Monday, April 26, 2010
El Clon 50, Mon., April 26 - Bad matrimonial choices: Leo makes one; Nariza wants Ali to make one and Said wants Jade to relive one

Albieri is all happy that his son has found him. The next day he pretends to be sick so that he can stay at home and wait for Daniel to call him again. [I guess he doesn't know about Google Voice where he can have calls on his home phone transferred to another number like his cell phone that he carries with him.]
Luisa brings Alicia to the office and she asks to help out.
Luisa calls Albieri and he can't get her off the phone soon enough. [I guess he doesn't know about call waiting where he would know if Daniel called while he was talking to Luisa and he could just disconnect her call.] Then Albieri thinks about how awkward it will be if the clone just shows up in front of everyone. What justification will he give for cloning Lucas? [You've had 20 years to think about that Frankenalbi - no ideas yet?]
Leo tells his new squeeze, Sofia, about his old girlfriend, Cristina. When Sofia asks if his ex was in the business world, Leo says that she is in charge of a very important entertainment project. For her part, Sonia has been too busy, busy, busy with business to have a relationship. But she's made time to see Leo. What better proof of devotion could you get? Leo proposes and Sofia accepts by saying that marrying Leo would be a very good deal (negocio). If Leo tried he couldn't have found anyone less like Cristina and that's the point, of course.

Leo announces the news to Lucas, Roberto and Enrique. They're surprised but they congratulate him. Lucas has a flashback to declaring eternal love for Jade.
Jade's at the ruins (of course) where Jadiya finds her. She tells Jadiya that she was happy there a long time ago.
Abdul is chewing out Nariza for her behavior in front of Ali. She goes through her usual diatribe about being badly used by her brothers, their wives and their children. Abdul says that Nariza can forget about being Ali's 4th wife. '¡No puede ser!' wails Nariza in the best novela tradition. She begs to be given another chance.
Ali tells Jade about his escape. He says that Nariza's temper was revealed. ('La sangre caliente de lala Nazira se hizo sentir,' literally, 'the hot blood of lala Nazria made itself felt.') Said comes in and wants to speak with Ali alone.
Ali asks Said why he is putting his happiness to the test. Said asks if Ali thinks that Jade still has feelings for the Westerner. Ali replies that intense feelings like that are never forgotten. He advises Said to leave the past alone. He says Said wants revenge for what happened years ago but that was when they were young and acted on impulse. Said acknowledges that Ali might be right but he needs to put Jade to the test. His marriage won't be perfect until he is sure that Jade isn't with him out of obligation. Ali warns him not to put ideas in Jade's head for fear of what might wake up inside her.
If we didn't have enough reason to know that Leo's plan to marry Sofia is a big mistake, we are sure of it when Marisa thinks it is a great idea.
Rosa is dubious about Leo bringing Sofia to live with them. She wants Leo to keep Sofia out of her kitchen. Already, Sofia has sent Rosa cookbooks with trendy organic and 'hydroponic' foods - nothing but a big plate of seeds (nada como un buen plato de granos'), she says in disgust. Leo tells her that he and Sofia are getting married in a month. We see Cristina arriving at the airport.

The clone calls again and says that he needs Albieri very much. When Albieri offers to go get him, he says, not yet and hangs up yet again.
Cristina returns home to much squealing and admiration from her friends.
Leo and Sofia have an engagement party but Sofia tells Leo that she will be too busy to go on a honeymoon.
Andrea advises Natalia to give up studying and get rid of her virginity problem. Natalia says that she will study or have a boyfriend. Guess which one Andrea recommends?
Rosa wonders why Albieri hasn't come to the party. He's waiting for the clone to call and won't leave the house.
Alicia is some kind of weirdo stalking Leo.

Lucia isn't given to subtlety and she can't understand why Marisa hasn't confronted Lucas about his illicit affair. Marisa tells Lucia that someday she will tell her about her plan of vengeance against Lucas.
Rosa tells Lucas that she doesn't like Leo's intended. She sticks her nose into everything, she always uses hifalut'n language (un lenguaje rebuscado) and Marisa is crazy about her. 'Entre brujas se entienden,' says Lucas drily, 'Witches understand each other.'
Said's family takes leave of Ali for the States. But Nariza isn't going. She has to clean up Said's house or something. Evidently Abdul has decided to give Nariza another change to snag Ali. He asks Ali to let Nariza stay in Ali's house in a way that Ali cannot refuse.
At their romantic dinner, Sofia tells Leo that eating salmon prevents Parkinson's disease. "How interesting," says Leo. Evidently, they are eating in TORIM because in sashays Cristina. Leo sees her right away, pretends to have eaten a bad caper and heads for the door with Sofia in tow. But the waiter says Leo's name and Cristina goes after him. Sofia decides this is the moment to stop and tell Leo where she wants to get married [probably not the Vizcaya Palace - maybe a Kinko's or something equally romantic]. This allows Cristina to find out that Leo is getting married. She puts on her usual scene.

Said and family arrive in Miami. Jadiya is shocked at the flesh on display.
Sofia asks who that vulgar woman was and assumes that it couldn't have been Leo's girlfriend. Leo tells her that Cristina's is Enrique's ex girlfriend.
Cristina swears that she won't let Leo get married.
Enrique asks Carolina out to a concert and dinner.
Leo abandons Sofia in the lobby of his office so that he can brief Enrique about his new role as Cristina's ex. Just in time. Sofia barges in, tells Enrique that intellectual men are always attracted to vulgar women. She will lend him an magazine article about it.

In the hotel, Jadiya is already being seduced by the evil ways of Westerners. She's watching the Telemundo novela, Zorro. Said tells Jade that he hasn't told the investors about their arrival. He wants to scope things out first. Jade looks out at the beach and remembers her last meeting with Lucas there.
Mohamed and Latifa put their plan to spend more quality time with their children into action. They go to a place where their Muslim dress will be as conspicuous as possible - a pool.

But the point of this scene is for Latifa to see Lucas (I thought it was the clone at first but no) with a babe in a bikini. This must be the only public pool in Miami (TOPPIM). Latifa is shocked, shocked.
Back in Morocco, Nariza goes on a shopping spree.

Zoraida tells Ali that Nariza has arrived with enough luggage to stay a month. Ali tells Zoraida that she has to help him avoid another trap (emboscada) set by Nariza. Nariza's stay at Ali's house has tongues in the medina wagging and Zoraida tells Ali that she will counter with a disinformation campaign.
Nariza gets all gussied up even challenging Cristina for most makeup. She arrays herself seductively on the couch and when Ali comes into the sala, she asks him to sit down by her. Ali asks what she is playing at and retreats. In the kitchen, he tells Zoraida that she has to stop cooking and be his shadow so that he is never alone with Nariza. Zoraida says that Karima must join them too so that she can tell everyone in the medina that Ali was never alone with Nariza. Ali is impressed with her cunning. In vain does Nariza try to get rid of Ali's escort.

Said and family arrive at Mohamed's house. Everyone clears out leaving Latifa alone with Jade. Jade asks if she has heard anything about Lucas. Latifa tells her about what she saw at the pool. Jade looks for excuses for Lucas' behavior - maybe he got divorced. Latifa pours cold water on that. She says that Lucas has changed a lot. He isn't the same happy go-lucky guy as before. He is a bitter man. For Latifa, this is the proof of what Ali said, Westerners change. Jade says that she can't imagine a different Lucas and flashes back to young, carefree Lucas.
Roberto says that in the last 10 years, Lucas has changed into a bitter man. [who wouldn't, living with Marisa?] Roberto says that Lucas is still vindicating his nature though (ya te estás reivindicando con el género) pointing out what one assumes is a lipstick stain on his collar. He suggests that Lucas get rid of it or Marisa will kill him.
Jade tells Latifa that time changes people but she is sure that deep inside she and Lucas are the same.
The clone calls Albieri's house again but Luisa answers. She hears Lucas' voice and assumes that he dialed their house by mistake.

Dora and Assvaldo dance at the club.
At the lab, Alicia finds Albieri's office empty. She starts rummaging through his stuff and finds a picture of the dead fiance and assumes that Albieri is cheating on Luisa. Then she finds a journal entitled, 'My Cloning Diary'.
The credits roll.
Labels: clon
Again, many thanks!!
Thanks, Jean, for yet another fantastic recap and thank you for catching that marvelous line -- it passed me by completely.
[I try to watch without the training wheels (ie the captions) to reinforce the fiction that I am studying Spanish, but I invariably miss a few juicy lines, so I am very grateful when you capture them here. Muchas gracias!]
In the Department of New and Creepy Characters, I'm not too thrilled with Luisa's 'dizque sobrina' Alicia. This stock TN device of malevolent outsider wheedling her way into the inner circle -- yuck. I hope she doesn't get too much importance in the story.
And as for Sofia, Leo's prometida --you are so right, she is the Anticris. We don't like her, Rosa and Lucas don't like her, even Leo doesn't like her! I know I'm cheering for my favorite airhead to triumph here -- not that Leo is such a prize.
I WANT THE CLONE! We already know, by his voice, that he is Mauricio Ochmann, not a transitional figure of closer to 20 years in age. I can hardly wait to see what the actor does to differentiate the two characters.
Yes, Leo's intended is quite the metiche and cold fish. I also liked the las brujas se entienden remark by Lucas. At least he isn't letting Marisa walk all over him lately. I wish they'd be a little more clear about his extra-marital activities; who, when, why, etc. But I suppose we're meant to think that this woman or women have so little importance to Lucas because he still loves Jade.
I like Natalia a lot, and I hope she continues to use her level head and not go along with the suggestions of her airhead friend.
I'm with novelera - SEND IN THE CLONE ALREADY!
I have developed a system where I watch the novela first with the English subtitles because that is the fastest way to do the recap but I'm listening to the Spanish for things that seem different from the English translation or are just unusual.
When I write the recap, I watch the episode on my computer with the Spanish subtitles so I can put in the Spanish phrases and words accurately.
I actually think I learn more Spanish doing this because I pay attention to grammatical constructions and interesting words more than I would otherwise.
I too like Natalie, she is the only one with her feet on the ground. I wonder who she takes after -not mommie dearest.
And yes, I totally agree -- send in the clone, already! :)
"What justification will he give for cloning Lucas? [You've had 20 years to think about that Frankenalbi - no ideas yet?]" Darned tootin'! LOL!
I really enjoy seeing Ali's discomfort around Nazira. Glad to see Assvoldo and Dora back together. Maybe time has tempered their tempers. We can always hope.
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