just wants to see her happy.

Isa and Aliblahblah take their seats in the oncologists office, but then Isabel decides she doesn't want to wait for the test results so they get right up and leave. Weird, did I miss something?

Moni accuses Marcos of ruining her happines. He abandonied her mother and left her all alone, meddled in Mauricio's business, yada yada. He tells her he wants both she and and Coni to be happy. (What about Katia?) He wants Coni to stop her vengeance, to marry Beto and he wants the same for Valentina, to marry Mauricio and have a family and immense love. She looks slightly confused.

Mau and Estrella moan some more about that damned Isabel's perfidy and oh dear whatever will they do about Aldo?

Marcos tells Moni that actions speak louder than words, thanks to him Mau has the kids back. Moni accuses him of doing good deeds not to help people but to get them on his side. He makes the fatal error of mentioning Isabal and Moni goes on her usual rant and ends up yelling she's sick of him and his blood in her veins. "Me das asco!" (An old favorite, "you disgust me".)

Tere and the girls show up at the bodega and Mau tells them they just missed Aldo and guess what, they are moving into a new house. Danny likes it fine in the bodega where they were all crammed into one room, how sweet. Mau asks Tere to move in with them, just like old times.

Luisa slips away and follows Estrella outside to tell her she knows Estre is preggers by Aldo and what's up with him? Why is he acting weird and why has he disappeared? She's worried about everyone and everything. Estre tells Luisa to keep it a secret but soon she and Aldo will get married and everything will be fine.

All except the Aldo part because he's gone back to the cardboard pile and the sidewalk to sit with his creepy cuates. Creepies say they need to go to the store to get some money and want him to come. He's all bummed out and apathetic, doesn't want to go, so they give him a bag of drugs because that's what all good pals do, verdad?

Mau and the girls love their new place, it's huge and beautiful. Tere is reinstated as housekeeper. Ivan is there too and Mau, once again President of GS, offers Ivan his old job back. Dang, things are looking good again, all except those anvils lining up on the horizon like night squalls on the Pacific.

It's night and Aldo and co. make their way to a convenience store. They tell Aldo to wait outside, one guy hangs out at the door and the other (the ratero who stole the jewels) goes inside. It's highly suspicious but Aldo is oblivious.

What's this? Xime and Arni are doing a stakeout? What's up with that? Actually Arnie doesn't know because Ximena's in charge. This is a super dangerous mission they are on. They are following her brother to try to find Oski for Gabi. Arni has a fit, the guy is a murderer! She says it's OK because they are super smart they will be heroes like Sherlock Holmes and Watson! Their subject exits the building. Shirley Holmes tells Watson to drive in pursuit. Glad to see she buckles her seatbelt.

Now Marcos is at Coni's trying to keep his other hija from being mad at him. It's going well until Jacqui casually strolls in with a snifter in her he going to explain to his daughter what's going on? "What is the damned secret papa?" Go on, tell her, urges Jacqui.

Aldo waits outside, ignorant of the holdup ocurring inside the store. The rateros have a knife to the clerk's throat and demand money. The clerk pushes a button and steel doors slam shut. The little creeps are stuck inside the store with the clerk who now wields a dangerous looking sawed-off. They are trapped like, dare I say it, rats in a trap. Three police cars scream in and Aldo hides.

Mau is at Estrella's house. They figure that Isabel is systematically attempting to separate Monita from everyone in her life. She did it with Mau and is trying it with Estrella. If they don't want to lose Monita they have to change tactics. Estre thinks he and Moni will end up together in spite of Isabel. What they need to do is get Mau and Moni into a place where Monita can't escape. During this scene Estrella keeps aproaching Mau then running back when she gets too close. At the end he wants to give her a hug for her good idea but she squirms away and squeals, "no more arms on this body, principe, after what you and I saw I'm a little nervous." He leaves and she squeals once more "NOOOoooo" and fans her hot bod.

Back at the holdup the cops are putting the rateros in their squad car. Aldo, hiding behind some cars, watches then runs away looking over his shoulder. Cachorro, you escaped by the skin of your teeth this time. Whatcha gonna do now?

Jacqui and Marcos are giving each other a hard time ad nauseum until Coni finally begs them to stop. She hates being stuck between a couple of insane ancianos! "Elderly, me?" demands Marcos. (Guess he doesn't mind the insane part.) Coni wants to know once and for all what they are hiding? Marcos tells Jacqui to go ahead and tell if she wants Coni to know so badly.

Isabel frets about her visit to the oncologist and of course Moni tells her everything will be all right. Isa says she loves enjoying Monita's silence and tranquility. (I'll bet after living with Ali.) They go to bed and Moni replays in her head Marcos saying he loves her and wants her to be happy.

Back at Los Bickersons Jacqui says Marcos is hiding his secret all because Nieves his lechona (suckling pig? because of they way she stuffs herself into her clothes?) asked him to and he can deny her nothing. Coni is beside herself that he would put that woman and her rabble before his own family! More bickering and Coni tells them to stop changing the subject. What's the secret?

Marcos says OK, since she keeps insisting and in point of fact, what he's been hiding is...he proposed marriage to Nieves and she has accepted. They are going to marry as soon as possible! Caras muy impactadas de Coni and Jacqui. Cara victoriosa de Marcos.

Tomorrow: Aldo is sleeping under an overpass and eating fast food that somebody threw out the window into the dirt. Jacqui vows "That Woman" will never marry Marcos, not while she can stop it. Surprise, Mau traps Moni on a boat.

los actos dicen mas que las palabras = actions speak louder than words (what Marcos thinks)
albañil - stonemason or bricklayer (Mau's dad)
cabos sueltos - loose ends (what Oscar doesn't like)
cuanto antes = as soon as possible
disimular = to cover up, hide, suppress (what Sal needs to do to fool Oscar)
efectivamente = in point of fact (Marcos says this a lot)
estafar - to swindle, rook, cheat, con (what Oscar did to Jero)
por el contrario = on the contrary, au contraire


Thanks for the recap Cap'n. Glad the bad boys have been arrested. I hope Aldo learns a little bit from that experience, but doesn't look like much so far.

Looks like Jacqui still wants Marcos. Los Bickersons were getting it on. Each coming up with their own story. Coni will never get the truth. I'm wondering how she will take it when she does.

What will Marcos be looking for from Mau later, anything. He sure seems nice right now.

Amazing, the nurse is getting a conscious. He give a few shots and keep Sal out of it, no problem. We just don't want no killing. How much did Sal get out of their little talk? I hope enough.

"Me das asco!", something we can use for Hissy and Oski.

"all except those anvils lining up on the horizon like night squalls on the Pacific." How many will drop before we're done and drop on who?

"she squeals once more "NOOOoooo" "... Pretty much like yesterday. Nieves just couldn't keep her hands off of Mau. Just a hoot and then Beto caught them together. LOL

Aliblahblah.. "enjoying Monita's silence and tranquility. (I'll bet after living with Ali.)" Hah.

Marcos really looked like the cat that swallowed the canary at the end.

Great recap, Sylvia. I have to wait for the late showing tonight, but your recap is so vivid ,I feel like I've already seen it. Aliblahblah, wish I'd thought up that one. Marcos and Nieves to wed? I'm on board. Rat boys trapped? Good! Can Aldo learn anything? Ximy and Arnie sleuths? Very good news for Elna June. Exciting day in basketball. Upsets abound. Lots of potential Cindis. Good luck tomorrow to OSU, Syracuse, Minn, Cornell, Cal, and Texas A&M. Carlos


Thanks so much for the GREAT recap. Was it just me or was there a lot of weird and jumpy editing tonight?

Love your description of the anvils lining up. Aldo slid this time and didn't get caught by the police but he is really in "the darkness" predicted by the bruja.

I just don't get the spying thing with Xime and Arnold. How did we get there? Where was Gabi? Wouldn't she be involved?

Elna June, dazed and confused

Elna June, thank you for saying that. The editing was very weird. Several times I rewound thinking I had missed something. Que the hell was up with the doctor's office visit, the stakeout, and lots of other goofy cuts? This seems to happen sometimes when telenovelas add episodes. So far Gancho has mostly avoided that pitfall. However, like Carlos, I love that Xime and Arni are teaming up, bad editing and all.

Jeff, I think it's unanimous. We're all thrilled that the bad boys got busted. And good point about Los Bickersons. Anger is a passion, is it not?

I'm a little worried for the nurse. I hope she watches out for herself.

Dear Cap'nSS, Thanks for the fabulous title, it is so apt. I'm glad they finally came for those bad boys too. Aldo needs some new friends. Perhaps he is our cautionary tale of how a clean-cut, nice kid can go from school and a privileged home (well most of the time) to a pill popping road to no where. It will be interesting to see the race between Aldo and Monita for who will stay stubbornly blind to the truth for the longest. Wouldn't it be totally weird if it is Constanza who could get through to him and maybe even to her. Oh don't worry, I am definitely not holding my breath on this idea.

Go Nieves, she is getting her due finally. Professions of love from her old flame and a little heat from a young flame...

Nice work on the vocabulary too. I always take the time to read the vocabulary lists to review and/or clarify.

Oh Sylvia...I always love your song titles...sets the mood. And I too was dazzled by your nickname for Alicia and the anvils imagery..."lining up on the horizon like night squalls on the Pacific." The blessings of having a sailor recapping!

I have never heard the rest of the rey de Roma dicho so thanks for including that and the great vocabulary. Always a treat.

Like you, I was surprised that Mauricio didn't blink, protest or think twice about accepting every one of Marcos' offers. No "false pride" there, nosssir...I'll take the penthouse, I'll take the job, whatever. Good enough. It saves time.

Some hopeful signs on the horizon in Gancholand.

And how about little bitty Ohio beating great big Georgetown!!!! Ohio's coach is the former assistent to Thad Matta, Ohio Stat'es coach. If both teams advance, it could get interesting.

Judy, wow, the Bobcat victory was quite the upset. It's all over the news, even out west. Congratulations!

Carlos, I forgot to thank you for those music links last weekend. I do like Tejano music very much, yeah probably because the accordion is featured and it's very up tempo. In the first link I particularly liked how the singer was doing air accordion. I've got to admit I've never seen that before. I may have mentioned before that there is a wonderful music festival out here every year, the Cotati Accordion Festival. Last year the closing band was an amazing Tejano group called Los Texmaniacs. Did they ever have the crowd jumping!

Kris, thank you for your recap which I just read. Wonderful as always!

Sylvia, I'm going to be humming "Bad Boys" all day. Whenever I channel surf and land on "Cops" I always stop and sing along. Great song, great title.

You excel at finding themes for your wonderful recaps. Today's, trying to find, define and elude various "traps" was simply stellar. Your analysis was flawless.

"grand benevolent", "Aliblahblah" and "epic snit" were great and add me to all who appreciated "...except those anvils lining up on the horizon like night squalls on the Pacific." Wow...

Everything seems to be evolving into a hurricane spinning out of control. At least there are a few consistencies - i.e. dear, sweet, loveable albeit brain cell challenged Mau and the vicious, vitriolic Hissabel.

I'm not a Marcos fan. I had hoped Nieves ends up with Cesar. He's loyal and trustworthy. Marcos isn't either.

Interesting and insightful comments about Aldo and Moni, Cheryl. How nice that Isabel has chosen to expand her circle of hate to include Aldo and Estrella, whose only crime (well at least in Estrella's case ;)) was to be important to Monita.

I hope all of your teams advance and wish you all a wonderful weekend.


Sylvia, your prologue was incredible, yes, there are so many traps in Gancho now. The novela is a great “fire wall” for early Alzheimer's, the ole brain cells can’t relax while watching this program! Your vocabulary was wonderful as well, we might be able to actually use some of the words and expressions!

I was pained when I saw that Marcos, after the way he has inserted himself in everyone’s life bringing good (in his way!), was unable to tell Coni that he is her father. I think she is on to him, and while she briefly accepted his smoke screen, she is too smart to let him off the hook for long. She has such an expressive face and she wants to know, I don’t know how he can’t JUST TELL HER! Maybe Moni’s reaction is slowing him down! Did you see how Coni always brought them back to the topic? Smart cookie and “la llamada de la sangre” at work.

Gabi is one of the more sane novela characters ever. I wish she could have been in more of the novela that I have watched, I like her. She is going to be so mad when she finds what Oski and Jero have done to Sal.

I saw a tiny crack in Moni’s ridiculous, stupid, irritating, impossible, stubborn, wacky and DANGEROUS loyalty to Isabel. As they were going to sleep, she lied to Isabel about having talked with Marcos.

The “chemistry” is confusing in the novela...I saw a definite something between Mau and Estrella or did they date before? Everyone is fair game in “la vicinidad.”

Xime + Arni = long term happiness...

Aren’t all our teams still in the tournament? Wouldn’t be funny if “our” teams including Cornell make it into the final 4? (8?)

Like Sylvia, I’m waiting for the, “night squalls on the Pacific.” Good one amiga.

Sylvia, wonderful recap, from the introductory paragraph, through the clever and funny descriptions, to the excellent vocab. You're right, so many people are trying to trap others. Hopefully, some of the ones we like will find the light at the end of the tunnel before the traps close shut.

Another translation for "efectivamente" is "Indeed", which means the same thing as in point of fact, but is easier for me to remember :)

I agree that Mau may not be able to run Grupo Sermeno on his own. But Sal has really been through a lot. He was drugged by Loriloca for months, making him paranoid, and giving him that tic, now he's on a different drug, and he has heart problems, too. I hope when he recovers he and Gabi can go to some stress-free place, and just relax.

The editing was a little weird with Hissabel's tests, but we all know that the doctor is going to tell her that her leukemia is back (thanks to Marcos's urging), and this should really do something to shake up Hissabel (not sure how).

As others have pointed out, it looks as if there's no Friday show, but I'll put up a post for weekend comments about our favorite topics.


Congratulations. By now I am sure you have seen D. Gelston's piece on the Ohio/Georgetown match. At eh end he calls for "a standing O for Ohio". I stand and clap as we speak.

Of course I have a question. Ohio v. Ohio St., are they the same? I think not, but plead ignorance lest I offend. I ask because on a visit to Ohio St many years ago, I was struck by the sheer size of the University. Wow! You mention "tiny" Ohio so I am curious.

If they are two different teams, which is yours? Both?

Elna June, Curious in California


I cannot believe you have been to the Cotati Accordion Festival! It is a hoot, and I do not even like the accordion!

We'll have to meet there, us Gancholandians and raise a glass to the wonderful cast!

Elna June

Did Marcos forget that he has another daughter? what happened? is she not his daughter, is she from another man? I must say the last two episodes have been outstanding Xime with the breakfast scene,and the day before Nieves with Mau. Wonderful

Well, I won't get repetitive and mention again all the phrases other people appreciated, but what a great recap! Aliblahblah is a perfect moniker.

Mauricio and Estrella had so much exothermic chemistry going on, I wondered if they were both thinking, "why didn't we just get together in the first place and leave Mopey Moni and Addled Aldo out of it?"

Thanks, Sylvia, and, yeah, the "COPS" theme works well for this one! Aldo is getting dumber and dumber over time. Your "epic snit" is a perfect description and too familiar to all who've ever had a teenager under the roof.

Likewise "Aliblahblahblah." But she hasn't always been that way, has she? Seems like the incessant nattering is a new feature since Isabel reappeared.

And hello to you, Nellie! My mother's name is Nelle so particularly pleased to meet you.

Julia, good observation about Estrella & Mauricio. BTW, it's nice to see Estrella in a regular dress instead of the cute but funky outfits she usually wears.

Hi Nellie. Welcome. Seems like Katja is out of sight, out of mind. Wonder if she'll be coming back for the waning episodes.

Elna June, Ohio University is different from The Ohio State University. But interestingly, their coach, John Groce, is our coach Thad Matta's former assistant, so there IS a link (other than both being in Ohio). And if they keep advancing and we do too...we will have to play each other. Always tricky.

Jeff...sorry about Minnesota. Didn't see it (was at the hospital visiting a friend) but hope it was close and well-played.

Julia and Elna June. Congrats. Cornell won their first game. I blush to admit I picked Temple (also picked Siena to beat Purdue) so....I'm batting about .500 so far.

Thanks Judy. Not as close as I would have liked. Tied at half, then they shot lights out in the 2nd half. Stayed around 9 points ahead for quite awhile. They started hitting 3's, we'd miss, they hit another 3 and didn't look back. :) Yep, picked Temple, too. Now, really be rooting for Cornell as I didn't pick Wisconsin to win any more and I'm sure other people did, so Cornell has to win! :) Everyone in my pool did bad yesterday, no one had more than 12 out of 16. Probably worst opening day ever in our pool. Hey, at least Xavier is from Ohio. Ohio still winning. Hope OSU is not the one to blow that streak. :)

Hurrah for Cornell! The glass slipper looks good on you. Also Ohio. What a great game they played. A&M is looking very good. Too bad about Minn, Jeff and what a heart-breaker for Texas. I went to the meetings today, so I'm catching up.

The show was a little disjointed but very satisfying nonetheless.Estrella and Ximena both shone yesterday. Could Mau be any more dim and still find his way home at night?

Elna June, why haven't you fallen under Marcos' spell. Old age looks good on him and Jaqui. Nieves too, though it's hard to think of her as old.

Had to come to the hotel bar to use laptop. Drat. Good martini, though.


TGIF!!!! Elna June, you've been to the Cotati Accordion festival? I love it!! It's smallish, not too crowded, and two days of accordion. I usually only go for one day though. Maybe we can rendezvous there this year. What a great idea!

Nellie, I'm very glad you commented and I'm glad that you haven't forgotten poor Katia. She did some bad things but she was seriously lacking a decent role model.

Hombre, thank you for the alternate translation of efectivamente. You know me well amigo; I like to hear all possible variations. However, I think for Marcos I like "in point of fact" because it sounds hifalutin' (sp?) and Marcos is, well, rather full of himself.


When is the Cotati Accordion Festival? It sounds like the sort of thing the Lovely Linda and I enjoy attending. I suspect there may be other Texas people there. Our Gypsy friend Ron would likely join us there if we decide to go. I'll buy the first round of Dark & Stormies.



August 20th and 21st this year Carlos. They don't have the lineup yet but the website is Cotati is a quaint town but they put on a very fun festival.

great recap. Shirley Holmes!! Aliblahblah!!! terrific -- but as somebody said, that is a recent trait for Alicia. Is Issy making her nervous & so she natters?

Too bad Estrella is so late with her advice to Mau. She is the only one who avoided being cut off by Moni because she's the only one who doesn't badmouth Isabel. Mau should follow that advice -- but there isn't much time before the roll of film gets processed and Moni sees the incriminating photos. They won't be able to explain that to her any better than they could to Aldo.

It's halftime for SU and even though they are well ahead Vermont just came on strong at the end of the half. Great win for Cornell!


Cap'n, Carlos, Sandy, and All:
Oh, I would be so excited to see us have a Gancho gathering at the Cotati Accordion Festival. Cotati is a tiny and funky town but it is in the magical world of Sonoma County. I could come up with a GREAT Wine Country itinerary and probably arrange some private Tours for our group after the Festival. Also, the FOOD. Mike, Emilia, Julia, JeffMN, cherylNM, Diana and JudyB, we DO Food here in Sonoma County. It sounds like a trip to Johnston's Oyster Farm would be a must for this group.

Sylvia: I was first dragged (kicking and screaming) by my best friend to the Cotati Fest about 1998.I lived in Oakland at the time, but I was tempted to drive the 60 miles to Cotati by a couple of days of wine tasting afterward.

Fun, fun, fun.

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