Saturday, April 17, 2010

Salvaje, 04/16, 10: The Honeymoon Hots and The Jail-Cell Rots

Capítulo 41

As Viewerville settles in for its nightly examination of the intolerably tyrannical versus the terribly tyrannized, Noel comes to tell Juan that he’ll be defending him because young Gabriel Alvarez believes in his innocence and has asked him to. Juan insists that he is innocent. He is curious though and says he doesn’t understand Noel’s motives in defending him, especially after the commotion he caused at the wedding. Noel says he has two basic and undeniable reasons for it: first, because he’s a fair man and secondly because his son, Renato, has asked him to do it. This surprises the cynical Juan and even makes him snigger a bit. Noel says, yes, for some reason Ren likes him and respects him despite his having acted like a wild man at the wedding. Noel then asks Juan why he did it. Juan explains, a little vaguely, that it was because he was looking for a woman who had toyed with his emotions and betrayed him; but of course, he’ll never utter her name to a living soul. That’s fine with Noel. He says he’s not interested in her name and prefers not to meddle in his clients intimate affairs.

At the same time a guard, following the constable’s and Rodrigo’s orders, walks the prisoner Juan wounded in the fight the night before out into the boonies, tricks him into thinking he’s off scot free, and then shoots him in the back. The man falls dead over the cliff, one less loose end to bother Don Rodrigo and his boss. The guard smiles to himself, pockets the would-be assassin’s thirty pieces of silver, and says that Don Rod can sleep peacefully as his orders have been carried out.

Back at the prison, Remigio comes to visit Juan, but Juan, who is acting more and more like his loony mama every time anyone shows up, irately throws hay at him and tells him to get lost. “You should have killed me when I asked you to!!” Remi asks how he could kill him since he was the one who saved his life and brought him up from infancy. They’re brothers, after all. He’s there to beg Juan to give up his lunatic ideas of blood and vengeance. Juan says he can’t because he’s too eaten up with rage at the thought of Aimee in the arms of another man. It’s the only reason he wants to get out of there; he must find the two of them and exact his revenge.

While Juan suffers alongside various and sundry fat ‘n happy rats, our newlyweds walk along the boardwalk of Vera Cruz and enjoy the salt air. They run into the gossipy Eloisa who immediately tells them that a prisoner attacked Juan last night. (News travels fast in that place. Don’t ask me how she knows or who told whom.) This upsets Aimee who immediately asks if he was hurt. Renato notices her somewhat misplaced concern and asks her about it. She lies about simply being concerned “for the poor man” and quickly changes the subject to how beautiful the ocean looks. (A-hem.)

Back in his cell, Juan tells Remi that he feels as if he’s suffocating because of what Aimee did to him. Remi tells him to give it up and resign himself to having lost her. He refuses. Besides, he tells Remi, he’s got to get out of there. He’s got a curse over him, the same one that his father suffered from there in that very same cell years ago. The same thing that happened to his father is happening to him: everything he loved has been snatched away from him in life. That’s why he’s got to get out and take his revenge, to be able to die with his soul at peace. Juan begins to weep and says he won’t allow Remi to touch him out of fear that something will happen to him also. Remi tries to console the poor, afflicted Juan. “Not everything is lost.” No. Juan has him and the love and respect of all the fishermen who are all on his side. “We would give our very lives for you.” (Big whoop. Unless you’re gonna break him outta there, who gives a fat rat’s patoot?) Eventually the guards come and yell that Remi’s time is up. They drag him off still yelling about solidarity with his brother. Juan cries out pitifully and begs him not to leave him. (Like the guy has a choice?) Juan suffers a breakdown. (Thank. You. Aimee. You’ve just succeeded in making a grown man cry again. You can add another notch on your bustier.)

Jimena runs into Eloisa and offers to read her fortune. Eloisa says she doesn’t believe in such things, but then she changes her mind and lets curiosity get the better of her. Mena reads her palm and tells her that she’s married to an older man who loves her, but who she needs to be careful of. Eloisa laughs at that. “Fulgencio is a defenseless old man!” Mena says nope, things are not what they seem so she better be ware. “The man will be part of your misfortune.” Eloisa stops smiling.

Federico pays a visit to Fully who complains to him that gun sales are rotten. They haven’t sold a thing in a month. Feddy says he is aware of that and suggests that they should sell their guns in the north of the country where he’s sure they’ll have very willing buyers. Just then Eloisa returns home and behind Fully’s back makes googly-eyes at an uncomfortable Feddy. She tells Fully she is late in getting back because she ran into the newlyweds who were buying her something for her birthday party, and then coquettishly asks if he’s not going to permit her to have that party. Fully smiles indulgently.

Back to our newlyweds: Renato has noticed the change in Aimee since she heard about what happened to Juan. She skillfully turns the situation back on him and says she’s noticed that he seems especially interested in “that man”. Ren admits that he does like him and feels some pity towards him. He has the feeling that Juan has suffered quite a bit. She suggests that then they should see Noel about him. Just then Noel walks over and greets them. After exchanging pleasantries, Aimee mentions they were coming to see him because Ren was worried about what was going to happen to “the man whose life he saved.” Noel explains that he’s just come from seeing him at the prison and says he’s taking the case because there are so many anomalies in it. Apparently, he wounded that other prisoner in self-defense. Aimee asks if he found out who Juan was looking for at the wedding. Noel explains it was a woman who had been playing with his affections. Ruh-roh! Ren pricks his ears up at that, too. Aimee starts thinking of a way to explain the otherwise inexplicable “who” in that equation.

Back in Pedro’s hut, Colibri begins to pace and cry because he’s afraid something bad will happen to Juan now that he’s in jail. He doesn’t want to be left alone again. Pedro says he’s just as frightened as Colibri because he’s worried Juan will suffer the same fate as JD Sr. did. Santos says he hadn’t thought about it before but now that he mentions it…..

Juan sits in a corner of his daddy’s old cell and looks around. He sees the manacles hanging from the ceiling and thinks about the way his father and mother suffered at the hands of Rodrigo Montes de Oca. He thinks back to Clemencia telling him that this was the same cell they kept his father in and that she brought his mother there to tell him she was expecting Juan. He moves a rat infested bale of hay, disturbing an otherwise happily chirping rat, and discovers “Maria del Rosario” carved into the wall. There are more tears and self-loathing from Juan who can’t stop thinking about what his parents must have suffered till their dying day at the hands of Rodrigo Montes de Oca.

At the same time, his very much alive mama (if you can call it living), talks to her make-shift rag-baby and remembers when she told JD Sr. in the jail cell that she was expecting his child. She cries over the fact that neither of them ever got to know their child.

Meanwhile, the field hands are literally dropping over from some illness that seems to be spreading through the group. One of the workers tells Remi that Arcadio has been sticking the sick in the old abandoned granary and leaving them there to die. The Orca won’t lift a finger to help any of them and says that Doña Leonarda has ordered him not to. Just then Orca rides up and orders Remi and the other shirkers [haragan = shirker, lay-about] back to work. Remi yells at Orca and asks if what he just heard is true. “Somebody has to take pity on those people!” “—And who is going to do that? You?” Remigio answers in the affirmative and rides off to get word to Regina while Orca keeps ordering the men back to work.

Back at Juan’s hilltop casota, Jimena and Gabriel exchange googly-eyed glances at each other while Gabe and she forge false ID papers for Juan. Gabe puts the name Juan San Román on them. Mena asks why they can’t use his real name. Gabe explains it’s not the right time yet to reveal his true identity and that he’s not at liberty to discuss any of the details with her.

Aimee is still very upset over the news about Juan being in prison. Ren notices and asks her why it’s bothering her so much. She makes Ren believe that she’s upset to find out that Juan made trouble at her wedding because her sister is the woman he must have come looking for. She brings up the time Ren saw “Regina” sneaking off to the caves and says she must have been going for a rendezvous with Juan.

Remi finds Regi at the finca’s main house and tells her what he just found out about sick and dead workers being kept at the abandoned granary. Regi decides she can’t bother Ren about it or take the time to find her father to tell him. So it’s Ste. Regina to the rescue. She dresses in some of Ren’s clothes for the long and arduous ride to the cane fields and leaves with Remi to take charge of the sick herself in order to avoid a possible epidemic.

Meanwhile, Aimee pretends to be ashamed and embarrassed over her sister’s possible loose morals and behavior. (That’s rich.) She reminds Ren of the way Regi was always bringing up a secret love and cleverly asks if it could be Juan that Regi meant. Ren seems a little worried at that and doesn’t think it too likely, but he doesn’t totally disagree. Aimee suggests that her affair could be why Regi must have been acting so oddly once they got back from Europe. She can’t believe her sister would have ever been capable of something like that! Oh, the shame!

In town Gabe hands Noel over Juan’s falsified ID papers. When Noel sees the name he is wide-eyed impactado. Gabe asks why Noel seems so surprised. Noel explains the name is the same as a man he knew many years back. Gabe assures him that it must be only a coincidence. “Sr. San Román isn’t from around here and doesn’t know a soul.” Noel agrees it must be a coincidence. But the name, he says, still brings back some very painful memories for him.

Regi attends to the sick and sends Remi to find Dr. Pablo. Orca runs in to see what’s going on. He races around insulting the sick field hands and tells them if they don’t go back to work they won’t get paid. Regi asks Orca if he intends on bringing the dead back to life to make them work, too? Orca tries to kick Regi out of the place. “Clear out of here! I’m the one who’s in charge of these field hands!” Regi tells him she doesn’t need his permission to be there and she doesn’t need Leona’s either. She refuses to leave while everyone around her is sick or dying. Doesn’t Orca have a heart or a conscience? (A rhetorical question, certainly.) As far as she’s concerned only Renato has the final say and she is certain he’d agree with her if he was there. If Orca won’t help her transport the people to the clinic at Paradise, then he might as well get the heck out and leave her alone. Orca says fine! He’s leaving and will tell Leona that Regi’s going against her orders! Regi can suffer the consequences. Regi ignores him and rolls up her sleeves. Orca storms out.

An incensed Orca runs straight to Leona and angrily tells her that Regi defied him in front of all the field hands and refused to obey Leona’s orders. Leona gripes about Regi being the same rebellious girl she always has been and insists that that doesn’t mean it gives her the right to interfere in her affairs. Orca gripes that Regi also had the audacity to rub his nose [restregar] in the fact that the only one with real control over the finca was Renato and that she was certain Ren would go along with whatever she did. Leona says well, Regi was definitely right about that. Noel walks in just then. He hears Orca griping about Regi transferring all the sick from the old granary to the clinic at Paradise despite it all and hears Leona say she won’t permit it. Noel asks what sick people they’re talking about. Leona tells Noel to stick his nose out of it, but he insists on getting an answer. Orca explains that there’s an epidemic spreading in the properties behind the sugar-cane fields.

Leona exclaims shock at how Regi went dressed like a man to help them all. Noel says it doesn’t surprise him because she’s always been charitable and that apparently Leona has forgotten that the field hands are human beings, too. Leona tells Noel it’s none of his business and orders Orca to do what she’s told him. Noel yells at Orca to stay put. He adds that if Leona tries to contradict him then he’ll immediately send for Ren and have him come back so that she can face him. Ren will finally see what a cruel and inhumane woman his mother really is. This does the trick for Leona. (Maybe Noel is growing a pair to match the ones his wife has.)

Meanwhile, Aimee works her charms on Ren. She explains that her little whims and mischievous ways are the way she shows him love. The more she upsets him and makes demands on him the more she shows her love. Ren seems to understand this convoluted interpretation of luhhhv (much more than Viewerville does or even cares to) and turns to putty in her hands. He says she drives him crazy [Me vuelves loco]. She says that’s why she adores him. Viewerville fights a communal gag reflex as more newlywed love-making ensues….. FF>>

Back at the finca, Leona tells Orca to leave things the way they are for the time being and that Regi can continue there at the granary doing whatever she has a mind to. Noel isn’t done, though. He fires Orca. “You’re no longer the foreman for the Montes de Oca’s finca. So pick up your things and get out. I don’t want to see you around here ever again.” When Leona says nothing in his defense, Orca says before he leaves he’s going to tell him about a few things he’s not aware of that might surprise him and the rest of the Montes de Oca’s quite a lot. Leona tells him to shut up. “Arcadio be quiet! D-d-d-don’t put your future at any greater risk!” She turns to Noel and tells him that only Ren can fire him. Orca, satisfied his threat has hit home, says he will leave them alone to see if they can come to some kind of agreement.

When Orca leaves, Noel asks Leona why she’s always so eager to defend the man. Leona says it’s only because he’s been a terrific employee for her all these years. He reminds her that the man stays fired and she’d better not let Orca back. She defies him and says he doesn’t have the right to interfere in her affairs, period and then storms out. In an adult ADHD moment, Noel immediately turns his thoughts to Regina’s great heart and generosity in helping the sick field hands. (Viewerville is left scratching its head.)

Meanwhile, Regi and Remi continue to take all the sick from the granary and transfer them to them to the clinic at Paradise with the help of the other field hands.

Leonarda finds Orca in the basement and tells him to give her time to fix things with Noel. Orca is fit to be tied. He’s followed her orders blindly for years, he complains. So she’d better get him back his job or he’ll let MdR loose. “We’ll see what explanation you’ll give Don Rodrigo then!”

Upstairs, Rod finds Noel in the study and begs him for the honor of the family not to defend the savage that caused such a scandal at their children’s wedding. Noel says nothing Rod says will change his mind. As a lawyer, his personal and professional lives remain separate. Juan is simply another client who requires his services. Anyway, none of what Rod’s mentioned merits a man being put away for so long. Rod angrily disagrees and Noel angrily reminds Rod that he was witness to a similar injustice committed years ago and says he will not be a party to another injustice like that ever again! Noel calms down and then asks Rod to think things through because this man is the representative of the majority shareholder in their business, after all. That man could show up at any time and this would ruin their partnership. It’s nothing personal for Noel, but “injustice has neither face nor name.” Noel excuses himself saying he must leave to speak with the constable. Rod is left to swallow his rage whole.

Pablo and Remi finally talk Regi into going home and leaving them to take care of things at the clinic. As she leaves Pablo expresses his undying admiration for her. Remi says the difference between her and her sister is plain as day. Pablo’s silence speaks volumes on that topic.

That night Aimee entices Ren again with a sensual and seductive candlelight bubble bath. Ren makes love to Aimee, but is she making love to him or to Juan?


Jardinera, wow, what a great recap. There were so many great line - you are in fine form today. Thanks again for all of the Saturday morning fun.


Jardinera mi amiga how do you do it? Thanks so much for giving me my weekend LOL moment Noel is growing a pair to match the ones his wife has already too funny.Keep up the great work

Thank you for the speedy recap Jardinera!

I am confused as this is my 3rd TN..they usually have the same and woman in love...then seperated...then united once again.
This one has me scratching my head.
Juan being the lead male should end up with his love...but Amiee is now sleeping with her husband and is not a nice person. Regina who is nice person would end up with her sister's sloppy seconds if she ends up with Juan...or Renato...
What do you all think will happen?

Rosemary, Anon. --Howdy! Glad to see you and happy to help start your day with a grin or two. ; > )
Mary E: Welcome! Amiga, there are all sorts of delicious twists and turns ahead. You are right that many of the novelas' plots follow the same formula. As I am familiar with this story I will not be able to help you much with any suppositions, I'm afraid. Sometimes characters die and sometimes they divorce to throw us off, so I don't know if or how Mejia might have corrupted the plot in this one. Right now, if I were Regi I'd be willing to take CdlF if he were free. Juan, not so much. Regi despises him and aside from his undeniably sexy bod and impish smile, I almost do too. He has turned into a colossal brute and a boor.

Jardinera, thanks for the recap; I will enjoy it and be back. :-)

I'd like to repost the link to my Corazón Salvaje Album, where I posted some new screen caps yesterday.

I still love Juan, and I'm eagerly looking forward to the events that must bring us to the last frame of the front credits, where the executive producer planted his name. :-) (No spoilers; it's on screen, and I've not seen this ending of this telenovela.) She who kisses last kisses best.

Juan is definitely a conflicted dude. He is trying to uphold his dying fathers wishes, and the more he learns from those that were actually present, the worse it gets.
He said before that he hasn't been in love (Aimee was strictly lust) and now he is confusing his feelings for Aimee as the real thing.
When he learned that the principle character (Rodrigo Montes de Oca) is Aimee's and Regina's father, he was totally freaked out.
And then he found out that Leonarda was the one who had him set out on the side of the road. This is his mother's sister!
He remembers being told that his mother was the definition of "love" and the venganza thing doesn't quite fit.
He also felt that Regina made him want to be a gentleman. which was a surprise to him, having been consumed with the venganza.
He doesn't want Remiglio and the fishermen to be collateral damage either.
I think big Ed is a convincing actor. The director...not so much. But I am enjoying the ride. The principle cast is totally engaged. CdlF in the love scenes is something to behold! I can't want for next week!

Jeri: Thanks for the Corazon Salvaje Album! It shows some very telling expressions on their faces!

Just exactly what is Juan charged with other than causing a disturbance at the wedding?

"Viewerville fights a communal gag reflex..." So very true, Jardinera. Thanks for a masterful recap, with plenty of laughs included.

The confused Juan isn't as appealing as the take-charge Juan. Renato's a handsome guy, but the one I really enjoy is Noel. Love his crazy bouffant hair, his noble soul, and the way he's finally standing up to Leona and Rodrigo. Noel, you da man!

Remi's right about the difference between the two sisters being plain as day. Aimee has all that surface sparkle, but Regi has so much more resolve, courage, and compassion. She's the still waters that run deep. Now someone other that Noel and Clemencia need to appreciate her. She could also benefit from a less frilly wardrobe and a simpler hairstyle.

And Kat, forgot to say congrats on getting cast in another play.
La Paloma

Morning, ladies and gentlemen! Thank you for the recap, Jardinera, I'm going to read it now.

Following Jeri's steps I made a permanent account on photobucket for my CS pictures. While Jeri uploads great screencaps, I'll specialize in the official character photoshoots, episode stills and background/behind the cameras stuff.
I won't upload any spoilerish images. ;)

- Aimee's wedding
- the birth of Tarzan From The Seas
- JDD Sr. rescues MDR
- MDR visits JDD Sr. in the prison

- Marlene, Philip and Fifi
- Leonarda
- Raúl Marin
- Juan de Dios Sr.
- Maria del Rosario


Teresita: nifty runthrough of the situation! Juan is definitely a "conflicted dude". Wished I'd have put "con. dude" in the recap. LOL! That's a descriptor that has to stay.
La Paloma: Aimee is way too much frosting for Viewerville to swallow at times. Pardon my rant against Juan. At times I just want to say his excessive testosterone is hard to take as well. Hubby wants to slap some sense into him, BTW. --Noel is a curious specimen, but yes, he's a breath of fresh air. I love his "Mark Twain" look, myself.
Jeri your photo albums are to die for! Maybe I can post one on my next recap. Hurry back!
Aribeth: you should 'a been a librarian, my dear! Excellent way to divi those up!
Variopinta: Good question. I think the disturbance was it, but then the complication with the fight with the other prisoner was added, at least that's how I see it.

Kat: congrats! You're a multiple talent among us!

Aribeth: Finally got the photobucket to come up. Some great pics in there! Liked your brown treatment on the etc.'s.

Jardinera, your description of Noel as having a "Mark Twain" look was perfect! My favorites are Noel and the cute Doctor. Juan does nothing for me after his pyscho savage scenes.

I wish fridays had more of a cliff hanger in this TN. No suspense cutting it at Renato and Aimee's bubble bath scene.

It is so much fun reading all your comments, many times more interesting than the episode itself! Thanks!

Jardinera, great recap! lol at "Big whoop. Unless you’re gonna break him outta there, who gives a fat rat’s patoot?" As usual, filled with great lines! :)

Kat, congrats!

Jeri, thanks for the album.

Thank you Jardinera! A terrific recap! I have to agree that Juan is a bit over the top. He's like a little kid who wants what he wants and doesn't stop to think about it first. Whoever said Juan is in "time out" now got it right on the money. And yes, Aimee is all frosting and no cake. I can see her becoming another Leonarda in twenty years. I wonder how long it will take before Renato gets tired of her?

There are so many intriguing characters in this TN - I totally love Noel with his Beethoven/Twain/Einstein hair. It will be fun to watch him clash with Rod (and win!) and sweet if he indeed falls for LuLu. The "unbuttoning" of Noel should be good.

I also like Fifi and her great husky voice - I hope they don't stick her with sleezy Feddy. And Madame Marlene! She will win her daughter over but will she find love? And Remigio?

Jardinera, thanks again for the excellent recap! I was wondering whether the sheriff ordered the guard to shoot the prisoner or if the guard was acting entreprenurially. The sheriff must have given the guard the money, and I'm sure the sheriff would have liked to have it back.

Anyway, point is, not sure if the prisoner was dead. If not, he could come back to testify for Juan and Noel against the sheriff and Rodrigo. They didn't show him dead, so there's a good chance there.

That scene on the boardwalk where Aimee reacts strongly to news about Juan could be one that Renato remembers in times to come when he is piecing together the truth of his wife. It seemed like the first time Renato noticed something slightly fishy, and not from the sea. The episode was replete with scenes like that one, such as the one with Noel. Aimee looked upset and guilty, and she didn't pretend very well for once.

Aimee's perfidy so affected Juan that he's dredging up all the hurt that has befallen him and heaping it together; her betrayal cut him deeply. I feel sorry for him; he was counting on her, I think, to bring some sense to his crazy life so far. Not wise, but there it is.

Props to Remigio for reminding Juan of the good things in his life -- the people who do love him and have loved him all his life; and while he's at it, Juan might notice that not everybody gets adopted by a sinfully rich individual and becomes his heir.

I'm surprised Federico had to inform Fulgencio that gun sales would go better in the north; Fulgencio seems like the kind of guy who could figure that out. But I guess they want to make Federico look helpful; up till now he's seemed pretty weak as a criminal. I just thought he was a common wastrel. Perhaps they are wanting this character implicated more in crimes; it will be interesting to see Fulgencio exposed at some point.

So there will be a party for Eloísa's birthday; I wonder what might happen on that occasion. Since they had her bring it up, they might be planning something.

I wonder if Regina will contract whatever the field hands are suffering from. Noel is really busting some moves lately; I love it. Telling off everybody, including even Juan. Gotta say, I coveted that apothecary chest in the clinic. Well, Leonarda is going to still need somebody to watch Maria del Rosario, so she can't let Noel ditch Arcadio just yet. But Doctor Pablo is even more in love Regina now, if possible.

Remind me: when did Jimena find out Juan's true identity? It must have been shipboard, but I don't remember. Noel is pretty clueless about that, but he's going to put it together one of these days. He gave Juan a penetrating look the first time they met in his office, and he got a jolt seeing the signature in this episode; but Noel always shakes it off and goes on about his business. He conveniently forgot about the tantalizing threat Arcadio made in the office to reveal some "interesting" details, too.

Teresita, that was an excellent rundown of Juan's motivations; thank you. And I'm glad people are enjoying the screen caps. :-) Jardinera, feel free to post them. Aribeth, thank you for the links; I look forward to browsing them. Wow, xlntperuvian -- Noel does have a Beethoven look, LOL.

Jardinera: when I found the photos they were already brown. :-)
I uploaded a few Jime, Gabe and Noel shoots to the characters album. Also added the official Juan-Regina photoshoot which was made for the opening credits (the last frame that Jeri mentioned).

I've read the recap, it's terrific. Thank you.

So. Noel's lovely. This character is very lame, but René Casados's cheerful, playful personality shines through it. I like the Mark Twain (LOL) hair, too.
Casados, Rojo, Pineda and Rocha know each other for decades, and they obviously enjoyed the making of this circonovela.

Juan's suffering and raging in the prison wore out my patience. I want my calculating, tuxedo-wearing Juan Aldama back.

I have to share this video: link
A pal of mine made it when she finally got fed up the prison scenes. She can't stand this Juan, therefore it's a little bit mean, but in the meantime very funny. I like this bipolar caveman, but I always laugh my head off at the video.

Something nicer to the Big Ed fans: *sigh*
Divine body.

What I really liked in this episode were the epidemic scenes. Bravo, Regina, that's my girl. The blossoming friendship between Regi and Remi is also nice. (Why are so many characters who has almost the same nickname? Remi, Regi, Reni, Rosi. Gosh.) I like their relationship since the first photographing scene in front of the Finca. Regi treats him respectfully, Remi appreciates her highly, and don't forget that he's Juan's brother and best friend. (Or maybe Gabe is the BFF, I'm not sure about Juan's preferences.)

Ay, mi doctorcito. Poor man's still pining after Santa Regina.

Aimée's scheming makes me laugh. She doesn't even realize that she's digging her own grave with this "Juan and Regina are secret lovers" nonsense.

That is a hilarious videoclip Aribeth. BTW can someone tag the Thursday recap? I don't know what happened to Connie and she forgot to tag it. Thanks.


Aribeth -- that video is so funny, thanks!

And Jardinera - thanks for another great recap! I always enjoy your wonderful sense of humor :)


Ibarramedia: I just posted Connie's Thursday recap. We've been having trouble with them showing up for some reason.
Xinteperuvian: If Rodrigo is ever salvaged out of this thing, he seems to be drawn to Marlene and might end up with her.
Lea: Glad you got a few giggles and happy to see you here.
Jeri: " It seemed like the first time Renato noticed something slightly fishy, and not from the sea." LOL! Touchet!

You could be right about the prisoner,and I wasn't sure, but the esmas outline seemed to make me think he was killed and it says he goes over the cliff. Sometimes those outlines are misleading and I blow it. He may not be as lucky as JD Sr. was. We'll have to wait and see, I suppose. I think it would be a great surprise for all if he does come back to testify!

As for Regina knowing Juan's true identity, I don't know that she is fully aware, but close because she knows Clemencia knows his entire history and she wanted her to tell it to her. I think Clemencia put off telling her for a while.

We have a Beethoven bust Hubby bought years ago. That's a good comparison for Noel, too! LOL! Living so close to Hannibal I immediately think Mark Twain every time I see him on screen. Rene Casados is one of my favorites. He always gets into his characters and makes you forget the last one which is what an actor should do IMHO.

Thank You Jardinera for posting it. It seems the Beethoven bust is common and mass produced. I've seen it a few times before. I even knew someone who was trying to be funny and put a pair of walkman earphones on their bust. Wish I had pics of it. :(


Aribeth: The color frames you captured are gorgeous. I envy you for being able to do these things. Keep them coming!
Gorilla was a scream --er, hilarious! ; ? )
Mary E: Yeah, lately Fridays have been fillers that build to Mondays. Bummer, cuz I love it when there is some real excitement to recap. On the other hand, I've had two relatively quick ones to write and it gave me some extra free time on my Saturday mornings, so I guess it's been a bit of a needed break for me. ; ? )

I would love to see Dr. Pablo find a good woman, but Regina has no interest in him, pobrecito.
Cielo: Have to say, I didn't see much sense in that scene. It was "pop the top on a frosty for me" time. Unfortunately, the frosties were all gone......

Ibarramedia: I think you've given me an idea.....Ruh-Roh!

So crazy really does run in the family! If MdR's been carrying around a ragdoll all these years, that might bode unwell for loony locked-up Juan - he'll end up naming a rat Aimee or something. (Then again, it sure does fit.)

I completely understand Noel's train of thought after Leona left the room. It's something like, "Madre de Dios, my wife is a shrew. I just cannot deal with any more of this right now. You know who's a good girl? That Regina. Why couldn't I have ended up with a woman like her?"

Regina looked absolutely fantastic in her hombre clothes, migh I add. So much better than the cupcake gowns! And Aimee, going on about her sister's loose morals? As one of my friends would put it, "That's not the pot calling the kettle black; that's the colour black calling the pot and the kettle black!"

I was surprised that Jimena's reading for Eloisa suggested genuine affection on the part of Fulgencio - with the age difference, that's always seemed to me to be much more a marriage of some sort of convenience than love (well, I'm sure it is on her part, but I've never known if it was the same for him or not). What do you suppose she wants for her birthday - Fed jumping out of a cake?

xlntperuvian, I like Fifi, too - on a purely visual level, she's just lovely, and it seems as if her actress really seems to be enjoying the role. There've been a time or two (in one of the bellydance scenes in particular) that the other hos looked a little unsure of themselves, but she was still smiling. I like Philippe for the same reason - I don't know if I could stand to be around that level of enthusiasm all the time, but he's just so excited about what he does: Here's a ho! Here's some champagne to pour on your ho! Madame Marlene, you're just fantastic! He makes me giggle, and not in the snarky "Yea, you're gonna get it," way some of the other characters do.

Oh, and what was that I spotted on the previews for Monday, with a bit of lace being draped over Jimena's face - is Gabe actually about to figure it out?

Aribeth, I liked the photo scene with Regi and Remigio also. It was done so well, the way he sort of waved geekily to the camera was perfect. I think he is a sweet character.

Jardinera, I was asking when Jimena learned Juan's real name -- not Regina. This was referring to the scene in the office with Gabriel and the document with the signature he faked.

Aribeth love your albums, especially the second one! And thanks for the video clips.

Another sparkler Jardinera. Always a treat and really appreciated the vocabulary also. New word and new expression for me...much appreciated. Not getting to see this very often but you bring it to life with your ribald wit. Love your take on things.

Mad Marley, I was also kind of surprised -- and oddly pleased -- to hear that Fulgencio in fact is fond of his wife. If Jimena says it, it must be true.

I don't suppose Eloísa will wake up before it's too late, would she. Probably not. I can almost see the dotted line on her neck where the guillotine, axe, knife, etc. is supposed to strike.

Jeri: Sorry, I didn't realize you meant Jimena --must have read it wrong. : ? } I am puzzled myself about that. Maybe that scene's part of whatever's been left on the cutting room floor.....
JudyB: Thanks again, amiga! The expressions they use throw me sometimes I must admit. So you only get the ones I can decode. LOL!

MadMarley: I'd name all the rats after villanous Montes de Oca's just to pass the time. Liked your explanation about Noel. Turn off the Leona spiggot and breathe deep. Think about more pleasant thoughts....Regina, the only pleasant one of the lot!

Thank you again, guys. It's always fun to read your take on things. It makes my weekends cuz you're all such a creative and witty group!

Thanks, Jardinera. I was trying to remember which novela you first started recapping. We've been together here quite awhile, amiga. It was a busy weekend with our daughter flying home to celebrate her birthday, so I wasn't able to get to caraycaray until now. Can't wait to see what happens tomorrow night. Now, I'm off to watch The Tudors.

Jardinera, ok, thanks; I thought I missed something. Very nice recap!

How long will it be before Noel realizes Renato married his mother?

MadBess/susanlynn: My daughter's birthday is this month also. I spent the afternoon helping her plant flowers --at her request! She never thought she'd be doing that, and always said it was for "old people." She's got her first house and well, life and learning take over I guess. I hope your daughter has a happy b-day, amiga! --Lordy! I can't remember the first tn I recapped here. It was the year after Amor Real is my closest recollection as to when I started.

Jardinera~~Well, let's see. Melinama recapped Alborada by herself. Then, she asked for volunteers. Maybe you recapped Barriers de Amor or Heridas de Amor or Duelo de Pasiones.

Connie & Jardinera, thanks for the recaps of last week's episodios. You guys are hysterical!

Juan's visitation privileges are certainly rather generous. Why don't they just install a revolving door?

I've got a case of the Mondays again.

MadBess: OMG! You remember back that far! Yep, it was Heridas. Loved that one, too. Guy has not been seen for a while and I'm partial to blondies.
Maggarita: Monday, Monday....yep. Why can't weekends be five days long? I'm counting the hours till Juan is freed and there's chaos in Honeymoon Haven. My homemade sign is ready to go and I'm ready to stand outside the prison with it.

Thanks for the recap Jardinera. Wonderful as always. I sure hope Juan breaks out of crazy pretty soon. It is just plain silly.

I always tag the recap after I post it. I've noticed that sometimes they disappear. Maybe I'm leaving out a step or something.

I believe "Soy tu dueña" starts tonight in Mexico.

We have about 94 more chapters of Juan yelling.

Jardinera: Exceptional recap. The title and first sentence alone were memorable: "Honeymoon Hots and Jail-Cell Rots" and "intolerably tyrannical vs. the terribly tyrannized". Excellent!

I so enjoyed all the comments. Thanks also to Jeri and Aribeth for the wonderful pictures. I could watch Juan all day. Sigh...

I agree with everyone who said they are enjoying Noel. I like the actor - actually, I think the casting overall was great (despite the age disparities) and agree that if everything isn't perfect, it might be due to some writing and directing glitches.

I like that Regina continues her good deeds which are finally getting noticed.

So far, Aimee seems happy with Renato. Am I wrong? I know she's an "actress" but I expected eye rolling and frowns of disappointment comparing him to Juan. She may be thinking of Juan but she certainly seems to be responding to Renato. Renato has had no reason not to trust Aimee. While he may wonder at her interest in Juan, he would have no reason to be suspicious as he wasn't aware of Aimee's frequent absenses from the house.


I think Aimee is only happy because she is sticking it to her sister right now. How hateful is that? I think she will get bored with Renato pretty darn quick.

I have posted 15 new screen caps in the Corazón Salvaje Album.

They start with No. 34 and include the scene with Marlene and the club chicas from last week.

Hey there, Diana! I think Aimee is not only a terrific "actress" but is sex-obsessed as well as an expensive ho' who's insuring Renato is so gaga over her that he'll never believe the truth when it finally comes out. She must think Renato is decent enough in bed, I agree, that she'll make do for now. Methinks also that she gets an emotional high on the high stakes gamble and this two-timing relationship with Ren and Juan is the pinnacle high.
Connie: BTW, I was late reading all the recaps and didn't get to tell you how great it was to laugh through yours after 2 heavy days of a major workload.

Aimee is definitely sticking it to her sister. She is so high on herself it makes me want to barf.
Jeri: Great pictures. Hope you'll keep updating them. Thanks!

Jardineral, excellent recap. I look forward to these so much. Someone commented recently on how all the novelas follow a set plan. They show the lovers in the beginning and then for the rest of the novela, people try and separate them through lies and deceit. In the end they are together. Going by this, the person in mention asked how come this show isn't doing that. Juan loves Aimee, yet she gets married and has sex with hubbie (whereas in other noveles, the woman does not do that. She keeps putting it off. It is obvious by the previews each night, that aimee is not the one with him in the end; however this is who he loves? One other soap did this. I can't think of the name, but Fernando C was in it. The woman was ready to marry another person. They were madly in love and she is kidnapped. She spends mucho tiempo trying to get back to him. He spends mucho tiempo pinning for her (but not putting much zest into his search). In the end, the woman marries Fernando; however, for half of the soap, she and the guy she was to marry, where trying to reunite. This was a recent novela. Can someone explain, because in that one, I acutally thought that the guy she was getting married to was going to be her husband in the end and it did not turn out that way. Now I wonder about Juan and Aimee????

Anon. That novela was Amor Real and that's an original story by Caridad Bravo Addams, the same writer from the original Corazón Salvaje. She likes to play with love triangles.


wonderful recap. The video was hysterical!!!!!!

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