Wednesday, April 28, 2010

El Clon 51, 4/27/10. Marry in haste, repent at leisure.

Albi walks into his office and sees nosy Alicia reading his cloning diary, the one she pulled out of his desk drawer. He throws a rod, and she uses tears to soften his heart. Which is like using a buggy whip to get your car’s horses to start running. She runs out of the room and uses her tears on a more receptive audience, Escobar and Luisa. Luisa marches into Albi’s office and chews him out for being so harsh to poor little Alicia. Albi is surprised that Luisa is standing up to him like this, but Luisa explains that hurting her niece is like hurting Luisa herself. If that’s the case, Luisa should be sitting quietly, afraid to say anything. In Luisa’s office, Alicia says that she was just straightening magazines on Albi’s desk, and Luisa is angry that he made such a scene over something so inconsequential. She must not have watched the scene where Albi told Luisa that Alicia was looking at client records.

At breakfast, Lucas gets a call that he wants to take privately. He tells the caller that they will talk at the “office.” He tells Marisa that it was Roberto. So after he leaves for “work,” she calls her “therapist” to make an appointment for today. She tells Rosa that her therapist, David, is the only one who knows how to make her feel better.

At the gym, somebody introduces Alejandro to Victor the Hawk Nose. Alex challenges, Victor accepts. Today.

Leo admits to Enrique that Cristina is looking better than ever. Ric asks if he’s having second thoughts about the wedding. No way. He needs a wife who doesn’t look and act like a fifty-cent hooker. Though Leo might have said it more delicately than I did. Just then the AntiCris walks in (love that moniker, Jean!). She brings Ric the article about men who are attracted to low-class women.

Cris tries to waltz into Leo’s office, but Carolina secretary stops her and calls Leo to announce her first. Leo sticks with Sofia to avoid talking to Cris. Ric goes out to greet Cris and trade flattery. Carolina looks on, jealously. Ric explains, aw, shucks, Leo just left for New York this morning. Did you ever notice, in telenovelaworld, there are only three cities in the US? Miami, New York, and LA. Nobody ever goes on business trips to Dayton or Des Moines.

At Little Morocco, Latifa asks if Jade still wants to go find Lucas. Jade explains that she‘d like to, but the last time, Said tried to find Lucas to kill him. Jade made an oath that if Allah saved Lucas, she‘d never look for him again.

The primas are talking girl talk. Jadiya can‘t wait to get her period so she can wear a beautiful veil. Zamira says that she doesn‘t want to wear a veil. She wants to wear short skirts and expose her belly button. She doesn‘t want a husband. She wants a career and independence instead. Haley Mills and Haley Mills decide to trade places, trick their parents, and get the forbidden life they dream of. Not really, but while we wait for the clone to show up, I decided to insert some plot into the plot.

Natalia is on campus and hears Fernando‘s friends teasing him about kissing the nerd. She runs off. He follows and apologizes. She says it‘s true, she is the nerd. He pours on the flattery.

Lucas stops at home to get some papers. Rosa tells him that Marisa is at therapy, which comes as a surprise to Lucas. Natalia comes home early. Lucas asks why and she has your typical teen girl hissy fit. Nobody cares about meeeeeeee! Marisa arrives home and Lucas blames her for Natalia’s problems because she’s never home taking care of her family, and she’s always spending loads of money. He asks her, “What? Are you maintaining someone? What is it you’re busy with? Or who?” She just smiles. She says Lucas has betrayed her with a whole parade of amantes. Lucas tries to talk to Natalia. I love you, you’re important to me, etc. Y’know, they really do look a lot alike. They have a cry together.

Roberto gets home from work. When he goes upstairs for a shower, his wife checks the calls on his cell phone. She teaches her daughter to spy on her husband at least once a day. Andrea warns that he who seeks finds.

At Tobim, Ozzie and Miguel have their usual conversation about Ozzie’s new hottie, Karla, vs. his old hottie, Dora.

At Torim, Said and Jade see Albieri. Said invites him to the opening of his new Miami hotel, for the sake of his old friendship with Ali. Said discovers that Lucas is Albi’s godson. When Albi leaves, Said asks Jade how she felt when she heard Lucas’s name. Jade asks why he brought her to Miami when she didn’t want to come? Why does he remind her of things she doesn’t want to remember? He says she’s never forgotten him, and she says he has never let her forget. Up in the room, he tells her that he’s desperate to know that Lucas is really out of her heart. He says all this, right next to Jadiya sleeping on the bed. I sure hope the kid is a sound sleeper!

Leo comes home and finds Diego looking for answers in the bottom of a bottle. He says that he was never as good as Diego, and Leo consoles and encourages his son by telling him he’s drunk. Lucas charges that Leo would’ve preferred if he was the dead one, even though Leo has denied it thousands of times. Funny, I never remember any of those times. Lucas is on a roll. He says he doesn’t love his wife, his wife doesn’t love him, and his daughter thinks he’s a bad father. Now Marisa knows that he’s had amantes, plural. Leo tells him to stop destroying his family; Marisa is a wonderful girl. (Lucas bad. Marisa good.) Lucas says his problems all started when he lost Jade because he was too weak, and because he listened to everyone else instead of listening to himself. Because of his weakness, he lost his only chance at love. Leo runs out of bad advice and simply hugs his son.

Alejandro has his big fight with Hawk Nose. He gets hammered, brutally and quickly. Mama comes running into the cage to save her baby. Back at the bar that looks more like a café, Alex says that his mother has ruined his career, and no one will fight him after what she did. She says it’s better that, than to have his body broken in two. She tells him no more fighting, and no more talk of fighting in her house. Alex goes to find Karla. He wants to get a job and earn some money so he can propose to Karla. But Karla has a date. With Hawk Nose. Who looks about 30 years older than her.

Marisa goes to talk to Natalia. She explains that Papa has lovers. Not one, but many. Further, Marisa says that the only reason they have stayed together is for Natalia. In other words, she is the cause of all this friction. Natalia tells Mommy Dearest to separate if she wants to, and Natalia is on her side. The good news is, in novelas, the worser they are, the worser they die. And Florida’s got alligators!

Hilda congratulates her daughter for snagging a great catch like Hawk Nose, considering that he bought her an expensive dinner. As they approach Gloria’s establishment, Gloria comes out and starts screaming at them like Cuban trailer trash. Latifa is scandalized as usual.

Ali calls Zoraida down to be his chaperone, just before Nariza arrives. He informs Nariza that he is leaving for Miami as soon as possible, but Said wants her to stay in Morocco to take care of things at the house. He wishes he had a transporter beam so he could get out of there even faster. Nariza does not share his enthusiasm.

Natalia comes down to breakfast and informs Lucas that he doesn’t have the right to make her mother suffer for Natalia’s culpa. She says, “You’re both suffering. Nobody’s happy. And it’s all my fault.” Have a good day, Dad.

At the office, Enrique tries to talk to Carolina but she slips out. Enrique points out to Leo and Lucas that there is a news story about someone who claims to have cloned a human. Lucas doubts it’s true. They ask Albi when he arrives, and he says no scientist would announce such a thing. Then he tells Lucas that he saw Jade in Torim.


Paula, thanks for the recap. A lot of your recap includes the very things I was thinking last night while watching this episode. The only thing I never thought about were the Florida alligators - a fitting end to Mommy Dearest, I must say. She is really good at the blame game.

Is Alicia the one that alerted the media as to the clon? Things do not bode well for that bruja.


Great recap, Paula. I particularly liked: Leo runs out of bad advice and simply hugs his son.

Yes, let's hope the anvil waiting for Marisa is a big one. It's one thing to plan vengeance on the husband that you don't even care about but to drag a teen with serious self-esteem issues into it is really evil. For sure things are going to get worse for Natalia before they get better. She is a sitting duck for some bad guy or drug dealer who makes her feel needed.

I also liked the Parent Trap reference. I was thinking along the same lines: Samira is the daughter Jade wants and Jadiya is the daughter Latifa wants. Although it's probably more nurture, that is, where the girls grew up, than nature.

As someone pointed out yesterday, Alicia is a stock novela character who fool people about her real motives until she is exposed.

My recap of tonight's (Wed.) episode will probably be posted late. My former Spanish teacher invited me to attend a group at the private school where she teaches. We are going to read a story by Isabel Allende and discuss it. So I'll get home late. Fortunately, (lucky you, Novelamaven) there is no Clon episode on Thursday. We can all watch the Premios Billboard live from Puerto Rico!!!

Nice one, Paula! Thanks!

Jean, I'm not so sure about the anvils over at Telemundo. This is my first non-Televisa novela, but I have the feeling we've stepped away from the neat morality plays of our friends at Univision. In this mundo of tele, Marisa may just end up as a reality tv star when Bravo comes by to film 'Housewives of Miami'

Well one can hope that Marisa's fate is nasty, painful and lingering. As I recall, her equally nasty character in Zorro was disfigured and almost eaten by cannibals (don't ask) and stabbed to death by the hunchback who was obsessed with her. That would be good if some of the cannibals from LA would come to Miami.

Thanks, friends. I admit, I did have a bit too much fun thinking about Marisa and alligators.

It's been done. An evil character in Gata Salvaje, the first novela I ever watched, fell out of a boat and was eaten by alligators.

I had heard that there was an alligator ending out there, but I didn't know what TN. I always use that example when I give my 15-second definition of telenovelas to gringo friends. Wasn't there also once a death-by-steamroller, ala Wiley Coyote?

See . I can't link - the site blocks hot links.

Muchissimas gracias to Novelamaven who volunteered to recap tonight's episode so I don't have to do my 'clonework' after the reading group. I appreciate it.

I had an idea- let's take bets on what day we finally see the clone, full frontal, not a teaser view with people reacting to something we can't see.

I guess Monday, May 3 with a teaser view on Friday's episode.

No hay de que, Jean! And I say Full Frontal Clone on Friday, April 30! (although admittedly, this is more wishful thinking than prediction)

You guys are screamingly funny! Thanks, Paula, for another masterful recap.

Yes, I like the idea of being an alligator lunch for our charming Marisa. I was ready to throw things at the TV when I saw that ghastly scene with her daughter. The kid is a teenager, feels like she's not accepted or pretty enough, and for the coup de grace Mommie Dearest tells her the only reason her parents are married is because of her and also her father is a cheating rat.

Maybe one of the deaths on Doña Bárbara would work for Marisa: attached to a rope and dunked into a lake of piranhas or pulled into four equal pieces by horses being spurred on by some evil cowboys.

Leo finally, at least for one second, seemed to understand his son's pain and wasn't repeatedly telling him to pull up his socks.

Jean, you are so right that Jade and Latifa would each be happier with her prima's kid.

Let us know which Isabel Allende story you read, Jean. I read Los Cuentos de Eva Luna in my Spanish class, and they were quite good.

PaulaH: Thank you for another humorous bunch of references - right on point, as always! I was grimacing when Marisa decided to badmouth Lucas to her daughter. That's playing dirty in this case, la mosca muerte(hypocrite!) considering she conveniently failed to mention her afternoon delighting David.

I changed my closed caption to cc3 on my tv remote from cc1 and I got it to read in english subtitles.I havent been able to do the other novelas,Mi Pacado,Hasta Que el dinero Nos Separe ones yet.Will keep you posted.

Anon: cc3 only works when they indicate at the beginning of the show that cc3 is available; which is mostly only on Telemundo (not Univision). The other wonderful thing about it is when some English shows have cc3, then the captions are in Spanish.

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