Wednesday, April 14, 2010

El Clon #41, 4/13. I Want A Guy Just Like The Guy Who Married Dear Old Mom.

Marisa badgers Lucas about Jade. She accuses him of bringing Jade to Miami. She knows because she saw Jade at TORIM (The Only Restaurant in Miami). She wants to know if he is going to run away with her. He shouts that what he had with her is dead, and he has nothing to do with her. She asks him why he still has her picture in his nightstand, then she brings up the necklace. He says he returned it to her family, but he won’t swear to it. I find myself thinking, if Marisa wasn’t such a hag, maybe Lucas would make more of an effort to be united with her. Then I remember how kind and patient Said is with Jade, and that’s not working either.

Marisa goes to Leo’s office and asks for a piece of her jewelry from the safe. He gets it for her. Soon Lucas shows up, asking for the necklace, intending to send it back to Morocco. Leo says he just gave it to Jade. Marisa sells it at a jewelry store.

Said checks that Jade really wants to return to Morocco. He confesses that he was afraid she’d like Miami better and want to stay. But he sees that she’s not happy there like she was before. His conclusion is that he is beginning to win her love.

Nariza badgers Latifa some more. When she leaves, Latifa says she’d rather live back in the US because it’s against the law to take a second wife there. Nariza enters the women’s chambers and finds Ali’s three wives watching the novela disk. She screeches that they’ll all burn in H@ll for it. They say it’s Zoraida’s just as Zoraida enters. Nariza says she’s taking it to show Ali, but really she sneaks it into Mohamed’s house to watch it. It gets her all excited and she imagines herself belly dancing for Ali. She cries that they ruined her life.

Lucas gets home and Marisa tells him she sold the necklace, but it was only worth ten dollars. They have a big fight. She says she’s fed up with his obsession for Jade. (You ain’t the only one, Sister!) She tells him that if he ever sees Jade again, she (Marisa) will tell Jade’s husband, and Jade and Lucas will both pay dearly for what they’ve done.

Vicky counsels Cristina to start a business that is less complicated than a spa, like a beauty parlor or cake business. Cris is sure that Leo will support her for the rest of her life. If that’s her retirement plan, I hope she has a picture of Dorian Gray in the attic, because sugar daddies don’t spend their money on women who age.

Dora complains that she feels like she is losing her son to Albieri. Meanwhile at his house, Albi writes in his journal that Daniel behaves just like Diego. “Mi Daniel.”

Jade goes to the kitchen and sneaks some of her herb from the pantry. In the with-family room we find Mohamed and Latifa, Ali, Said, and Nariza. They are talking about Latifa’s baby. Jade comes out and the bag of herbs slips out of her pocket. She doesn’t notice but Nariza does. She announces that Jade must be using it to avoid pregnancy. Jade claims ignorance, saying she just likes its aroma in tea. Ali rants at Zoraida for allowing this poison in his house. Then Nariza tattles to Ali that there is an even worse poison in his house, the naughty telenovela that belongs to Zoraida. Z says Nariza has it, and Nariza claims she burned it, but that she never watched it.

Leo is talking to Lucas and Marisa, and he tells them that he thinks it’s time for them to have another child. Brilliant idea! That way, when they split up, which is likely considering the magnitude of their daily fights, each can take one child. Great idea, Pop. Much less messy when you have an even number of children, don’t you think? Rosa chimes in. Yeah, if grandpa has the right to meddle in Lucas and Marisa’s most intimate matters, why not the housekeeper? Marisa answers in that she would like to, but Lucas “avoids” it. He goes to his room and remembers when he and Jade talked about having children. Funny, I don’t remember them ever having much of any conversation. Well, I may not remember the conversation, but Jade does. Said finds her and assumes she’s sad because she hasn’t gotten pregnant because of the herb. He assures her that he’ll ask Allah for children.

At the playground, the nanny tells Marisa that she’s gotten a better job. Marisa whines, “Do you know how horrible it is to be left without a nanny?” Pobrecita, imagine if she had to take care of her own child while she lounges around the house all day. Dora brought Daniel to the same playground. It must be TOPIM (The Only Playground in Miami), right next door to TORIM. Daniel meets Natalia and they become friends. Daniel gives her a kiss on the cheek like Diego would. Natalia bats her eyes like Marisa would. Dora takes a picture of the children together. The nanny thinks that Dora is Daniel’s nanny. Natalia looks glum through the whole episode.

Leo shows Natalia a photo album. She wants to know who Cristina is. Then he turns to a picture of when Diego was young, but Natalia insists that it’s her friend Daniel from the park. Later Rosa tells Lucas that the spirit of Diego must have appeared to Natalia, but Lucas says that all children invent an invisible friend. Meanwhile Cristina asks Daniel about his new friend. Dora says that he doesn’t stop talking about her. Cristina says that Daniel should invite her to play at the house. It’s never too early to learn to “conquistar” a girl. Anyone else find this disturbing?

Cristina presents her next “Entrepreneur Barbie” project to Leo: buy a bar that’s failing because no one’s spending money on going out these days. She babbles on about all her plans. Leo wonders to himself, “Why can I never tell her no? She only causes problems, but she’s the only one who makes me happy.”

Rosa and Enrique are discussing Natalia’s new friend. They conclude that it’s the spirit of Diego, and he must have a message for them. Enrique says that they should have a Mass said (sponsor one), to help them find out. I’m guessing that the reading for that mass will not be I Samuel 28.

Danny shows Albi the picture from the park, and Albi recognizes Natalia. Probably from all the time Albi spends at Leo’s house. Albi tells Danny not to tell Luisa.

Jade and Zoraida go out shopping, so Nariza races to Jade’s room, locks the door, and watches the steamy novela. Now she imagines herself dancing seductively for both Ozzie and the man who offered her a temporary marriage. She has to fan herself because it’s too hot to handle. But Jade forgot her wallet, comes back, and finds her bedroom door locked. Nariza claims she just wanted to use Jade’s mirror. Jade yells at her to stay out of her room. They both screech about how the other will pay for her sins on judgment day. Gee, I wonder what The Judge thinks about them judging and cursing each other? Said comes home and they rehash their fight in front of him.

Dora and Marisa both end up at TORIM, and both the kids are along. Danny and Natalia meet in the ball pit, and Natalia asks about his birthmark. He says he was born with it.


Paula, another great recap.

I cannot believe that dear Marisa has never seen a photo of Diego as a child. After all, Diego was supposedly the love of her life. She has evidently searched every nook and cranny in the casa! This woman is a totally mean spirted airhead.

Why is Leo under Marisa's spell? Can he not say no to women?

I thought that Lucas was to take over the family business. The only thing I have seen him do is have lunch, play tennis, drive around in his Jeep and moon after Jade. Is he going to add retrieving Jade's necklace to his itinerary for today?

Thanks again and have a great day.


TORIM!! TOPIM! Perfect, Paula!

Rosemary, it should be easy for Lucas to find the necklace. He just needs to go to TOJIM (the only jeweler in Miami)!

NovelaMaven, you are correct, too funny. I had no idea Miami was so small!


Great recap, Paula. Love TORIM, TOPIM and Novelamaven's TOJIM! I'm sure the necklace will turn up again. The clone will probably buy it all unknowing.

I have a new vision of Marisa's ultimate fate. Her outburst at Lucas made me think that her bunch of broccoli is missing a few florets. She may end up in the looney bin.

Quite a few beanie tightening moments in last night's episode. Too bad whatever 'herb' Jade is taking wasn't better known. Then it wouldn't have been such a big deal when reliable artificial birth control for women became available in the 1960's.

Did Said really believe that she was taking the herb by accident and didn't know its effects?

IMHO, kids don't look that distinctive. I bet that if I saw a kid who looked exactly like me when I was kid, I wouldn't even notice. But for sure everyone who knew Lucas and Diego as children is going to be amazed when they see Daniel or Daniel's photograph.

I think they interspersed some video of a real belly dancer into the scene of Nariza's fantasy dancing.

Your recap is so excellent!! I want you to get a telenovela award.

Bonney 'Trying to Keep Up' Churros

Thanks, folks. I loved some of your comments. Jean's "her bunch of broccoli is missing a few florets," and Rosemary's "add retrieving Jade's necklace to his itinerary for today."

I wonder what kind of food they serve at Torim? Probably something vague and indistinct. Ever notice, in TN's the plates never have something you can identify, such as a pork chop or a slice of pizza or a square of lasagne? It's always "generic pile of food." So that must be Torim's specialty. Flavor doesn't matter, because the characters never actually eat the food. And although they are a restaurant, they serve much more drink than food.

I can just imagine a whole To*in empire! Torim, Topim, Tojim, Tonim (nightclub)... the list goes on and on.

Didn't you love last night when Marisa asked Lucas if he had come back to the house to pack? I guess she assumes that when they split up, she gets Leo's house!

Great recap, Paula. Like everyone else, I enjoyed the TO*IMs. To your list, you might add TOFIM (what they serve in TORIM). I also enjoyed your remark about Cristina's retirement plan needing a picture of Dorian Gray in the attic!

And yes, I too was bothered by the suggestion that the adults get Daniel and Natalia together so he can learn at an early age how to "conquistar" una chica.

It's hard to believe that Said is successful in business since he's so incredibly dense when it comes to reading other people, or at least Jade. He's now had several years with her, and he's still as clueless as ever. I really like him and his devotion, but.... I think even Luisa isn't as clueless, and that's saying something!

Excellent snarky recap, Paula. Other great lines have already been mentioned. I liked Entrepreneur Barbie!

Why oh why couldn't Jade have caught the evil Nariza watching the video with Miguel Varoni kissing an actress I'm not familiar with. Someone needs to get some dirt on her to keep her in check.

Marisa is so nasty it is beyond belief Lucas doesn't leave. After all, he's the son of a rich man in Miami. She's not going to be able to get away with keeping Lucas from visitation rights with his child. I want Jade to get her necklace back. I don't know if they're going there, but she attaches such importance to it that maybe it would help her reconcile herself to her life with Said.

Here's a real beanie tightening issue for me: why does Albieri insist the clone is Diego and that Danielito is just like him? The cell inserted in Dora's egg was from Lucas' biopsy. Diego burned up - no cells from him. Why wouldn't the clone be more like shy, artistic Lucas?

I really like Ali and think the actor is doing a great job, but the repetitive episodes of his blowing up at Zoraida and her getting blamed for what Jade does are getting on my nerves.

I was hoping that the DVD would slip out of Nariza's veil while she was waving her arms around.

The woman that Miguel Varoni is kissing is Danna Garcia, currently of Gancho al Corazon, late of La Traicion and Pasion de Gavilanes. The novela is Te voy a Enseñar a Querer from 2004.

Novelera, since Diego and Lucas were identical twins, wouldn't they have the same DNA? (Ah, had I only known hace muchos años that I'd need to know about cells and DNA, I might have paid more attention in Biology class!)

Jean, I too was hoping that the DVD would slip out of Nazira's veil. Oh well....

You may be right, Juanita, that the DNA for identical twins is exactly the same. I guess I was thinking about the fact that Diego and Lucas were so different in their interests and personalities that Lucas' DNA might contain personality traits. Not very scientific of me.

Now we get into the nature/nuture thing or does your DNA produce your personality.

Diego and Lucas are identical twins - clones in nature. But everyone knows that identical twins have different personalities; suffer from different diseases, etc. Here is an excerpt from a 2005 NYTimes article that identifes the probable cause of these differences:

"Identical twins possess exactly the same set of genes. Yet as they grow older, they may begin to display subtle differences.

They may start to look different, develop different diseases or slide into different personalities. Women who are identical twins may differ in their fertility or in the age at which they reach menopause.

These discrepancies are usually attributed to ill-defined differences in environment.

But a whole new level of explanation has been opened up by a genetic survey showing that identical twins, as they grow older, differ increasingly in what is known as their epigenome. The term refers to natural chemical modifications that occur in a person's genome shortly after conception and that act on a gene like a gas pedal or a brake, marking it for higher or lower activity.

Identical twins have the same set of epigenetic marks on the genome when they are born. But differences in the epigenome emerge as the twins grow older and become greater the longer they live apart, say a team of researchers led by Dr. Manel Esteller of the Spanish National Cancer Center in Madrid..."


for the whole article.

So Albieri is not much of a geneticist. He has created a clone of Lucas, which would also be a clone of Diego as far as DNA goes but the clone is going to be the product of his own upbringing, which no matter what Albieri does, is going to be different than Diego's. The clone should be his own person, not Diego or Lucas but science and logic don't hold in TN world so who knows.

According to 3Angela's post on TNW, the differences begin in utero. For example, I-twins will have different fingerprints.

At this post, 3Angela says, "Identical twins are formed when one fertilized egg splits. They are the only individuals in the world with identical DNA. Although identical twins have the same genotype (DNA), they have different phenotypes, that is, their DNA expresses in different ways. Phenotypical traits such as fingerprints and some elements of physical appearance are the result of interaction of individual genes and their developmental environment in the uterus. A DNA test can't determine the difference between identical twins, but their fingerprints can. That means the little boy is genetically identical to Lucas and to Diego, but will still exhibit some phenotypically different traits."

So considering that Daniel was carried in Dora's uterus, those pheno differences would be MUCH greater.

So.... The consensus is that Daniel won't be just like Lucas or Diego, but a distinct person, different from both twins? You said it, Jean, Frankenalbi is not much of a geneticist. He's convinced himself the boy is the reincarnation of his beloved godson.

All I can say is I just wanted Lucas to SLAP the hell out of Marisa... her yapping/nagging just drove me insane!! Jade deserves one too.

Thanks Paula. I don't know if the writers researched much about identical twins. So we'll have to see how the story develops ....


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