Thursday, March 04, 2010

Gancho Thursday 3/4 #181 - You're not my mother, you're not my father, I've been kissing the wrong brother

Tonight is a night of confused familial ties. We have mothers who aren't mothers, mummies who aren't mommies, fathers who wanna be, sons that do and don't, confused daughters, reluctant in-laws and a whole slew of yet-to-be-defined family members searching for their places at the table. Let's begin...

Moni falls for more Isabull "I'm your ma and I had to protect you". Mami te quiero. Blech! Moni starts planning the homecoming, ma will stay with her. Honestly, I don't see Isa being happy packed like a sardine into the barrio but time will tell.

Nieves, looking stern in her pink bunny earrings (I think that's what they are), gives Marcos a piece of her mind. Moni always had a mom and dad in her, he lost the opportunity, get out of her life forever.

Moni worries about Estrella but Isa doesn't want to give up center stage and tearfully whines until Moni agrees to stay by her side. She adds a little "auch" and squirms her injured arm a bit so as to appear truly pathetic. Gah!

Jero has brought Aldo to a wooded area. This change of plan is creeping Aldo out and the sight of Oscar dragging Estrella into the clearing under gunpoint doesn't make him feel any better. He bravely tells Oscar to lower the gun so that Estrella can run into his arms.

Mientras tanto, Mauricio is at the mummy's tomb frantically trying to get a hold of Aldo or maybe Jero, I'm not sure. Jacqui says Jero is stupid and ambitious but he's not homicidal. Mau points out the danger is with his friend Oscar. Just then the mummy shows up and Mau gets all up in her face about not monitoring the kids appropriately. Did she know that Estrella is expecting Aldo's baby? The kid is missing and if anything happens to him then she will pay the consequences! It was funny to see Coni look so shocked about the news.

Back in the woods Estrella tells Jero that Oski tried to shoot La Monita. Now Jero is concerned and he puts his hands protectively on Aldo's shoulders.

Coni doesn't care a cumin seed what happens to the little brat Aldo. It's Mau's fault Aldo's hanging around with that tramp because Mau himself set a bad example. Jacqui disagrees, Coni is responsible for the kids. Coni responds that they know full well all her spare time is taken up with boxing. (Oh, there's an excuse for the courts!) And since she's the lady of the house Mau has to leave right now. Mau sniffs in disgust and heads in to see the girls.

Mau finds them in their room upset about Aldo. Aldo sends Dani off on an errand so he can try to console Luisa. Yes, Aldo is missing and in danger. Poor Luisa, I know she's worried but she's an awful whiner. "Find Aldo, we hate the Mummy, get us out of this house right now!" Mau correctly tells her to suck it up for the sake of her little sister. Luisa whines in overdrive.

Oski is still waving that pesky gun around. Jero, although he stands with Aldo, is safely back a couple of feet just in case. Oski continues to threaten Aldo about staying out of his business and Estre keeps interrupting that Monita knows nothing, she just answered the phone. More threatening, more pointing the gun at Aldo's nose, more feeble protests from Jeronimo. Oski threatens Aldo that for the sake of his kid and his own life he'd better keep his mouth shut. Aldo agrees (like he has a choice), Oski gives it a rest, and Estrella is once again royally POed at her little cub. Throughout all of this Aldo's got a death grip on his legal papers which are no doubt soaked by palm sweat.

Ready for something a little less serious? I am too. Let's visit those wacky brothers Klunder. Rolu is in his chair telling Arni that "they" have to do something about Ximena, she got home very late last night. "We?" asks Arni, reminding Rolu that Ximena is Rolu's wife, not his. Our adorable trasnochadora (night owl) skips down the stairs right on cue and announces she's a bit depri (depressed). Arni immediately asks if there is anything he can do to help. Rolu posessively grabs her hand and asserts that HE is her husband so HE will help.

Wow, Luisa is now whining at hypersonic Mach 10. I'm sorry but I had to mute this. OK, the sound is back on and Mau is trying to reason with her. She needs to be patient and have confidence in him. So far he's been pretty dismal at protecting the kids but for some reason she believes him and her hug is her vote of confidence. His face however, not so confident.

Xime tells Arni directly (ignoring Rolu) that she's depressed because her favorite couple is having problems. She always thought that Mau Tse Tung and the Monkey are the example that true love exists. Rolu gives solace a shot, THEY are the perfect couple and their marriage proves that love conquers all. "Ya think?" she skeptically asks as Arni rolls his eyes. Xime's had enough and announces she's going back up to try to sleep. Rolu insists on his goodnight kiss and Aldo watches disapprovingly. After a long kiss Rolu asks doesn't she feel better? "No" she squeaks with a pout. Arni's glee is held captive in a slight eyebrow twitch and a subtly smug smile to himself.

Upstairs, Xime consoles herself with a carton of ice cream that matches her jammies. She shovels in a big spoonful and hears a knock on the door. "Whh ivvv ivvv?" she asks, holding her frozen brain. Que sorpresa, it's Arni with a cup of tea to make her feel better. And it does, the gay sensibility is super, she says, he's a real queen. She pets his hand, igniting the fire within. She comments the tea is so hot he must be trying to shut her up. No, he loves everything she says. Really? Even the three things? Oh yes, everything.

Aldo, wearing a dark grey suit and pink tie that matches Estrella's outfit, runs after her. She's furious, how could he endanger them by hanging out with that murderer? He shot Monita's mama! Aldo says he didn't know what Oski did, anyway nothing happened and they're fine, can they get married now? He gives her a big kiss and presses his point with just a little whine or two thrown in. He wants to get married today, OK? He takes her hand and leads her toward their destiny.

Xime carries on about Arni's gay sensitivity. More eye rolling from him, he says he's not... Xime interrupts, does he think she and Rolu are soul mates? He says he can't answer because with true love it doesn't matter what others think but rather what you feel. When you truly love someone you accept them with all their attributes and defects, you can share absolutely everything with them and the two complement each other. Xime is impressed, tenderly takes his hand and thinks he sounds just like Rolu's letters to her, but Arni says all the words were Rolando's not his. (She looks a little sad.) She says three things: one, Rolu was never a romantic, at least with her; two, Lalu is the luckiest guy in the world (more eye rolling from Arni); and three, look, he let her hold his hand all this time and he didn't hop around once! Poor Arni slides off the bed and dashes out of the room leaving our Ximena with cara impactada.

Over at the hospital Alicia annoys Isa by plumping her pillow and Moni is still preoccupied about Estre because she can't reach anyone by phone.

Arni's a busy guy tonight. Lalo is over at the house enjoying a romantic dinner for two. Correction, they are at each end of the table dividied by Rolu and Xime who are sitting together in the middle. Rolu whips out his latest love letter which Xime sets aside so the meat doesn't get cold. Lalu make a wisecrack that the only cold meat there is her husband's. (Good one Lalu!!) It turns out Lalu also ate a litre of ice cream today, two in fact, and it's all Arni's fault.

The four Borrachos, Beto, Cesar, Chris and Tano, finally stumble over to the neighborhood and encounter the wrath of the ladies who are still spun out about Oski pulling a gun and running off with Estrella. Chris slurs that he'll go right now to the police station, Paula salutes and goes with, they grab Tano on their way out.

Back at the dinner-for-four Rolando has gotten loud and spouts off that Arni is timid because he's never been kissed. This is enough to prompt Lalu our picaresque predator to poise himself for a pursuit around the table. Arni uses his napkin as a shield and it's a flaccid defense indeed.

Beto and Cesar want to go with Nieves to check on Monita. Nieves refuses to let Cesar go but he insists. He understands how she feels but the important thing right now is Monita and Estrella. Well, OK but he can't say one word. Cesar agrees and stumbles out with his churlish chocolatita (bomboncita envinado). Please writers, these two HAVE to end up together. Oh, and they are color coordinated again, hoorah!

What Lalu has in enthusiasm he lacks in finesse; it looks like our timid titmouse has flown the coop and Lalu is breathless with the wasted effort. Time out - Ximena looks spectacular tonight in her slim black slacks and sequined single-sleeved top; wow!! Back to the story, Xime assures Lalu it's just that Arni is afraid of germs and infection, that's why he flees from the kiss. Xime insists she's going to help; Lalu says if she can get Arni to loosen up (aflojar which also means "put out", possibly explaining Xime's reaction) he'll be her slave forever.

Eager Aldo and his surly Star arrive at the judge's in the nick of time. Where are their witnesses? What? Estrella suggests running back for Paula and one of the others. Nice try but Aldo doesn't want to delay. Luckily the judge's employees can fill the bill. OK, now Estrella has to go to the bathroom and she promises to be right back. The judge looks doubtful.

Arnie sneaks back into the house, is it safe? Xime wants to tell him three things. Una, Arnie has to overcome his fears or he will never be happy with Lalu or any other man. The first step to overcoming any problem is to recognize it exists...

Alicia and Moni ask the doctor when can Isabel get outof the hospital. Good news, he'll release her right now as soon as Monita signs the required paperwork. Nieves, Cesar and Beto arrive and Moni becomes defensive and angry when they want "to talk" to her about her mother.

...Dos, Xime is going to help him overcome his fear of touching people. Is Xime going to let Arni's tirade about a million germs and infirmities dissuade her? Nopis! Because the third thing is love, Lalu is his soul twin and love conquers all. Arni and Lalu have to get together so she can believe in love again. She scoots over and puts her arm around him. Xime announces she's going to teach Arni to kiss. Arni says it's not proper, she's his sis-in-law. Oh but it IS allright because he's gay so it will be like a kiss among friends. She tells him to shut his eyes and she gives him a soft kiss on the lips. She smiles triumphantly as he opens his eyes, smiles...and faints. Arnie? Arnie? Ay no no!

The judge recites the vows while Estrella keeps looking over her shoulder. "Do you Aldo accept as your wife Estrella Falcón?" "Claro que si." "Estrella Falcón... ('Actriz!' she pipes up)...Actriz, accept as your husband Aldo Hernandez?" Just as it seems she can't delay any longer the door bursts open and in rushes Mau to stop the show.

We know how this next scene is going to unfold, Aldo tells Mau to butt out, they're going to get marrried. Mau insists it's not going to happen because Aldo is too young. The judge surprises Mau by telling him Aldo brought papers signed by Coni allowing him to marry. Aldo tells Estrella to hurry up and answer. Estrella admits she called Mau to come and stop the wedding, she doesn't want to get married.

Monita has a day's worth of pent up fear and anger seething below the surface and our volcanic vixen is about to blow her stack. How can they possibly doubt Isabel's love? She took a bullet for her! Nothing the three say can calm the enraged Monita and she tells them to beat it. Nieves says that she, Nieves Ochoa is Monita's mother, not that woman who abandoned her. Monita corrects her, SHE, the woman in that bed is her mother, "No usted".

Aldo pleads with Estrella who mentions that Oscar threatened her. Mau is "Que the hell did Oscar do to you?" Aldo wants a chance to make things right by marrying Estrella and he begs her to think of their child. Mau tries to intervene as Aldo's father and Aldo uses the cruelest weapon in his arsenal, "You can't give me orders because you're not my father!"

Mañana: Another kiss, another faint, Estrella's in trouble.


GREAT title, Cap'n! And great farcical references to mummy's, mommy's, hermanos y hermanas. WOW. Some fine work, Sylvia.

I love Arnie and Ximena together. Those two actors make you feel the humor as well as the heat and anticipation in their hilarious interactions.

You guys still need to tell me whether Isabel is really hurt at all or has just faked the whole thing.

I am also worried that all those long boring conversations with Mau have left Monita drained of brain and thus susceptible to her Mami's machinations. That final 'usted" to Nieves was just uncalled for.

EJ..from what I could see Isabel got a flesh wound in the shoulder. I don't think the hospital would have bandaged her up, had there been no injury, but I remember seeing some blood in that area anyway. Unless it was my Irish imagination!

Sylvia...great title as EJ said and great preamble paragraph. Favorites this time out: "IsaBULL", your explanation of "aflojar" and "whining in overdrive".

My reaction to Luisa was the same. All that screeching was unbearable. When my girls were adolescents, the eldest would sulk and disappear, the youngest would yell, stomp and slam doors, but thank God neither of them ever screeched at that pitch for that long.

Best scene? Agree with EJ...the looks and touches twixt Ximena and Arny. He is becoming more attractive as the camera focuses on his face rather than his twitches. There were some lovely clouds of emotion floating across his countenance last night. I'm definitely on board for this romance...but we've gotta do something about those faints!

Hmmmm...didn't have time yesterday to check out Mike's video but now that I have, somebody needs to make the weight classifications a little fairer. Those poor skinny ladies looked like bugs on a log trying to rassle those big old gals. No fair. Standards, standards fellas!

Good morning and thanks ladies. Agreed, Arni has a beautiful, emotional face when he's not being Mr. Twitchy. I loved the subtle emotions that crossed his countenance in every scene last night.

Regarding Mike's video, the skinny girls needed a skinny champion. I'll bet Monita or even Coni could have outsmarted that big gal. Great camera angles by the way.

Sylvia, busily doing her glute exercises just in case.

Oh, and Elna June, that final "usted" was interesting. I couldn't remember if Monita regularly "tutears" Nieves or not, but just the way she said it was insulting, no? The message definitely got across.

Good morning Sylvia, ej and Judy.

Sylvia, your title and explanation, defining the twisted branches of these rather complicated family trees was masterful. No matter how tangled and complicated the relationships, these characters truly are family, perhaps not in blood but in spirit. Your recap was wonderful.

Sylvia, "timid titmouse", "volcanic vixens" and especially "our picaresque predator to poise himself for a pursuit around the table" were great. I appreciate your fashion details. It's a good sign that Nieves and Cesar are color compatible once again, isn't it?

While warming to the the idea of Arni and Ximena, am still a little unsettled about the brother thing. Hmmm.

I don't know what the resolution should be or will be to Aldo and Estrella but I think Aldo's had much more than his share of hard luck. I'm not sure if I'm sad or relieved at Mau's crashing the wedding. I'm sighing at your noting Estrella is in trouble (preview) so hope whatever it is, gets wrapped up quickly.

Judy, along with ej, I was also wondering if Isabel was really injured. Thanks for the explanation. I just want her to crawl back into her hole. Ack.

Have a good weekend everyone.


Good morning Sylvia, Elna June, Judy, and Diana,

Sylvia, what a great job of recapping this very funny and well acted episode. Isabull... excellent. I shall almost certainly will be shamelessly borrowing that. Timid titmouse is right on target as well.

I was afraid that this was how Estrella's pregnancy would be resolved. I'll bet that Estrella is going to end up now with Señor Blandendull. Drat! I'm a little more open to Arnie and Ximena ending up together, although one must feel bad for Rolu. He really does seem to love Ximena (even though he has a roving eye) and his hide is branded as well.


On yesterday, Kris what a wonderful recap filled with so many fun tidbits. My top favorites among many.... “Would we expect anything less from an alien with ice blood?” “an excellent job of driving while aiming.” “Heh, and folks are worried about cell phones!!” And then the best telenovela descriptive recap sentence of all time, in fact, it should be put in the quotes on the Caray Caray home page.. ta dah...... “Oh jeez here we go.” That thought crosses our minds each and every night! Good work and many laughs...thanks!

Sylvia, excellent title...”You’re not my mother, you’re not my father, I’ve been kissing the wrong brother” Now doesn’t that just say it all! Like you, I don’t see Isabitch/Isabull/Hissy being packed into a sardine can in the vicinidad/barrio either. I loved your, “Oh, there's an excuse for the courts!” Yes..Really! Thanks for your fun, fun recap...and especially for the time that ALL the recappers are giving to their Caraymates with their hard, middle of the night(!) work!

It is a slight advantage to have come a little late to the party on the Xime,Rolu and Arni triangle. At my start with Gancho, Arni was OCD but now the writers are backing off of his symptoms a little and he seems more normal, that’s helpful. Also, the fact that Rolu and he are brothers isn’t as firmly planted in my brain, so I’m OK with his seminal Xime relationship. As others have said, Rolu is a rat and I think he should be sent to a rat farm where he can live the ratty life he so loves! Xime deserves better. Rolu should be wearing Beto’s “one woman unhappy, blah, blah, blah, many women happy shirt. By the way, is Beto washing that shirt, he has it on everyday, guess not! Arni and Xime remind me of the old Doris Day/ Rock Hudson movies, (sorry younger posters!) a sweet innocence. They need to do something about Arni’s “Lost in America”, Albert Brooks “brillo pad” hairdo though...he’d be cute if they gave him a better style! JudyB, I noticed the “lovely clouds of emotion” on his face as well. Both Danna (Moni) and Ricardo Margaleff (Arni) have exceptionally expressive faces, I’d like to see them again in something else, soon!

Carlos, yes, Rolu is branded. Is there a saint named Ximena....his mom’s name perhaps....or maybe a puppy?

Hate to be a party pooper, but I’m so glad the borracha fiesta is over...boring!

Jarocha...thanks for the background on Mi Picado, I really like the previews and plan to give it a try!

Mi estimado Dr. Carlos..... Señor Blandandull is actually Señor Stableandofage.

I'm sure Emilia would agree with me.

Have a little compassion for "everyday guys". They are seriously underrated in real life, not just in this telenovela.

tu estimada y muy compasiva amiga Judy

Thanks for another great recap, Sylvia. Other people have already pointed out many of the best lines, but there were many more, it was light-hearted and amusing throughout, even though the story itself has a lot a darkness now.

I was wrong about a few things. Previously I thought the paper Coni signed for Aldo was a power of attorney giving something to Oscar, but since Aldo used it, I guess it really was her consent. Second, the bruja said Aldo was going to the dark side. I thought there was a choice, but it really does look as if he's going to the dark side, if Estrella won't marry him.

Also, Xime still doesn't know that Arnie wrote the letters, which I thought she did a few weeks ago.

I am enjoying Arnie's kissing lessons from Ximena (I'd like to be in his place!).

And Isabel is just so darned inscrutable. We know her long term plan is to make Moni suffer, but besides alienating her from Marcos, how is she going to do this? Could she gradually turn Moni against all her friends, then leave?

Even though lots of things are going wrong, there's way more suspense than there used to be, and I sometimes find myself riveted to the screen, hanging on every word.

Hola Hombre, I believe that Ximena strongly suspect Arni wrote those letters. She keeps giving little hints and providing opportunities for him to admit it, but so far he he hasn't revealed the truth. I think that in the past when he believed Rolu would be true to Ximena Arni thought she was an impossible dream. Now that Rolu is backsliding Arni is beginning to think that Ximena deserves better, someone with whom she can truly share her heart. Someone like him for example. Yes, there are those pesky details such as Xime and Rolu are MARRIED and Arni is Rolu's BROTHER, things that would be huge in real life, but in the crazy world of telenovelas they could be minor obstacles. Let's see, shall we?

Carlos and Judy:

"Señor Blandandull" and "Señor Stableandofage" have been making me laugh all afternoon.



Diana, I have been laughing too. Aren't Carlos and Judy a hoot?

I'm home sick today so have plenty of time to catch up on all the telenovelas. Sucks to feel bad but fun to be a couch potato for once.

I have been thinking about Estrella and Tano. Even if things don't work out between Estrella and Aldo I'm not sure Tano is the best guy for her. He gets jealous very easily and if she ends up being a successfull TV star I'm not sure he could handle it.

Great recap; bummer that you're sick. At least it isn't so bad that you can't enjoy some telenovelas, heh.

I think Tano is a decent guy (needs to cool off his jealous & possessive tendencies, though), but not a good match for Estrella. She's already given him a test drive and wasn't sold. Next! What about Costeño; what's he up to these days? We don't know much about him.

I think I'm liking Xime and Arnie together more and more. It makes me sad to give up on Rolu because he and Xime seemed so happy and passionate after the megaparty, but he's being a chump and she needs to ditch him once and for all, whether he's in the wheelchair or not.

Ay yi yi...what a way with words. "She's already given him a test drive and wasn't sold". You're tougher than Carlos, Julia. Have mercy!

Well, in that case, maybe Estrella will meet someone new in the world of telenovela acting. Or marry her obstetrician! (friend of mine did...)

Angelli Nesma's assistant seemed to really like Estrella when she auditioned. Maybe he will appear again.

Julia, your comment about test-driving Tano was perfect considering what he does for a living.

Angelii's assistant? I forgot about him.

Estrella is an interesting character. She has always wanted true love in her life, was obsessed with the search really. She now has Aldo who truly loves her but she is reluctant to marry, presumably because she wants to follow her dream career. This seems very realistic to me. We humans want something so badly we can taste it, then when we get it we often fixate on something else.

Dear Carlos:

Rolu has gone a hickey too far to receive my pity. Not only has he lied to, manipulated and attempted to control Xime, but it seems that he cannot say about his recent anonymous roll in the hay, "I Did NOT have sexual relations with that woman".

Dr. Carlos, is it not Rolu's roving EYE I worry about.

PS: How was the pibil (sp??)


"She's already given him a test drive and wasn't sold. Next!"

Very well put. I like your idea of the assistant. He did seem smitten by our Estrella... but then, who wouldn't be. I think that Aldo will find his way back to Katia. I'm guessing that Coni may end up gravely, needing a body part or substance that one of her sisters will have to provide, so Katia will return from Paris. Or not.

Get well, Julia!


Elna June,

As to Rolu, don't forget, "Men have needs." The hickey may polish him off, however.

The puerco is marinating in a surreal red bath and will go into a Crockpot lined with banana first thing tomorrow leaves where it will spend the day. Cochinita pibil for Saturday dinner. Full report to follow.


I'm not sick! How do I keep making people think I am sick? Send your healing rays in Sylvia's direction.

What Katia did was seriously low-down and dirty. I'm not so sure Aldo would or should take up with her. I think he should back off on the ladies a bit and find some hobbies and go off to college. He should date on occasion but he's too young to be thinking about marrying. I suspect he's just looking for some sort of stable family life, so if Mauricio could get it together and adopt the kids and marry Valentina, maybe Aldo wouldn't be so restless and in a hurry.

I thought it was a bit weak and weaselly of Estrella to call Mauricio rather than telling Aldo directly and firmly that she didn't want to get married. Unless there is a miscarriage, though, she needs to accept that Aldo will be a big part of her life, because he won't give up his child.

Carlos, we can't wait to hear about Project Pibil! I wondered if Lady Xoc's recommendation might be on youtube. Indeed it is. I did a search on "Robert Rodriguez Pibil" and it popped right up. It's fun to watch. He has an interesting philosophy regarding cooking.


Ah, yes. How could I forget that Rolu so deftly explained his situation to Arnie with the phrase, "Men have needs".

Grrr, and how do I think our sexy Tigress Ximena would response to Rolu's humble excuse. I imagine it like this..."One, Woman have needs, too. Two, some women have lots of needs and that is why I have been teaching your brother to kiss, and Three, I forgot, but it was really good".

EJ, with a giggle

Hey, I'm sick. ME ME ME ME ME! (hee hee, I couldn't resist)

Carlos, I tried your cure last night and I was out like a light as prescribed.

Katia and Aldo...doesn't do it for me. Agreed, he could seriously use some stability at home for a change. Maybe now that Marcos and Mau are on the same team Marcos will stop providing money to sabotage Mauricio. As I recall Marcos was the one behind the last dirty judge who agreed to let Coni keep the kids.

On Estrella, I hate to admit it because I do not find him appealing, but I think Tano might just be a good fit for Estrella. She is a drama-queen, whihc trait will only be enhanced by her new career in telenovleas. Tan's jealousy might provide enough drama to keep her hooked but his stability could keep her in a nice, balanced, life.

Judy, my vote,pending any dire discoveries about Tano's secret life as a cross-dresser with a shoe fetish,is for Sr. Stableandofage.

Dear Cap'n:

I am wishing that, YOU, YOU, YOU will get well. You are too funny, even when you are sick!


Thank you Elna June! Typically I bounce back quickly. If you say Tano could be a fit for Estrella then maybe he could. You are the expert here.

By the way, Sandy is absolutely right about Beto's shirt. Hasn't he been wearing it for about two weeks now? I meant to mention it in the recap but I forgot. Hopefully he has washed it out once or twice in the stone sink.

Have all the characters gotten immune to Beto's stench? It's been about three days in show time he's been wearing that shirt and, I assume, not showering. Someone should have run water into the Batcave bathtub while he was sleeping in it.

That just reminded me of a conversation I had with my brother the other day. We were talking about traveling, and he asked about some of the multi-week trips I take and how do I manage to take so little luggage; is there always a laundromat? And I said usually you can find laundry facilities, but if not, you can always hand-wash in the sink and line dry. He thought that was the most disgusting thing imaginable! He absolutely refused to believe that clothes can be cleaned that way and insists that you NEED a machine. I'm not sure what sort of magic he thinks happens inside the machine.

For heaven's sakes, why should Beto wash the shirt when he doesn't wash himself?! Let's not waste time here, the lovable rascal only bathes under duress.

EJ...thanks for backing me up on Señor Stableandofage. Emilia has been strangely silent today (does Mike have her on a training run in coleslaw?) so I appreciate your support of my brown bagger.

Sylvia...remember when Carlos used to cry "Free Lili!" Let's start a chant "Heal Sylvia!" Sending you good vibes))))))))))à la Susanlynn.

Hi superbly healthy Julia...I see we were thinking along the same lines, Beto-wise. Your brother cracks me up. But it's nice he believes there's magic in machines. Somebody has to believe in them.

Julia, I'm afraid your brother would not fare well in Beto's neighborhood where everything is washed in the basin. When we used to go backpacking through Europe sink-washing was the only way we got our stuff clean. And on boats, well there are no washing machines on boats (at least the ones I'm on), and water is scarce except for the ocean. I think you get my drift.

Yes, my dear brother is not the Beto type, for sure, and would be miserable in the vecindad. He also showers multiple times per day and we had a hard time convincing him that you can hang up your towel to dry and use it again the next time. There was a serious shortage of towels the last few years I lived with the family, because he would go through three per day.

It's not enough that I had to start this party mid- season, but now I have to remember who is "sick" in Gancholand!! Sylvia, so sorry you are having a delightful day on the sofa watching novelas...and Julia, wish you could be sick like Sylvia!! twin separated at agree on Sr. said it soooooo well! I'm Señora Stable and I make a mean dessert, does that count for anthing?

Why oh why didn't I come here sooner....such fun!

Sandy, it does ease the pain somewhat (sniff sniff, pale wan hands upon the coverlet) that at least I get to watch my backlog of telenovelas and drink tea all day. I should be doing a million other things but (insert feminine cough) I'm just too weak. Not too weak for dessert though. Did someone say dessert?

No one is EVER too weak for home made Lemon Meringue Pie....besides, the lemon is good for you, it cancels out the sugar ...Should I send one your way?

All joking aside...hope you are better tomorrow. Having had one sick'll need 3 catch up days to get your life back in order!

Gracias amiga! I love lemon meringue pie. How did you know?

You are so right about taking a day off. You always have to make up for it in spades, sigh.

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