Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Corazon Salvaje May 25, 2010 Tem Discussion

Here's a place to post until Kat gets her recap up. 8(:-)


Connie, Kat put up a heading last night that she couldn't stay up to watch the show and probably wouldn't be able to do anything about it today either. Suggested that people discuss among themselves. I don't think she tagged it. But if you scroll down the main page you'll find it.

JudyB. I don't understand what was at the bottom of the page. All I saw was comments from Friday's show?

I don't think we saw Juan at all last night, did we? Here are some of the things I remember:

Renato has a conversation with Leo and Rod where he reveals that he knows who Juan is and that Juan is entitled to be a Montes de Oca, too. Rod and Leo are incensed.

Aimee decided she'd better make up to Renato and we had her begging for his forgiveness. He was pretty harsh with her and only very reluctantly forgave her but with some kind of threat.

Jimena was waiting for Gabe and Gabe was at Raul's. Just then her mother and grandparents arrived there and Raul insisted Gabe take care of them. He kept saying he had a very important appointment. Jimena was left waiting and Branco showed up, persuading her Gabe wasn't going to show up, that he is just playing with her. Gabe finally gets free and is running through the town, stops to buy some flowers (stupidly), runs into someone and drops them. By the time he gets to Jimena, she has given up on him and Branco is kissing her. Impactado Gabe.

Rod urgently sends for Regina as he has decided she must get married right away so he can have her inheritance. When she comes to see him he pulls a guilt trip worthy of Leonarda, he acts ill and really pulls on Regi's heartstrings. Asks her if she is willing to make a big sacrifice to save him, she says she is, and then is stunned when he says she must marry Feddy right now and give her dad her inheritance. Ai yai yai, what a wonderful father. Regi finally agrees with much dread and sadness. Federico is somehow there and gives her the ring.

Eloisa has an encounter with Servando, he tries to threaten her with having seen her and Feddy touch hands. She says don't mess with me, I'm not the little woman I appear to be. She says she may have a job for him that will pay very well.

That's all I remember right now.

Anonyous 12:17. If you scroll down the home page, after Mi Pecado and El Clon, you'll find Kat's header.

Thanks for your recap Ivy. Your description of Rod's guilt trip on Regina was perfect. What a jerk!! I hope she gets rescued from this marriage from hell.

And we are getting a glimpse of Renato's dark side. He may become like Rod if he finds out Aimee is the wretched heifer she is.

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