Saturday, April 24, 2010
Gancho Friday April 23rd Tender Hugs, a Fervent Kiss, But Not all is Bliss (the Serpent can still Hiss)
Alternate Title: Snakes Rattle and Roll
With at least a week left to go before the Gran Final, we shouldn’t delude ourselves. Sure, Isabel’s been unmasked. Salvador has returned from the dead to be joyously reunited with Gabriela, and Estrella found her cachorro. Paula and Cristian tied the knot. Coni may have learned her lesson after all, by losing everything, and spending a night in jail. But Jerry’s still alive and kicking (well, not so much from his hospital bed). Rolu and Arnie are fighting like dogs for a very lovely, but loopy, bone. And what about our canny, coiled cobra? Can Hissabel really be defanged yet? No way. Our slithering serpent is just too sly. She’ll twist, she’ll turn, she’ll slide, she’ll hide, she’ll trick, she’ll plot with all she’s got, until Marcos, Valentina and all the others who’ve made her the way she is, suffer. A lot. If it’s the last thing she does on this Earth!
But first, let’s rejoin our other characters. Xime’s been charmed by her dueling Man-Joe’s, Rolu and Arnie, singing up a storm to charm our tipsy gypsy. Mau and Moni arrived at the hospital to check on Hissy, who instead of checking in as a patient, has donned blue hospital garb, visited Jerónimo, and made some kind of a deal with him.
After a few supportive hugs from Mauricio, Moni demands the nurse check again, are you sure there’s no Isabel López here? She’s sure. Mau figures she may have gone to another hospital, and since there are so many (really Mau, this is a novela, you’re in the only one), they might as well go home and wait. Moni reluctantly agrees.
Beto’s kidding Nieves about all her curlers (she has quite a bunch, to go with her pink robe), when there’s a knock on the door. It’s Marcos, and Nieves, appalled to be seen like this (she shrieks mis fachas, or my unsightly appearance), slams the door right in Marcos’s face! She rushes back to change, as Beto greets Marcos, who’s rubbing his tooth. A few seconds later, Nieves makes her grand entrance, no more curlers, hair wild, wearing a tiger print dress with the strap in her teeth. Rowwwlll!
It’s time to award the prize, a bottle of wine, for the best karaoke singer, and it’s between Rolu and Arnie. Both receive ovations, and our pugnacious pair try to get the crowd to pick them. Fair Xime can’t understand why they’d fight so much over a bottle of wine. No, says Lalu, they’re fighting over you, for your love. This is a bit much for Xime in her state, and she says she has to say farewell now. You’re going? asks Lalu. No, I’m gone, she says, falling directly backwards off her chair, dead drunk, out like a light. As her boys rush to help, we see Xime’s dream. Rolu’s smothering her with hot kisses, saying the hours he spends with her are driving him mad, he wishes time didn’t exist. Guess not, as Xime lifts up an hourglass, and there’s only one minute left. Then 50 seconds, etc., until (10 seconds early), Arnie bursts through the door, a rose in his teeth, big bouquet in hand, it’s time for HIS ten hours. Xime flips the hourglass, and Arnie’s ready. He lifts her into his arms, howls like a coyote, and up the stairs they go!
Back in reality, Lalu makes sure the two lovers don’t tear Xime in two as they carry her out of the bar.
Estrella is telling Aldo how great it is that the lies are over, she’ll finally get her best amiga back. Aldo agrees, but he also understands how disillusioned Moni must feel about her mother, the person she loved and trusted more than anyone else in the world. He felt something like that when he thought his Dad had betrayed him with Estrella, but it’s probably worse for Monita.
Mau and Moni arrive in the vecindad, she still shaken. Nieves comes out, and Moni asks for a hug. Nieves gladly hugs her. Moni is sorry for all the mean things she said to Nieves, but Nieves understands, and never stopped loving her. She also says Moni will be very happy with her handsome Mauricio, and the three of them hug. Next to enter are Aldo and Estrella. Moni says Mau should go home to his kids, so he and Aldo say goodbye. Moni looks at Estrella, can we talk? Of course, she says with a smile. As Nieves thanks the Virgencita, Moni and Estre go inside to rebuild their friendship.
They start with a hug, and Moni begs for forgiveness. Don’t worry about it, says Estre, I understand, with my reputation, but I’d never rob your boyfriend, although I did get to see him naked, and he sure is hot, you know
A new day dawns, and Coni, head on the ground, is awakened by the sound of Cristian’s voice. Time to move. Are they transferring me to the main prison? Negativo, says Cris, all charges have been dropped. You’re a free woman. She can’t believe it, and lights up when Beto, wearing a green “Soy verde” (I’m green) tee shirt, enters to give her a hug, declaring her macho cabrio has returned. She kisses him, filled with need and emotion. Marcos arrives and she tearfully hugs him. Coni still feels guilty about letting Salvador die, she knows she must pay for her crimes. Maybe not, because here’s Sal too, not dead. Coni cries tears of joy and relief.
In the vecindad, Moni is wistfully going through the photos of her Mom, when Isabel enters, hair strangely askew. They glare at each other a few times, and Moni finally asks where she’s been. Hissy says she went to a different hospital, and spent the whole night in the emergency room, “as if you cared”. Yes, she lays on the guilt trip. Moni confronts her about the trap she did to Mauricio and Estrella, Aldo told her about it, but Hissy says she never lied, everyone else lied. And who are you going to believe, a drug addict like Aldo? Well, says Moni, Oscar also said you were working with him. And Constanza also accused you. Oh, shoots back Hissy, you believe a killer and the woman who hates you despite the fact that you’re her sister, more than you believe me? (Oooh, she’s good).
We have another hug, this time a Coni sandwich, with Beto and Marcos as the bread.
Hissabel continues, don’t you remember I took a bullet for you? And you still believe all those others? Moni calmly tells her, Salvador isn’t dead (of course Hissy knows this, but she pretends not to), and he told me he did argue with you in Mau’s office. Well, yes, Sal had just found out how Mauricio helped me fake my death, and didn’t like it, but you know all about that, and I assure you when I left the office, Salvador was fine. Moni’s still not buying it, you still haven’t explained the thing with Mau and Estrella, you took the pictures. Hissy goes back to the martyr strategy, whining that Moni is hurting her, making her sickness worse. I just hope when you cry at my tomb, you’ll be sorry! She walks out.
At Grupo Sermeño, Paula, now the office administrator, is imparting her wisdom to Alejandra, you have to work hard to move up the way I did, don’t just look at the guys. Ale assures her she isn’t looking at any guys, but when Ivan walks past, her head turns and the eyes follow. Ivan goes to prepare coffee, and Ale offers to help him. No way, Paula has her make some copies. The elevator opens, and it’s Gabi, looking around nervously. Paula wonders why. Gabi’s worried about Lorenza. Paula isn’t up to speed, so Gabi fills her in (after Pau beams about how she finally had her wedding night, on the Highway Vieja Cuernavaca). Gabi explains that Sal’s alive! Paula wants all the gossip with every juicy detail (con pelos y señales).
Meanwhile, Alejandra sneaks into the coffee room, and starts sexually assaulting Ivan. He tries and tries to stop her, they have to work. Fine, she says, you work at making the coffee, I’ll make the crackers with jelly (mermelada). She dips her finger in the jelly (apricot, chabacano), rubs it on her lip sensually, then goes to feed him, and when he moves, she gets it on his suit. Then she LICKS it off. Well, that’s it for Ivan, resistance is futile, and the lip-locking begins.
Of course, at this point, Mau arrives at the office with Aldo and Luisa. Gabi and Paula are happy to see them. Then Moni arrives with a downtrodden look, she’s feeling guilty about her argument (agarrón) with her Ma. As Mauricio comforts Moni, Aldo and Luisa go to get them coffee, and I think we’ve had just about enough tender hugging and happiness for this episode. It’s time for some drama!
Well, first a little more of Moni moping, Mau comforting, saying she’s noble, but also intelligent (as if he would know). She shouldn’t let her heart rule her mind. Let the chips fall where they may, you’re not alone, you have me, and all the people who care about you. Gracias, she says.
Okay, NOW for the fun. Luisa and Aldo are shocked to see Ivan kissing Alejandra. Ale smiles sneakily, and leaves to let them work it out. Ivan wants to explain, but Luisa won’t hear of it, and SLAPS him! She runs out, he tries to follow, but then Aldo defends his sister, and starts fighting with Ivan. They take it out to the main office, and the fists are flying. No sooner have the boys been separated, than Luisa and Ale start, too, grabbing each other’s hair,
until Mau and Moni, rousted from their sappiness session, move in to restore order.
We now flip over to Xime’s house, as she gingerly takes the last step down the spiral staircase, wearing sunglasses, holding her head, mightily hung over. Rolu and Arnie have prepared a wonderful breakfast for her, replete with all sorts of hangover remedies. Rolu has mineral water with lemon and salt, Arnie orange juice. She wants coffee. Rolu has chilaquiles and aspirin for her. Ah, Rolu, you made chilaquiles? Well, no, it was Arnie. Oh, well, Arnie how nice to bring me aspirin. Ummm, sorry, that was Rolu’s idea. Doorbell rings, and Xime, holding her head, gets it. It’s a strange envelope. After telling the delivery man her name is Penelope Cruz….Perez, she signs for it. It’s addressed to Jerónimo Sermeño, not to be opened by his sister Ximena under any circumstances. Of course she immediately opens it. It’s a dvd, and of course they’ll watch it. Arnie’ll get the popcorn. Both boys rush to make the popcorn, but Xime says I also want…..tomato juice. They rush to the kitchen, as she says, I also want (they rush back in together)…..a soda with just a few bubbles. They rush out, she says, I also want (they rush back in)
Aaaaoooooooo! The wolf is back, Lobo’s in the vecindad, runs into Estrella, who informs him that he might as well leave, Moni’s reconciled with Mauricio, it was cleared up that Mau and she never did anything. So hit the road, Jack. Lobo say he loves Valentina, and he’s not the type who gives up easily. He glares at her, and walks off, setting us up for some more trouble.
Mauricio orders Ivan to wait for him in Mau’s office, they need to have a serious discussion. Aldo is ordered to take Luisa home, he’ll talk with her later. Moni comforts her, telling her love is not so easy (that’s for sure!). As they get in the elevator, Paula pulls Gabi, Moni and Mau aside, and says they should fire that hussy Alejandra. Mau says he’ll talk with said hussy later, too.
Coni is just happy to be in the open air (al aire libre), with all the people moving around, the noise of the cars, she knows she’s made so many mistakes, she really wants to change. Ah, THAT’s the word I wanted to hear, says Beto, smiling, kissing her hands, he’s there to help. Coni’s made a decision, too. She’s going to return the vecindad to him, to Valentina, and to all the neighbors. All right! Beto kisses her, this is the best! She continues, she has nothing left, sold her boutique, her house, cleaned out her bank account, for the first time in her life she has nothing, she’s okay with that, but she doesn’t have anywhere to live. Don’t you worry about a thing, honey, says Beto, you have me, and I’m going to work night and day to buy you all the things you like, your fashion sunglasses, your expensive perfumes, your clothes, your handbags, everything. By the way, though, what about Monita, can you stop fighting with her? Coni needs time. Don’t worry, reassures Beto, step by step, with time, with saliva, and with muchas ganas (desire)….oh, speaking of that,…. Let’s get it on (he says porqué no vamos a lo oscurito a verle el esternon al peluche de mono huelo, which is something like why don’t we go to the dark to see the sternum of the smelly stuffed monkey, but you get the idea). She’s ready.
Okay, is Mauricio going to have all those serious discussions with everybody about responsibility and office procedures? Course not, Xime’s here, envelope in hand, and when Xime calls, duty stalls. She cries out Mao Tsé Tung, Monu, Gabirú, Pao, we have to watch this video, it’s urgentísimo, ajá! Mau protests, but he’s no match for Xime’s three things. Una, I came running here to bring it to you, Dos, it’s not going to win an Oscar, because he doesn’t exist anymore, and Tres, it’s very important you all watch it with me. Mauricio wants to watch it later, but Xime says it has to be “now, Mao”,
Xime promises it’ll be super revelador (revealing) and aterriguau (combination of terrifying and Wow). Cue movie, and it’s Jero talking, saying
Hello, dear Oscar. If you’re watching this video, then surely I’m taking a plane to a paradise beach where I’ll be waited on by beautiful and delicious women, enjoying all the money I’ve robbed from you. I’m really sorry your vacation has to be in jail, since I sent a copy of this video to my dummy sister. Hola Ximena. (she says, Hola Jero, how ya doin? We’re all watching, dumb-bro’, and gives him an air kiss). If I’m not wrong, my idiot sister answered my question and surely will show this recording to my cousin Mauricio and he to the police. Oscar, my betrayal of you won’t be complete unless I list all your crimes such as, for example, the death of Licensiado Araujo, of Detective Bocanegra, although I had no participation, of course. Gabriela, Gabriela, if you’re there, Salvador, your old man, smells like puke, but he’s not dead. Oscar has him hidden in a cabaña, the address is on the envelope in which I’m sending this video (thanks for telling me now, you creep, says Gabi). I also had nothing to do with this, right Oscar? Same for the time that you hid in the hovel of that saucy Estrella to sedate her and Mauricio, with the idea of extorting my dear cousin, and who is, by the way, not as handsome or clever as I am. I don’t know how Isabel López found out about that. Well, she went to the cabaña to scold you for besmirching her daughter. And for sure, you looked very bad, threatening that poor woman with killing Monita if she revealed your plans!
(You could hear a pin drop in the room. Wow!)
Yes, Hissy’s not dead. She’s just getting ssssssssssssstarted!!!!!!
Previews: Hissy manipulates Jero, manipulates Lobo, and manipulates Moni. The rattlesnake is on a roll.
Facha – appearance, look
Con pelos y señales – with all the juicy details
Mermelada de chabacano – apricot jam, chabacano can also mean vulgar
Agarrón – an argument or fight, literally, a grabbing
Al aire libre – in the open air, outside
Besucona – a gal who likes to kiss
Labels: gancho
I hope our fine detective (Paula) figures out that Jero is speaking from his hospital room.
That Hissy is such an asp!!
Great titles--both of them. Oh, that Hissy is devious. Thanks for giving us the text of Jero's video. I hadn't quite caught it and the way the video tries to clear Isabel ( or as you so deliciously named her the "canny coiled cobra")
The best part of the night was once gain Xime & Co. Your descriptions, Hombre, were top notch "Rolu & Arni fighting over a lovely but loopy bone" none other than the "tipsy Gypsy". Thanks for the photo of my favorite scene -- the "pugnacious pair" running in and out at Xime's beck and call as she realized her new found power.
Lovely recap of a fun episode. Of course Isabel & Lobo have much in store. Hugs and reconciliation can't last forever -- or even for 6 more episodes.
Another delightful, wonderfully spiced and carefully detailed confection. Your consternation, mixed with grudging admiration, with Isabel mirrors my sentiments exactly. Satan must be very proud. Let's hope that he is almost ready to summon her home to take her rightful place next to Oscar as matched wall-hangings in his trophy room.
I love how you make words your personal toys arranging them cleverly into amazing animated vignettes for our (and obviously your) amusement. Tipsy gypsy... perfect and poetic.
As for Coni, I think there was always a good little girl buried under that fierce facade clamoring to escape. It took a crisis of conscience for her to finally break out. The financial ruin, loss of support of friends and family, and her stint in prison served as catalysts for finalization the transformation. How ironic is it that the one person whom she hated the most is the only one who didn't totally give up on her?
Looks like Ximena could get used to the premise of your spinoff series: Casada con Dos Hermanos. She seemed to delight in the fawning attention of the competing contenders for her affection. However, as Susanlynn will tell you, "There can be only one (see Highlander)" and my choice is... Rolu.
Six left amigos, let's savor each one.
When Beto spewed that long, weird invitation to Constanza, I glad Hombre has to translate this and not me! Excellent vocab as always and just a treat to read. Thanks amigo.
So that is the plan, blame Oscar for everything. Well, hey, Estrella and Mau watched Hissy sting them. How could Oscar have done that? Dear me, are we going to have some more of how could you say that about my poor mama? We'll see how much Hissy gets back in Moni's good graces. Beware the snake.
Coni looking and acting good so far. Only 6 left, so perhaps she'll stay that way. I almost think she'll have one last go at the dark side, perhaps not. I think there has to be at least one scene of how could you not believe me!
How could Nieves get rid of those curls so quickly, but my oh my.. Rowwwlll!
As soon as you saw Mau come in with Luisa and Aldo, you knew, oh, oh, the jig is up. And then, Luisa is the one to get the coffe, it was just too easy. What could Ivan do, "resistance is futile".
The Lobo is still roaming. Can't see too much good coming from him still being around.
We all know what happened with Gancho, did you catch the new change Univision has in store now. Corazon Salvaje is moving to 12Mn/11PM and perhaps Dinero is going to 2 hours. Guess CS hasn't been catching on?
Xime can oly come out of everything as the big winner right? She is awesome, the way Rolu and Arnie go out of their way to treat her right now is lovely.
I really loved that Moni and Estrella made up. Through all the novela Estrella has been an amazing friend to Monita. Moni has the best support in this novela, she is loved by so many great characteres. I think they all will be there for her when she truly finds just how much of an evil harpy her mother is.
I loved Beto and Coni, as always, nice to see her on the good side. It's about time!
Jeff: I was very surprised with the news about CS. Having seen how this affected Gancho viewers I feel for the fans of that show. I had checked the ratings of CS in the US in it's first weeks and it was doing badly at the time. Surprisingly the novela that was doing better was Dinero. I also checked some past ratings of novelas and Fuego did well when it was on. Maybe sometimes the ratings are not reflected in Caray in the same way than on the general public.
If the rumor about Dinero airing for two hours is right, then that's a very puzzling choice too. Two hours a day of one show is too much in my opinion.
I didn't completely understand Jero's video the first time - that's why I thought it would be important to try to put in the whole text. He and Isabel really planned it well. BTW, I did leave out several times when he said "acoto", which I think means "mark", such as I mark the tape, or stop here, something like that. He also said "left profile" near the start. But it's hard for me to see how these could be clues.
As for the change in schedule with Corazon Salvaje, I think that means that Gancho won't be repeated at midnight, but will still be on at 3:00 each day. We'll know for sure by Monday, since they put the weekly schedule on each week (probably on Monday). Also, those with cable guides may get them updated at some point.
Thanks again , Hombre, for this masterful recap. You have such a way with words.
I am so glad that Coni has made it to the other side. She and Beto are so good together. Now if she will only come on board and join up with Moni. Coni's wily intelligence would be a big help in confronting Issy.
Since Issy is not backing down, it appears she may not be redeemed which is fine with me. As someone else noted, her wickedness and coldness can rival Carlota from EDNA.
Thanks for the Highlander link, Carlos. It brings back such fun memories of that show.
Hombre, interesting that Univision ends up messing with Gancho again as they will no longer offer the repeat at night. Anyone watching at that time will miss the ending!! Just hard to believe Gancho did not have good ratings. I guess Dinero is doing well, I think Gancho should have also done well. Maybe needed a different time slot??
Güera, I hope Coni stays on the good side. Besides her wily intelligence, she knows quite a bit, too. She could perhaps refute some of Jero's tape?? Not sure.
Karen, I can't see Hissy being redeemed either. I think Moni will forgive her of everything in the end. I just can't imagine what punishment Hissy will get?
They also shorten novelas, and extend novelas, all in the neverending quest to obtain slightly better ratings (and more advertising dollars). People probably get fired and promoted for the wrong and right decisions. Some insider could probably write a novela about the people that make these stupid decisions, their careers and their love lives. But would it have a happy ending?
Wasn’t that black and white video of Jerry’s strange and creepy? How could he could be Xime’s brother? They are such opposites. They would make an interesting genetic, psychological, parenting, nature vs nurture study!
Thanks Hombre!
You are right. Coni knows the whole story behind the Estre/Mao photos. All we need is for her to step up. What? 6 more episode left? Not yet. I've got tons of confidence in Coni... not quite that much.
I just got back from my week in Quito, Ecuador and had a fantastic time revisiting a city I lived in 14 years ago, spending time with friends I haven't seen in 10 years, and others I have seen more recently, but haven't visited in their new home in Quito. Here are the pictures (view them in full screen mode):
Highlights from my trip include being hosted by my friends Jen and John in their beautiful house in Quito, and being enthusiastically greeted by their two dogs and cat each time they saw me. :) I also saw my friend and mentor since I was 12, Rigo, and his partner Rudy. Ten years ago they moved to Ecuador from L.A., bought a house in the historic center of Quito, and renovated it to a beautiful B&B with a majestic view of the city from their rooftop deck ( Rigo and Rudy gave us an insider's tour of the new and improved historic center; and Jen and John introduced me their new friends, colleagues and their favorite hang-out spots. Both couples wined and dined me in the best restaurants in town. I definitely could not afford to live this way when I lived in Quito 14 years ago as a junior studying abroad! I had the chance to head back to my university- Universidad de San Francisco de Quito (USFQ)- but this time, the head of the international students program was treating me to chocolates and one of the best wines in the university's fancy restaurant, and the founder of the university was joining me for dinner. Other highlights: Being invited to the swearing-in ceremony of 60 Peace Corps Volunteers at the U.S. ambassador's house and chatting her up over breakfast; Visiting the real (the magic of GPS) "Mitad del Mundo" (middle of the world) on the equator and doing experiments; driving with the top down in Jen's convertible and zipping along winding mountain roads with the music going full blast; zip lining high over the cloud forest of Mindo (I think I've killed that fear of heights now); walking around the historic center at midnight drinking canelazo
(a hot drink made with brown sugar, cinnamon, cloves, orange, lime or naranjilla juice, and plenty of aguardiente); and going to happy hour, with the tiniest Marines I have ever seen, at the U.S. Embassy (I think they only send small Marines there to blend in better with the Ecuadorians. I didn't bother to take a picture of them since they weren't in uniform.)
I was surprised by how much Quito has grown and spread- the hillsides are covered with new homes and malls; high rises are so prevalent that they are clipped by planes on a regular basis, and the government has decided to move the national airport; large buses have taken the place of the mini-vans that used to taxi people everywhere, and the streets are more congested than ever. The best change I saw was the increased diversity in the city- people from the coast of Ecuador, Cuba and Colombia. Not only did I see more people who looked like me, I also wasn't looked at like an alien and treated disrespectfully like I was 14 years ago. Definitely a change for the better. One thing that hasn't changed- Ecuador and the city of Quito are incredibly beautiful, surrounded by snow-capped volcanoes, green mountains, lush jungles and cloud forests, and winding rivers and streams. I am happy I had the chance to go back, and I'm even happier I had the chance to experience it with good friends.
Glad you had such a wonderful revisit to your Junior Year and glad you shared the pics and story with us.
Hombre, fortunately I was able to watch this episode Friday afternoon before I took off for the weekend. Unfortunately I didn't have time to cogitate over the parts I didn't immediately comprehend. Fortunately I knew I would have YOU to help out with those parts. Thank you for your creative interpretation of the goings on. You know I am a sucker for the wordplay and you were at the top of your game with this one. Nice job!!
Vivi, I can't wait to look at your pictures; will do that after work today. I remember you talking about your time in Ecuador before.
More later folks, work calls but I couldn't resist enjoying a cup of tea and reading Hombre's recap.
You may have missed a few happenings in Gancholand, but it looks as if there's still a whole lot left for our final week!
I am so late to the party. I hope some of Gancholand is still here! Life is getting in the way of my TN habit and I am very cranky about it. Hubby and I are getting our house ready for the market and with that, elder parents and work, I am feeling a bit overwhelmed. All kind thoughts from Carayland are gratefully accepted.
Thank heavens for Xime! When I (at last) saw the episode I laughed out loud. I think Xime has the energy to have a two husband family, and why not? In her own private DF, it is probably all the rage.
Sandy, as to the nature v. nurture question re: Xime and Jero, Jero is an inept sociopath, INHO, and most folks I know think sociopathy is (at least partially) hard wired. Tough on the Mothers who get a kid with bad wiring, no?
We missed you. Thank you so much for your photos.
Best to All:
Elna June
I was shocked when Monita was teasing Estrella about finding Aldo sexy. Valentina! That is your almost-son you are talking about! It was very funny.
Do you think if we all send letters to Angelli Nesma, she will seriously consider Casada Con Dos Hermanos? This is a show that needs to happen. I could watch Xime and her merry men for hours and hours.
Vivi, your trip sounds amazing. What a different reception one gets when one is no longer a lowly student :).
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