Thursday, April 08, 2010

El Clon 4/8/10 Cap 38: In which Jade does the sword dance but Marisa wields the knife -- and Zoraida dreams up a way to come home.

An angry mob is awaiting Jade when she reaches home – oh wait, that’s her family. Where have you been and by the way, where the heck is Zoraida? Dunno, says Jade, I’ve been out looking for her myself.

Meanwhile back in Miami, Albieri tells Luisa that Dora can’t be allowed to send Danielito to NY. He knows that Dora’s ma detests him and she’d never let him visit. He bullies Luisa (sigh! yes again) into trying to persuade Dora to take the kid to LA;

Tio Ali rants about Zoraida’s betrayal for leaving his household, calling her an ingrate, a bad woman (mala mujer). “Let her drown in her own tears!” Tio Abdul fans the flames by telling him that there’s been something cooking between Zoraida and the fruit seller. Abdul concedes that Zoraida’s a good-looking woman and the fruit seller in fact ‘tiene buen ojo’ (has a good eye). Ali continues to rant that she’s an exhibitionist (huh??) and if she wanted a husband, she should have come to him, he’d have found one for her.

And as the gang in Misery Mansion prepare to celebrate Marisa’s birthday --

[My question: Wasn’t Diego killed in the helicopter crash exactly one year ago trying to go to a birthday party for Marisa? Doesn’t this ‘anniversary’ give anyone else, especially Leonardo, ‘mala espina’, a bad feeling, premonition?]

-- Lucas discovers that the key to his safe box is missing. No worries, Mama Rosa will get a locksmith (cerrajero) to open it and they’ll do it when Marisa’s not looking. “I’d never forgive myself if I lost Jade’s necklace” says Lucas. Rosa offers two novenas to get rid of the mala mujeres (bad women) in her universe, Jade and Cristina.

Cristina interrupts Leo in a meeting in his office, bursting in with an invitation to her wedding and asking if he’ll be ‘padrino’ (literally ‘godfather’ but here, ‘best man’). It’s to be on the 4th of July -- to celebrate her independence from Leo. And in the Mandarin Hotel, no less, where these two had planned to wed.

Afterwards, Leo acknowledges to Enrique that of course her plans bother him. The best way to show your indifference is by going to the stupid thing, says Enrique.

Back in Misery Mansion, Rosa opens the box and is horrified to find the necklace is gone. Were you looking in here (¿metiste la mano en esta caja?), she asks Marisa. Marisa: Don’t be silly. Rosa: But the house will be turned upside down (patas pa’arriba) when Lucas learns it’s gone. M: So don’t tell him.

Osvaldo and Dora do their mating dance at the club –

He: Without your papi, you’re nobody (Sin tu papi tú eres nadie)

She: If war is what you want, war is what you’ll get. (Si quieres guerra, guerra tendrás.) Boasts. Insults. She leaves.

Our girl Jade, duly chastened, is praying that Allah protect Zoraida. It’s all my fault, she says.

Tio Ali still hasn’t found Zoraida. I want to find her to curse her (maldecirla) he says.

In Miami, Danielito runs near the pool and Dora catches him up, scolding him and confesses that she always worries about his being near the water. (should we be worried too?) Dora’s on her way out and Luisa plans to take Dani to the party. Of course Albi can’t let that happen, says he & Dani will stay home and Luisa can go alone. It’s for adults, not little kids and he needs to sleep. (This is actually true!)

At Mansion Ferrer, Marisa is upstairs primping, preparing to give Lucas the surprise of his life. Lucas is greeting the guests. Mama Rosa wants to know what’s up, why doesn’t she come down already, the guests and press are here. She just wants to call attention to herself says Lucas (tiene ganas de llamar la atención).

Looking gorgeous and melancholy, Jade is lying on a couch, gazing at a candle flame while Said watches from the doorway. He is remembering when she danced the sword dance (la danza de la espada) for him and he thought she was starting to love him. Were you, he asks. I don’t know. Will you dance for me again? Yes. And she does, exquisitely, erotically, for a spellbound Said. The dance climaxes with the point of the sword at the partner’s throat. He has put himself completely at her mercy.

In Miami, Marisa does her own sword dance. She makes her entrance (looking plain vanilla when we have just seen the spectacular Jade) wearing THE necklace. It was Lucas’s mother’s, she explains, I’m wearing it as a tribute to her. Are you nuts, asks Mama Rosa? (good question). Lucas narrows his eyes – if looks could kill… if only!

Tio Abdul has found Zoraida working in the Café Asis. He and Ali go there, quarrel about whether it would be a sin to go inside because they sell alcohol there (But we’re not drinking it, reasons Ali). They see Zoraida sweeping. Ok says Ali, I can curse her from out here. Again with the ingrata, mala mujer, this is how you repay me song.

At home Jade hugs Zoraida and tells everyone that Zoraida left because of a dream. Yes, says Zoraida, I dreamed Ali had threatened to return me to the desert. (These women are good!) That’s just superstition says Ali. You can see he’s relieved.

Nazira says snidely (well, ok, she says everything snidely): One sinner defending another. Surprisingly Abdul reproaches her: Watch your tongue or the lashes will be for you! (Snap!)

“Infeliz cumpleaños” (unhappy birthday) shrieks Lucas (well, not really) as he rips Jade’s necklace off Marisa’s neck. They run off, they argue. No mating dance here. Just genuine dislike on one side and attempt to control on the other. Marisa says she’s leaving. So go, says Lucas. Leo convinces him that he has everything to lose if she does, that she’ll take Natalia away. Find a way to make her stay, he says.

So Lucas sort of apologizes for lying about the necklace. Marisa says: Get rid of it or I leave. That woman or me. You choose. I choose my life with you, he says.

Luisa tells Albieri she couldn’t convince Dora to take Danielito with her to LA. The kid’s going to NY with grandma. In that case, says Albi, tell her the LA deal is off.

Dora then tells her ma that the kid will stay with her in Miami. Ma continues to protest. She agrees to watch Dani so Dora can go to Cris’s wedding. (I hope she’s not planning to take Dani away…)

And now Cris and Leo’s, I mean, Armando’s wedding –

Cris is trying to squeeze into her Gilda dress. Armando sees Leo come in and wonders what the heck Cris was thinking when she invited him. Invited him? He’s the best man! Poor Armando is reduced to a bit player in this production. Cris makes her entrance, peels off one Gilda glove (for Leo), and takes Armando by the arm. Cris and Leo are the principals. She can’t stop looking at him, thinking about him, even as she exchanges her vows with Armando.

Los declaro marido y mujer – I now pronounce you husband and wife.


Wow NovelaMaven! You're an expert already! You hit all the important points, and yet you kept it concise, and still managed to fit the humor in there! Sensational debut recap!!!

¡Felicitaciones, amiga! Fantastic debut recap. Welcome to the club. I hope you enjoyed doing it.

Excellent title. That sword dance was amazing but once again nothing happens (except Cristina's wedding).

I think this is the second anniversary of Diego's death although the passage of time is confusing as is usual on TN's. No way that kid is one year old. He looks about 4 but I think he supposed to be 2. But you are right, the anniversary of Diego's death should produce some reflection on Lucas' and Leo's part.

What a spineless wuss Lucas is! I wanted him to call Marisa's bluff - tell her that he isn't the sure the kid is his anyway. And Leo! What good is power and money if you don't use it to get what you want. And of course, he doesn't care about Lucas at all. He forces him to continue in a loveless and bitter marriage just to keep a brat in the house.

Then there's Albieri making Luisa tell Dora the bad news about the classes in LA!

The producers obviously didn't spend a whole lot of money on Cristina's wedding. It looked like it was taking place in some sleazy bar. I confess that I thought that Leo would stop it but we didn't even get that much action.

Paula H -- Thanks so much! I realize, though, I still have lots to learn!

Jean -- Yay! In the club! And yes, I really did enjoy writing it.

About Leo ... interesting that he cares so much about his bloodline and so little about any actual human beings, including his only surviving son. Since child as genetic vessel is his mania, just imagine how he'll react if (when?) he finds out about Albieri's little science project.

And Lucas, well...if Lucas hands over Jade's necklace to that witch, knowing how precious an object it is to Jade...yeah I know it's just material, but it would seem like his most profound betrayal (so far. ugh)

You're right, Cris's wedding seemed low-rent, especially when she had given every indication she was prepared to 'echar la casa por la ventana' / throw the house through the window, ie spare no expense.

Just for yuks (and to waste time at work ;-) ), I looked up the Mandarin Oriental hotel on the web. Here is their page on weddings there (you'll have to cut and paste it into a browser. I can't figure out how to embed a link in a comment.)

Not exactly what Cristina got, eh?

Here's the link. Maybe she thought she was booking the Mandarin Oriental, and it was really the Mandarind Oriental!

Heh Heh. Thanks for doing the link.

I am sooo glad Leo did not stop Cris from marrying...HA! she is sooo juvenile and tarty. I don't dislike her completely cuz she seems to have a good heart, but IMHO she's just not right for Leo.

I hope you're not thinking, mrslmgallego, that Cristina and Leo aren't going to get together eventually bucause I bet (no spoiler, just guessing) that they will.

I agree that Leo and Cristina seem to have absolutely nothing in common but for true love on TN's that isn't required. We seem to have established that their relationship is more than older guy looking for a hot young babe and hot young babe looking for a meal ticket.

NovelaMaven, thank you for a stellar debut recap. I missed the episode but you made it seem as if I were there.

Did the photographers get a picture of the bruja with THE necklace? If so, I bet it is winging its way to Fez. Poor Jade!

Yes Jean, Lucas is a wuss. Is he only half a person with Diego gone or has he always been like this?

Is anyone happy or least content in this TN? They need to move this story along pronto.


ay Jean, I'm sure you're right about Cris/Leo. maybe when they ff the story 20yrs, she'll be better.

Rosemary - even though I watch it everyday, most of the time I ff. Like I've mentioned, Said is the only one keeping me interested. when he looks at Jade, he seems so in love (I envy her.. haha).

NovelaMaven - I just read your recap, and what a hoot!

' “Infeliz cumpleaños” (unhappy birthday) shrieks Lucas (well, not really). ' and 'she always worries about his being near the water. (should we be worried too?) '

also loved your description of Jade's dance 'for a spellbound Said.'

Rosemary, I bet you're right about Jade seeing the photo of Marisa wearing the necklace. We know from the scenes for tonight's episode that Jade and Said are coming to Miami. Speculating here, no spoiler: Jade sees the pic of Marisa wearing her pendant and it is the final brick in the wall of her conclusion that Lucas loves Marisa.

No, not happy with this TN but I watch hoping that something will happen. It has to eventually.

Rosemary and Mrslmgallego-- thanks soooo much! I admit I was a little nervous coming into this and your comments are very reassuring.

For my money, the only well-matched couple, (and not so coincidentally, the least interesting pareja) are Latifa and Mohammed. Unfortunately they are both so weak that they're letting Nasty Nazira ruin their happiness.

I actually kind of like Cristina and I do hope she and Leo get together eventually. She seems like the only one able to humanize him, well kinda sorta.

What a terrific debut, NovelaMaven! I loved your recap, starting with the title.

I hadn't realized the significance of Marisa's birthday (the anniversary of Diego's death) until you mentioned it. I'm surprised none of the characters seemed aware of it.

And what's with the "exhibitionist" accusations? First Nazira accuses Latifa, and now Ali accuses Zoraida. Judging by what we know of Latifa and Zoraida, "exhibitionist" must mean a woman of infinite patience and purity.

Jean, ITA with your description of Lucas as a spineless wuss. I wonder how one says "spineless wuss" en español.

I also agree that Danielito looks more like four, or at the very least three. Then again, I can't keep the timeline straight, so perhaps neither can the writers.

Was anyone else surprised that Cristina actually did marry Armando or Fulano or whatever his name is?

from an online dictionary:

spineless (adj.)aguado, asombradizo, asustadizo, débil, flojo, huraño, invertebrado, medroso, miedoso, sin carácter, temeroso

While 'invertebrado' is the literal translation, I don't find that it has the same figurative meaning in Spanish. Probably, 'flojo,' 'sin carácter' or 'huraño' would be equivalents. Not as colorful as 'spineless,' though. Maybe there are others?

Gracias Juanita! And I love your comment that --

"Judging by what we know of Latifa and Zoraida, "exhibitionist" must mean a woman of infinite patience and purity."


Jean, how about: No tiene agallas.

Excellent recap, NovelaMaven. AND, I love your nickname as well. Thanks so much for pitching in.

I haven't commented much, if at all, this week as it's been one of those weeks. Rush home from work, gulp food, and run off to either a class or a meeting for activities for which I volunteer. So I did a marathon last night and caught up on my DVR'd Clon episodes.

It was heartening to read through the comments after seeing the episodes and find out how many grateful lurkers there really are.

While it's true Jade should have learned some Arabic, she still couldn't have replied as her voice would have been different from Careless Bathroom Lady.

I can't believe Marisa. What an idiot! Whoever said it was about control got it right. She'd rather be in the driver's seat than be loved. It's ridiculous to insist on one's partner giving up a memento of a previous relationship.

I sure wish that Nariza would get a bit of comeuppance. There's no one more submissive than Latifa, and Nariza still tries to poison that marriage. She may have a point that Jade isn't a good wife to Said, but Latifa adores her husband.

I can't stand Albieri either. It's always all about him. He doesn't mind dashing Dora's hopes of a dancing career so that he can keep trying to appropriate her child as the one person he really cares about (besides himself!). It was so cruel when he told her there was a mixup about her "scholarship".

This comment has been removed by the author.

NovelaMaven: Congratulations on a stellar debut! I loved the snark, and the Spanish language enhancements. Woo-hoooo! We should award you an honorary blue broccoli rubber band dress!
I agree, Danielito looks older but I think he's supposed to be 2. Didn't the clonation happen right after Diego died?
so that's 9 months plus 2 how time flies!

Thanks Novelera! You know NovelaMaven is practically a translation into Yiddish (or maybe Yinglish) of your nickname!

You're so right about Albieri, but I've noticed that almost all of the principals are self-absorbed --with the exception of Ali, Zoraida, and Said, (who becomes more likeable with each episode).

Glad to see you back, Novelera.

Agree that it's time Nariza got a taste of her own medicine. She bounced right back after the Ozzie and Lariat episode.

Agree on Albieri. He was worse than what you said. He made Luisa tell Dora that LA was no go.

For sure Jade acted on impulse and didn't think how was going to pass as Careless Bathroom Woman for a long flight. But if she could have understood what CBW's husband was saying, she might have sustainted the masquerade at least until the plane took off by pretending to have laringitis, or something.

Novelamaven - I like 'no tiene agallas'.

Joan -- Thank you!

And an honorary blue broccoli rubber band dress. Whoa! Nobody told me there'd be loot!

NovelaMaven: You're a natural and glad to have you take the plunge. Glad you had fun doing it also.

"An angry mob is awaiting Jade when she reaches home – oh wait, that’s her family."

"Watch your tongue or the lashes will be for you! (Snap!)"

"Poor Armando is reduced to a bit player in this production."

LOL! Your snark-o-meter was dinging all over the place. --Something tells me the luna de miel may be more vinegre than miel if Crissie doesn't snap to PDQ.
Can someone tell me what Zoraida told Jade once they were alone? I thought she said that the fruit seller proposed marriage. Did I have beans in my ears? Thanks!

Hey thanks, Jardinera! I'm trying to harness my snark for the forces of good:)

Here's what I understood:
Zoraida tells Jade she was helped by one of the women in the harem inherited by Said and Mohammed (Remember them?). It seems Zoraida had helped to arrange a marriage for her and that couple then helped her out, taking her in and giving her work at the Cafe. (Sorry. That scene ended up on my cutting room floor.)

NovelaMaven: Thanks! Boy, I must have a lot of those beans taking rooting in my ears. Tsk! Tsk!

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