Thursday, April 15, 2010

Dinero #63- 4/14/10: No one, NO ONE messes with Rafael Medina’s woman!

We come back to the scene of a recently rescued Rafa coughing up half the contents of the ocean which he managed to swallow in the short time he was “swimming” in it. Water, sand and even a fish! All of which hits Ale square in the face as she leans over Rafa with concern. I’ve got to hand it to Ale, she only looks disgusted for half a second, and goes right back to patting Rafa’s chest and hugging him in relief. The adult rubber neckers have disappeared, but a group of little kids are still on the scene. They could probably give Rafa some words of advice about swimming closer to the shore, or at least wearing his water wings.

Rafa’s near drowning does not dampen (hehe) his spirits, and he’s ready to jump right back in. Ale’s not having it. He’s not going to drown on her watch. She keeps a tight grip on his hand and keeps him from going beyond hip deep. She splashes him with the water and soon they’re in a full fledged water fight. But Rafa can barely stay on his feet in the gentle waves and drags Ale down with him. (We never get to see the bathing suit under her cover-up. Maybe tomorrow?) As they emerge, the guy who saved Rafa asks Ale for some monetary compensation for saving her boyfriend. Ale is offended. “He’s not my boyfriend!” She then points to some random woman way up the beach and tells the guy that she is Rafa’s girlfriend. The Baywatch wannabe leaves to get his payment.

We get a cute montage of Rafa and Ale spending the day on the beach. Rafa plays with a giant beach ball in the waves with others; Ale helps a group of kids bury Rafa in the sand and has more fun than the kids doing so.

Back at Autos Siglo, Claudia is talking to Dandy and Ramirez about this perfect man she’s going to snag, once she wins the car for the most sales, sells it, and high tails it to Miami. (Keep dreaming Claudia!) He should be seductive, fun, romantic, preferably single…in walks Marco and Claudia zeros in on him. Well, 3 out of 4… err 2…no, wait, 1 out of 4 isn’t bad!

Marco has come to pick up some certificates signed by Ale that he needs for the wedding preparations. When Susana goes to get them, Claudia seizes the opportunity to sashay over and give Marco an eyeful. There is no need to exchange words. These two have been around the block enough to know the score. Susana’s return puts an abrupt end to Claudia and Marco’s meeting of the Mutual Admiration Society. Not wanting to miss this opportunity, Claudia quickly runs to get her purse and returns to Susana’s desk to make up an excuse about leaving to meet with a client. She and Marco make a point of formally greeting each other, and he makes a point of taking in the full view while pretending to look over the documents.

Once outside Autos Siglo, Claudia refuses every cab and random driver that stop to give her a ride (there are lots), until “por casualidad” Marco happens to drive by. Poor baby. There is not a cab to be had, and she needs to get to her client. Our hero Marco is oh so willing to rescue our damsel in distress and give her a ride. Oh, but she can’t get in his car right here. Those gossips (not including her, of course) at Autos Siglo would turn this innocent situation into something salacious. Well, “por casualidad” Claudia is going to be standing on that corner over there in about 3 minutes (maybe this will give her some practice for her next job); and “por casualidad” Marcos will be driving by that exact corner in about 3 minutes. What a coinkidink!

Marino is determined to sabotage Rafa’s RefriTransportes sale. In fact, he has some contacts in their sales department and is going to call them up to get the 411 and cause some trouble for Rafa. He’s not going to let that good for nothing Rafa take the number 1 sales slot again, and he definitely won’t let him get his hands on Marino’s prized car! Looks like Marino’s going to have to get used to being #2 again, because his contact tells him that this sale is so important, that Refri has sent the head of sales to close the deal with Rafa. Marino is disheartened, but Ramirez tries to cheer him up by assuring him he heard the deal was a goner.

It doesn’t seem like any of the sales team believe that actually SELLING cars is the way to go, in order to win the prized car. Susana has had it with them all, she wants their sales reports by the end of the day, and anyone who doesn’t turn theirs in will have to deal with Ale. She leaves in a huff and the sales team thinks she’s turning into Ale. They implore Dandy to do something. He assures them he has the situation in hand. Tonight will be his vegetarian night! He makes his move while Susana is working diligently at her desk. She makes it clear she has a lot of work to do and is just headed home afterwards. Dandy looks defeated. But, what’s this? Susana decides that what she needs to relieve this stress is a massage. No problem, Dandy is willing. Susana gets excited. She actually has all the gear they need to give massages at her house. She invites Dandy over. Now he’s getting excited. He gets his mojo back, gives Susana one of his seductive smiles, says, “Te espero, baby.” , and kisses her hand. Susana is slightly bemused, but has too much work to do to think about this odd behavior. Dandy is so busy thinking about his upcoming “vegetarian massage” that he trips over and knocks down Trapito.

Claudia has entered Marco’s love mobile and makes herself more comfortable by leaning her seat waaaay back (I guess that’s the position she’s most accustomed to). Marco asks just HOW important her client is. Claudia, an expert at this game, says that ALL her clients are important. Marco thinks it would be a real shame to waste such a beautiful day on work (there must be a lot of beautiful days in D.F., ‘cause Marco never works). It doesn’t take long to convince Claudia to blow off her “client” and head off with Marco to some quiet/discreet place to just hang out. You know, like friends. Of course, Claudia NEVER does this kind of thing. Oh no, Marco neither. And of course, Claudia respects Ale so much and would never do anything to jeopardize their relationship. Marco agrees, yes, everyone respects Ale. And Claudia is sure Ale is having a blast in Puerta Vallarta right now. Uh…Marco does not agree. “Alejandra?! Ha!”

Ale and Rafa straighten out their game plan before entering the restaurant for their meeting with the Three Stooges of RefriTransports (Grabby, Gropy, and Sleezy). Ale will speak first, laying out the proposal, and then Rafa will move in to close. They are both looking quite lovely- Rafa in a pastel shirt and white linen pants and blazer; Ale in a short, form fitting sea blue/green dress with a draped front. The Three Stooges are licking their lips in anticipation. Head of Sales, Grabby, makes a bet with the other two that if he strikes out with Ale, they get to have a go. Deal! They can barely keep up to wipe the drool off their chins when they see Ale enter. Grabby sits Ale next to him, grabs her hand and starts working his way up her arm. Ale is trying to talk business, but the Stooges are too busy ogling and fondling her, Rafa is too busy exchanging flirty glances with the cute hostess, and I am too disgusted to understand what she’s saying. Ale’s eyes go wide and she sends out a silent plea for help. Rafa doesn’t notice. Grabby starts stroking Ale’s hair and working his hand up her leg, and talking about going to a more romantic spot to further discuss. Ale’s getting desperate and acts as if she needs to check with Rafa first. “I don’t know. MI AMOR?” Rafa does a double take. He and the Stooges are impactados.

When we come back from commercial break, Rafa is still impactado, and Ale is still inquiring, “Mi amor? They want US to go to a bar with them.” She pointedly takes his hand and puts on a high pitched syrupy voice that would make Vicky proud. “You two are esposos?” Ale makes up some excuse about them not advertising it, as it’s not allowed at Autos Siglo for employees to be involved with each other. “No one at work knows.” The Stooges are clearly disappointed they have lost their expected prize for the night. Grabby gets a call just then from the boss, and Rafa and Ale take the opportunity to step outside to reassess their game plan, making the excuse they are going to call home to check in on their kids.

Once outside, Rafa scolds Ale for making up such a lie. She scolds him for not paying attention and for making eyes at the hostess. He reminds her that she told him not to speak. Ale then informs him that Grabby made an indecent proposal to her. “Qué?!” Rafa is outraged and Ale has to hold him back from rushing in and killing the Stooges. She tries to calm him down and tells him that regardless of how slimy those guys are, they have to close the deal. She wants him to stick to the story of them being married. Rafa can’t understand Ale. At the hospital she was upset that they thought she was his wife; at the beach she was upset that they assumed she was his girlfriend; but tonight she wants them to pretend to be husband and wife! “And when we’re back in Mexico (D.F.) and they happen to see us? Will we say we’re separated, divorced?” Ale doesn’t care about later. She only cares about right now and closing the deal, while keeping Grabby off her. “Here and now, you are my faithful husband.” Rafa agrees, but lets Ale know that if Grabby tries anything again, he will “tear him to pieces!”

“No one, NO ONE messes with Rafael Medina’s woman!” Ale looks shocked and impressed.

Turns out the boss has told Grabby during the call that this deal is important and he better not mess it up. Uh oh! The Three Stooges realize that they have probably already screwed things up big time and decide to be on their best behavior once Ale and Rafa return. They start by pulling out Ale’s seat for her like gentlemen and ordering the best tequila for the table. The talk turns to polite socializing. “How long have you two been married?” “Uh…three years.” Yeah, that’s it. “And you have kids?” “Yes, and one on the way.” Ale’s not too happy with this answer Rafa’s just blurted out, and especially not when he indicates that they’re as amorous and productive as bunnies.

Ale tries to get the talk back to business, but it turns out that the Three Stooges need some more time to look the proposal over (since they didn’t even set eyes on it last time). They suggest that they meet early the next morning. Heck, they want Ale and Rafa to spend the whole weekend with them and their families. They can all fly back together on Sunday evening. Ale makes the excuse that they’ve got a baptism, wedding and birthday party to attend that weekend, so they have got to get back to D.F. Fine, then tomorrow morning it is. Looks like Ale and Rafa will be spending another night at the No-Tell Motel. They both look shell-shocked at the idea. “Another night with La Licenciada/Medina???”

Meanwhile back in the D.F., Vicky is making everyone practice their hiding poses and yell, “Sorpresa Pajarito!”, for the surprise welcome home party she is throwing Rafa that night. I think she’s the one in for a surprise when he doesn’t show.

Marco and Claudia spent the day drinking tequila in that discreet location and now he has dropped her off at home. Her roommates are all away and she would just love to show Marco her place…too bad! Marco has to go pick Ale up at the airport. He whacks his car in frustration as he watches Claudia sashay away and blow him a kiss. He’s in for a surprise too when he realizes he lost this golden opportunity for nothing.

Tomorrow: Rafa and Ale have to tell Vicky and Marco that they are spending another night at the beach. They are not pleased.

Happy birthday Pata! I am off to Ecuador this weekend and back the following Sunday. Have a great week everyone! I hope someone can recap next Thursday. I also hope that I get the chance to catch up on all the telenovela episodes I will miss. :)


Vivi, thanks for such an entertaining recap. I especially love your retelling of the Claudia/Marco storyline. Yeah, 1 out of 4 ain't bad Claudia.

I was able to get this show recorded and am really looking forward to watching it. I especially want to see the Ale holding Rafa's hand and Rafa ready to make sure no one messes with Ale.

I was just able to read Melinama's recap from last night as well. You all are so wonderful to do this for us.

Vivi, have a safe trip. Have lots of fun in Ecuador and we'll be looking forward to your return (and recapping skills).


Vivi, Thanks for the great recap. Great title. It was so fun to read and remember how funny last night was. And thanks for filling in last night. I hope you have a great time in Ecuador and a happy birthday to you as well.

I was on the floor when Rafa spat out the fish and it hit Ale in the face. They were cute together afterwards on the beach.

Both Ale and Rafa looked splendid as they were heading to meet "the three stooges" Grabby dopey and sleazy. Man you got that right. I so enjoyed your despription of their meeting. I thought Rafa was going to have a heart attack when Ale said they were married.

That was really funny when they were outside and Rafa was confused with Ale chewing her out for not wanting to be thought of as a couple unless it suits her. I love watching these two together.

Claudia and Marco together? this could get interesting. I also wonder what kind of massage Susana has for our new vegatarian. I bet it is nothing like what he is imagining.

Vickys' little homecoming party, with everyone practicing to surprise Rafa. It was so stupid but at the same time I was cracking up. Don Gaston has the best faces. You know he loves his daughter to pieces but you also know he thinks she is a little off.

I am glad we get another night in Puerto Vallarta. Jeff we didn't get a Rafa song, but it was nice to hear the Ale song again. (Didn't we decide that was Ale singing?)

Thanks again Vivi, Have a great trip. We will miss you here, hope you will at least get to peak at the recaps while you are gone.

Thanks for the recap Vivi. Have fun in Ecuador!

Pata, they're not home yet, so I still have hopes of a song.

So you have to pay for getting saved by a lifeguard? Rafa didn't seem the worse for wear, he jumped right back in.

Ale went from "not my boyfriend" to "Mi Amor". Depends on the situation and what you need. :)
Ol' Grabby quite the slimy guy. Would have been hard pressed to get him to understand no. Sounds like after the phone conversation the sale should go through without too many problems?

Marco may be 1 out of 4, but 2 for 2 under slimy and conniving. Doesn't seem like a good idea to think about fooling around with someone who works for your novia.

Quite the surprise Vicky has set up. However, the surprise is going the other direction. Sorpresa Pajarita!

Vivi and Pata, happy birthday to you both. Vivi, enjoy your stay in Ecuador.

Thanks a lot for the recap Vivi. I liked the names you gave those three scumbags.

I'm happy to keep seeing Puerto Vallarta as well Pata. I was there about 5 years ago and it's one of my favorite spots on earth. Though I didn't know they call it Playa Estrella.

One impressive thing at Vikcy's party was the size of the chicharones they had. I've never seen them this big. The whole party was really funny.

And I agree with you Vivi, Rafa and Ale looked super sleek in their dinner outfits. They make a beautiful couple.

Vivi and Pata, happy birthday to you both. Vivi, enjoy your stay in Ecuador.

Thanks a lot for the recap Vivi. I liked the names you gave those three scumbags.

I'm happy to keep seeing Puerto Vallarta as well Pata. I was there about 5 years ago and it's one of my favorite spots on earth. Though I didn't know they call it Playa Estrella.

One impressive thing at Vikcy's party was the size of the chicharones they had. I've never seen them this big. The whole party was really funny.

And I agree with you Vivi, Rafa and Ale looked super sleek in their dinner outfits. They make a beautiful couple.

Spot-on recap, Vivi! I hope your trip is as fantastic as Ale and Rafa's thus far! (But with less ocean inhaling and dirty motels. ;)

The Stooges are aptly named. Hopefully all goes well and we won't have to hear much from them again. Rafa is so painfully naive not to notice Gropy's advances toward Ale but his innocence is partly why he's so darn cute. Rafa's willingness to defend Ale later completely makes up for his being so oblivious. I'm holding my breath for a song, too.

Oh, Claudia. I think she and Marco may be meant for each other considering how sleazy and scheming they both are. I fear if she does bed Marco she might use it to get an upper hand at the Siglo somehow. Only time will tell...

P.S. Feliz Cumpleaños, Vivi and Pata!

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