Wednesday, April 21, 2010
El Clon, Wed., April 21 - Hey Lucas, a Moroccan guy's on the phone about building a hotel in Miami. His name is Said.
Dora comes to visit Albieri and Luisa. She tells them that she hasn't seen Daniel for months. She says that she finally understands that Daniel will only find peace with Albieri even if it leaves her destroyed.
Marisa wants Lucas to go to a party with her but he says that he is not interested in parties, fashion shows (desfile) or red carpet (alfombra roja) events. Marisa acknowledges that it is better to go alone than in bad company.
Lucas must be hard up for confidants if he is telling his matrimonial troubles to Leo. He says that Marisa is very frivolous (frívola) and he can't stand her. He doesn't know why he didn't separate from her when they signed the divorce papers but everything fell apart when Natalia had psychological problems. Now he and Marisa are locked in a cage without an exit ('encerrado en una jaula sin salida'.) [Why can't they get divorced now?] Leo says that as time goes on the love diminishes in a marriage. Lucas flashes back to watching Jade dance for him and tells Leo that he doesn't agree with him.
Nariza tells Said and Jade that Jadiya is at Ali's helping him to find his fourth wife. Jadiya tells Ali that she can find him a wife. Ali asks her to describe the woman he should marry. Jadiya descbribes Nariza, pretty [maybe in the eyes of a 10-year old]; black hair, dances well and not too young. Ali agrees to let her find him a wife. He warns her not to pull a fast one on him ('no me puedes pasar gato por liebre,' literally, 'you can't pass a cat off as a hare on me').
Natalia's friend, Andrea, forces her to go to South Beach to see a boy that she likes. Before they go, Marisa makes nasty comments about Natalia's appearance.
Dora is at the dance club. She asks about Osvaldo but Vicki hasn't seen him. Miguel shows up and says that Osvaldo is running after a model.
Osvaldo tells Karla [who is dancing to the same song that they played in the club at least 10 years ago] that he is a talent agent. She is all excited [They all say that honey. You should Google him.] Alejandro shows up and is jealous. His fight with the 'killer' isn't on yet. His manager Pablo is setting it up but meanwhile Pablo has an idea to have two women fight in a cage. He doesn't want professionals but rather two babes who will pull each others hair (se jalan las greñas) and attract a crowd with money.
Amine blackmails his sister and cousin into giving him their chocolate. Zamira complains that the worst thing that happened to her was to have a brother. Everything in the house is for him.
Back in Morocco, Said tell Jadiya that he wouldn't trade her for 10 boy children. Said tells Jade that he is expanding his hotel business into Miami. He is going there to inaugurate the project and wants Jade to go with him.

Of course, Leo's company is involved in Said's project. Enrique asks if Leo has heard from Cristina. Leo hasn't. Enrique tells him that the bar he bought for her is a big success.
Natalia is too shy to talk to Fernando, the guy she likes. She abandons her friend and drives home. [According to the internet, you can drive at 16 in Florida so Natalia must be at least 16.]
Marisa and Lucia come back from their party. Lucia complains again about the problem of being married to a handsome man. She calls him all the time. She has good reason to be suspicious. Her husband, Roberto, is having a massage but he tells his wife that he is in a business meeting. He works for Leo.
Hilda, a pretty newcomer to the neighborhood (played by Luly Bossa, from Zorro) visits Mohamed's store. Latifa is jealous.
Dora tells Vicki that Daniel has made contact with her mother and Dora believes that he is in Miami.
Luisa suggests to Albieri that they have Dora over for dinner. He gets all weird and leaves the room. We also see yet another new character, Escobar, an assistant in the lab.
Leo has a new secretary, Clara, played by the actress who was the long-suffering Lina Maria in Victorinos. Leo finds out that the head investor in the hotel project is named Said but that doesn't ring a bell for Leo.
Jade tells Zoraida that she doesn't want to go the States with Said. There are too many bad memories and losing Lucas still hurts a lot.
Lucas must be hard up for confidants if he is telling Rosa that losing Jade still hurts him a lot. He says that he has never felt such intensity of emotion since. "Ah, adolescent love," replies Rosa.
It appears that Leo's new secretary, Clara, is the mother of Fernando, the guy Natalia likes. She is also married to Escobar, Albieri's assistant. Fernando calls Natalia to get the address of Leo's office. Fernando calls his mother to ask for $500to buy a surfboard (tabla) but she says that she just started a new job and doesn't have any money. She tells him to stop bothering her at work or she will cut off his allowance (mesada).
Enrique tells Leo and Roberto that Said is coming to Miami. They work out their strategy to close the deal.
Said tells Jade that he has been contacted by a food exporting company that wants to meet with them in Miami. When Jade finds out this is Leo Ferrer's company, she lies and says that she has never heard of them and immediately has a headache and has to go lie down. Jadiyah is watching. As they say, little pitchers have big ears.
Karla wants to be one of the women cage fighters but Alejandro doesn't want to see his future wife half naked in a cage while 100 guys drool over her.
More sibling inequality at Mohamed's. Amine is on his bike all day but Zamira doesn't even have a bike. She and Latifa plead with Mohamed to get her one and finally he agrees.

Mohamed tells Latifa that he is concerned about raising his children so far from their customs. Latifa thinks that they should cut the kids some slack, so that they aren't different from all other children. Mohamed considers returning to Morocco for that reason. He is afraid that Zamira will turn out like Jade. Latifa reminds Mohamed that Jade has made his brother happy. She says that Zamira won't make them suffer the way Jade made Uncle Ali suffer.
Jadiya asks Ali what he admires most in a woman. Ali says that she should be quiet, religious, submissive, lowering her eyes when she approaches a man and that she is quiet when her husband speaks. [Sounds a lot like Nariza, right?] Jadiya says that in that case she knows just the person for him and he knows her too. She goes to get this paragon. Zoraida wonders how a little girl can be so devious. Ali says that Allah made men stronger but women smarter so that they can overcome a man's strength.
Jade, Said and Nariza come over to Ali's house. Jadiyah tells Nariza that she has to be very submissive (soumisa). Nariza's reaction:

Jadiyah's reaction:

In a very funny scene, Nariza pretends to be submissive and religious in front of her astonished family. They keep asking if she is feeling ok. She says that she is so overcome with emotion about Ali's wonderful nieces and nephews that will carry on her family name that she has to go and pray. Zoraida hopes that this change to Nariza is permanent.

Said tells Ali that the chief investor in his project is Leo Ferrer. Ali pretends that he doesn't know the name. Jade leaves the room followed by Zoraida and Jadiyah. She tells Zoraida she can't take any more. Jadiyah wants to know who this Leo Ferrer is. She says that whenever he is mentioned, Jade gets all nervous. Jade protests that she doesn't know him. Jade tells Zoraida that she has a bad feeling about going to the States.
Leo has no sympathy for Lucas' desire not to be involved in the Moroccan project. Leo says that his firm can't miss an opportunity to invest in the Middle East because of Lucas' adolescent love. Lucas asks what is the problem with Enrique handling the the transaction and keeping Lucas informed (mantener al tanto). Leo says the problem is that he doesn't trust someone who can't control himself. "And you can?" asks Lucas sarcastically.
Karla convinces Alejandro to let her do the cage fight. Meanwhile Pablo is setting up a grudge match. He gets Alejandro's former girlfriend, Diana, to do the fight and lies tells her that Al doesn't have a new girlfriend.
For some reason Rosa gets a business call for Leo. The only thing she can remember about the call is that it was from someone named Said. Lucas is impactado.
The credits roll.
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I confess that when they started talking about a joint venture between the Ferrer company and Said, I kept thinking...Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she had to walk into mine. jejeje.
Ah, don't you just adore Wildly Improbable Coincidence -- the lifeblood of the telenovela!
And as for Said's business? It think it's Tombim - The Only Moroccan Business in Miami.
Here's the lineup:
The kids
Mohamed's: Zamira & Amin
Jade's: Jadiya
Lucas's: Natalia
Nobody's: Daniel
Natalia's fr: Andrea
Andrea's mom: Lucia
Andrea's dad: Roberto
Leo's scty: Clara (Towfim?)
Clara's son: Fernando, also Naty's love interest
Clara's dh: Escobar, also new lab asst
Fighter: Alejandro
Fighter's mom: Gloria
Fighter's babe: Karla
Fighter's mgr: Pablo
New neighbor: Hilda
Ozzie's fr: Miguel
Said's business: Tombim
Cris's bar: Tobim
and let's not forget everyone's favorite restaurant, Torim
I'm not crazy about all the new characters. Sometimes this means extending the novela and adding side plots like crazy. You seem to think they're desperate, so maybe there won't be an extension. They usually extend the ones that are getting lots of viewers to maximize revenue from awful commercials.
Yes, I had to back up and look again but that was Lina Maria from Victorinos playing Clara. What a change in her appearance with good makeup and decent clothes!
I got the impression that Fernando was never interested in Natalia and that the crush was only on her part. When they met at the club he brushed her off immediately and went on to nuzzle some hot babe. Judging by his behavior with his mother, he's not worth having at all.
Albieri at least had the grace to look a BIT ashamed when Dora told him her son never reciprocated her affections and only wanted Frankenalbi 24-7.
I sort of like Jadiya, but she could get annoying. I never like the smart-alecky kids who feel free to judge their parents' behavior constantly. I also don't like the fact that she can't see through Nariza, who most certainly has been just as rude to Jade all through the time lapse that included Jadiya's growing from a baby to her present age. And this is fine with this kid?
Are we going to have another Jade/Said trip to Miami, another abortive attempt at Jade and Lucas going off together? God!
By the way, I'm really liking Sandra Echevarria's acting. Her change from rebellious wife to trying to make her marriage work for this child seems perfect. She projects much more maturity, a natural thing.
I'm not sure if I think Frankenalbi was ashamed of stealing Dora's child or nervous at the thought that the almost adult clone is going to turn up in Miami any day now.
Yes, Jadiya could get annoying real fast but so far I like her. I wonder what will prevent Lucas and Jade from getting together this time? She may really not want to destroy her marriage now that she has a daughter. From the previews, it looked like Marisa was going to have another jealous fit. She's like the dog in the manger - if she can't have Lucas, no one can.
I don't think they are extending El Clon - as I understand it, they are following the script of the original pretty closely. I assume that bringing in almost a whole new cast at the end of Victorinos was an attempt to get more people to watch it, not an extension. This seem similar but again, the original novela was a big success so presumably that wouldn't be the reason they did it.
I just thought of something else I noticed. The haircut that they gave the Marisa actress is very flattering. It's just a great hair style.
I did not know he is Andrés García's son; I thought he was good-looking.
I don't get it. Lucas has plenty of tennis buds at the club, but he confides in his daddy about his marital woes?
Also, I hate to admit it, but I sort of agree with Marisa that Nati is looking a bit natty. She needs un nuevo "look" and I don't see why her BFF doesn't put a little make-up on her and talk her into a day at the spa with her. Maybe Andrea only sticks with her for the ego boost she gets knowing she looks 100% better than Natalia.
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