Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Corazon Salvaje, Tuesday, April 13: Ep 38--History repeats itself. Again.

Heartbroken Juan doesn't make it to the church on time. He cries to the Virgen that love has been ripped from his chest. He says he gives back his heart. He takes off his mom's rosary and leaves it draped over the chair Aimee sat in for the ceremony. That's cold, man. That's your mama's rosary. Eh, he relents and goes back for it. The Virgen's looking at him like, "Mhm, I know you didn't just disrespect your mama!"

Jimena misses an opportunity to tell the truth and says "mi amor" was just some random diarrhea of the mouth. Well, Gabe's cool with it. He's also so stupid he didn't recognize the girl from the kiss. He wants to see Estrella. Jimena says she's off getting treatment, but she sends letters. Gabe comes up with the idea of sending letters through Jimena. "Estrella" liked his goodbye letter. Gabe wants Jime to tell Estrella that he loves her and can't live without her. I don't know who's the bigger dumbass in this scenario.

Regina wants Clemencia to quit worrying about her. She'll get over it. Clem says she needs luuuuuuuurve. Well, here comes Juan galloping through the fields as Reggie drives the carriage. Reg realizes it's Juan and urges the horses on to intercept. Clemencia isn't happy about this. She does manage to get close and almost run him over, but she doesn't quite make it. They argue about who's the bad driver here. Juan tells her he's going to look for Aimee. Regina says Juan swore to leave Aimee alone, but Juan says that was before, and if she came back to him, all bets were off. So all bets are off. Well, she's married and he has no more right over her, so he needs to git. And Reggie's not scared of him, no sir. She'd do anything to keep Aimee and Renato together. Juan says they need to settle accounts and he's going to squeeze the life out of Aimee until all Renato has left is her corpse.

Rod makes a speech welcoming his guests. The newlyweds dance their first dance, accompanied by little girls in matching dresses. We get a nice shot down Aimee's dress. Dancing. Facial expressions.

Juan finally rides off, yelling at Clemencia to get the nun off his case. He makes the mistake of getting off his horse and Reggie goes after him with her puny little fists. Clemencia wants a word with Juan. Juan can't say no to his mother figure.

Jimena and Gabe have a nice walk while he tells her about the adventure in Cuba. Gabe caresses her face, but tells her she's his best friend. Friends with benefits, Gabe? Gabe's even starting to realize that he might like Jime better than Estrella. He awkwardly leaves and Jimena feels sorry for herself.

Clemencia tells Juan not to go killing people. "You're a Montes de Oca too." She reminds him who his mother was, but he insists this is why he needs to get revenge. Clemencia says that won't honor the memory of his parents--they did everything in the name of love, their feelings were pure and noble. Juan remembers that his dad said that Maria del Rosario was love. Clem agrees. She begs him not to do anything to Renato. Juan says he was going to forgive, but this wedding has just pissed him off too much and he can't hold back anymore. Now he gets on his horse and leaves for real. Clem and Reggie get back in the carriage, Reggie at the wheel, to catch up with Juan.

The first dance ends and Aimee leaves to powder her nose. Renato thanks everyone for being there. He hopes they'll have a good time and share in the happiness. "Let's get this party started!" Dancing, little girls in dresses running around. Eloisa can't get Fully to dance with her, but the dumbass sends Fed in his place. Fed even holds back until Raul pushes him into it. And now he's in Eloisa's clutches, and not looking too happy about it. She reminds him they have a date tomorrow. He's freaking out at how public she's being.

Juan keeps riding. The red shirts are coming, the red shirts are coming!

Noel wonders where Regina is, but Leo doesn't give a crap. Noel is still, somehow, shocked at her lack of caring.

Regina tries to drive the carriage fast AND question Clemencia about how she knows Juan. Clem tells her to keep her eyes on the road and drive faster.

Night falls. Rod gives a toast. Juan rides into the courtyard on his horse. Rod gets pissed off and Leo falls on her knees grabbing him around the waist to keep him from going after Juan. Juan gets up in Renato's face asking where "s/he" is, but he won't say who, he just keeps saying "you know who you are, get out here!" Juan tells Renato he has nothing to do with this, but he offers to tell him who he's looking for, if Renato really wants to know. Aimee looks on, worried that the jig might finally be up. And we'll find out…after this break. Pfft.

The standoff continues. Rod tries to attack again. Leo slaps Juan across the face. Noel asks everyone to calm the hell down and behave themselves. He demands an explanation from Juan. The sheriff calls for backup. Renato wants an explanation. Regina arrives. Juan looks at Aimee in answer to "Who are you looking for?" Aimee faints and Renato goes to see to her. Clemencia begs him to keep his promise not to hurt the girls. She begs him to leave. He fights his way out past the sheriff's men with his trusty stick. Fulgencio makes note of Juan's prowess. Finally, when it's 10:1 they get Juan subdued. Reggie hugs Clemencia. Rod tells Aimee not to talk. She says she feels dizzy. Leo blames it on the scandal. Aimee pretends not to have seen what was going on. The doc checks her out for about half a second and says she's fine, just too much excitement with the wedding. Raul gripes at Fully that Juan isn't gone like Fully said he was. Fully is suspicious of Raul's reaction. Fully kind of likes Juan, but Eloisa thinks Fully should be scandalized! Fully says he does admire the man--few dare so much. Raul and Fed disagree that admiration is appropriate. Raul is really wigging out, but Fully doesn't think Juan's that dangerous. Fully thinks Juan must have a good reason for what he did.

All the sheriff's men carry Juan out to their cart. Remigio rides up and asks what's up. "I didn't do nothin'" says Juan. I'm going to have to disagree with him on that. Juan swears he'll be back, earning him a further beating. As he's carted off, literally, he screams "Aimee! Aimee! Aimee!" (drink!)

Aimee is still being fussed over. She apologizes for causing a spectacle. She refuses to go to her room and be checked out. Leo tries to insist, but Aimee says she just wants to stay with her new hubby. Rod says if Aimee says she feels fine, they've got to believe her. Noel votes they continue the party. Renato votes that Aimee get checked out. She'll go if Reggie goes with her. Renato carries her upstairs and Reggie follows. Fed comes up and asks if he can help. Rod wants to see what happened to Juan and refuses Noel's offer to take care of it. Leo also tells Noel to keep his nose out of it. Rosenda goes to attend to Leo. She asks for a good strong drink.

Rod tells the sheriff that was the same guy who attacked him outside the church. Rod wants Juan lost indefinitely. For a generous fee, of course.

Regina yells at Aimee to quit pretending she's sleeping. "Quit faking and get up, already! Put on a happy face, princess, and keep lying like you've been doing. And then you'd better pray that that guy forgets about wanting revenge or when the shit hits the fan, it's all your fault!"

Rod asks the sheriff for the full Juan de Dios treatment for Juan Jr. The sheriff says times have changed, but he'll do what he can.

Rod goes back in and asks the crowd to please forget the fuss and keep partying on. Leo shoos Rosenda away when she sees Rod coming over. They toast as Arcadio looks on jealously. Rosenda goes over to gossip with Arcadio. He tells her that Leo treats her like a servant…"Yeah, well, she treats you the same way!" Rosie pretends to be hurt by the way Leo treats Arcadio. Arcadio says it's the same way Renato treats her, like nothing. "Well, I've lost my chance with Renato, but maybe I'll have another chance."

Marlene cries to Frenchie. Yeah, yeah, you were a whore and a thief. Cry me a river.

Arcadio realizes that Rosie is setting her cap at Rod. He so doesn't think that's going to happen. Rosie says they need to stick together. She wonders who that guy was looking for--she has a funny feeling he was looking for one of the girls.

Marlene's still crying. Bad life choices, yadda, yadda, road less taken, blah, blah, blah. She's determined to fight for her daughter.

Arcadio reminds Rosie that secrets kill. Well, Rosenda just needs to find out which girl he was after. Arcadio think it was Reggie, seeing as how the other one's already taken. Aimee and Reggie rejoin the party. Reggie covered for Aimee with Renato, telling him that Aimee did have fainting fits at school. Yeah, cause she's such a fragile little thing. Renato thanks Reggie and Clem for taking care of Aimee. He thinks Reggie's the bestest sister ever. Aimee fishes for information about Juan. Renato says he didn't hurt anyone, but he wasn't looking for Rod this time. He plans to find him later and demand an explanation. He tells Aimee that Juan's the guy he fished out of the river. She begs him not to go looking for that ungrateful wretch! He's probably sick in the head! Renato tells her they need to just keep enjoying their day. Renato asks for the special drinks to be brought out so he and Aimee can toast together. "To you, to me, and so our love will be eternal." I'm glad Renato's called himself "cursi" (cheesy) before, so I don't have to.

Juan tries to argue his rights, but gets nowhere. The sheriff claims disturbing the peace and tells them to go lock Juan up already.

Clem worries to Reggie about what will happen when Juan gets out of prison. Reggie wants to know what their backstory is. Clemencia says it's a long story and now's not the time to tell it. Regina wants as much information as she can get to keep anything bad from happening. Clem says that the past always comes back.

The sheriff gets a visit from Remigio. He wants to see the new prisoner. The sheriff refuses. Remigio begs. The sheriff has his last remaining henchman throw Remigio out. Sheriff's hoping to turn a tidy profit on this latest deal with Rod.

Juan curses the sheriff's men, Renato, Aimee, himself for backing off on his revenge plans. He talks himself back into revenge mode again.

Tomorrow: Jimena and one of the hos plot; the battle for Reggie is on; Juan sits in jail; Gabe brings the smackdown to the sheriff's office.


Hope y'all enjoyed this one. It seemed a little fillerrific to me.

I've convinced Mr. 5ft that the answer to any question about this show that starts with "Why...?" is "Because then the show would be over already."

Last Tuesday's audition went well and I've been offered a part. I'll update y'all when they decide which one :)

Thanks, Kat for your recap. I enjoyed it enormously. And congrats on getting a part! I look forward to hearing what role you will be playing.

Now, our show...It's cut on Juan night, for me. You all, I think Juan acted like a total clod in this episode. Finally the casting has become a real problem for me. If a 27 year old man acted like Juan I would think he was an immature idiot but when the man in 47 he looks insane and unstable. The age thing also showed tonight in shots that were taken in profile—as the hubster said, his dewlaps were flapping.

I did not find Juan's dilemma compelling. I found his breaking in on his former lover's wedding to be boorish and just plain unforgivable. What a drama queen and a great big baby to boot! Plus I hated those tan leather thigh straps over the black trousers and riding boots.

Also, couldn't Arcadio have shaved for the wedding? If he wants Leo in the daylight he'll have to do better than that.

I find the Jimena/Gabe mistaken identity story to be tired and stupid but the two actors have real chemistry together.

Cranky Iron Elna O' Velvet

As bad a daughter in law Aimee will be, Regina would have been worse because she would have encouraged Renato with his dreams, pulling him away from Leona's influence and Leona wouldn't have been having it.

Thanks for the great recap Kat! I have to agree with Elna June - the Gabe/Jimena storyline is just dumb. Jimena has such a distinctive face you'd think he'd notice and realize who "Estrella" is. I guess love really IS blind (and stupid).

Of course Aimee didn't want the doctor to examine her! Gotta get that wedding night in to cover for the bun in the oven...

Gee whiz. None of these people can figure out who Juan was looking for? I guess no one heard him screaming AIMEEE! AIMEEEEEE! as they dragged him

Thanks for the recap!

Official photos from the wedding:

Thanks, Kat, and good luck with your new gig. Hmmm we go. What will Juan's next move be once he gets out of jail ? I got a kick out of Arcadio and Rosie fussing about Leo and Ren treating them like servants...hey !...Here's your wake up call. ...You ARE servants. I also don't feel sorry for Madam because she abandoned her daughter and headed to parts unknown. Boohoo to you, Sister Sledge. I do, however, feel very sorry for Clem who is right in the middle of this muddle of secrets and revenge. I am anxious to see how Reg and Juan get together because the opening montage shows us that they will. Forward.

Well done, Kat, & congratulations on your successful audition. Hope it's not one that requires a squinched up nose & bellowing calls for revenge. Of course, if it did, you could channel Juan & all would be peachy. Oy.

Who the heck does I-Juan-Some-Psychiatric-Help think he is? And, HELLOOOOOOOO----Aimee married Renato so why are you p*d off at Renato? What did this poor, innocent, naive idiot do to deserve your raving rant? And you really can't get mad at Aimee (I know, it's hard to defend the little princess 'ho but...) because you told her to shove off, after your stooopid revenge plot tarnished your love cave. Oy.

Clem, spill the beans. You're killing me. 'Mena, ditto.

Oy. (seems to be my word of the day...beanie adjustment may solve all of my problems)


word verification: kapow (what I'd like to do to Juan)

Thanks for the funny recap Kat. I haven't had a chance to see this episode yet. Good luck on the part! We knew you could do it.

Just a reminder--Cheryl is out and about so I told her I would post a heading for people to post to for tonight's episode. I don't have time to recap it so if someone wants to recap just let me know.

Now I know how to handle stress in my life--I'll just faint. When the boss gets in my face--faint. When my phone won't stop ringing--faint. When I have to stand in line at the grocery store too long--faint. Come on, try it with me now....

"And you really can't get mad at Aimee (I know, it's hard to defend the little princess 'ho but...) because you told her to shove off"

Yes, unfortunately Mejía and Abud did their best to screw up this character. In the original story he and Aimee were about to marry, but the girl left him for Renato's money and social status. Therefore Juan had every right to be upset.

I can see only one tiny excuse for him: he had left Mexico for a few days (in telenovelaland the ships sail quickly), and when he came back, he learned that his beloved dove married to an other guy. When did she meet this man? When did they fall in love? When did they get engaged? During two cave sexes? Does this mean that he, Juan was nothing more than a sex toy?
If Juan has enough brain (well, he usually acts like a dumbass, but sometimes he seems to be smart), he can put two and two together. There's no way for Aimee to leave this situation as pure as the driven snow, even if she was dumped in the Love Cave.

Although Juan wanted to marry Aimee, she never let him to meet her father. Didn't even tell him her name. Sho obviously didn't want a serious relationship.

However, this situation would've been hundred times better if Juan didn't dumped Aimee. They should've reconciliated (for a few days or hours), and after this Juan should've left to run his businesses. He could've been torn between his passion and vengefulness, but had stayed loyal to the ho.

I know it's hard to mix the two stories - vengeance from YCEM and love quadrangle from CS, but I thought that Abud (the writer of this show) was experienced enough to solve this problem. Y me he equivocado...

Kat, this was a masterpiece. :) LOL at:

"mhm, I know you didn't just disrespect your mama!"

" I don't know who's the bigger dumbass in this scenario."

"Yeah, yeah, you were a whore and a thief. Cry me a river."

Great job!

Thank you for the recap, Kat. "I know you didn't just disrespect your mama!" Woo, I was glad to see Juan take back his mom's rosary. It's the only thing he has from her, other than half his DNA. And it shows he's not a total hard case, thank goodness.

I've given up commenting on Jimena and Gabriel until they stop acting so stupid; it's frustrating. I sympathize with recappers. It's going to be nice once they get going, though.

Regina driving that carriage -- good one. She's a capable girl. Especially yelling and threatening Juan, twice her size. That was fun; bodes well for future meetings. And not too stupid, asking Clemencia what she obviously knows about Juan.

Have to give Juan props, especially in his agitated condition, when Leonarda slapped him -- that he didn't break her neck with one hand. Argh! That galled me, even from where I was sitting in my faraway comfy chair, knowing what we know about her. I'm kind of voting for Leonarda to die at this point. I'm glad Juan was fair with Renato, though. Juan didn't blame Renato.

Fulgencio recognizes Juan as a fellow tough guy; not the usual milquetoasts he hob knobs with and preys on in society. Not the first time he's shown fascination with Juan; I sometimes wonder if they are going to join forces. Would Fulgencio still admire Juan if he knew Juan & Co. stole his arms shipment...

All the sheriff's men heard Juan calling for Aimee. In the previews, Gabriel comes to the jail; I'm wondering if Gabriel will have to reveal to the sheriff that his prisoner is Juan Aldama -- and capable of paying twice whatever bribe Rodrigo promised to deep-six Juan.

Gabriel will probably tell the cops that Juan Aldama wants Juan out of jail and he'll match or surpass whatever Rodrigo is paying them to let Juan out.

It is a lot of drama they'd be losing if they revealed Juan's identity.

But I'm assuming they already know Juan is supposedly Aldama's power of attorney -- and they arrested him and plan to ditch him anyway.

Great recap, Kat!

ITA with your answer to Mr. 5ft. So many characters know things, but they continue to say "Now is not the time to tell you the whole story". Two prominent examples are Clemencia not telling Regina, and Noel not telling Renato. And why not? Because the show would be over too soon. It's not as if these people are busy going to work, or going on the internet to read Caray Caray, they essentially have Nothing to DO! But now is not the time. Okay.

I also enjoyed Regina trying to punch Juan, and driving those horses at blinding speed. She's quite a gal.

Did anyone else notice that when Regina ran Juan down with the wagon it was broad daylight? They had their confrontation and went racing off, again in the daylight, but it took them until after dark to reach the finca?

I laughed when Rod called in the police. Were they on stand-by? They got there lickety-split - faster than if he had dialed 911.

Kat: Masterful and fun recap. You, Judy and Julia make reading the Tuesday night recaps pure delight. So many wonderful phrases, simply great. Also, congratulations on your part. So happy for you.

As Aimee lied to Juan all along, I can't blame him for being angry and heartbroken. While it was ill advised to interrupt the reception, aside from a few loud, urgent screams of "Aimme" on the way out, at least he didn't let everyone know it was Aimee he came for. Undoubtedly, a few (including Rosenda) have and will speculate and some will be correct.

If I had been on the receiving end of the withering look he gave Aimee, I would have simply shriveled up. Ack.

I'm enjoying Reggie as she morphs into a fiery heroine. Like moth to a flame, it's only a matter of time for Juan to be drawn to the heat.

I loved it when the good doctor punched Fed (not sure if that was in the episode or preview but either way it was excellent).


Yep, we need a new beanie for this. Jeri, without you and Aribeth to lend historical perspective to this mish mash of a production (that it is the combo of two previous novelas, for example) I would think the writers had really gone round the bend.

Maggarita: as this show has been written, it makes no sense for Juan to be angry with Renato. He just decided Renato was not such a bad guy after hearing Remigio's praise of him and seeing the worker's new homes. What happens when Renato figures out that Juan has been tupping his new (probably pregnant) bride? Who should be mad at whom? And riding in on the horse? What a monomaniac.

I am so mad at Juan for his behavior at the wedding. And I am even more disgusted with Mejia and the writer. Caballeros---QTH? How am I supposed to care about Juan and what happens to him? Aimee is as pure as the driven slush and has absolutely no redeeming characteristics. Right now I think Juan should just go back to the cave since he is acting like a Neanderthal anyway.

Perhaps that is an unfair comparison. Neanderthals had bigger brains than ours and they lived closely together in caves. They probably had better manners than Juan.

Aribeth, thank you for the beautiful photos. I wonder who did Aracely's wedding dress. That's a good one of Juan at the church.

I started an album, including a few of Juan in the red shirt at:

Corazón Salvaje Album

xlntperuvian, I did notice they added a little nighttime to the drama at the wedding reception, LOL.

And in addition, I'm pretty sure that was the monastery set, where Regina used to scrub around the fountain. They added a whole lot of potted greenery.

elna june, I'm thinking Renato is going to go a little crazy himself when he finds out about Aimee and Juan.

We mustn't forget that nut job of a jealousy scene where Renato went wild eyed expressing to Aimee what he would do if he were crossed.

That was the one time everybody was pretty clear on what part of his personality Leonarda had bequeathed him.

In Fuego en la Sangre, didn't Baker Boy Juan ride into the foyer of the Elizonda hacienda on Caprichio ? Maybe this will become Big Ed's signature move. For those watching Amor Real on Telemundo, how do you like it uncut and in all its glory ?

mad bess, here you go:

Juan Reyes and Capricho in the foyer

Jeri~~~You are amazing. Thanks for that flashback !

Jeri, thank you for the pictures!

Thistext is my favourite one.

Ayyyy, Capricho in the foyer! Dios mio, that was the best, the awesomest scene of Circo en la sangre. "Vengo por mi mujer y mi hijo!" I loved it. Jeri and Mad Bess, thank you for evoking that great moment.

And thank you, Aribeth, for that great photo of Juan. It makes you say, ''Juan, I juan you.''

Bess, I completely, wholeheartedly agree! Thank you Aribeth. And thank you Keel-hauling Kat for a great, hilarious recap. Congrats on your next performance. Break a leg!

You're nice, ladies, but it's Jeri who deserves your thanks. I just picked a photo is from her CS album. :-)

Aribeth, that was my favorite, too; didn't know if anyone would agree. I put the red-shirt ones in there by request.

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