Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Gancho Tuesday March 23, 2010 Shirleylock and Pooh Bear Have Another Most Excellent Adventure....Not!

Today's episode had me thinking of one of those old Winnie the Pooh stories where our bumbling bear goes floating up in a balloon, disturbs a beehive and comes to grief, stung all over like our pathetic little Arnie. And once again, the previews sucked us into the hope that Salvador would be rescued...but it was not to be. Monita and Mau did end their romantic day by making slow, sensuous love, but sssssserpent Isabel (thanks EJ) disrupts the mood by coming to look for darling daughter. Aldo continues his downward trajectory, but Lalu has been liberated to go bar-hopping in search of a new romance. So, the usual mix of good news and bad news. Lots and lots of Ximena for her fan club but Arny gets tedious, doesn't he? Not sure those two should end up together.

Now on to the details. Estrella confronts Isabel and lets her know that Monita is with Maurico and they're reconciling and there's not a damn thing the viper can do about. (How do you say "famous last words" in Spanish?) Isabel disses Estrella's acting skills and when she admits that Aldo did see her and Mauricio when they were drugged and nude , Hissy smiles evilly and says' well at least some damage has been achieved. Estrella manhandles her a little bit, (go for the shoulder, Estrella!) and pushes her out the door.

Brief scene of Aldo, leaning against a wall, remembering the horrible sight of his girl and his dad in bed together.

Back to the lovers, sitting now on a grassy bank. (Is Carlos nodding off here?) Yes, it's the same old discussion. "Luchar por nuestro amor" comes up. And the conclusion that one of them is wrong. Either Isabel is evil or Marcos is. But it doesn't matter. What matters is the Great Love between them. We have some goofy smiles, a nice shot of Mau's empty but lovely green eyes, soothing, romantic piano music with a somewhat minor harmony. All very nice. And somewhat soporific.

So back to Ximena's and Arny's not so excellent adventure. Arny, having been bitten all over by some kind of "bichos", is now scratching his back like an old bear rubbing up against a tree. A tree holding a huge bee hive (Or is it a hornet's nest? Experts, weigh in) Down it comes. Ximena's wows turn to ooopsies and Arny takes off screaming like a banshee. Ximena is laughing. Nopis. Can't see these two together long-term.

Our lovers have now returned to the boat and Monita's holding the Camera of Doom, taking some playful shots of her and Mau and no doubt using up the roll so it can be developed. Can't wait! Evening falls. The night sky lights up with fabulous fireworks which then spell out Te Amo Monita. She responds in kind. We have another shot of Mau's glazed eyes and pearly-white teeth. And some ads.

When we come back, they're still smooching, murmuring sweet nothings and the capper, "fuegos artificiales....asi se pone mi corazón cuando te veo" (fireworks...just like my heart when I see you) Well, pretty sure this encounter is going to end up in the bedroom. Let's hope so since Mau had to lay out some serious cash for that bonanza.

Time for the dark side. Salvador, still in the creepy cabaña, is asking plaintively for Gabriela. Nurse is trying to calm him down so Oscar doesn't realize he's no longer drugged. Lorenza is out and about. Oscar is furious and sends the nurse to look for her. And makes veiled references to Sal's imminent demise.

We're at the bodega now and I sure hope no firemen are watching this. A gazillion candles are lit (how long have these dang things been burning?) a rather professional scarlet nightie is on the bed and romance is in the air. No need for nightie. Mau is going to dedicate himself completely to Monita until dawn. Off slides the jacket. Off slides the shirt. Damnation!...more ads.

Double damnation. Now we're back to the very unsexy Arny screaming about his various bites. Ximena lays a little philosophy on him. These little animalitos are just a part of nature. Another precious link in the "cadena alimenticia" (food chain) and he can either see "el vaso medio lleno o medio vacio" (the glass half full or half empty). Forget philosophy. Arny is hungry. This reminds Ximena of a film she saw where a plane crashed in the mountains and the survivors ate one another. Mutual look of horror. Fortunately our little woodswoman decides now is the time to build a campfire (prender una fogata).

While she's doing this, we see Aldo heading back to the strangely congenial drug dealer. He agrees to give Aldo some more pills on credit and even slips him some cash for food. But bring dinero the next time, kid!

Harsh words for the nurse as well. Oscar's reaming her out for letting Lorenza go on the grounds. She protests that she couldn't leave Sal. He protests that Sal's a piece of furniture and she certainly could. He and Jeronimo head out to look for her and Nurse suggests to Sal that now is the time to make their escape.

Sensuous love scene. Mauricio is of the slow hand variety of lover. Candles burning. The camera focuses on the flame and next we see the flames of Ximena's campfire. Another nifty transition. However, this is no cosy campfire. Ximena's idea of camping involves visions of evil witches with "pelos raros" (strange hair) ready to seize hapless peasants and rip their hearts out. Suddenly a moaning distraught (and strange haired) Lorenza appears out of the shadows. Now both Ximena and Arny are screaming.

Back to our lovers. They're in that dreamy post-amour lull but our Mauricio is sad. Without telling Monita the real reason for Aldo's disappearance (he implies it was because he stopped the wedding) he vows to spend the next day searching high and low for him. He has all her support. More smooching ensues.

Back to the woods. Arny is exhausted from all the running and screaming. He's on the verge of a heart attack. Nopis. We can't stay here, sez Ximena. But pretend I'm a tree. Now hug the tree. I'll protect you. And hug you back. We'll walk together. Awww...now that was sweet. Not sure where it rates on EJ's meter, but pretty high up in my opinion.

Rolu and Lalu. Not so sweet. In fact, pretty darned distraught. Edgy. Cranky and worried. So much so that Lalu's French manicure is ruined. Tragedy. The truth comes out. Arny is NOT gay. Cara impactada Lalu. More ads.

Now Nurse and Salvador are fleeing through the murky woods. Well, not fleeing exactly. Sal is dragging and then he turns his ankle (torció el tobillo). Nurse checks it and pronounces it an "esguince" (sprain). Heads back for something to brace it with.

And speaking of injuries, how about Lalu's broken heart!? He's playing that violin for all it's worth, lamenting his self-esteem dragged down to the floor by Arny's constant rejections. Nosiree, that doesn't just get canceled by a little apology Mr. Rolu! Well, maybe it does. He didn't fall in love with Arny after all. No? What about those love letters? Ximena wrote them. Yikes, Arny wrote MY love letters, admits Rolu. Two caras impactadas. What if Xime and Arny have fallen in love? And run away together? Zounds.

Double zounds. Salvador staggers out of the dark and scares the bejesus out of Xime and Arny. "Sigue la luz" (follow the light) yelps our favorite New Age Valley Girl. Help me, Sal croaks. To no avail. Our two detectives run off in a fright and Lorenza finds him instead. And then our hapless couple is found by Oscar and dragged back to the cabaña.

Meanwhile Shirleylock and Pooh Bear have wandered out on the highway and encountered Jeronimo, trolling along in his sports car. He reluctantly rescues them (Why, of all the millions of people on the planet does this happen to me? he moans). There's some pantomime pointing to Arny's puffy face and Arny's hapless shrugs and we learn how to offer your lap to someone. Since there's only one seat available Xime says "Me cargas o te cargo?" Arny ends up on HER lap. Go figure.

Lots of sturm und drang back at the apartment. Rolu is in full paranoia, sure that Xime and Arny are having an affair. Grabs her picture and throws it (and his apple) to the floor. Lalu tenderly retrieves the picture, dusts it off and tells Rolu to get a grip. That kind of thing only happens in the movies. Sure 'nough, at that moment, the phone rings. A happy, innocent Ximena burbles that she and Arny have just been rescued and are on their way home. Worries over, Lalu heads off to the bar to find a new love (Un clavo siempre saca a un otro clavo. Y a mi encantan los clavos!) Never thought about the phallic overtones of that dicho until now. Thanks Lalu.

Mientras tanto Aldo has arrived by taxi to the house (guess that's where the food money went) and is lolling on the sofa, still tortured by the visions of Dad and Estrella in bed together. More ads.

Now Oscar arrives back, furious that Salvador also escaped. Nurse quickly makes up a story about heading to the kitchen for tea. Maybe Salvador's building up a resistance to the medication? Fine, from now on give him a double dose. He won't be a disturbance much longer, threatens Oscar. And what is that kid doing here!? Gets very rough with our little guy. Shoves him and tries to throw him out. Aldo pleads his case. Oscar decides it's safer to keep him around. In his drugged state he might slip and let out the secret of Salvador's existence....and location.

Now a brief respite with our three game girls, Estrella, Gabriela and Paula (who's looking quite nifty lately. Snazzy makeup, no glasses, whassup with that?) They're musing about the mad passionate love Mauricio and Monita must be making right this very moment. Particularly given that hot nightie, red roses and flaming candles. Some sighs and yearning looks. I'm with you gals. Let's spread this around a little bit.

Just as our cozy lovers are wishing time would stand still, the doorbell rings. It's the wicked witch, pretending to be worried about Monita's whereabouts (dang Estrella for telling her where she is). Monita apologizes for not letting her know. Mauricio adds that they've reconciled. Both tell her they're very happy. Hissy's face sours and she makes a visible effort to fake a happy smile herself. But barely manages. And there we end.

Constanza is chiding Isabel for failing to have Monita see the entangled bodies of Mau and Estrella. But Isabel informs her she took pictures.
And at breakfast the next day, we see Monita holding the Camera of Doom.
Aldo sees Salvador and learns he's not dead.

anclada = anchored, stuck (Ximena telling Arny that they just can't stay there)
el vaso medio lleno or medio vacio = glass half full or half empty
férula = ruler, but can also mean "splint". What nurse when looking for
esguince = sprain (Salvador)
torcerse el tobillo = to turn or sprain one's ankle
no te arrimes!= don't come closer! Jeronimo fending off a grateful (but smelly) Ximena
sigue la luz = follow the light
el más allá = the great beyond, the hereafter
en nuestros narices = right underneath our noses (Rolu talking about Xime and Arny supposedly falling in love)
qué crees? = guess what?
no es bronca suya = none of your business (Aldo to Oscar)
me cargas o te cargo = do I sit on your lap or do you sit on mine?
un clavo saca a otro clavo = one nail drives out another, a new loves replaces an old one

prender una fogata = light a campfire
cadena alimenticia = food chain
jerga = slang, but also floor rag (Lalu's self esteem after countless rejections by Arny)

Dicho of the Day

Dos es compañia, tres es multitud. = Two's company, three's a crowd.
Never more true than when Hissabel rings the doorbell and interrupts our two lovers.


Oh, I'm just a little black rain cloud, hovering under the honey tree! I'm just a little black rain cloud! Pay no attention to little me!

Okay, maybe I'll say something more enlightening when I've seen the episode and read the whole recap. I love your opening, though.

Judy I just love the comparison to Pooh Bear. What a great title. I like the name Shirleylock even better after the bear analogy because it's kind of a combo of Sherlock and Curly Locks. OK, this is what I want - when Arni thinks back on the terrors of the forest he's going to realize it was the best time he'd ever had. Even though he was a bit of a pill I still like him and Xime together. Now that the cat is out of the bag regarding the letters maybe, just maybe?

When Moni and Mau were together, wasn't the background song sung by that kid who plays Andres? The voice sounded familiar.

I always get nervous when I see candles blazing away at dress hem length.

I like Estrella, she's one of my fave characters, but she really does tend to blab too much. Instead of gloating and telling all she should keep a lid on it.

Boo hoo, why couldn't Sal have escaped???

Thanks Judy, this was another great episode (thanks to Xime and Arni) and a great recap too. What fun.


Once more a wonderful job. You took a great episode and carried it to an even higher level. I'm also in awe of how well you coped with absolutely impossibly sloppy CCs. Univision executives should hang their heads in shame It's inconceivable that they are not aware of this situation. Clearly this problem doesn't interfere with your recapping skills.

Poor Oscar. As he said, Aldo showing up was just what he was lacking. I'm surprised Jero didn't take Ximy an Arnie to Oscar's mausoleum.

M&M: good. A stop at la Isla de las Muñecas would have been fun.

Ximy and Arnie: even better. Is there anything Ximy can't do with style? Anyone else reminded of Blair Witch Project?

Estrella and Isabel: now there's some intense interaction. If Isabel doen't have plans for Estre already, she certainly does now.

So what is Oscar going to do with Aldo?

Estre and Pau looked stunningly beautiful. What great friends, especially since Monita has been such a pill lately.

I also fretted over all those candles.

Lalo certainly is not one to allow little setbacks to get him down.

Thanks Judy. Once again, you rock as the kids say.


Judy.. great title. Flows nicely from yesterday. Glad to see Shirleylock and Pooh made it out of the hundred acre wood. Not sure about Arnie being Pooh. I think Arnie is sort of a combination of Piglet and Eyore. :)
They sure must have been hungry. Have they eaten anything? Must have been over a day since they did.

Not surprised Sal didn't get saved. After the Lorenza frightening, Sal was just too much. Especially they way he was moaning. Heck, I would have thought he as a ghost, too. :)

Yep, I think Estrella gave Hisssy, a little too much information, too. So will Mau and Moni still be together at the end of tomorrow's show or will it last longer than an episode? :) Wasn't quite that easssy for Issssabel to ssssmile this time. Looks like she is wearing down.. I hope.. it's about time.

Free Sal!

Great recap, Judy. Fun title, and you captured the adventurousness of the episode (and the problems) perfectly. And as usual, tons of vocab.

I still hold out some hope for Arnie and Ximena. When Arnie took off his glasses, I thought he looked more handsome than usual, and that Xime noticed this. Yes, he's got a ways to go in his self-esteem, but remember, Xime also has self-esteem problems. That's why she allows Rolu to mistreat her. Maybe Xime and Arnie can help each other build up self-esteem. Xime should feel better about herself, at least, after her heroic exploradora skills.


I'm almost ready to turn a blind eye to the Dr. about to tell her that the leukemia is back. I wanted so badly to like her and was even ready to forgive her. Jeez! I wouldn't mind seeing her spend a week on la Isla de las Muñecas, though I'm afraid she might feel right at home there.


Welcome back. I hope you had a great time in New York, and that your daughter and her husband had a grand anniversary. Their first, right?


How appropriate and cute. A little black rain cloud loaded up with anvils no doubt.


I like your scenario for Arne and I'll bet that's how it will be. I don't know which was more troubling, candles in the empty batcave or with M&M there. Surely they would notice a little blaze or would they think it's just part of their hot lovemaking?



Thank you for the great recap. Arny IS tedious. I am bored by his affliction.

As to the camera of doom, don't you just wish it would make its way to the bottom of the canals?

You nailed the weirdest plot point we have going—why would the hardened drug dealer be giving Aldo his fix? Do we think he is being paid by Oski? He certainly isn't doing it out of the kindness of his heart.

Love this vocab, as well, Judy. "Cadena alimenticia"—I could not make out what Xime was saying.


Great title & opening paragraph. It was a fun episode. Very romantic scenes with Mau :& Moni even if as you said it got a bit soporific. I loved your description of Mau's "empty but lovely green eyes."

But the fun was in the woods -Arne, Xime, Lorenza, Sal, nurse, bad guys, flashlights, campfires. Arnie has already loosened up a bit -- scratching his back on a tree, jumping in the water yesterday to wash off the ants. It was very sweet when Xime told him to pretend she was a tree and to hug her for comfort.

I'm still firmly in the corner of these two ending up together. Arnie is adorable especially without his glasses and he has a lot of Lalu in him. He's the sweet guy with an eye for decor and romance which she will realize is right for her once she gets past needing to be treated badly. You think Rolu is passionate -- wait till Arnie finally discovers lovemaking. He's got years to make up for.

I did feel kind of bad for Rolu tonight, though.


Yes, Judy, it was my daughter's first wedding anniversary. We came to New York from Baltimore, her husband's parents came from Allentown, PA, and we all had a wonderful meal in a restaurant in Greenwich Village, right next to the Cafe Wha, where Jimi Hendrix once played.

I also got to watch a little Corazon Salvaje in HD, and let me tell you, those plunging necklines take on new meaning when they're so clear! :) I don't think Univision is in HD in Baltimore yet, or I'd be lining up for a new TV right now.

Hombre, you've just given me an idea of how I might be able get a new HD television AND get my honey to watch telenovelas with me!


I now "get to" watch Corazon Salvaje on the big-boy TV in the living room (an absurdly large HD flat-screen) two or three times a week. My TN habit is happily accommodated ever since the Hubster discovered the enormous amounts of cleavage displayed on its many pixels. Of course hubby likes it best when the sound is off, being a little unclear on my concept of watching TN's to improve my Spanish.

Big grin and a shout out to Hombre.

Haha! Baby steps amiga, baby steps.

Dang, this just might work. That little light bulb over my head is blazing away. I second the shout out to Hombre and appreciate your input too.

Carlos, that's the beginning of the song Winnie the Pooh sings when he dresses up as a rain cloud with black helium balloons to sneakily float up into the tree and treat himself to honey.

Our own raincloud, Hissabel, is not nearly as cute. Ugh. Think there is any chance that whoever does see the photos will think, "Gosh, if you two were having an affair and trying to hide it, why would you let someone stand right over you and take pictures of you in bed? You wouldn't, unless you were unconscious"?

Arnie seemed a lot more amenable to touching Ximena after more than a whole day in the woods with plants and bugs and whatnot. Maybe he gained a little perspective and his usual world will seem much cleaner to him now.

Wow. What a great discussion you all had. While you were having fun discussing I was watching the horrible OSU women's game and then went right to bed with a major headache. Once again, we have flamed out early in the NCAAW.

Julia, thanks for remembering Winnie's song. I don't remember being read to as a child, but my dad used to read my brother to sleep and I loved the sound of my little bro's rollicking laugh at all the Winnie the Pooh chapters. It was his favorite book and he had a laugh that could clear the room.

Sylvia...it WOULD be neat if a day and night of grime, dirt, "bichos" and terror, Arnie would realize that's the most fun he ever had. He still had his latex gloves on at the very end I noticed, but maybe jouncing around on Ximena's lap on the way home will be the final thrust...and he'll tumble happily into the throes of passionate love.

Carlos...yes, the cc's were predictably weird. Either ahead or behind but never "with".

I agree that Ximena's spooky story telling was meant to evoke the Blair Witch project. I've only seen the trailers for the film.

The last fright movie I saw was Psycho in 1953. I was so terrified after the shower scene I spent the rest of the movie under my seat. And no more terror films evah!

And ugh! Isla de Muñecas...the final scenes in Heridas de Amor were quite enough for me, thank you.

Jeff....absolutely...Piglet and Eeyore battle in Arny's soul...but that wouldn't have worked for my opening paragraph, good buddy! And as far as I know, they didn't come a-cropper with a bee hive. Artistic license. But I like your analysis.

Hombre, did you ever watch Guapos. "Arnie" played a goofy naco chauffeur in that one, who eventually won the heart of the very pretty, snotty rich girl. He was able to morph into a reasonably appealing attractive guy and certainly he's shown glimpses of it earlier in this novela. Could happen. Heck, anything could happen in this crazy novela.

And how sweet that you thought I was Carlos, asking about your trip for your daughter's first wedding anniversary. I'll taken being mistaken for him any day.

Just think, we heard about the wedding when it happened, we remember the song you composed and played for it. We are all building family memories together on this line.

Hi Güera...yes, I thought Rolu's reactions were quite convincing. Worry, anger, frustration, more worry. And I marvel at the writing in this show. Just to think up those lines...Pretend I'm a tree. Hug me. I'll protect you. I'll hug you back... And we'll walk together and get out of here." Just a delightful, endearing sequence.

EJ, Hombre, Sylvia....you all are cracking me up with your analysis of the cleavage on HD. Even on my regular small screen fuzzy TV.... if my son walks through the room during ANY program, including the NEWS, his head whips around and I get a Good Grief reaction. The weather girl is so endowed she blocks most of the central states in the US. Fortunately he and my husband are not around for Corazon Salvaje.

Finally, EJ, thanks again for your ssssssneaky ssssssibilant ssssscenario in your dazzling first recap. We are all having so much fun with that.

Smart and savvy title (combining beloved Pooh with Bill and Ted - creative genius). Judy, as much as I loved the recap, the vocabulary was a veritable garden of gems. Beautiful and greatly appreciated.

You described the Mau and Moni lovefest perfectly by "no need for nightie". Glad I didn't see the candles - an absolute no no and terrible fire hazard.

I laughed at Ximena bringing up cannibalism to further add to poor Arni's misery. I still don't see them as anything more than friends but am glad Rolu finally realizes there is an attraction between the 2 on some level.

I cringed as it seems Estrella has put herself further in the line of fire. Hissy is out of Estrella's league and Estrella is now even more vulnerable as she dared to thwart Hissy's plan...Blech.

Wonderful comments today everyone!


Hi Diana. I agree...wonderful comments...and Estrella is so aggressive in her challenges of Isabel that it's frightening. Like messing with a python.

The actress playing Isabel is doing a great job with the part. We all loathe her...and fear her. Thank goodness it's basically a light-hearted telenovela and we can count on a sweet ending. (not like the OSU women's game...grrrrrr)

JudyB, I absolutely loved Winnie the Pooh when I was a child. My father read the books to my sis and me nightly with a particular voice for each character, tunes for the songs and poems, the whole bit. The first time we saw a Winnie the Pooh movie and he sang one of the songs from the book my sis and I blurted out "That's not the way it goes!!" We could have cared less about the songs written for the movie but we didn't want Disney messing daddy's tunes!

So that's why I need HD. Reminds of a Sally Forth cartoon we cut out at one time. Saw it again the other day.

Frame 1:
Sally: What are you watching Ted?

Frame 2:
Ted: An enlightening and edifying series of cultural studies.

Frame 3:
Sally: It looks like a bevy of stunning Hispanic women.

Ted: It's called a telenovela and every episode should win an Emmy.

Oh Sylvia...what a wonderful dad you had. So glad he read you those stories and with so much panache! Of course Disney couldn't possibly hope to match it.

Jeff, I have to give Televisa (and the other Hispanic stations) credit. They know what men like and they know who controls the remote and the purse strings in Latino households. If anything is going to pull those guys away from the latest soccer game it would be those overflowing bodices. Go for it.

Great recap, Judy, with just the right amount of snark. (Mike and I just love snark in the recaps and comments!)

My grandmother lived with us when I was a child. She did most of the reading to my brothers and me, probably to give my parents a break from the chaos of four rowdy children. Mom also read when she could but when Dad took over, we kids fussed to high heaven, "Read it right!!!"

Our children had a Pooh Bear record narrated by Carole Channing. What a wonderful growly voice! I read everything else to our younguns, but they wanted Carole to read Pooh.

I agree about Estrella messing with a sssssnake - not smart. But she has such a big heart, she just has to step in there and defend Monita, no matter what the consequences.

Ximena and Arny? I can't decide. We'll see what today brings. Can't wait! But wasn't he cute scratching his back on a tree and waving his shredded gloves?

Hi Emilia. This has been such fun hearing about people's various bedtime reading experiences. My daughter started reading bedtime and other time stories to her children when they were infants. Evidently part of a bedtime/nap routine she wanted to establish FIRMLY. Dinner, short playtime, bath and then 3 stories. Seemed strange to me but by the time her babies were 4 or 5 months old they knew the stories they liked. Jack would simply brush the book aside if he was tired of it, so then you knew you had to get another one!

And he's pretty good about going to bed after that but big sister works it for another hour at least...I need a drink of water, I need a snack...my tummy hurts....

Agree with you about Estrella. She's passionate and impulsive...no way she's gonna hold her fire with Isabel so we'll see what the consequences are.

As vicious as Isabella is, we need to remember that she spoke aloud of the injection not harming Estrella's baby. So somewhere in that messed up mind, there still flickers a small concience.

I just realized it was Carlos who asked about my daughter. You were right Carlos, it's her 1st anniversary - see rest of comment addressed to Judy.

Judy, I sort of saw Guapos from time to time, and I remember how the chauffeur (played by our Arnie) was crazy for the young blonde at the pool. So his persistence finally paid off? Great!

Jeff, I can just picture that comic strip. So true.

I'm still hoping the pictures somehow fall into the hands of Estrella or Mau before Moni sees them. Of course there's still the problem of what Aldo saw.

Why doesn't that nurse just call the police? Now that she's helping Salvador and Lorenza, that would seem to be a good move. Maybe she doesn't know that Oscar's a wanted fugitive, though.

Did anyone see Community last week? The vocabulary on the board in the Spanish classroom was all stuff like acostarse, pecho, pechuga, recámara, beso. I think it would be hilarious if Señor Chang got his students into watching a telenovela.

Okay Julia. You're going to have to fill in another gaping cultural gap for me. What is Community?

It's a comedy on NBC on Thursday nights. It takes place at a community college, and the main cast is a bunch of students who are in the same Spanish class and have formed a study group.

Thanks. I'll have to check it out. The vocabulary is certainly apt for hormone-driven college students (not that the rest of us aren't).

Our "esquincles" used to also enjoy the Beatrix Potter books and Emilia and I can still recite certain passages. "Mrs. Tiggywinkle's nose went sniffle, sniffle, snuffle and her eyes went twinkle, twinkle and she fetched another hot iron from the fire." Etc, etc, etc. What used to light off the kids (and get me yelled at for doing so at bedtime) was when I'd read them The Gingerbread Man but use a hard "G" instead of a "J" sound in gingerbread. Run, run as fast as you can! You can't catch me, I'm the GinGerbread man!

Dad!! Dad!! Read it properly!! Mike! What are you doing!!


I am so sorry about the Ohio women's loss. What a downer.

Recapping was a blast, hard, but fun. (Thanks again Carlos, for giving me the opportunity).My limited Spanish language skills got quite a workout. The captions were just awful. I don't know how you guys do it every week; especially in a dialogue-heavy episode. I find them more confusing than helpful most of the time.

Diana and all who are worried about Estrella, I join you. Our star is clever, now she needs to just shut-up about what she knows. Isabel has already drugged her,Estrella knows that Hissabel is dangerous, why is she teasing the cobra? Hubris, Estrella. Remember hubris.

I wouldn't be surprised to see either Estrella or Paula be the agent of Isabel's demise.

It would be nice to see the actress playing Isabel in a much lighter role. Ditto Coni. Sometimes these actors are just too good.


ITA about hose two fine actresses. I would love to see Coni as a heroine and Isabel in a Jacui-type role. She certainly is an elegant viper and she has a great figure.


Mike and Elna June.. If you want to see Isabel in a 'good' role, catch 'Navidad Sin Fin' the next time it is on around Christmastime. She is on towards the end as one of the last angels.. Yes, as an angel. Hard to believe watching her here. :)
Coni deserves a good role. I thought someone has said she plays the 'good' role in an upcoming TN?? Trouble with playing the protagonist, I think a lot of them don't get the wide ranging roles that the villain does.

I don't think Hissy will get much a chance at Estrella any more. She will sure want to do something to her, but I don't think she'll get a chance. I think Estrella is of the 'fool me once' you sure won't get another chance school... I hope. :)

Hi everyone...just checking in again after teaching class. I've only seen Constanza in semi-villaness roles but the actress doing Isabel is usually a long-suffering mother. I just saw a few episodes of Navidad sin Fin so missed her angelic appearance, but Fernando Colunga plays the lead in it and is really dorky. Hard to believe, but he is.

I believe it, Judy. I saw Maria la del Barrio...well, part of it, until I couldn't stand Thalia's affectations any longer. FC was pretty dorky there. He's really improved with age.

Okay, how many people other than Hissabel could walk into the batcave, into what is clearly a private moment, without the slightest embarrassment or apology? I did like how Mauricio just climbed back in bed, giving her a look like, "yeah, we were getting busy. Take that."

I wouldn't classify FC as 'the' lead in Navidad, a lead character in one of the parts. Seems like at least 3 parts? Mainly following some angels. He was in the first part. If you didn't know it was FC, you may not even realize it. He uses a singsong voice you here every once in awhile in TNs, usually with the lower class. It's a nice little show. The angels are helping people and in the end fighting the devil. 'Isabel' is in the last part. Doesn't last too many weeks, maybe just a month. Seems like it comes on about every 2-3 years in December.

Julia, that's true, how many could walk in like that. Also, how many would just climb back into bed like that like Mau. LOL

Yep, that was a great scene. Mauricio was obviously rubbing it in, while pretending to just be happily sharing the good news. This is quite a show. Lots of interesting quirky scenes.

i couldn't stop laughing when i read about Xime and Arny meeting Sal and saying "follow the light" I ROTFL'ed

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