Friday, March 19, 2010

Mujeres Asesinas 2, Thursday, March 18: The case of the torching torturer.

Tonight we get a re-showing of the most popular show from the first season, so Leticia Calderon is "Sonia, Desalmada" (Sonia, Soulless). I believe according to the gossip, this is the role that got her cast in ENDA.

A junk collector and his dog are walking down an alley. The man sees smoke rising from a dumpster and picks up a branch to poke around. What he sees makes him gasp and run off.

The credits are a bunch of clips from throughout the first season, I presume, accompanied by the show's instrumental theme. I miss Gloria this week.

A man and a woman walk off an elevator into a parking garage. The man is Dr. Fernando Quevedo, played by Juan Soler, who I last saw as Aldo the Daisy Duke-d angel in La Fea Mas Bella. The woman is his medical resident Marcela Gonzalez, played by Grettel Valdez, who I last saw as Carlota in Lola. They're flirting and being watched by a woman with zebra-stripe-tipped nails smoking a cigarette. I assume this will turn out to be Sonia Quevedo, aka Cruelota from ENDA. She finally insists she has to leave and he's got a surgery to perform. She pulls herself a way and he grins, watching her, before getting back on the elevator. Sonia whispers, "Marcela." Bye, Marcela. It was nice knowing you.

Marcela combs her hair while her mom watches. She tolls mom that she'll probably be back late because she's got "guardia" (she's on call tonight). The phone starts ringing and she tells Mom not to answer it. Mom insists they can't keep living this way. She yells at the person on the other end of the phone that this is a decent house and her daughter's not…. The party on the other end hangs up. Mom wonders what that woman has against Marcela and Marcela denies knowing. Marcela asks Mom to please just let the machine answer it. Mom fusses some more about Marcela taking a taxi from the hospital and not the street because it's dark out by the time she leaves work.

Marcela walks down the street, followed by a car. She gets into a taxi and Sonia quits following her.

A coworker, Isabel, asks Marcela how it's going with "you-know-who" (she's dating Voldemort? That puts a whole different spin on things.) Marcela gets jumpy and asks "a ti que te importa?" (what's it to you). Whatever, Isabel was just wondering if she was off the waiting list yet. Dr. Fernando hears this and asks what list. Isabel says it's the surgery list, but he gives her a suggestive smile. Marcela asks him for a minute of his time and before they leave he mumbles something to Isabel about not missing her turn.

Marcela and Dr. F get to macking in an exam room. Marcela, in between moans and groans, tells him that people are starting to suspect. There's more mumbling on his part until she shoves him away and says she doesn't like hearing the gossip. He throws out an "a ti que te importa" before leaving the room. She walks out after him and says his surgery is at 12. Sonia is waiting for them in the hall. She asks who Marcela is and, on hearing the name, says "I know who you are. Fernando's never mentioned you." She says her name is Sonia and reaches out a hand. Marcela shakes her hand. Sonia says "I'm Fernando's wife. I'm sure he's mentioned me to you." Marcela uncomfortably excuses herself and Fernando drags Sonia into the same exam room he was just in with Marcela. He's upset at her for being there, but she says she wants him to come with her to see the remodeling that they're doing of her parents' house. He tells her to deal with her affairs on her own. She starts coming on to him and saying that he is her business and she wants the house to be perfect for them. He pushes her away, calling her pathetic and reminds her that they're in a hospital. She reminds him that she's his wife, but he calls her "frigid" and says she never wants to get help. Fernando says he's the problem and there's no point to this. He starts to leave, but she says she isn't going to beg, "I want you to make love to me." Fernando tells her to see to the remodeling and maybe she'll get lucky and find a really good "albanil" (builder) who will give her the tumble of her life.

Marcela walks down the street, being followed again. Sonia stops when Marcela walks up a flight of stairs. "Soon, Marcela, very soon."

Marcela gripes at Isabel for not telling her that Fernando was married. "It was a week ago, get over it already." Isabel asks why she had to tell Marcela something that everybody already knows. "Well, he said they were divorced." "And you believed him? And what will you be asking Santa Claus for this Christmas?" Marcela continues to insist that Isabel should have told her. Isabel tells her that everybody sleeps with everybody else in the hospital. "Is that why you told me about the list?" Isabel says the guy is swimming in money and what's best about him is that he's married. A nurse in a white uniform asks if the gals have seen the new guy in trauma, "He's divine, he's got an ass that's, mmm" (nalgas = ass). She says she's got to go, she's got a thing with someone in cardiology. Marcela is mopey. "They keep calling my house. When my mom answers they tell her the same thing, that I'd better take care of myself, that they're going to kill me." Isabel wonders if Marcela has any idea who it could be. Marcela doesn't know, but Isabel recommends she figure it out and report it to the cops. "It's probably a crazy lady." "Por eso" (that's why; you can use it in place of "exactly" or "well, there you go") replies Isabel.

Marcela hands over a clipboard to the girls at the desk and leaves. Fernando comes after her and says she's been ignoring him for days and he heard she applied for a change in residency. Marcela will, in fact, be starting at a new hospital on Monday. Fernando tries to argue that this hospital is the best one for her specialty. He offers to explain things to her, but she just asks him to tell his wife to stop calling her house. "My mom's getting really nervous and she's about to make a report." Fernando tells her they need to go get a coffee.

Fernando wonders what she wanted him to say. "The truth!" Marcela informs him that the "partial" truth he told her is no good to her, she doesn't go out with married men. "But I'm getting divorced, I swear!" Yeah, like we've never heard that one before. He says he didn't want to hurt either her or Sonia. Marcela doesn't want him to do anything, as there's nothing left for him to do. "What you did wasn't good." "Oh, please, you sound like my mother!" "No, I sound like your lover!" His phone starts ringing and it's Sonia. Marcela starts to leave, but he asks her not to. Sonia is actually standing right outside of the cafeteria and presumably knows exactly where he is. He lies and says he's just about to go into surgery. She asks him if he's thought about where they're going on vacation this year and he flips out and says he hadn't thought about it yet. He asks her to hold on as Marcela starts walking out and calls after her. This gives Sonia enough notice to avoid being seen by Marcela by the simple expedient of turning her head the other way. Once Marcela has left, he picks up the phone and starts trying to continue his conversation with Sonia, who is busy staring after Marcela.

Marcela gets followed down the street, yet again, and this time Sonia honks. She offers Marcela a ride and Marcela asks her to quit calling her house. "I didn't know he was a married man and my mom doesn't need…" Sonia asks Marcela to give her a chance to apologize. Marcela gets in the car…NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I'm going to make a general rule here that if a person is, was, or intends to be sleeping with another woman's husband, it is extremely unwise to get into a car alone with that woman. This is a PSA brought to you by the Foundation For Not Ending Up In A Pool of Blood. Once Marcela gets into the car, and before she's even quite finished closing the door, Sonia stabs her with a syringe and injects a pale yellow liquid. She tells Marcela it's just an "analgesico" (analgesic; painkiller). Marcela starts to get out of the car, but Sonia grabs her by the hair and slams her face into the car door until she passes out. She raises the window and says "You know, you and I have a lot in common. I wanted to be a doctor too, and I was also one of Fernando's residents, but, well, we'll talk about that later. We have a lot to talk about." She locks the doors and puts the car in gear.

Marcela wakes up tied to a chair. Sonia tells her that she's in her house as a guest. Marcela starts crying for her mother. Sonia throws water on her face to get her fully woken up. Marcela starts babbling that she didn't know he was married, but Sonia doesn't believe her. Marcela is sobbing and babbling and Sonia says she won't let her go or else she'll go running to Fernando and then Sonia and Fernando will never be happy. Marcela screams at Sonia that she's crazy and gets slapped across the face for it. "Didn't anyone ever teach you not to scream in other people's houses?" I dunno, lady, didn't anyone ever teach you not to kidnap people? Sonia tells Marcela that she grew up in that house.

We get a flashback to a little Sonia having a tea party with her dolls until Daddy walks in. She gets nervous, but daddy asks for a cup of tea. After she gives it to him, he shoves the dolls off the table and says he wants the two of them to play alone.

"My dad smoked. My mother didn't. We can stay here as long as you like, you and I, alone." Marcela begs again to be let go. "What, you want to go? Without having tea? Without talking? You're sleeping with my husband and you can't even talk to me?" Sonia puts her cigarette out on Marcela's shoulder.

Sonia and Marcela are both sleeping when the buzzer sounds. Sonia sits up and says "He came! My love came!" She gags Marcela and tells her to be quiet. She gives her a kiss on top of the head and goes rushing out. Marcela sobs.

Sonia fixes her hair before answering the door to Fernando. He tells her they've got to talk. Meanwhile, Marcela keeps sobbing and Fernando hears something and turns around. Sonia distracts him by asking him if he likes the wall color. "That's why you wanted me to come? To talk about the wall color?" She says no, but can't articulate what she did want to talk to him about. The fact that he keeps interrupting her doesn't help. He starts to open the door to the room where Marcela is, but she asks him not to because it's a disaster. "Like the rest of the house isn't?" Sonia takes off her jacket and starts to take off his and kiss him. She's telling him she loves him and he tells her she's sick and pathetic. Then he leaves. Sonia starts crying and looks at herself in the mirror. Then Hulk gets angry and goes to take it out on Marcela some more. "Did you see what you did? I lost him and it's your fault! And here you were, making noise so he'd hear you, right." Sonia notices that Marcela has wet herself and calls her "cochina" (dirty).

In a flashback, we see that little Sonia has wet herself. Her father yells at her that he can't even talk to her because the first thing she does is wet herself. Well, asshole, maybe if you wouldn't confuse "yelling" with "talking."

Back to grown-up crazy Sonia. "Is that the only thing that occurs to you, and just when Fernando shows up! Clean it up!"

Flashback: "Well, now you're going to clean it up!"

Present: "Clean it up!" Marcela, it should be noted, is still tied to the chair. "Clean it up now!" Sonia shoves the chair over on its side.

Flashback: Sonia is cleaning the floor with the bottom of her dress. "I'm not going to be cleaning up your filth. Clean it! Or do you think your mommy is going to come help you? Mommy's not here anymore."

Present: "Does it hurt?" When the chair fell, Marcela hit the same side of her head that had been bashed into the car door. "Of course. And that's good that it hurts. Rest up, precious." Marcela keeps crying.

Back at the hospital, in the locker room, Isabel and the nurse are discussing Marcela's disappearance. Isabel says she hasn't seen her in two days. "Are you sure she didn't take vacation?" Isabel doesn't think so. Marcela's mom, Lorena, walks in and greets Isabel. She came to check out Marcela's locker and see if there was anything in it to help them figure out where Marcela is. Isabel opens the locker for her, as Lorena says first there were all those calls to the house, and now…. Lorena hasn't called the police because "the woman" has been calling saying that if she called the police…. Isabel thinks that's exactly why she needs to call. She suggests that Lorena get in touch with DIEM, they should know what to do. Lorena asks if by any chance, her daughter was going out with that doctor who…. Isabel asks her to go get a coffee.

Lorena goes to DIEM and looks around nervously. She bumps into a few people and doesn't seem to know who to ask for. Teniente Alvarez (played by Laisha Wilkins, aka La Momia, aka Constanza in both Gancho and briefly in CS) greets her and tells her that Det. Capellan is already working on the case. She walks Lorena to Capellan's office.

Capellan's hair is much, much bigger this season. Alvarez takes notes as Lorena says that she last saw Marcela two days ago when Marcela was on her way to work. It was in the afternoon, and she wasn't planning on coming home for dinner because she was on call. She was supposed to come back in the morning, on the following day, but she never came home. Capellan asks Alvarez to pull the on-call schedule for the hospital. Capellan asks if Lorena has been getting calls asking for money and Lorena says that they didn't ask for money, but she did get calls from the same woman. Lorena tells Capellan about the previous calls. The started out insulting, then they got threatening, and now they're saying they've got Marcela and they're going to kill her. She didn't make a report from the beginning "por estupida" (because I was stupid). "My daughter is very innocent sometimes. I'm not saying that because I'm her mother. I'm worried that she's so naïve. You know how the world is, like there's no place for innocence." Capellan confirms that the first call was about a week ago. Lorena tells her that one day, Marcela came home from work very upset and didn't want dinner and that the next day they started getting the calls. She calls them "obscene" calls. Capellan apologizes in advance and asks if the calls and threats have something to do with the "innocence" of her daughter.

Sonia picks up the chair and unties the gag. She pats Marcela on the cheek. "Did I tell you that I studied medicine? I got as far as my residency. My specialty was surgery." She has a set of surgical tools and she's looking lovingly at a scalpel. "That's where I met Fernando. Just like you. He was a brilliant young man. He was already head resident, and before 30, imagine! You know why he fell in love with me? My scalpel skills " (bisturí = scalpel) she's showing the scalpel to Marcela. "No one could take out an appendix more neatly than I could. " She takes the scalpel and cuts an x into Marcela's upper chest. Marcela starts screaming. I'm pretty sure yesterday's injection has worn off. Sonia strokes her cheek.

"You're right, my daughter was going out with that doctor, but she thought he was divorced. Now I know that his last name is Quevedo and that he's the head resident, Isabel just told me. She's my daughter's friend." Lorena isn't sure if the calls have anything to do with that. She says Marcela was a good girl and wasn't raised to go out with married men. "My daughter had already broken up with him. And I thought that everything would calm down." Capellan picks up the phone and asks someone if they've already processed the photograph.

Camacho shows someone that he can make a three-dimensional reconstruction of a face from a photograph. The conversation is somewhat mumbled, so I don't hear what the two men are talking about, but something to do with what the computer program does. Alvarez comes in and Camacho fumbles the calipers and bulb syringe he'd been playing with. Alvarez tells Camacho she needs him on a 315.

Alvarez and Camacho are at the hospital talking to a nurse. She gets Isabel's last name, then finds out that Isabel was last seen with Dr. Quevedo, who is probably in surgery right now. Dr. Q is just coming out of surgery and the nurse points him out. When Alvarez introduces herself and says where she's from, Dr. Q figures it must be about Marcela. Alvarez asks him to come with them. Isabel looks meaningfully at Dr. Q and says "Fer". Alvarez asks her if she's Isabel and asks her to come with them also. "Well, I don't understand this, the doctor just came out of a difficult surgery and…." "And I suppose you also want to help us to help other people from suffering more, like Marcela's mother?" Fernando says they'll go get changed and go with them. Nice, Isabel. Your friend disappears and not only have you moved in to take her place with Fernando, but you don't want to talk to the cops about her disappearance?

Back at the remodel, Sonia smokes a cigarette and thinks about the past.

Flashback: Sonia is in the shower and her dad walks in on her. She covers herself with the towel, but he takes it away from her. He tells her her mommy's not coming.

Present: Marcela is crying for her mother. "Is that all you wanted, Marcela? To separate me from my husband? I'd end up alone. I'm not your mother, Marcela, and your mom isn't coming." Sonia starts crying and says "She's not coming. That's how Fernando likes them, you know, young. They've all been young. He doesn't like grown women. And I've kept quiet, you know? I've never, never said anything. I can already imagine, if I went out with a younger guy. Fernando would die if I went out with anyone else. He's very jealous. He didn't make jealous scenes with you?" Marcela just keeps sobbing. "I'm talking to you!" Sonia stabs her in the thigh with the scalpel and Marcela screams. "That's it. Now you're paying attention, right? Poor thing. Who would like you looking like this. You need a touch-up." Marcela keeps begging. Sonia pulls out some black eye shadow and a huge brush and starts putting it on Marcela's eyelids. "You haven't answered me, was he jealous?"

Flashback: "Your mom isn't ever going to come back. Now, you and I are alone." Sonia is huddled in her towel, after her bath, and her dad hugs her. He's combing her hair as he says he can take care of her. "See how your hair is. What did you mom put in your hair, Sonia?" Sonia hands him a bottle. "Good. She knew everything. She always took care of us. But now she's not here."

Present: Marcela has the classic bad girl eyes now. I can never manage to achieve that look, no matter how much black eyeshadow I layer on. It always comes out kind of a muddy grey and not trashy-looking enough. "See, you look beautiful! Oh, no, but look at your hair! It's a disaster. But that's got a solution." Sonia pulls out scissors and cuts the elastic out of Marcela's hair. She grabs a bunch of hair from the top of Marcela's head, but Marcela is sobbing. "Oh, Marcela, no, really, I can't do it like this." Marcela swears for the millionth time that she didn't know he was a married man. "Stop lying. I don't like lies. I hate lies, Marcela." She stabs her in the arm with the scissors, then wipes them off on her shirt before going back to cutting Marcela's hair. "You complain about everything." She starts humming. "Come on, sing with me."

Fernando tells Det. Capellan that Sonia is incapable of doing "something like that." Capellan asks if he is and he denies it. "Your wife found out about the adultery. In these cases people start to threaten, blackmail." Fernando wants clarification about blackmail. He tells Capellan that Sonia's the one with the money, not him.

Alvarez is talking to Isabel. She asks if that was the last time Isabel saw Marcela and whether Marcela had a car. "Marcela would take the bus and if we got out late, she'd get a taxi. Can I go now." Alvarez asks about her relationship with Dr. Quevedo. Isabel is surprised. "According to your coworker, Irene Cervantes, you were in a relationship with the doctor before he broke it off to go out with Marcela. I suppose that upset you." "Are you saying I did something?" "I'm asking." "I don't understand." Alvarez says that there's a possibility that this was done by a jealous lover. "Did you or didn't you have anything to do with Marcela's disappearance?" Isabel doesn't answer before we go to commercial.

Det. Capellan asks Fernando when his wife found out about Marcela. He says it was recently, maybe about a week ago when she came to see him at the hospital. "She surprised me, as always." He says she came because she complains that she never sees him. He saw her the day before yesterday at the house she's remodeling. He tells Capellan that the house was empty. "Yesterday when you were there, did you notice anything strange about the house, or about her?" He says he didn't, but then remembers her telling him not to open the door. He tells Capellan this.

Capellan storms out of the interview room. Fernando follows her, but stops by the stairs and takes a deep breath.

Sonia is wringing out a cloth in a bucket and Marcela begs for water. "Do you know how long a person can live without water? Four days." Marcela begs, but Sonia empties the rest of her water bottle out into the bucket and says it's all gone. "I know, I can give you coffee! Do you drink coffee? Of course, with Fernando you drank coffee all the time." She opens a thermos and pours hot coffee all over Marcela's legs. "Why are you doing this to me?" "Oh, how funny! I knew you were going to ask me that!" "Look, I have nothing to do with your husband, I swear." "Look, Marcela, I tried to do this nicely. I even called your mom so she'd make you see reason, but you wouldn't pay attention. Well, your filth is clean now. That's something. You can't live in filth. I hate filthy people. What's more, I'm going to give you a bath." She starts to untie Marcela. "I broke up with Fernando." Sonia screams that Marcela can't and shouldn't talk about him. "He talks about you, you about him, and me? I don't know what to do with you anymore. Fernando is MY husband and he LOVES me! You don't believe me? You're going to hear it right now." She starts dialing her cell phone.

Camacho comes in to tell Capellan that they've reviewed the camera footage from the hospital. She tells him to forget about that, they've got a code red at this address. Fernando's phone starts ringing and he runs in to Capellan. They get the computer ready and sit him down. When they signal, he answers. "Fernando, my love! You answered! I miss you so much! Tell me you love me!" "I love you, Sonia." Marcela starts getting herself untied as Sonia is asking Fernando where he is. "You're at DIEM? What's that? For Marcela? Do you want me with you?" When he says he does, she falls all over herself telling him to wait and writing down the address. She writes it down, continuing to ask if her loves her. She finally announces, "We're going to be so happy! Do you remember when we were happy? I love you! Yes, yes, love, of course I'm coming over. I'll be right there." Marcela is dragging herself toward the door as Sonia is wrapping up her phone call. "What are you doing?" Sonia tells Marcela to throw herself at his feet. She cuts Marcela's throat, shallowly and Marcela starts bleeding onto the floor. Sonia sits down and watches.

DIEM storm the place and find evidence of blood. Camacho calls Capellan to inform her, "We got here too late." Capellan tells someone in the hallway to send Mrs. Q's photo and information out. She tells someone else to inform the airport and the border checkpoints. Alvarez tells Capellan that they just found a woman's body in a trash dumpster. Capellan tells her to have Camacho send the blood samples form the house. Sonia, cool as a cucumber, walks in and introduces herself to Det. Capellan.

In the interview room, Capellan tells Sonia that they have satellite records to confirm that less than an hour ago she was at the house. "Who told you about that house?" "Your husband." "Wow. Finally he's interested in me."

The forensic guy analyzes the DNA and it matches. That's so fake, it's supposed to take a couple of days at least.

Capellan is telling Sonia that they found her using her cell phone when the forensic guy walks in and hands Capellan the folder. He tells her the samples match, "the blood at the house and from the body we received are the same."

Alvarez tells Lorena that what she's about to see won't be easy. She doesn't know if she's ready. They uncover the face and Lorena gasps and says it's Marcela. "What have they done to you? Let me see." Alvarez holds her up.

We still hear her weeping as we cut back to Capellan and Sonia and Sonia's creepy smile. "I'll be brief. The evidence implicates you in the murder and kidnapping of Marcela Gonzalez. Why don't you tell me once and for all what happened." Sonia agrees. She opens up her trench and we see her white shirt all stained with blood. "Where do you want me to start?" She smiles proudly.

Sonia drives a car out to the dumpster we saw earlier. She pulls Marcela out of the trunk, dumps her in the dumpster, wipes her hands on her shirt, and pulls two containers of gasoline out of the trunk. She empties them into the dumpster, lights her lighter and lowers it to Marcela's face. Marcela opens her eyes and sees the lighter. Her eyes go to Sonia. Sonia tosses the lighter into the dumpster.

"Marcela was kidnapped two days before being murdered. The autopsy revealed that she was still alive when her body began burning. Sonia was found guilty of kidnapping, torture and premeditated murder with violence. She was condemned to the maximum sentence: 50 years in prison."


50 years, seriously? That's the maximum sentence?

Yes, but that is the maximum sentence for just one crime. She committed several, murder alone should have gotten her at least 40 kidnapping would have added another 20 years. I don't know how much would have been added with torture.

Thank you for the recap Kat, I enjoyed your PSA :).


Hi Kat,

I'm so annoyed I missed last nite's show, but you did a great job recapping. I'm sure you didn't miss a thing. I could visualize it all. She made me cringe. What a sick person she was.

I would only have loved to see Cruelota on the screen in this one.


Loved the recap 5ft. I remember watching this before and I was very disturbed by it and also surprised at how graphically violent it was. I can see why Leticia could play Carlota in ENDA after this. Also loved you PSA too. If you know a crazy jealous wife is threatening you (Like the poor victim in the last show a week or so ago) for God's sakes don't get inside of a car with them.

Wow Kat another great recap i didn't know if you were going to do one for a rerun.

This first episode of MA from the first season i believe has launched Leticia Calderon career as a villain. After watching it again i could see traces of when she played Carloca on EDNA in it.

Only 50 years how about lifetime incarceration without parole.

So were they implying that she was sexually abused by her father when she was young?

If i hear another person say oh i don't think they are capable of doing that i think i will scream.

I know a lot of you were chilled and scared from watching this first episode, i was too but the one episode that really gave me nightmares and frighten the hell out me was the one on the farm with the woman shaman and her two sons and i think it was her husband.

They killed the girl who was pregnant by taking her out deep into land dragging by the truck and let a poisonous snake bite her.

This something very frightening about living around people like Sonia, or Clara but what's even more scary is the people who are closes to them don't realize how dangerous they are.

Kat: Exceptional (as always).

I saw this episode when it originally aired. Honestly, it gave me nightmares for weeks.

The acting was superb, the story gruesome and hard to watch.

This was the first time I had seen Leticia, so when I heard she was cast in ENDA, I knew she would be evil personified. I wasn't wrong.

Thanks so much Kat. You cleared up quite a few questions I had.


Yikes!!! Thanks Kat for your recap. I watched until she overturns the chair with Marcela in it and then couldn't watch any more. I saw the whole thing when it aired before and it freaked me out so badly that I didn't watch the next 3 or 4 episodes. I finally started watching again. But Leticia was horrifying.

help! anybody know how to get a message to Caray that the Thursday recap for Gancho cannot be opened-- maybe it's just for MAC users on safari.

Hey Kat! I didn't know anyone was recapping this show. This is the only episode I've seen so I'm probably behind. It's pretty awesome. Thanks for the recap.

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