Saturday, April 24, 2010
El Clon, Fri., April 23 - And where are the clones? There ought to be clones. Well, maybe next episode... (apologies to Stephen Sondheim)
Marisa sweetly asks Lucas if he had a good afternoon and displays a huge diamond ring she has bought.

In their room, Lucia is surprised that Marisa is taking Lucas' betrayal so calmly. If it were her husband... Marisa replies that Roberto probably has strayed - he's a man (es hombre). She says that Lucas has no idea how she will make him pay for this (cómo me lo cobraré) and all the other insults to her in their marriage.
Alone with Lucas, Roberto tells Lucas not to play dumb (no te hagas). He knows that look. Lucas acknowledges that he was with someone. He says that he is trying to live life like his dead brother, Diego, would have with no attachments or suffering. He says that his marriage with Marisa ended long ago if it ever began. "No justification is necessary," says Roberto, "Flesh is weak (la carne es débil). Don't fall in love." Lucas says that won't happen. He fell in love once and it turned out very badly.
Meanwhile, Jade tells Zoraida that post Lucas, she will never love again. Said is a nice guy but she doesn't love him.
Mohamed finds Prince Amin (PA) at the girl fight. He says that they will leave immediately - as soon as they find out who wins.

Things are not going too well for Karla in the fight until she finds out that her opponent is Alej's ex.

After the fight Karla is furious with Alej and accuses him of knowingly arranging the fight with his ex-girlfriend. Alej apparently doesn't belong to the Leo/Lucas/Roberto school of dealing with women. When Karla demands that he look her in the eyes and tell her the truth, he does. Does this honesty help him? No, Karla is still furious and says that she never wants to see him again.
Mohamed hustles PA back to their apartment. Mohamed is in the liars group. He tells Latifa that PA was helping the Red Cross collect money. Zamira tells Latifa that Mohamed is covering up PA's sin. Latifa forbids her to slander her father.

Latifa tells Mohamed that it wasn't her fault that PA ran away. She says that she is afraid PA is heading down the wrong path ("el camino del mal").[Considering how he reacted to cage-fighting women, you'd better worry about Mohamed on that camino, too, Latifa, remember, el carne es débil.]
Lucas asks Marisa how much the ring cost and says that she shouldn't make such large purchases without consulting him. Marisa says that she tried to contact him but he wasn't in the office and his cell phone was turned off. Lucas mumbles that he was at a business meeting at a bank. Marisa replies that she deserves the ring for all she has had to put up with in her marriage with him.
Said tells Jade that he wants to talk about Lucas. He says that the trip to Miami will be a test of their marriage. Jade was honest with him from the beginning about her her love for Lucas. He hoped that over time, she would come to love him and he thinks that he has succeeded. The trip to Miami will be a test of this. Jade begs to stay in Morocco with Jadiya and leave her past behind. Said insists that she come with him to the US and go to his business events. He won't encourage her to meet Lucas but he won't prevent it either.
Lucas tells Rosa that the Jade from his past is coming to Miami. He asks Rosa not to mention this to Marisa and says that everything was in the past and he has thrown her out of his heart (ya la saqué de mi corazón). [And we believe that, right?]
Mohamed has a dream about boxin' babes and wakes up yelling, haram! He tells Latifa that it was a terrible nightmare (pesadilla horrible) It was so terrible that he can't tell her what it was about.
At the club, Osvaldo tells Miguel that he is going to meet Karla the next day. I guess Karla didn't think the boxing match was good for her career. She told Osvaldo that she had to take care of her grandmother. Miguel asks Osvaldo how he is going to make Karla believe his tall tale ('cuento chino') about being a talent agent. Osvaldo says that he has that under control. Dora and Vicki come into the club, Miguel warns Osvaldo, "It smells like death and it's not me," ("huele a muerto y no soy yo"). Dora is looking for Daniel. Osvaldo says that he has things to do and leaves without saying a word to Dora. She tells Vicki that Osvaldo is over her.

Natalia is all happy. She tells Rosa about how Fernando kissed her yesterday and went over to his house and they play music. She is going to meet him at the beach (without Andrea.)
Natalia arrives at the beach and the odious Fernando is with another girl.
Ramon invites Karla to Gloria's restaurant for empanadas that evening. She accuses him of spying on her for Alej. Osvaldo arrives with flowers for Karla. He dodges her questions about her contract and his fancy car and invites her to come dancing with him. She in turn invites him to a party. Up comes Mohamed and tells Karla that Mohamed is his sister's boyfriend. [Wasn't that like 10 years ago?] He tells Osvaldo that his sister will be pleased when he tells her that they ran into one another.

Zoraida tells Ali that Nariza has come to hear him read the Koran. She warns him not to let Nariza deceive him. "A person doesn't change change overnight like that," ("no puedo creer que lala Nazira se duerma como aceite and se despierte como miel," literally, "I can't believe that Nariza went to sleep as oil and woke up as honey,") says Zoriada. Ali thinks that he would be better off with a witness and takes Zoraida with him to hear the the Koran read.
Nariza tells Ali how much better she understands the Koran when he reads it an interprets it. She tries to send Zoraida off to make tea but Zoriada says that she is staying for the reading. At that moment, Said and Abdul arrive. Abdul tells Nariza that he wants her to come to the States with them to babysit Jadiya. Nariza throws a fit demonstrating how far from 'submissive' she really is. She says that she refuses to leave when she is so close to happiness in Morocco. Said and Abdul ask what happiness she is talking about and Nariza runs out of the room. Zoraida's and Ali's reaction:

Escobar complains about his son and tells Albieri and Julio that they are lucky not to have children. Albieri says that he didn't want to have his own children because they were already born. He lost one to death and the other to life. Julio is happy with his pet iguana and doesn't have a wife or children.
Lucas' assistant, Carolina, runs into Enrique (literally) again. Clara gives her the lowdown: not married, not gay. Perfect!
Marisa is apparently paying for sex. [Can't she get it on with the pool boy or her tennis coach?] She meets a gigolo (is that what you call these guys now? male escort? male prostitute?) in a hotel room. She is wearing the ugliest of her many ugly dresses. She actually looks vulnerable in this situation.

Poor Natalia. She tells Rosa about Fernando on the beach. She says everything in her life is bad. Her friends think she is a nerd. She doesn't fit in anywhere. She has no one. [God, how I remember this teenage agony.]

Luisa's long lost cousin, Alicia, is coming to stay with her and Albieri.
The party is on at Gloria's restaurant. Mohamed and Latifa watch from their house with disapproval. Zamira is dancing to the music with her friends. Mohamed orders her back inside the house. Zamira wants to dance and go to the movies with her friends. Latifa tries to tells her that confrontation is not the way to get what she wants from her father. 'I'm not going to wear a veil after I get my first period, either.' announces Zamira. 'We'll talk about it when that happens,' Latifa replies.
Ramon tells Alej about Karla's new boyfriend and then Karla and Osvaldo show up at the party.
We meet Alicia, Luisa's cousin.
Marisa comes home and tells Lucas that she has found a way to be happier.
'Is that so? replies Lucas, 'That's nice.' He tells her that Rosa was trying to reach her but her phone was turned off. When Lucas leaves, Marisa says that this is just the beginning. Her ring is just the first example of all the money she is going to spend. [How exactly is this taking revenge on Lucas? Isn't there plenty of money?]
Escobar has a fight with Clara. He is of the opinion that his job is more important than hers and she should spend more time cooking and cleaning for him. Clara says that she is his wife not his servant. She is tired of picking up after two men who can't do a thing for themselves, etc. etc.
Alej cuts in on Osvaldo and Karla dancing. Karla tells him to get lost (esfumate). Osvaldo says that the lady is connected to his chest (pecho). "The lady," replies Alej, "is my girlfriend. Get out or I'll break the connection and your chest." Osvaldo splits and Alej pretends to call his ex. Karla is jealous and they seem to get back together.
Zamira tells Latifa that she doesn't care about the customs of their religion. She was born here and just wants to be like other girls.
Mohamed tells Latifa that they have made a lot of money living in the US but as the expense of their tranquility and the ability to raise their children as good Muslims. Latifa suggests that they spend more time with the children going to malls, parks and the movies so that they don't hang out in the street.[Brilliant idea - the kids are going to love to be seen with their parents who look so different than anyone else.
It's late. Albieri is reading a book. The phone rings. It's the clone on line one. "Dad?" he says.

The credits roll.
Labels: clon
The kids
Mohamed's: Zamira & Amin
Their cousin: nameless
Jade's: Jadiya
Lucas's: Natalia
Nobody's: Daniel
The sidekick family
Natalia's friend: Andrea
Andrea's mom: Lucia
Andrea's dad: Roberto
The facekick family
Fighter: Alejandro
Al's mom: Gloria
Al's brother: Ramon
Al's mgr: Pablo
Al's ex: Diana
Al's babe: Karla
Karla's mom: Hilda (new neighbor)
The Towfim Family (The Only Working-class Family in Miami)
Leo's scty: Clara
Clara's son: Fernando, also Naty's love interest
Clara's husband: Escobar, also new lab asst
Friends & Lovers
Ozzie's friend: Miguel
Luisa's cousin: Alicia
Leo's new honey: Sofia
Lucas's asst: Carolina
Marisa's boy toy: Javier, possibly
Marisa's alias w/ boy toy: Cindy
As always, I appreciate your filling in the conversational holes as well.
Manohman! The pot was really beginning to boil with this one. It finally woke me out of my stupor. Kids out of control, Nariza out of kontrol, Clara's hubby and her out of control, Mohammed's subconscious out of control (that dream scene was to die for!) and Lucas' credit card under Marisa's control. Yep! Well worth waiting for.
PaulaH: Loved your new and improved character lists, amiga! LOL!
NovelaMaven: Albi being a sperm-doner is an interesting proposition, but I got a feeling he can't be if L2 is really supposed to be the spittin' image of L1.
Here's a scenario:
Leo's wife can't conceive. Albi finds out Leo's sperm is no good. He can't tell his boss/patron so he fertilizes her eggs with his sperm and implants them. Diego and Lucas are his kids and Diego is his favorite. Diego dies. Frankenalbi makes another one.
It's certainly possible and it would explain why Albi was so attached to Diego.
Jade has spent many years now trying to be a good person while during the same time, Lucas has morphed into just another middle-aged adulterer. I think Jade will be able to resist his flagging charms, but will be entranced with the tender, young L2.
When we last saw L2, he was an odious brat, completely insensitive to Dora's feelings and under Albi's spell. Wonder what he's like now...
Why are they being so coy about what Lucas was up to? It seems like he admitted he was with someone to Roberto (Is that the lothario guy with the jealous wife?). So we are supposed to think that WAS him having lunch with someone. Why didn't they show her?
Said is not showing much common sense. Up until now he's been pretty level headed. He's had 11 or so years of Jade being the good wife and mother. Can't he leave well enough alone? I guess time changes things, but it seems odd that he's morphed from wanting to kill Lucas with a big knife to wanting to tempt fate by taking Jade to Miami.
Why in the world doesn't Leo ever seem to wake up and smell the coffee about Marisa? If that ring had that many diamonds on it, it might be $200K. They'd have to be awfully rich to absorb that much spending, assuming she goes on in the same vein.
I hope Lucas is having an affair. And they should certainly get divorced now. Natalia wouldn't mind and would certainly stay with Lucas, Leo, and Mama Rosa. She's old enough to choose. I know, I know. It's a telenovela, and Marisa will continue to torture everyone.
Next week should be interesting. The group from Fez arrives, Marisa continues to be Marisa and we finally find out Lucas is not "so married". Did Christina give him a little advise before she left town?
A downside of adapting the lyrics of 'Send in the Clowns' for the title is now I can't get the tune out of my head ;-( .
I pretty sure Lucas was having an affair but that whoever it was with isn't going to be a part of the story. Why pay an actress for screen time if who she is isn't part of the plot? That makes me think that we may see David, the boy toy, again especially since they did the whole hotel room set complete with rose petals.
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