Saturday, March 27, 2010

Salvaje 03/26/10: Calamity Beckons: Juan Suffers a Crisis of Conscience and Aimee’s Got a Crisis with Juan

capítulo 26

[It was a bit of a snoozer this time, so take your No-doze before reading. –ed.]

Viewerville’s thought of the day: The problem with passion is that sometimes your conscience gets in the way. Viewerville’s second thought of the day: Maybe the Bad and the Beautiful just need to stay mad and be born butt-ugly.

In his casota, Juan now knows that his true love is the daughter of his worst enemy and he’s afraid of losing his will to carry out his plans for vengeance. Juan’s conscience has just taken a tasty chunk out of his backside. He swears to his father that he will carry out his promise to him in spite of what he feels for Aimee. It’s going to be easier said than done, though, because he cannot forget their passionate encounters. Juan must remind himself that he is still a nasty son of a gun. A lot of screaming of “I’m Juan del Diablo!” ensues. At the same time, at her bedroom mirror, in between admiring glances at herself, Aimee wonders why Juan seemed to hate her father so much that he nearly killed him, and why Juan acted the way he did when he realized they were his daughters. She’s determined to find out.

Across the hallway, in Rodrigo’s bedroom, with Regi and Leonarda anxiously looking on, Dr. Pablo is examining Rod. The good doctor prescribes bed rest and avoiding fits of anger. Rod is hard put to comply with the doctor’s orders because just thinking of Juan and the incident at the church gets him going again. Leonarda insists on caring for Rod-- for her own selfish reasons of course. Regina is just as adamant about wanting to look after him herself. The doctor agrees with Leona that Regi is still too fragile and could suffer a relapse from all the upset. Leona wins out. Once Regi walks the doctor out, Leona tells Rod she’ll look after him and help him recover. The old bull, for once in his life, seems sincerely grateful to her.

Downstairs, Federico is skulking around and waiting to make his move. He hears Regi talking with Dr. Pablo and hides around a corner wall. Noel comes up the stairs and tells Regi not to worry about her daddy, and then races up to speak with Rod. Feddy continues to eavesdrop on Regi and Dr. Pablo. Dr. P. tells Regi that despite the bad timing, he is still glad to have a chance to see her again. Feddy thinks to himself that Dr. P. is a bit too interested in Regi’s health for his liking, and Feddy is not about to let the meddling doctorcito interfere with a future meal ticket.

Regi confesses to Dr. Pablo that she’s worried her nervous condition is causing her to see things that aren’t there. Pablo, in his best wanna-be and would-be wedded and bedded bedside manner, tells Regi that she has nothing to worry about. A bad case of nerves doesn’t cause hallucinations. He tries a flirt that goes flat and right over the head of our naive novice-in-waiting and suggests that if she smiles more she’d see how quickly she gets better. He cavalierly kisses her hand and then leaves. As Regi watches him go she is still convinced she’s having hallucinations because of seeing “that woman” (Maria del Rosario) that time in her room.

Down in the basement, Rosie has apparently gotten very sick. Mirta the Mute is scared for Rosie who, she realizes, is now suffering from fever and delirium.

Aimee, oblivious to her daddy’s near date with death, is worrying more about the possibility of never seeing Juan again and the reason he acted the way he did towards them at the church. She decides to go looking for him at the caves.

Across the way in Rod’s room, Noel asks Rod what made him insult Juan to begin with. Rod tells him he was letting the man know that he was shocked to see a ruffian like him in a church and simply told him so. Noel says then he was pretty much asking for trouble. “It was to be expected that a man who is rough around the edges would react that way if provoked.” Leona gets angry at Noel for defending some stranger instead of a member of his own family. (Excuse me? Didn’t the woman tell him a few hours ago that he wasn’t considered family any longer?) Noel clarifies he simply wanted to be fair about it. Leona insults his idea of “fairness”. Noel sits stone faced and silently glares at her, but behind those quiet eyes of his it’s pure blood lust. (Viewerville licks its lips in anticipation of the day that emotional dam inside him breaks.)

Aimee gets to the cave, but she can’t find Juan and she sees there’s no bonfire. She decides to wait for him a while, anyway. Juan, though, is out on the Luzbel sailing and reconsidering his options. While Aimee sits and waits for Juan to return, she remembers his passionate kisses and tells herself that she couldn’t cope if she lost him. She is determined not to let that happen.

Juan returns home instead of to the cave and he orders Gabriel to prepare everything for their return to Spain. Gabe doesn’t understand why they’re going. Juan angrily tells him never to question his authority, and then backs off a bit. He explains it’s to avoid becoming a murderer because he’s certain that the next time he comes face to face with Rodrigo Montes de Oca he will kill him.

Mirta watches over Rosie as the fever and delirium get worse. Down the passageway from Rosie’s cell, Rosenda tries offering her sexy self to Arcadio in another attempt to get him to let her in on Leona’s big bad secret.

Meanwhile, Leonarda continues to watch over Rodrigo, the sleeping apple of her evil eye, and thinks to herself how much she loves him. Regi walks in and offers to take over for a while. Leona isn’t having any and lies that caring for Regi’s daddy is the best way she knows to repay him for looking after her and Rosie when they were orphaned. Leona won’t take no for an answer. She offers Regina a little of her special “sleepy time” tea to make sure Regi conks out and doesn’t get in her way. Regi takes the tea and falls asleep on the couch.

Rosenda tries making the Orca jealous by telling him how Sra. Leonarda is taking such special pains to care for Don Rodrigo. Orca acts like he doesn’t care. Rosenda pushes his buttons a bit more, telling him that they’re all just servants that the rich play with whenever they have a mind to and then kick out when they have no more use for them. She purrs and smiles at him in a way even The Cheshire Cat would be envious of. “All the more reason for us to become allies.” Orca agrees that she’s probably got a point there. He leaves for a moment to go after something. Mirta grabs him as he walks by and drags him back to Rosie’s cell to show him how sick Rosie is. He could give a rat’s patoot and screams at her that he’d just as soon Rosie died.

Orca gets back to Rosenda and gives her a diamond ring that Leonarda gave him. She smiles seductively and asks if that means they’re going to become bedtime buddies now. He says nope. It just means that they’re going to trust one another. (Wait a Mexican minute here. He could have young and gorgeous and still sticks to ugly and lizard-lipped?) He tells Rosenda that he wants her to start spying on Leonarda for him. Rosenda flirtatiously asks what’s in it for her. Orca grabs her through the bars and squeezes. “—You find out the secret that binds the Sra. to me.” Rosenda lets out with a hot moan. (Yep. Like mother like daughter.)

Upstairs, Leona checks to see if Regi is still asleep and then secretly gives the unconscious Rod a daring kiss on the lips. Noel is taken-aback impactado when he appears a couple minutes later at the bedroom door, unheard and unseen, and watches his wife devotedly placing pillows on Rod’s feet and lovingly rubbing Rod’s hands. Noel quietly shuts the door on Leona’s “personal moment”.

Feddy grabs Noel’s attention on the stairway, trying to ingratiate himself again, and says he was waiting to give his respects before leaving and to ask how Don Rodrigo was faring. Noel, a bit disconcerted, but ever tactful, says that Don Rod is resting under “the untiring ministrations” of his wife and is sure that tomorrow he will be much better. Feddy foppily says he’s happy to hear it and pretends as an afterthought to ask if he could say good-night to Regi as well. Noel says she’s sleeping after the extremely emotional events of the day. Right, says Feddy. “I’m sure both of them had a hard time of it today, seeing that brute [barbaján] assault their father.”

Back at the cave, Aimee tearfully assumes that Juan is shutting her out and decides to return home before Regi discovers she’s missing again.

Gabe goes to the gypsy camp to speak with Jimena. He asks her to find “Estrella” for him and to let her know that he needs to see her because he and his boss are going back to Spain. He doesn’t know if he’ll be coming back and he doesn’t want to leave without seeing her once more. Mena is heart-broken by the news.

Back at Finca del Mar, Leonarda has climbed onto the bed next to Rodrigo and fallen asleep. Regi wakes up--but no alarm bells go off in her head seeing the two of them on the bed that way. No, the naïve and platonic-minded Regi thinks to herself that her poor madrina has worn herself out by tirelessly watching over her papa.

Aimee sneaks back into the house and starts to walk upstairs to bed. Renato calls up to her to catch her attention. “Can’t sleep?” Aimee feigns concern over her poor daddy’s brush with death that day and says it’s kept her awake. Ren says he’ll confront the insolent coward himself the next morning. Aimee begs Ren not to and says she’d simply die if anything happened to him because of it. “The man’s a savage! Promise me you won’t. You must promise me!!” Ren gets his macho on, though, and wants to challenge him to a duel. It’s his duty to, he insists. Amy emphatically objects. “Forget obligations! I should be the most important obligation you have. Promise me you won’t go looking for him.” Eventually Renato gives in to her, believing that it is because Aimee values his safety above the need to defend Tio Rod’s honor, the Sucker! Yep, there’s one born every minute and Aimee thanks her lucky stars that this one’s hers.

The next morning, Regi gets after Aimee for not being more concerned over their daddy’s condition. She says he’s their responsibility and Aimee should be up and getting ready to take her turn at watching over him. Aimee would rather sleep and rolls back over. Regi is as disgusted as ever. (Viewerville scoffs in solidarity with respectful and respectable Regina.)

A few minutes later Regi walks downstairs and runs into Renato. The narrator says he extends his hand to greet her but she’s cold towards him. He settles for a reserved ‘Hi” and “How’d you sleep?” She refuses to look at him but says she’s fine and then asks cattily (especially for a wanna-be nun) that she supposes he’d be pretty happy now that his wedding is so near. She changes the nasty ‘tude and adds that if anyone deserves to be happy it’s him. He says he very often thinks life has given him too much and he should be working more at giving back to the less fortunate. This cracks the shell around Regi a bit and he asks after Rod. They make small talk. Regi says he’s resting and doing better thanks to his mother who looked after him all night long. Ren says she’s a wonderful woman though at times a bit abrupt. (I’d use a bit more colorful language, but Ren is ever his daddy’s boy.) “She has to be a firm woman to manage a finca like this and preserve what she considers my inheritance.”

After a bit more chit chat, Ren eventually convinces Regi to join him for a tour of the site he’s calling “Paradise”, where he’s thinking of building the homes and school for his workers. “I’ve always respected your opinion of things and your advice.” He tells her he recognizes that she’s dressed in a habit to put a frigid barrier up between them and he really wants them to be friends again like old times. She is just as excited as he is over the project. Ren says he wants it to be a place where cruelty ceases to exist and those who work for him and their children can believe they have a future. He wants her there with him to be a part of it. Ren apologizes for whatever stupid thing he might have done to ruin their friendship. She tearfully tells him that he did nothing. She’s won over and says she’ll be there for him whenever he wants. (Blech!)

Back at Juan’s, he’s told Gabe he can’t wait and wants Gabe to close up things there and act as his front man. He’s going back ahead of him. Gabe says fine. Juan wants to know what’s eating at Gabe. Gabe says he knows exactly what he’s upset about: leaving the love of his life without the chance get to know her a little bit better. “Love? Love???” Juan has difficulty dealing and leaves the room.

While Mena frets over her fated loss of Gabe, Dagger Man, aka Servando, sneaks behind her in an attempt to rape her. However, she manages to whack him over the head with a bottle. He falls to the ground unconscious with a bloody gash on the back of his scalp and Mena thinks that she’s killed him. She freaks out and runs to find Regi to ask her for help.

At Finca del Mar, Aimee is refusing to drink even a glass of juice, let alone eat anything. (Ruh-roh! Bun in the oven alert!) Ren comes by to lend moral support since Aimee didn’t sleep well from all the chaos in the house. He tells her he understands perfectly. (No you don’t you stupid chump.) She again plays up her shock at her father’s nearly dying. (Ri-i-i-ight. Lovely piece of work, isn’t she? Twenty-four hours after and she still hasn’t checked on dear old Dad even once.) Renato says he’s been thinking about their chat and he really believes it’s his duty to look for the miserable coward that confronted Tio Rod and challenge him. Aimee becomes frantic and reminds him that he promised her he wouldn’t. “You can’t break a promise!” “—But the family’s honor is at stake here!” She nearly faints at this point and that finally convinces him to forget about the duel.

Upstairs Rosenda is pouring wine for Rodrigo’s repast. He suddenly notices the ring on her hand and suspiciously asks her where she got it. Rosenda is tongue-tied. Leona lies and says she gave it to her since the girl had become her right hand and more than that, is almost like a daughter to her. In fact, she’s become her only companion through this lonely time. Rosenda makes a big show of offering it back to her since Don Rodrigo disapproves. He says no need to. He may have given it to Leonarda but she has the right to do with it as she pleases. Leonarda remembers to breathe and thanks him for his understanding. The two women make a discreet exit.

Servando regains consciousness for a minute or two and drags himself to his wagon where he passes out again. Griselda finds him there and steals the money out of his pockets. “I hope you rot!”

Mena goes through town asking if anyone knows where the Montes de Oca’s live.

Regi is smiling as she remembers her chat that morning with Renato and decides she wouldn’t be doing anyone any harm by simply helping him realize his dream. Suddenly Mena appears out of nowhere, frightened and needing to hide. She tells Regi she just killed a man. She didn’t mean to, she says, but the shameless wretch was trying to take her. Regi has her calm down a bit, then decides that it would be safest with Clemencia.

Leonarda lets Rosenda have it! She gives Rosenda a whack up side the head and demands to know where she got the ring. Rosenda stutters through the stars circling her head now and admits that Arcadio gave it to her. “Why would he give you a piece of jewelry like that? What did you do for it?” Rosenda lies and says that he has been dropping hints about them dropping their drawers, but she of course had refused to pay any attention to him and told him where to get off …er… let him know what she thought about that; and she put him in his place, proper. Leona wants to know if she’d been back in the passageway under the house or not. Rosenda swears she hadn’t stepped foot in there since she was warned off. She would never disobey the Sra. Never! Leona insists he didn’t give her a ring like that for nothing. Rosenda gets her wits about her finally. “Perhaps he wanted to make you jealous and make you notice. You’re spending so much time with Don Rodrigo and you’ve ignored him.” Leona seems to accept that as a possibility.

In another part of the finca, Clemencia is in her room praying to the virgencita. She worries that now that Juan and Aimee have met and gotten involved the same kind of tragedy will happen to the family again. Suddenly Regi and Mena rush into Clemencia’s room and Regi says they need her help. Clemencia is a bit puzzled and asks who Jimena is. “I met Jimena on the boat and I’ll tell you all about it later but right now she’s got problems. You need to let her stay here a while and not let anyone see her.” Clemencia says fine and offers Mena something to drink. “Nobody comes in here and the room is sufficiently large for both of us.” She smiles at them both. Mena gets up to thank her, kisses her hand and then sees something in it that disturbs her. She begins reading Clemencia’s palm: “You have a kind soul. Your soul is so large, and there’s quite a bit of suffering there. There are many secrets that are wearing you out and they won’t let you live in peace. I see two men and two young women and those four lives are crossed together. (The screen dramatically flashes the faces of JD Sr., Rodrigo, MdR and Leonarda.) They are connected by a great tragedy.” Clemencia stares down at her palm and back again at Mena and Regina, who are just as startled and amazed as she is.


Jardinera, your recap wasn't at all something that could put me to sleep. I was lol at "Wait a Mexican minute here. He could have young and gorgeous and still sticks to ugly and lizard-lipped?" and the Renato chump/sucker comments were great too. Gracias for all the laughs. :)

Jardinera let me also echo Cielo de Levy you never disappoint with recaps i'm always LOL while i'm reading them love them and please keep up the good work.

After a hectic two days, I'm taking time to enjoy the last two recaps. Connie and Jardinera, both were models of clarity and snark. Too many funny lines to quote them all. Leo and her golden opportunity to comfort and fondle Rod was maybe the highlight.

I'm starting to settle into this crazy array of characters. I'm also enjoying the interaction of the two generations and the multiple samples of parents and children.
La Paloma

Jardinera, thanks for the customary stellar job at recapping for our weekend enjoyment. I am getting such a kick out of this telenovela that I don't feel like last night was particularly slow. IN fact lots of small plot details were advanced. I especially would like to see the bearded man (no not lady yet) get bopped with more bottles to keep him under the wagon. I wonder if Juan will really miss as much of the party as sailing to Spain would require. Gabriel and Jimena might be able to drop the veil so to speak. And Aimee should watch Regina's interesting little outings iwht Renato, after all the sister with an exercised brain is going to keep Renato interested. that is being charitable and thinking Aimee actually has a brain. She will care if she is not the entire center of attention though, watch for emotional antics is my guess. And I like the Rosenda line of action keeping Leonarda, Rodrigo and Orca stirred up. Eventually she is bound to hear Rosario. then we'll see.

Hey, y'all. Sorry for the late posting but I was gone all week on business and had to play catch-up before I could start. Thanks for the thumbs up. !8 > } It makes the occasional snoozer episodio worth staying up for to recap. This one was a place holder that did move the story along--always necessary, but I must be an adrenaline freak needing a fix that this one didn't give me.

Thank you, Jardinera! I enjoyed reading your recap very much.

Servando and Orca should be locked into the same room. Both are disgusting abusive creatures.

Thank you for the recap, Jardinera! Excellent recap, which I thoroughly enjoyed.

CS might not move at the rollicking pace of some; but I'm with Cheryl -- the clockworks move into place, and I always find it absorbing.

I enjoyed Juan's flashbacks with Aimee, leading into Aimee's frantic perplexity about why Juan tried to kill her father and why his reaction to who the twins are. Knowing her, she will be finding out, and that should be fun.

Just when she was about to dump him, the fiasco at the church energized Aimee's interest in Juan. She was right there at the caves as soon as she could be and a long as she could be -- and he wasn't. Interesting. Aimee does care for Juan.

Leonarda was quick on her feet there, getting the doctor to prohibit Regina ostensibly for her own health's sake from taking care of her dad in Leonarda's place. LOL. She's a good vilana.

Gawd, now I have to wonder what mischief Federico is going to work on the doctor to prevent his interest in Regina. I don't want the cute doctor hurt.

So...Noel says the whole port is talking about nothing else but the church-steps fiasco; who in town can use the information: Marlene? Fulgencio?

I'm glad the doctor assured Regina she is not suffering hallucinations; things can move along with discovering the dark woman she saw. Rosario is fixated on having seen Noel; interesting. And calling for Juan de Dios.

I had to laugh when Noel told Rodrigo the fiasco with Juan was his own fault. Shut up, Leonarda! Listen to Noel for once; but she's Rodrigo's sycophant.

Regina appeared a bit peeved with Leonarda begging to hog all the nursing detail. One of Leonarda's famous teas fixed that, though. I think tea may come up again sometime.

The moment Arcadio gave the ring to Rosenda, I wondered whether he did it on purpose to get her in trouble with Leonarda, who was bound to recognize it -- Rodrigo doing so was just a fun bonus! It puts more strain between Leonarda and Arcadio, and hence more pressure on the Rosario secret.

And Leonarda knows Arcadio is jealous now. Rosenda continuing to push herself on Arcadio is pretty kinky. So...Arcadio wants Rosario to die; bad move and black mark against him, if he needs any more.

Aw, I feel sorry for Jimena and Gabriel, with Juan sailing off for Spain again. Those two are so cute. (Wow, Jimena did a nice job re-carving the Gypsy King's pate.) Hopefully, Juan will sail away before Renato feels compelled to try to skewer him, despite Aimee's protestations.

Admittedly, she did come up with the convenient excuse of protecting Renato's health. Funny that Aimee's quite willing to let Leonarda hog the nursing duties, even though Rodrigo always spoiled Aimee.

More wretched pressing the bruise for Regina by Renato insisting she join him in his workers' paradise project, like the two dreamers they used to be together. No thanks for the nasty reminder, mister!

Aha, Aimee fainting at the breakfast table. She'd better get married in a hurry. And Jimena's aunt robbed the Gypsy King; no doubt he will think Jimena robbed him and have even more reason to hunt down the poor chica.

I'm glad Jimena made it to Clemencia's. But as soon as Clemencia said, "no one comes here," it made me think that somebody might. I hope it's not too long before she learns the Gypsy King is not dead; I kind of thought she might sail off to Spain with Juan instead.

Jimena is a talented fortune teller, LOL!

Jeri/CherylNM: I always enjoy the way you put things into perspective. Sometimes we get so close to the action we don't always see the darned forest for the trees that get in our way. LOL! I'll chalk my sight problems up to jet lag this time.
~ !8 ?))

It's a compelling and enjoyable novela despite Mejia quirks. I wouldn't miss an episodio of this even if I wasn't recapping. The writers keep us guessing and entertained and that's pretty much all we ask for. The snark factor is an added plus.

Anybody else believe that Orca is truly in love with "strong-willed" Leonarda? He's as twisted as she is and faithful as the day is long, so far as it goes. He will take her anyway he can get her.

Anybody think that maybe Feddy can feel love? Does he really object to Fifi's being a whore or was he truly hoping to keep his options for another fix for his financial woes as an option with her?

Does Rodrigo simply depend on Leonarda and see her as another servant or will he finally see he loves her with a more mature type of love? Of course, he's has as much a machiavellian spirit as she.

Great recap, Jardinera. In answer to your questions, here's my take:

1. I agree that Orca is in love with Leonarda.

2. I don't think Feddy can feel love.
3. I'm really intrigued with the possibility that Rodrigo may someday fall for Leonarda. He was in love with her sister, after all. And the two of them, as evil allies, could wreak havoc in whatever Juan's trying to do.

Thank you for identifying Dagger Man as Servando.

A couple recurring things I find amusing are a) Rosenda ALWAYS has outfits that show her shoulders. She has a bunch of outfits, but that one thing never changes. b) I think Clemencia's doll-like virgin and child is a bit too toy-like for me. Hope I don't offend, but it cracks me up to see her pray to it.

I was also noticing how dumb some of the characters are (just as in FELS). Who's dumber?

Juan or Renato?
Aimee or Regina?
Rodrigo or Noel?

Personally, I'd give Renato the overall dumbness crown.

Jardinera, Arcadio is in love with Leonarda, IMO. Maybe it's because of her status, I don't know. And maybe it's because of Rosendo's status that he's not interested in her.

I notice that Arcadio has actually kept the stuff that Leonarda gave him over the years -- and not run out immediateley and pawned it. Clearly, material and creature comforts are not what he's in it for. What's left? Could he want to be the patron?

Federico and Fifi were very cute together; I got the impression that he was genuinely taken with her and she with him. There were three girls in her party that were all supposed to be of good families, but he stuck with her. And he was plenty angry at being betrayed.

I think if he didn't care, he wouldn't have been quite so angry. His pride was hurt at being seen around town with her, but "gentlemen" would have probably laughed it off among themselves. A bunch of them probably have ladies on the side and get into sticky situations, time to time.

Rodrigo, on the other hand, is hopeless, just IMO. He's never going to love Leonarda. The one thing he did right was divide up the inheritance among the three of them, which was simply generous beyond belief. So he's definitely got that going for him.

And he's not all bad, since he was nice to Regina after the doctor explained what he thought her condition was; he was solicitous to his second wife; he's a good father as they went then. Probably some other things. I guess they could surprise me, but I think Leonarda is in a tragic, non-requited love affair.

Regarding that bag of valuables that the Servando had on him: Jimena's aunt pulled out a string of pearls to show the viewers what was in it. Now, that scene in the park the other day -- was the purpose of that perhaps to have the Servando steal the pearls from Aimee?

I assume Regina was not wearing any. And maybe Aimee did not notice because of the following ruckus, but will notice later. If so, then somebody could get framed and into trouble over the theft...

Oh, I don't know if this came up before, but Servando is played by Sergio Acosta who had a funny, memorable role in LFMB as the annoying office manager, "López." He was always smoothing the hair on his bald forehead.


Juan or Renato?
Aimee or Regina?
It's a tie.
Rodrigo or Noel?
Noel, but I adore him anyway. :)

"Personally, I'd give Renato the overall dumbness crown."

I agree wholeheartedly.

Wasn't there a scene in the beginning of the show where Leo tried to get into bed with Rod, and he threw her out. I don't think Rod will ever warm up to Leo.


Good Day Jardinera, I thoroughly enjoyed your recap and didn't think it or the episode was a snoozer. I couldn't at all tell you had jet lag.

Your questions are interesting. #1 Does Arcadio love Leo? Yes I really think he does. As Jeri says he's kept the good instead of selling them...PERO, if she had ever requited his love instead of playing dead and aloof would he have remained so obsessed with her? Just wondering. #3 Will Rodrigo see Leonarda as a more mature type of love? Somehow I doubt it because Rod is always going for the younger ladies, but they could make a powerfully bad pair. Poor Noel!

I noticed on Friday that Rosenda is dressing less and less like a servant and more and more like she's one of the family, even with her perpetually off-the-shoulder numbers. I wonder when she will stop wearing her hair in pigtails and yarn? Is she angling to be the "lady of the house"? That would be like her mama, different sort of house though. I think Rod going for Rosenda is more plausible than Rod ever going for Leo.

Lola: Welcome. Yes, Rod did throw her out of his bed...Guess the only way she can sleep next to him is if he's totally unconscious.....
Hombre/Aribeth: I pick Renato too.
His papa is a close second, though he's starting to wise up.
Jeri: Feddy IMO was attracted to Fifi from the first time he met her. I think he took advantage of her that afternoon, but in the end if he had to choose I think he'd take Josefina for love alone. He may be redeemable, but he is a weak man at this point, looking for the easy/easier way out of all his troubles. It will be interesting to see what schemes he can come up with, though, to keep Pablo from interfering with his pursuit of Regina.

I also feel that Arcadio vs. Rosenda might be an "age appropriate" thing. She's young enough to be his granddaughter. He may be a slime bucket, but he's been stuck on Leonarda for years now. Her jewelry doesn't matter to him, and he's taken it perhaps to keep the peace with her and/or perhaps simply because it came from her he won't get rid of it. But like you say, he's kept it rather than sold it off.

Cap'n Sylvia: Wow, obsession! Yeah, now that's a nifty twist for the Orca's style of "dedication".

I've just returned from Mexico. I saw the last episode of Sortilegio and left the following Monday. Is Salvaje worth watching or is it a snoozer? Ratings weren't very good in Mexico, I understand. Should I read all the recaps and dig in, or wait until the next big telenovela?

Please note that while I was in Tequila, a local gave me a tour of several Destilando Amor locations, including the dusty road that Gaviota traveled on her way to Guadalajara.

Sometimes it's a snoozer, but overall it's great fun. :) The next big novela (Soy tu duena with Colunga/Lucero) won't come until August/September.

Concerning Destilando: yesterday I started to watch it. Oh. My. Goood. (And ROTFLOL. But mostly OMG, drool, fangirl screams and so on. :D)

Jardinera~~Thanks. You did an excellent job of capturing the madness, as always. All the comments were interesting. I, too, believe that Arcadio [with his hand-me-down wardrobe from Finca of the Apes] is obsessed with Leo . I can't bring myself to call it love . Passing up the young , fresh, sassy,conniving Rosie means that he is hopelessly devoted to Leo who is hopelessly devoted to Old Rod who is hopelessly devoted to...himself. Then, we have the younger generation : Reggie is hopelessly devoted to Renato who is hopelessly devoted to Aimee who is hopelessly devoted to the sex she's been getting regularly from Juan who is hopelessly devoted to revenge on Old Rod. I had a dream last night about one of the characters...unfortunately it wasn't the hot Juan, it was the foppy one Feddie who I am not attracted to but who reminds me of an old beau of mine [if we cut his hair short]. Finally, if you want every episode filled with action, peek at Spartacus on Starz tonight at 10 pm. YIKES Every episode is jampacked with violence, blood, nudity, sex, dirty dealings, revenge. It makes these novelas look like Disney. It is also frighteningly addicting. You never know what is going to happen next...but it's always something B.A.D.

Aribeth, on what channel are you watching Destilando Amor?

Anibeth, on what channel are you watching Desilando Amor?

mad bess: Great summary. :D

"to Old Rod who is hopelessly devoted to...himself"

And he was hopelessly devoted to MDR, who's h. d. to JDD Sr. and a dove, who's h. d. to PETA. :)

Spartacus... not my cup of tea, it's ridiculously exaggerated. I prefer HBO's Rome (m.a.s.t.e.r.p.i.e.c.e.).
Btw most telenovelas look like Disney compared to the American series. And I don't mind this, I watch Telerisa TNs for their naive, pink, kitschy and cheesy feeling.

I download it from a forum. (I guess these topics are forbidden here, so I'd better shut up.)

Aribeth, what forum? could you email the information?

Thank you.

Aribeth/anon: we recapped DA just in case you might not have already guessed that. You'll love that show.

Jardinera: thanks for the recap. Missed Friday's action completely. "Maybe the Bad and the Beautiful just need to stay mad and be born butt-ugly"....ha!

Loved the "who's hopelessly devoted to..." in the follow-up comments.

You guys are great.

Thank you, Jardinera! Yes, I've already found them (checking caray was the first thing I did after watching the episode) and I laughed a lot at the recap and the comments. :-)))
This is going to be fun, I'm sure about it.

Thanks for the recap Jardinera. Fabulous as always. I'm late to the party this morning as usual. :)

For those watching Destilando it was my first and favorite TN. I've watched it 3 times.

I think Orca is in love with Leo too. I don't really get it but that is how it is.

We bag on Noel but I really like him. He is the voice of reason among all the crazies.

What is that on the sidebar? It's pretty cool whatever it is.

Connie: I like it, it shows not only the last comments but the country where they were written too. I've never seen anything like this before.
Nairobi, Athens, Vilnius, Sarajevo, Winnipeg, Quezon City... cool.

Oops -- now they're going to find out that I just open a window here and park it there all day, LOL...

Hey, I do it too!

Did Melinama put that there?

Whoever did it it's very cool. I like it!

Yes very cool. It is amazing to think that our Blog Mom started this by herself and look how big it has grown!

Connie, I thought you might, too; we've had some fun back and forth.

Woweezowie! Doesn't that give y'all a treat? We are definitely worldwide and there are countries I doubt I could even find on the map without the globe the sitemeter shows.

Kansas City, Missouri is me! 8(:}

Jardinera, thanks for another masterful recap. I'm a little late in catching up. We have a multi-culi family, and so I've been dealing with Palm Sunday/Passover festivities (mostly cooking).

Good catch on "Aimee is refusing to drink even a glass of juice, let alone eat anything. (Ruh-roh! Bun in the oven alert!)" I missed it entirely. Have been wondering when they'd start hinting about the obvious outcome of her encounters in the cave.

Hey the live traffic feed is fun and if you go to the FEEDJIT page behind it you get incredible detail like what country, whether apple or pc, what internet interface program and which site we all arrived from. It used to be on the back page so Melinama must have moved the new improved version to the front sidebar. Totally fun!

They've actually had a couple of instances where she refused food but it was very subtle and they went right over it. How will she get herself out of that one?

Hotdamn! Somebody in Norway is watching/reading our Sortilegio recaps!
LadyXoc: Agnes, I was wondering if she faked it at first, but then I looked at her hair and her eyes were bloodshot in the close-up. So reality will definitely be catching up and I bet she'll be thanking her lucky stars the wedding's only four weeks away!

Connie: the computer's not keeping up with comments, sorry I missed your last one. But can you say "shotgun wedding"? Shotgun speedy, at least, cuz Juan sure as heck isn't gonna be allowed to take her to the altar the way Papa Rod feels about him these days.

I love all the recaps! And to think that until I was flipping channels low these many years ago and came upon EY in DA, I never knew telenovels existed and a few weeks later I found this blog! I have been hooked from that time on.

My Spanish has greatly improved from watching the shows and especially from the Vocabularia provided in these very pages!

Great job to all you recappers who keep us up-to-date and highly entertained!

On the preview it looked like Juan and MdR were meeting up! I certainly hope so. Maybe he will rescue her and take her to Spain. Also wouldn't it be nice if Gabriel took Jimena/Estrella!

Jardinera, I've been having trouble with the comments the last week or so. I thought it was me but somebody else was having trouble too.


You know I always love your recaps and this was no exception. Thank you. I have posted twice now, however, and the postings go into thin air. So Connie, you are not the only one who is not feeling the Blogger: Caray love.

I am wanting MdR to bust out of the catacombs and find her baby boy. I hope she likes Juan when she meets him—he has a bit of a one-track mind—although I would guess that after 27 years of being locked up by Leo she might have a strong revenge motive herself.

Free MdR!

Wouldn't it be great if they plotted something together? Although by now her mental condition would be less than desired of maybe BSC!

I cannot type today for some reason. I wish we could spell check.

Connie, I have noticed in these TN's that only the maid or a mother notices these subtle signs of someone being preggers and no one listens to them anyway. However, she better agree to the Las Vegas quicky for a wedding then probably only Rosenda will be on to Aimee's indiscretions. And she is one of the people that still loves Renato besides Regina so I'm sure she will make political hay out of it.

Cheryl/Connie: Rosenda gets on my last nerve. I actually liked Aimee giving her sh!t last time. I'd like to see Aimee do it again if she gloats about the bunster.

Elna June: Yes! Free MdR!! LOL!

Cheryl: I forgot to tell you to post those pictures you took in Mexico sometime with your recap. Truly the flavor of Mexico.

Jardinera, I'm no fan of Rosenda either. She's just too much of a sneaky snake for me. and I keep wanting to reach into the TV screen and yank up her blouse to cover those shoulders. Kind of reminds me of the guys with the trousers hanging down below their butt. How do they walk? She must go through rolls of whatever tape they use to prevent slippage, 'cuz she's one huge wardrobe malfunction waiting to happen.

"gloating about the bunster" you crack me up!

Agnes NJ

Wow, what a great episode tonight (Monday); a lot of fun. :D

Connie, you were wishing for spell check. Sometimes, I've typed my comment in MS Word, then proofed it before copying and pasting to Caray.
La Paloma

Connie/La Paloma: Me too! The older I get and the more Spanish vocab, the worse my English spelling gets!! I find that MS Encarta's Dictionary is great for an online spellcheck.

Jardinera, gracias por el recap! I'm just getting caught up, but I wanted to let you know I really enjoyed the snark.

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