Saturday, March 06, 2010

Salvaje 03/5/10: More Romp and Ridiculous Circumstance Aboard The Love Boat; Renato Falls Overboard for Aimee

Capítulo 11

Amorous adventure abounds for one and all as Viewerville settles in to watch another Geritol [] hour full of ludicrously licentious hijinks aboard "La Princesa", aka, The Love Boat. [Ed's note: this might be best read while imbibing Sangria and listening to a little Spanish Flamenco.]

It is not quite midnight as Regina spies Juan (not quite my ideal of Errol Flynn) and Aimee (not exactly the celluloid essence of Olivia de Havilland, either) running off for a few stolen kisses through a nearby doorway. Juan and Aimee, unable to wait to get it on and/or to take it all off are, appropriately enough, behind a set of French doors, amorously swallowing each others tongues. Though Viewerville notes it to be characteristically daring of them, it also realizes that it ain't exactly a smart move considering French doors have WINDOWS! Regi's heart is in her throat as she watches Papa Rodrigo start for said door. Ruh-roh! (Note the Mejia touch: Rodrigo is symbolically wearing a beak-nosed mask reminiscent of the kind worn by doctors during the Black Plague in 16th century France to protect them from the smell and the contagion of the masses.) It seems Papa Rod is looking for his errant daughter, Aimee. Regi is wide-eyed impactada fearing that the jig is finally up for her twin sis.

Suddenly loud Folies Bergère music begins playing and Papa Rod is immediately distracted by three cancan-dancing [] cuties. Rod, unable to resist, returns to Regi among the audience on the dance floor. He makes sure to take it all in before sniffing and commenting that the spectacle is immoral and shows just what kind of despicably decadent shipline this is. He asks the foppish Federico (great call on that one, Kat!) to take Regi back to her cabin while he tries looking for his other impressionable daughter. Regi suggests to Papa that she can go looking for Aimee on the way back instead of her papi. Foppy Feddy, unctuously agreeing that this is not a suitable milieu for "decent people," suggests they go on ahead and that he'll look for Aimee himself. Rod reluctantly agrees and drags Regi off with him. Only the truly cultured and the crass (which is everybody else) remain as the "scandalous" performance concludes and the scandalized Madame Marlene has Fay Man grab her hoofing hookers --amid loud applause-- off the stage and back to their cabin for a good scolding.

The MC now announces that only a few seconds remain till midnight when all will have to take off their masks. Jimena wants to avoid being recognized as the gypsy girl from the ship. She fakes feeling faint and asks Gabriel to get her something to drink. As the countdown begins, Gabe suggests taking off her mask because that should make her feel better immediately. Ah well, forget that. "Mena" races up the stairs and out onto the deck right as the clock strikes twelve. Gabe heels behind her.

Feddy unmasks, looks around the ballroom, and then searches the area behind the French doors. (Viewerville gasps expecting the worst.) It's empty, however. Apparently Juan and Aimee have found another spot topside to continue making out. Juan tells Aimee how beautiful she is and how her beauty is like a bright star at night that guides him on the high seas. "We are destined for each other." He then declares that she is his and always will be. She says shut up and keep kissing. "Your kisses make me delirious, Juan." Juan puckers up and plunges ahead.

Down below, in the hookers' cabin, Mme. Marlene bitches out her brood for embarrassing her with their ridiculous display. The girls apologize and say it was only their intention to liven things up a bit for the guests. Marlene says that everyone will know it was them but the girls insist that with the wigs and masks and their costumes nobody will have any idea that it was them dancing. Marlene accepts their apology but grounds them for the rest of the voyage. They can't leave the cabin till they arrive in port.

Back up top, somewhere else on the ship's starlit deck (a real oxymoron) Gabe asks Mena why she won't take her mask off. He's anxious to see her face and to formally meet her. She asks if it's that important and he (of course) says it's more important than she could ever imagine. She might think he's crazy but he has fallen helplessly in love with her. The masked Mena says that's impossible because he doesn't even know her. Gabe says love has hit him like a lightening bolt [rayo]. "That's what's happened to us." Suddenly Mena hears her mama and dreadful Dagger Man approaching so she has Gabe hide with her under a tarp. They listen as Dagger Man and Mama gripe about not being able to find her. Dagger Man is angry with Mama. "You're to blame! That's why the little savage does whatever she wants!" He stops the harangue when he thinks he hears some of the crew [tripulación] approaching. He says it will be bad news for them if they're caught up there. They start back down as Mama says she'll make the michievous little thing pay big time when she finds her.

After they've gone Gabe asks Mena (still masked) who they were looking for. Mena lies and says she doesn't know. Astute little Gabe asks then, why did we have to hide under the tarp? Mena only answers him with a kiss and imaginary Spanish guitars suddenly play romantic strains in the background.

In another part of the darkened deck Juan and Aimee are still sucking face. Aimee says she has to go or her father will kill her. Juan agrees to let her leave, but on one condition: that they continue seeing each other once they've landed. She says of course. That's a given. He adds that she must also talk to her father about them. "Don't forget!" Aimee stammers through a yes, of course, and kisses him again. She starts to leave. Juan stops her again. "--Don't forget! We are destined for each other!" She kisses him a final time and leaves. Juan, pleased with himself, breathes in the sea air.

Down below, Rod is griping to Regi about the outrage [inaudito = outrageous] of a spectacle they witnessed at the ball. Regi tries to suggest that it was just a harmless diversion for the passengers but her fuming Papa tells her not to offer her opinions if she doesn't know what she's talking about. Just then Aimee appears. Feddy is right behind her. Papa wants to know why she's so late getting back. El Foppo tattles and says he only just came across her at the doorway as she was entering. Foppy looked everywhere but she wasn't there to be found. Aimee lies and says she was looking for them, too. When she realized they'd left the ballroom she decided to come back immediately to the cabin. Rod rants again about the scandalous ocurrence during the ball. Feddy postures in agreement, saying it's a shame that the owner of the ship has apparently overlooked [pasar por alto] the fact that there are decent people in this world! Aimee smiles impishly over at Regi who simply rolls her eyes. (I'm with you, Regi. Stuff a sock in it already, Feddy.)

Back on deck again, sometime in the wee hours of the morning, Mena (still masked) kisses a sleeping Gabe good-bye. She gives him a forlorn adios. "Good-bye my love of a single night. Sure as the stars above we'll never see each other again." She disappears into the night.

Down in their cabin, Rod tells his daughters and Feddy that starting the next morning they'll eat breakfast in their cabin. Feddy is of course, invited to join them. Aimee tells Papa that they can't possibly stay cooped up in their cabin till the end of the voyage. Rod relents and says yes, he's exaggerated things a bit, but still, if they leave the cabin it will be in a group, as a family. That way they can avoid mingling with the less desirables travelling on the ship. El Foppo wholeheartedly agrees before taking his leave of the ladies. Once Foppy is finally gone, Rod tells them that he feels Foppy is a fabulous catch for Regi and that (duhn-duhn-duhn-duhnnnn!) he's arranged for Regi to marry him. Regi respectfully objects, saying that he needs to realize that she is a woman and not a little girl anymore. She refuses to marry Feddy or any one else he might have in mind because she is in love with another man. (duhn-duhn-duhn-duhnnn-duhn-duhnnn!)

Said lucky fella, Renato, is now home telling his mama, Leonarda, how happy he is that her bout with migraines [jaquecas] has ended. Leona, smiling, says that then, he should avoid bringing up disagreeable topics in the future. He asks if she means Juan. She gets fidgety and says yes, exactly that! Renato says he doesn't mean to upset her, but truth be told, he feels sympathy for the poor guy. Growing up for Juan has had to be a rough go. Leona says a bastard's life is full of shame. "It's repugnant!" Renato replies that given he really is a bastard, that's all the more reason he deserves some sympathy. Rosenda comes in at that point to inform them that Renato's carriage is ready. He tells his mama that he's going to town to find out when Rodrigo and the twins will be arriving in port. Oh Happy Day!! Leona and he are both overjoyed at the thought of seeing the three again after so many years. Rosenda, taking her proper place as a part of the wallpaper, is not so much. Renato anxiously looks forward to "the welcome surprises" their return signifies. (So do we, Hotstuff. So. do. we.)

Back on the ship, Rod tells Regi he's going to ignore her foolish outburst and that she will marry Federico Martin del Campo. He warns her that she had better now start being more considerate with Feddy and watch herself, because once they get to Veracruz, if she doesn't mend her ways he'll lock her up in a convent! The girls go to their bedroom. The old RamRodder gripes to himself that the last thing he needed now was to have one of his daughters disobeying his orders.

In their bedroom, Aimee begs Regi to tell her who she's in love with. She wants all the juicy details. Regi refuses. The only thing she will tell Aimee, she says, is that if she is forced to marry Feddy, she will cheerfully take herself to the convent!

Mena sneaks back into her cabin and begins hiding her ballgown and shoes.

At the same time, Gabe is telling Juan about the mysterious maiden that he met at the costume ball, how he fell asleep from drinking too much, and that when he woke up she'd disappeared. Juan laughs and says he'll help him find her. Gabe is upset because he can't understand why she'd leave without even saying good-bye.

Before she can crawl into bed, Mena's mother wakes up and demands to know where she was. Mena cowers.

Juan gives Gabe advice about women and their unpredictability. Gabe leaves for bed. Juan laughs to himself and wonders what Mena's got planned for Gabe.

Mena's mad mama notices all the clothing Mena has been trying to hide under her mattress and accuses her of stealing them, all the while searching for any stolen jewelry she can keep. Mena swears she didn't do anything bad and did not steal the clothes. "Mama" tells her she ought to skin her alive for all the trouble she's caused ever since she took her in [recoger]. She's just a good-for-nothing! (Ah-hah! Mena is an orphan!)

Regi can't sleep. She sits up in bed and tearfully tells herself that she won't marry Feddy. Renato is the only man she loves. She would prefer life in the convent a thousand times better than a life with Foppy Feddy.

It's daytime in Veracruz, still. Renato runs into an old friend of Rod's, Don Fulgencio, and his blonde bimbo of a wife, Eloisa. (Eloisa looks to me like she's nearing her sell-by date, too.) They invite Renato for coffee.

Back on the ship, fuming El Foppo de Federico goes up top for some night air and to cool his jets. Our scheming Feddy surmises that with Rodrigo's support, despite Regina's snub, he will marry her. He will then have control of the Montes de Oca fortune and once they're married, the rebelliously unconventional [renegada] Regi will get her just desserts. (Feddy, something tells me you're better off pawning that ginormous rock on your finger and investing the cash in part ownership of a going business somewhere.)

Meanwhile, Fifi, one of Marlene's girls, can't stand the thought of being locked up in their cabin. She sneaks up top for some air also. Like a moth to the flame, Feddy cannot resist. He introduces himself to her. "Did I frighten you, fair lady?" Fifi says no, it's just that her "tutor" is very strict and doesn't know she's come up there. Feddy says fear not, mum's the word. He kisses her hand. (Oil slick alert!) Feddy asks if he didn't see her at the ball. Fifi says no, that's impossible because her tutor would never allow her to go to something like that. They're pretty much cloistered. "As befits young ladies of your rank [distinción]." Feddy wants to know more about her. Fifi tells him that her name is Josephina Lugo y Cazón and that she belongs to one of the wealthiest [adinerada] families in Spain. She's very lonely because she's not been permitted a relationship [relación = romantic involvement]. Fifi now asks to know something about him.

Feddy tells Fifi that he's also single since he's never had time for luuuhhv. He's been too preoccupied with problems of the several businesses he has world-wide. He's come to [Latin] America to take care of one of them. (Who's puttin' on who here?) He wonders how long she'll be in Veracruz. Fifi stutters and stammers that it all depends on her there. "--It's late. I really have to leave now before they realize I've been gone." Feddy gently grabs her as she turns to go. "Could we have another chat on another night like this that (he moves in to kiss her) so invites...romance?" Fifi dodges the attempted kiss, gives him a definitive "No," and walks quickly away. Feddy thinks to himself with a greedy smile, that if things don't work out with Regi he now has another choice to escape his poverty [miseria].

Back in Veracruz, Eloisa is complaining to Renato at the outdoor cafe that she's got to stay home while hubby Fulgencio goes off to Mexico City. Fulgencio reminds her it's only a business trip. Renato says no harm in taking her too and letting her buy out the stores while he's busy negotiating. Fulgencio says he is simply looking out for her safety. Times being what they are with the political unrest, he explains, it's just not wise to have a lady wandering through a city alone like that.

Eloisa changes the subject to the preparations at the finca for Rod and family's return. She "worries" that with Noel back at the estate in Veracruz the finca must be in dire need of attention. Renato says though they're overjoyed at their return, he does miss the tranquility of the country. Eloisa asks when he's thinking of settling down [sentar la cabeza]. He says when he finds the perfect woman. "Fully" chides her for being so forward, especially since she's a married woman and should show interest in him. Fully then tells Renato that he'd like to stay a bit longer and chat, but he does have to rise early the next morning for his trip to M.C. Eloisa asks Fully if she has permission to visit Leonarda while he's gone. Fully says fine, since Leona is a very sensible and discriminating female. (Viewerville fights that nagging gagging response.) He has no problem with her keeping company with the likes of Leona. Renato thanks him for the praise expressed for his mother. Eloisa smiles (methinks a little too broadly) and says to tell his mama that she'll be coming by soon. She and the grizzled Fully head home. Renato doesn't miss the provacative smile Eloisa shoots him over her shoulder behind the old dude's back.

At the estate, Leonarda fingers an old picture of Rod and his twin girls. She is determined that nobody, not even his own daughters, will get between her and her Rodrigo now that he is returning to Veracruz.

During breakfast the next morning Foppy notes that Regi hasn't eaten a morsel. She politely says she hasn't any appetite. He gets on his high-horse and complains that since she isn't in a sociable mood he prefers to leave. (I say don't let the door hit ya where the Good Lord split ya!) Rod stands up and asks him to stay. He does a mea culpa, saying that Feddy is like one of the family. "--Isn't that right, Regina????" Aimee shoots Regi a warning glance. Regi takes her time but eventually heels, sort of. "--Yes, Father. Whatever you say." Feddy smiles at himself, his power-play having been satisfactorily executed. Rod suggests they all take a walk around the deck together. Feddy sweetly asks Regi how she likes that idea. Regi smiles broadly. She says she thinks that's a great idea and she would like nothing more than a chance to take some pictures, provided that Feddy carries her camera for her.

At the same time, Mena is also headed up top. Juan grabs her leg and asks what little game she has in store for Gabe.

Gabe, meanwhile, is on deck reading a letter telling him that "Juan's house has been rented and the timber concerns are under control as well. All awaits their arrival. --NB." Gabe wonders who NB is. (I think that's a CC typo and should be NV, as in Noel Vidal.) His attention is caught by a young woman he mistakenly thinks is the mysterious Mena and he quickly apologizes for his mistake.

Speaking of the real Mena, Juan wants to know why she's trying to trick Gabe. She says she doesn't want Gabe to make a fool out of her. She explains that Gabe would be ashamed if he knew the truth about her being a gypsy girl. Juan asks if that means she's breaking it off between them because she's a gypsy. Mena says it's not that at all. She will tell him, she says, but at the right time; she begs Juan not to tell Gabe in the meantime.

Up on deck, Regi (sly girl) doesn't get mad. She just gets good and even running Feddy ragged placing and changing the camera around to supposedly get just the right light and shot. (Ten points, team Regina!)

The ship's captain tells his first officer that they are nearing the waters of Veracruz and in a few days they should be in port waters.

That night Regi secretly watches as Aimee pads her blanket with pillows and escapes from the watchful eye of her father to secretly rendezvous with Juan.

Time passes. Mena catches secret glimpses of Gabe. Rod catches secret glimpses of Mme. Marlene. Feddy continues his secret nighttime chats with Fifi. Mena suffers "Mama's" abuse. Even Juan has fun teasing the be-Jesús out of Regi while she's trying to take photographs. Oh, yes. It's all just Love, American-o Style these last few days and nights of this oh, so enchanted voyage. (Quite honestly, the only thing that makes watching this part of the farcical romp worthwhile has been the music. Kudos to the sound and music editors this go 'round. The piano flourishes and the Spanish guitar were an unexpected touch of genius.) FF>>

One starry night, Mena appears wearing a (WTF?) lace-veiled hat and has a brief romantic encounter with the gullible Gabe. She kisses him and disappears once more. Nope. He still doesn't get her name, so marvelling at the stars in the night sky, he decides to think of her as his "Estrella".

Mena visits Aimee and Regi (we suppose to return the clothes, because suddenly she's back in gypsy garb) and promises to come looking for them once they've arrived. They share hugs and kisses and a heart-felt "Adios" as a lovelorn Gabe returns to his cabin and mourns the loss of his Estrella. "She's escaped me. She's escaped me!"

In the lounge, Rod tells Feddy that Regi's fit regarding her interest in another man took him by surprise. He suggests showering her with flowers and perfume. "That is the way to capture a woman!" Feddy is a quick learner. No sooner said than done. A nasty looking bunch of red roses suddenly arrives at Regina's door with a note. "With my affections, Federico....." Regi grabs the medallion Renato gave her. "Neither Federico nor my father will succeed in erasing you from my heart, Renato. ¡Ay! How much I love you!"

In the living room of the Veracruz manse, Renato is barely listening as Eloisa plays Beethoven's "Fur Elise" on the piano. He's more interested in the telegram he's been reading. Rosenda, in between frowns, is spying on the two of them. Eloisa sits down very close to Renato and asks if he liked the piece. He says oh yes, of course, and explains that he's been looking over the cablegram that tells when their guests will be arriving. Eloisa puts an affectionate hand on Renato's knee. "I hope you aren't disillusioned. People change over time." Renato stops to process, but it isn't clear whether he's processing the hand on his knee or her worldly advice.

Back on the ship, Regi is in her robe and ready for bed but Juan is there with her and Aimee and refusing to leave --at least without Aimee. He starts to kiss Aimee when suddenly there's a knock on the door from their Papa. Panic time!! Juan says he wants to give her papa the straight scoop on the two of them. "I want to speak with him once and for all." Aimee, instinctively noting that discretion is the better part of valor in circumstances like these, insists that he must not. "Not now!" Instead of shoving him out the bedroom door and into the passage-way, however, she and Juan jump under the covers in her bed. (Oh, that's rich --and so delightfully daring. This deserves a big 10 on the laugh-o-meter --not!) Regi nearly has a heart attack as she opens the door and peeks out. "Papa, Aimee has gone to sleep and I'm getting ready to do the same." Rod says all right. "--Don't forget that tomorrow we disembark. Finally this nightmare will end!" (As Foppy would say, "I second that sentiment!") Aimee and Juan have a big silent yuk at Regi's expense before leaving through the bedroom door. (Dunno about you, but nothing has made me more of a landlubber than taking this cruise with this ship of fools.)

Up on deck Juan tells Aimee he's been thinking of speaking to the captain of the ship to have him marry them right away. That way her papa couldn't object. "Your father couldn't deny us then." Aimee immediately puts the brakes on such a rash idea. She demurely reminds him that she promised to speak to her father and says she will do exactly that. Juan gives in but warns her that if she hesitates [titubear] he will speak to her father himself in person. She agrees then tells him to kiss her as if it were the last time.

The next morning Leona is primping at her mirror. Clemencia walks in and remarks that she seems a bit too excited about Don Rodrigo's return. "Shouldn't you be thinking more about your husband and son?" This sets Leona off. She loses her cool and starts yelling at the impudent Clemencia. "Stop being a bird of bad tidings! Trying to wreck my good time like that! Just get out! Get out. Go into the hall and wait for them! Leave me in peace! Git! Go on!" Clemencia leaves and Leona takes another look at herself, perhaps wondering if she's aged.

Back aboard in Juan's stateroom, Gabe is readying the luggage. He says he's glad to see how cheery Juan is. Juan says passion has managed a miracle. Gabe says well, then, maybe he will forget about his plans for vengeance. Big mistake. Juan turns violent and threatening. "My oath for vengeance is irreversible! I will take vengeance on the Montes de Oca family until nothing is left of them, not even under the tiniest of rocks!!" Gabe apologizes. Juan tells him that one should not confuse passion with duty. "I could feel happy about being so romantically involved, but I am not forgetting the principal reason for taking this trip: revenge! My revenge!" (Oh. Okiedok.)

The Love Boat sails ever closer to shore. Rod looks on and remembers his past; Aimee looks on in anticipation of a new adventure; Regi is excited at the prospect of finally seeing Renato again; Feddy is excited about his prospects with Regi; Juan readies himself to finally take his revenge. The ship eventually makes port in Veracruz and the passengers disembark.

Noel checks his watch as Clemencia yells to the family that their guests have arrived. The narrator tells us that "finally the long wait has ended." "...The announced encounter is about to take place. Impatience alone is reflected in the expressions of Noel, Renato, and Leonarda who stare impatiently and longingly towards the main entrance of the finca's impressively enormous house. Rodrigo's smile excites the soul of Leonarda who, with great effort, contains her desire to yell to him and race off to embrace him. The angelic presence of Regina appears next to her father, looking timidly at everyone until her eyes suddenly meet those of Renato. Her heart would seem to be at the point of exploding as finally she is standing opposite the man she loves. In contrast to Regina's calm and sweet beauty enters Aimee, smiling openly, fully aware of her commanding beauty and her powers of seduction."

Renato's tongue goes from lip length to floor length in a matter of seconds. "Renato cannot take his eyes off Aimee because of a deep feeling, a feeling that has awakened in his heart and soul. He has fallen deeply in love with Aimee." Ruh-Roh!


I missed it last night because of social obligations.
Thanks for the recap// How many episodes? This is still in viewing in Mexico..

Ah Jardinera, you are in top form today. Muchas gracias! Did you notice that Fulgencio is none other than the odious Don Francisco from Alborada? You're right about the music. It's the saving grace of this preposterous show. I'm starting to like Aracely Arambula. This is the first thing I've seen her in and she has a lot of work to do playing twin leads.

Oh my, what a wicked recap! "Nearing her sell-by date" and "his tonguie goes from lip length to floor length"... you DO have a way with words.

Regina always has me reaching for the insulin except for that one enjoyable scene where she had foppy Feddy lugging around her humongous camera.

All told, a silly, predictable ridiculous show, but as always, the recaps are top-notch. Thanks Jardinera. Another masterpiece.

Why is the recap in red?

Jardinera, loved the language and the laughs in your recap. Thanks for the entertainment. I also agree about the music soothing the irritation of the farcial silliness.

Now that we're safely on land, we can look forward to the merry chase as the various lovers pursue each other. When will Juan discover that he loves his enemy's daughter? Do the gypsies get to join in as well? Will the moon always be full?
La Paloma

Jardinera~~Thanks for yet another fabulous recap. I don't think that the heart or soul is what Aimee [I-[it's-all-about]-ME] has ''awakened '' in Renato. [Who , by the way, is looking very fine with his dark, long hairdo.] I got a kick out of Juan teasing Reggie by getting in front of her camera as she tried to take photos of the sea. She seems to bring on the playful side of Juan, while Aimee is bringing out the horny side. I like the music in this novela..especially the guitar music. I did recognize ''Orpheus in Hell'' [the Cancan] from my music electives in college. Isn't Fifi the actress who played Camilo's main squeeze Natasha in MEPS ? Paloma~You're right. ''I'm No Angel'' was Greg Auman. I often get his sound mixed up with Bruce's. Capn Sylvia~I did not see that SNL sketch. I'm still trying to erase the memory of Justin Timberlake's ''The Box'' from my mind.

Gracias for the great recap, Jardinera.

What the heck--why does Regina have to be the one getting pressured to marry the Fop? Why not Aimee? The two are twins after all, same age should mean same obligations.

I don't know why anyone would like Aimee over Regina. Ok, Juan picked Aimee because she's wilder, but Renato picked her over Regina based on what he saw. If I saw a William Levy with blonde hair standing next to a William Levy with brown hair, I wouldn't automatically
pick one over the other. Que the heck.

I was lol over this one:

Dunno about you, but nothing has made me more of a landlubber than taking this cruise with this ship of fools.

ITA. I'd rather be on the Titanic than this lame cruise. :)

Cielo de Levy i don't know about you but i'll take William with blond,brown or black and even red hair. Heck i'll even take him with that horrible wig or whatever he was wearing on Passion.

Anon, I'd take him any way and as many as I can get! ;)

Really a shame that everything is working against Regina. How annoying. She's being pressured to marry the loser and the guy she wants just happened to prefer red over blonde.

Cielo de Levy LOL me too.

Jardinera, thanks so much for a wonderful and hilarious recap. You had so many great lines I'm not sure I can call out a favorite; well...Old RamRodder probably gave me the biggest laugh. I hope you are enjoying this TN because I think its silliness lends itself perfectly to your scathingly brilliant recapping style. I also enjoyed the links. Thanks for taking the extra step, it's very much appreciated.

Susanlynn, oh dear, I'm sorry that "the box" skit has branded itself in your memory. I'm afraid the "no angel" is not much better. It's funny as heck but not very tasteful I'm afraid.

It would seem as though Regina has fallen victim to "just a friend" syndrome.

Aimee would never fall victim to "just a friend" syndrome because she makes it clear from her appearance to how she acts that she will not be "just a friend."

Renato thinks of Regina as his childhood buddy. He doesn't think of her as sexy or someone he wants to get with. She's just his old pal.

The Reginas of the world will always get the shaft over the Aimees of the world, just like the Steve Nortons (MEPS) of the world will always get the shaft over the Franco Santoros.

And Rod wants the twins married off ASAP because he knows he if weren't their dad he'd be be trying to sleep with both of them and he knows other men want them, too. Plus he's probably tired of taking care of them.

You're right, Anon. Just-a-friend syndrome sucks. Been there, and it is not fun. And about Rodrigo, is he working on finding anyone for Aimee? I wonder if he considered Renato for her.

I have come to the conclusion that this show isn't so much about love triangles as love dodecahedrons. And I'm not certain how La Promesa didn't turn into the Titanic, with Rod and the Fop turning up their noses at low-class behaviour. That was worthy of a thunderbolt from the gods!

Boy, was Aimee smug about Regina getting stuck with Foperico, or what? Schadenfreude, or just hoping Rod's interest in marrying her sister off would take his attention off of her? But Foperico and Fifi - now there's a couple that could con the world! It would make me titter to no end if he had to resort to marrying her only to find out too late that she's got nothin'. Though I don't know that she's done anything to deserve him.

Team Jimena earned some points for rebuking Gabe on that love-at-first-sight thing. With certain other parties being head over heels for the marriage bed after, what, a whole day and a half, that was a nice change. I have to admit, I'm liking them more than any other couple at this point. I hope this masquerade doesn't backfire too badly for her.

Ah, Hina Hina Hina. If only you'd told your sister who it was you were so in love with. Wouldn't have done anything for keeping his tongue from falling out of her head when he saw her puppies, but - Well, never mind. Aimee's such a little wench I wouldn't put it past her to go after Renato just to put a twist in Prissy's knickers. Well, that's what you get for keeping secrets (and the neck of your dress so high you could make a nun look scandalous - seriously, I don't think the issue was red vs blonde)!

Boy, Eloisa's got some puppies too, don't she? And on the subject of puppies, I'm surprised Santa Regina would dare to wear anything so low-cut as she did during Aimee's sneaking-out scene even in her own chambers. You never know when some savage is going to barge in! Juan's teasing her during camera time was adorable - I kept thinking, "Just take his picture, girl; then maybe he'll leave you alone! ...for a while."

Mad Marley Grey, lol maybe it was the neck!

Poor gal Regina is gonna be devastated, I'm sure. What the whole situation reminds me of is the whole Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated...

Hate, of course is a strong word. Even in the Biblical story (as far as I can recall), Esau was not hated, just not given the same amount of attention/love as Jacob.

Went back to check my memory of the Jacob and Esau story...Jacob disguises himself as Esau and takes Isaac's blessing, which drives Esau to plan on murdering Jacob... The situation here is not identical to that, but my mind is making a maybe I'm thinking too into it because I'm bored at home.

Jardinera let me say i so look forward to your humourous recaps every weekend but because of my very bad eyesight including with my reading glasses i feel i'm being deprived when you write your recaps in a bright color.

This just in for those who have Cablevision channel seven is no longer showing as of now because of their dispute with each other over money.

Jardinera, thank you for the fabulous recap!

- I love the music of the novela. I remember FELS's soundtrack was also very catchy.
- Gabe and Jime are adorable. They're cuter than the protagonists. (Btw, I think the old hag with Jimena isn't her mother but her aunt or another relative.)
- However, I love when Juan teases Regina, the camera scene was funny.
- Regina, Slimey Fed & the camera scene: LOL

Overall: team Regina, Jimena and Fifi.

Good Mornin' all.
Anon. 3/6 5:04pm --My screen is in black. I'm sorry. I cannot tell why your screen shows red print but it could be you hit a wrong command key somewhere. Also, the blogspot folks have a complaint link that might help. Maybe a computer guru here on this blog can help you out today. Cap'n Sylvia's got/had? a friend who's into computers. I'll check with my son also to see if he knows something to help you out.
Anon. 3/6/ 4:22pm -- How many episodios is still up in the air since this thing was extended. It's around the 120-150 range I thought.
Lady Xoc: Hey, AgnesNJ! I love seeing Manuel Ojeda as Fully. Usually he plays a villain --in both tn's and American movies. Also, I do admire Aracely Arambula's effort at dual roles in this. Really, it's not her fault that the original director has had the characters overact through the first two months of this. I can now see Mejia's handa in it too. Makes recapping this a wicked pleasure. ; ? )
JudyB: LOL! My insulin injector is nearby too when Regi's around. I see now why those who loved the dramatic original really hate this production. Hubby has joined their ranks. Silly is the right word for it! Mejia never disappoints with the "camp".
La Paloma: "The merry chase"... mmm... yep!

Mad Bess/susanlynn: LOL! Yeah, something else is stirring in handsome Renato and it ain't necessarily spiritual..... Although I know that Renato is going to go bad, this handsome hunk o' honey is gonna be hard not to root for at some level.
Cielo: I'm thinking red or blonde doesn't matter. It's the way Aimee carries herself and overtly projects her sensuality. Regina tries hard to mask hers. What Renato probably thinks is love is probably good old fashioned lust. I bet it's the same for Juan also. JMHO. ; > )
Mad Marley: Glad to see you've joined the voyage with us. "Dodecahedron" gave me a chuckle this morning! It's waiting for those inevitable "thunderbolts" that must keep us all in our seats each night.
Cap'n Sylvia: Naw! I'm hooked like a fish I am. EY and CdlF are terrific eye candy and it's great "camp" so far!! It's been written --and acted-- like a tragi-comedy. There is some resemblance to Sheridan and Moliere --who are probably rolling in their graves now at the prospect of having this crazy tn even mentioned in the same breath!
Aribeth: Jimena and Gabriel are definitely winners IMO too. Pure and innocent young love from the start. Of course, tho', I am hoping/betting Jimena has some background that links her biologically to the rest of the characters in this.
Anon. 3/6 10:32PM -- "just a friend syndrome". ITA. Darned if we aren't all victims of something like that at some time.

Jardinera i clicked on Salvaje like i usually do i didn't do anything different but the first couple of lines are in black. I see the websites you put up in blue and everything is totally bright red.

I mercifully fell asleep, I don't think they make enough dramamine for this voyage.
The best thing about this novela is the music, "me enamore de ti" by Chayanne, another hombre caliente, looks similar to FC.

I don't think Renato will go bad, it will be similar to Adolfo in Amor Real, 2 good guys after the same mujer with lots of misunderstandings along the way.

Love " her sell by date" & I intend to plagiarize it.

Anon, 3/7 10:40 AM: O/T My son says it could be your current browser has a bug in it. He suggests that you download a different browser for your operating system and see if the color is correct when you read the recap screen. Say you use Internet Explorer as your current browser on a Windows 7 or a Windows XP operating system. Try searching for "Google Chrome" or "Firefox" to use as your browser. You can follow the instructions to download the correct version for your computer's operating system. If your operating system is an Apple Mac OS10, then make sure you download the Mac OS 10 version of Google Chrome or Firefox. I hope that helps.

Vario: plagiarize away, amiga!

Jardinera, yes the boat trip seemed very Molieresque. Good call.

Anon, 3/7 10:40 AM - I have never heard of he problem you are having, with the font being written in black but appearing to be red. How frustrating for you. My "expert" concurs that changing browsers might help. Just curious, is this the only post that is giving you trouble or has this happened before? The Editor's note is in red font, does the problem begin there? Did you try going into "Post a Comment" and then clicking onto "Show Original Post" to see if the recap will display in black?

Jardinera i am reading this on my firefox browser so like i said i don't know what happened.

Cap'n Slyvia Sharkbait i did that and when i go to the other pages recaps they are all in black.

It's something about this recap only that it came out in red.

I did what you guys suggested i brought up my internet explorer browser i can't believe it the whole recap is in black.

So it's only this recap on my firefox browser that is in red, all of the other recaps are in black. Thanks guys for your help

Anon. 3/7 12:33PM: Glad to hear that suggestion worked. I'm going to try changing the color of the edit note and you can tell me if that helps. If it does, I won't use red in these posts anymore.

FYI...My computer is showing the recap in red also.
another anon

OT: For anybody "seeing red" when they read my recaps it might be a Firefox browser issue. One anon. commenter says it was black after she changed to a different browser from Firefox. Sorry for any inconvenience.
=/ 8 ? )

Black Heart Jardinera it's not your fault thank you for helping and Cap'n Sylvia Sharkbait too. It's only for this recap but with your information i know what to do in the future.

What does it say about a novela when you just tune in to listen to the music?

lol kinda wierd. It's actually in red on my screen too. I'm using my iphone to read it. It doesn't bother me though. Just thought I'd put myself in the red list for the sake of trying to figure out why it's like that...

Strange because when I hit post comment at the end of the page and it takes me to the page where I can type in my message, the recap to the left is in black. When I go back to the original page, the recap is still in red.

I just opened Firefox and indeed the recap is in red after, and not including, the editor's comment. Weird! I scrolled down the page and nothing else seems to be in red print. It's red both on the main page and on the CS link to the left. I don't understand these things. Anon, at least you know it's not just you but a larger mystery.

I thought the music in FELS was the best ever. I stopped watching the TN after a month or so, just not enough time, but occasionally would tune in for the music. I'm sure the professionals who create the music for any movie or TV show would be thrilled to think people are listening to what they watch. In answer to your question, it probably says the show would be nada or at least a whole lot less without the music.

Maybe this is evident to others, but for me I'm still wondering if Rod is waiting to marry off his ruby red gem to the highest bidder --in this case he might consider that to be Renato.

Hello old friends....I'm being a weasel and just reading the comments and a little of the recaps..not watching the program......laughing all the way though!

Both my newish MacBook and iPhone have the recaps in bright red...go figure!

Sandy the wayward, woops, I mean Windward Sailor....

Thank you for the wonderful and entertaining recap, Jardinera.

Jimena's mama looks familiar. Did the actress play Paisana, the Pirate queen, in "Pasion"?

Jody :)

Jardinera, I love all the detail in your recap and the humor too.

I just spent the last couple of hours cleaning my computer and checking for viruses just in case, you never can be too careful since sometimes people send a harmful virus to your computer.

I'm glad i'm not the only one experiencing this weird problem,after Melinama's warning about the Univision site.I had to put in my recovery disk and start from scratch but i downloaded several programs to make sure i'm warned about harmful viruses to my computer.

For those who have Cablevision i know tonight is Oscar night and your other shows that you make like to watch on channel seven. You can watch them on your computer at


This recap was 100 times better than the episode. Loved that you pointed out that ostrich Juan de Dumba$$ would hide his ladylove behind a glass french door. Still laughing.

Papa Rod is clueless. Regina is goody-two-shoes boring but Aimee is such a loose woman that she is equally predictable, and, yes, boring.

The good news is that the action is so slow that I have time to look up all the vocabulary as I go along.

Iron Elna O' Velvet

Thanks again, guys for stopping in and commenting. Writing these things is as much an adventure as reading them since I never know what's going to come out of my keyboard when I start them!
SandyTn: Glad you popped in on us, amiga!
Cap'n Jody: I'm eager to read your next one, too! Say, do we have an update on the number of shows in this novela?
Beth: Hey, there! Glad you've set sail with us again!
Anon.: thanks for the tv tip!
Iron Elna: I can hardly wait to see what your personality profiles will be for this group of characters. LOL!

Superb recap, Jardinera. You had all sorts of funny asides, clever nicknames, and thanks also for the links.

My recap also came up red in Firefox, but black in Internet Explorer. Weird. Of course, one can highlight the whole recap, copy it, and paste it into Word, and it'll be in black type.

I thought it was funny that Gabriel fell asleep. One would think he'd be tense (or excited) hiding out in a little boat with a hot chick like Jimena. Nope, he's snoring away.

I also thought it was funny that the 3 little hookers just happened to have a perfectly choreagraphed Can Can dance ready to put into play, just in case the band played that song.

It looks as if several ladies have an eye for Renato, including Regina, Eloisa, and maybe even Rosenda. I wonder how many people will go after Juan. I remember in Pasion (and MEPS), numerous ladies set their sights on the male lead (of course it was Fernando Colunga).

Black Heart Jardinera thank you for the browser tip and your recaps rock, they really make my day.

Can someone tell Foppy Feddy to stuff a sock in it or in his case because of the era maybe a ascot would be better.

The red is a Firefox issue because when I view this page in Explorer, the type is black, but when I look at it on Firefox, it's red.

Oh Jardinera, this was one rich recap, complete with alliteration & saucy side-comments to flavor what was yet another ridiculous episodio. I missed it completely but your wonderful descriptions & snarkarific digs are top notch. Gracias, gracias!

Lust is in the air. Sounds like a hump fest in Veracruz is just around the corner...what do I wear?


Hombre: almost sent a lifeboat out looking for you! ; ? ) Thanks for your tip and sorry that the links aren't Word embedded or whatever they call it. I don't have Word on this computer and generally can't embed hyperlinks. Will have to check how I can with this program --if I can. > : ? /
Anon: re ascots - First thing Hubby said was NObody would dream of going tieless at all in that era, but of course we have Juan not only tieless, but shirtless--and he's supposed to be just another one of the crew. As someone said, way too obvious a ploy, huh? ~ 8 ? }
Maggarita: What to wear to a "hump fest"? LOLOL! If you haven't a bodice, a birthday suit will do!! ¿no crees? ; > ))

If I wore one of those tight-fitting, breast-lifting, decolletage-exposing gowns, I would choke myself. Death by boobage? Mammacide? Busty 5'2" Italian women just can't pull that off!


Thanks for the fabulous recap Jardinera. I haven't even had a chance to watch the episode yet but may not now since your recap was so complete. Haven't finished reading all the comments yet so more later.

! week in the love boat is just insane. Jimena is so slick that the crew never catches her, then again the crew members are not that bright either.

Time for everyone to get off the ship. I agree that Renato is also a good guy. It is hard to visualize him as a villain since he does not exhibit those traits. He is a kind and noble gentleman who has compassion for his workers.


Jardinera: Your recap was great fun (as always). Everyone has already pointed out your many great lines so I will simply say thank you.

I laughed at Juan's playing with Regi and her camera. I was grinning ear to ear, he is too handsome. Eduardo Yanez has that effect on me. Huge sigh...

Mad Bess, good call on Fifi being the girlfriend of Cadmilho. One of the other ladies (whose name I don't know) was Lina in Guapos.

Regi is about to get her heart broken and of course, Aimee will be all too happy to have Renato to herself.


Gracias Jadinera, for the recap. There were too many gut-busters to name individually, and I think everyone has mentioned them all.

I have a feeling that even if Regina had told Aimee that Renato was the man for her, it wouldn't make a difference. She's so selfish I wouldn't expect her to care or to try to get his attention away from her and onto Reggie. She'll probably just lead him around by the nose and tell Reggie she's already got Fed, so she can't be hogging all the men. It would be nice if I were pleasantly surpsised, though, and she ends up playing matchmaker for R&R.


"If I wore one of those tight-fitting, breast-lifting, decolletage-exposing gowns, I would choke myself. Death by boobage? Mammacide? Busty 5'2" Italian women just can't pull that off!

This was a hilarious comment. I would have had the same problem and I am 5'8". My husband refers to my strapless bra as, "The miraculous architectural device". The decolletage exposed in the CS gowns is a bit more than may have really been worn in the middle of the Victorian era, I think.

Jardinera, I just re-read this recap and I have to say that once again, i agree with mi amiga JudyB. Your snarky comment, Jardinera, "nearing her sell-by date," was hysterical.I will use that in real life, with attribution to you, of course.

I just finished reading your recap and as always it was topnotch. Spicy and informative. I had planned to mention the history behind Rod's mask, but you did a great job.

I wondered if the lady with the veiled hat wasn't the young woman that Gabe mistook for Ximena earlier. She seemed amused and perhaps wanted to see what he tastes like.

What happened to Mabel? Please don't tell me that she's gone for good.

Bloody James Flynt

Carlos: Last weekend, during the extra hour they surprised us with--or maybe Mon.'s-- I think was when we learned that poor Mabel had gone to meet her maker with her hubby because of some accident or other. Never fear as there will be no doubt appear any number of buxom ethnic beauties upon which to feast your peepers.

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