Sunday, April 25, 2010

THANK YOU for supporting my son's American Cancer Society "relay for life" run


I know it's odd to put this here, but there was a big donation left for my son by the "Caray Caray Team" on his personal donations for Ezra's run for life page and I don't know how else to thank you! so, THANKS!

FYI, my son was a week or so past his 13th birthday when he was diagnosed with a brain cancer which had had, not many years earlier, a survival rate of 0% - so he, almost 11 years later and about to graduate from college, is acutely aware of the benefits of cancer research! Now, weeks from (we hope, knock on wood) graduation, he finally decided to 'come out' with his friends as a cancer survivor. He wrote
I've got some big news today, something that I've never shared online before.

It all started years ago, when conclusive and stunningly expensive neural imaging exams discovered a tumor riding on my cerebellum (according to an oncologist, as overheard while pretending to sleep: "medulloblastoma... it's a tricky sucker"). Treatment and removal was, predictably, a pretty poor year on the Ezra calendar, but that's not what I'm talking about today. Soon after diagnosis and surgery, some of my Dad's athlete buddies joined an ultra-marathon out west in my honor, under the name "Team Ezra." I hadn't thought about it for years, but now Team Ezra is back, and it's me running this time in a 16-hour Relay for Life fundraiser for the American Cancer Society. Here's why:

I've always been reluctant to accept the "war on cancer" metaphor. I just sort of decided that my hell was over and I didn't want to think about it anymore. But the thing is, as I realized in my course last semester ("metaphors and illness") that there really is no such thing as a survivor. Your "success" is measured in terms of *probability of remission*. If your scans are clear one year out, the gauge of your "survival" is based on the percentage of "survivors" who've suffered a remission more than one year out. So your risk of getting sent back into the "war," for another tour of duty, dwindles year after year, approaching zero, but who's to say you won't be the statistical outlier?

So I guess I had those thoughts in my head and the idea that maybe setting cancer within the warlike metaphor is more appropriate than I'd thought. I'd never participated in any kind of fundraising and outreach, keeping my story mostly private, but this year, when I saw the posters for the Relay for Life, I wanted to "go public" with my experience more than ever before.


It was from me, Melinama, on behalf of your Caray recappers and fans. Thanks for sharing Ezra's story and congratulations on his participation in the relay and graduating from Wesleyan.
It hit close to home for me, too because the daughter of a family friend didn't survive a similar diagnosis.
Go Ezra!

Jean, you are so great! He was incredibly excited that people are giving in his name. He's probably out there right now running in the relay race, he told me he was doing a 9 am shift since he's one of the few college kids who doesn't mind being up at this hour on a Sunday! wonderful. Don't know how you knew about Ezra's situation and his run, but what he wrote is beautiful and what you did is equally beautiful and generous. Thank you on behalf of everyone who is dealing with this baffling and frightening disease.

There is a good new book by Servan-Schreiber, MD, PhD who has survived a recurrence of brain cancer himself and looks at all the lifestyle changes needed to support remission.

I read it because many of my students are dealing with cancer. The intro to the book says "All of us have cancer cells in our body but not all of us will develop cancer". Servan-Schreiber, as a doctor, subscribes to all the current cancer treatment but also looks at other options in terms of diet, lifestyle to support medical treatment. It's worth a read.

Wow, somebody else from this site left Ezra a very hefty "Caray, Caray" donation - he was thrilled and amazed. You rock!

JudyB- I found out about Ezra from Melinama's blog:
Pratie Place

or the link at the top of the Caray blog. The novela recaps started on her blog long ago and there you can read about Melinama's adventures with chickens, donkeys and a miniature horse named, Superman, her complaints choir and lots more.

I am incredibly choked up. I lost my eldest brother at 65 to a brain it is wonderful to hear a success story!


God bless you all for your selflessness and care. Great to know that there are people who are willing to help. Good luck to all those with cancer and those supporting people with it; you are in my prayers.

Wow, what a wonderful story so eloquently told. Jean you are a treasure. THANK YOU for your thoughtfulness on behalf of Carayers. My father recently retired after 30+ years working for the American Cancer Society, so I too, saw up close how much giving really means to those in need.

Go Ezra!!

Jean, you are truly a dear soul. Thank you for your thoughtfulness in posting the information and coordinating the gift.

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